Going with the flow

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 14 May 2007 01:33.

Austen Ivereigh has worked in “the faith community” in Britain as a press officer here and an editor there for a lot of years.  These days, though, he has embarked upon a new career in the immigration trade, agitating for the “regularisation” of the 500,000+ “undocumented” aliens who live in the shadows of the MultiCult.  He fronts the pressure group Strangers into Citizens - in fact, I think he probably is the pressure group Strangers into Citizens.

Irrespective of my opinions about his cause, I can certainly admire his dedication and his know-how.  But his success I positively envy.  He is forcing the “regularisation” of “undocumented” migrant workers on to the attention of left-field politicians and assorted appassionatos everywhere, and it may be only a matter of time and Gordon Brown’s succession before he forces it on Downing Street, too.  That, of course, is the aim.

“Undocumented” migrant workers - never, never describe them by their real name - hit all the appassionato buttons: poverty, exclusion, powerlessness, hopelessness, holy minority wage slavery, unholy majority exploitation (sometimes).  The proper fate of illegal aliens - a swift and certain repatriation -  smacks too much of “injustice” and the institutional heartlessness of bureaucracy.  The only response that liberal Christians and post-Christian liberals can make is to ask the dishonest question: “So what, really, must I personally (though I don’t really mean that) and we communally sacrifice to make this pain end?”

Since in liberalism there is no language for majority ethnic interest more coherent than the usual screeches of “racist-fascist-nazi”, its sacrifice does not compute.  So the answer comes back: “Nothing is lost or sacrificed.  I and, of course, we (though I don’t really mean that) can only glorify God/me through this gift of brotherliness.”

Oh, the uplift and sense of self-satisfaction that is there, just waiting to be had - a sinfully selfish, velvety Belgian chocolate wrapped up in a Pietà moment.  Plainly, urgent action is called for.

A week ago an RC-led rally was held, culminating with speeches in a rainy Trafalgar Square by, among others, Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor and Labour deputy leadership contender Jon Cruddas MP.

Now, Cruddas is a man on the up (he runs a blog, btw, on which he has permitted me to express my views).  He won’t beat the big guns in the deputy leadership contest, and he is perhaps not in line immediately for a place at the table in the Brown cabinet.  But he has the backing of the country’s biggest trade union, and will advance the Strangers into Citizens platform as he himself advances.

Does, then, it look likely that the “undocumented” Ones-In-Pain will get what they want?  Does Austen Ivereigh MBE sound overly optimistic?

Well, to business.  Strangers into Citizens would see 500,000+ law-breaking aliens re-enter through the front door of this country, all with the right to import their families.  Seeing this, another 500,000 in Somalia, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe would gird their loins and pick up their bundles, and 500,00 more in Albania, Romania, Kurdistan, Iraq, Bangladesh and China. 

Impassioned leftist emotions are cheap - too cheap alone, one would think, to justify pushing us further down the slippery sides of the melting pot.  An ambition to completely nullify immigration law and render British nationality yet more meaningless than it is already must rest on some sort of intellectual or, at least, ideological foundation.  But what?

It happens that my close associate and, indeed, alter ego John Standing conducted an e-mail correspondence with Austen Ivereigh at the end of March precisely for the purpose of discovering the answer.  Conscious of the intellectual poverty which normally attends liberal positions on race, my close associate and alter ego John Standing treated him with much circumspection.  Accordingly, I/he was rewarded with such pearls of wisdom as ...

I don’t want to dismiss, by the way, the impact of large-scale immigration over a short time.  It brings tensions and anxieties and poses problems.  But overall, the British experience of immigration is a positive one.  The various waves have added enormously to British society, culture and economy, and, if you would allow me the expression, have improved the national stock.

This is jaw-dropping stuff.  Large-scale immigration from half a century ago is just now benefitting us with black criminal violence and black gun culture, to which the 21st Century pathologies of, for example, Albanian sex slavery and Islamic terrorism add “enormously”.  How would this man of faith pass off the “British experience of immigration” as positive to the families of those murdered in their homes, on the streets of our cities, and on London’s buses and Underground?  How would he pass off native dispossession and the catastrophic decline in societal trust as positives?

And then there is the “expression” that the national stock (our genepool?) has been improved by Added Vibrancy.  My close associate and alter ego John Standing probed him further on that.  It only brought forth the old RDNE fiction:-

Do you believe that everyone who arrived after the Celts, Saxons and Danes are foreign to “us”?  At which point in history, in your view, did the English racial identity become fixed?  Are we all (including, say, Irish, French Huguenots, Jews, Italians etc.) English until the arrival of black people and Indians?

Got me there!  Guess I will just have to admit that the Irish are English, and Jews are too.  And why not Equatorial Guineans?  In fact, why not everybody, because that is the logical extension of the argument.  And not only that, it is the argument he is making with Strangers into Citizens.  There is no basis, not even illegal entry, on which an alien can be denied all the common goods of my people, those of our material world and those of our spirit.  Austen’s perfect Christian utopia is a place in which the English as an ethnically defined people cannot exist.

But my close associate and alter ego John Standing had no wish to berate or humiliate the man.  I had my answer.  Only the usual mantras, the usual airy assumptions had been forthcoming.  There was, it seems, next to nothing inside Austen’s head that could be graced with the term “an intellectual justification” - certainly nothing on sociological impact that is in any way evidentially-based.  The correspondence was ended.

So what, really, do we have here?  A professional writer-activist, of course.  And a man driven to extremes by his universalist feeling.  Further, Austen is in active denial not only of the rights and interests of his own people but of their very existence.  In this, as we all know, he is supported by the political zeitgeist.  Although in Nature, he is pursuing a course for us that is outrageously maladaptive, in our political age he is mainstream.

As if to prove the point, he is also cheered on by numerous like minds in the immigration trade.  The Strangers into Citizens links page leads to several related special-interest sites.  The prime mover appears to be The Citizen Organising Foundation.  This is a charitable, inter-faith body that morphs into affiliated set-ups such as London Citizens. Just that one boasts “over 83 member organisations, including faith congregations, schools, student organisations, community associations, trade union branches and resident groups”.

Its trustees are “diverse” to say the least, and largely religious.  Some have the delightful luxury of being able to serve both their, of course, highly moral aims and their ethnic interests.  The few English here are blissfully unaware of any ethnic interest, and are just bleeding hearts, unctuous and pestilential, ramping up their case, vying for brownie points in political heaven:-

Reverend Stephen Sichel, St. Matthew’s, Brixton
Reverend Paul Regan, Bryant Street Methodist Church, Stratford
Adewale Adenekan, Parish of Divine Compassion, Plaistow
Deborah Littman (Vice-Chair), Unison, London Region
Father Edward Perera, Our Lady of Lourdes, Lee
Jnanavaca, London Buddhist Centre, Bethnal Green
Sher Khan, Muslim Council of Britain
Saleha Islam, Muslim Cultural Heritage Centre, Kensington
Reverend Paul Nicolson, St. Paul’s Church, Tottenham
Richard Zipfel, St. Thomas More, Manor House
Jean Geldart, Unison, Tower Hamlets
Paul O’Shea, St Charles Catholic Sixth Form College, Ladbroke Grove
Frank McDowell (Treasurer), co-opted
Anthony Thomas, Hip Hop Generation UK, Lambeth
Christoph von Luttitz, St. Andrew’s, Fulham Fields
Dilowar Khan, East London Mosque, Whitechapel
Akber Mohamedali, Grove Medical Centre
Una McCreesh, St Antony’s RC Church
Cliff D’souza, Our Lady and St George

It is interesting how little London Citizens costs to run.  The 2006 accounts show a gross income of £359,792.  I suppose poverty just isn’t big-money territory.  But the political punch these people deliver is well above their financial weight.

To give you a further flavour of the activists network involved here, these are the non-affiliated bodies to which London Citizens links:-

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants is “an independent national voluntary organisation, campaigning for justice and combating racism in immigration and asylum law and policy.”

The Institute of Race Relations is “at the cutting edge of the research and analysis that inform the struggle for racial justice in Britain, Europe and internationally. It seeks to reflect the experiences of those who suffer racial oppression and draws its perspectives from the most vulnerable in society.”

Kalayaan provides “advice, advocacy and support services in the UK for migrant domestic workers.”  That seems churlish to protest.  But I mention these people chiefly because they mention their sources of income, which comprise several grant bodies such as The Tudor Trust (“aiming to support work which addresses the social, emotional and financial needs of people at the margins of our society”).

There is a certain integrity to this strange universe.  It has causes.  It has outreach.  It has political influence.  It has funding.  It goes with the flow in more senses than one.  It is absolute proof, were proof needed, that nothing exists - no natural point of rest, no stop - in the way of our complete race replacement.

We were all warned against precisely this thirty-four years ago by Jean Raspail.  The flotilla has already disgorged its human cargo, and we have not understood.




Posted by a Finn on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:54 | #

Excellent post, Guessedworker. There is not much deeper secrets in immigration advocates’ minds, save some childhood traumas.

So that your written pearl does not melt into the vinegar of time, their methods could be studied, copied to us and new methods improved. As you notice, their political punch is disproportionately big compared to the money they spend. Also, organised group and action could be arranged, where these people are countered in coordinated manner. I have noticed, that many of these people are dependent on the good feelings they get from their “paradise for all the people in the world” -thinking. Special psychological worms can be developed that gnaw in their minds. Most of them are just an e-mail address away from us. Polite messages, where there are painful real life interviews/stories of people raped, robbed, beaten and murdered. The stark reality, what is happening to the ordinary people in their lives. The feelings of alienation, being foreigners in our own country, the cultural and ethnic conflicts, white flight and dispossession etc. The nightmare future that is waiting for us all, the tolerant, sheltered and rich people included. The purpose of this is not to convert them to our side, but to sow doubts, distress and anguish in their minds and thus weaken their actions. Also, those who are financing these operations, could be targeted by telling them, what their money is in reality buying for them and for all of us. Campaign people to resign from and stop financing the organizations that support and/or finance tolerance and immigration business, the religious organizations included. Ponder how strife and wedges can be in any way driven between parts of tolerance networks. It does not necessarily have to have anything to do with the political aspects of their actions, any strife and wedges will do.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:57 | #

What is needed here is a “Citizens into Strangers” movement which agitates for the revocation of UK (and all EU) citizenship and permanent residence held by Jews and Thirdworlders coupled with mass repatriation.


Posted by calyen on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:52 | #

Keep up the good work on blogs like Cruddas, or wherever else.


Posted by Kenelm Digby on Mon, 14 May 2007 13:20 | #

What I really cannot understand about Britain’s current open-door immigration disaster (T. Blair prop.), is that the hard left are the biggest fans of it - even more than the extreme right (no, I don’t mean nationalists but ‘Economist’ type a*seholes).

These are the same people who scream the loudest about wage inequality in Britain and the impossibility of surviving in London on the minimum wage!

God Good, the most elementary rule of economics tells us that the price of any good or service is determined by its supply - these w*nkers try to ignore or deny this, really it is as futile and pointless as denying gravity or mortality.

The sad fact is historically, the Labour Party and the Trade Union Congess used to have the intelligence to follow this point and were always vigorously opposed to what they perjoratively used to call the importation of ‘cheap labour’.

I know that Britain’s union movement were personally castrated by Maggie (read every possible Freudian connotation here), but their silence and aquiescence on the biggest issue facing Britain’s unskilled manual workers in years, an issue that more than any other directly impacts on living standards of the working class, is demeaning.


Posted by gongstar on Mon, 14 May 2007 17:35 | #

Excellent piece, GW, with some v. good insights into lib psych(oticism) but… you shoulda put it throguh a speel-chekcer:

illlegal aliens

It’s a shame to spoil intelligent writing with what many will be eager to see as unintelligent errors, let alone with careless ones. IOW: why spoil the shup for a tippence of tzr?


Posted by Ernest on Mon, 14 May 2007 18:26 | #

Very good piece indeed. The parallels between England and the US are undeniable. Same left/right dynamic, same church intervention, same cast of characters and groups. Same exact mindset.

Austen’s perfect Christian utopia is a place in which the English as an ethnically defined people cannot exist.

You have to wonder if the screeching owl followers and minions truly understand this? Or do they really believe “we” are evil and deserve to be eradicated?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 May 2007 19:11 | #

Oh dear.  Spelling.  Mi aplogolies.  The product, I’m afraid, of late night oil burning, that being the only time I have to myself to write my stuff.

The sure-to-fail Labour leadership contender, John McDonnell MP, is running a blog to support his bid.  He put up a post on the Stranger’s into Citizens rally that says:-

Today migrant organisations will be out in force on a march called by Strangers into Citizens in support of an amnesty for asylum seekersand undocumented workers. Although I will be fulfilling an earlier commitment to speak at the May day march and celebrations in Burnley, I wish to send my support to the demonstration today.

There has been alot of discussion amongst migrant organisations about whether the amnesty proposal is a good thing. Currently asylum seekers are forced into work illegally for sub-minimum wages. If they are refused asylum they are amde destitute and even though they have committed no crime they can be locked up in detention centres. I have a detention centre and a removal centre in my own constituency.

Regularisation would give them security and enable them to join with others in demanding decent pay and better conditions.

However many migrant organisations are unhappy with the Strangers into Citizens proposals. This includes many I have worked with over the years, such as the All African Women’s Group, Barbed Wire Britain, Bolivian Solidarity, Campaign to Close Campsfield, Coalition to Stop Deportations to Iraq, Colombian Solidarity Campaign, Congo Solidarity Campaign, Cogo Support Project, Day-Mer Halkevi Turkish Centre, Ecuadorian Movement in UK, Latin American Community Association, Latin American Workers Association, Payday Men’s Network and Women of Colour in the Global Women’s Strike.

There are many reasons for their concerns, particularly that the proposal includes a list of criteria which wouold exclude many migrant such as a four year residency period and a fluent english qualification. The process envisaged w old also take two years to complete.

The Campaign has tabled an Early Day Motion in Parliament. I haven’t signed tthis yet as I want to amend it to propose a more inclusive scheme and one that doesn’t divide this most vulnerable community.

I am in favour of regularisation and wholeheartedly support the motives behind today’s demonstration but I hope that we can all unite behind a call for regularisation for all so that nobody is excluded.

A leftie blogger who appears also to be a migrants activist left a comment on the McDonnell thread that, among other things, stated:-

There is also an ideas & planning day for regularisation on Saturday 19th May, from 11am - 4pm at South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, near Elephant & Castle tube station. Everyone is welcome, especially asylum seekers and other migrants. If you are an asylum seeker and need help with the costs of your fare to get to the conference, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

These people are so far ahead of us it is almost embarrassing.  The truth is that political agitation is just what these people do, like we raise our families and do our jobs.


Posted by gongstar on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:12 | #

There are many reasons for their concerns, particularly that the proposal includes a list of criteria which wouold exclude many migrant such as a four year residency period and a fluent english qualification.

It’s beyond chutzpah. 1) they’re ‘concerned’ at any request for good English; 2) they’ll shriek ‘racism’ if poor English holds the ‘migrants’ back.

The truth is that political agitation is just what these people do, like we raise our families and do our jobs.

Paying taxes that fund their political agitation. But that’s how parasitism works at the human level.

P.S. If your stomach’s settled after visiting some of the sites above, try:


Warning: Oona King may cause nausea in some viewers.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:26 | #

There’s no mystery.


Check out the cartoons.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:06 | #

Fine link there, Ben.

The Jew is only doing what comes naturally when he works indefatigably for the ruination of White host societies.

Gongstar, your health warning was most apt. I did indeed feel somewhat queasy when I viewed the half-Jew, half-Black, Oona King.


Posted by James on Tue, 15 May 2007 11:23 | #

And swimming upstream… Taki and Turner’s follow-up production to their excellent Right-Now! magazine is be-launched:




Posted by Kenelm Digby on Tue, 15 May 2007 13:10 | #

Strangely enough, Brtains trade union movement (lead by the Klingon-like Jack Dromey, Mr. Harriet Harman), is the biggest mover, after organised christianity, behind this execrable ‘amnesty’ (ie rewarding criminality) movement.
  After Maggie famously de-cobbled* the unions (using legislation that was framed in exile by J.  Enoch Powell, no less), the unions have degenerated to a mildly irritating iirrelevancy, except in cases eg railways, where timid management and a ‘protection racket’ enables the bully boys to keep power.
70% of unionists are in the public sector - in soft well rewarded occupations, of the remainder I wager very few are casual, drudge manual workers of the type most i need of organisation.
Of course this horrible ‘amnesty’ is astunt by the irrelevant unions to cling to a vampire like existence and self-judtify the big salaries paid to their top brass, while harming the interests of British workers in the worst possible way,(they are too stupid, or corrupt, t see this).

* Decobbled - To surgically excise the testes.Coined from ‘cobblers’ - Cockney rhyming slang - ‘cobblers’ - cobblers’ awls - balls.
  ‘Cobbler’ was formerly the familiar form for ‘shoe-mender’.
  ‘Awl’ of course means bradawl - a tool for piercing holes in leather.

All of the above convoluted, overcomplicated slang should be immediately obvious to any true-born working-class Londoner!


Posted by gongstar on Wed, 16 May 2007 15:49 | #

Half-Witted Mendacity Enterprises present…

There Is No Gene for Race

We Are All One Race:


The Human Race Machine is an entirely unique diversity experience. The Human Race Machine gives viewers the opportunity to envision themselves as a different race. Modern science tells us that the DNA of any two humans is 99.97 percent identical and that there is no gene for race. A powerful, yet subtle diversity tool, The Human Race Machine allows us to move beyond our appearance, and contemplate a deeper human connection.

After all we are one race…the human race.



Posted by a Finn on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:26 | #

From the above post: “Modern science tells us that the DNA of any two humans is 99.97 percent identical and that there is no gene for race.”

This increases the variations:


In addition, in the most devoloped creatures like humans same genes are read in various different ways, thus increasing their variations further. This condenses the information to a smaller Dna. Humans’ genes uses this method more than any other creature.


Posted by a Finn on Thu, 17 May 2007 09:53 | #

Continuation: And races are defined by numerous genes together, not by a single gene.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 20 May 2007 05:13 | #

The obtuse Fjordman could teach Negroes about Norwegian culture until Hammerfest becomes Haiti and nothing would alter the savages’ genetic heredity.

Nature cannot be fooled.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)
