A short history of Australia: How it was won and lost

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 13 August 2005 07:40.

I received the following from an Australian reader signing himself as John Moffat.  The original Moffat was a remarkable man, a founding spirit of the Australian north.  Indeed, he was known to his contemporaries as “The Wonder of the North”.  With gratitude to both Moffats I’m pleased to post this piece.  It encapsulates all that drives us to reject the course laid out by our elites, and to reach out to all those like ourselves seeking the survival of the West.

It was a shimmering dream – a dream that was for a short time realized, and then tragically allowed to fade:  a continent for a people and a people for a continent.

In one of history’s brighter moments, the British Empire, the greatest ever known and wearing the zenith of Western civilization like a crown, cast a far flung outpost into the deeper reaches of the Pacific – an eighteenth century equivalent to a colony on the Moon.

The only previous human habitation comprised scattered bands of nomadic hunter-gatherers numbering around 300,000 in total with only the barest minimum of social organization.  The descendants of these people claim as their most impressive achievement a 40,000 year long ‘occupation’.  That indeed is a long period for time to stand still.

Whites quickly went to work taming a most inhospitable and unforgiving land.  In less than a human life span, these convicts, soldiers, free settlers, administrators and adventurers had transplanted the civilization of their former homelands so successfully it was a perfect outgrowth.  Not more than a century since the first fleet of tall ships glided into what was to become known as Sydney Harbour, the country was enjoying close to the highest standard of living in the world.  It had become in fact ‘the working man’s paradise’.  The term, ‘the lucky country’, originally coined by a bitter cynic, seemed to fit so well it came to be innocently accepted as well meant.  Luck, gold and sudden fortunes however formed a miniscule part of the story.  The remainder was written in sweat, blood, grief, despair and unconquerable spirit.

Gold in fact attracted a solid proportion of bad luck in the form of the original wave of Asian immigration.  Notwithstanding whatever plans British overlords might have had in terms of cheap, easily managed non-white labour, it was on the goldfields that it was emphatically decided by the social class closest to this sun-blazed earth of Australia that it would be a white man’s land.  The pitched battles that ensued between white and yellow (and for which we must now hang our heads in everlasting shame) ensured commonsense prevailed in regard to radically different races attempting to live within the same polity.

Incidentally, the existence of a southern continent had been known throughout Asia for centuries, but its exploration and settlement had obviously not been considered worth the trouble.  Why not wait until someone else had done the spadework?

A strong, well organized working class gave birth to the Labor Party as a means of protecting its interests.  This meant most urgently raising whole planks of its platform as a barricade to non-white immigration.  The de-facto ‘White Australia Policy’ was thus born. Etched into the Australian psyche was a fear and loathing of ‘the yellow peril’.

And it was not an unfounded fear.  As if to eradicate the slightest possible doubt about who now truly occupied, and thus, owned this land, a mortal threat from the north ensured that the blood and treasure spent in parrying it sealed the matter of ownership for evermore.  Or should have.  This was an unspoken sacred pact between those who remained and those who had unhesitatingly, unselfishly let slip their hold on life so that their nation might live – a nation in the true sense of the word, held together by - to quote one of our early and visionary statesmen - ‘a crimson thread’.

The excitement, euphoria and relief, not to mention hubris, attending being on the winning team in history’s greatest cataclysm blinded us for many years to just what a pyrrhic victory it had been in perhaps the most avoidable war ever fought.  Perhaps being willfully blind, we could not see the chickens unleashed by being on the same side as international communism coming home to roost.

With the needless deaths of 55 million people, the cultural treasure of Europe in smouldering ruins, the rubble of two Japanese cities glowing radioactively and international communism on a rampage, the wartime propaganda machine spewing out its lies about the ‘just’ war could never be turned off.  Indeed, for over sixty years the foul nature of the vanquished, and far and away that of the ‘anti-Semitic’ German section, has been fortified to a point where no blacker evil could exist this side of hell.

Uncomfortably though, we came to see that many of the character flaws that had typified the now crushed fascists lived on in ourselves. This process of moral inventory was aided by the chosen ones whose perennial job it is to point out the faults of the ‘cattle’.  There was, for example, our sense of racial supremacy, even, God forbid, our own brand of anti-Semitism.  There was oppression, injustice, ‘male chauvinism’, and even something the Germans in their mouth-frothing rabidity hadn’t gotten around to giving a name to – ‘homophobia’!  And there was Nationalism: the well spring from which in logical sequence flows false pride, ethnocentricity, hatred, war, extermination, genocide, and the genocide that would render all others pale by comparison: Holocaust!  The only rational response?  Self loathing.  Thus began national and racial suicide.

Interestingly, every poison supposedly swirling about the Right end of the political spectrum could find its antidote conveniently available at the opposite extreme.  The all pervasive power of Communism was so total that even when its death was officially pronounced it would reincarnate in a form that would dwarf its earlier existence.  It may be more accurate to say it transmogrified.  Marx would no doubt have been delighted to have been able to see his beloved dialectic actually coming to life, but at a level a U2 flight above his own modest predictions.  Forget bourgeoisie + proletariat = Communism.  Try Communism + Capitalism (or rather, finance capitalism) = Globalism.

Now, instead of the chicken-feed game of transferring wealth between classes within a state, we could move into the main draw of transferring wealth between nations.  Nationalism and nation states may put a monkey wrench into this operation, but no problem.  Simply eliminate them both.  And while the masses of the world participate in a race to the bottom, a fabulously rich and powerful but tiny clique become the planet’s Politburo.

Those who lust after and roll like pigs in the intoxicating power of bending others to their will know that even the most evil and egregious deeds can be accomplished by gradualism.  Not for nothing is Fabius, the slow acting but deadly Roman, the hero of Fabian socialists.  Forming the thin edge of a catastrophically destructive wedge, the first waves of non British immigrants - albeit fellow Europeans fleeing their devastated homelands - were warily accepted into Australia.  The near invasion by the Japanese had shaken us to our very foundations and rammed home the reality of our situation: a sparsely populated continent with teeming millions of envious non-whites on our doorstep.  “Populate or perish”, was the cry.  Ironically, it first issued from the throat of an extremely nationalistic, first class member of the old and rapidly fading school of Labor.

Given the need for bolstered population in defence terms – although sheer numbers were becoming a rapidly outmoded factor in the face of exponentially growing technology – and the need for labour to accomplish the visionary projects that were a hallmark of a country undergoing a huge confidence boost, as well as the assimilability of our racially closely related new members, the immigration scheme of the early post war years was a remarkable success.  Or so it seemed.  Moving like a silent undercurrent beneath the glowing success stories were growing and shifting dynamics that were soon to thrust a dagger at the heart of the Australian nation.

The crystallizing threat, paradoxically more lethal than that recently launched from Tokyo that had originally engendered it was given a name: Multiculturalism.  Richly ironic though was that it had not been the ‘multicultural’ new arrivals who had demanded, agitated for or apparently even wanted this policy.  It was do-gooder, native born ‘liberals’ behind the push to counter what they perceived as the tyranny of the majority robbing the newly arrived of their full rights as residents of the land of ‘the fair go’.  Why should these unsuspecting innocents be forced to learn English, assimilate or even integrate, and jettison their rich cultures?

Why in fact should they be made to feel that they’d never left home (or fled) in the first place?  This was cruel and unusual punishment of the first order.  This of course led to, as even those with the most frosted up crystal ball could have predicted, ghettoisation.  Even some of those who had been previously happily assimilated became unassimilated and moved to the ghetto.  Not to forget our most cruelly victimized minority group, the Aborigine, he became a prince amongst equals of the persecuted.

Sufficiently softened up by the self-flagellation we’d been invited to participate in, it was then decided that Australia simply wasn’t multicultural enough.  Evidently there were still far too many people looking roughly similar.  But what luck!  The first ‘boat people’ from Vietnam had just arrived.  Corresponding with this eventuality and the resulting low murmur of unwelcoming resentment, the word ‘racist’ began to be flung as if from an exploding nail bomb, and with equally apparent ability to silence the recipient.  The art of blaming the victim would soon need an opulent gallery to house it.

In 1984, an entire bomb landed on an unassuming University professor who was indiscreet enough to opine that Asian immigration was getting a little ahead of public acceptance.  He was summarily hounded out of his profession but his observation had, for a time at least, let a genie out of a bottle.  Our social engineers went immediately into damage control.  In a breathtaking display of enforced doublethink, we were ensured that even though it was now being claimed that Australia was now a part of Asia - at least by our elite if by no-one else, least of all Asian leaders - and the term ‘Asianisation’ was now being used openly by Australian quislings, the trickle of Asian immigrants would have no discernible effect on the nation’s racial makeup.

Twenty one years later, walking any day through the centre of Sydney, one could be forgiven for mistaking the location for an Asian city.  Could it be possible that we were misled?  For a less insipid term, try betrayed, deceived, held in contempt, treated like fools, led to the slaughter house and nationally violated, all on a scale that could only have been perpetrated by the lying, perverted filth spewed up by what we laughingly call ‘democracy’.

Worse, this has been done in such a way – fiendishly cleverly one might be tempted to concede if ignoring the awesome machinery of persuasion and mind-control available to the deceivers – that huge numbers of those deceived believe that this is what they themselves wanted!

In ‘The Anatomy of Power’, John Kenneth Galbraith states: “There is a successful expression of power when the individual submits to the purposes of others not only willingly but with a sense of attendant virtue.  The supreme expression, of course, is when the person does not know that he or she is being controlled.  This, at the highest level, is the achievement of conditioned power; belief makes submission not a conscious act of will but a normal, natural manifestation of the approved behavior.  Those who do not submit are deviant.” [Italics mine]

And so it is with huge tracts of the native born population joyfully willing to lie down and die for some ‘greater good’ that has never really been spelt out but must be very good indeed given how amenable we are to remove ourselves to make way for it.  A grinning madness now stalks this land, a land for which two generations earlier men unhesitatingly hurled themselves into eternity for the sake of its preservation as a home for their people, but is now being given away without a shot being fired.  Only a people who have been grotesquely mentally disfigured would do this.  In a Down-under now truly upside down, it is the brave, the defiant, and the sane who are seen as mentally and morally suspect – the ‘deviant’.

Abstract thinking is apparently not a favoured past-time of most people.  And to extrapolate from what is happening now to project into the future, even just a little way, requires this type of thinking.  So, as it is now is as it will always be.  Why do evil racists spread so much ‘hate’ and endanger multicultural peace, love and harmony by fanning fears of what might happen?  This line of thinking is milk and honey to multiculturalists, Australian politicians in particular, and cyanide to those determined to hold on to what their ancestors created.  It is fuel for the illusion created by the propaganda masters that multiculturalism and Asianisation will not fundamentally alter a country that is in fact being transformed with fanatical energy.  When Australians turn on their television sets, they see reassuringly a profusion of white faces.  The citadels of power are still manned by Whites.  The white faces of our sporting heroes still beam from victory daises.  Very comforting.  As it is …

But like some gigantic, loathsome, deep-sea monster, a new Australia is rising inexorably toward this thin, white surface. The day the sun strikes this thing from below will be the day the Great Southland is lost to the white man forever.  A little sand remains though in the hour glass still.  Not much, but enough in which to do what has to be done.  If it is not done, at some point in the future, mirth will attend the legend of a weak and foolish people who gave away their own homeland.

John Moffat

Tags: History



Posted by Tournament of Champions on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 10:58 | #

Too wordy.


Posted by Mark Richardson on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 12:29 | #

John Moffat, welcome to Majority Rights.

Yes, the early development of Australia was impressive. Melbourne was first settled in 1835 and by the 1880s had grown so phenomenally it was known as “Marvellous Melbourne”.

I think a critical turning point was the 1930s, when the left-wing turned from nationalism to a Marxist inspired internationalism. By the early 1940s a great many journalists and academics were card carrying members of the Communist Party.

There were refugee programmes in the late 1930s and in the early 1940s Arthur Calwell decided on a multicultural future for Australia on the American model.

Once the left turned, there was no effective opposition to the liberalism of the establishment.


Posted by John S Bolton on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 13:18 | #

I know very little Australian history, but it seems that the role of race and Jews could easily be greatly exaggerrated here. Here is an alternative explanation, reasoning by analogy to other countries such as America. Our officials and their scholars know that a polyglot empire can’t hold loyalty in the modern dispensation. This would be why they are prodiversity, and of language in particular. The class war failed to generate the conflict which officials would ride into dictatorship, and scholars could use to mount dystopia, so another source of conflict had to be found. Forced assimilation was tried, and failed with aboriginals. Then came anticaucasianism as the doctrine of the left. Always the goal is tyrannical power; the stated objectives of tolerance and so on, are propaganda.


Posted by Stuka on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 14:22 | #

The day the sun strikes this thing from below will be the day the Great Southland is lost to the white man forever.

“Forever”?? Really? Says who? Moffat just finished describing the white conquest of Australia. Why is it a given that whites won’t do it again, in Australia or North America or Africa or Europe? Is our conquering spirit dead & gone forever?


Posted by TRI on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:16 | #

Excellent essay!

I love how you noticed how the TV shows multiculturalism, but only choice bits. I was only just noticing that today! They are careful to show a White majority, especially in the only Kosher events for White aggression - sport. Modern day gladiator games.

Where they will show ethnics are in the following roles:
-virile sexual partners for our females
-intelligent, friendly members of our communities.

Yet wandering around our major cities we are forced to realize that the White population has to be down to around 60-70%. Considering that Australia is 80% urban, that puts the figure of non-Whites at around 65-75% or so at most. What’s more, demographics of fighting age men in 20 years or so down the track do not look good for Whites.

It is good in a way that the Muslims bombed us, and are bombing us. We are waking up all over the place, and we WILL figure out a solution.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:21 | #

Is our conquering spirit dead & gone forever?

Australia was a relatively unpopulated frontier.  This is the difference between Australia, the United States and Canada as colonies, and other colonies of the British Empire.

Indeed in this fact dwells the whole fallacy of white supremacy.  What we’re supreme at is not ruling over other peoples, but pioneering lands and populating them.  When we look back in history at our periods of greatest fertility they were during these pioneer days.

Whites forget this lesson to their peril and this is why I have focused my public energies on new frontiers such as the ocean deserts and space.

Agriculture need not be land intensive.  In fact, it can be removed from the vast majority of existing ecosystems with a relatively minor amount of innovation in food processing and packaging.

On about 108 acres, Earthrise Farms in the Imperial Valley desert, California is producing 67kg of protein per square meter per year using relatively little water.  This is better than 20 times the yield of soybeans and includes one of the broadest spectrums of amino acids of any known source of protein.  The crop is spirulina, a blue green algae that is a source of nutrition at the base of the aquatic food chain.  They have been doubling their production every 5 years but have limited themselves to a niche market in health food or “nutriceuticals”.  The primary technology they need developed to make this protein directly consumable by humans as a staple of the diet is removal of nucleic acids—something that may be feasible as an extension of their centrifugal drying process.  In any case, it is an excellent feed stock for animals and can displace many times its own acreage in conventional agricultural uses.

The late John Martin at Moss Landing hypothesized in 1987 that large sections of the tropical Pacific were ready to support ecosystems nearly as abundant as the oceans off the coast of Peru except for the lack of one key nutrient:  Iron.  In 1995, subsequent to his death, his team tested “the Iron hypothesis” by spreading a half ton of iron sulfate (available in huge cheap quantities as a byproduct of iron smelting) over a wide area of ocean.  The south Pacific ocean turned from “crystal clear electric blue”, virtually devoid of life, to duck pond green.  They produced 25,000 tons of biomass for a factor of 50,000 gain from fertilizer to biomass.  Once the ocean desert bloomed with phytoplankton, zooplankton, the next link up the food chain, began grazing.  Had they kept going, zooplankton grazing fish could have been introduced, such as anchovies, but they terminated the fertilization and watched.

When they terminated the fertilization, the artificial ecosystem eventually disappeared.

The density of nutrients is important.  If you have too much, the phytoplankton dies without being eaten by the zooplankton (or grazing fish) and rots, thereby removing oxygen from the water and suffocating the grazers and fish.  Too little nutrient, and you have an ocean desert.  There is a broad range of nutrient density where zooplankton and fish can swim from one meal to the next without starving—and the abundant fish catches off of Peru are an example of what you get when you make it easy for fish to fatten up on phytoplankton grazers.

The ratio of Peru’s fish production between normal (fertile) times to El Ninio is 1000.

Whites can do this.


Posted by TRI on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 16:48 | #


Some very interesting points. I talked about this here, at length:

I am skeptical though that we can’t learn the art of fighting back for our lost territories. We are only a small step away from copying the Islamic or Judaic Group Evolutionary Strategy for our own purposes.

We’ve beaten the Muslims back before, we’ve dealt with enroaching Turks, Huns, Jews, whoever. I don’t see why we can’t adapt to this new game.

And all we have to do is beat the ethnics at their own game. We are in the nuclear age; countries like the UK, USSR and the US can be taken back through methods I suggest in the above post. Due to MAD, once re-taken a Serbia solution is next to impossible.

I find those outcomes to be a lot preferable than to keep putting the problem off, getting our first Mars colony up and running great only to accept our first guest with the Star of David lapel. I imagine him greating us with open arms only to regale us with tales of how evil and exploitative White civilization while our women and children lap up his lies. And I think to myself, NO! I will not allow this to happen.


Posted by onetwothree on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 17:01 | #

What we’re supreme at is not ruling over other peoples

I suspect two or three Marine divisions could maintain the current regime in Iraq.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 17:11 | #

I suspect two or three Marine divisions could maintain the current regime in Iraq.

So what do you make of the inability of the British to maintain power over Rhodesia, South Africa and India, not to mention the holdings in the middle east?

No, I don’t think two or three Marine divisions could do it—particularly not with the polyglot Marine Corp that has been crammed down the throat of the American people by Jews.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 17:22 | #

We are only a small step away from copying the Islamic or Judaic Group Evolutionary Strategy for our own purposes.

Where is the evidence that this works for the longer term?  It seems its much easier to establish a Constitution that has genetic requirements, not just for citizenship for for entry, including tourist visas, than it is to acquire the ethnocentric instincts of those who are hysterical about breaking down barriers to entry to the places we build for ourselves.

Our individualism and self-reliance is a genetic trait which is a strength in a frontier setting and death to those who deny it in a multicultural society.

It is an extraordinarily difficult task to overcome this weakness in a multicultural society even if you possess the media and academia means of indoctrination. You don’t.  Please be more realistic about our position and stop equating open ocean farms with Mars colonies, if yoiu please.


Posted by Seb on Sat, 13 Aug 2005 20:32 | #

So what do you make of the inability of the British to maintain power over Rhodesia, South Africa and India, not to mention the holdings in the middle east?

It’s worth remembering that in most of these cases the British left because the Americans threatened to wreck their economy if they didn’t

What nation has similar power over the US?


Posted by Stuka on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 00:55 | #

Clue: it’s in Asia.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 02:36 | #

Wow!  Extraordinary, Mr. Moffat.


Posted by TRI on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 04:52 | #

“Where is the evidence that this works for the longer term?”
Let’s see, we have the long, steady march of Islam heading West, wiping out the Byzantines etc. Now they are infiltrating our countries town by town. Their birthrates are high in spite of Jewish media dominance.

I’d say they are doing something right. You will notice that this stuff is done MEMETICALLY, not GENETICALLY. Sharia is like the ethnocentric patch for the Islamic GES. It is all rules, a legal system. It is not genetic. Death penalties for apostasy, miscegenation, etc. Imams are encouraging their youth to rape and have sex with our women. Classic tribal warfare stuff. We can adopt similar laws to help us compete.

Europeans can be successful in a tribal situation. What do you think happened during thousands of years of European history, was it one big happy family? Did the vikings show up on your doorstep with milk and cookies? I don’t think so.

“It seems its much easier to establish a Constitution that has genetic requirements, not just for citizenship for for entry, including tourist visas, than it is to acquire the ethnocentric instincts of those who are hysterical about breaking down barriers to entry to the places we build for ourselves.”

I disagree. All it takes is insulation from mass media, something that can be done with a bit of work if you are willing to do it. We used to be a very ethnocentric society, as little as a hundred years ago. Too much is made of the genetic basis, too little attention is paid to our consumption of culture.

Lastly, I think that people have been agitating for this sort of stuff for the last 50 years or so without making any way in politics. What makes you think that it can be done now?

“Please be more realistic about our position and stop equating open ocean farms with Mars colonies, if yoiu please.”

“Whites forget this lesson to their peril and this is why I have focused my public energies on new frontiers such as the ocean deserts and space.”

Which is it? The same thing would apply to a sea colony too. Soon enough there would be a Goldberg showing up, wanting to be a part of it, and as we are now we would let him in.


Posted by ben tillman on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 17:29 | #

Again, I express my admiration for Mr. Moffat’s fine work, before addressing the fascinating digression from Mr. Bowery.  James certainly thinks “outside the box”!  It has occurred to me as well that improvement in the efficency of nitrogen fixation is a research priority during perhaps the final stages of the petroleum era.  I had no idea experiments like that inspired by the late John Martin had been undertaken (even if for another purpose).  And the project in California generating 67kg of protein per square meter—amazing!  That’s enough to feed two or three people for a year.  A stupid question: 

The primary technology they need developed to make this protein directly consumable by humans as a staple of the diet is removal of nucleic acids….

Why?  Not that I hadn’t rather eat animal flesh anyway….


Posted by Andrew L on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 08:34 | #

Islamo’s are not a problem to get rid of, Chuck them in the river with the Estuary Crocks and let the native Sharia law sort it out, The crocks love crapp, and there is about 500,000 meals for the crock to have.And they are all Allah F*&^%$ ‘ers. never surrender.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Aug 2005 16:23 | #

Steady on, Andrew.  Genocide by crocodile is not MR policy.


Posted by The War on White Australia on Wed, 03 Oct 2018 14:47 | #

The Occidental Observer, “The War on White Australia: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique, Part 1 of 5”, 1 Oct 2018

by Brenton Sanderson


Editor’s note: Brenton Sanderson has written several articles on the Jewish war on White Australia. This is the first one, posted originally on August 13, 2012 as a 5-part series. Well worth reading or re-reading — and thinking about the world we have lost.

Results from the 2011 Australian Census reveal that, for the first time in that nation’s history, the majority of migrants are now arriving from Asia instead of Europe. Indians and Chinese have become the fastest growing sections of the Australian population. Between 2006 and 2011 the number of Australian permanent residents born in India increased by 100 per cent, those born in China increased by 54 per cent, while those born in the Philippines by 42 per cent. These startling figures do not even include those born in Australia to Indian or Chinese parents. The Census also revealed that other non-White immigrant groups are also expanding rapidly, including various African groups. All of this is dismal news for White Australians and, indeed, for White people everywhere. Unfortunately, these figures only mirror what is happening throughout the West, where White people are under demographic and cultural siege from race-replacing levels of Third World immigration and the official embrace of “multiculturalism.”

In just a few decades these malignant policies have transformed Western societies to the detriment of their European-derived populations and culture. It is a remarkable fact that this revolution in immigration and social policy throughout the West occurred at around the same time (1962-1973), and that in all countries these changes reflected the attitude of elites rather than the great mass of citizens. Changes in immigration policy and the imposition of multiculturalism were imposed on resentful European populations despite overwhelming popular opposition to non-European immigration. The driving force behind this totally undemocratic shift in policy was the Jewish intellectual movements and ethno-political activism that Kevin MacDonald documented in The Culture of Critique. For those aware of the pivotal role of Jews in driving the demographic and cultural transformation of the United States, the story of the Jewish role in radically reengineering Australian society will have a depressingly familiar ring to it.

Australia was the last habitable continent settled by Europeans. In 1901 the British colonies of Australia federated to form an independent nation. The first Act passed by the new federal parliament was the Immigration Restriction Act which, through imposing a dictation test in any European language (usually English), effectively barred non-White immigration to Australia. Until the cultural revolution of the 1960s, Australia remained an unashamedly White Christian nation with a strong Anglo-Celtic ethnic base. Indeed the long-running (now defunct) news magazine The Bulletin maintained the slogan “Australia for the White Man” on its masthead until 1961. By 1947 the non-European population, other than Aborigines, was measured at 0.25 per cent of the total. As a result of the Immigration Restriction Act, Australia had become, by this time, one of the Whitest countries in the world. Ian Cook makes the point that “The ‘White Australia’ policy was a fairly self-conscious and explicit attempt to protect a particular genetic inheritance from being diluted by other genetic lines.” The policy was extraordinarily successful in this endeavor, and the historian Eric Richards observes that, in retrospect, it is extraordinary that so remote a settlement could maintain such a homogeneous population composition.[ii]

Australia and New Zealand were also the two most “British” societies outside the United Kingdom, and Australia was, proportionately, the most Irish society outside Ireland. The imperial loyalties of the Australian colonists were often explained by reference to the “crimson thread of kinship” that existed between Britain and Australia. Australian identity was founded upon three distinct yet interrelated components: racial Whiteness, “Britishness,” and “Australianness.”[iii] The attempted Japanese invasion of northern Australia in WWII proved that the longstanding fear of an Asian invasion (the “Yellow Peril”) was far from the neurotic, xenophobic anxiety disparaged by today’s politically correct historians. In the 1960s there was no popular movement for ending the White Australia policy, a policy that had retained the bipartisan support of Australia’s political class since its inception in 1901. Indeed, Richards notes that “Australia’s adherence to ‘Whiteness’ was its defining characteristic,” and that “None of the other great immigrant countries was able to sustain such a degree of homogeneity.”[iv] Hawkins makes the point that

the primary and identical motivation of Canadian and Australian politicians in trying to exclude first the Chinese, then other Asian migrants and finally all potential non-white immigrants, was the desire to build and preserve societies and political systems in their hard-won, distant lands very like those of the United Kingdom. They also wished to establish without challenge the primary role there of her founding peoples of European origin. … Undisputed ownership of these territories of continental size was felt to be confirmed forever, not only by the fact of possession, but by the hardships and dangers endured by the early explorers and settlers; the years of back-breaking work to build the foundations of urban and rural life. … The idea that other peoples, who had taken no part in these pioneering efforts, might simply arrive in large numbers to exploit important local resources, or to take advantage of these earlier settlement efforts, was anathema.[v]

Tied in with these natural and legitimate expressions of racial and ethnic solidarity, were concerns hordes of non-White immigrants would drive down the wages and living standards of White Australians. This was a key part of the original rationale for the White Australia policy as articulated by Alfred Deakin, Australia’s first Attorney-General, who argued that

a white Australia does not by any means just mean the preservation of the complexion of the people of this country. It means the multiplying of homes, so that we may be able to defend every part of our continent; it means the maintenance of conditions of life fit for white men and white women; it means equal laws and opportunities for all; it means protection against underpaid labour of other lands, it means the payment of fair wages. A white Australia means a civilisation whose foundations are built on healthy lives, lived in honest toil, under circumstances which imply no degradation; a white Australia means protection.”[vi]

An analogous view had been expressed as early as 1841 by James Stephen, the powerful head of the British colonial office in London, who declared that Australia should be a land “where the English race shall be spread from sea to sea unmixed with any lower caste.” He maintained that the introduction of Indian “coolies” into New South Wales would “debase by their intermixture the noble European race… bring with them the idolatry and debasing habits of their country… beat down the wages of poor laboring Europeans… [and] cut off the resource for many of our own distressed people.”[vii] Charles Pearson, a British scholar who migrated to the colonies in the late nineteenth century, published a book entitled National Life and Character in 1893. In it, he described Australia as “an unexampled instance of a great continent that has been left for the first civilized people that found it to take and occupy. He warned, nevertheless, that it was still questionable whether the white races would be able to hold on to it in the face of the Asiatic threat:

We know that coloured and white labour cannot exist side by side; we are well aware that China can swamp us with a single year’s surplus of population; and we know that if national existence is sacrificed to the working of a few mines and sugar plantations, it is not the Englishman and Australian alone, but the whole civilized world, that will be the losers.[viii]

Such concerns echoed through the decades of the White Australia policy, where the country explicitly defined its nationhood in terms of Whiteness and a policy of economic protectionism designed to benefit the entire group by preventing, say, Australian capitalists from importing cheap labor that would undercut the standard of living of other White Australians. The policy reflected the desire of Australians to build a strong and prosperous society founded upon the principles of racial and cultural homogeneity and fairness within the racial group. Gwenda Tavan notes that the White Australia policy was a “morally imbued affirmation of the type of society Australians wanted to build: white and British-Australian as well as cohesive, conformist, liberal-democratic and egalitarian.”[ix] One commentator reflected this view when noting in 1939 that “The Australian prides himself on his high standard of living; he wishes to do nothing that will endanger it. Neither does he wish to bring into being a colour problem such as he sees in South Africa.”[x]

        Early twentieth century Australian poster

Rather than being driven by any shift in public opinion, the impetus for the progressive dismantling of the White Australia policy, and the move from assimilation to multiculturalism between 1966 and 1975 came “from a small group of reformers that began appearing in some Australian universities in the 1960s” who, like their counterparts in the United States and Britain, soon comprised a hostile intellectual, academic and media elite who “developed a sense of being a member of a morally and intellectually superior ingroup battling against Australian parochial non-intellectuals as an outgroup.”[xi] In the changing ideological climate of the 1950s and 1960s, the moral foundations of Australia’s British history were subjected to radical criticism, and once foundational patriotic works like Keith Hancock’s Australia (with its maxim that “among the Australians pride of race counted for more than love of country”) were no longer compulsory reading for students. [xii]

Boasian anthropology and the fall of White Australia

The Boasian ideology of racial egalitarianism (discussed in Chapter 2 of The Culture of Critique as a Jewish intellectual movement) was a critical weapon in opening Australian immigration up to non-White groups. Jewish academic Jon Stratton notes that the dismantling of the White Australia policy and the ultimate adoption of multiculturalism was a direct result of “internal and external pressures related to a general turning away from biological racialism.”[xiii] The Australian Jewish academic Andrew Markus articulates the standard critique of “white racism” that became prominent in the 1960s when he asserts that it was based on the notion that

(i) as a result of some (undefined) “natural” process, national groups (or ‘races’ or ‘cultures’) have inborn (‘essential’) qualities which will never alter; and (ii) there are inherent characteristics in such groups which interpose barriers against harmonious co-existence, not least against interbreeding of populations. Such ideas give rise to closed forms of nationalism which restrict membership to those qualified by birth or descent, in contrast to open forms which grant citizenship to individuals on the basis of residence and adherence to the governing principles of the nation. They justified European colonial rule; the denial of basic human rights and citizenship; segregation in the workplace, housing and education; and policies of genocide culminating in the “factories of death” established in the period of Nazi domination of continental Europe. Rarely challenged in western societies prior to 1940, the idea of biological racial difference lost much of its legitimacy in the aftermath of the Holocaust.[xiv]

It is obvious from this statement just how closely acceptance of the myth of racial equality from the 1960s onwards was bound up with Jewish post-Holocaust ethno-political activism. Note also the outright lies and hypocrisy in the above paragraph. The “(undefined) ‘natural’ process” that Markus claims is the wholly irrational basis for “racism” is the very well-defined process of human evolution itself. The differential evolution of human groups in response to selection pressures imposed by diverse environments, resulted, after thousands of years, in differences in external morphology and psychological traits—including intelligence as measured by IQ tests. The average intelligence of a group will profoundly influence the society that will be created by that group. There is nothing undefined, irrational, or pseudo-scientific about this whatsoever.


        Professor Andrew Markus: Propagating “noble lies”

In his description of “closed” forms of nationalism which restrict “membership to those qualified by birth or descent” Markus could be describing traditional Judaism, with its strict endogamy and built-in assumptions of Jewish racial, intellectual and moral superiority. As always, however, Judaism is outside the critical frame of reference of such reflexively anti-White Jewish intellectuals. Jewish ethno-nationalism (exemplified in Israel’s racially restrictive immigration laws) is tacitly held to be legitimate and uncontroversial (indeed a moral imperative), while White nationalism is inherently illegitimate and morally corrupt.

The rampant hypocrisy of this is particularly striking given that Australian Jews have “been at the forefront of support for the right of the state of Israel to exist as a Jewish state, to determine its own security agenda, and to do what is needed to ensure its own survival.”[xv]  Indeed, the academic and Australian Jewish activist Danny Ben Moshe points out that Australian Jewry is fiercely Zionist and “outdoes all other Diasporas in their commitment to Israel.” A 1993 survey of Melbourne Jewry found that 63 per cent had visited Israel with over 40 per cent having done so two or more times. This is compared with 36 per cent of American Jews. Australia also has the highest rate of aliyah in the world.[xvi] While strongly in favor of non-White immigration and racial-mixing among the non-Jews in Australia, a publication like the Australian Jewish News can openly express the view that for Jews, “Intermarriage has always been and will always be an individual, spiritual and communal tragedy. No amount of petty rationalising will ever change that.”[xvii]

Noting the incredible hypocrisy involved in simultaneously condemning white racialism while defending the Jewish ethno-nationalist state of Israel (and traditional Jewish prohibitions against intermarriage), Kevin MacDonald observes in The Culture of Critique that:

Ironically, many intellectuals who absolutely reject evolutionary thinking and any imputation that genetic self-interest might be important in human affairs also favor policies that are rather self-interestedly ethnocentric, and they often condemn the self-interested ethnocentric behavior of other groups, particularly any indication that the European-derived majority… is developing a cohesive group strategy and high levels of ethnocentrism in reaction to the groups strategies of others. …  A Jew maintaining this argument should, to retain intellectual consistency, agree that the traditional Jewish concern with endogamy and consanguinity has been irrational. Moreover, such a person would also believe that Jews ought not attempt to retain political power in Israel because there is no rational reason to suppose that any particular group should have power anywhere. Nor should Jews attempt to influence the political process … in such a manner as to disadvantage another group or benefit their own. And to be logically consistent, one should also apply this argument to all those who promote immigration of their own ethnic groups, the mirror image of group-based opposition to such immigration.[xviii]

Since the academic world is international and hierarchical, it was inevitable that intellectual movements originating in elite American universities spread throughout the West (see “Liberal Bias in Academia: The role of Jewish academics in the creation and maintenance of academic liberalism“) As a consequence of the growing influence of the Jewish intellectual movements described in The Culture of Critique, and direct Jewish activism in Australia, “Such views [i.e. the assumption racial equality] became standard within schools and universities and provided the intellectual basis for campaigns against racial discrimination in the late 1950s and 1960s.”[xix] Tavan notes that: “As a result of these shifts, universities in particular became ‘hotbeds of resistance’ to White Australia during the late 1950s and early 1960s. … The emergence of a body of Marxist-inspired social theory in Europe and the United States at that time also reinvigorated radical left-wing political theory in Australia.” For Tavan, the new critical theory of the Frankfurt School “played a crucial role in exposing the racist underpinnings of many of Australia’s key institutions and values.”[xx] The Frankfurt School abandoned the White working class because they were insufficiently radical and had succumbed to fascism in Germany and Italy. This caused them to reject the orthodox Marxist emphasis on class struggle, replacing it by advocating non-White immigration and multiculturalism, as well as recruiting Whites who had complaints against the traditional culture, particularly feminists and sexual minorities, into a new coalition of the [internationalist] left.


Posted by (((Prof. Andrew Markus))) on Wed, 03 Oct 2018 15:21 | #


With the adoption in 1963 of the UN Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, member governments were urged to eliminate racial discrimination from their society altogether. Internal intellectual currents were thus augmented by mounting external political opposition to the White Australia policy, especially during the years of European decolonization in Africa and Asia. Eric Richards notes how

Prime Minister Menzies [1949-1966] was increasingly vexed by the intrusion of racial and immigration issues at meetings of Commonwealth Heads of Government. Menzies (and even more vehemently, one of his successors, John Gorton) loathed the way in which he was lectured on the “principle of racial equality” by newcomer members of the Commonwealth. Menzies and Gorton [1968-1971] believed that Australia’s immigration policy was perfectly defensible and, in any case, none of their business. But the die was already cast. Australia in the 1960s felt pressure from within and from beyond, and its immigration policy was a growing embarrassment.[xxi]

Senior Australian public servants serving on a committee formed to respond to the changed situation agreed in 1964 that “there was an urgent need to remove, as far as practicable, instances of racial discrimination in Australia in order to ensure Australia’s international reputation and influence are not to be seriously endangered.”[xxii] In response to these internal and external pressures, the administrative apparatus of the White Australia policy was gradually dismantled from the mid-1960s, until, in 1974, the then Labor Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam (1972-1975), declared in a speech that: “On Immigration, we have removed the last remaining pieces of legislation which could be described as discriminatory on racial grounds.”[xxiii]


According to the Australian academic and multicultural activist Bronwyn Hinz, this policy change merely formalized shifts in policy approach that had begun in the 1960s in response to reforms to the United States migration policy.[xxiv] Richards observes that this “hesitating shift towards a non-discriminatory Australia” triggered “a social and demographic revolution” in Australia[xxv] In both America and Australia, Jewish intellectual movements and political activism were pivotal in driving this revolution. The national editor of the Australian Jewish News, Dan Goldberg proudly acknowledges this, noting that: “In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to Australia.” The exact nature of this crusade will be explored in subsequent parts of this essay.

Go to Part 2.


Ben-Moshe, D. (2006) ‘The End of Unconditional Love: The Future of Zionism in Australian Jewish LIfe,’ In: New Under the Sun – Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics & Culture, Ed. Michael Fagenblat, Melanie Landau & Nathan Wolski, Black Inc., Melbourne. pp. 108-125.

Cook, I. (1999) Liberalism in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne.

Curthoys, A. (2008) ‘Indigenous Subjects,’ In: Australia’s Empire, Ed. Deryck Schreuder & Stuart Ward, Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 78-102.

Fagenblat, M., Landau, M. & Wolski, N. (2006) ‘Will the Centre Hold?,’ In: New Under the Sun – Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics & Culture, Ed. Michael Fagenblat, Melanie Landau & Nathan Wolski, Black Inc., Melbourne. pp. 3-16.

Hancock, W.K. (1930) Australia, London.

Hinz, B. (2010) ‘Ethnic associations, networks and the construction of Australian multiculturalism,’ Paper presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference, Corcordia University, Montreal, 1‐3 June.


Jupp, J. (2002) From White Australia to Woomera – The Story of Australian Immigration, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne.

MacDonald, K. B. (1998/2001) The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth‑Century Intellectual and Political Movements, Westport, CT: Praeger. Revised Paperback edition, 2001, Bloomington, IN: 1stbooks Library.

Markus, A. (2001) Race: John Howard and the remaking of Australia, Allen & Unwin, NSW.

Pearson, C. (1893) National Life and Character: A Forecast, MacMillan & Co., London.

Richards, E. (2008) ‘Migrations: The Career of British White Australia,’ In: Australia’s Empire, Ed. Deryck Schreuder & Stuart Ward, Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 163-185.

Stratton, J. (2000) Coming Out Jewish – Constructing Ambivalent Identities, Routledge, London.

Szego, J. (2006) ‘Marry Identities,’ In: New Under the Sun – Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics & Culture, Ed. Michael Fagenblat, Melanie Landau & Nathan Wolski, Black Inc., Melbourne. pp. 39-45.

Tavan, G. (2

i Cook p. 4

[ii] Jupp p. 9

[iii] Tavan p. 13

[iv] Richards p. 163

[v] Hawkins in MacDonald pp. 301-302

[vi] Cook p. 179

[vii] Richards pp. 167-168

[viii] Pearson p. 16

[ix] Tavan, p. 19

[x] Richards p. 173

[xi] MacDonald p. 302-303

[xii] Hancock p. 56

[xiii] Stratton p. 223

[xiv] Markus pp. 5-6

[xv] Fagenblat et al. p. 10-11

[xvi] Ben Moshe p. 108

[xvii] Szego p. 41

[xviii] MacDonald p. 311 & pp. 324-325

[xix] Markus p. 7

[xx] Tavan p. 116 & 168

[xxi] Richards p. 179

[xxii] Curthoys p. 99

[xxiii] Stratton p. 223

[xxiv] Hinz p. 3

[xxv] Richards p. 182


Posted by Australianity on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 23:10 | #


... White Left Nationalist movement.


Posted by Melbourne in deep demographic trouble on Sun, 15 Sep 2019 18:29 | #

A Report from Melbourne

Melbourne is in deep demographic trouble - one of the key infiltration points is the universities, of course.

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 14:38. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 19 Apr 2024 06:44. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 16:22. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 16:03. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 14:35. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:06. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Mon, 15 Apr 2024 10:10. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 15:33. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 05:28. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 05:12. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Moscow's Bataclan' on Sat, 13 Apr 2024 05:09. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Fri, 12 Apr 2024 13:15. (View)

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