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5 minutes largely destroying Pat Buchanan & David Duke’s Hitler apologetics: Hitler was Not WN Part7

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 05 December 2018 21:28.

Hitler was Not White Nationalist Part 7

In five minutes (36:53 - 41:53), Professor Margaret MacMillan destroys Pat Buchanan and David Duke’s claim that Hitler was bargaining in good faith, and that he only wanted what was “unjustifiably” taken from Germany by Versailles, that he didn’t have imperial supremacist war in mind all along, irrespective of its potential and real destruction to European peoples, including his own, German.

Trinity College Dublin
Published on Nov 1, 2017
Delivered on Thursday, 26 October 2017, Professor Margaret MacMillan


Part 6 Hitler was Not WN: Corrections Occasion Discussion of Hermeneutics’ Corrective Process

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 26 November 2018 08:58.

Part 6 Hitler was Not WN: Corrections Occasion Discussion of Hermeneutics’ Corrective Process

We left off at Poznan’s fort7, the Nazis first concentration camp in Poland, largely organized to imprison and kill Poles of the Greater Poland Uprising (1918, 1919) who’d re-taken rightful Polish cities (a short documentary here).


Yet we shouldn’t give the impression regarding even cities less disputably Polish, that the matter is quite so straightforward. A few generations would have passed who would not remember Poznan as anything but German; and they put a lot into cities like that.

Valid though the thesis remains to propose that Hitler’s most legitimate bones of contention were few - cities such as Bromberg and Thorn (by contrast to Poznan and surrounds), as these few cites formed a German speaking salient, stress and ultimately flash point amidst the corridor, I must be careful with wording.

If German speaking and considerable demographic percentage, even if not majority, is the bone of contention, you’d have to add Konitz to the cities worthy of contention in the corridor.

Along with Graudzen and Kulm, there were dozens of cities in and about the corridor contestable for their Germanic population and influence since the days of Teutonic Knights and Prussian incursions.

Still they would not alter the general thesis if added to the discussion.

Their histories all pretty much tell the same story, a similar historical narrative:

Whether Konitz, Kulm, Graudzen, Zempelburg, Dirschau, Bromberg or Thorn...

A look into the history reveals why you didn’t bother trying to sympathize with the idea that they should have been German by Versailles, even less so now, and why Nazi sympathizers do not tend to delve into the histories either.

Virtually the same histories.

A mixed Polish German history, usually Polish to begin and yes, there was war, brutality and exploitation in Polish times as well, then followed by brutal and exploitative German take overs (Teutonic/Prussian), followed by Versailles granting them to Poland for historical and strategic access reasons, then brutal Nazi retaliation, usually killing hundreds if not thousands of Poles.

It becomes apparent why those well disposed to ethnonationalism haven’t been inclined to delve into this, as even a cursory glance at the history and the Nazi reaction, leads one to the conclusion that maybe there shouldn’t be too much complaint among our contemporaries and not anything like the kind of reaction drawn by Hitler.

Still, what overly Nazi sympathetic WN has done is create a burden of addressing their punctuation and misrepresentation of the history (usually beginning at Versailles), a punctuation and denial of other framworks that require me and others to attend to history pragmatically, where we’d rather be attending to contemporary theoretical matters of White advocacy, such as hermeneutics.

Ah, but hermeneutics does tie-in, as opposed to the a-historical Cartesian perspective of modernity, hermeneutics prompts an interactively engaged, circulating, investigative, corrective process, which will encompass relevant historical perspectives as well as facts; but as a narrative approach it facilitates transcendence of the arbitrary flux that mere data presents, a liberation from that mere facticity - achtung! you overlooked Konitz!, yes, we’ll correct that - it allows for coherence instead of an arbitrary and constant searching fret.

White Post Modernity, its deployment of Social Constructionism and Hermeneutics were devised exactly for protecting group interests against Cartesian runaway and antagonistic ethnocentrisms - we cannot allow the proper deployment of these philosophical instruments to be buried by the YKW obfuscation that right wing reactionaries buy-into. The corrective program of left ethnonationalism works remarkably well to make consistent sense of what our enemies are doing, where they lead us astray, and how we should proceed by contrast. Indeed these methods, including hermeneutics and its liberation from mere facticity into narrative coherence, are a means to the salvation of our people

- allowing ethnonationalism to correct the horrific epistemological blunder committed by Hitler as he took off into the systemic runaway of theoria, with a Cartesian notion of placing people in the fallacy of sheer natural causality, rather than in optimal and flexibly corrective judgement of praxis - a people centric position based in human nature - as an ethnonationalist perspective affords in coordination with others, and not just a German-centric position with them proposed as the paragons of pure nature.

Objectivity and facts are tools to be acknowledged and deployed in our relative group interests for ourselves and for coordination with other groups, whose relative interests are going to be slightly different than ours.

Reactionary, typically STEM types of WN, will tend to misread, where not be deliberately misled by YKW misrepresentations and crass distortions of hermeneutics; in their phobic right wing reactions to YKW academic abuses of social conceptualization and means of group systemic maintenance, they’ll refuse to realize that narrative does not necessarily equate to fiction - on the contrary, it is necessary to non-fictional coherence as well - and a conjoint participation in refinement of knowledge (which is largely descriptive in the end anyway).

Aren’t Nazi sympathizers doing this when they talk about the corridor cities as rightfully German? Not really. And they don’t appreciate that for those looking to WN for news and information, their view is not the alternative, their view has largely been the only view purporting to represent WN.

On The Regnery Circus Big-Tent-O-Sphere, Featuring Richard Spencer as its Ring-Master

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 14:55.

Regnery, Spencer, prime umbrellas of (((Alt-Right))) big-tentosphere

Dear Daniel, I’m a reporter at Reveal News, a news service and public radio program in California. Thanks for responding to my Twitter message.

We’re doing some reporting on Richard Spencer and Bill Regnery. I saw the “Richard Thpenther” post on, complete with a foto of the 2 of them together, and thought that you could certainly point me in the right direction on some basic factual issues, if you were willing.

So, I’d like to have a conversation. I’m happy to abide by whatever ground rules you set. Here’s my bio, if you’d care to check me out, and my contact info is below. Thanks for your consideration, and please let me know how you’d like to proceed.

Looking forward, Lance Williams, Senior Reporter, Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting

Before moving on to detail the discussion that I had with Williams, I want to recap the left-right paradigm as it is conceived for majorityrights platform, since Williams was asking for my perspective on matters and since like everything that I’ve gleaned from academia and niftily re-tooled for our ethnonationlist interests, it has been attacked, no matter how well aimed, how effective and how coherent in those aims. Since I have not been able to overcome this misplaced jealousy, or naivety, bad advice or whatever causes the intransigence of this contentiousness, I must repeat myself.

Recently, I have been challenged again on the concept of left and right that I use. I refuse to back down and shouldn’t back down for the utility and intelligibility of the concept of left and right as I conceive it. It is intelligible, intuitive even, as it underlies patterns of ordinary language use. It only becomes confused and counter-productive as people try to play along with the more “sophisticated” versions (perversions, really) that Jews have spun through media and academia; which the disingenuous or naive have bought into - as they disingenuously/naively see it serving their interests - the more “sophisticated version” puts forth an oxymoronic definition - that the left is synonymous with liberalism - an oxymoron indeed, conceiving a “union” without prerogative of membership inclusion and exclusion; in fact, by this definition, a union would be just the opposite, it is a “union” that would constantly seek the opening of its membership bounds, to never exclude any “scab” as its highest value (to unionize the entire world as members of the union, we can only imagine). The “sophisticated” White response and what the Jews want, what those disingenuous/naively going along with the arrangement of their terms do, is to say, “no, I’m not a leftist, not a liberal, I’m on the right! - and I can prove that I am not a racist. I’m pure, not arbitrarily setting union bounds of my racial group, despite merit or not, I’m basing membership on unassailable, objective facts and merit alone.”

Ironically, this objectivist response underpins liberalism itself, the very form of the affliction against racial and national maintenance.

Naturally, any halfway intelligent and conscientious White, concerned for White EGI, is going to be mortified that Whites are going along with this, as it puts precious, circumspect patterns at risk and frightens-away potential membership for its lack of accountability. The Jews know this and they promote White identity as right wing because they know that it is going to deter group loyalty where it does not have them reacting into headlong disaster - a trap, fighting on supremacist grounds, (hubris) where they literally become the bad guys who get into disastrous conflict with those that should be their allies (some of them White ethno-nationalists, some of them non-White ethno-nationalists) - vilified as subhuman, these ethno-nationalist adversaries (nemesis) are nevertheless able to fight back very well, and greatly damage the EGI authoritatively designated by the right as its cause, as their adversaries have the collective moral high ground in the concept of social accountability. 
Of course those disingenuously/naively going along with the right wing, objectivist version of nationalism, are veering toward two dubious premises with regard to any claims of nationalism: 1) Where otherwise nationalism is not something that just comes together by the invisible hand of nature as it is supposed to, then one or a relatively small number of leaders will assert what is the national group and direct it by their authority which 2) Tends toward limited accountability, as their purported merit for the position is the result of sheer factual (gawd given or sheer natural) merit to make assertions of themselves - it “just wound-up that way” as a result of (gawd given or sheer) nature; and again, the same would supposedly hold true with group and national boundaries - they are supposed to hold up basically because of sheer nature (or gawd). It is a tendency to want to de-emphasize social accountability (to want to have unassailable warrant, to ascribe to oneself innocence/to be unburdened of guilt and responsibility); and to see outcomes as a result of one’s sole agency and sheer nature; while minimizing any joint construction and negotiation of those outcomes.

Quite naturally, such a fool’s game as this, bereft of social accountability as it is, and has been, is a sucker’s game that the Jews (and others, but the Jews most importantly) can take advantage of: it is ripe for them to find some White “leaders” and buy them-off or otherwise hoodwink them into leading, in accordance with Jewish interests, the White sheeple - who naively buy into the right wing, objectivist, “that’s the way it isness”, and less the matter of social construction and accountability that would allow them to effectively maintain their group defense, or even individual defense, ultimately - deliberate designation, delimitation of group boundaries, would immediately correspond with a form of unionization (you are in the union or you are not); an idea underlying any considered concept of “Left.” Whereas the disingenuous and naive go along with the Jewish arrangement of the terms, i.e., that “the left” means unionization only for non-Whites and those antagonistic to White men and their bounds - a prohibition of unionized boundaries for Whites, this is of course an absurd contradiction for Whites - from their end, it is liberalism: a prescription to rupture would-be unionized boundaries, borders, and the social accountability that would facilitate those boundaries and borders by contrast to sheer liberalized mishandling.

Lets pretend for a moment that people are not so retarded as to not be able to understand that and move on.

By contrast, what I have diagnosed as the concept of left nationalism within ordinary language and sustaining a consistent pattern of understanding, making consistent sense, is that: The moment one recognizes the truth by contrast - that we are in interaction, have some social connection and social indebtedness for the origin and maintenance of our manifest form of existence, therefore some responsibility and accountability; further recognizing that we make things together with other people, more or less - more, when we are more obviously responsible for a joint construction and less, but still some, in the agreement of how the more brute facts come to count - we are in the realm of the social and acknowledging the potential for accountability. And once we are in the world of accountability, we are in the world of delimitation, where not just anything goes. We are recognizing social responsibility and then the possibility that we have responsibility more to some than others - more responsibility to those within the “group”, the group designated by consensus and negotiated authority; including responsibility to those deserving of membership but requiring incentive to remain loyal, though they are not on top of the game and ready for higher organizational roles at this time.

In sum, leftism is about recognizing the inextricable reality of interaction, social indebtedness and responsibility, therefore the motion for unionization as a means of accountability and group maintenance, designating out-groups and in groups thereupon, with social accountability as such. Nationalism, ethno-nationalism and racial defense, are a matter of larger scale unions.

Rightism is a motion in its ultimate trajectory toward unassailable warrant in objectivity or divine ordinance, to reduce social accountability through purported objectivity, supra-social principles or divine will. Now, one might object that rightists can be nationalists, or responsive to social needs. What I would say to that is that the moment they are doing that, they are doing a “left thing”, they are going into the social world and its accountability, left nationalism, but without the premises that would solidly ground and sustain group systemic maintenance inasmuch as they retain rightist premises as their ideal and their aim, the lack of accountability thereof; as such, they are primed for subversion by people willing to use the leverage of collaborative agency against them.

Now lets see how this concept played out when I was queried by “RealNews” senior reporter, Lance Williams.

Dear Daniel,

I’m a reporter at Reveal News, a mews service and public radio program in California. Thanks for responding to my Twitter message.

We’re doing some reporting on Richard Spencer and Bill Regnery. I saw the “Richard Thpenther” post on, complete with a foto of the 2 of them together, and thought that you could certainly point me in the right direction on some basic factual issues, if you were willing.

So, I’d like to have a conversation. I’m happy to abide by whatever ground rules you set. Here’s my bio, if you’d care to check me out, and my contact info is below.

Thanks for your consideration, and please let me know how you’d like to proceed.

Looking forward.


Lance Williams
Senior Reporter
Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting
1400 65th St. Suite 200
Emeryville, Ca. 94608
office: 510-809-3175
cell: 415-298-2317

Naturally, at this point, I looked at the RealNews outfit’s website, took note of who headed and staffed it, what their basic mission is - obviously very Jewish, very anti-White (pardon the term, as it is misused by those who would misrepresent White ethno-nationalism), very involved in Jewish headed, non-White coalitions, antagonistic to White ethno-nationalism and its necessary alliances.

Reveal News Staff:

First on the list: Colored guy, perhaps mixed Semitc origin:

Aaron Sankin
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Second on the list, Jewish guy:

Aaron Glantz
Senior Reporter
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Third on the list,

Colored guy, who is apparently often assigned to do the audio interviews:

Al Letson
Reveal Host
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

And on it goes; eventually the list comes to Lance Williams, who requested to talk to us and politely did just that (I don’t know if he’s part Jewish or not, but he clearly doesn’t have a big problem working with them):

Lance Williams

Senior Reporter
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

The list goes on like this, apparently having some Whites, obviously liberal, a strong representation of those who are not White males, but it is well over-represented by Jews in its staff and at its leadership.

Executive Director:

Robert J. Rosenthal
Executive Director
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Phil Bronstein

Executive Chair
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Bronstein! I’m not sure if he’s related to Trotsky, but!

Here is what I prepared, and in fact did say to senior reporter Lance Williams of Revealnews:

First, please let me say a few words about Majorityrights’ platform as I’ve taken it, because it will quickly come to the point of how I have developed it as a corrective to the kinds of errors being made by The Regnery circus, NPI, Richard Spencer and the Alternative Right.

Majorityrights (at this point) advocates White/European ethno-nationalisms and sees itself as allied with Asian and Indio ethno-nationalisms. It does not identify with Jewish interests, as if they are White, it treats them as a separate racial category, outside of the White/European race; and, in fact, does not identify with Abrahamic religions at all - seeing them as destructive [providing maps destructive] to ethnonational interests. It does not identify with Nazism or any kind of supremacism or scientism - by scientism, I simply mean the notion that sheer “nature” and “objective” science should decide our course of action without individual and social correctives and cultivation. We are not Alternative Right, not Right wing in any sense as I conceive right and left to be: The right and with it, liberalism, is based on an idea of objectivism which is short on accountability - “because that’s just the way it is according to natural or divine law.” It lends itself to disingenuousness and hubris among elites and to naivety in the masses.

The left - a White Left Nationalism and any ethnonationalism as I hold it to be properly defined, is about accountability to the full social group as maintained through a form of unionization - that puts it in contrast to the universalism and pretenses of objectivity of the right; because there are in groups and out groups - you are in the union or you are not and the union - it looks after your relative interests as a member, not solely because of what is deemed your objective merit. It is a perspective which looks after the rank and file, to ensure that they are treated fairly and have incentive to maintain the union even though they may not be on top of the game or marginalized somehow, to make sure that they do not facilitate scabbing of the union so to speak; but it keeps a particular eye on elites, to hold them accountable to group systemic interests, to make sure that they do not betray us since obviously they are capable of doing the most damage. That concern is bringing us to people like Regnery, Spencer and those in the Alt-Right.

Because they take these right wing positions that we reject, positions which people cannot take or are justifiably afraid of, it turns-off a broad base as it is an incompassionate, insane and stupid position; but in order to try to connect with the mainstream and populism, they are forced to cobble together coalitions upon a tacit agreement to tolerate one another’s anti-social positions as such - whether its holocaust denial or supremacism, some sort of nutty Abrahamic religion; or, what is stigmatic from a White nationalist point of view, acceptance of Jews in their alliance. These cobbled-together anti-social coalitions of the Alt-Right I call the Alt Right tentosphere - a big tent of different tents. Some tents are completely friendly with Jews.

The template of running the gamut from Nazi sympathy to working with Jews and some members actually being Jews is completely consistent with Regnery, his publishing history and what I see as this strategy of Jewish alliance for shepherding masses into this tentosphere of the Alternative Right.

Now, the concept of the Alternative Right goes back to a 2008 article, edited by Richard Spencer, written by Paul Gottfried (who is Jewish); and with it he was trying to counteract the headlong destruction of Whites who could be valuable to Jewish interests and what he calls “Western values”, including Judeo-Christian values as he saw them being destroyed by means of a trajectory from Irving Kristol to the Neo-Cons; a trajectory that did not place enough emphasis on stabilizing enough useful idiots among Whites - the means to keep Whites from reacting too much and to be maintained as useful idiots for Jews was called paleoconservatism - it began with Frank Meyer, a Jewish scholar who shaped Reagan’s so called conservatism: Its not really a whole lot more conservative than the neocons because all it does is maintain capitalism (i.e., maintain a liberal economic system), maintain Judeo-Christianity (which for Whites is liberal - moral liberalism, altruism), pay some lip service to the wonderful culture of the west; while allowing for genetic arguments upon which Whites can survive on an “objective” basis; thus the selection for the relative interests and ways in which these useful idiots will be deployed and intermarry will remain with the Jews as the organizing factor among a right wing elitist cadre.

You’re witnessing that in Trump. But we need to say a bit more before we move onto Trump.

Now then, why do Regnery and Spencer take this position as “Alt-Right” against the quote “Left”? Well, you need to begin with why Jewish interests would want to take a position against the quote, “left.”

Jewish interests have had disproportionate power and hegemonic influence through seven key niches:

1) Media 2) Money and Finance 3) Academia 4) Politics 5) Religion 6) Law and Courts 7) Business and Industry.

Naturally, they don’t want organized peons criticizing, dismantling and taking away that power. So what do they do? Well, of course, they look toward the old faithful sell-outs among the White right-wing elitists - offer them deals in turn for compliance, ease their conscience with the objectivist arguments they’ve always coveted as unassailable warrant, “these are just the facts of life”....and “say, by the way, you’ve got money, want to keep it and have even more, don’t you? You can continue to do well for yourselves ..and you hate those ‘lefties’ anyway, complaining that they want some of that too, so lets organize a coalition, a “movement” to be popularized against the left. ...make it real stylish and edgy ...appeal to those disaffected millennials in their internet bubbles, we’ll call it ‘The Alternative Right”.

Of course now, a major left unit, left union so to speak, would be the union of ethno-nation. And the Jewish and right wing objectivist way to disrupt that unionization is to encourage right wing reactionary populism and its corollary reactionary liberalism.

Now then, again, Majorityrights platform is conceived so that a proper ethno-nationalist view is not buried by the Regnery circus (as our GW aptly calls it), not buried, enmeshed in what it has been doing with The Right and the Alternative Right.

They are only doing quasi ethno-nationalsim as it is perverted through objectivism and coalition with Jewish interests: fighting against social accountability, going along with the Jewish prescription of trying to represent White interests through right wing means.


Your People’s History and Future Irrespective: Mulatto Nationalism by Hillary or by Trump?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 05 November 2016 05:01.

Regarding your people’s history and future, the (((choice))) you get with U.S. politics is no choice.

Richard Thpenther’s (((Altright tentosphere))): “PQ” (Polish question), Goldstein’s false opposition

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 30 September 2016 09:06.

Richard Thpenther warnth you to mind your “P&Q"ths

Richard Thpenther thays, “If you are not right on “the PQ” (the Polish question), we are going to purge you from thith movement” (((The Alternative Right))).

“We have to thtop doing everything for thith Polish Catholic Country.”

...of course what Spencer is aspiring to is a blended philo-German/Semitic/Russian alliance between (((Germany))) and the (((Russian Federation))) - imperium - which apparently requires a pinther movement on the “PQ” - against Polish ethno-nationalism and its Promethian Intermarium alliances of ethno-nations and regions.

Trump is just that man to float Richard’s penny loafers.

Darlings of the Alternative Right: From left - Pat Buchanan, wry on the “PQ” and its role in the “unnecessary war” ... Poland having “had it coming” for having taken over a tiny, but strategic, mountain train station from the Czechs, just prior to the threatened, impending war against them, thus “proving their fickleness”; center, (((Paul Gottfried))), ever sympathetic to the more Germanic Jew as opposed to the Eastern Jew, he coined the term “Alternative Right”, mentored Spencer in his philo-Germanic/Jewish perspective and is doing all he can to ensure that it is Jew friendly and treats “THE Left” as the enemy. And to the right, Richard Thpenther himthelf - his three quarters Russian one quarter Turkish wife (out of the picture) - A Dugin/Eurasian imperium enthusiast; who wishes to do away with eithno-nationalism, and replace it with a philo Germanic/Semitic - Russian Imperium from ThanFranthithco, to New York, to Lithbon, to Vladivathtok.

Dugin: proposing the Altright a deal - give up European ethnonationalism in exchange for a blended, de-racinated people (for what he proposes), Siberian tundra and Asian conflict.

Richard is comfy under Regnery’s umbrella - an umbrella of these Alt Right views.

Rounding-out the Altright tentosphere for the Jewish tent - Stark and von Goldstein discuss the Presidential debate:

It was hard for (((von Goldstein))) to declare Trump the winner of the debate and as having done well (because, for one thing, Trump did not do well, back-peddling, “if I don’t win, I will get to Pennsylvania Ave. one way or another”, defending his “unbelievable” business ventures, etc.).

But (((von Goldstein’s))) take on this confirmed the hypothesis: (((They))) don’t really care so much who wins as long as their controlled political system, including the Republican party, is resurrected - such that it includes Whites, that is, including (((huwhites))) as a re-defined vanguard. (((They))) seek to retain their position as the masters of discourse (in Stark’s previous discussion, as the reader might recall, they had (((The Truth Will Live))) on their panel to continue the effort to define for us right and left, now including (((the Alternative Left))) - so as to try to bury this White Left Nationalist platform. An important thing for them, of course, is to include Jews as an edgy, trendy but included component of the Alt Right big tent, which is “going to make a real impact on the world”...  notice also how von Goldstein is adamantly against the TPPA and, of course, the Iran deal, as just so horrible.

Trump’s introduction into the narrative is as controlled opposition - very apropos for Goldstein (name of the embodiment of false opposition in Orwell’s 1984) to direct attention to the created problem of the right and YKW, the created problem being Mexicans and the destruction of the domestic economy and quality of life (he directs attention for responsibility for those problems away from Jews, objectivists and blacks). ...and to the “solution” - Trump and his legacy.

Israeli construction companies want the contract to build the Mexican border wall.

Trump’s legacy

“The Truth Will Live” ...rather the lies will try to live but they’re not White, they’re Jewish.

von Goldstein, “We, The Alt-Right, are going to make a real impact on the world” ...von Goldstein was apparently tapped by Gottfried to flesh out the Jewish-friendly tent of the Alt Right Tentoshere.

They raise “the P.Q.” to try to counter attack the exposure here of what they are doing.

Allowing some 14/88 Hitler, cool, in their tentosphere, divisive, anti-social and ultimately destructive to a well founded WN defense that it is ... is something that they prop up as their “anti-Jewish immunity” while Jews allow for it and the right goes on obliviously, insufficiently aware that it is a position highly manipulable by Jews.

...with that, Greg Johnson will round out the Altright tentosphere with snooty, right wing elitist hubris, that is soft on blacks and inclined to be assiduously exclusionary of any White marginality and organic circumspection.

        Here is a recent example of right-wing hubris and blithe imposition of blacks against The White Class, et al.

RRW, “West Virginia: Is Catholic Charities bringing in foreign laborers for a poultry plant to compete with Americans?”

Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 26, 2016

Here are some of the facts as we know them:

West Virginia is a relatively new resettlement state which has received only 176 refugees in the last ten fiscal years.

However, in addition to Catholic Charities resettling refugees, Episcopal Migration Ministries wants to open a new office in Charleston.  Presently CC has three locations and one of those is in Moorefield, WV.

What else is in Moorefield? I’ll tell you! There is a Pilgrim’s Pride poultry plant located there.

Here are some things we know about Pilgrim’s Pride:

It is owned by the Brazilian meat giant—JBS (you may know them as Swift & Co.) headquartered in Greeley, CO.

And, now get this. The very same Labor Department, that I would normally be complaining about, says that in some locations in the US, Pilgrim’s Pride is DISCRIMINATING against African American job applicants, Caucasians and women!  They are choosing Hispanic laborers (and it would appear refugee laborers) over Americans!

Notice how the right continually prefers blacks over “Hispanics” - a language designation which frequently includes people who are White, mostly White but mixed with Amerindian and/or some kind of Amerindian that is benign as compared to blacks.

This is a matter that has to be re-assessed - “Oh, these patriotic black Americans who used to be so good to live with before the Jews ruined their families” - colossal Bullshit of the right.

On the contrary: You Mexicans cleanse blacks from your neighborhoods? The more power to you. Lets make a deal.

Ditto that deal for Asian ethno-national/regionalist cooperation with European/White ethno-national regionalists against Jews, Muslims and blacks.

Weev: Master Tactician, Semi-Tactful Infiltrator or Tactless Fool?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 10 April 2016 19:12.

Andrew Auernhemer a.k.a. “Weev”

Weev has been a figure associated with WN for several years now and at MR since at least 2010.

I had given him something of the benefit of the doubt as being on our side, since he was on friendly terms with MR prior to my coming here. Weev was well liked by Søren Renner, who, among other gestures of affinity, posted this sad video at Majorityrights, showing Weev explaining his side of the story around the time of his prosecution, just before going to jail for the ATT hack.

Only a few remarks about Weev stand out from what Søren told me, otherwise I had only a general feel of Weev’s place with regard to WN, based on the impromptu “briefing” that Søren gave me about him and then from what limited attention I paid to Weev after Søren departed MR.

Weev emerged from jail and posted photos of himself proudly showing-off his swastika emblazoned chest. I was disgusted with him for that and for his cooperation with The Daily Stormer. I was also disgusted with Søren for his appreciation of Angln’s approach at The Daily Stormer and I wanted to flush out what mutual position the three might occupy. I posted this picture here at MR, Weev with giant swastika tattoo on chest - - it did serve to get Søren to respond: Søren struck me as both hypersensitive in his response on the one hand and impervious on the other, given the fact that I was not exactly exposing anything heretofore a secret. If they think that this is such a sound approach then it seems to me that it could be easily defended by such I.Q. powerhouses. In fact, Søren departed MR and ended contact with me, suggesting that I was taking it too seriously (while maybe he was the one who was being too sensitive).

But anyway, coming back to the few remarks that Søren had made about Weev. Søren said that “Weev is a Jew’ but he’s OK.”

I didn’t carry much weight at MR at that time and didn’t feel it my prerogative to throw any around. I’d say that I went into a sort of denial about it, but really, with Weev in particular going to jail, he wasn’t going to be much harm to us no matter what or how he was.

I liked Søren, quirky, cartoon character sort of guy that he is, and excuses for this remark were swimming only semi-consciously in the back of my head. Maybe he didn’t mean to say that Weev is a literal Jew, but this was Søren’s way of saying that Weev s “a bit of an a-hole, but OK” - an a-hole who is on our side, if not our a-hole.

Or maybe Weev is only a little bit Jewish of his genetic background, but is really on our side. Even at the time I tended to be very skeptical that people who were any part Jewish could be on our side; but again, he was going to jail and therefore of no immanent threat.

Maybe he isn’t Jewish at all and Søren is just showing off his I.Q. snobbery; or that he will make an exception for a Jew if he is a Wittgenstein or a Weev inasmuch as their “genius” is useful for our side. I don’t think these types of Jews will act reliably in our interest, but in this situation, Søren’s predilection seemed good natured, funny and fairly harmless. Even though Søren could have some susceptibility to favor I.Q. over racial distinction, the importance of the distinction from Jews was fairly well buffered - it wasn’t going to easily float past me, anyway. GW thought Weev is a Jew, though I’m not sure how he came to that opinion.

At any rate, Søren’s participation at Majorityrights decreased during the time of Weev’s incarceration. I was a bit sour on him for his appreciation of The Daily Stormer angle but he was more than welcome by me to post and otherwise participate. I had been and have been busily trying to build up an alternative platform from the standard right-wing, “Hitler and Jesus are us, Jews are White like us too, and should be included if they want.”  I am serious about this platform not taking on that nonsense. So, when Søren suddenly reappeared with a few gratuitously disagreeable remarks and this silly post, I decided to make a post calling to account those popular WN figures - Duke, Anglin and Weev apparently looking to redeem Hitler.

As he hadn’t in years, Søren came on to Skype to chat with me, saying that I was too backward looking, that I was taking it too seriously and that I shouldn’t have brought Weev into it; then he removed me from his Skype contacts and that was the last I heard from him.

OK, before too long Weev re-emerges in the right-wing after coming out of jail, now with a Swastika on his chest and as a big hero of the The Daily Stormer et al., presumably. I didn’t pay much attention to him at The Daily Stormer since that tent of the alternative right-wing tentosphere is fairly circumscribed, buffered buffoonery. However, I started to catch wind of Weev making the rounds of the tentosphere.

With Weev at a safe distance now and making rounds on common subject matter, it was worth a listen to some of what he might have to say at this point. Since he is from Arkansas and has experienced blacks, it is quite reasonable to believe, in accordance with all indications, that Weev is sincere in his dislike of them - he has some sincere common interest with WN. Hell, if he is acting, he does a good job of it and of articulating grievances with Jews too.

But any man who causes the name of a website called “Gay Ni****s of America” to appear on the front page of the website of US presidential candidate (and US president to be) Barack Obama, cannot be all bad. lolllzzzzllllolllzzzzzz indeed.

  On February 11, 2007, an attack was launched on the website of US presidential candidate (and future US president) Barack Obama, where the group’s name was caused to appear on the website’s front page.

As another one coming to Dana Anthiochus’ leaky border between White and non-White interests, Weev came to talk with Dana on 25 September 2015 about computer technology, his concerned advice on race and state-of-the-art warfare.

I insisted that Kumiko have a listen with me, and render a critique, as these concerns bear upon her expertise. We developed an outline which I will post below. A Weev article has been long on the back-burner, but has become relevant now with Dennis Fetcho’s experience and criticism, if not exposure of Weev.

Though a right-winger himself, Dennis Fetcho has some interesting things to say.

He did a podcast of his own and one with Nick Spero recently to discuss Weev. Fetcho finds Weev’s covering stories risible - Weev being a Christian identitarian concerned with White interests and so on. “Christian Identiy?’, Fetcho says, “before he was a Mormon, he doesn’t know what he is.” But of the fact that that Weev is Jewish and that he was always on “the enemy side” Fetcho is confident. Weev apparently made Fetcho’s life hell, attacking and damaging his websites as he apparently would do any site that was “anti-Semitic.”

Fetcho maintains further, that Weev was not prosecuted by the U.S. Government singularly for hacking A.T.T. as he maintains, but because he was a nuisance who had done the same thing to many people, hacking and trolling them relentlessly as a part of a team that caused many innocent people significant problems.

Now we have Weev’s triumphant return to White Nationalism, with him presenting himself as a cult hero if not integral to their right-wing sites and aspirations. He is treated like a “hero” at The Daily Stormer and other alternative right sites for his recent print station hacking stunt - at least he claims it as his handiwork; Fetcho doesn’t believe that he acted alone to cause the printers at some American universities and some in China to print-out a poster with an anti-Jewish statement, and declaring world wide “White supremacism” with two large swastikas on each side of the text. Fetcho makes the point that this is barely newsworthy. I concur and did not run the story at MR and would not have if not for the implications of Weev’s detrimental involvement with WN.

    Weev, “I chose the swastika image because it is a symbol universally recognizable to all printers.”

What good does it do to create a “problem” of printing out anti-Semitic posters with Swastikas, proclaiming global White supremacism into print stations at the heavily Jewish American universities and in China?

It is perfect public relations - for the ADL.

Universities are not known for their skin head types, nor are book worms likely to be roused to enact global Nazism. The universities are replete rather with empowered Jewish folks, who can proclaim that they have a growing problem with anti-Semitism, need to clamp-down and need more assistance from the State.

This kind of vainglory printing-out in China works against projects like MR’s, to build regional alliance between Asia and Europe.

My reaction from the onset would suffice without any elaborate conspiracy. Our eminently noble cause of White sovereignty is only harmed by association with Nazism and “supremacism.” It will only harm Whites, set us against each other and turn-off normal Whites, needless to say how non-Whites would react.

No White advocates were talking in terms of “White supremacism” until Weev brought it back in his talk with Dana Antiochus.

No concerned White advocates subscribe to White supremacism because it is at odds with the separatism to which we aspire - attempting to dominate others is at odds with separatism. In trying to resurrect this concept of “White supremacism” Weev is attempting to brand us with a term as surely as he has branded himself with a corny tattoo as if to brand and represent us with it. He would libel us by associating our cause with the term that Jewish groups have been trying to smear White advocates with for decades - despite the fact that nobody, except for Weev now, promotes the term.

It does no good to Whites, but it does however, serve the interests of the ADL. It divides Whites, turns off normal Whites to our cause, creates the notion that Jews need more state protection on their side, etc.

Coming back to Dana Antiochus’ 25 Sep 2015 talk: Weev pushed the envelope of violence, declared world wide “White supremacism” the way forward and the intimidating idea that drone warfare would make the normal means of fighting for your people obsolete.

My initial impression that this was just a right-winger giving the right-wingers at Renegade what they want - a new Swastika tattoo, some Jew, Jew, Jew, unanimity with Uncle Adolf and you’re good to go.

With Fetcho’s intervention, however, Auernheimer looks more like a provocateur than the friendly rogue, Weev.

Andrew Auernheimer, a.k.a., “Weev”, the suspicious friend of The Daily Stormer and TRS, just so happens to be their Johnny on the spot when their sites have problems.

Fetcho claims that Weev does have some Jewish background, which we (GW and I, DanielS) have reason to suspect as well.

Fetcho maintains that the US government didn’t go after Weev for the singular hacking of ATT accounts incident as he claimed, but rather because he was hacking and harassing innocent people all over the place, including Fetcho relentlessly.

Fetcho renders plausible arguments against Weev’s “great hack” of the printer stations at several universities, and apparently in China as well. He asks first, whether he really did this this by himself? Then takes the premise to what follows by saying that this is not a newsworthy story on its face value (I agree, and had not run it at MR). It accomplishes little of positive value, but does create a “problem” for the Jewish laden universities that requires them to provide a “solution” of clamping down on hate speech. This is an attendant benefit to our enemies by associating WN with Nazism and “supremacism.”

And that is the large point that I believe Fetcho has got very right - there is a close approximation of Zero White advocates who have been claiming “White supremacism” and yet what Auernheimer has been doing re-vitalizes the Jewish smear line of “White supremacism” along with the Nazi association in order to discredit WN and turn people off.

Moreover, what sincere White Nationalist would hack Chinese printers to announce “global White supremacism” ? Most probably none.

But a Jewish sponsored troll, trying to prevent Chinese and White cooperation just might.

Who is served by associating “White Nationalism” with The Daily Stormer, Nazism and “Supremacism” ?  Jewish groups are served.

Here is the Nick Spero “Circus Maximus” show in which Weev is discussed in the third hour: The first two hours are Lee Rogers, the third hour Dennis Fetcho. Lee Rogers is your standard anti-Jewish right-winger, not much new but no harm if you can ignore his “holohoax” line and his falling on the AH side of the false either/or; moving to hour three, Dennis Fetcho has interesting things to say about Weev.

Again, Fetcho is a right-winger, with those foibles, including the pro-reich, “it was all a holohoax”, 9-11 and all that usual boring right-wing stuff, but the things he is saying about Weev gather sense.

He talks about Weev on his own show as well:

Apr. 2, 2016

  Hour 1
  Garbage World of Hackers

  Hour 2
  Weev and ADL Crafted Messages

Beware of the right-wing: they are full of fools and foolers.

On black hat hacking at red ice.

Weev on identifying companies with unknown liabilities

Weev tells his side of the story to RT

Weev on why he trolls

Weev on the difference between trolling and hacking

Here is an outline of Kumiko’s initial take on Weev’s discussion - with Antiochus, 25 September 2015 - on computer tech, race and state-of-the-art warfare. Since these topics square with her expertise on all counts and with our concerns on all counts, her opinion is quite relevant. This is just an outlne that I took down as dictation from what we gathered at the time (last September).

Weev on the players and the technological transformation of war: “it will be massively a-symmetric and robotic.”

1. Showing ATT its vulnerabilities was a good turn; but revealing the data to (((Gawker))) was tactless.

2 Don’t talk to the police! Weev should not have talked to the police.

3. “Black hat” is the wrong term to self ascribe, it underscores an unduly negative angle that adversaries would attribute to Weev - he should not cop to that, but rather identify as a “Gray hat.”

4. Should not say German patriots are setting fire to refugee camps or that he wants to kill blacks just because they are black.

5. His idea of robotic and drone war is problematic - it does Not render traditional forces obsolete. In certain circumstances you want troops in there in certain circumstances you don’t.

For another significant point of criticism, there are more ways to counter robot and drone technology than Weev is taking into account.

Kumiko has other assessments and critiques of his politics and computer abilities: where he is mistaken, where he could do better.

6. Very important: you still need popular sentiment on your side. It is not enough, especially not nowadays, to think in terms of warfare being so asymmetrical that just one percent or a small percent can fight and win.

7. His view on Christianity, newly reconsidered as it may be, could be reasonable enough: reminiscent of Bohrmann.

8. He is correct that it should not be a false either/or between universalistic Christianity, Jews and Islam. They are all beyond the pale.

9. His association with Anglin and other right wingers is dubious. NS Germany was leftist at its inspiration, onset and groundswell.

10. Assad never offered nor had any intention of stepping down. Russia made a duplicitous offer to take Assad down in exchange for keeping its port but The US decided to try to take him down themselves. The results were still bad but the motives were different than Weev made it out to be.

Regarding Auernheimer’s assessment of the inexorable link between Isis, Israel, The US - the deal with Iran indicates that business interests and geopolitics can override Israeli interests

11. He overstates the exclusivity of White accomplishment in computer technology.

12. His troll of Obama’s website with “Gay n*****s of America” was very funny.

The Pejorative Side of Modernity or Civilization, Competing Theories or Allied? Part 2

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 06 July 2014 20:17.

The Pejorative Side of Modernity or Civilization, Competing Theories or Allied? Part 2

2,281 words


The Liberals are right - we should abolish race after all

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 23 December 2008 00:09.

By Diamed

Suppose everything you say is true. Do you take satisfaction in it being true? Does it make you happy? Or do you wish it weren’t true and wish it could be some other way?

This is an interesting question, which gets down to the nub of why, exactly, are we crusaders for the race.

My response to this question is I wish what I believed weren’t the case, and that it could be some other way. I have been forced into my beliefs by necessity, resisting the implications mightily as I’m dragged through goalpost after goalpost.

There’s plenty of room for condemning evil in this world, without having to go around looking for categorical foes who we can smash with unrelenting fury, all the way down to the infants in their cradles. However if we spare an entire city of evil-doers because ten innocent nice infants are crawling around in it, it is our innocents, our good people, our women and children who are ravished and pursued with unrelenting fury. In a struggle for survival that has reached the highest pitch, we don’t have the luxury to sort out the good from the bad. Life must come first, justice later. Do I want it to be this way? Am I glad that I can smash infants in cradles and still be moral? That I could bayonet a pregnant woman and still be moral? I’m not glad about it. And yet there it is.

Am I glad that I have 140 IQ and am living in a world average IQ of 90 or so? That a greater IQ gap exists between me and africans than africans and dogs? Not really. Am I glad that life is easier for me, that I can do things others can’t, that ultimately all wealth, power, prestige, and even good health and long life belong as a birthright to me and not to anyone else due to a different arrangement of genes? Not really. The things I love most in life, I wish everyone could have. It takes nothing from me if another person reads the same book as me, listens to the same song, or admires the same mountains. I miss the lost camaraderie. I don’t have any special need to rule others, the only particular benefit is more leisure time. Machines could serve that role much better. I’d rather the world were much, much smarter. I feel like then we could sit down and reason issues out like civilized men. I feel like we could all understand reality a little better, and treat each other better, and treat ourselves better. I’m not happy that nature has dropped the ball and populated the earth with mostly primitive savages and that there is nothing I can do to make them smarter or better (once they are born) because it’s all genetic. How could I be?

The same on a larger scale. Am I glad whites are the best at everything and no one equals us, am I glad the rest of the world is largely a sanctum for the BEAST, a ravening satanic force that unmakes everything it touches and specializes in every living being carrying as much suffering, starvation, disease, stupidity, cruelty, hopelessness and helplessness as it can? No, I’m not glad. I wish all races were free of the horrible fatse they bring upon themselves. I wish they were free of the genes that make them that way. I wish they had the genes that make us like who we are. That’s why I wish the whole world were populated with whites, with genes like ours, so that sort of suffering, that level of misfortune, can’t happen again.

And of course, I am not happy with whites either. It seems to me, we would all be happier if we were elves. Am I happy that there are no elves in the universe to supplant us at the top of the totem pole? Am I glad we have unchallenged mastery of the earth because we are the only half-sane gene combination on earth? No, it’s rather sad. If only elves existed, such flawed, truly wretched beings as the white race would no longer have to carry the burden of our existence. I’ve lived long enough to see that everything about humans, including whites, is so full of evil, that I could wish anyone, anywhere, to replace us, if only they could do better. The cheating, the vulgarity, the needless anger and conflict, the lying, the fickleness, the selfishness, the hypocrisy … how could I be happy that we, we flawed vessels, are the best? Who could be?



Existential Issues

DNA Nations



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Islamist Threat

Anti-white Media Networks






Historical Re-Evaluation

Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

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