Fred Thompson Ploy Fails the Jews The NY Times reports that:
I suspect they wouldn’t have tried this without having actor/senator Fred Thompson to wave around at the Republican base to distract them from Ron Paul. But this ain’t 1980, umpteen-channel cable TV ain’t 3-network broadcast TV, Thompson ain’t Reagan and the Internet is here. Just look at what happened to Fred’s website traffic after the initial push by Mossad plant, Jim Robinson over at and compare to Ron Paul (whose odds have gone from 200:1 to 7:1 during the last month): PS: Perhaps this is unrelated but Google has stopped updating their Google trends statistics which means you can’t compare how the various candidates are faring in search engine queries. That they stopped updating at the point where Mossad candidate Rudy Giuliani started falling behind Ron Paul even as LDS candidate Mitt Romney showed strength is circumstantially suspicious. Comments:2
Posted by anon on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 23:37 | # I agree with VanSpeyk that you should clarify what you mean when you say “Mossad”. In particular, I am curious about your assertions about Free Republic. If Jim Robinson is a Mossad plant, then why is Free Republic banning Giuliani supporters? 3
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 01:17 | # Seems they must have been experiencing the same sort of “technical difficulty” that plagued the BBC when they were talking about building 7 going down some time before it actually did, or Wolf Blitzer’s crew did when they were interviewing David Duke. Funny how that happens. Fortunately Sergei Brin et al would never be evil. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 02:12 | # My point in mentioning Robinson and Giuliani as Mossad assets isn’t to say they’ll agree with each other on anything except Israel—and that they wouldn’t be in the position they are in if they didn’t have the support of the Mossad. Jim Robinson was “made” by Drudge and Drudge was “made” by the Lewinski affair. Giuliani has a different history, but basically my read on him is that he is to the mayoral office of NYC as J. Edgar Hoover was to the FBI, except that by the time Giuliani got to be mayor of NYC, Lansky’s gang had gone “legit”, absorbed into the neocon/Mossad/AIPAC power structure. Giuliani could have been a threat to that power structure but he was “fixed” somehow, just as Lansky “fixed” Hoover. I don’t know how, and I don’t think we’ll ever even get a confluence of rumors as to how, as we did with Hoover. So, no, neither of these assets are just your run of the mill shabbos goy. 5
Posted by Amalek on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 08:30 | # Fred Thompson is making his first visit to Israel, pledging his undying allegiance in person after worshipping at the shrine of Moloch for many years—the one which spews campaign money when individual Republican donors dry up. The anti-immigration candidate Rep. Duncan Hunter is also a Zionolator who regularly comes out with schmaltz about how fighting in South Vietnam taught him about protecting poor little defencless nations (e.g., the one with 200+ undeclared nuclear missiles and one of the largest and best equipped armies in the world). Ditto the other anti-immigration bigmouth, Tom Tancredo. In the May 16 debate he came up with all the blanket anti-Muslim baloney about the religion being intrinsically opposed to ‘our way of life’: Whether Israel existed or didn’t, whether or not we were in the Iraq war or not, they would be trying to kill us because it’s a dictate of their religion, at least a part of it, and we have to defend ourselves. Straight out of the Daniel Pipes/MEMRI playbook. The only GOP runner who makes the connection between defending a US citizen’s property rights in his own nation by sealing the borders and not playing favourites in foreign policy is—you guessed it. Over at ‘conservative’ website Townhall. com, the early policy was not to discuss Rep. Paul’s chances at all, or to dismiss him as one of the pack at the back. It was Rudi McRompson the RINO all the way, with the occasional nod to the anti-immigration Zionists. The other day, though, Townhall ran a pathetic hit piece from a Hunter consultant, John Hawkins of ‘Right Wing News’:
The points that were supposed to blow Paul out of the water are blowing back. He wants to cut and run? So do we, we know when we’re licked! He says America is to blame for Islamic hostility? Well, maybe we are, we’re not perfect and they’re not totally crazy! He wants to abolish Homeland Security and the Federal income tax, the crazy nutjob! Oh yeah, tell us more… The message is beginning to permeate dense skulls in the red states: Rudi McRompson, the ‘choice’ dished up by the liberal controlled MSM, means four more years of Bush-like RINO-ism. Capitulation at the frontier and quagmire abroad—and a mounting debt or tax bill to pay for it all. We know from Howard Dean’s rise and fall in ‘04 that netroots are not representative. But perhaps the Paul surge means that the more thoughtful element of the GOP base—which uses the internet to keep up with the real news and argue about it instead of swallowing the televitz version—is stirring under the cattle prod of insults and insolence from the Bushites. 6
Posted by Rnl on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 17:15 | # Mullah Amalek wrote: Ditto the other anti-immigration bigmouth, Tom Tancredo. In the May 16 debate he came up with all the blanket anti-Muslim baloney about the religion being intrinsically opposed to ‘our way of life’ Islam _is_ opposed to our way of life, so Tancredo is right to mention the fact. Straight out of the Daniel Pipes/MEMRI playbook. But also straight from the Koran. 7
Posted by Rnl on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 17:23 | # Mossad candidate Giuliani That’s far too conspiratorial for my taste, but for what it’s worth, here’s the fundraising plea that the Giuliani campaign sent to the _Jerusalem Post_ mail-list: === Dear Friend, As a longtime friend and staunch supporter of Israel during my entire public life, I want to share with you my deep concern for the Jewish state and ask for your support as I campaign to become the next President of the United States. We are at a crucial moment in history. We are once again at a point where the free world’s resolve in fighting evil is being tested. In the 1990’s, we had the blinders on with regard to Islamic terrorism. Coddling terrorists-even applauding for winning the Nobel Peace prize as was done with Yasser Arafat-is a policy we cannot return to. Yet, these blinders are still worn by some people who wish to lead our country. In neither of their debates did the Democrats mention Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and the threat they pose to our country. One candidate has even said that the global war on terror is nothing but a bumper sticker slogan. It makes the point that I’ve been making over and over again - that the Democrats, or at least some of them, are in denial. I promise you that if elected President, I will make sure this country remains on offense against terrorism. But I need your help and support to get there. Will you consider giving $1,000, $500, $250, $100 or $50 to my campaign? Israel and the United States share common values. We cherish freedom, democracy, and human life. Our shared values have attracted common enemies. The terrorists Israel is fighting are the same terrorists America is fighting, and we must continue to fight them together. Last week Iran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, announced that the world would soon witness the destruction of Israel. This 2008 presidential campaign will determine how we deal with statements like these and the madmen who make them. I stand by Israel and I’ll never embrace a terrorist like Arafat, a tyrant like Ahmadinejad, or a party like Hamas. Will you join me and support my campaign for President so we can continue to work together? Your contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100 or $50 will go a long way in helping us to ensure victory. Please consider signing up for my email list as well. Doing so will keep you up to date on the latest news from my campaign. A Giuliani administration won’t accept business as usual. We will stay strong amidst the threats of tyrants and we will stay on offense against the terrorists. Sincerely, Rudy Giuliani 8
Posted by Matra on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 17:50 | # Unfortunately Ron Paul spent part of the last debate crying for those poor illegals who are being used as “scapegoats” as he put it. Given his libertarianism I can’t see him making border control never mind repatriations an issue. Paul’s beloved Constitution is just a piece of paper. It was fine for when the country was overwhelmingly white but other than the first two amendments it is largely irrelevant to the future of white Americans. As for Fred Thompson, it’s been a while since I’ve seen such contrived enthusiasm in politics. I wonder if those conservatives who allegedly pine for another actor leading the GOP have ever watch the leftist TV show he’s been in for the last few years. I can’t imagine a Tim Robbins making movies that demonised and ridiculed leftys and their political base. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:26 | # Mossad candidate Giuliani That’s far too conspiratorial for my taste, Normally I don’t go for “Jewish conspiracy theories” but when it comes to organized crime and especially Israel I make an exception. For cultures more reliant on genetic programs, things that look like conspiracies usually aren’t and such is the case for “Jewish conspiracies” throughout most of Western history’s experience with their diaspora. However, when Jews are dealing with cultures from the middle east and Africa, they’re in the same position we are with respect to them. They need conscious design. Organized crime is only secondarily conspiratorial in nature—the primary driver is genetic cohesion—but it is undeniably conspiratorial. Moreover, it is the organized crime cultures that must deal most directly with competing crime “organizations” that are essentially genetically cohered mobs such as Jews encounter with black gangs. This is where Giuliani becomes valuable for Jews. He did the dirty work cleaning up NYC after the threat to NYC posed by, as Wikipedia describes it:
Now Bloomberg can play good cop to Giuliani’s bad cop and downtown Manhattan is experiencing a “white” baby boom. 10
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 19:35 | # Unfortunately Ron Paul spent part of the last debate crying for those poor illegals who are being used as “scapegoats” as he put it. Given his libertarianism I can’t see him making border control never mind repatriations an issue. I’m not going to engage in apologetics for Ron Paul except to point to his record at Better Immigration which gives him a career grade of B and a recent grade of A-. Show me another candidate even close to this record. 11
Posted by Proofreader on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:45 | # Is it legal for a US presidential candidate to raise funds in a foreign country? IMHO, for a candidate such as Giuliani to state bluntly that he supports Israel with no reservations is truly outrageous! 12
Posted by Scimitar on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:50 | # Duncan Hunter even addressed John Hagee’s fanatical Christian Zionist group recently. For those of you who aren’t familar with him, Hagee is the guy who wants to precipitate Armageddon through a nuclear confrontation with Iran:
Posted by Scimitar on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:56 | #
Thompson is the most pro-Israel candidate running in the current GOP field (even though he hasn’t announced his campaign yet). He is even more pro-Israel than John McCain. That should tell you something.
I’m not sure about Tancredo. In one of the presidential debates, I recall him saying he doesn’t believe in evolution. I can’t bring myself to vote for a creationist. 14
Posted by Scimitar on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 20:58 | # Ron Paul on racialism:
Posted by wjg on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:01 | # “Let’s not trade oil for Jews!” he (Hunter) exclaimed. God, if only: one, we were that smart and two, the Arabs that dumb. 16
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:18 | # Wonder where these guys were for the Duke Lacrosse Hoax? Out of their depth, I guess. I saw odds on the outcome of the trial, but it was obvious that there would be no trial, so there was no point on betting on acquittal. If they’d offered a dismissal wager, or a “not convicted” wager, I’d have cleaned up. 17
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 04:19 | # “Let’s not trade oil for Jews!” he (Hunter) exclaimed. He is right. It makes much more sense to trade Jews for oil. 18
Posted by jib on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 13:31 | # i cant see exactly why you all have a problem with the jews. They are white. Any anthropologist will tell you that. Askenazi means german in hebrew. Its probably because they are not christian. Well sorry to break it to you but Jesus was a jew. They pose no real threat to you and your society and have co-existed in the european domain for centuries. They are responsibles for a large quantity of european inventions. In general i find it sad that you have to exclude groups of people who are clearly white but dont suit your own fundermentalist christian sensibilities. By this i mean homosexuals and Jews mainly. I myself am white and of partial Ashkenazi descent and i completely agree with the preservation of white people and our culture but maybe you should try to be more inclusive to these groups and you might garner more support for this cause. I find it very hypocritical that you complain of being discriminated against for no reason as you work hard and are mostly good citizens who contribute much to society but you readily show prejudice to those of your own community who live virtually the same lives as you and are productive members of society. They do not wrong you like the blacks etcetera do. So why treat them like this? I have heard alot about what people think of the Jews that they ” control the media”, but realistically, they dont do anything. Blacks, muslims and so on do but jews dont and nor do homosexuals. Its the fact that they are not christian basically and that god frowns on sodomites. Look at the real world not some stupid book, im myself am christian but move on. The bible is just a guide to help us find our way in life not a rule book. Im not picking on christians alone as muslims and even jews have the same issues but in general, religion is retrograde and is just a social construct not reality. Focus on the real problems. Are jews and homosexuals the ones who rob you? Do they drain the social welfare system? Im sure you can draw your own conclusion from this. I agree with most of your views but some are still too narrow minded, to the point of which you look stupid to many people who share many of your beliefs. Post a comment:
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Posted by VanSpeyk on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 21:15 | #
When you describe certain politicians as “Mossad candidates” in what way do you mean this? That they are a bunch of shabbos goys or that they are actually employed by the Israelis? The latter may have been the case with Monica Lewinsky. I believe I read something about that in Victor Ostrovsky’s eye-opening account of his Mossad years.