Exploiting the equalitarian state by David Hamilton The “progressive” views are now demonstrably failing but the fading generation of the 1960s cannot accept that they are causing all that they wanted to avoid. Progressive values are no longer progressive, their moral arguments no longer moral, and they are no longer supported by the majority of the younger generation. A serious empirical examination of the situation they have created reveals that they are not engineering a multicultural Europe but a mono-cultural one by replacing us with Muslims. One only has to consider the Stockholm riots and the slaughter of a British soldier on a London street to see what a mess they are making of things. Those riots and that slaughter were acts by enemies who proclaimed their loyalty to outside countries and acted in the interests of those countries against us. That was their human nature. But “progressives” try to pretend the attackers are as “British as you and me”! Then the politicised police arrested Britons who reacted for comparatively petty things like “racist tweets” - while allowing Muslim preachers of hate to say what they like and convert young people to terrorism. A “far-right” group challenged the police to arrest Anjem Choudary(1) or they would put him under citizens arrest. The Metropolitan Police rushed him and his family to safety to protect him from justice. It is not easy to come to the realisation that the three main parties are against their own people and act as one on the central, core issues of the multi-racial, PC ideology. They differ on emphasis, and some fringe members of the three-in-one party can express rebellious views on many things, but not the central ones - anti-racism, globalism, and loyalty to the EU. The elites are an “Ideological Caste” and any who say the wrong things have their careers destroyed unless they publicly abase themselves, their careers enhanced if they vociferously make the right statements. An issue that shows how little our rulers care about indigenous people is foreign aid. Cameron and colleagues in the coalition Government transfer taxpayers money to the third-world while making people in this country unemployed and cutting back on welfare and services. All across the country community centres are being closed, yet money is given to countries of which we have never heard - many richer than ourselves. There is a need for practical activism on behalf of the one unrepresented group who suffers constant discrimination from the authorities – White British people! We are being reduced to the standard of a third-world state and will need to organise food and soup kitchens for our poor. There are other We must campaign for the same rights and privileges as those accorded other ethnic groups. We have rights under the Race relations Acts as an ethnic group, and protection from genocide under UN law.(1) We must have high standards of morality and conduct and act decisively against associates and members who bring the movement into disrepute. The one issue that the elites use to destroy threats to their power is thuggery. This behaviour is unacceptable to the public, which is why state infiltrators commit or urge acts of violence, giving the media “evidence” that we truly are like that and must be quickly disciplined or cast out to he margins of society. Another type of infiltrator to be watched for are those who foment internal discord and dissatisfaction which can destroy groups and damage the organisation through whole regions. These people must be brought before an appropriate committee and democratically investigated, and if found guilty, expelled. A properly disciplined organisation is imperative. But it must be democratic, open and above board. Groups of campaigners or leafletiers must always be, say, five in number and always carry camera phones to record physical attacks because Establishment politicians use the UAF to carry out physical intimidation. Assailants must be photographed and police prosecutions insisted upon. We must avoid the cry baby approach: “Boo Hoo, they won’t give us democracy.” If they deny us a platform, tell them straight: “You are frightened of us. You know how much latent support we have and you fear us!” We need to be active in communities like Southall, where they have slum-houses being built in people’s back gardens, Tower Hamlets, Bradford and Handsworth ... anywhere where whites are, or will soon become, a minority, and help them organise community and political structures that campaign for a share of social resources where they are being treated less favourably than ethnic groups. If we can attract people with legal knowledge we could open community advice centres. We have to face the reality that even in the most appalling situations the police will take the side of ethnics against us. So we need to build local representation networks with proper legal advice. The issue of white parity with ethnics is of paramount political importance in defending our people from: a) The systematic racist gang-raping of young white girls by Muslim rape gangs, There is need for a campaigning organisation to fight for them and reinvigorate a dispossessed and abandoned electorate. The media will not go easy on us. They never do. They never can because they need us as a bogey group to convince themselves that they are morally right when they are obviously morally corrupt. Their system of cheap labour to work in their homes and provide them with cheaper hotel and restaurant prices depends on undermining our working people. Our unifying belief should be in the necessity of a civil defence group for us - the forgotten people. We must not sink to race-hate like the Establishment who are trying to eradicate us; nor should we try to compromise with the evil ideology of the neo-Marxists who pursue race-replacement of white British people by immigrants from the Third-World. We take up the cause of fighting for white people to exist as a people and to stop the ethnic cleansing of whites as an ethnic group, and to defend them from being discriminated against, not as an aggressive force, but as campaign for ethnic parity. In Blackpool the police suppressed a report that showed 11 Muslim fast food outlets were being used as “honey traps” to lure young white girls as young as 11 and 12 into sex and then prostitution. Police covered up gang rapes of white girls as young as eleven for over a decade. Senior police not only covered negligence like Hillsborough but anything that might shatter the official delusion that mass immigration is bringing benefits. It is time these corrupt senior police officers were sacked without pay or pensions and prosecuted for aiding and abetting widespread child-rape of minors. Though they probably act on orders from the Home Secretary, they are responsible for the decisions and policies of their Commands. A Campaign to protect young white girls from foreign child-rapists appeals to the male protective instinct and the female instinct to care and nurture. Let us defend those whom we love using the mechanisms that are employed against us. Background information1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86pkqpKkdGM 2. The people who produced this are well respected academics whose opinions are valued around the world and this well-researched analysis of what the globalists think of us is the image academics around the world now have: http://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/papers/view/189767 Matthew Goodwin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Goodwin The livelihoods of authors of such works depend on the “problem” they are continually analysing and are not impartial solutions. Matthew Goodwin has less than ten years of adult life since qualification and a vested interest in what he writes. If he doesn’t keep stirring trouble he loses his status as an academic elite. Theoretical understanding of multiculturalism without practical experience is meaningless. They are respected by other unworldly academics and the vested interests they produce these reports for. Ethnic cleansing of indigenous whites: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393760/Amnesty-shambles-lets-250-000-asylum-seekers.html The rape of young white British girls: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2008/may/30/ukcrime.childprotection Elites using cheap labour: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1579663/Middle-class-criminals-cost-millions-in-taxes.html The persecution of dissidents: http://englandcalling.wordpress.com/2013/06/05/emma-west-and-the-state-the-state-has-its-way-sort-off/ How the state preserves its power: http://thedailyagenda.wordpress.com/2013/07/14/evidence-proves-special-branch-and-cid-officers-allowed-neo-nazis-to-escape-justice/ Comments:2
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:00 | # This is largely a good position, one that at least takes the correct perspective in adopting a social perspective, and seeing the utility in using “multi-culturalism” on behalf of Whites as opposed to the block-headed idiocy of those who’s knee jerk reaction to the implicit, Jewish meaning of its application, integration, would actually advocate integration with Muslims, other non-Whites and other non-native British. That Hamilton is getting into social concern as opposed to abstract ideological is spot on. There are two problems in this essay, however. In identifying who is supposed to be the source of the problem, David seems to be going the generation identitaire route, i.e. that it is a generational thing. True, this may have some strategic value in inspiring and mobilizing youthful energy, rebellion and resource in a direction that is generally right - we certainly need the younger, but we need them on our side, not against us - hence their sheer strategic reasoning of mobilizing them is not enough. Especially not at this point when delineating us and them is so important. As such it falls into the very divide and conquer which Hamilton advises we not fall-for: in this case older and younger, instead of on racial lines. He seems in fact, to be trying to advance, in line with “generation identitaire”, the wish of its hide-bound organizers, for right-wing traditionalism of 50’s,* a nostalgia that everything is all the fault of them goddamn hippies. * A tasteful faggot once told me that French taste was stuck in 1958 – there seemed to be some funny truth to that. Again, while the valid, essential motivation behind British hippies was perhaps a little less clear than their American counterparts, we must not allow ourselves to be diverted from the fact that their corpus was White and that they were fighting radically not for a kindred cause, but in an identical fight with White Nationalists now, which is White Dasein - as opposed to its denial through the draft of White males into wars which bear no concern to their personal and racial survival. We should not buy the Jewish interpretation of what the 60’s stuff was all about (you would believe Herbert Marcuse in his address of the French as to what it was all about?) any more than we should merely accept that the prior generation was simply “the greatest generation” because the Jewish media says so. I thought it was only my father who looked at the civil rights activism’s destructive implications for Whites and said, passively, “you can’t fight city hall.” No, that passive acceptance was fully characteristic of the indoctronizers of his generation – though not of their intrinsic value, which was good: they did a good thing to oppose Hitler’s war so divisive and destructive of Europeans as it was set out to be. But the trauma of that experience, of boot camp indoctrination and battle took them away from the wheel of self-governance, put them before the television, other diversion and into compliance. Although I have always disliked this generational argument, and with good fundamental reason, as it is a way to divide Whites against one another (older and younger), I only come to dislike it more. It is not only that the example of the so called greatest generation is being ignored for their “can’t fight city hall” attitude, a military subordinate acquiescence, not only the motherly condescension of those who actually believe what the Jewish media and academia says and in fact, tried to make of youths of the 60s – what they were supposedly all about - which for people who experienced them bears little resemblance; for where they may have appeared radically liberal, they were driving in the wrong direction and subsequently asleep at the wheel largely because they did not have access to the wheel as those who’ve grown up with the Internet Do Have. It makes all the difference in the world: That is to say, that I hope that one day those who grew up with the Internet will shut up and stop blaming hippies as yet another way of letting Jews, other non-Whites, objectivist Whites and ignorant women off the hook; either that or learn a bit better about those they are wanting to eliminate from all moral consideration. Not every male aspires cut the image of Matt Parrott, Matt Heimbach, Richard Spencer, Joe Adams or Harold Covington. That look is not condemnable, it is ok, but it is toward one perspective and blind to the view upon another, its own position. It wants to say that racial hatred has no place: as if that is not naturally better fuel than the generation conflict. It wants to say that it can only be used in stereotypical bad taste and judgment, and thus used strictly against us in the estimation of public consensus. That we should all adopt the nerdy look and manner that the mother of the 1950’s would want her son to have. What we, of the other perspective, looking and listening upon this sort, hear when Harold Covington in his condescending, motherly tone, utters the term “hippie-dippy”, is the unwitting counter-current to our survival – against our White male Dasein, our legitimate motive for that and our legitimate hatred of those racial – not generational – groups who would deny it. As they are not as compelled to get over puerile spurning and resentments, there are plenty of disingenuous White females who are ready to jump on that bandwagon of endorsing the view of that 1950’s clean, crew-cut nerd, to constrain White men and advance their own narrow, subjective interests. Nevertheless, they do not necessarily like the stereotype of the wimpy nerd either. Quite Rightly. The stereotypes that the right say we should avoid as the only ones playing into the hands of our enemy’s media machine portrayals of us, and working against our popular rallying, are not the only stereotype that put people off from rallying to our cause; and are far less dangerous to our chances than the ones that they, the right, are falling into: the compliant, conforming nerd who would never cuss or be impolite to other races because it would offend their mom, Mrs. Cleaver. In fact, one must never offend other races, as it is always in bad taste, all Mrs. Cleavers say so. And perhaps all Mrs. Cleavers do say so. But no Mrs. Cleaver has especially good taste or good judgment. Mrs. Cleaver only pretends to have universal concerns. Mrs. Cleaver is really all too subjective. The thing that makes this Mrs. Cleaver view so dangerous is that it is requiring us to believe that our negative emotions against non-Whites are bad (tied with original sin?), that we must not use our own taste and judgment, but follow lock step into and fall into line with the slaughter of rigid traditional order. It is an order where Mrs. Cleaver has been able to do whatever she wants – those White men who don’t like it can, in fact, should, go and die. It may concede that we must “adopt some tactics of the left”, what those who propose this view do not understand or care about is that we are the left, the White Left, we are racial solidarity – which takes Mrs. Cleaver’s bad taste and bad judgments - those which would hide bound us and tie the hands of White men behind their backs – to a higher political court. More on that order in the upcoming discussion on Hannah Arendt. 3
Posted by dawn M on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:37 | # Daniel, 4
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:46 | # The “progressive” views are now demonstrably failing but the fading generation of the 1960s cannot accept that they are causing all that they wanted to avoid. Progressive values are no longer progressive, their moral arguments no longer moral, and they are no longer supported by the majority of the younger generation. A serious empirical examination of the situation they have created reveals that they are not engineering a multicultural Europe but a mono-cultural one by replacing us with Muslims. 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:26 | # How the white race dies This is what I’ve been talking about for a long time now. Check out this girl - and the douchebag she’s with. People keep doubting me, but this isn’t even in degenerate CA! I am seeing this every day this summer, especially among the younger crowd (among my Gen Xers, not so much; my situation - white man / Asian female - is much more common). Indeed, among younger people, I see far more Asian male/white female, than white male / Asian female. Sounds bizarre, but I am truthful. This girl does not have to date out of race (eg, due to unattractiveness). That she would go out with this goof when there would be hundreds of superior white guys in her area who would be happy to date her says all you need to know about the complete loss of the white man’s socio-sexual status in America. We’re not only (or even primarily) losing out to blacks. We’re losing out to everybody! Some at MR have berated me for having a half-Asian gf, but she’s pretty hot, and I like hot women as much as anyone else. Frankly, being now over 40, and a low-racial-status white man, I probably could not get as equivalently hot a pure white woman (unless I wanted to flash the cash, but I hate golddiggers, and don’t want the pressure one would bring as a wife). Being a white man qua white man in California carries precisely zero sexual respect - ESPECIALLY AMONG WHITE WOMEN! OTOH, I still get hit on by Latino and Asian females all the time. But whites, at least non-‘cougar’ whites? Very rarely anymore. I don’t think it’s primarily age, either. I recall having older white guy friends (40+, even 50+) that I partied with in the 90s/00s who used to date lots of white chicks my own age (20s, 30s). But now NONE of my age 40+ bachelor guy friends EVER pick up white girls under 30, and rarely under 35. All of my pals drive expensive cars, and most have well-paid careers. I tell you from bitter experience (I wish I had good empirical data on this): white women in CA under 35 have a very different view on interracial attractiveness than esp white women over 45. It’s like day and night. I doubt any of my female friends would have found this douchebag attractive in their younger dating years. At best, they might have gone out with him if he had money (which I bet he doesn’t). But this girl must have thought he was hot. How is that possible? Female sexual tastes, unlike male ones, are obviously highly variable. I think this is a key insight which bolsters a conservative social vision. 6
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:44 | # I’ve explained everything ad nauseam. Whites are doomed to extinction on their present course. The only hope is either violent European national revolutions, for which I don’t think over-comfortable Europeans any longer have the stomach (and whose outcome cannot remotely be foretold), or some form of White Zionism - the peaceful migratory ingathering of white preservationists into a sovereign, demographically conquerable territory, a place for Euroman to make his last stand. You’re not going to change the white man from within, GW, not in time anyway for such a change to have a chance of becoming operationally meaningful in the real world. The only hope is segregation and sovereignty. 7
Posted by Bill on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:02 | # Some non intellectual thoughts on liberalism. My earlier trawling this morning netted works by non other than MR with a piece entitled None dare call it White genocide. This header comment though first aired in August 2010 it is still attracting new custom even to this day. I tried to cast my back to that date and skimmed down the thread but cannot recall at all. I became engrossed in some real quality comments, which in turn, directed me in the direction to this, which I also cannot recall seeing before. It is mind bogglingly simple to see that the scaffolding which buttresses the whole liberal edifice is a phoney scam. For instance. We’re all equal/same. If this is true why is there such a thing as a liberal elite? If this is true why is it necessary to have affirmative action? Affirmative action is an admission that we’re not all equal and adjustments are required. Place a pencil in the hand of one and it becomes a mathematical formula, in another a masterpiece, in another a classical poem and so on. When does tolerance become intolerance? Discrimination. Choice is a natural instinct, choosing is as natural as breathing or batting an eye. Immigration/Diversity. Why is diversity a good thing? Does it breed tolerance? I ask again, when does tolerance become intolerance? If it breeds tolerance why do they feel the need for hate laws? Relativism. All things to all men but to those perceiving a truth is a truth in itself. The unprincipled exception caps all. When reality bites you in the backside look the other way, pretend it doesn’t exist and it will go away. These are few ideas/tenets that liberals use as weapons of mass delusion to hit us whites over the head with, the funny thing is if there are no absolutes then how can these things be true, perhaps this is why liberals never adhere to their own tenets, their mantra should be do as I say not what I do. O’meara claims the moral high ground has been wrested from the liberal and has the idea that we should counter attack the liberal with their own mantra, thus exposing their hocus- pocus humbug. Can the average intelligence of today’s masses take on board what is causing them so much angst? I don’t think so. Why are whites so indifferent to their plight? Since the collapse of Christianity the masses have been persuaded that life has no purpose beyond pursuit of pleasure. If there’s no bloody point in it all why bother? That is why long ago, the ones with an eye for the main chance invented religion. For whites, if it all comes back to there is no point, then hey! don’t stop me now bro. 8
Posted by Silver on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 14:16 | #
Who is doubting you? Who has ever said, “Oh no way, Haller, this time you’ve gone too far, that could never happen”?
I doubt she thought he was “hot” the first time she laid eyes on him. More likely he had some personality trait or traits she found attractive/intriguing enough to date him and then in time she began seeing him as “cute” (probably). It often works this way with females - which isn’t to say they’re never physically attracted right off the bat; of course they are, and those relationships probably last longer or are simply “better”. I think the equalitarian mindpoison the culture is soaking in is also partly responsible - a dude like that is now a viable option for an attractive white girl whereas twenty, thirty, forty years ago she’d have been laughed out of town.
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 17:13 | # Here’s a bone for the “worse is better” crowd to chew on: (And yes, I’m aware Peter Shiff is a Jew.)
Posted by Silver on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 18:30 | # Whiles there is no necessary connection between a “meltdown” scenario and a mass racial awakening, were that to occur it’s fair to suppose that people would be more open to considering “racialist alternatives” (let’s call them, because there’s certainly nothing like unanimity of opinion on what a racialist position necessarily entails). But if “worse is better” is it as better as the WN crowd hopes? I have my doubts. And in any case, I’m not convinced that Peter Schiff’s analysis of what the future (or even the present) holds is even correct. Let’s face it, people with Schiff’s views have been predicting that the end of the world is right around the corner for decades. “Sixteen trillion dollars of debt” sounds like a frightfully large number but there have been European economies that have recovered from debt ratios well over 100% of GDP before, so that’s not exactly uncharted economic territory. WNs can point to the relationship between demographics and economic performance, but that relationship isn’t quite the straight line they seem to imagine. 11
Posted by wobbly on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 20:50 | # @Mr Hamilton Good article. The Hamas or Civil Rights type model is probably the best bet for political activism generally. Although the UKIP, get out of the EU, stance is worthwhile also as everything would be easier if we were out of the EU. . @Thorn I think Schiff is correct that the great impoverishment is coming and will involve the transfer of the last remaining wealth of the middle class to the rich. This has been happening already but slowly. The endgame won’t neccessarily lead to a great white awakening - especially as simple survival will become more urgent - but it will lead to the possibility of it, the success of which will depend on the success of activists at the time. I think the most likely outcome will be the one that follows the path of least resistance which will simply be an in-gathering of all groups with some sense of local or regional identity e.g. white southerners, mormons in utah, counties or districts that are locally very German or very Swedish or very Italian etc. This local in-gathering will tear the US apart as a united country as the tax base goes underground. TPTB will attempt to hold it all together with an increasingly totalitarian government but their effectiveness as a superpower will shrink dramatically. That’s about as far ahead as i can see 12
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 21:06 | # Silver, A lot of MR WNs over the years have been sceptical when I speak of the explosion of white female + nonwhite/nonblack male dating, at least in CA (also in Seattle and Vegas, and increasingly everywhere). They’re still mentally living in the social world of the 1/2 century from WW2 to the mid/late 90s, when it was white males who were the traitors hooking up with Oriental or Latina females. In the 80s you NEVER saw white females with, say, greasy little Chinamen. The slutty, lower class, low-self-esteem ‘rebels’ (along with ugly fat chicks with no options) would go out with blacks, thinking it ‘cool’. American-born Oriental men of my acquaintance used to complain about white guys taking their women, but it not working the other way, as indeed, it did not. That has radically changed, one more ‘milestone’ in the collapse of the West - which will never be reversed except through the most brutal, cleansing violence. My larger point is that female sexual tastes, unlike the male, have a heavy social conditioning element to them, yet another sociobiological fact which needs to be incorporated into traditionalist conservative political thought. Really, the whole edifice of rightist political theory needs to be rebuilt on a biologically realistic foundation. Contributing to that project is my own life’s work going forward. 13
Posted by Flamethrower on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 21:43 | # “The ‘progressive’ views are now demonstrably failing but the fading generation of the 1960s cannot accept that they are causing all that they wanted to avoid.” One of the big reasons respresented here by this author’s statement of why I hate the Boomer generation. The sins of the 1960s are all the fault of Gen Y. The Gen Xers saw all of the Boomer nation wrecking since their births for the past 40 years but could never buck up the required minimum majoritarian millions of themselves at the ballot box to adequately rebutt 100% guaranteed Boomer dominance in every single election since 1980. Millions of Boomers moms beginning in 1972 unleashed a “mini-genocide” by aborting those “child-burdens” on their Gen Xer babies, making sure Xers couldn’t bounce back numerically later. We Yers now outnumber Boomers by another 12 million but all of us won’t be 18 until 2020, and we are total pussies to our parents’ whims on how to live our existences.
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 22:30 | # Thorn and wobbly, As is well known here at MR, I am an Austrian School supporter, as is Schiff. Therefore, I am always willing to give Schiff and those like him a hearing. But he’s a salesman for himself and his investment fund, too, and what he says does not follow to the extreme extent he alleges. What does he mean by “the economy is going to implode”? When QE finally ends (and it will be done slowly, too slowly imo), as it should, and interest rates rise (as I fervently hope; I’m getting killed on my cash), of course stocks will decline, the Dow to lose probably several thousand points. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it back below 10,000 (Haller prediction: it won’t go below 7000). The flood of easy money is depressing bank interest, and thus pushing capital into riskier assets with better returns (ie, stocks). When rates rise, stocks won’t look as attractive. Pretty obvious, eh? But that re-balancing would be a good thing. Again as before money-printing has turned the stock market into a casino. Take away that ‘air’, and the ‘balloon’ deflates back to its true size. How is that, however, an “implosion”? A million dollar equities portfolio might be knocked back to something closer to its ‘real’ value, like $650-700,000. That’s the end of the economy? I don’t think so. The artificially low rate environment is not translating into large scale business investment; quite the opposite, in fact. Big corporations are simply piling up cash on their balance sheets (of course, we’re speaking of the overall economy; specific sectors, like natural gas and related industries, are booming, and being flooded with investment). When rates rise, some sectors, like insurance, will do much better (they will be getting higher returns on the cash they are required to hold). But I question the negative economic magnitude of the effect of the rise, as smaller businesses are not currently in an easy-lending environment anyway (interest rates being only one factor in small business lending), and many big corporations can turn to internal financing for desired expansions after rates rise (instead of wasting that money on, eg, share repurchases). Moreover, why does a huge spike in interest rates lead to a “collapse” of the dollar? In fact, the opposite would occur. As the Fed dials back QE, letting interest rates rise to their natural, market level, the dollar will rally. Or perhaps he means that a collapse in public sentiment as to the dollar’s essential soundness, which, let us recall, is not backed by gold (as it should be), but only the “full faith and credit of the US government” (now we’re getting closer to his real point, I think), will lead to overseas dollar-dumping (but by whom? our largest creditor, China? if they dump dollars, they devalue their own wealth), which in turn will require a rate spike in order to prop up the dollar’s value, which will depress business investment. Well, see above. The real issue is whether the Fed will allow hyper-inflation in order to ‘monetize’ the out of control Federal deficit and National Debt. That would entail the opposite of allowing QE to expire. Cutting entitlements “to the bone” would be fantastic for those of us working in the private sector. Such cutting would likewise dramatically boost the dollar’s strength, as investors would see an America finally getting serious about balancing its books. I agree with Schiff about the evils of socialism, esp the Fed’s monetary Sovietism (central economic planning). The Fed should be terminated, and replaced with a 100% gold dollar. Failing that, the Fed should have imposed upon it a Friedmanite stable quantity of money rule, whereby the Fed expands the money supply at a predictable and unalterable rate. Failing that, the current Fed should at least end QE. Re the US Fed GOVT: we need to restore as much real capitalism as possible. Deregulate business, privatize govt assets (with proceeds used to pay off National Debt, not cover current deficit), lower taxes on business formation, simplify tax code, unleash energy resource extraction - and impose as much austerity on the government and its beneficiaries as possible. None of this will happen under the Communist Kenyan we’re stuck with. But even without a salutary return to free markets, where does the economic implosion and “great impoverishment” come from? What is the precise mechanism of collapse? I see a long slow economic decline, punctuated by periods of more intense instability - in this rather resembling our ongoing racial decline. 15
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 22:35 | # Flamethrower, A disproportionate number of Gen Yers are nonwhites, anyway. Who cares about their family formation? And the real issue now is stopping the Amnesty Immigration Surge bill in the House, and then fighting to end mass immigration. Ultimately, White America will only live through racial secession and territorial sovereignty. The White Republic - that must be our goal. Whites will never Take Back America, or even endure here communally. We must get our people out, which involves first, mental, then later physical, decolonization. 16
Posted by dawn M on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 22:46 | # “ Statistics! In Engfgland we call people like you “Nerds” 17
Posted by wobbly on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 23:06 | # Leon Haller
Where does middle class wealth reside: property values, pension funds, savings and (negatively) in not making separate provision for elderly care on the assumption of state aid. 18
Posted by Randy on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 02:44 | # Haller:
So if we’re to understand you correctly, white people are undergoing a genocide for which we should all care deeply. However, you yourself are not willing to help the cause if it means potentially ending up with a slightly less hot woman. Gotcha. Carry on. Haller:
I suspect you know as little about women as you do about religion. The answer to your question lies in the story you linked to: The childhood friends who met in church in the fourth grade started dating three years ago.
Posted by 'Mad Mike'. on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 07:54 | # An idea that has been floating my boat recently is based on the ‘Phoenix Program’ pursued by America forces during their unsuccessful intervention in Vietnam. 20
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 10:30 | # Mad Mike, Read the late William Pierce’s (I think 1989) novel Hunter. He is most notorious for The Turner Diaries, but the former was something along the lines you advocate. If I recall correctly (I read the novel in 1993), the strategy of the book’s neo-Nazi-extremist protagonist was to start assassinating mixed race couples (either where one party was white, or at least white female - I can’t remember), and see where it goes. The point was to inflict fear at being seen publicly as a race traitor (and to prevent whites from entering relationships with nonwhites). Eventually he wised up to a better strategy, which was to execute those public race traitors and/or aliens (esp Jews) in positions of power or influence who were hostile to whites as a race (we would say “to white EGI”). This went from hostile magazine editors all the way up to sitting US Senators. Without endorsing your position morally, but considering it only analytically, I think murdered Labour ministers or politicians would simply be replaced by other douchebags - not to mention that such assassinations would trigger such massive security and police responses that few enemies actually would end up being killed; their killing would engender massive public support, including from some otherwise Conservatives, possibly even turning them into “martyrs for tolerance” or for “diversity”; and the career of the assassin(s) would likely be short. Politicians protect themselves; the first assassination might very well be the last. A better strategy would be to go after leftist journalists or professors who blatantly lie about race, or otherwise are manifestly hostile to white English EGI. Journalists are presumably easier actually to get at than politicians. If every time some race traitor publishes something hateful about whites or England he is soon thereafter found dead, within fairly short order that might have a kind of reverse-PC effect. Just as whites today are intimidated from speaking their minds on race, after some executions the Left might become literally fearful of penning PC poison. A still better strategy would be for all English patriots to eschew violence (for now), stockpile weapons as best you can (as many American WNs do), even if they are only street-fighting weapons and not firearms, and join the EDL. Political change is less ‘sexy’ than political violence, but without meaning to sound liberal, it is usually more effective, at least outside of truly radicalized and violently unstable situations (eg, Russia at the end of WW1), which does not, however, characterize either England or America today (as yet). The only potential violence that should be considered would involve stockpiling materials to destroy mosques, in the event another mass outbreak of looting as in Summer 2011 should erupt across England. I was surprised that English patriots could not make more ‘hay’ out of that time of mass-lawlessness. How many mosques were set alight during the looting? With the police preoccupied, it was the ideal opportunity for ‘direct action’. What you really want to be doing is figuring out how to provoke a Muslim-instigated civil war in England. If a genuine race war erupted, patriots just might be able to ride that all the way to the total overthrow of the system, the extermination of the Left en masse (esp if it comes, naturally, to be identified with the internal Islamic enemy), and the final repatriation of all nonwhites from English soil. But be careful, and be smart. Choose your revolutionary moment well. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 21 Jul 2013 21:58 | # Mad Mike, First, this isn’t the forum to raise such issues. We do not seek a violent solution. We seek a political solution. It is my view that we have about another ten or twelve years remaining in which to establish a political programme. After that, I foresee a leeching away of patience and the appearance of the sort of desperation which could produce violence within a further decade. A great people cannot be told by its own political class to, basically, go away and die without at least some reaction. But I can’t see that a race war would be the way of things unless it begins in expansionist Islam (which does not need to start on our soil to happen on our soil). The Europe 2029 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THrltK9cGo8 ... covers that possibility pretty well. On the future likelihood of targeted violence I did write this imagined scenario: http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/a_work_of_fiction ... which is as far as I care to go. We are advocates of the peaceful option, which has the great merit of addressing the full spectrum dominance our people’s enemies have achieved. I would be grateful if you would not make a habit of inviting further reflections here on the path of violence. Let that remain in the dark ahead of us, if matters arrive at that point. 22
Posted by 'Mad Mike' on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 06:43 | # I used to be a big fan of those little ‘War Action Picture Library’ comic that the newsagent used to sell. 23
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 13:19 | # Here is the real England, an article about one of my favorite popular novelists, your own PD James: I had never read anything about her (only many of her crime novels - about 9 or 10), but I always knew she had to be Conservative. One can only imagine what a highly intelligent 90 year old (almost 93 today) without senility, who went through the Blitz, must think of the collapse of Britain, morally as well as racially. My God what changes she has seen, from 1920-2013! Note how when asked about this, all she would mention were the new technologies. But what about the loss of Empire, the rejection of traditional manners, and a mosque on every street corner? She has lived through the whole catastrophic decline, from the ‘finest hour’, through the w(h)iggerish mass-hooliganism of 2011. How I would like to hear her real thoughts and diagnoses! I wonder if it would be worth a shot for MR Radio to try to secure an interview? 24
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:42 | # ./....../....../.
“A white nationalist party can’t function without standing on these disparities between whites and other I believe that a healthy sense of identity and belonging are necessary, and I think being proud of where you came from is important regardless of race or class. I do not believe advocacy against “oppression of whites” exists in any form but an entrenched desire to preserve white power at the expense of others. I am sorry for the damage done by my actions and my past endorsement of white nationalism.” - Derek Black
This could be a reversing aberration resulting from pursuing actualization before its time. The kid had seemed surprisingly precocious. Now it is evident that it was largely stilted. This letter to the SPLC is the work of a sub-genius indeed - more like stupid and dangerously ignorant - irresponsible. 25
Posted by wobbly on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 16:59 | # @Mad Mike If anyone was going to do that sort of thing it would obviously be much better to target the politicians, media, bankers etc in the political establishment who are directly responsible for this attempted genocide rather than random immigrants who are simply the tools of the political establishment. However i think all violent activity is counter-productive unless you already have a mass movement behind you. If you look at various guerrilla campaigns in the past i think it shows you need about 1/3 of your tribe behind an armed campaign before it becomes viable. If individuals want to prepare for that in advance then that’s up to them but it’s pointless discussing it until there is a nationalist party or movement with c. 25-30% support and so far that seems a long way off. 26
Posted by Bardik on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:25 | # Diseases desperate grown 27
Posted by Morgoth on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 19:34 | # @ Wobbly #24, good comment. The reason a native terrorist style group would be a disaster is because we are still in the woeful position of our people STILL not fully understanding what is going on. The main obstacle is the mass media and this is why every nationalist should have at least one account to post comments under articles online, nationalist views should be clinging like barnacles to the ships of the mass media.
‘‘The firm has a training centre in Lutsk, Ukraine, and close links with universities in the country – a known hotbed of anti-Islamic hatred. Despite what I wrote above it really is astonishing that so few attacks, particularly against Muslims, have taken place and when I initially heard about these attacks I naturally assumed they would be young English men reacting the multiple outrages perpetrated against us by the Islamic ‘‘community’‘. But its much worse than that. The English public are so sheep like we even have foreigners fighting our battles on home turf. Its also worth noting the difference between the men of the East who have had the bare minimum of Neo Marxist programming and the men of the West, who have. If Ukrainians are acting like this in England what would be their reaction to Muslims and their ways in Ukraine? Again and again we come back the same problem, our enemies have the media and we do not, and again, the best way for us to move is to hijack the system online and spread our views. I was recently handed a pamphlet for a tiny Nationalist movement called ‘‘The Northern Patriotic Front’‘. They are basically 6 blokes who wave flags around town centres in the North of England, they’re a joke and totally ignored. However, if they used the internet against the system their ideas would not be ignored but be viewed by the tens of thousands.
Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 04:43 | # http://blog.jim.com/culture/black-privilege.html On October 21st 2011 a burglary took place a few blocks from Krop Senior High School where Trayvon Martin attended. The stolen property outlined in the Miami-Dade Police Report (PD111021-422483) matches the descriptive presented by SRO Dunn in his School Police report 2011-11477. As a result of pressure from M-DSPD Chief Hurley to avoid criminal reports for black male students, Dunn wrote up the jewelry as “found items”, and transferred them, along with the burglary tool, to the Miami-Dade Police property room where they sat on a shelf unassigned to anyone for investigation. So, the reason Martin Trayvon was casing the apartment complex that George Zimmerman was protecting, looking for houses to rob and people to mug, was that the police, under pressure to reduce the disturbing black crime statistics, ignored his burglary. Trayvon was enraged to be profiled by George Zimmerman because he felt entitled to rob and beat people up – and the reason he felt entitled, the reason millions of indignant and outraged people feel he was entitled, was because he was entitled. And the moral of the George Zimmerman case is if you interfere with blacks exercising the rights of black people over non black people, you will be punished. Thanatos says: 2013 July 23 at 7:49 am “And the moral of the George Zimmerman case is if you interfere with blacks exercising the rights of black people over non black people, you will be punished.” That’s the message I’m hearing. As a response from non-blacks, I predict millions of blacks going “missing”, never to be heard from again. We all know what time it is now. If you see a dead black guy being dragged into the bushes by a non-dead non-black guy, assume the black guy was a criminal and forget you ever saw it. We can’t get justice through the courts, they’ll try to hang us even if we are acquitted. Can’t get justice from the police, they’re not doing anything about the random black-on-anybody-but-black assaults that are taking place in cities across the country. We need a new campaign. “If you see something (that looks suspiciously like a dead black guy being loaded into a delivery van by a non-black),(don’t) say something.”
Posted by wobbly on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 04:54 | # Morgoth
Yup. It’s very difficult for people to believe that the institutions they have grown up believing are *their* institutions are actively trying to wipe them off the face of the planet. 30
Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 06:31 | # http://www.daykoons.com/2013/07/the-face-of-hope-and-change.html
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 12:04 | #
“Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; http://www.preventgenocide.org/genocide/officialtext-printerfriendly.htm —- Of course the following action by the Obama administration meets all the aforementioned definitions, conditions, and intentions: Obama To Spend Billions Moving Blacks To White Neighborhoods.
“Last Thursday [July 16, 2012} Obama’s HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan gave an incendiary speech to the NAACP’s 104th Annual Convention in Orlando, Florida. He explicitly blamed black failure on alleged discrimination perpetrated by white people.”
http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/press/speeches_remarks_statements/2013/Speech_071613 32
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:29 | # Thorn, Great links. These are the kinds of matters nationalists and American patriots need to be worrying about, not a bunch of faggot philosophizing or weird scientific speculations which never accomplish one damn thing. Let’s face it, pal: our race is a race of losers. There is no other way to look at it. Most whites are racially brainwashed, ranging from full-on race self-hatred, to the “conservative” colorblind horseshit. Our race, the least numerous on the planet, cannot even bring itself to take the most minimal measures to ensure its own survival, or even just to protect its own wealth and way of life. And the tiny minority of whites who actually understand the collective danger facing our race? They would rather debate the most esoteric crap - crap which can be debated in circles for a century with not one whit of physical progress to show for the efforts - or discuss obscure thinkers and their possible racialist views, or complain about the latest antiwhite film (as I might do here next week; I’m going to see Fruitvale Station) - anything not to have to do the ACTUAL WORK of getting out in the community - OUR community - and awakening our people to their oppression and impending destruction. I think WNs are just as big losers as the PC-brainwashed whites. They just happen to see clearly on race matters. Haller will be proven right. There is absolutely NO HOPE for white racial salvation except through White Zionism as I have described it. WPs either ingather and seek secession and sovereignty, or we die. You all will see I am correct. 33
Posted by Morgoth on Tue, 23 Jul 2013 17:30 | # I’ve been paying attention to this youtube commentator for years and its interesting to notice his progression. He started out as a typical Dawkins school ‘‘God Basher’’ then concentrated on Islam embracing the Counter Jihad, he then moved on and declared himself a Nationalist, and now, lo, he has made a video on the Jewish role in Multiculturalism and their motives for supporting it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtLSf57hZo8 I’ve stated here before, the Counter Jihad movement is a monumental blunder for the tribe. They have literally created a movement with a trail of breadcrumbs that leads all the way back to themselves and their involvement in our misfortunes. I get sick and tired of Nationalists whinging about how powerful and rich and clever they are, they’re just human for Christ sakes. And to create websites and movements that have ‘‘Cultural Marxism’’ as a main enemy when they created it and continued to pursue it is like waving a huge star covered flag saying ‘‘We did it, we fucked you up !’‘ Recently a prominent Jewess called Pamela Geller was banned from the UK after planning to attend a EDL demo, Blogger the ‘‘Irish Savant’’ went to her website and posted this: ‘‘But Pam, I notice that you adduce as the reason for the ban ‘my principled dedication to freedom. I am a human rights activist dedicated to freedom of speech….’ Well now, that’s not quite true. Like the ‘liberals’ (ha ha) you despise, you are indeed passionate about free speech. Providing it supports your position. Otherwise it’s banned. I know this, you see, because I have tried to comment on your blog (Atlas Shrugs) on a number of occasions. I had two objectives: First to commend you on your fight against the Muslim invasion, but second to point out that said invasion (together with that from Africa) has been brought about largely by Jewish agency.’‘
Posted by wobbly on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 02:20 | # @Morgoth
If so then nationalists should ignore rather than attack it. (Personally i don’t think it’s a mistake exactly. I think they’re in a catch 22 situation with regard to muslim immigration so the counter-jihad movement is their least worst option even though it’s partially helpful to ethno-nationalists at the same time.) 35
Posted by Bill on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 08:57 | # For the past two days our multicultural, multiracial nation has been subjected to the most concerted, powerful, all purveying, omnipresent, saturating, media onslaught that makes the recent Olympic Games look like a B rated movie. (Do they still have B rated movies?) I am of course referring to the birth and arrival of Britain’s future monarch. ‘It’s a Boy’ resounded every (and I mean every) mega front page banner headline, the power elite pulled out every stop to drown the nation in the mawkish sentiments of a Royal birth. Almost an immaculate conception one would think. And that’s just the printed press, I’ll leave you to your own imagination as to what happened on Television. Someone, (Mary Riddell) wrote in this morning’s Telegraph.
This was a most interesting (throw away) sentence, one that would need a book to explain. Nobody has explained away what a Monarchy is doing is in this 21st century and how it will fit in to a multicultural nation consisting of some 200 different races and nations. The Royal family is a store of untold privilege and advantage to those who pull the puppet strings of the performing seals, if you ask me this latest birth was a done deal, marriage and all, to provide all the cover and mindless distraction in the coming months. As I’ve said elsewhere the media detests Britain’s past and to prove it they inculcate a whole population into believing they are not fit to live and must embrace their suicide as the right thing to do. But the ruthless BBC have no qualms whatever in regurgitating in gushing terms Britain’s glorious past to the stupid viewer, extolling the Bulldog spirit, and how tolerant the British are. Rule Britannia and all that. I ask myself again, in a multicultural Britain who are the media talking to? The BBC have the perfect balance, when in neutral mode the BBC is the viewers friend and confidant, when the viewer is in need of a slapped wrist the BBC tut-tut but watch it! In matters racial there’s no BBC tolerance, it’s in your face racist, you are unfit for decent society. In matters of where Britain is going there’s no lack of direction from the BBC, every black face the camera singles out yells, this is your future, get used to it. White on black crime is hate. Black on white crime is terrorism. The BBC is all things to all people, the perfect scam. Here’s Mary Riddell again.
Posted by Bill on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:08 | # Here’s Mary Riddell again. Let’s see what she (of the left) is saying about the British.
Mary Riddell’s pen portrait of the British is a typical lefties (BBC) jibe of today’s conservative modern Britain. All she espouses in the above quote is what I call decency and resides in most folk of a certain age. Those of a younger generation I suggest do not subscribe to her description, as decades of BBC liberalism has done its job in producing what Britain (and the West) has become. It is interesting to note that Ms. Riddell has no illusions in confirming that the Royal Family are used and abused by the power elites to influence and shape the people in any direction of their choosing, by administering huge doses of Soma to her stupid British tattooed patriot whenever required. Surprisingly Ms. Riddell it seems is in agreement with me in saying the political system is running on empty and has nowhere to go, leaving the field clear to the royals (and the media) to fill the gap.
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:33 | # @Bill Re: the ‘royal’ baby. Well the birth of this baby is not really a significant event in the life of the nation (sorry to any Daily Mail type reading this) but the wall to wall media coverage is a form of ‘thought police’, ‘emotional correctness’, and top-down ‘soft’ propaganda at work enforcing and ensuring the amplification of given orthodoxy (in this case that the entire nation has stopped in its tracks and thinks waiting to see a baby being walked to a car is the only legitimate use of one’s time - ideally dressed in apparel based on the Union flag with one’s mouth permanently open). Thanks BBC et al., for telling me what I should be thinking and feeling 24/7. As a friend of mine (a philosopher) remarked yesterday - the coverage would be an embarrassment to even to an old Soviet hack working on ‘Pravda’. Seriously the ever oleaginous Nicholas Witchell (the BBC’s royal correspondent) is so pathetically unctuous that even the royals themselves loathe this dreadful oxygen thief. What would bring genuine joy to the nation is if Witchell had an epiphany live on air and committed suicide - ideally via the mechanism of self-immolation. Even better if he could, in an act of suicide-murder, ‘take out’ Jenny Bond and Dr. David Starkey (the most piss-poor example of a ‘historian’ operating within contemporary British life). A. A. Gill once remarked of Starkey (and of Starkey’s risible TV shows for the ‘Daily Mail’ crowd) that he produces “Hello! history”, and Starkey was “a top-down historian, a nostalgic snob of the sort that collects souvenir egg cups”. To dub Starkey a purveyor of middle-brow, light-weight trash is an insult to being light-weight. Femto-weight might be more appropriate. But I digress. Returning to the theme of this whole media circus - it’s rather like the genuinely dreadful media circus around the death of Diana. Again a complete media orthodoxy was in force informing everyone how the should feel, think and act. Dissenting voices were not welcomed. Apparently the ‘whole nation’ was in a pit of deep and dark despair at the news (for days on end too). Of course in real life - as opposed to media land - the vast majority of people were indifferent to it all and went about their everyday business as normal. I recall I had important matters to attend to at my university that week and life seemed very normal around the quads. And that was also true of the wider town, as it was of the UK as a whole. A small minority of, let’s be honest emotional and cultural ‘spastics’, gathered to mourn the death and opine that it was ‘worse’ than losing their mother (etc.). Ghastly pseudo-intellectuals expressed their ‘insights’ into how Britain had been ‘changed forever’ - the most egregious example being Martin Jacques’ breathless piffle in the ‘New Statesman’ (which prompted the cancellation of my subscription to that magazine and I have never bought a copy since). At most the number of people on the streets of London on the day of the funeral was less than the number of people whom attend professional football matches on any given weekend of the football season. In other words a tiny minority of the British population. And yet, totally disgracefully, the media collectively decided that was how ‘everyone’ had to be - obsessed by the death of someone they had no personal connection to - or else. Again the ‘royal’ baby story is the same phenomena (thankfully on a much smaller scale) - once the media decide what ‘the narrative’ is then nothing will seemingly move then from enforcing their own line (regards if it matches the reality on the ground or not) on a given subject. If people think that ‘ideological schooling/policing’ does not happen in ‘freedom loving’ liberal democracies then such people are extraordinarily naive and credulous (or just a bit thick). 38
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 12:44 | # Hey, why so snarky about Starkey? Didn’t he have some good things to say about your greatest statesman since Churchill (Enoch Powell), which got him into trouble (also talking about the wonderful ‘wigger’ phenomenon or something)? And re Martin Jacques? Is he a total waste? A Marxist, I believe, but I had thought a serious intellectual. I was going to read his When China Rules the World (a thesis I happen to think nearly inevitable, their skewed age/gender structure notwithstanding). 39
Posted by Bill on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:55 | # GL @37. The thing is state media propaganda does work for the power elite. They can work a crowd to the media’s will at the drop of a hat. Just look at those scenes of Munich in the 1930’s. That being in steam days too. I recall clearly when the 2012 Olympic flame was airlifted to Britain, the crowds at the torch run venues were desultory and sparse. this was not what the BBC wanted at all and so they shifted into hysteria gear to add some good old fashioned Come Dancing pizzazz. In no time at all, at the cajoling of the BBC, the crowds came tumbling out of their homes in their hundreds and then in their thousands. As usual, I was taking a keen interest in how the media operates, In no time at all they had the masses eating out of their hands. From that moment the media never let up, throughout the whole games the BBC was the games driving force. Piece of cake. The BBC are still citing the 2012 Olympic Games as the model for Britain’s homogeneity despite the attending crowds were overwhelmingly hideously white. Why do the crowds respond to such a circus? This is a serious question for it is this mass bending of the will that is killing us. What is the antidote to this weirdness? Another BBC dominated event is the Wimbledon tennis championships, where again, the crowds are mainly hideously white. Moving on. Prince Charles, I can’t stand that man! Oleaginous, what a splendid word. (Must bookmark that one), describes that creep Nicholas Witchell to a Tee. 40
Posted by Flamethrower on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:35 | # A disproportionate number of Gen Yers are nonwhites, anyway. Who cares about their family formation?
Posted by Flamethrower on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:38 | # DawnM, this blog is nothing but White Racialist Nerds. 42
Posted by Dawn Morris on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 08:20 | # I do not agree with the “Identarian” view that it is the older generation who brought the immigration situation about - we were lied to then as people are lied to now. However, there are some good points in this http://alternativeright.com/blog/the-streets-are-our-headquarters 43
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 12:55 | # This sentence of mine was botched:
Phrased that way it is as if to say that responsible racial traitors of this or that generation should not be held in contempt - of course they should. It should have read, - the unwitting counter-current to our survival – against our White male Dasein, our legitimate motive for that and our legitimate hatred of those who would breech the racial sovereignty and well being necessary to it, irrespective of their generation.
Bowery wrote a good piece on some of the unjust advantages and exploits of the first American generation out of the gate after WWII. Though as I recall, the age group he was evaluating was an even smaller unit than a full generation.
Posted by Bill on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:19 | # These isles we call Britain is peopled by a folk who are historically hard wired to a way of life that has existed for thousands of years. We now identify this way of life as conservatism (along with) its modern political counterpart. This condition constitutes, (or used to,) Britain’s conservative world view. Conservatism is a naturally evolved product of a long standing way of life that can only evolve with a homogeneous people, a harmonious people who accept and behave in the established evolved customs and mannerisms of the tribe as a whole. IOW’s social conservatism is an evolved (later innate) human condition embodying all of the above traits. Fast forward to the present day and it is manifestly clear that a way of life which has existed for millennia has succumbed to a sustained attack from the forces of progress. It is currently in grave danger of being eclipsed from the annals of the history of the English speaking people. Since the end of WW II, conservatives of both strands have been under withering attack by the dark forces of progress, one only has to take a good look around, Britain is no longer Britain, as Dorothy points out in the film Wizard of Oz, ‘Toto, we’re no longer in Kansas anymore’. Since the end of WW II, the incremental machinations of the progressive liberal agenda against British conservatism has eroded away Britain’s conservative world view. In the parlance of the modern progressives, Britain’s social and political way of life has been deconstructed, in short, disassembled, critiqued, ridiculed and declared oppressive and not fit for the 21st century. These tactics have been seen by many as startlingly successful, sweeping all aside in the progressives wake. Game set and match to the postmodern liberal progressives. Decades of objection to the liberal progressive agenda by the conservatives never manifested into serious rejection, (witness ink not dry - gay marriage legislation.) As the progressive left tacked forever leftwards, the harrumphing conservative huffed and puffed, but always, in the end, was seen floundering in the wake of progressive triumph. Conservatism is dead along with its religion, their deaths were not natural deaths, they didn’t just go belly up and expire. As explained above, since the end of WW II, a cunningly cancerous liberal agenda has hollowed out the conservative movement’s raison d’etre, disembowelling Western values on its way. Cameron’s arrival as head of the conservative party had completely bamboozled the Tory hardcore, goodness knows what went on behind the scenes to accomplish such a feat, hoodwinking every last one them into electing him their leader. It is evident for all to see Cameron is not a conservative of either stripe, either social or political, he is the epitome of a thoroughly modern (postmodern) politician and if you are not sure what a thoroughly postmodern politician looks like, then next time, take a good look at heir to Blair - David Cameron. Cameron has seamlessly continued the deconstruction of Britain without any meaningful opposition from either the official opposition or the Tory faithful, who are still harrumphing and huffing and puffing, still not cottoning on to the fact they are not in Kansas anymore. As I’ve posted elsewhere, it is my belief Britain’s electoral democratic process is fast coming to an close, it’s running on empty and running out of road. The 21st century has been designated (by whom?) as a century of profound change. Don’t believe it? Where have you been living all of your life? You’d better believe it. 45
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:20 | # >>> if we’re to understand you correctly, white people are undergoing a genocide for which we should all care deeply. However, you yourself are not willing to help the cause if it means potentially ending up with a slightly less hot woman Is Mr Haller a young man who has not yet fulfilled his (supposed) obligation to breed replacement stock? Or is he now merely enjoying a “retirement benefit” available to those who live in counties where “rhinoplasty” might mean making a nose BIGGER?
>> much better to target the politicians, media, bankers etc in the political establishment who are directly responsible for this attempted genocide rather than random immigrants who are simply the tools of the political establishment. So you are advocating a policy of zero-negative-incentives for those who take your birthright? Do you think that they needed **instruction** from Jews or anybody else to envy possession of your country? Are you so busy attacking the etiology that you will tolerate the painful symptoms?
> Haller will be proven right Haller’s Hottie will be (based on MOST historical precedents) grandfathered-in as a legal resident of White Zion….. ***if*** Haller already has her physically there when the Declaration of Independence is signed. 46
Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 27 Jul 2013 15:07 | # Tuesday, July 9, 2013 I often wonder if those who fear and attempt to expose the new world order ever stop and ask themselves what the old world order is and was. From observation it is clear that those who speak contemptibly of the “new world order” actually believe in its tenants and would fight to preserve it. What is the New World Order? It isn’t some secret society or covert operation. It is the philosophical principles of 18th and 19th century revolutionaries and their ideological followers. Here are the basic elements of the New World Order. Do you support these? 1. Democratic forms of government. 3. The elimination of the lines and distinctions between classes, ethnic groups, racial groups and genders. 4. Free Trade and principles of supply and demand. 5. Freedom of movement within and across borders. 6. Legal and social ennoblement of and for self-identification and definition.
8. A universally applied standard of morality, economics, government and culture. 9. All people are “blank slates” and that “nurturing” produces attitudes, temperament, intelligence, etc. 10. The State as an instrument to engineer social change. Needless to say, the Old World Order was the inverse of the above. And the old world order produced a civilization, art and culture that even the crumbling ruins of which we still marvel at. The New World Order, as listed in the 10 elements above, has brought Western society into rapid ruin and destruction in a brief period of time. AND YET, many still support the 10 elements on principle even though the fruits they have produced are so glaringly poisonous.
The Old World Order humbly preserved what had been passed down through the ages.
Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:26 | # The New World Order gets short thrift here at MR, I don’t know why but one can only guess. Perhaps it’s the stigma of conspiracy the NWO attracts from around the Internet, the mere mention of conspiracy to some has them diving for their tin foil headgear. Intelligent people here are quite close minded, seemingly unable to give the whole thing an open mind, but no, off they go into hysterics with fingers in their ears skipping to la la la-la la la. Again this is a mystery to me, why not address the merits or otherwise of sieving it through one’s filter and ok, if they find it smacks of incredulity then say so in a rational manner, but not just kick off on one and insult everybody. I personally read almost anything and everything concerning this most incredible story, and this is the irony, for surely this must be the most fantastic story in the history of man, but equally, the greatest industry for the dissemination of information ever assembled, (media) cannot dare to mention it. I find that funny. Is the comment by Robert @ 46 a linked article from the Narrator who used to comment here? I haven’t visited Narrator’s blog in years, in fact when I Googled Narrator’s blog just now I drew a blank. I’m not going to comment on all of the points Narrator enumerates (as above @ 46) but I will have a go at one or two of his insights. What is the New World order?
His whole premise is based on the NWO agenda is not a conspiracy. ‘
Democracy has been abolished. As Henry Ford is supposed to have said, you can have any colour car you like as long as it’s black.
Doesn’t look like white’s are getting a fair crack of the whip.
Whose idea of morality etc?
Do all people accept this premise?
Again. Whose idea of change?
In the final analysis we here are all parroting what has been recorded in history ancient and modern, do you believe what history and our present sophists are telling us? There’s the rub. The foundations for the whole story is based on shifting sand. You have to make your own mind up. It is what I see going on around me with my own eyes (especially in the media) that is the clincher for me, it seems our betters are going for broke and hogging the lot for themselves, which begs the question, what’s the future hold for ordinary folk? NB. I had some difficulty editing this piece, I hope you can follow it. 49
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:15 | # What we are witnessing is an in your face concerted effort to dismantle all white nations. The NWO mob knows that if white nations are left intact, they will continue to advance well beyond any other non-white nation thus widening their wealth and technological gap. What the NWO mob is doing is busting up white homogeneity via massive third world immigration. The obvious result of such is the inevitable decline of the host population. They can’t have whitey showing up the rest of the world, so their solution is to undermine the white race. Anyone that gets in their way is summarily crushed and disposed of. Note what recently happened to Heritage Foundation’s Jason Richwine or even poor Emma West. If they’ll spend energy prosecuting/destroying nobodies such as Emma West, they’ll go after anyone! No one is immune. No one white, that is. Fact: we now have a POTUS whose driving force is animated by a mindset that informs him that “White Folk’s Greed Runs a World In Need” (He learned that from his notorious anti-white pastor: Jeremiah Wright), But, of course, that mindset didn’t start with Obama or Wright. That type of thought can be traced back to Marx and before. At any rate, the NWO mob is in the process of creating and implementing a worldwide socialist government. What they will end up with is an exponential increase in worldwide poverty and suffering…but they won’t care as long as we all end up equal in our poverty. That is the aim of the NWO mob. Poverty spread out on an equal basis spells success to the NWO mob. 50
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 15:18 | # The problem with the conspiracy paradigm is that the definition of “conspiracy” seems too slippery to be useful. In the minds of most people a “conspiracy” is a secret meeting of the minds between a group of people, the object of which would, if that secret were revealed, result in the failure to attain the object. Under this definition, it is easy enough to deal with a conspiracy, once one knows it exists: Identify conspirators and neutralize them, one by one, preferably making a public example of them. If you cannot identify the conspirators then it is hard to argue the case for conspiracy per se and one must be on the look-out for alternative causal structures so that one doesn’t spin one’s wheels pursuing phantasms. 51
Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 18:37 | # Thorn @ 49 Good comment. There are two New World Orders on the go running in parallel, the political and the spiritual. This muddies the waters somewhat, I think the political agenda is easier to track, damn it! Britain and Europe, are living it. Revolution Harry and I have discussed the spiritual agenda with nothing convincing either way. Not being a believer tends to be a handicap as the NWO spiritual agenda in intricately bound in with the bible narrative. The United Nations are up to their necks in it, it’s all there for you to read, to those interested take a look at the Harry’s website. http://revolutionharry.blogspot.co.uk/2011/06/mass-immigration-and-new-tower-of-babel.html From what I can tell both thrusts of the NWO are intricately intertwined the political with the religious that is. Harry hasn’t posted for a while, last I heard he was working on a video, maybe he will tell how he is progressing. From what I can deduce, it’s the spiritual claims that get the foil hatted in a tizz. Come on chaps, why are you so reticent about commenting on the NWO Farage believes it. The rabbit hole really does run deep, most people have no idea. 52
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 19:08 | # Name names, Bill. Who are the conspirators? What is your evidence? 53
Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 20:02 | # James @ 52.
They didn’t have that problem at Nuremberg. All will be revealed after the trials, when the verdicts are in.
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:16 | # This is why people don’t take NWO talk seriously. 55
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 01:00 | # I cannot really be bothered wasting time on the NWO crap-fest yet again. . . however I doubt Bill would enjoy Triarii’s track “We Are One”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDEKa1B5SuA Why? Well the lyrics for a start include: We are the gods of the new world order, we are the soldiers, the legion of light! Look seriously the idea that motley fools like the awful Alex Jones and a bunch of half-wits on the internet have ‘uncovered’ the most deeply malevolent conspiracy, that if not for their ‘heroic’ efforts would remain secret and hidden within the stygian depths, is a proposition that’s too asinine for words. Let alone given the many, many egregious conceptual and logical errors (I have outlined these in some depth previously) in the so-called ‘reasoning’ of ‘conspiracy theorists’ then the notion they have discovered the truth of history (as such) asymptotically approaches zero. History is not some ongoing ‘meta-conspiracy’ even if the beloved Nigel Farage thinks it is. After all if Mr. Farage is your go-to guy for insights for anything other than how to be a greasy 3rd rate opportunist then one is in deep intellectual and meta-political trouble. Why is the world the way it is? Well that’s there for all who have the conceptual and analytical ability to genuinely look and see - nothing is ‘hidden’. The evidence is all around us - it’s only obscured and confused by bad ideas, lazy thinking, ideological blinkers, and various forms of historical amnesia (the deadening effect of an all encompassing ethos of ‘presentism’). Look Bill extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yes? As Laplace said about God (and his place within Laplace’s scientific/mathematical work) - Monsieur, je n’ai pas besoin de cette hypothèse. To understand the ‘shape’ of liberal modernity, its ‘ontology’, and its trajectory, why good sir I have no need of space lizards - or any other trope of the NWO sad-sacks. Please don’t expect serious people - intellectually, politically etc., to give such nonsense the time of day. NWO talk isn’t politically ‘dangerous’ - hence a no-go area/topic - rather it’s a no-go area as it’s politically inert, banal crap of the very worst type. It’s only a ‘powerful critique’ [sic] of the ‘powers that be’ for the very hard of thinking. Read the “Invisible Committee” instead - Glenn Beck muses on just how ‘dangerous’ those guys are. So why not go with the Beck flow on this one after all eh Bill? 56
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 08:05 | # Every time I log on to this website this missive flashes up. Majority Rights. A site for the discussion of issues affecting Western societies. On gaining the MR home page, at the top (LHS) there is a window labelled ‘About’ click on this window will bring up the following.
Now I assume it was someone calling himself GuessedWorker who went to the not inconsiderable trouble of setting up Majority Rights website, and in doing so wrote the above aims and guidelines. Why did GW do this? Did he wake up suddenly one morning thinking, I know, what a good idea to set up a website. Yea, I’ll do that. What shall I call it, but more importantly, what will it be about? And it came to pass, Majority Rights was born. So why did GW set about his task? GW is is an intelligent chap, so he must have had something on his mind when he set up Majority Rights website, I wonder what it could have been? Was it because England had not won the world cup for donkey’s years and wanted to inquire as to why we not producing the right type of player? No, of course not, GW had something far more serious on his mind. GW could see things happening to his country and its people and he didn’t like what he was seeing. WTF was going on? Why were these things happening? Was it the price of fish? Was it the weather? Was it something in the water? If it were none of these things then what was it? And that’s the reason why all of you are here.
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:08 | # GL @ 55
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 10:26 | # @ 57 Editing awry. Only the first two sentences ‘Why is the world the way it is?’ and ‘To understand the ‘shape’ of liberal modernity, its ‘ontology’, and its trajectory,’.... should be in quotes. The rest is my comment. 59
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 16:09 | # Thorn and I are having a discussion over at “Stopping Senate Bill” that others may find worthwhile, too. 60
Posted by Flamethrower on Mon, 29 Jul 2013 17:59 | # Dawn Morris: I do not agree with the “Identarian” view that it is the older generation who brought the immigration situation about - we were lied to then as people are lied to now. However, there are some good points in this. I don’t recall the very racist Greatest Generation returning after World War II embracing the radical Left of the ‘60s. Actually their immediate reaction was to strengthen the Klan to its zenith of the 20th century, set off bombs that killed the four black girls in Montgomery, AL, kicking massive a** in all the race riots following, backing Bull Connor and George Wallace, Joseph McCarthying the commies in Jellywood, fighting politically in the very last stretch of trenches to stop the onslaught of Board vs. Brown. The newspapers they controlled then all printed their collective laminations of how the hippies will take all of America to Hell.
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:52 | # Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more insanely bizarre. Well, it can and it will….insanely bizarre beyond the point of national suicide….. Congressional Black Caucus recommends Sheila Jackson Lee for Homeland Security Secretary Conservative bloggers went wild Monday when they got wind of the Congressional Black Caucus’ suggestion that President Obama pick Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Houston for the post of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. more… 62
Posted by Bill on Sat, 03 Aug 2013 12:44 | # I wonder why? http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2013/aug/02/living-in-belgravia-video 63
Posted by dawn M on Sun, 11 Aug 2013 20:14 | # The media show trial of the TBG, or, The Traditional Britain Group, which is a traditionalist Conservative group, are the latest “non-conformists” to be persecuted and subjected to media “show Trials.” To be more specific: their vice chairman, Gregory Lauder-Frost has. BBC News - MP Jacob Rees-Mogg: Dinner speech ‘a mistake’ Jacob Rees-Mogg’s shock at dinner with group that want to repatriate black Britons - Telegraph CCHQ didn’t know about the Traditional Britain Group. Lynton Crosby will be going nuts ? Telegraph Blogs Drag to 1.02.00 Traditional Britain claim we are ?smearing? them | Liberal Conspiracy Gregory Lauder-Frost exposed: The Tory fringe group leader with Nazi sympathies - UK Politics - UK - The Independent This is hilarious. Sharon is Jewish! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/video-ukip-mep-wont-apologise-for-bongo-bong-land-comment-8750407.html 64
Posted by Hymie in Afula on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:56 | # hey you Euro-nationalities mavens….
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 08:34 | # Re-reading endlessly re-readable Gatsby, came across this choice quote (meant to be narratively ironic in its context (because its speaker was a repeat adulterer), but I like it as a stand-alone example of how the Old American WASP ruling class used to think):
Well, kinda worked out that way in the nine decades since, didn’t it? Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by Bill on Sat, 20 Jul 2013 10:43 | #
The one great stumbling block to white awareness is the total stranglehold of the entire media.
Insidious liberal propaganda is drip fed into white’s homes and consciousness non-stop 24/7, it is so one sided and unequal if it were a boxing match the referee would stop the fight. But there is no referee, and there is no-one screaming from the sidelines to stop the fight.
Western media propaganda is a one way conversation with no way for the victim to fight back and express a counter view. The victim is bound and gagged and taking a bloody beating, the very antithesis of British decency.
Maybe I’m behind the curve but reading my morning’s take on where we’re at, there seems a decided upbeat note that we have conquered, or we are assailing the moral high ground. The opposition is at last on the back foot.
How is this information to be transmitted to the teeming millions who are logged jammed by cognisant dissonance?
The Internet has failed in this breakthrough, sure the blogs are out there performing sterling efforts, but it is not good enough in regard to informing the masses. The Internet is simply not cutting it.
Do not despair is the message I’m getting this morning, the next breakthrough is already in the making and is not far off coming, as I see it the so called democratic political system is in free-fall, the media is making frantic rearguard efforts to staunch the blood with the usual tourniquet of red label blue label saturation coverage - but they are losing.
In Europe this collapse is in our rear view mirror coming up fast, what happens thereafter remains to be seen, perhaps a declaration of emergency and a national government, who knows?
Maybe another media elected coalition as in 2010. Piece of cake.
We’ve never been here before, a war against one’s own people by our elected leaders
Make that one up if you can..