Je ne suis pas Dieudonné - a Rejection of The Right’s Negrophilia and Dividing Against Whites

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 11 January 2015 06:13.

Some Mulatto with a White French mother (and White French girlfriend) intimates a stiff-arm salute and right-wing revisionism and he’s one of us? I think not.

Jews are bad for us. Ok, enough evidence. But from there the right goes on to stretch the inference, to where blacks are ok. ? Some are wise to the J.Q., some are separatists who need guidance to help the rest understand that we only want separation as well, not their exploitation, but to kiss their ass and act like they are in our interest group? Give us a break. To make matters worse, the right not only typically panders to blacks, but condemns Southern and Eastern Europeans as not being in our interest group.

The right has the hallmarks of a lack of courage and a general policy of pandering.

Among that, the right pander to negrophilic inclinations and diversions coming from females (the problem is only the “Muslims” or only the “Jews”) to mask their cowardice of standing up for our European people. They admire Dieudonné.

This perspective is allowed by female gate-keepers to Jewish and corporate power, and their divide and conquer as it augurs to have Europeans fighting one another; pandering to the basest puerile female inclination of incitement to competition - “don’t worry about those pretty mudsharks, or those rabid blacks getting over”, it doesn’t bother some White woman, whose fat-ass is in a powerful control point and can drive a hard bargain as a result.

And they (right-wingers) don’t wonder why Atzmon thinks Dieudonné is wonderful?


Je ne suis pas Dieudonné

They might be able to get through female gate-keepers some, get on one side of a divide and conquer in their incitement - e.g., as favored by a particular group of European females.

That is a dubious strategy, let alone of merit as a battle plan. The troops, the people in full, as it were, must be grounded in their cause and authentically motivated as they will not be sufficiently, only focused on Jews. When you tell a young man that the tossing aside of what he is born to see as his ultimate treasure is not an important problem, or that some Mulatto with a lovely French wife is OK, simply because he coddles Faurisson’s focus on gas chambers and memes some covert intimation of a stiff-arm salute, how is that supposed to help his morale and address his concrete, fundamental concerns? And how is it supposed to gain her respect? Never mind an appropriate White woman for him. We hate Jews! Now that’s inspiration!

We can see who these self described elite don’t like. Who do they care about? Not White women, obviously, apparently not White men. Perhaps one other guy, one with E1b1b, if not the Jew on a stick ..besides perhaps advancement of their own position.

The last time I was in Paris, I had planned to stay five days but could only manage two. I was so absolutely disgusted, outraged to see the kind of women whom I might dream of, only to see them with blacks. I had to get out, retreat to save my sanity.

Some right-wingers are saying we have to drop everything, basically adopt blacks and others as a part of our interest group and focus only on Jews. Blacks are OK, mudsharks are just genetically defective. Talk about someone whose balls have shriveled-up.

This is a woman of German descent, I care that she not do this and believe that she is not genetically defective – don’t you believe she has been corrupted?


Until fairly recently, I wondered to myself what were the genetic components among European women that made them most resistant to out-breeding. It was an intriguing question to me. It still is, to a limited extent. To my surprise, I found myself changing - upon a more complete survey of what is going on. I do believe that corruption of the culture and rule structure is the deeper concern. There are just too many Europeans who were perfectly good for centuries who are suddenly doing this, rupturing their ancient lines – it cannot all be written-off as genetic defects. It is a second black plague, but coming from different rats and using cultural auspices as its vector. This is not time for the medieval medicine of Christianity nor of scientism for that matter.

While being against the Jew is absolutely necessary and a primary concern, an antagonist of ours second to none, that is not a full culture, not even a grounding of an army to fight. The hermeneutic perspective implied by Majority Rights would be, as it premises our outlook on the full genus and species of our European peoples, the reconstruction of the ecologies of our cultures and people, addresses problems of our own making and ranks, problems and antagonists in due course.

The two world views that the right puts forth are Christianity and Hitler.

Some may foolishly wish to ignore the Trojan horse that is Christianity. Most people cannot play with its obvious absurdity, do not like the games that charlatans play “to make sense of” and dupe us with those tarot cards; others readily see the Trojan horse for what it is, implications of its texts and what it leads to being all too obvious.

Matt Parrott says that he has “given up on the generation 68ers,” but that appears to be just more of his bureaucratic straw-manning for the right –  brushing aside competition with false attributions of people who might know better and not let people put one over on younger folks. Perhaps he has a wish to see everyone who opposes Hitler and Jesus as “sixty eighters” whereas the hip kids “get it.” “ We are generation Identitaire!” - it is not the fault of the Jews or the right-wing White elitists and plutocratic traitors, it is the fault of older White people - older than Matt, anyway. It appears to be just an attempt to push-aside competition for the position of spokesman who might maintain that position by blowing smoke up the ass of the young and naive with Jesus stuff or pander to women with Hitler shit.

The well motivated idea is not to abandon “teaching” 68er’s, as his straw man suggests, but to allow the experience and abilities among those whom it may concern, though a bit older than Matt, to contribute to European interests where they might. And if they do not believe in Hitler and Jesus that does not mean that they need to be shamed, but rather that their experience has them honestly looking at these darlings of the right for their inadequacies and that they are prepared to forge a new, more authentic European way of life, unlike the young fogies made incredibly self righteous by the mixed fortune of growing up with the Internet.

Andrew Anglin says his eyes watered when he saw the clip of Nazi girls doing exercises in unison, he gushes over the rallies for Hitler, expresses admiration for the assimilation of the lock-step eusocial behavior of animal species such as birds, ants and bees. I find this sort of thing and the rallies, a whole nation beholden to one ranting inter-European war-monger, Hitler, repugnant; and I do not think that I am alone of any generation. Nor am I a baby boomer or a generation 68er, but an Xer – I will cop to that; I recognize a great deal of selfish destruction among the baby boomers (like a swarm of locusts); more, that the world war 2 generation were bamboozled by the context of the war into accepting radically anti-White changes, much commenced in The 1950’s. But to blame hippies, i.e. White men, is a convenient diversion for the Right to pander to feminist bitches and take the Jewish and corporate deflect at once.

No, I will not accept blame for things that happened before I was born or when I was a small child. I will not see myself as a failure because my attempts to do something about it were not facilitated by the Internet.

As I have mentioned previously, I can tell you from that perspective that the Internet provides huge advantages. Life is so much easier, everything from word processing to information acquisition, confirmation and comraderie is possible in a way that was impossible before. There is not much good to be said for years of isolation. However, it did not allow one to easily bypass lived experience and plug into what is mistakenly, sometimes badly mistakenly, presented as a fully considered system such as Hitler’s. One was forced to live through and see plainly the fact of its philosophical failures (along with the failures of liberalism).

As it stands and amidst the vast destruction of European peoples, the right reacts with renewed conviction in “the tried and true” - really, the tried and failed - Jesus and Hitler, rather than a genuine holistic concern for our peoples, which these views certainly are not. It pretends that we must put all aside in order to focus on the Jew. By ignoring our concern as a people with a complete, authentic set of concerns, they can engraft HItler worship as a pseudo-justification, as the Jew is presented as an all encompassing concern. Thus, taking comfort for their disastrous war plan as put forth by their savior, Hitler; failing that, they might fall back on Jesus as savior, rather than a concern for our people.

If sheer faith in Jesus or natural competition resulted in appropriate genetic pairings and justice then what is happening with miscegenation would not happen. The attitude of “just let it happen, the defective will be weeded out”, is very poorly considered.

Seeing that our people are not the true concern and that White men are not able to hold up to Jews and blacks because they are not organized by these “leading voices”, by anything other than Jesus and Hitler, females will allow for the Jesus guys to beguile people from their hypergamy; and allow for the Hitler guys to prevent the ethnocentric from coming up with a better solution, better cultural guidelines to supersede the horrific injustice and destruction as a result of stupor and exploitation; they will revert to scientism, “nature’s competition, the way it is”, so say our god, Adolf. One of their hopes is to add females to the ranks by pandering to their most puerile inclination to incite competition. “Blacks are ok, they were no problem before the Jews manipulated them.” Talk about weak White men. And how does that hold up to EGI? Do we really need them so badly that we can ennoble them and their White women because they might think they are wise to the J.Q.? Will not people, our own included, respect us more if we do not pretend that we care so much about them, as much as ourselves, even to where their fucking us, literally, is no problem?

Hitler was great, he targeted millions of Slavics for elimination – pretty White women and all. Get rid of that competition. Seems to be a pattern among the right.

Again, some take the tack that we should not worry about these White women going to blacks, they are genetically defective and being weeded-out. That is small consolation and when one views, even by happenstance, the White women that non-Whites are getting it finally becomes apparent that genetics cannot be all of the problem.

There is something to be said for the men who will not try to rationalize it; and a wariness that should be applied to the kind who do rationalize it, as the ones with bad instincts for our people, who contributed to getting us into this mess in the first place. The idea that one who hates miscegenation is being distracted from the J.Q. is nonsense, as I have said all along, as it inexorably leads to the J.Q. through investigation of its various causes.

President Sarkozy, in 2008, obligating the native French to interbreed with non-Whites

While I used to be more curious about what sort of women would be least disposed to this, now I do see the culture and its rules as more fundamental an issue. As humans, we are born very incomplete, and it is incumbent upon those looking after the social rule-structures of our culture to assimilate the proper guidance of our behaviors, even to our own best interests. We could say, like Uncle Adolf, that it is all about competition and struggle at bottom, denying human agency and the corrective guidance of culturally mediating rules, parenting, stewarding and cooperation between European groups. We can allow his e1b1b and all is struggle at bottom perspective to work its wonders, pandering to those who would just as soon see Europeans kill one another for all it really cares about Europeans.

But if we are to be true to ourselves, yes, we must be vigilant against Jews and the Israel Lobby as they operate against European interests from seven choke points and their genetic/cultural pattern; we must be vigilant against their liberal Marxist lackeys - Je ne suis pas Charlie. But neither are we Dieudonné. It is also undoubtedly a part of female nature to get-off on acquiescing to the victorious bully. We must be vigilant against the Right’s pandering - including pandering to the increased one-up position of females within he disorder of modernity, where they are more powerful gate-keepers than ever - with the rupture of social classificatory bounds through anti-racism their base propensity to incite genetic competition more arbitrary than ever, where there will be guys coming from every direction, looking to show how tough they are by pandering to females as to how “objective”, rational, above it and liberal that they are.

But No.

Je ne suis pas Dieudonné

From Wikipedia

Dieudonné M’bala M’bala (born 11 February 1966), generally known by his stage name Dieudonné (French: [djø.dɔ.ne]), is a French comedian, actor, and political activist. His father is from Cameroon and his mother is French. Some of his performances and associations have been controversial and he has been convicted for antisemitism.

Dieudonné initially achieved success with a Jewish comedian, Élie Semoun, humorously exploiting racial stereotypes. He campaigned against racism and was a candidate in the 1997 and 2001 legislative elections in Dreux against the National Front, the French far-right political party that he perceived as racist.[1][2] On 1 December 2003, Dieudonné performed a sketch on a TV show about an Israeli settler whom he depicted as a Nazi. Some critics argued that he had “crossed the limits of antisemitism” and several organizations sued him for incitement to racial hatred. Dieudonné refused to apologize and denounced Zionism and the Jewish lobby.[3]

Dieudonné approached Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the National Front political party that he had fought earlier, and the men became political allies and friends.[4] Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson appeared in one of his shows in 2008.[5][6] Dieudonné described Holocaust remembrance as “memorial pornography”


“Jews are people who encourage their daughter to marry a Jew and your daughter to marry a n***er.” - Alex Linder



Posted by Jewi$h PACs on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 13:50 | #

Money talks and BS walks and every thing but money is BS. This is the secret behind Jewish power and influence - through PACS (Political action committees), an almost exclusively Jewish invention; and why the phenomenon of “bundling” comes almost exclusively from the West coast, and also from The Northeast; bundling means that you can’t track the money. So, that’s another great, Jewish invention. But we do know where the money comes from. 75% of the money raised to support national candidates - that would be for The House of Representatives, The US Senate, or for President, in The Democratic Party -  comes from Jewish interests; over 40% of the money used to finance Republican candidates for national office, again, The House of Representatives, The US Senate, or for President, again comes from the same group which is only 1.7% of The United States population. Jews are over 1/3 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans, undoubtedly, based on last names. Secondly, they are over 1/3 of the student population of the most elite colleges and universities in America, places like Harvard, Yale and Stanford.

Quite Frankly, if you are going to have a big job in any national governmental technocratic position, like being a foreign policy adviser, you have to go to one of those schools, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, maybe The University of Chicago and a few more, which have these overhwhelming Jewish student bodies at least compared to their numbers in the general population. And even then, almost all these people, like Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle are of Jewish descent. The reason they don’t have to hide is because of their complete, almost utter and complete media control. Nothing ever gets mentioned. Nobody ever connects the dots between these names and the fact that they are Jewish. If you do, you are going to be roundly denounced as anti-Semitic.  And most people are kept in the dark and are so incurious that if it were not for alternative media such as this, nobody would ever mention the fact that almost all of these movers and shakers in the national government are Jewish.

Keith Alexander, Political Cesspool, January 10, 2015


Posted by arcidus on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 21:33 | #

“The choice was made by the French Revolution in 1789 to recognize Jews as full citizens,” Valls told me. “To understand what the idea of the republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle.

“There is a new anti-Semitism in France.”
Valls, a Socialist who is the son of Spanish immigrants, describes the threat of a Jewish exodus from France this way: “If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”

When I see comments like this come straight from the top, it’s hard to really care any more about what’s going on with blacks, mudsharks, the French Republique or much else.

I’ll try and maintain the idea of European civilization in my mind and hope one day it arises again from the dust. If it takes 500 years, then fine—that’s about what it took last time there was a crash this bad.


Posted by E.G.I. on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:49 | #

When I see comments like this come straight from the top, it’s hard to really care any more about what’s going on with blacks, mudsharks, the French Republique or much else.

I’ll try and maintain the idea of European civilization in my mind and hope one day it arises again from the dust. If it takes 500 years, then fine—that’s about what it took last time there was a crash this bad.When I see comments like this come straight from the top, it’s hard to really care any more about what’s going on with blacks, mudsharks, the French Republique or much else.

Arcidus, I appreciat4e the incisiveness of your focus but a mudshark is the destruction of 41,000 years of evolution personified. Regarding blacks, bear in mind Salter’s calculation of E.G.I. That’s no joke either.

When you consider that much evolution and the destructive impact on E.G.I it might be more calculable as to how it is devastating of someone else’s everything - that you disregard as entirely insignificant.

I never said that the removal of Jews, particularly from power points, ought not to be a priority - it should, that would be the real re-revolution.

And I think coming up with a number, such as 100,000 is a good idea as it provides a concrete, measurable goal.

The French Republique is something else: abstract principles of a proposition nation, not something concrete, I can appreciate not caring about that.


Posted by Cartesian Speech on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 05:59 | #

Good one from KM:

Jonathan Chait and the End of Liberal Society in the West

January 11, 2015 — Kevin MacDonald

...why tolerate Charlie Hebdo when you are unwilling to tolerate James Watson or Jason Richwine?

The approved answer is that we must stand up for Charlie Hebdo because they have been threatened with violence. Here Chait relies on Ross Douthat in the New York Times:

  “The kind of blasphemy that Charlie Hebdo engaged in had deadly consequences, as everyone knew it could … and that kind of blasphemy is precisely the kind that needs to be defended, because it’s the kind that clearly serves a free society’s greater good. If a large enough group of someones is willing to kill you for saying something, then it’s something that almost certainly needs to be said, because otherwise the violent have veto power over liberal civilization, and when that scenario obtains it isn’t really a liberal civilization any more. Again, liberalism doesn’t depend on everyone offending everyone else all the time, and it’s okay to prefer a society where offense for its own sake is limited rather than pervasive. But when offenses are policed by murder, that’s when we need more of them, not less, because the murderers cannot be allowed for a single moment to think that their strategy can succeed.”

Imagine this paraphrase of Douthat’s central point:

  The kind of blasphemy that Prof. James Watson and Jason Richwine (and many others) engaged in had the consequence that they were fired, as everyone knew it could … and that kind of blasphemy is precisely the kind that needs to be defended, because it’s the kind that clearly serves a free society’s greater good. If a large enough group of someones is willing to fire you for saying something, then it’s something that almost certainly needs to be said, because otherwise the censorious have veto power over liberal civilization, and when that scenario obtains it isn’t really a liberal civilization any more. Again, liberalism doesn’t depend on everyone offending everyone else all the time, and it’s okay to prefer a society where offense for its own sake is limited rather than pervasive. But when offenses are policed by devastating economic sanctions to one’s livelihood, that’s when we need more of them, not less, because the SPLC and the ADL cannot be allowed for a single moment to think that their strategy can succeed.

But don’t expect Chait — or Douthat or the rest of the mainstream media — to get on board with that. Remember, censorship on the basis of content is just fine unless someone wants to actually kill you for saying it. Anything short of murder is just fine—an ideology that certainly satisfies the interests of contemporary Western elites who control the media and are able to exert effective economic pressure on dissidents. As noted in Francis Carr Begbie’s article, there are very different mechanisms utilized by elites and non-elites for censoring public discourse.

But make no mistake. Liberal civilization in the West has been destroyed, and its destruction was carried out by the same people who now congratulate themselves for having reasoned, enlightened views on free speech.


I suspect that many of the dilemmas of free speech stem from the naive or disingenuous implementation of the abstract (Cartesian) rules of a proposition nation.

If a nation were based on the biological interests of a group then what is free speech and what is prohibited would be more easily, consistently and fairly adjudged.


Posted by KM on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 16:06 | #

Kevin MacDonald
January 12, 2015 - 9:57 am | Permalink

The proposition nation concept was a major goal of Jewish intellectuals. See Chapter 7 of Culture of Critique.

that was in response to:

January 12, 2015 - 1:01 am | Permalink

I suspect that many of the dilemmas of free speech stem from the naive or disingenuous implementation of the abstract (Cartesian) rules of a proposition nation.

If a nation were based on the biological interests of a group then what is free speech and what is prohibited would be more easily, consistently and fairly adjudged.


Posted by Golden Dawn babes on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:43 | #

Speaking of feminine inspiration, missed this one - The Golden Dawn has some fine babes in their ranks:—YrFE4M#t=77



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 04:10 | #

Jez Turner speaks without illusions as to the powers-that-be and how they can be overcome:


Posted by fighting motivation on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 05:30 | #

Since it seems that motivating our people to fight as a group, in their group interests, is problematic, we might refer to Prof. Hew Strachan’s thoughts on the matter.

He observes that some motivations of fighters are not recognized because they are out of fashion and not cool to tell the public.

Humanitarian concern - higher national ideals - booty.

Humanitarian concern is considered a legitimate public reason nowadays. And it can be one reason why fighters are legitimately motivated.

Higher national ideals can be and have been traditionally a reason why people fight - they still are, but it is not so cool to say nowadays.

Booty is even more stigmatic nowadays to cite as your motivation. Yet Strachan observes that this has been the primary reason for most fighting though the ages. Strahan notes further that wars are more often than not a liability than a profit nowadays - hence, no profit to be shared.

But particularly when the matter is taking back resources that are our co-evolutionary birthright, there might be reward to allocate our peoples for fighting. Humanitarian concern would work there as well, as there are clear matters of inhumaneness to our peoples, injustice and justice to be had. While we work on a the meta-national narratives that GW advises are necessary inspiration..

The question becomes the formulation, the proportion and content:

Material reward (as opposed to the word “booty”, which sounds too much of early seventies pop negro music), humanitarianism and nationalist ideals.


Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 13:38 | #

Money talks and BS walks and every thing but money is BS. This is the secret behind Jewish power and influence

And blackmail.

The choice was made by the French Revolution in 1789 to recognize Jews as full citizens,” Valls told me. “To understand what the idea of the republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle.

The zealots think keeping Jews distinct is necessary to prevent assimilation so it was the Euro drift towards universalism, which included making Jews equal citizens with the the same rights and the same duties, that led to the decision to try and bring about White genocide in the same way the Maccabean zealots massacred the Greeks and Hellenized Jews in Jerusalem (which is what Hanukkah relates to). They need anti-semitism to stay cohesive so when non-Jews aren’t anti-semitic enough they plot to kill them.



Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 14:25 | #

Apols for three posts in a row.

that led to the decision to try and bring about White genocide

To be strictly accurate emancipation led to two solutions: White genocide or zionism.

so the JQ has three-four parts

1) banking mafia - this is actually more of an organized crime problem imo

2) zealots - acting to maintain Jewish cohesion by any means necessary divided into three groups
a) genocidalists
b) zionists
c) orthodox
with various overlaps

3) the rest - mostly driven by 3000 years of evolved paranoia


Posted by Dieudonné twit on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:38 | #

“French comedian Dieudonné has been arrested for being an “apologist for terrorism” after he left a post on Facebook apparently sympathizing with one of the gunmen from the Paris terror attacks last week.

Prosecutors had opened the case against him on Monday after he posted “Tonight, as far as I’m concerned, I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”—mixing the popular slogan “Je Suis Charlie” used in homage to the journalists killed at magazine Charlie Hebdo, with a reference to gunman Amedy Coulibaly.

Coulibaly killed four Jews at a Jewish supermarket on Friday and a policewoman the day before.

The comedian made international headlines in 2013 when French footballer Nicolas Anelka was banned for five matches by English football authorities for using a hand-gesture created by Dieudonné that many people consider anti-Semitic.

Dieudonné made his controversial Facebook post after attending Sunday’s unity march against extremism that brought more than 1.5 million people onto the streets of Paris in the wake of the attacks.

He described the march—considered the biggest rally in modern French history—as “a magical moment comparable to the Big Bang”.

The government has in the past banned Dieudonné‘s shows because it considers them “anti-Semitic”.

In response to the interior minister’s comment, the comedian said the government was trying to “ruin my life” when he was “only trying to make people laugh”.

He has removed the offending remark from his Facebook page.

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Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:39 | #

That’s Dieudonné girlfriend to the right of him in the 1st picture? She hot! Well done sir!


Posted by ScrewTroll on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 16:52 | #

Fuck you JamesUK. I’ve long recognized you as the troll that you are (Voznich too).


Posted by Sweet Revenge on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:19 | #

Sweet Revenge


Posted by Primitivism on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 11:34 | #

“Rather than being fulfilling, primitivism is emptying” - Kenneth Burke

As Europeans we are more circumspect in our approach and we want to believe our choices are free; we want to meander creatively in our freedom and treat others of our own as if they are free as well, choosing us as much as we choose them in our freedom. That leaves us vulnerable to those who take a more ardent, ooga booga approach to the opposite sex; vulnerable as it leaves us not wanting to have to persuade them to not do this, and susceptible to writing-off mudsharks as having freely chosen what they have done where they haven’t exactly.

Mind you, I am not saying that we should take mudsharks back, and forgive them. But that we should recognize that we must take more part in culturally conditioning our people to not do this in the first place.


Posted by Je ne suis pas Bardot on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:01 | #





Posted by Je ne suis pas Jimi Henry on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:33 | #

...wound up killing herself with car fumes..


Posted by je ne suis pas jimi henry on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 13:39 | #


Posted by Je ne Suis Pas Jimi Henri on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 13:58 | #

Tobias Langdon writes:

It’s Voltaire and Brigitte Bardot who represent the true spirit not just of France but of Europe as a whole. And that spirit is growing stronger. I predicted a year ago in “Moshe is Monitoring You” that big changes would soon took place in Europe. I think I was right. Moshe Kantor has a lot more people to monitor now.

Unfortunately, it is true that Bardot may represent the zeitgeist if not the spirit of many French and European women.

Call me unforgiving, but personally, I was disabused of holding Bridget Bardot on a pedestal when I read a credible account of her having had a fling with Jimi Hendrix.

It was said that when returning from a vacation in Morocco, Jim Hendrix ran into Bridget Bardot on a stop-over at a French airport. She took him home for a romp for some days. That would place her among scores of White women, erstwhile faithful wives of deserving men, that Hendrix behaved entitle to indulge-in.

It culminated with German figure skater Monika Dannemann thinking she would get Hendrix to marry her… perhaps an extra dose of sleeping pills and red wine would tame him. It did, for good: he puked his anxiety into a permanent calm:

From Hades his soul cried:

“Purple vomit, up and down

Purple vomit, all around

Purple vomit in my lungs,

Excuse me

While I wheeze and die”..

No excuse. Je ne suis pas Bardot…

or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

etc etc etc.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 23:39 | #


Chill out dude just stating a fact. Is your girlfriend/wife as hot as Dieudonnés?

I will not chill out shit-head. You came to a human site and congratulated a monkey for taking a human wife and arrogating 41,000 years of evolution to himself.

I create women like that in co-evolution, Deudones creates monkey women that not even he wants.

If there are no men like me then there are no women like that.

Now fuck off.


Posted by Confessions of a Blackman on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 16:22 | #

Your white women like us blacks. They think we are good in bed.

My wife is a nurse in the UK. Each time I visit white women are always throwing themselves at me. I am not the most handsome but this is real. They bump into me intentionally, smile and start chatting me up like prostitutes in a bar.

I avoid temptation since I am a public figure back home but your women are very loose.

Your culture also promotes loose morals. My kids go to school in the UK and I worry about the pornography on tv and shops plus Internet.

Don’t blame us it is your loose women. They have unnatural sexual desires. A black friend living in the UK is so fed with white women who cheat that he has divorced many times and opted for a decent African woman from back home.

Here where I live in Africa we have white women who come as charity workers and end up sleeping with young boys. One woman even took her boyfriend back to Norway.

We hear stories of white girls and women who sleep with dogs.

Tame your women.


Posted by Aesthetics bridle functional runaway on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:11 | #

This article is a bit hard on the fairer sex, but if there is to be a check on the power of their position within the disorder of modernity’s and Jewish prohibition of classificatory bounds, then a critical perspective is necessary to offset pandering from all angles. Buffalo Jenkins argues for masculine concern for aesthetics as a bridling of systemics from functional runaway.


  by Buffalo Jenkins

The prism of æsthetics is not just an aspect of the struggle for national self-overbecoming, it is the struggle rarefied. To the ancients, there was no way to divorce their art from their cultural vantage.

You would not publish a scientific treatise on species of weeds and not consider the art of the actual object: the lavish woodcut illustrations, for instance, or Euclidian layout and typography, as well as esoteric symbolism splashed lavishly throughout. The binding would be hand-tooled, decorated and gilded, so that even to such a stark and (to a modernist viewpoint) seemingly artless subject, Form would remain as important as Function. Amazingly, before the 20th century, there are virtually no examples of objects of any kind, no matter how commonplace or utilitarian (from housewares to clothing to tools) that did not have a consideration of the art or style, as well as a laborious crafting of traditional significance. Music and painting and architecture, in fact all disciplines. were thus meshed together in a cultural style that was solidly Roman or Imperial German or Napoleonic French or Tudor English, Baroque, Gothic Medieval, etc..

Today there is nothing but purposeful randomness, chaos, Abstract Expressionism, and the moronic Conceptualism. All is hidden narrative (almost always a liberal or egalitarian narrative at that) and beauty is not allowed to exist for its own sake. It is a snide ugliness that expresses eternally the democratic drive for homogeneity and equality by meeting at the base level. You can have no beauty or æsthetic hierarchy in the end-game of modernism.

Standing against modernism necessitates a resistant spirit, which must start with an insistence upon the absolute importance of everyday æsthetics. For example: the importance of dress. We must not simply follow conformist democratic trends (e.g., everyone just wearing jeans) which oppressively pervade the public space. I recently had a run-in with a prominent white nationalist who, while agreeing with me regarding aesthetics, laughed out loud at the idea of wearing a tweed suit or a tie.

This of course, is no laughing matter.

.... bearing attention is the boldened remark: we all must admit as a group they are credulously prone to liberalism.

... In fact, the moment you see a female involved at a judiciary or management level in any art-related institution, you can rest absolutely assured she is an utterly tasteless modernist who has moved up the ranks expressing nothing but pure relativism with a distant threat of entitled victimhood.

As Oswald Spengler writes: ‘Man makes history; woman is history. The reproduction of the species is feminine: it runs steadily and quietly through all species, animal or human, through all short-lived cultures. It is primary, unchanging, everlasting, maternal, plantlike, and cultureless.’ 
Plantlike. Natural, powerful, but inert.

Not to pick on women, but let us not be afraid to speak of group behaviour. Despite the valiant efforts of the very few Valkyries we have in our alternative midst, we all must admit as a group they are credulously prone to liberalism. Feminism itself being possibly the root problem of Western civilization, with its ever-expanding, emotion-based view of the world. The creative act is the same as a destructive one, and now as ever in the past, real art and culture are a man’s domain. Women by and large adhere to norms, to cultural pressure, to what they were told by parents and teachers and the television. They are overwhelmingly concerned with what they perceive the majority of other women thinking or doing, regardless of the rationality. In this sense of plantlike or inert cultural staidness, they have been until now the real keepers of tradition. While they often can feel they are concerned with beauty and æsthetics, their emotional thinking and compassionate inclusiveness, while sweet, comes with a hangover of total cultural blandness and egalitarian art-destruction (eg: high heel sneakers, narcissistic novels, The X Factor, and other tasteless oddities).

To speak plainly in visual terms, things either look good, or they look bad. They are inspiring or they are degenerate. Subjectivity and relativism exist, however they need to be repressed where they are seen to weaken or subvert manly or adroit aesthetic style or cultural foundations. You can blur certain divisive lines subjectively, but by no means does that make the whole business of art and style too relative to delineate.

Pay careful attention to what you like, from the music you listen to and advocate, to the art you enjoy or make, to how you dress and present yourself. Make things for your own sake and not popular acceptance. Do not think of monetary value; do not be afraid of decoration or detail. Above all, choose Form over Function. Opting for function alone leads oddly to functionlessness, as without attention to Form the object is soon valueless, a liability, like a crumbling modernist strip mall or a towering landfill of disposable plastic objects endlessly churned out by emotionless celestials. The struggle for æsthetics is the base struggle, many prominent people I needn’t mention in the past have understood this, and the modernist mindset of inclusiveness and abstraction in art is an invented weapon. A death knell.
Art is craft.

This latter bolded remark [“Opting for function alone leads oddly to functionlessness, as without attention to Form the object is soon valueless, a liability,”] is interesting as it points to where a preoccupation with function beyond form will eventually overtake its functionality as it becomes unguided.


Posted by Thunder on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:52 | #

I am a proud white man. I am normal. I take pride in the achievements of my people and prefer to associate with my own kind. I love white women who love white men. I detest white women who do not. I have no respect for white women who couple with non whites. I am a normal, proud, white man.


Posted by Culture Becomes Cognitive on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 06:27 | #

Effortful Control, Explicit Processing, and the Regulation of Human

Evolved Predispositions

Kevin B. MacDonald

California State University–Long Beach

This article analyzes the effortful control of automatic processing related to social and emotional behavior, including control over evolved modules designed to solve problems of survival and reproduction that were recurrent over evolutionary time. The inputs to effortful control mechanisms include a wide range of nonrecurrent information—information resulting not from evolutionary regularities but from explicit appraisals of costs and benefits. Effortful control mechanisms are associated with the ventro-medial prefrontal cortex and the ventral anterior cingulated cortex. These mechanisms are largely separate from mechanisms of cognitive control (termed executive function) and working memory, and they enable effortful control of behavior in the service of long range goals. Individual differences in effortful control are associated with measures of conscientiousness in the Five Factor Model of personality. Research in the areas of aggression, ethnocentrism, sexuality, reward seeking, and emotion regulation is reviewed indicating effortful control of automatic, implicit processing based on explicit appraisals of the context. Evidence is reviewed indicating that evolutionary pressure for cooperation may be a critical adaptive function accounting for the evolution of explicit processing.


Effortful control, explicit processing, evolutionary psychology, conscientiousness, prefrontal cortex

Converging evidence in cognitive psychology and neuroscience supports the existence of two quite different types of cognitive processing: implicit and explicit processing. Implicit and explicit mechanisms may be contrasted on a number of dimensions (e.g., Geary, 2005; Lieberman, 2007; Satpute & Lieberman, 2006; Stanovich, 1999, 2004). Implicit processing is automatic, effortless, relatively fast, and involves parallel processing of large amounts of information. Implicit processing is characteristic of what Stanovich (2004) terms the autonomous set of systems (TASS), which responds automatically to domain-relevant information. In this article, I use the term module to refer to mechanisms characterized by implicit processing.

Evolved cognitive modules form an important subset of TASS. A fundamental premise of evolutionary psychology is that evolutionary adaptations equip animals to meet recurrent challenges of the physical, biological, and social environment (Tooby & Cosmides, 1992). When the environment presents long-standing problems and recurrent cues relevant to solving them, the best solution is to evolve modules specialized to handle specific inputs and generate particular solutions (Geary, 2005; Tooby & Cosmides). For example, the visual systems of monkeys and humans contain numerous areas specialized for different aspects of vision (e.g.,Zeki, 1993). Areas specialized for color and for motion are sensitive to different aspects of visual stimulation; processing in these different areas occurs in parallel and results in a unitary image. Other modules proposed in the cognitive literature include modules for social exchange (Cosmides, 1989), theory of mind (Baron Cohen, 1995), fear (Bowlby, 1969; Gray, 1987; LeDoux, 2000),
folk physics (Povinelli, 2000), and grammar acquisition (Pinker,1994).

Although implicit processing is characteristic of evolved modules, it is not restricted to evolved modules. It occurs in a wide range of circumstances, including skills and appraisals that have become automatic with practice or repetition, perceptual interpretations of behavior (e.g., stereotypes), and priming effects (Bargh & Chartrand, 1999). Modules, as defined here, therefore need not be domain specific; they may also result from domain general processes of associative and implicit learning (Stanovich, 2004, p. 39).



Posted by Mulatto Supremacist Upshot on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 07:08 | #

Mulatto Supremacist Upshot - a result of pandering to females and the proclivity of their puerile members uncritiqued

“If only women voted: Obama wins reelection in an even more convincing fashion than was actually the case, trouncing Romney.”


Posted by end of black power on Wed, 08 Apr 2015 14:04 | #

On today’s Stormfront Radio

Don Black and Roy try to announce “the end of black power.”

...while Roy continues to plug The Daily Stormer (how stupid)..and David Duke follows right along on the same show with Black and Roy, who says:

“Nobody feels sorry for blacks anymore”

“black power was always dependent upon White power.”

Of course there is truth to their being dependent upon White and Jewish power. However, that is not the complete story.

When you take a people who are evolved some 250,000 years prior to Europeans, there are going to be aspects to bio-power to their advantage; this is reflected in their population growth, in the amount of tribute paid to them in order to buy-off their violent proclivities and in their appeal to a certain percentage of White females. If they had no power of themselves what-so-ever, they would have no appeal to females, let alone some of the ones that they are getting.

Roy and Black go on to take the right wing angle of appealing to sympathy for them as the Mexicans are cleansing them from their neighborhoods.

Why is that a concern? Who cares?

White women?

Right wingers are always saying blacks are no problem. My experience tells me that is not good advice and not good equipment for Whites - let alone to be complacent with that kind of hubris. Then they want people to sympathize with blacks, because “they will suffer from immigration as well.”

White/Europeans are the people that we are supposed to care about, so why should we care if Mexicans push blacks out? I couldn’t care less, in fact, am fully inclined to route for the Mexicans of the two.

Neither of these groups are our people and when I look discriminatingly upon blacks it is normally because they are a salient example of the other, so obviously other that they are taken for granted by some (usually right-wingers) as non-threatening as they are comparing abilities of criteria where blacks do not represent an enormous threat (if staying within that criteria). These right wingers (perhaps wanting Hitler’s perspective to seem more relevant than it is), will try to say that they are so beyond that, missing the point that our hermeneutic process looks to our own interests most often and moves to attend to problems on interface with all non-Europeans, whether Mexican, Muslim, Jews, Asians, etc. and yes, even blacks, even though their right wing girlfriends may not want anybody focusing attention on their destructive properties - which, in terms of EGI, is among the worst of all.

It is rank and file who will suffer for this lax, bad advice with regard to blacks and these right-wingers don’t care.


Posted by Draw the prophet muhammad on Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:33 | #

Paul Weston interviews “Draw the prophet Muhammad” organizer:


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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:44. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:37. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 23:24. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 21:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 20:16. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 20 Apr 2024 18:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:43. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 19:16. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 15:33. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:42. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:31. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 09:12. (View)
