is now live with the Official Majority Rights Get Back Verse Contest!
This is in response to the need to reclaim British gift for song and verse, for the British, starting with a key point in British history when it diverged:
The Rivers of Blood Speech and the reaction by the Beatles to it.
Paul McCartney penned this demo-recorded verse to their #1 hit, “Get Back”:
Meanwhile back at home too many Pakistanis
Living in a council flat
Candidate Macmillan, tell us what your plan is
Won’t you tell us where you’re at?
Get back. Get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
Get back. Get back.
Get back to where you once belonged.
You never know when a new verse may appear!
Posted by Boromir on Wed, 17 Jun 2009 16:05 | #
Though dreams be distant
Of a far off field
With running children
Mules and mead
Think us not vanquished
Beaten or bowed
Nor gone to seed
Overripe, or under-ploughed
A grim smile and merry eyes
With upraised arm your fate is set
We asked you nicely, or do you forget?