Computer Generated Graphics to Replace 20 Million Hispanics! As the revolt of the plebs under Machiavelli’s Rule approaches, we find some amusing responses from the official outlets like Wired: Need more proof? Just get a load of this computer generated graphic! What I think is really going on is, although such automation could have been done twenty years ago (Cesar Chavez or no Cesar Chavez), the baronage is getting the idea that maybe it should hedge its bets just in case the plebs actually get around to coming for their hides. They think they’re going to get this job done as easily as it could have been done long ago as an alternative to amnesty for illegal aliens and giving much of the US territory to Mexico. But now they’ve destroyed the careers of the US engineering professionals by replacing them with Asian commodity engineers. Well, yes, they do have 20 years of Moore’s Law working for them but this is mainly a software problem and the software profession has degenerated during the huge importation of slave programmers. They really have no idea how far off the cliff they’ve run… Comments:2
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:56 | # James, We are certainly in a life and death struggle with a false and treasonous ‘elite’ that grew up among us. I think our real problem is our own passiveness. We are taking their hits passively while they are acting proactively using their control of paper money and mass Jews Media. But that is all they control. Their only power is others’ perception they possess a superior power. They are second rate men and women who can only maintain their position by importing third rate engineers and scientists. So they took away the bags of paper money? So what? This is only important if one lets that event affect their willpower to fight on. “such automation could have been done twenty years ago” I, along with a couple of hundred officers, once had an “Effective English” teacher at Fort Benning at the Advance Course. She was from the local community college. She hated the passive voice since it assigned no responsibility. Been done’ and ‘will be done’ led her hit list of evil constructions. She was right. “We could have implemented” and “we can implement” are superior since these constructions assign responsibility, which is something most humans hate more than ‘work’. “We are implementing” is a more advanced best case. Computerized tool automation can be employed in many fields by whites - starting today - and without waiting one more second for some great future ‘Event’ outside of their control. I’m currently building my own Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) flatbed router. High capital investments in the form of knowledge, training, skill, time and willpower are needed. Usually one will need to divert all the ‘investment’ they currently put into the sterile desert of Jewish ‘media’, plus a good part of the time now spent on Virtual Reality pro-white activism on the internet and recreational beverages. The great news is only a tiny amount of Jewish paper money (false ‘capital’) is needed. Almost everything anyone needs to start is available on the internet, at the county dump or is already present in your home or office. There is a widely believed myth that modern ‘technology’ is inaccessible without vast amounts of paper money ‘capital’. This lie has been spread by the same agencies who propagate the fairy tale that liquid and gas fuels can only be made from petroleum. A few examples (caveat: I have no financial interest or personal relations with any of the following links) Machine tool construction. It is entirely possible to build your own metal working lathes and milling machines, starting with melting and pouring locally available scrap metal. And to do it starting with nothing more than a hand held electric drill and circular saw. Go here for the world’s current best apprentice training course: This is a useful introduction to how white men used to think. “When someone asked me for a biographical sketch I was a bit confused and embarrassed so I answered lightly: “Most of my life was spent in trying to figure out how to do a $50.00 project for 50 cents, and the remainder of my time was spent in trying to scrounge up the 50 cents.” ... “That lack of cash that presents itself as an obstacle is really only the medium of exchange for those items of material and equipment we think we need. Actually, a whole list of apparent obstacles holds us back, but the lack of ready cash is the easiest obstacle to recognize and to discuss. As a result there is often too much discussion and too little practical work done. What is really needed is to put the whole matter into perspective so that apparent obstacles can be put aside and we can get on with the business at hand.” Here’s someone who took the late David Gingery’s foundry work and built it several steps further. Incidentally, Chastain later returned to school and got an engineering degree. His latest book is a manual on building combined heat and power generators, starting with used and junked engines. Tool Automation (Computer Numerically Controlled. Here are excellent entry level plans for a CNC Router. these are easily built with that same drill and circular saw, and also easily upgraded with more efficient components. Nor need anyone feel -alone-. 62,000 members strong, the overwhelming majority being white men. Here is ‘free’ world class control software for CNC machine tools: These are some more specifics to the concept some describe as “High Tech Amish”, and which GT & I think of as “Local”. Oh yes, about the ‘tiny amounts’ of Jew paper money I mentioned. They’re at the same level as the amounts wasted on expenses joining Alex Linder on x-country jaunts as an unpaid Jew Tube extra. We could make/can make/are making (take your choice) all this the daily “Propaganda of the Deed”. But there is no friendly ‘They’ in this and there will not be. ‘They’ are always hostile. ‘They’ are doing what James Bowery described; this is displacing ‘You’ with non-whites for their own short term benefit. Anyone who still believes some cavalry will come riding over the hill at the last second to save them and their loved ones WILL DIE WAITING. Death may come by penury and starvation or it may come by violence at non-white hands. Take a look at the ongoing white Rhodesian and South African experiences. This nick of time cavalry idea itself is a Jewish myth from Hymiewood. It never happened that way in real life. Frederick Remington once painted what really happened. It was a picture of a Union Pacific track gang who’d thrown down their shovels and picked up their rifles to drive off another attack of the Merciless Indian Savages. Maguire 3
Posted by Maguire on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 15:14 | # I do think ‘automating’ fruit picking in massive commercial orchards is a blind alley on the path to white independence. Returning to the custom of growing 3-7 fruit trees around one’s home is a far better solution. This was done as late as the early 1960s all over the USA, including inside cities in white working class neighborhoods. Home citrus fruit trees were also common in Florida until quite recently. The employers of illegals, Republican agri-business commercial growers, started a war against ‘citrus canker’ for purely cosmetic commercial purposes. This led to the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of home citrus trees. In my opinion this was a crop price support program marketed under false pretences. And oddly enough, The State has since abandoned the Canker War as unwinnable after destroying millions of trees. This Local Home solution eliminates both the illegal illiterate labor and will also bankrupt those with a demonstrated proclivity for enriching themselves with paper money by allying with non-whites against the white working and middle classes. Modern Russia illustrates the possibilities. My SWAG is Russia has 150 - 200 million fruit trees planted out at families’ weekend and summer cottages (a/k/a dachas). The standard 1/2 acre dacha plot in southern Russia averages around 10 apple, pear, cherry and other species of fruit trees. I happened to be there in April and last month when the trees were flowering. It’s quite a sight. These dachas almost all have Extremely Large Family vegetable gardens, too. This will lead to a healthier and more balanced life all the way around. And for some strange reason Russia doesn’t have anything approaching our immigration problem. Maguire 4
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 16:03 | # Frank McGuckin writes: Chavez was to known to have opposed the mechanization of agriculture. And he was only effective due to the fact that the baronage was relying on government pork to develop the technology. Its not like people with vast swaths of land can’t afford to invest in things that will improve their own bottom line. Maguire writes: “We could have implemented” and “we can implement” are superior since these constructions assign responsibility, which is something most humans hate more than ‘work’. “We are implementing” is a more advanced best case. Computerized tool automation can be employed in many fields by whites - starting today - and without waiting one more second for some great future ‘Event’ outside of their control. I’m currently building my own Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) flatbed router. As always, you make good general points about self-reliance and gumption. Indeed, I moved to the PNW precisely to hook up with guys like yourself who prided themselves in being able to build the equivalent of a Southbend lathe, not just from scrap, but from ore. As to the use of passive voice: I was not referring to “we”. I was referring to the state of the art 20 years ago which, at that time, was not amenable to garage style development of automated fruit pickers—not even by men with as much gumption and self-reliance as yourself. Just the image processing system required a VME bus DataCube NTSC system costing on the order of $50,000 for the integrated circuitry hardware alone. I know this number well because I was working on a classified project using that hardware back then and went from there to manage SAIC’s automated ordnance inspection software development which included robotic control of the ordnance. So if I went from passive to active voice it would have read “The baronage could have…” Maguire writes: I do think ‘automating’ fruit picking in massive commercial orchards is a blind alley on the path to white independence. Returning to the custom of growing 3-7 fruit trees around one’s home is a far better solution. This was done as late as the early 1960s all over the USA, including inside cities in white working class neighborhoods. Precisely why I’m pursuing low capitalization home cultivation but I’m more interested in technologies that can create subsistence from nothing, on a rental house’s back yard, within a matter of months rather than a matter of years because the big problem facing our people is the coming flight from the cities to lands owned by the baronage and protected by the local sheriffs. So when I say “low capitalization” I mean “You can afford having the land lord calling the sheriff to confiscate your investment and make you homeless again.” I too was impressed by the “country home” tradition of the Russians when I visited there in 1998, but in many ways the Soviets did less to dispossess the people of their independent subsistence than did the “free” Western countries. That is where “WE”, on this side of the iron curtain, stand today. The real reason Russia and eastern Europe has had less of an immigration problem is because their economic development did not allow their baronage to make even short term abuse of imported third world laborers profitable. But all of that is changing. Russia and eastern Europe are now in danger too. 5
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 09:47 | # They really have no idea how far off the cliff they’ve run…
Posted by danielj on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 10:38 | # To Maguire: All I can say is thanks for the links. It was the single most important post I’ve read. If you any other information like that feel free to send it to my email. 7
Posted by gmork on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:54 | # Things ain’t always as they seem, you know. Not that legal beaners make me much happier than their illegal cousins, but Chavez actually seemed closer sanity than any of the open border Republicrats we’re stuck with nowadays. At least he understood that a relative scarcity of labor is more likely to increase wages than an overabundance of it is. Here’s the ironic part: Despite the fact that Chávez is these days revered among Mexican-American activists, the labor leader in his day was no more tolerant of illegal immigration than the Arizona Minutemen are now. Worried that the hiring of illegal immigrants drove down wages, Chávez – according to numerous historical accounts – instructed union members to call the Immigration and Naturalization Service to report the presence of illegal immigrants in the fields and demand that the agency deport them. UFW officials were even known to picket INS offices to demand a crackdown on illegal immigrants. And in 1973, in one of the most disgraceful chapters in UFW history, the union set up a “wet line” to prevent Mexican immigrants from entering the United States. Under the guidance of Chávez ‘s cousin, Manuel, UFW members tried at first to convince the immigrants not to cross. When that didn’t work, they physically attacked the immigrants and left some bloody in the process. It happened in the same place that the Minutemen are now planning to gather: the Arizona-Mexico border. 8
Posted by gongstar on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 18:41 | #
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Posted by Frank McGuckin on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:01 | #
Chavez was to known to have opposed the mechanization of agriculture.