A letter to the editor of the Observer

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 09 June 2008 22:44.

By Bo Sears

Yesterday the Observer, which is the Guardian in its Sunday best, published an article about Obama and white America by the journalist Paul Harris “in Williamson, West Virginia”.  Mr Harris saw ugliness everywhere he looked in Williamson.

Johnny Telvor was not happy about Barack Obama becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. Not happy at all.

... ‘We’ll end up slaves. We’ll be made slaves just like they was once slaves,’ he said. Telvor, a white Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton in West Virginia’s primary, said he planned to vote for Republican John McCain in November. ‘At least he’s an American,’ he added with a disarmingly friendly smile.

Such racist opinions are a rough antidote to the giddy optimism that has swept through much of America’s chattering classes over the past week ... The United States, they have argued, is finally prepared to elect a black president and absolve its historic sins of slavery and Jim Crow. But the uglier truth is that part of white America remains secretly - or sometimes openly - deeply distrustful of the idea of a black president.

... Was there anything Obama could say during the coming campaign to convince him? ‘Nope,’ Spence replied. Then he broached the one issue many Americans consider off-limits: the potential security threat to Obama. ‘Look, someone will kill him. Whoever Obama picks as running mate will end up being president.’  Spence’s ready smile and chatty manner on the thorny issue of Obama’s possible murder gave little clue as to whether he thought it would be a bad thing or not.

Often such sentiments are dismissed as the ramblings of a few diehards, carrying with them the prejudices of a by-gone age.

... Stanley Little laughed when asked if he could support Obama. ‘I will vote for McCain,’ he said. Little, a maintenance man for local offices, had one simple reason why he too was rejecting his long family history of voting Democrat. ‘McCain is one of us. Obama ain’t,’ he said, leaving little doubt as to who he meant by ‘us’.

... In exit polls of the recent primaries in Kentucky and West Virginia, one in five Democrats confessed to pollsters that race was a factor in their voting choice. ‘West Virginia and Kentucky were just more honest than other parts of the country. A lot of other people know it’s not socially acceptable to mention that sort of thing,’ said Professor Andra Gillespie, a political scientist at Emory University and expert on racial politics.

... Gillespie points out that recent studies have shown that white voters in US cities that have elected a black mayor for the first time prove far more willing to elect one for a second term. ‘They realise the sky has not fallen in. That life went on,’ Gillespie joked. If Obama does win the White House, that experience could be repeated on a national scale for all Americans. Few things could be more important in finally drawing the poison of racism out of American life.

But behind such optimism, another America looms. It is an America far from the headlines that have proclaimed Obama’s candidacy a revolution that will atone for a race-tinged history. This is the America where outrageous rumours that Obama is a Muslim are readily believed. It is the America where Telvor is able to voice a sentiment that ‘Obama might actually be the antichrist’ without apparent irony or fear of contradiction. It is a slice of America trapped in the dreadful history of race relations and the legacy of slavery and segregation.

On the streets of towns such as Pikeville and Williamson, and in the minds of people like Little and Telvor, that past lives on. It is kept in the present by poverty, joblessness and a fear of the different. It is also a powerful force that should not be underestimated. It could even decide who will be the next President. ‘McCain will beat Obama. There’s a lot of Democrats around here that will be switching side to vote for him,’ Little said. Behind him a white-washed message in the closed Obama Pikeville office read: ‘Vote Obama 08: change!’ In the brutal summer heat it seemed a forlorn hope. It was asking for the overthrow of generations of entrenched prejudice.

In answer to this entrenched anti-white prejudice Resisting Defamation mailed the following letter to The Observer:-

Dear Editors:

Please communicate this message to Paul Harris in Williamson, West Virginia regarding his defamatory article in The Observer today about people choosing not to support US Senator Barack Obama. Here’s why our group’s members in California will oppose US Senator Barack Obama.

1) He has made it very clear that “acting white” is something hateful, and his use of the phrase denies the wonderful diversity of the white American peoples. He started using the “acting white” hate phrase in 2004 and has never apologized.

2) In March 2008, he gave us two more insights into his mind. One is his belief that the diverse white Americans have only one emotion, i.e., “white resentment.” But we enjoy, we pity, we suffer, we ache, we rejoice over a new infant, we have plenty of emotions. Obama needs to get out more and discover that white Americans have more than one note to our emotional life. He has never retracted his hate label.

3) He then gave us “typical white person” the day after he gave us “white resentment.” In American politics, his vocabulary is clearly not up to the duties of his office if he believes that there is such a thing as “typical white person.” And of course, no apologies were forthcoming.

Imagine a white American candidate uttering “acting brown” or “yellow resentment” or “typical black person.” These would not be viewed as slips, they are demeaning epithets. We can only hope that these quotes will not be disappeared down the memory hole as Paul Harris seems to want, and that they will play as big a role in the election as they would were similar demeaning epithets uttered by McCain.

Bo Sears

Tags: Journalism



Posted by GT on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:15 | #

... Gillespie points out that recent studies have shown that white voters in US cities that have elected a black mayor for the first time prove far more willing to elect one for a second term. ‘They realise the sky has not fallen in. That life went on,’ Gillespie joked. If Obama does win the White House, that experience could be repeated on a national scale for all Americans.

Gillespie is right.  Americans – including faux racialists – are into easy money and social approval.  A Europid-administered Obama presidency will do nothing more than re-enthrone the old faileo-conservative GOP leadership as the timid, “Loyal Opposition.”  I can’t think of a better way to rally Bear Stearns investors and Limbaughtomized fundamentalists under the false opposition of the GOP and prolong a genuine “White awakening” than to elect an Obama Administration in 2009.


Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:55 | #

I am getting sick of this “Is racist White America ready for a Black Male President?” ,“I don’t think it is!” I believe the media continues using this phrase, merely to cover up for Obama’s deficiencies! Disregarding his race, I know people more qualified for the job. Obama is a puppet ready for the establishment to use, starting with his inauguration. (He wouldn’t be here without his race, his charisma, excessive media bias, and/or help from the “big dogs,” who will want compensation). He is a mere product, primarily to White women and spineless White men.

Once he gets elected, the media is going to use him as a sex symbol, to White women! This will be the pretense for coercing as many attractive White women as possible, into fornicating, marrying, and procreating with even the lowest Jamal! : (

Mr. Paul Harris’s article is quite slanted. He shows how deluded White racial “liberals” are. He is not thinking properly, and he has a different mindset. Views are largely influenced by framing. (I am an otherwise racial liberal, but I am concerned with race-mixing and demographic absorption. I support equal rights for all, but I realize you may have to make a sacrifice somewhere, to ensure White descendents).


Posted by GT on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 08:13 | #

... Stanley Little laughed when asked if he could support Obama. ‘I will vote for McCain,’ he said. Little, a maintenance man for local offices, had one simple reason why he too was rejecting his long family history of voting Democrat. ‘McCain is one of us. Obama ain’t,’ he said, leaving little doubt as to who he meant by ‘us’.

Stanley Little is the type of man the GOP should have represented since the mid-1950’s - if not before - but he’s a “maintenance man” and that meant he was expendable.  Throughout life Stanley has had two choices: a) vote against the easy money interests of the speculating kinsmen who betrayed him or b) not vote at all.  Understandably, he chose the former.  With Obama’s candidacy Stanley will vote for McCain because he’s operating under the delusion that “if we don’t hang together we will all hang separately.”  Unfortunately his racial loyalty is one-way.  What Stanley Little fails to realize is that Obama is nothing more than the mulatto face of monetarist Europids and jews of “liberal” persuasion. 

Obama will make infuriating statements, but this will only rally the “loyal opposition” of timidly “outraged” faileocons and Limbaughtomized xtians.  Infuriating actions will also be taken by Obama, but only individuals and marginalized segments of the Europid population will be adversely affected.  For that subset of our people I call H. Monetarist, life in Amerikwa will go on much as it has.  Obama’s first term, assuming he wins, will be good for “white nationalist” book clubs and cult leaders.  Donations will increase and our “strategic thinkers” will interpret that as “proof” that easy online racialism is bearing fruit.  One way or the other, all of that will subside by Obama’s second term.  Count on it. 

Our people’s awakening depends upon alternate economics, local politics in the countryside and suburbia, and the destruction of the Republican Party.  Insane McCain is the facilitator.  Vote for McCain.


Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 09:58 | #

Being from Appalachia I have to say find the article rather amusing. I like it so much I might print it off and frame it.  Not because I see it as a ridiculous attack upon Appalachia but rather because the writer of the the article (like others I’ve noticed lately) is actually trying to deny that Whites are all racists by blaming “poverty” for rural Whites not taking to Obama.

This is warped liberal hypocrisy cranked up to 11!
For years they have been headlining articles claiming that all White people are racist, despite protesting claims to the contrary. Now, going 180, they are insisting that all White people are not racist, just the frustrated poor and disenfranchised who, once they feel the light of economic liberation, will come around and embrace their new destiny in the racially harmonious America of the 21st Century.

The White liberal media is so worked up over Obama that they are apparently trying to convince themselves that everyone, other Whites included, must love Obama as much as they do. So when they come across Whites who express contrary sentiments, they are now forced to explain it away, not as some ingrained deep-rooted prejudice, but rather as the foibles of their abused and bemused second class brethren.

At this rate I half expect to see editorials directly addressed to White America titled, ‘Dammit, You’re Not Racist! Now vote Obama!’...


Posted by Laurel Loflund on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 03:02 | #

There is so much wishful thinking going on in the ranks of Obama fandom! It would appear that they believe that just by electing someone of mixed race, all racial conflict in the United States would disappear like the June gloom in California, always gone by noon.

The races are uncomfortable with each other, to say the least. That much is true. Whether they could possibly become buddy-buddy after a symbolic gesture, such as the election of a mixed-race President, is very much moot.

God bless,


Posted by .357 on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 14:26 | #

If the ‘ever so popular’ B. Hussein O. becomes president, we will be fed a daily dose of propaganda telling us how racist we are. The tempo of anti-white rhetoric will be kicked-up to a fevered frenzy.  Even if one utters the slightest hint of B. Hussein’s incompetence, she/he will be attacked with unmerciful charges of racism ... then subsequently labled as such, which will invariably lead to their reputations’ and careers’ being destroyed. The First Amendment to the Constitution will be defiled. “Free speech” will be redefined to mean: approved speech. The ‘Fairness Doctrine’ will be enacted; that will mark the end to right-wing talk-radio. Two or three more, Ruth “Buzzy” Ginsberg types, will be appointed to the Supreme Court—GHASTLY!!! The government’s media and education-complex will enforce the Orwellian speech codes.

Who ever said: “It can’t happen here”? Yes: “The Cold War” IS over” ...  but which side acually won?


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 15:05 | #

The old Cold War may be over.  But with an Obama regime firmly ensconced in DC, and anti-white persecuation and oppression the law of the land, a new hot war is just about to start. It will take very little ‘publicity,’ if you will, to escalate the situation and alert our fellow whites.  Things are going to get very interesting.


Posted by .357 on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 22:34 | #

“Things are going to get very interesting.”

I’m not going to count on the masses of whites to suddenly wake up and start fighting back if Obama captures the White House. The most practical option is to make sure the Mau Mau Maoist (Obama) isn’t elected. Even if we have to support McCain, it’s better than the alternative.

Many ,including myself, want to punish the Republicans. They certainly deserve it! There are too many liberals in the GOP.  But it seems to me, standing by and allowing a black socialist to get elected president for the expressed purpose of punishing the GOP is a fool’s strategy. I don’t buy into the “worse is better” BS. That type of logic is utterly absurd.

Unfortunately, until a viable right-wing third party comes along, the GOP is our best choice given the bad options.

When it comes to WN issues, McCain is only contemptible…B. Hussein & Michelle are abominable.


Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 23:06 | #

I’m one of those who wants things to deteriorate even further.  I don’t want to punish the GOP; I want to annihilate it. It will be replaced with something else. It won’t require the masses to take power, as current events here and in Britain and Europe are demonstrating.


Posted by .357 on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 00:41 | #

“It won’t require the masses to take power, as current events here and in Britain and Europe are demonstrating.”

Of course you ARE referring to the demonstration of Jewish power, right?


Posted by EA Steve on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:31 | #

I agree with GT and .357, on the presidential race. Support John McCain! I hate this move, but he is the better option. Here are the two scenarios:

Obama wins; he is made into a sex symbol for attractive White women! Obama will be seen in every doo rag wearing Jamal. Now, the White women can’t have sexual intercourse with Obama, directly. But they can indirectly, with the closest negro. The same applies to marriage. But it doesn’t end here! Obama is doing poorly in hiding his efforts to form a Black-Brown coalition against Whites. He is apparently trying to get all of the foreign races to gain up on “Whitey.” I think he will actually succeed (at least partially), if elected; support from New Mexican Governor Bill Richardson should be an indicator. Most Whites also won’t be able to get beyond his election. How can “liberal” Whites fight against people in the image of the “great President Barak Hussein Obama?” Many Whites will be emotionally unable to hurt the feelings of anybody remotely in Obama’s image. Whites will be more reluctant to fight for self-preservation, even when foreign races are about to slit their throats. The GOP will have a false but set to lose reorganization to survive a little longer, while it becomes even more racially “liberal.”

McCain wins, and White conservatives (especially those on the religious right) are ambivalent. They are just happy Israel is safe and we have somebody to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons. However, the ‘honeymoon’ won’t last long! Moderates will be unhappy with McCain’s warmongering and pandering to the Pat Robertson crowd. The Religious Right will be angry with his support of stem-cell research. Traditional conservatives will be upset with his views on illegal immigration. Fiscal Conservatives and pro-spending moderates and fiscal conservatives will nit-pick McCain’s fiscal policy (which will hurt him on both sides). Result: Schism, especially with the predicament of major recessions and rising gas prices! I think we will first see the Republican party officially (and permanently?) become weaker than the Democratic Party. Former Republicans will Join the Independence Party. This will consist mostly of moderates, pro-spenders, and anti-war activists who don’t want to become too “liberal,” by joining the Democratic Party.  Moderate Democrats will eventually join, also. The Religious Right will also form an evangelical party which will take more Republicans. The fifth party will be akin to the American Nationalist Party, but transcending race, initially. It will consist of Republicans and Democrats angry at the two major parties for not ending illegal immigration, limiting legal immigration, and/or looking out for American interests (This is where ‘citizenism’ can start). The White working class and truly environmentally aware will start to join.

With the latter scenario, I also predict, the Religious Right Party will start to decline to ‘token’ status. Both major parties (especially the Republican) shrink. The Independence Party and American Nationalist Party grow; the latter loses members, as racial conflict makes things more racially oriented.  Non-Whites leave for the Democratic Party, and the ANP takes newly pro-White Whites (former multi-racialists). The GOP will become a pro-war, bigger Libertarian Party as eventually number 4. The ANP will eventually become second, only with well planned and proper organization. Leading parties will be 1. Democratic: offiically anti-White and even anti-Christian (to an extent, for the latter). 2. ANP: openly pro-White and traditional values. 3. possibly Independence Party with Moderates who want to ignore race. 4. GOP: supportive of a strong police state (?), “ignores” race, and opposes regulations of corporations.

I am not saying this would happen, as it is all speculative. However, this is not an unlikely scenario, if McCain wins. And this would be good. The fake “pro-White” GOP is broken up; and yes we will never have rule of majority on our side again, in politics. We can’t take back our whole country, but at least we could have something to work with and a bargaining chip, to ensure European American survival.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 04:40 | #

My fear is that if McCain is elected President he will pussy whip the rest of the Republicans into voting for amnesty.  If Obama is elected President and the Democrats attempt to grant amnesty again I believe the Republicans will oppose it if for no other reason than to define themselves in opposition to it. 

As for the “worse is better” scenario not awakening more of our people:  perhaps it does not turn them into hardcare ideological WNs but the influx of mestizoes and the resultant third-worldization of especially the southwest, but it certainly is opening the eyes of more White people every day.

If more of our people are not becoming awake what then how does one account for the Minute Men?  They were not around five years ago.  Granted that they are not explicitly racialist but implicitly I think that they are beyond a doubt.

The worse things get the more White people wake up.  How can this be in doubt?


Posted by .357 on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 15:08 | #

“The worse things get the more White people wake up.  How can this be in doubt?”

In the here and now, most college educated whites are too brainwashed to wake up. They’re liberal beyond words or hope.


The demographic writing is on the wall. The “browning of America” is causing the GOP (the stupid party) and the Dems (the Dumb-ASS party) to compete for the Negro, Hispanic and Asian votes. Whites are taken for grated. Since the 1960’s, working-class-whites have been treated as second class citizens yet they’re falling into a deeper slumber/denial. Go figure??? Even in the face of an ongoing massive Mexican invasion whites are dreaming on! The very fact that McAmnesty and B.Hussien have been selected by the electorate is proof the majority of whites are dangerously ignorant.

The following video (from Numbers USA) puts the non-white demographic problem in perspective:



Posted by GT on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 16:46 | #

Through the years I’ve encountered many people who are ‘awake’ in the sense that they know something is wrong and that Africans and Hispanicized Indians aren’t the greatest people to have living next door.  Their limited knowledge of these matters was gained experientially, long before the Internet.  In recent years some with Internet access have made statements that originated from websites like this one:  “FDR provoked the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” for example, or “Germany warned ‘them’ not to sail the Lusitania.”  However, when asked what to do about the problems most will shrug and reply, “What can we do?”  A few will say something along the lines of, “The country is screwed.  There’s nothing we can do but make the best of it.”  The problem is not wakefulness so much as it is the question of what to do.


Posted by .357 on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 19:12 | #

“The problem is not wakefulness so much as it is the question of what to do.”

Maybe we should learn from the blacks and do as they do. Afterall, they voted for their guy in a ratio greater than 9:1. If “stupid is as stupid does,” then blacks are proving by their actions that they’re much smarter than we are.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 20:36 | #

Well, who ever gets elected President, our main task is still to forestall ANY type of amnesty for illegal aliens.  A nice side bonus would be to avoid giving the jews their next war in the Middle East with Iran. 

If we can just keep pushing amnesty down the road individual states can crack down on employment and educational and social services for illegal aliens, as more are starting to do; if they can’t get any of the White man’s goodies they will leave (hopefully).


Posted by John on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 22:59 | #

Maybe we should learn from the blacks and do as they do. Afterall, they voted for their guy in a ratio greater than 9:1. If “stupid is as stupid does,” then blacks are proving by their actions that they’re much smarter than we are.

They are just as stupid (in that sense) as we are. Obama’s not “their guy” (hell, he’s not even really “black”). If he gets into power, whatever he does, their problems will continue to get worse just as ours will. Obama is in the elites’ back pocket. Ordinary black people are secondarily important.

Despite racial integration, the war on poverty, affirmative action, etc., black people in America are doing far worse now than they were in the 1950s. The intended effect of these things is not really to help them.


Posted by .357 on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 00:02 | #

“Despite racial integration, the war on poverty, affirmative action, etc., black people in America are doing far worse now than they were in the 1950s. The intended effect of these things is not really to help them.”—John

I respectfully disagree. To say: “the intended effect of those things is really not to help them,” is a complete inversion of reality!

Racial integration, the war on poverty, affirmative action, government jobs, government set-asides, etc., are precisely the reason for the rise of the black middle class. By just about every quantifiable and qualitative measure, blacks are doing exponentially better than they were in the 1950’s. BUT FOR THE MOST PART, THEY"RE DOING IT AT THE EXPENCE OF WHITES! Remove all those government enforced programs and 75% of the black middle-class would disappear within a year’s time.

The only area that blacks are doing worse NOW than in the 1950’s, is the area of morality. But so are whites. The white underclass is growing quickly too. Actually, gross immorality is spreading throughout all socioeconomic classes…thanks to the triumph of modern-liberalism over traditional Western values.


Posted by GT on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:57 | #

Puppets Obama and McCain exist to perpetuate the democratic illusion and legitimize the elite.  There are two reasons to support McCain:

1.  From a non-reciprocated sense of racial loyalty.
2.  To promote jewish overconfidence and the destruction of the Republican Party.

The first means we’re like Stanley Little, who buys the democratic illusion.  The second means we recognize the con and are open to alternate possibilities.


Incidentally, let’s look at McCain’s Navy career.

He was a Commander, pay grade O-5, for six years.  He attended the National War College and commanded Attack Squadron VA-174.  Those ticket punches, plus his family’s Navy background, public POW record, and truckloads of medals should have made an early, below zone promotion to Captain, O-6, automatic for him.  It didn’t happen that fast.  When McCain was finally picked for Captain he was in his last year of in-zone consideration or in the above-zone.  Therefore I doubt he would have been picked up for Rear Admiral, O-7, despite what he says now.  Future Admirals don’t take that long to make Captain.

There’s an underlying reason the Navy stalled McCain’s promotion to Captain and it was something written.  Centralized promotion boards select personnel files, not people.  Someone sank him with a really bad Officer Evaluation Record *after* Vietnam or he was in an administrative, non-promotable status for a time.  Those are the only explanations I can think of.  Too bad his efficiency reports weren’t included in this Navy pdf. 

In McCain’s situation a bad OER would have needed behind the scenes, four star officer approval.  Alcoholism, moral turpitude, or both are two major reasons I can think of.  Another reason could be that he actually was under investigation for collaboration with the North Vietnamese Army and was held in an administrative, non-promotable status during that investigation.  Although open to surprises I think collaboration with the NVA would have sunk McCain’s military and political career.  More likely ‘moral turpitude’ was at the base of his stalled promotion.


Posted by John on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:46 | #

I respectfully disagree. To say: “the intended effect of those things is really not to help them,” is a complete inversion of reality!

Racial integration, the war on poverty, affirmative action, government jobs, government set-asides, etc., are precisely the reason for the rise of the black middle class. By just about every quantifiable and qualitative measure, blacks are doing exponentially better than they were in the 1950’s.

Which measures specifically and what were the values then and now?


Black people took care of themselves much better before integration the increase of the welfare state. Most of the gov’t programs are aimed at the poorest blacks. Their intended effect is to foster dependency and perpetuate problems which increase bureaucrats’ and experts’ power at the expense of everybody. Integration has failed both black people and white people culturally, economically, educationally and in every other way.

Remove all those government enforced programs and 75% of the black middle-class would disappear within a year’s time.

That some few talented blacks have been able to take advantage of set-asides and raise their level doesn’t refute this.


Posted by .357 on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 15:04 | #

John: “Black people took care of themselves much better before integration the increase of the welfare state.”

Agreed. Blacks took better care of themselves out of sheer necessity. The welfare-state came along and removed their sense of personal responsibility. In effect, the welfare-state allows blacks to behave in the way their lazy-nature leads them. Before segregation, black owed bussiness flourished in black communities. As soon as segregation became illegal, a funny thing happened… blacks no longer patronized black owned businesses! Hence, black owned businesses are scarce. Why do you think that happened?

John: “Their intended effect is to foster dependency and perpetuate problems which increase bureaucrats’ and experts’ power at the expense of everybody.”

Wrong! The intended effect was to lift people out of poverty. The unintended consequence was to increase blacks’ dependency on the government. That’s what we get for allowing liberals to take over and manage government funded social services. Of course the bureaucrats, phony-experts, and leftist-politicians do everything in their power to perpetuate and increase the welfare-state. That’s their bread and butter!

What we now have in America are three classes of voters:  tax payers, tax consumers, and those who confiscate wealth from the tax payers and redistribute it to the tax consumers. The problem is the tax consumers are starting to outnumber the tax payers at the ballot box.

John: “Integration has failed both black people and white people culturally, economically, educationally and in every other way.”

Integration has destroyed white communities everywhere it occurs. Most whites want to segregate. Most blacks want to integrate. The mentally ill liberals that control our government tell us we MUST integrate. Whites are living under tyranny!


Posted by John on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 17:03 | #

John: “Their intended effect is to foster dependency and perpetuate problems which increase bureaucrats’ and experts’ power at the expense of everybody.”

Wrong! The intended effect was to lift people out of poverty. The unintended consequence was to increase blacks’ dependency on the government.

I’m more cynical and conspiratorial than you. I’ll agree to disagree with you there.

Integration has destroyed white communities everywhere it occurs.

No disagreement there.

Most whites want to segregate. Most blacks want to integrate. The mentally ill liberals…

“Mental illness” is a communist concept that we did just fine for many centuries without. It is far more dangerous than useful to us (NWO fighters in general, and especially WNs/Nordicists, etc.)

...that control our government tell us we MUST integrate. Whites are living under tyranny!

Some don’t want to integrate. And it doesn’t matter what they want, anyway (except politically). It’s debatable whether integration has been good or bad for blacks. Some educators actually want to re-segregate secondary school students. The elites’ intentions, imo, are against their enemies: working/middle class white people—not for black people. Blacks (and Arabs/Muslims in Europe are use as cats’ paws against us. They will be abandoned and liquidated when they have done their job.


Posted by GT on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 17:26 | #

Good intentions – particularly, concern for the well-being of blue gums – had/has nothing to do with expanding welfare services.  People buying that line are usually politically naïve or befuddled by ideology.  The enemy and his sycophants are evil.  Politics is low-intensity warfare.  The intent behind the social pricing (extortion) of American Europids was/is to bleed them continuously and create the sociopolitical divisions necessary for gaining and maintaining power. 


Bo Sears,

Imagine a white American candidate uttering “acting brown” or “yellow resentment” or “typical black person.” These would not be viewed as slips, they are demeaning epithets. We can only hope that these quotes will not be disappeared down the memory hole as Paul Harris seems to want, and that they will play as big a role in the election as they would were similar demeaning epithets uttered by McCain.

Remember Dole, Bob Dole’s candidacy for President?  Remember the fuss raised by Dole, Limbaugh, and Falwell over the content of rap lyrics?  That was over sexual slang.  Republicans studiously avoided all mention of the “hate whitey” content.  Look for a repeat.  Furthermore, should Obama and Harris be called on the double standard, they’ll justify it from the angle that “Whites have power.”  Passive-aggression has its applications, but what we really need are terms to counter “racist,” “anti-Semite,” and “hater.”


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 18:10 | #

One of my key concerns is that if McCain gets elected he will give the jews their war with Iran.  Of course Obama, assuming he is sincere in his groveling to AIPAC, could very well do the same.  Also amnesty for illegal aliens as I mentioned above is of concern to me.

As for the psychological/sociological effects of an Obama vs. McCain Presidency on the White masses I just don’t know.  The fueling of White racial consciousness among White people could either be helped or hindered by both a McCain or an Obama Presidency.

Here is my logic:  If worse truly is not better when it comes to igniting White racial consciousness among our people then it seems to me that we should be primarily concerned with hunkering down and slowly building parallel systems for the needs of our people (as GT suggests), AND avoiding catastrophic damage to the interests of our people the likes of which would be brought on by amnesty for illegals and protracted Middle Eastern wars.

On the other hand, if worse really is better, and therein lies the only true hope of saving our people long term, perhaps we should be cheering on those who would grant amnesty to illegals and would engage in unlimited military adventurism.


Posted by badger on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 18:51 | #

“Worse is better”


Posted by .357 on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 19:27 | #

“I’m more cynical and conspiratorial than you.”

LOL. Don’t be too sure about that, John. grin


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 02:45 | #

“Worse is better” is not a universal.  Is not-Awakened better than Awakened?  No?  I didn’t think so.

Yet many WN’s are justifying their support for Obama by telling us that “worse is better.”  They base this on Obama’s mixed-race ancestry, muslim affiliations, and rumors of “hate whitey” slips from his wife.  (Incidentally, the little “m” is intentional, as in “not a real Muslim”). 

Obama is a puppet steered by jews and sycophantic whites.  Note his “growth” on the campaign trail.  This guy is no Robert Mugabe.  If elected he will “mature” further in office.  Yes, effective opposition to his administration’ policies would be stymied by race.  But the white electorate’ fears will be quelled by a combination of appeasement and inducement of greater feelings of racial guilt.  The sociopolitical scene will move left, but not too far.  Fear quelling and a second term require moderation.  The outcome of this will be a cold day in hell before the “Awakening.”

I ask again, is not-Awakened better than Awakened?

The immediate political goal of our political soldiers should be local populist campaigns wherever the demographics are favorable, concurrent with the destruction of the Republican Party.  Insane McCain facilitates the latter.  That’s why I support him and for no other reason.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:08 | #

Alright GT, you’ve convinced me: it will be better for our purposes if those putatively on our side (McShamnesty and the Republicans) are allowed to continue in power so that they can be hopelessly discredited via their anti-White, genocidal, globalist agenda/actions.  Once they have destroyed themselves hopefully we can build something better.

I’ll vote for McCain.


Posted by .357 on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:10 | #

I see some people just don’t understand why the GOP are behaving in such an anti-white fashion. Let me tell you slowly:-

The GOP   is concerned, first and foremost,  with maintaining and gaining power. They’re not interested in promoting white EGI. The Democrats are openly hostile to white EGI. That’s where whites stand today in the political arena.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:26 | #

They’re (Republicans - gt) not interested in promoting white EGI.

That is why they must be destroyed.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 03:49 | #

If the Republicans were ONLY interested in “gaining and maintaining power” in the most blunt way possible they would simply appeal directly to Whites with a pro-White agenda.  They do not, which tells me that their is some ulterior motivation.  Surely they want to have power and the personal benefits that flow from it, but it is a special kind of power that they want.  The kind of power that White elites in Latin America have.  I believe they want just enough Whites left to have an effective army and to keep the infrastructure in reasonable working order; and of course they want these Whites to be hopelessly cowed by political correctness and living in terror of violence from muds. 

What really has them salivating is hundreds of millions of mestizoes and negroes who they believe they will be able to use as cheap labor and mindless consumers of Walmart crap and welfare programs. 

So, the muds serve two functions to the globalist race-traitors and the jews:

1.) easily controlled consumers and laborers to make them money

2.) a large and potentially violent political bloc that will make any White populist uprising impossible


Posted by .357 on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 04:08 | #

The Republican strategists are not stupid. They see the demographic writing on the wall. They are looking towards the future. They see whites as a shrinking voter base. They’re now directing their efforts toward the non-white middle-class and upper middle-class voters. Race is no longer the defining characteristic in American politics…economics is.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 06:50 | #

If the Republicans were ONLY interested in “gaining and maintaining power” in the most blunt way possible they would simply appeal directly to Whites with a pro-White agenda.

The Republicans are controlled by jews, as are the Democrats.  The interests of jews and Europids conflict.  Social pricing and socioeconomic division of the Europid population was/is necessary for the jews to gain and maintain power.  Still, it would be against jewish interests to seek our extinction.  Besides, Europids are cowed.  Cowed Europids make good middle managers, field grade officers, and staff ncos.  All jews are seeking is a reduction in our percentage of the population to prevent us from ever acquiring the political legitimacy necessary to peacefully regain control of the government.  They are counting upon our urban materialism and passivity to preclude the possibility of violent revolution or secession.  You’re on the mark about their objective, imo.  Jews and their sycophants seek the Brazillification of North America.


Posted by .357 on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 13:12 | #

“Jews and their sycophants seek the Brazillification of North America.”

And they are succeeding in their endeavor.


Answer: Because opposition to their agenda is minuscule.



Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 19:32 | #

There is a middle between the “not-Awakened” and “Awakened” states.  The American non-movement’s bookclubs and cults exclude that middle:  “Either you’re with us all the way or you’re against us!”  This results in communication failure, which eventually leads to pessimism in the minds of intelligent people and a gradual loss of interest in the non-movement.  Left behind are elderly, pensioned patriots with much time on their hands, the dysfunctional, and federal agents.  The excluded middle is fine for logic.  It is deadly to movement building.

Here is a short list of alienating memes:

1.  Worse is better!
2.  The jews are to blame for everything!
3.  Cops and servicemen are pigs!
4.  You are all lemmings!
5.  There are no political solutions!
6.  I’m a lone wolf (says the easy online racialist)!
7.  We’re revolutionaries!
8.  Depressions are good!

Who in their right mind is attracted to all of that?

Then we hear, “Let a thousand flowers bloom!”  Too many in the non-movement are unable to distinguish between flowers and weeds.  (Yes, I’ve considered the fact that most here consider me to be “a weed.)  Their tolerance for non-movement irrationality is harmful.  It’s long past time to pull the weeds. 

My interests are alternate socioeconomic systems in the countryside and select suburban locations, local populist politics, and secession at some point in the future.  My targets are Canada, the Pacific Northwest, the Great Plains, the Midwest, Mid-South, Ohio-Mississippi River Valley, and Maine. My interest in national politics is limited to facilitating the above and nothing else.


Posted by EA Steve on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:15 | #

I agree, GT. We need to find the proper ways to reach out to unaware Whites, and show ourshelves as the populists. Is this necessary to preserve our kind.

Also, if you are interested by the possiblity of secession, I recommend reading Thomas W. Chittum’s book on a hypothetical Civil War 2. It’s fascinating, regardless of one’s views on secession.



Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 22:10 | #

The Republican strategists are not stupid. They see the demographic writing on the wall. They are looking towards the future.

There’s no “demographic writing on the wall” except that written by the Republican strategists.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 22:33 | #

There’s no “demographic writing on the wall” except that written by the Republican strategists.

That’s a bullseye.


Posted by .357 on Sun, 15 Jun 2008 22:57 | #

“There’s no “demographic writing on the wall” except that written by the Republican strategists.”

You’re aiming at the wrong target.

The Open-Borders Conspiracy:


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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 00:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 21:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 20:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 13 Feb 2025 18:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 18:25. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:59. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:05. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:59. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Thu, 06 Feb 2025 22:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Trout Mask Replica' on Wed, 05 Feb 2025 22:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Richard Williamson, 8th March 1940 - 29th January 2025' on Mon, 03 Feb 2025 23:58. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:40. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Fri, 31 Jan 2025 14:41. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Wed, 29 Jan 2025 18:30. (View)
