Majorityrights Central > Category: Anti-racism

A small bloodbath at The Washington Post

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 21 January 2013 00:23.

Just a quick note to offer my compliments to a Whittaker Task Force that went into action over the last three days at The Washington Post.

Jonathan Capeheart, a black journalist writing for the WP, said he “couldn’t resist clicking” on a link to the Whittaker group’s White House petition to “stop white genocide”.  The petition - one of three on this subject, apparently - is posted at the We The People site.

The petition has twenty more days to achieve its supposed goal of 25,000 signatories.  The present number of signatories is 630.  So, plainly, this is a publicity effort, and Capeheart’s unwitting help is no doubt greatly appreciated.  The interesting thing for me, though, is to see in an American setting the exact same moral and intellectual ownership of the discourse that one observes routinely at the DT.  Since political correctness and anti-racism are so dominant in the Establishment, and have been so ruthlessly and effectively applied to bludgeon the white instinct for racial survival, one would expect a generality of the non-activist public to express shock and distaste at the sight of white people fighting back.  But there is none of that on the WP thread.  Two or three anti-racist activists made attempts to belittle the pro-white advocates, but the quality of their argument was quite wretched.  One even complained of bullying, which is exactly what these creatures have done for the last two decades or more.

Good job, guys.

The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 January 2013 08:55.

Audio Version

....We have now reached a moment at which we can begin to know something of the process of this phony and crooked disease in the pathway we are following. At present, I don’t think there are very many of us. A few thousand maybe. But this is a very extraordinary epoch in which this knowledge is now becoming a part of the thinking of quite a lot of people. Thank god.

    - Gregory Bateson, “Paradigmatic Conservatism.”

I developed this hypothesis, which I call The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement, as an elaboration of Bateson’s Double-Bind hypothesis. I believe that it is at least a component or aspect of what he was talking about in that statement, specifically where he says, “We are beginning to know something of the process of this phony and crooked disease in the pathway we are following” .. he is alluding to a mechanistic process wherein abuse and exploitation under a phony rubric of “teaching” or “lesson giving” facilitate quantification of interests accruing to perpetrators, overcoming the borders and boundaries of the victims while the qualitative, niche ecological differences of victims are ground down, any recourse they might take apparently justifying the abuse.

Bateson culminates his epoch studies with a question, “As teachers, are we wise?”

Didactic Incitement is a predictable strategy of liberal internationalists, taking for granted the legitimacy of their incitement to a phony universal maturity. So long as the contextual force is strong enough to hold in place their interests over the victims, they can apply this for a steady increase and maximization of their interests at the expense of the victims, like stepping on a lever, a mechanism as it were, that continually overcomes their pattern boundaries, has them continually “pay up”, so to speak, their resources and warrant, as it continually reconstructs resource to their position at the continued exploitation, abuse and diminishment of the unfortunately positioned victims who desperately try to protect and conserve their sovereignty and native resource from this abuse.

Bateson added, “the road to hell can be paved with bad intentions as well.”

I propose The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement as a useful elaboration on Bateson’s Double Bind Theory.

The Double Bind proposed by Bateson in “Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia” entails:

1. A preliminary paradoxic injunction such as

“I am a liar”

“Disobey me”

“Be spontaneous!”

2. A prohibition of metacommunication - prohibiting talk about talk that might clarify the confusion, particularly to clarify good will or lack thereof on the relational level of perpetrator and victim.

3. A tertiary re-framing which prevents escape from the circumstance - for example, a child as dependent upon their parents cannot easily escape the field, and is therefore confronted with an intolerable choice between protecting their capacity for sensible judgement or the relationship - as mammals, relationships are profoundly important. And they begin to manifest communological pathologies (in a futile attempt to protect the necessary resource of their faculties, as one cannot not communicate)

There is no apparent way out, as one proves that the cruelty of didactic incitement is justified no matter what recourse is taken…

Didactic Incitement, that is to say abuse under the rubric of teaching, and making one tough, particularly if it is overdone and there is enough contextual force over the victim to keep them from escaping the field, can create a reflexively recursive phenomenon of a pernicious Charmed Loop.

No matter what avenue of escape the victim chooses, they will lose and only add to the warrant of the perpetrator’s recursively accruing interests.



Mulatto Supremacism

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 31 December 2012 11:34.

From the hubris of objectivism to the implicative force of Mulatto Supremacism


Euro-DNA Nations

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 14 July 2012 00:35.

The DNA Nations - 2020 Update

A reading through of this update of a preliminary document of the DNA Nations concept to provide the basic specificatory structure to follow up for those who care for the curation of our diverse kinds of people. While our focus is on European peoples, curation for the preservation of our kinds - genus, species - and potential coordination on the basis of genetics, the concept does not preclude negotiating with mixed kinds, does not prescribe violence, exploitation in any way shape or form and does not preclude non-Europeans from curating their kinds for preservation and working out the means for their coordination with European kinds as well

The DNA Nations - 2020 Update

An implicit union of unions and coalitions thereof based on DNA criteria.

Euro-DNA Nations

James Bowery’s “Laboratory of the States” platform proposes sovereignty through free choice, as people may “vote with their feet” to establish human ecologies through controlled experimentation. The control would be established through freedom from association—that is, the freedom to not associate with others. However, under the current circumstances, efforts to instantiate these deliberately organized “human ecologies” are best conducted in an implicit manner. Indeed, under the circumstances, they must be largely implicit (for example, regarding laws which prohibit realtors from mentioning race to buyers or sellers). Bowery suggests promoting abstract terms such as “our valuation of freedom of choice”. Later, the communities should be able to enforce explicit freedom of and from association.

This freedom from association is corollary to individual freedom of choice and association. Rather than trying to overthrow the the liberal zeitgeist of our epoch, Bowery maintains that we ought to hold liberals to their principles. We will respect and grant their valuation of freedom to go/and or be associated with whom they like and we as European peoples expect the same freedom of choice to go/ and or associate with whom we like.

As far as European Americans and other European diaspora go, Bowery has, since his initial proposal for the laboratory of the states platform, concluded that rather than state-sized units, county-sized political units are more optimal—the sheriff and county being the most viable and manageable scale of organization in defense against the nation-state apparatus in its death throes.

I would argue that the initial state is rather a step toward unionization – a virtual and rules based association, though not made formal as a political action group to begin, just an informal union of unions based on voluntary DNA groupings.
Furthermore, Bowery argues that strong valuation of freedom of choice is a distinctly Western characteristic and therefore precious. I concur. He elaborates farther that it is imperative to maintain the unique human ecologies that evolved with this Western characteristic of individual freedom of choice. I concur as well.

This freely and deliberately chosen state/county human ecology is very different from the deeply situated, naturally evolving human ecologies of Europe and Russia, where our people have evolved over tens of thousands of years in relation to particular habitats. It is surely critical for us to maintain these ecologies as well. We would not want to be without either the freely chosen state/county-sized ecologies of European diaspora derived by choice within a lifespan, nor without the truly deep, historical ecologies of our European and Russian nations. These are both goods that we would want to maintain, and yet they are very different concerns. This focuses WN on the task of coordination.

We wouldn’t really want to give up either, but how to coordinate these two goods? This is where a Euro-DNA-based nation begins to look like a potential means of coordination, allowing for various expressions of our native Europeans while never losing sight of their essence.

There is a third crucial matter to coordinate. If a nation of European descended peoples is to have an economy big enough to fund a space program and other large projects, it is likely to need a size larger than the average state (let alone county) to provide for a sufficient economy; and if, as Conner adds, nations of European peoples are to hold up to the growing power of China, they will need to be large.

Thesis: The Indigenous Euro-DNA Nation would provide a means for coordinating smaller States/Counties, both freely chosen human ecologies and those of deep, historical evolution, while providing the means for pursuing a mutual larger manifestation as well.
Given the anti-White hegemony that European peoples are up against from above, along with the turmoil and throngs of anti-Whites that they are up against on all fronts, an endogenous approach is the most practical for the coordination of European peoples sovereignty.

By endogenous here, we mean from the inside out. That is, in proposing autonomous, sovereign nations of European peoples, we should begin with those who would like to be a part of it first—begin by focusing on what we can do as opposed to what we cannot do. It is endogenous also in that the nation is corporeal, literally of the people—their native European DNA being the prime criterion for inclusion. That would be in contrast, though not in opposition, to other WN nation building efforts using an exogenous (from the outside-in) approach, such as the Northwest Front.

There are clear practical advantages of a native Euro-DNA Nation that begins as a formal declaration of a wish as confirmed by voluntary signatories. Firstly, signing-up would only mean that one is expressing a wish to be a part of sovereignty for European peoples. It does not require relinquishing one’s current citizenship.

Nor does it mean antagonizing non-Europeans. We may extend the DNA Nation concept and its freedom of association to them as well. But just as the conscientious are concerned for the preservation of genus and species, pervasive ecology, so too is it perfectly legitimate to look after our European kind.

For whom it may concern, the indigenous Euro-DNA Nation focuses from the start on our most precious concern, our DNA, while not encumbering us with present obstacles to land-situated nations. The Euro-DNA Nation would be non-situated in the beginning (and to some extent always).

However, DNA without land, without habitat indefinitely, would be problematic for a number of reasons. Therefore, it must be an objective of the Euro-DNA Nation to establish sacrosanct Euro-DNA Nation “lands” eventually; the plurality of lands is a deliberate usage. In fact, more safety and resources would be provided if these lands are non-contiguous and disbursed throughout the world. Naturally, WN would seek to re-establish our traditional territories as European, particularly those in Europe, but would also seek to secure sovereign territory in North America, South America, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. Nevertheless, in not being strictly contingent on obtaining land, the nation is rendered more flexible and more practical so that it can start with land claims of any size, even small claims.

Once coordinated as such, its ultimate viability may strive to cover the largest land-masses possible. Thinking about these issues first as a means of coordination with Bowery’s “Laboratory of the States” platform, and in line with that, the DNA Nation being freely chosen would allow people to select various native European sub-categories (if they match), some distinct, some perhaps blended in various ways and degrees. Considering the problem secondly in terms of how to coordinate WN of in its largest possible size, it also provides a highly practical means to instantiate a goal for protracted expanse, as it is highly flexible in its ability to cover territory.

The DNA Nation is also practical in that it does not require unnecessary risk and engagement on the part of participants. Signing-up does not render one complicit with illegal activity of any kind. It only means an expressed wish for sovereignty from non-native European coercion, and to be with persons of indigenous European extraction.

Separatism is a first step, Separatism is the ultimate aim, and Separatism is always possible.

If you wish to express a wish that you might one day be a part of this union of unions that is the Euro-DNA Nation, you may sign up; and specify particular category/union as you wish. DNA proof will ultimately be required for consideration of membership.

The Native European-DNA Nation sign-up along with its subcategories will be provided.

Note 1: The freedom of and from association promoted by the Laboratory of The States/Counties is conceived by Bowery to be an implicit choice. In his estimation, explicit Whiteness does not work. Taking the example of the draconian legal constraints placed on American realtors regarding the mere mention of race to buyers or sellers provides a salient example of how hazardous explicitness can be. However, the explicitness of the DNA registry does not contradict the implicitness strategy due to its being voluntary and not representing a legal status, but rather an expression of a wish. Discretion is nonetheless advised.

Daniel Sienkiewicz


If you can’t beat them, threaten them with Plod

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 29 June 2012 23:19.

In the ongoing war of words on the website of the only national daily where some semblance of free speech exists, the poor, benighted anti-racist fraternity, that blight on light of humanity and hope of all who desire a world without white people injustice, has devised a new response to the foul, horrid, nasty, articulate, winning, emotionally-whole racists and haters who have dominated everyone are abominated by everyone.  They’ve discovered the Public Order Act, 1986.

Here’s a few, rather disembodied samples of the fine use to which they are threatening to put it, all from the same DT thread titled Hispanics: the rising power in the United States

Yesterday 11:39 AM

 Hispanics are white
And as a holocaust denier and advocate of ethnic cleansing you don’t really have any credibility to comment
you may feel you are being satirical, sorry the courts don’t recognise satiical advocates of racial violence.

Yesterday 10:46 AM

 To advocate ethnic cleansing is against the law full stop.
So is genocide.
You may think this is wit, the courts have decided otherwise
You will end up being reported and arrested.
I urge you to stop posting, the moderators may be compelled to hand over your details such as they are.

Yesterday 11:11 AM

 I strongly advise youto stop posting.  Blog posts can be used as evidence.
You have advocated ethnic cleansing of Europe’s jewish people.
This is beyond incitement.  May I remind you what happened to David Irving?

Yesterday 12:35 PM

 Sorry no, anti-racist is what it says, an equal acceptance of people regardless of their skin colour. To say otherwise is a lie.
Of course you can decry a murderer or thief regardless of their race and should do so.
I feel that you are rapidly approaching the point where you can be prosecuted under section 18 of the Public Order act 1986.

Yesterday 02:03 PM

I have repeatedly expressed concern on this site that the Telegraph does an unacceptably poor job of enforcing its own moderation policy. There is material posted on this thread which is truly sickening. Repeatedly, we have been subjected to crude and hysterical racism - including holocaust denial - which would debase the reputation of the back of a toilet door, never mind a supposedly credible national newspaper.
Apart from anything else, much of what has been spewed out below is very probably illegal, and it is to be expected that the Telegraph would be anxious to take such steps required to prevent its own prosecution.
If this newspaper really wishes to be taken seriously by anyone other than a rabble of adolescent hooligans it desperately needs to get a grip.

1 day ago

I have made the same point myself Tim many times.  Sometimes my comments have then been deleted whilst comments quite openly advocating genocide, discrimination and general levels of violence and thuggery have been allowed to stand unchallenged by moderators.  I do wonder just what sort of editorial policy the DT secretly has and just why this contemptible, reprehensible filth is permitted

1 day ago

Reading the posts would do it.

Of course we could turn it over to the police and let them sort it out if you prefer?

1 day ago

Silence you, rubbish. Just making people aware of the trouble their ranting could get them into if they break the law. The law has been around for over 25 years now of course.

The Act, by the way, sets a reasonably high bar to prosecution.  The Crown must be able to demonstrate not only the presence of language that might be threatening, abusive or insulting, but that racial hatred has been stirred up by same.  There has to be a linkage.  Further, Section 18 states:

A person who is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred is not guilty of an offence under this section if he did not intend his words or behaviour, or the written material, to be, and was not aware that it might be, threatening, abusive or insulting.

It is not easy to manufacture an intention to stir up racial hatred from an articulate presentation of the morality of survival.

Now Dan can come along and tell me that it is!

Betrayal, Lawrence, and the English working-class

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 00:36.

Earlier today I came across this video at BDF posted by Chuffer, a good, reliable nationalist and ex-BNP member, and a regular participant in the BDF bear-pit.  The theme of injustice and betrayal is not new to us, of course, though it is certainly a pleasure to see it so well structured.  But the street interview section is important, and especially refreshing to see.  There are the authentic voices of the English working-class who have been been subjected to eighteen years of relentless Lawrence propaganda.  And they know it.

Still, one wonders why they exhibit such a resigned attitude, and not more fight.  Then one remembers how deserted these people are.  Not the politicians, not the press, not the Church, not the schools, not the law ... no part of civil society spares them a word of acknowledgement.  It truly is the most complete betrayal imaginable.  And yet, as this video shows, the Lawrence propaganda almost certainly now exercises more influence over the minds of the traitors than it does the betrayed.

Another straw in the wind

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 22 December 2011 01:57.

A few weeks ago Luis Suarez, a Uruguayan footballer currently overpaid by Liverpool Football Club, thoughtfully provided anti-white activists everywhere with a golden opportunity to jump up and down about “racism”.  He said the word “black” in his own language to Patrice Evra, an African footballer currently over-paid by Manchester United.  Evra is known for playing the race card from time to time, and he duly obliged.

The result for Suarez, perhaps inevitable given the Football Association’s keen desire to demonstrate its anti-racist credentials to the world, was an 8-game suspension and £40,000 fine.

This was not expected for so slight an incursion of orthodox speech requirements.  There is dissent, particularly from the direction of Liverpool

In a hard-hitting statement released in the wake of the ruling by a three-man commission, Liverpool made a set of claims that they believed showed that the judgement of the three-man commission, and conduct of the FA, was flawed. It amounted to one of the most strident attacks on the governing body by a member club in recent years and puts the two organisations at loggerheads.

In a series of criticisms – some aimed at the three-man commission of Paul Goulding QC, Denis Smith and Brian Jones – the club claimed that Suarez’s fate had effectively been decided before he was even first interviewed about the events of the home game against Manchester United on 15 October.

The club said: “The FA was determined to bring charges against Luis Suarez, even before interviewing him at the beginning of November.”

The Telegraph has run a reader poll today.  The current vote total stands at 13,278 of whom 48.72% declare the FA’s verdict “completely wrong” and a further 18.65% “too harsh”.

That’s a good enough sample size to suggest that such sentiment must extend well beyond the “right-wing” Telegraph readers.

Meanwhile, the paper’s editors were forced to close the Suarez-related comment threads as the anti-anti-racist commentary flowed.  They completely disappeared the thread to one new article with just a dozen comments posted, suggesting a certain desperation.  We are at a point where anti-racism holds sway as never before across the Establishment.  But it is also now losing its intimidatory power over the white masses.

The dissonance ought to grow quite naturally.  But, unfortunately, another footballer - the England captain, no less - has transgressed against orthodoxy much more spectacularly than Suarez.  That will certainly set back the prospects for undermining anti-racism in England.  It is difficult, though, to see how the English public - not a stranger to contempt for authority - can be held in check by anti-racism forever.

Trials or political trials?

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 01:25.

Anders Behring Breivik appeared before the Oslo City Court today.  He was remanded by District Court Judge Thorkell Nesheim for a further twelve weeks, for the first four of which he will continue to be disallowed newspapers or television, and for eight weeks he will be prohibited visits.

The police had sought tougher conditions, including a twelve week ban on letters (of which he has been receiving many, including some which are threatening).

The Daily Telegraph reported:

Anne Leer, a journalist in court, said Breivik looked his victims straight in the eye when he entered the court.

“I am a military commander in the Norwegian resistance movement and Knights Templar Norway,” Breivik said in a low and controlled voice. “Regarding the competence (of the court), I object to it because you received your mandate from organisations that support hate ideology (and) because it supports multiculturalism.”

It is still not established that Breivik can be held criminally responsible for the bombing in Oslo and the massacre at the Labour Youth League summer camp on Utøya.  If a psychiatric examination confirms that, his trial should begin on April 16.

The police investigation, meanwhile is scheduled to conclude in February.  No evidence of accomplices has been found.  The principle line of investigation, however, is into the question of radicalisation.  The police are interested in what happened in the period from 2002, when Breivik was “knighted”, to 2009, when he started planning the bombing.

Now, this assumption that the forms of dissent Breivik encountered are “radicalising” is very liberal-centric.  Breivik made the point in court that he admits his actions but does not take responsibility for them, that responsibility belonging to the elites who have visited multiracialism and its attendant “hate ideology” on Norway and Norwegians.  What, after all, could be more radical than the race-replacement of a European people with Africans and Asians - a process driven by a morally insular and socially insulated elite whose own familial future consists, apparently, in training their children to carry on their “work”?

Without this unparalleled extremism in Norwegian political life, Breivik would never have conceived the balancing idea that the elites were at war with Norway, that they saw the heirs to the cause in their own children, that the terrible costs they incurred on Norwegians were not paid by them, and bringing those costs home in the most brutal and absolute way was the logical response.

Obviously, the police are not going to stray from their liberal-centric mentality.  So they will look determinedly at Breivik’s online life and at his travels aboad for the mysterious “radicalisation”, making him a victim of some evil “out there” rather than the self-actualised historical fulcrum which he imagines himself to be.

Meanwhile in London the latest twist in the story of Stephen Lawrence has finally come before Mr Justice Treacy at the Old Bailey.  We now await details of the new forensic evidence which, it seems, places David Norris and Garry Dobson at the scene of the crime in 1993.  ITV News mentioned that the defence rejects this evidence vigorously, which makes one wonder whether it is as robust as the race industry would like.

And that, really, is what this trial is about now: the blind, implacable will of the race industry to finally justify all the millions of words written and spoken in the anti-white war it has generated over this death.  Norris and Dobson are doubtless not the most appealing white men one might meet, and the Metropolitan Police were a dubious bunch before the anti-racist disease ever caught hold.  But on to these slender foundations the moral worth of the English people was somehow manoeuvred, along with the proposition that only a repentance from our “racism” and a committment to “diversity” would make us fit for the modern age.

Frankly, I hope the new evidence is very weak, cross-contamination all too likely, and the jury are unable to convict.

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Of Note


Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:09. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 01:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 22:56. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 09:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Wed, 31 Jul 2024 06:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 22:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Mon, 29 Jul 2024 12:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'An educated Russian man in the street says his piece' on Fri, 26 Jul 2024 13:37. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 14:11. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 05:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 04:20. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 03:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 02:01. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 01:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 00:10. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 23:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 22:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 21 Jul 2024 04:35. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 11:14. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:55. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:39. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 19 Jul 2024 18:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Thu, 18 Jul 2024 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 23:03. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Mon, 15 Jul 2024 10:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 14:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 13:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 07:15. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sun, 14 Jul 2024 06:56. (View)

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