A Vectorist’s Final Solution to the Racism Question

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 27 April 2009 03:56.

Nate Silver, a vectorist, presents his final solution to the racism question to the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference.  I respond:

The time is coming, and it is not that very far off, when guys like Nate Silver and groups such as TED that implicitly share their values, will be seen as a de facto state religion which is justly resisted.

“Separatists”, racial or otherwise, are are more enlightened than “integrationists”:

Scientifically enlightened because they admit the need for separation in experimental tests of causal hypotheses in human ecology—rather than claiming that “predictable” implies “designable” when the data sources are subject to not only the ecological fallacy but to conflation of correlation with causation.

Politically enlightened because they posit human rights founded self-determination rather than a tyranny of the majority limited only by a vague laundry list of selectively enforced “human rights”—such as “human rights” which presume that anyone who prefers members of their own race thereby forfeits his right to refuse any treatment no matter how well-intentioned the “therapist”.




Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:27 | #

I think this Jew is completely right.  There’s a huge problem with woefully insufficient rates of Jews moving into Negro neighborhoods and with shockingly low rates of Jewish women marrying Negro, Mestizo, Subcon, and Oriental men and I think government has to get involved at the federal level to come up with ways, coercive ways if necessary, of bringing about higher rates of Jewish-Negro interaction and intermarriage.  The speaker mentioned rural Arkansas and Kansas as having something wrong with them in terms of insufficient mixing with non-whites but if he’d looked into Jewish willingness to race-mix he’d have encountered a far bigger problem of racism.  I feel that the government needs to begin coercing Jews aggressively in the direction of improving their appallingly bad measurements on the racism scale.  We want to see far more mixed Jewish female-Negro male couples, far more mulatto-Jewish children, far higher percentages of Jews living in Negro neighborhoods of cities and suburbs.  The man has uncovered a real social problem:  Jewish reluctance to race-mix.  Let’s roll up our sleeves and get the federal government to work solving it!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:46 | #

Notice the pathological Jewish fixation on getting white people to race-mix?  You see this everywhere you look in life, and it never ends.  Someone like Jobling has to force psychological contorsions on himself, on his brain, to not notice this glaring Jewish ethnic characteristic.  Notice the Jewish inability to comprehend that people’s opinions of other races are none of their business?  It’s nauseating, it really and truly is, and Jews have to be told to their faces just how nauseating it is (and furthermore just how Jewish it is), since they’re too slimy to realize it without being told, as the rest of humanity realizes it without being told.  The other tactic is to call for the targeting of Jews with governmental pro-miscegenation coercion exactly as Jews are forever calling for targeting of Euros.  It’s amazing how Jews mentally assume this stuff doesn’t apply to them, only to (how convenient!) their ancient ethnic enemy, the Eurochristians!  Surprise, surprise!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 05:07 | #

I just ran across something I posted a year ago in a different thread:

Nearly always, Jewish money lurks behind these unnatural, extreme preoccupations with “anti-racism,” “inclusion,” and so on, preoccupations which go beyond the point of “reasonableness” and enter the world of pathological obsession.  Non-Hebrew tribes don’t obsess over these particular things, only Hebrews.  When you see it — when you see people obsessing over these particular topics — cherchez le juif.  Nine times out of ten you’ll find him.

Change “nine times out of ten you’ll find him” to “nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine million nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine thousand nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine times out of a billion you’ll find him.”  That’s closer to the actual numbers you’ll encounter out in the real world — or sure seems like it, at any rate.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 05:20 | #

Boy, this guy’s bio at Wikipedia is longer than Julius Caesar’s, Abraham Lincoln’s, George Washington’s, Aristotle’s, Einstein’s, or Jesus Christ’s.  Assuming he wrote it himself, a safe bet, I’d say the guy is a little self-obsessed?


Posted by weston on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 05:57 | #

I’m not a big fan of watching vectorist speeches.  Anyone care to summarize?


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 06:15 | #

I’m not a big fan of watching vectorist speeches.  Anyone care to summarize?

I can’t bring myself to watch it either as I’m pretty sure it would be bad for my blood pressure.

My guess is a truthful translation of what he says would be something like…

“Seek and destroy homogenous groups of White people no matter where they are. This will make jews safer.”

The second sentence would be unspoken and also incidentally completely wrong because what would happen is, after they used ethnic minorities to wipe out the White people, those same ethnic minorities would turn on the jews - just like they did in Russia.

They’re all brains and no wisdom.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 06:15 | #

“Anyone care to summarize?”

What he says boils down to, “Euros:  miscegenate and shut up!  If you refuse, there are ways to break down your resistance.”


Posted by weston on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 06:16 | #

Update your bookmarks:  http://www.toqonline.com/ 

The Occidental Quarterly has a blog.  So far it seems that not everything posted is original or exclusive to the TOQ blog, but the quality is outstanding.  It’s frequently updated, too.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:37 | #

Anyone care to summarize?

Racist Jew fails to ask why Jews and blacks voted en bloc for The Messiah, because racist Jew is only interested in destroying white people.  Racist Jew has figured out that destroying white communities is a way to destroy white people.


Posted by Happy Cracker on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 08:40 | #

Thanks James for another interesting blog post.

Critique of Nate Silver’s speech on TED:

1. The use of the exit poll results might be an accurate measure of “racism”, as Silver contends.  Then again, given the serious psychological pressures to conform with popular notions of right and wrong, these exit polls might reflect simply the intimidation experienced by whites who have experienced or seen first-hand the punitive ability of the multicultural state and race-relations industry.

Since whites living in diverse locales can still be shown to self-segregate in terms of marriage rates and choice of abode, they may well have the same underlying “racism” that is merely not showing up in the exit poll measurements. It may be that a knowledge of the stigmatization attaching to these opinions - which was censured in this video in a restrained and superior way with the adjective “pernicious” among others, (in fact making the speaker appear more professional by contrast with the venomous nature of denunciations to which we have all grown accustomed) - it may be that it is the knowledge of this stigmatization which is causing whites to suppress explicitly pro-same-group attitudes.

It seems likely that whites living with non-whites learn to suppress explicit statements of racial preference, thus learning to “subtilize” their racism. There is anecdotal evidence which I’m sure we could give witness to on this board, that whites living amongst non-whites simply learn to use code words and speak with subtle signals, conveying in a manner less vulnerable to statist punishment (now institutionalized at Universities, workplaces, etc.) the same thoughts as the uneducated, rural whites who communicate these things more explicitly. These subtly racist thought patterns cannot be detected by crude measurement methods - i.e. an exit poll questioning directly about racial bias - because they have evolved to evade these methods of measurement, since their detection carries penalties of decreased status, possible loss of employment and even jail time.

In conclusion, Mr. Silver’s metric for quantifying the geographical distribution of racism (exit poll results) is extremely facile given the complex psychological dimensions involved in ascertaining who adheres to forbidden and stigmatized thought systems. A method of ascertainment so simple as a public questionaire about attitudes (which are deeply stigmatized in the wider society) would naturally select against those who had learned to suppress explicit statements of racial attitudes, and select for those who do not suppress these statements. Its this difference in the manner in which racial attitudes are expressed, rather than the attitudes themselves, which Silver is most likely measuring.

Given that this metric forms the basis for his subsequent analysis of the causative factors supposedly underlying this phenomenon of “racism”, and thus his suggested method of interventionist remedy - the critique of this measurement method draws into question all of his subsequent observations.


Posted by Happy Cracker on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:13 | #

Critiqueing the presentation more generally:

2. To put this powerpoint presentation in proper context: this is a presentation at a prestigous
conference, recorded with expensive equipment and made available on the internet.

Yet it lacks the fundamentals routinely demanded of presentations on other topics.

It lacks a proper introduction; it lacks a proper discussion of its results in the context
of available literature; it lacks any outline of assumptions of its own philosophical framework;
it lacks any counterpoint; it does not cite sources - and for the breadth of data collected and the
facile nature of the analysis involved, the whole effort behind could not have been more than
2 hours work. There is no question session afterwards.

Is this powerpoint presentation truly the state of our knowledge about racism in America?

How could a presentation discussing this problem not make any reference to any other literature
or the findings of any other scientists?

This presentation would be unacceptable if it were delivered by a first-year undergraduate in any
scientific field at a good university. Just to provide a contrast, if a first-year physics undergraduate
produced a presentation of this calibre about gravity, I’m quite confident that student would not receive a passing grade.

Why is this person allowed to make a presentation this sloppy, this ad hoc, this unexamined - and have it be placed into the spotlight?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:10 | #

Racist Jews like li’l Nate operate under the automatically accepted definition of racism as whites excluding the rest, while ignoring the definition of racism as the withdrawal from any ethnic group of the necessary conditions for life.  But the very existence of Israel, girded by the unrelenting and totally dedicated efforts of Israeli Jews to maintain and expand it, testifies to their own acceptance of the second definition.

Well, Jews do have it both ways as we know (yes, that’s their single standard).  But life continuity is the ultimate interest and trumps equality.  Definition Two far outweighs Definition One in moral worth and is acknowledged in principle by the international community.  The fact that that community has officially excluded native Europeans from the protections afforded by their own Declaration is only another sign of the racism with which we are treated.

Wherever we can we ought to point out that there are two internationally accepted definitions of racism, and one of those defines it as “the withdrawal from any ethnic group of the necessary conditions for life”.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:32 | #

From the People Who Live in Glass Houses Shouldn’t Throw Stones department( * ):

Monday, April 20, 2009

Complacent Diaspora Jews

( http://ashkenazithing.blogspot.com/2009/04/complacent-diaspora-jews.html )

I’m reading Rachel Shabi’s We Look Like the Enemy, about the Mizrahi experience in Israel.  Shabi writes about how Iraqi Jews lost status when they moved to Israel, because the Ashkenazi Zionists who were running Israel looked on Mizrahim as second-class citizens.  Immigrants from Iraq wished they could go back.

However, once they left they couldn’t go back because even though Jews had been comfortable in Iraq, political changes related to Arab nationalism led to pogroms and confiscation of property.  To me, this episode in history is yet another example of why Zionism is necessary.  Here, a prosperous and confident ethnic minority suddenly loses everything, because other people change their minds.

And yet, when the Iraqi immigrants were languishing in Israeli refugee camps, they longed for Iraq.  They probably never understood how fragile their situation was all along, and that what happened was inevitable. The pretext was the situation in Palestine, but it could have been anything.  That’s what it means to be a minority.

”In Iraq, the period up to the Arab-Israeli war in 1948 was characterized by political instability, as a series of pro-British governments tried to crush nationalism.  At the heart of these power struggles, a landmark incident shattered the Jewish community’s sense of belonging.  In 1941 the Nazi-leaning ultra-nationalist Rashid Ali al-Gailani took hold of Iraq by coup, banished the British-appointed regent…and declared the country an ally of Germany…This gave Britain the excuse to reoccupy Iraq.  The Baghdadi Jewish community, dressed in its finest on the last day of a religious festival, thought it would be okay to go and welcome the returning regent—not knowing that his return had been delayed.  Nationalists, having just been defeated by British forces, were incensed by that.  They were already angered by Zionist operations in Palestine and turned against the Jewish community in Iraq.  Rioting quickly spread to the looting of homes and properties and the killing of hundreds, mostly Jews.”

Posted by latté island at 3:47 AM


Monday, April 27, 2009

A banned book I’d like to read

( http://ashkenazithing.blogspot.com/2009/04/banned-book-id-like-to-read.html )

Ashkenazi Revolution, by Kalman Katzenelson, was cited in Rachel Shabi’s We Look Like the Enemy, which I just read.  I assumed I’d read it (A.R.) next, because it’s a racialist take on Zionism.  There is very little about it on Google.  It must be a very interesting book, to have been suppressed so successfully.  Here’s a quote about the book, not from it.  Even bad reviews like this are hard to find:

”One of the worst examples of the anti-Mizrahi discrimination involves The Ashkenazi Revolution published in 1964 by writer Kalman Katzenelson in which the author argues that the Mizrahim suffer from irreversible genetic inferiority that endangers the superiority of the Ashkenazi-Zionist state.  He called for the establishment of an apartheid regime that, among other limitations, would abolish their political rights.  He also objected to mixed marriages and demanded the prohibition of the Hebrew language because it resembled Arabic too greatly.  Instead he demanded that Yiddish become the national language because of its supreme Germanic origins.  His book was a bestseller until Ben-Gurion banned it.

Also in We Look Like the Enemy is a discussion of Mizrahi music, which unites Arabs and Mizrahi in Israel.  There are a few anecdotes about how Israeli Arabs and Mizrahim get together because of the music.  Shabi mentions Moshe Peretz’s “Fire” as a big hit.  The whole problem can be seen here [click on video URL below].  This is catchy music, and Peretz is attractive and talented, but there is absolutely no way I or any other Ashkenazi could or would want to assimilate to this culture:


Posted by latté island at 12:49 AM

( *  file also under the What’s Sauce for the Goose is Sauce for the Gander department and the Race-Replacement Begins At Home department)


Posted by cladrastis on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:55 | #

Wouldn’t level of education also correlate highly with degree of indoctrination/self hatred? 

What I think is particularly interesting about voting patterns and geography is that Tennessee, Arkansas, and Kentucky just happen to form the buffer zone between the black belt states (which end in Memphis, AR/TN) and the MidWestern states.  They are dealing with the brunt of invasions from both Deep South blacks and, more recently, from Hispanic laborers (who, like the armadillos and javelinas, are expanding their range northward).  No doubt, the fact that so many whites from Detroit relocated to TN and KY has something to do with racial attitudes as well (many of the auto workers in Detroit originally came from TN following WWII).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:01 | #

Let’s not even mention the Ashkenazi view of the Negro Jews in Israel, the Falashas.

Or wait — why not?  Let’s rub it in!  I just hunted up the following from an old thread (pay attention, Nate Silver!):

Posted by Fred Scrooby on August 31, 2008, 02:05 AM | #

( http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/alon_ziv_on_race_mixing/P100/#c61307 )

“It is only necessary to walk in any street in Israel to see that the population is very very heterogeneous, and we have blond Ashkenazi Jews as well North African Moroccan Jews, and Dagestan Jews and black skinned Indian Jews and wow! now even Ethiopian Jews”  ( — J, a couple above)

Not much longer on the Ethiopian Jews, J — looks like the Ashkenazis are tightening the screws on the Jewish wackos who want them in the country ( http://www.fdesouche.com/articles/3711 ).  They won’t last long:  no more will be allowed to enter, and within half-a-generation those already there will have dwindled considerably due to withering attrition policies aimed at zeroing out their numbers.  Those policies will succeed in the long run, and these mistakes will have been disappeared from Israel as if by magic.  The Jews do a lot of dumb things but letting lots of Negroes stay in their country isn’t one of them — that’s strictly for the goys. 

See also here ( http://gfactor.blogspot.com/2008_08_01_archive.html#4880546234429768566#4880546234429768566 ):


After 30 years of admitting 120,000 self-styled Jews from Ethiopia (mean national IQ 64), Israel announced it was slamming the door on further such immigration - for the Ethiopian immigrants and their descendants had turned out to be uneducable, unemployable and poor (despite government underwriting of mortgages for them) (Daily Telegraph, 6 viii).  Leaders of the already-immigrated Ethiopians promptly accused their hosts of “discrimination” and “prejudice.”

Posted by Fred Scrooby on August 31, 2008, 02:16 AM | #

Sorry, that second link doesn’t go to the right batch of entries and I can’t make the right one work.  Scroll down to the entries of August 11.  It’s in there.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on August 31, 2008, 02:24 AM | #

”Daily Telegraph, 6 viii” means Daily Telegraph, August 6.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:35 | #

If Euros have racial preferences it’s none of this Jew’s or any Jew’s fucking business.  Period, full stop, end of story.  Let this Jew talk about the racial preferences of Jews and STFU otherwise.


Posted by torgrim on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 15:42 | #

“Boy, this guy’s bio at Wikipedia is longer than Julius Caesar’s, Abraham Lincoln’s, George Washington’s, Aristotle’s, Einstein’s, or Jesus Christ’s. Assuming he wrote it himself, a safe bet, I’d say the guy is a little self-obsessed?”—Fred Scrooby

Comment- “An empty man is full of himself.” Ed Abbey


Posted by (the real) silver on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 16:44 | #

Just to correct any possible misconceptions, that’s not me.


Posted by Lord of the Mountebanks on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:56 | #

“The Jew has no monumental history. He has never had any literature, science or art; he has none yet.”
- K. Knox

“The Jews still cannot claim any true genius, any truly great man. All their talents and skills revolve around stratagems and low cunning; these in a word are the true and only Jewish reason.”
- Immanuel Kant

“The Jewish theory that the Goyim envy the superior ability of Jews is not borne out by the facts. Most Goyim, in fact, deny that the Jew is superior, and point in evidence to his failure to take the first prizes: he has to be content with the seconds.
No Jewish composer has ever come within miles of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms; no Jew has ever challenged the top-flight painters of the world and no Jewish scientist has ever equaled Newton, Darwin, Pasteur or Mendel.
In the latter bracket such apparent exceptions as Ehrlich, Freud and Einstein are only apparent. Freud was nine-tenths quack, and there is sound reason for believing that even Einstein will not hold up: in the long run his curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic bumps of Gall and Spurzheim.
But whether this inferiority of the Jew is real or only a delusion, it must be manifest that it is generally accepted. The Goy does not, in fact, believe that the Jew is better than the non-Jew; the most he will admit is that the Jew is smarter at achieving worldly success. But this he ascribes to sharp practices, not to superior abilities.”
- H.L. Mencken (20th century writer)

These great men stand head-and-shoulders above self-appointed “geniuses” like Nate Silver.  Silver, far from being the “wizard” that Wiki describes him as, is a typically uber-ethnocentric, brazenly chutzpathic Jew whose arguments are transparently filled with foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of white gentiles.  “An empty man is full of himself” indeed.


Posted by Sick on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:14 | #

Excellent idea, Mr. Scrooby.  I suggest we begin with the Upper West Side.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:45 | #

I agree with “sick”:  Manhattan’s Upper West Side Jews badly need to shut the fuck up about Euro race references and about a lot of other things while they’re at it.  They want to talk about race preferences so badly?  Let the slimy hypocrites talk about their own.  I don’t exactly see all their sons and daughters running around marrying Negroes.  There are plenty of Negro Jews in Israel — whatsamatter, can’t find one to marry the daughter off to????  Gee I wonder how that could be!  You Jews need to re-read Alon Ziv’s book:  you don’t seem to have gotten the message!


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 01:57 | #

I too could only watch part of the vid. Nate Silver, what a vile excuse for a human being.


Posted by Bazil on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:32 | #

How do know when a jew is lying?

His lips are moving.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 10:02 | #

Joking aside, Nate Silver isn’t really lying.  And he’s not dishonestly availing himself of the language with which stupid goys address the subject of their own racial dispossession and destruction.  Almost certainly, he believes everything he says exactly in the terms he has said it, and would explain it thus to a fellow Jew.

That’s the joy of self-deception.


Posted by Happy Cracker on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 14:18 | #

Fred Scrooby quoted a post from another board re:Ashkenazi v. Mizrahi discussion, showing that the Jews have an analogous problem to our Nordic/Med split:

Also in We Look Like the Enemy is a discussion of Mizrahi music, which unites Arabs and Mizrahi in Israel.  There are a few anecdotes about how Israeli Arabs and Mizrahim get together because of the music.  Shabi mentions Moshe Peretz’s “Fire” as a big hit.  The whole problem can be seen here [click on video URL below].  This is catchy music, and Peretz is attractive and talented, but there is absolutely no way I or any other Ashkenazi could or would want to assimilate to this culture:


Posted by latté island at 12:49 AM

What is so interesting about the above music clip is this: watch the music clip and fast forward to the middle or 2/3rds mark. Look at the bright colors, the vision of the woman appearing to him in fire.

Can you recognize in that clip the same aesthetic sensibility that crafted the Bible? It strikes me as being very, very similar to the aesthetics of Bible stories. The vividness, and simplicity, the mystery and fervor - underlying everything, the stink of semitic body odors.

That music, those colors, the quality of a mysterious vision in the desert - reminds me of all the sweaty swarthy prophets in the great old book. An eery realization.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 15:04 | #

I think the take-home point, Happy Cracker, is the diaspora Ashkenazi Jews have been running around since 1860 trying to ram all kinds of extreme racial incompatibles and outright species incompatibles down Euro throats (West-Central African Negroes are a different human species, not a different human race), yet look how the slimy hypocrites behave when confronted by Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews in their own country, not to mention Falashas, “the descendants of the tribe of Dan.”  The Jewish hypocrisy is beyond words to describe.  Of course it’s not just hypocrisy:  there is a central core of wealthy Jewish movers and shakers behind the scenes who are consciously aiming at bringing about the extermination-through-race-mixing of the Euro races.  For them, all this isn’t hypocrisy but methodically-carried-out plans proceeding very nicely right on target.


Posted by Old Raven on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 22:54 | #

That link at TOQ on Evola’s Anti-Semitism seems to be fixed:  http://www.toqonline.com/2009/04/evolas-anti-semitism/


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 14:21 | #

Look at this tip-of-the-iceberg mention of the role played by the huge American foundations in pushing race-replacement:


I want to know the ethnicity (what proportion are Jewish?) of each and every policy-setting individual in every one of these huge foundations that pushes race-replacement.  I’m not talking about the clueless frontmen and frontwomen, the stooges chosen for public consumption precisely to hide the real power-wielders, or the underlings who do what they’re told or what they sense is expected of them, or the ones who aren’t ultimately responsible for policy.  I’m talking about the ones behind the scenes who are ultimately responsible for policy. 

As is well-known around this blog, I consider what’s going on to be, in large part, a tribal war.


Posted by Eastern Establishment front on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:18 | #

Soros is Rothschild, Ford/Carnegie some combination of old-guard financial Jews.

Both of these two relatively trusting goyim, Carnegie and Ford, were almost immediately duped of the major portion of their fortune by the aggressive shysters.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:30 | #

Both of these two relatively trusting goyim, Carnegie and Ford, were almost immediately duped of the major portion of their fortune by the aggressive shysters.  (—just above)

There were members of the actual Ford family, descendants of Henry Ford, still on the board of the Ford Foundation through the 1960s and early ‘70s fighting against much of the radical left-wing power that had entrenched itself there and was disbursing huge Foundation monies in furtherance of the destruction of civilization and race until somewhere in the first half of the 1970s the last actual member of the Ford family resigned in disgust out of powerlessness to change anything there, since which the Ford family has had nothing to do with the Foundation their family had originally set up for quite different purposes as can be imagined.  In my view what certainly happened is the Jews took it over.  Anyone who argues that point is going to have to satisfy my demand to know the ethnicity of every power-wielder there since the 1960s or I will not waver in my strong impression it is now a Jewish operation.  The Jewish tribal warfare modus operandi is written all over Ford Foundation shenannigans like creating La Raza out of thin air and all the rest of it, every bit of it and yes that includes certain grants they’ve given to anti-Israel Moslem groups.


Posted by Eastern Establishment front on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:10 | #

Board control at Ford was apparently lost early on. Carnegie apparently simply handed over his cash just as Cecil Rhodes did, in the mistaken belief that the new overseers were good Anglo-Saxon men dedicated to Anglo-Saxon causes.

Speculation has it that Bill Gates is Jewish on his dad’s side, and daddy belongs to the foundation system, so watch out. (Qualifier: Bill Gates doesn’t act Jewish even if ancestral. Jews never give away the bulk of their fortune to medicine, Desis, blacks, and hispanics, as BMGF does. More archetypical Michael Bloomberg retains billions for himself, give mils to Jewish causes, and a few small Gs to gay Hispanic music groups and multicultural festivals.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 23:36 | #

Good thread over at Scotchfiend’s.  I never read Roissy’s though I’ve heard of it.  (Once or twice I’ve had a look around there but it defo wasn’t my cup of tea.)  I don’t know what kind of guy Roissy is, but It’s apparent from the Roissy thread excerpts in this long Scotchfiend entry that there are some Roissy commenters who know what’s going on or are pretty damned close to figuring it out.  That’s good news.  The more guys figure this stuff out, the more possible it becomes to change it without violence.



Posted by CullTheDumbest on Fri, 01 May 2009 18:42 | #

In general terms the signs and symptoms of psychosis are having hallucinations or delusions or certain types of very abnormal behaviour. Having Hallucinations means that someone may hear their own thoughts as if they are coming from a source outside their own body. They may see, smell or taste things that appear to be real but which are not being experienced at that time by anyone else. People who have hallucinations often try to find an explanation for them, and may invent and attribute them to beliefs that others may see as strange and which are called delusions.

What is severe mental illness?

Widespread B12 deficiency?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 19:41 | #

La Raza, MALDEF, and the other arrogant Hispanic organizations in the U.S. were created, strengthened, and sustained over years and decades with money from the huge American “charitable” foundations.  La Raza was created out of thin air by Ford.  Google Ford Foundation La Raza funding and click on the “cached” frontpagemag.com articles that come up.  You have to click on the cached articles because for some reason clicking on the main titles gets you to FrontPageMag.com but still not to the articles.  Here are some examples of the cached articles:

Here’s Horowitz’s “Discover the Networks” resource:


which if you browse it will take you to all sorts of interesting pages, these for example,



http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/funderProfile.asp?fndid=5176 ,

but for some reason the article links, such as those running down the left page margin at the last URL just hereabove, don’t connect for the most part, and you have to google them separately (and even doing that, on the google results page that comes up,often you need to click on the cached pages rather than the main links, as already indicated).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 30 May 2009 04:34 | #

At the following two links is how Jews typically think, and is the source, the kernel, of the present problem Eurochristians have with Jews:  Jews want us subjected to political rule that is very bad for us.  They want us genocided, is what it ultimately amounts to.  This Jew “J” wants in effect the extermination of every Eurochristian on the planet.  No that’s not hyperbole:  think through the consequences of what he wants us subjected to.  What has to be understood is his point of view is very typical of Jews. 



Anyone see a reconciliation possible here?  I don’t.  The Jews want us exterminated because, they say, we want them exterminated.

Bad, bad, bad, bad problem and one with no solution in sight.

Very, very, very bad problem.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 30 May 2009 08:38 | #

At the following two links is how Jews typically think, and is the source, the kernel, of the present problem Eurochristians have with Jews:  Jews want us subjected to political rule that is very bad for us.  They want us genocided, is what it ultimately amounts to.  This Jew “J” wants in effect the extermination of every Eurochristian on the planet.  No that’s not hyperbole:  think through the consequences of what he wants us subjected to.  What has to be understood is his point of view is very typical of Jews. 



Anyone see a reconciliation possible here?  I don’t.  The Jews want us exterminated because, they say, we want them exterminated.

Bad, bad, bad, bad problem and one with no solution in sight.

Very, very, very bad problem.

—Fred Scrooby

This seems to indicate extreme paranoia. The only anti-White statement I could find was by “J;” it was totally unacceptable. However, I don’t see how that implies a desire for White Gentile extinction. Other than that, I don’t even see anything anti-White in the hyperlinks; much less a desire to exterminate all White Gentiles.

Also, the Jews claim neo-nazi types want to exterminate them, not mainstream Whites.

I also don’t see any proof from your comment, that many mainstream Jews (much less, all) or even any Jews for that matter, want to exterminate all of us.

I am unsure if I can take this website seriously, if virtually all of the commenters (here) and the site owner take Fred Scrooby’s comment in bold (above) seriously.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 30 May 2009 12:27 | #

“EA Steve” is a true mental retard.


Posted by q on Sat, 30 May 2009 14:50 | #

In the link provided by Fred—J writes: “Obama means fighting and silencing racists and antisemites everywhere, including moral perverts like Kevin MacDonald, Obama means creating a public environment where their teachings are unpopular, illegal and liable to send them to jail.”

You see, Steve, if you dare to drift off the PC plantation and speak the truth, as Kevin MacDonald does, then Jews like “J” want your white ass in jail. In fact ANY WHITE that isn’t supporting or working for the race-replacement of their own White race WILL be considered a hate criminal. That’s how sick a twisted the PC environment we live in has gotten ... and it’s only going to get worse if the “Js” of the world have their way.

Here’s more on the ADL’s attack on our free speech:



Posted by Gudmund on holiday on Sat, 30 May 2009 16:23 | #

Obama means fighting and silencing racists and antisemites everywhere, including moral perverts like Kevin MacDonald, Obama means creating a public environment where their teachings are unpopular, illegal and liable to send them to jail.

Holy burning genocidal malice Batman!

From comments like this we can divine the following:  It is the desire of the vectorists to create a totalitarian, openly communist regime in America upon the ashes of our old constitutional republic.  Their disregard for legal precedent and age-old tradition reflects their utter contempt for our former way of life as well as their transparent desire to destroy it, and us, forever. 

There is no solution to this set of problems that will not involve violence and the extermination or extirpation of our foes.  Sorry, peaceniks, but that is the raw reality of the situation.

PS Remove your head from your rectum, EA Steve.


Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 30 May 2009 16:26 | #

“The existence of my people” doesn’t mean my people who have been changed partly into Negroes, partly into Chinamen, partly into Mexes, partly into Subcons, and partly into Arabs.  It means my people, unchanged and as they were.

Exactly right.  Even one drop of Auslander blood makes them aliens, better yet abominations who’ve as little right to live in our lands as do the Untermenschen who sired them.


Posted by EAn Steve on Sat, 30 May 2009 22:06 | #

Thank you for responding politely, Q.

I agree there is a faction of Jews, which is very dangerous. Their threat must be neutralized; no doubt. I agree agree with you, on a faction of Jews.

However, the main point of my comment was that Fred Scrooby provided no proof of Jews collectively calling for the extermination of White Gentiles. That part actually has doubts, and rightfully so.

It’s also ironic that Fred Scrooby is so hurt by ad hominen attacks, when he so carelessly throws them at me.

And Gudmund on Holiday, you are the apparently obsessive one, not me.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 30 May 2009 22:07 | #

The above comment was made by me, EA Steve.

EAn Steve is a typo.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 30 May 2009 22:48 | #

The day I’m “hurt” by ad hominem attacks, I’ll be the first to let you know about it, Steve.


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 31 May 2009 12:37 | #

If one of the manifestations of ethnocentrism is group paranoia, j’s thread provides a good example of it.  MacDonald’s argument for Jewish ethnocentrism seems to be the focus of his critics (e.g. Jobling).  But mean group ethnocentrism is not essential to MacDonald’s thesis in CoC, only the ethnocentrism of those who spawned and promoted the movements he discusses.  As regards Jewish influence in general, it is enough that the Jewish community is led by highly ethnocentric organizations and individuals (and let’s for a moment say that mean ethnocentrism is the same for all ethnic groups, this does not tell us what the variability is and what sort of numbers we can expect at the tail ends.)  These people (Jobling, j, etc.) will cling to any excuse to avoid addressing the issue of Jewish support for race-replacement.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 May 2009 14:06 | #

“As regards Jewish influence in general, it is enough that the Jewish community is led by highly ethnocentric organizations and individuals”  (—Dasein)

Excellent point.  Jews get people like Abe Foxman for their top élites, we get ones like Warren Buffett, Bill & Melinda Gates, and the Bushes.

“and let’s for a moment say that mean ethnocentrism is the same for all ethnic groups, this does not tell us what the variability is and what sort of numbers we can expect at the tail ends.”  (—Dasein)

Excellent point.

“These people (Jobling, j, etc.) will cling to any excuse to avoid addressing the issue of Jewish support for race-replacement.”  (—Dasein)

Excellent point.  The excuses J cooks up, J being Jewish, will include far more extreme, jaw-dropping ones if he feels he has to, such as that “race doesn’t exist,” or perhaps stuff like, “even if race exists all races are the same, or all on average are equally good, so it doesn’t make any difference if every Euro-race person on the planet gets changed into a Negro — Euro racial defects and advantages and Negro racial defects and advantages all average out, cancelling each other, and it’s a wash.  Jews mixing with Negroes?  Now you’re being anti-Semitic and I hope Sotamayor gets confirmed to the Supreme Court so racist anti-Semites like you get thrown in jail.” 

As for Jobling, his schtick is he simply closes his eyes to the presence of the 800 lb gorilla in his living room, playing Jedi mind tricks on himself so that he doesn’t see it.

There are Jews who admit races exist, hard as that may be to believe.  Not every Jew on the planet denies races exist however much it may appear that way.  Alon Ziv for example admits there are Negroes and white people.  He doesn’t try to deny that.  He just insists it’s better if every Euro-race person in the world marries a Negro.  (Does he mentally leave Jews out of his recommendation?  Three guesses.  Do all Jews reading his book instinctively understand they’re not included in his recommendation?  Three more guesses.) 

See, the main aim of the Jews isn’t to deny the existence of race.  That’s only an ancillary aim.  Their main aim, the one that makes them deny race in the first place, is getting the white goys to miscegenate — miscegenate with Negroes preferably, but where those are lacking or whites resistant, with anything else non-Euro.  So Ashley Montagu (a Jew, for any newbies out there) chose the “race doesn’t exist” strategy for getting the Euro-race peoples to miscegenate with Negroes, but Alon Ziv chooses a different strategy, that of admitting race exists and using precisely that as a jumping-off point for claiming there are biological reasons why it’s better, why it actually improves the white race, for all whites to marry only Negroes. 

See, the main aim in both cases, Montagu’s and Ziv’s, isn’t to deny or admit the existence of races, it’s to get non-Jewish whites to Negroize themselves.  If they can accomplish that by denying race they’ll do it.  If they can accomplish that by admitting race they’ll do it.  It’s like Abraham Lincoln when he said, “My purpose in fighting this war isn’t to free the slaves, it’s to preserve the Union.  If I could accomplish that by freeing the slaves I’d do it.  If I could accomplish it by not freeing any slaves, I’d do that.  If I could accomplish it by freeing some slaves and not others, I’d do that.” 

To understand the motivation of the Jew, simply substitute “Our purpose as Jews” for Lincoln’s “My purpose,” substitute “deny race” for Lincoln’s “fighting this war,” substitute “tell the truth” for his “free the slaves,” and substitute “get Euro-race peoples to miscegenate” for Lincoln’s “preserve the Union.” 

Thus you have, “Our purpose as Jews in denying race isn’t to pretend to tell the truth, it’s to get Euro-race peoples to miscegenate.  If we could accomplish that by denying race we’d to it.  If we could accomplish it by not denying race we’d do that.  If we could accomplish it by denying some races and not others, we’d do that.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 May 2009 14:40 | #

To A Finn and other Euros who are put off by so much talk about Jews, and who ask why do some Americans like Scrooby talk so much about Jews when they should instead be devoting their energies to solving the problem no matter who is causing it?  The reason is we have a HUGE Jewish population here, the sort of Jewish population numbers that Russia had because of the Pale of Settlement, and which got Russia transformed into a Jewish Bolshevik living hell thanks to Russia’s HUGE Jewish population, and as a result we can see the problem at close quarters since Jews are everywhere running things here the way they were everywhere running things in Lenin’s Soviet Union.  You over there can’t see a Jewish problem because there are like six Jews total in Helsinki.  Try upwards of six million and you’ll get an idea of what’s going on over here.  (The official figure is something like 5.5 million but I am starting to agree with commenters like Ben Tillman who believe the figure errs considerably on the low side, for various reasons, one being Jews don’t like to admit they’re Jews on government census surveys.  I’d guess there are seven or eight million Jews here.  There were something like five million in the Russian Empire when the Jewish Bolsheviks took over there.)

A very big part of the reason Europe is race-replacing itself is influence from the United States and you guys need to wake up to that fact.  And why is the United States going around influencing others to race-replacement themselves?  Because we have a HUGE Jewish population and Jews here are EVERYWHERE running things, and Jews ALWAYS PUSH RACE-REPLACEMENT OF EUROS, WHICH IS VERY SIMPLY A WAY THEY USE TO GET RID OF A GROUP THEY 1) DISLIKE, 2) FEAR, AND 3) ARE JEALOUS OF.

That’s why Americans like me talk so much more about Jews than Euros do who scarcely ever see one so don’t understand why all the “fixation on Jews instead of solving the problem.”  It’s hard to solve the problem when your society’s nervous system is taken over by the one creating the problem in the first place.  When that happens, the first step is talking about the problem via the only portion of the nevvous system you have access to — in Soviet Union in the 1970s that was mimeograph machines, today it’s the internet but the Jews are working hard on closing that communications channel to us as we speak.

As Ben Tillman said here just yesterday in responding to the moron who signs as “Skeptical,” Euros ARE NOT RACE-REPLACING THEMSELVES.  SOMEONE ELSE IS DOING IT TO THEM.

I’ll also throw in for the philosophers here, we’re not being race-replaced because someone has found a new philosophy that we need to overcome by finding an even better philosophy.  We’re being race-replaced as a result of something that’s been around since the Stone Age called TRIBAL WARFARE.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 May 2009 15:01 | #

Actually, when you think about it, even eight million’s probably a low figure.  Who knows, ten million?  Twelve?  Certainly could be.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 31 May 2009 15:11 | #



Posted by Dasein on Sun, 31 May 2009 16:00 | #

You over there can’t see a Jewish problem because there are like six Jews total in Helsinki.

Actually, all you would need is 2 to start wielding enormous influence on that country’s politics.  The one fellow starts up a ‘Council of the Jews of Country X’ that represents him and his friend and they can now start denouncing the ‘racism/intolerance/anti-Semitism’ of local politicians.  The native population might have no clue that there are only 2 Jews in the whole country, but they read in the paper that so and so has been accused of anti-Semitism and right away he’s under a lot of pressure (here’s just one recent example from Austria, apologies to those who don’t speak German http://www.jungefreiheit.de/Single-News-Display.154+M578ac9f1e0c.0.html).  Criticism from Jewish groups is enough to set in motion a campaign that will lead to the end of a political career.  Politicians from other parties will be only too happy to pile on, and a media that is heavily influenced by Jews will make sure it’s a top story.  If the person under attack were to say, ‘Hey, there are only 2 Jews in our whole country, why should I have to tailor my thinking to please them?’, Bronfman is on speed-dial.  The only disadvantage of having only 2 Jews in the country is that you’ve got a small pool of candidates for the presidency, but Jewish groups overcome this by shipping their co-ethnics from country to country to run these things.  The bottom line: numbers are deceiving.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Jun 2009 03:49 | #

In their rush to put people in office who’ll bring on social destruction and Eurochristian genocide, Jewish Eurohristian-haters may end up with guys in office whom they don’t like but will they ever stop?  No, never, they hate Eurochristians too much.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 16:18 | #

See also how one young Jewish American interviewed in Jerusalem in this video says he was a volunteer for the Obama campaign and now feels outraged and betrayed after Obama’s Cairo speech:

http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/young_israelis_on_obama_two_days_ago/ .

In other words, he thought in helping Obama get elected he was furthering just the destruction of North-American Euro-race society and just the genocide of North-American Euro-race people.  When any of that seems to have negative repercussions on Israel he’s outraged.

So it was OK to do that shit to America but not to Israel.

That’s the Jews for you:  they see themselves as deep, deep, deep, implacable, implacable, implacable enemies of Eurochristians (while at the same time managing to convince the gullible Eurochristians they only want to be accepted and not discriminated against, that’s all, nothing more — when what they really want in their heart of hearts is to bring the whole shooting match of Eurochristian society, culture, and race crashing down about everyone’s ears:  they hate it). 

Jews are not the biggest liars, hypocrites, totalitarians, natiocides and genocidalists ever seen in the history of the world.  That’s not true. 

They’re the biggest ever seen in the history of the universe.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 16:39 | #

A letter to the editor of Vdare.com this morning reads,

I shake my head in amazement that Americans, and particularly my California neighbors, tolerate the endless injustices carried out against them with nary a peep of protest.  Don’t you find it deliciously ironic that in this horrible economy, to save a few pennies Americans will clip coupons, comparison-shop all over town or fight tooth and nail with store managers to get a discount?  But when it comes to the multi-billions to be saved by cracking down on legal and illegal immigration, they remain foolishly, inexplicably silent.

( http://www.vdare.com/letters/tl_060509.htm )

What are they supposed to do, riot in the streets?  Earth to this commenterIn the U.S. the Jews control the organs of mass public communication by which this or any other societal problem would normally get aired and ironed out, the mainstream media.  The Jews completely control that here. 

That translates into Jewish control over the society’s nervous system.  When an anesthesiologist administers curare to your nervous system (or when an Amazon head-hunter hits you with a blow-gun dart with the same stuff on its tip) you can’t do much:  you’re alive but paralyzed. 

For European readers like A Finn and to an extent CvH and GW, I’m talking about the situation in the U.S., not necessarily in your country, in case what I’m saying puzzles you.  Rest assured, though, that the U.S. influences your country as heavily as Moscow did its pre-1989 Eastern European “satellite” nations, so just as any group influencing Moscow influenced the Eastern-European “satellite” nations, any group influencing or in certain ways outright controlling the U.S. will most assuredly influence your nation though that group be “headquartered” in the U.S. and therefore relatively less visible to you, or invisible.  You’re being influenced by gravity from a planet you cannot see.  We here in the U.S. can see it better because it’s right next to us.  Today’s U.S. is, as Peter Brimelow said, Rome in the Age of the Twelve Caesars.  Did the group that controlled politics in the capital of Ancient Rome exert influence indirectly over the outer reaches of that Emipre though the folk inhabiting the outer reaches might have no or scant direct perception of that group?  To ask the question is to answer it.  Likewise with today’s version of Ancient Rome, Washington D.C. and U.S. society. 

The Jews, the ones who control society’s nervous system in the U.S., side with the Hispanics, Negroes, Orientals and others against U.S. whites (whites meaning U.S. Euros) and will NEVER permit public discussion in the U.S. of the immigration issue (or, even less of course, of the race issue).  NEVER.  Rioting in the streets is the only option open to the people, their only recourse, because public discussion of this topic will not be permitted by those who control the mainstream media.

When you’ve captured the society’s mass media, you’ve captured the society’s nervous system.  In the U.S. <strike>the Jews</strike> oops! excuse me, better make that the (fill in the blank) _______ have captured the mass media.  Let’s say the German Nazi Party had wrested total control over the U.S.’s mass media from 1939-45:  total control, as complete as the <strike>Jews’ control is today</strike> the (fill in the blank’s) _______ control is today.  History would’ve been very different indeed.  Well, today <strike>the Jews</strike> oops!  make that an interest group every bit as “interested” as the Nazi Party has wrested total control over the U.S.’s mass media (not to mention its heavy influence in other key areas/societal control points).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Jun 2009 18:58 | #

Follow this next link to the Jews discussing tactics for bringing the nearly finished job of race-replacement to final completion:


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