How to make educational policy Here is the scarcely punctuated and poorly expressed blurb to a book titled What Shall We Tell the Children, written by Dr Stuart J. Foster. It was published in 2006.
There is something deeply offensive about the knowledge of the workings of the mind claimed by these educationalist creatures. Everything is somebody’s myth, they say. It’s all relative. It’s all about power ... all about politics. The only question is whether we are serious about building a better, more tolerant, more equal world. Etc, etc. I’m glad I’m not a “senior lecturer in History in Education” like Dr Foster. I can cling to the fond belief that the point of educating children is to equip them with the capacity to think for themselves all life long. But Dr Foster very specifically does NOT share that belief. In his mean little world, students are no more than human blotting-paper - except, of course, those like his own student self who possess the powers to freely discriminate for the marxian concept of Man. Gods in a postmodern system that makes the rest of us less than human, they are the final word in hypocrisy. Now I’ve got that off my chest, I will explain. In April of this year the Guardian ran a brief article in which Foster, showing ambition, I suppose, critiqued the teaching of history. The basis of his critique was a study, if one can call it that, involving 48 students - yes, 48 - aged between 11 and 14 at three London comprehensive schools. Meaning, between 50% and 90% of the students were very likely from the Third World. So, a pretty pathetic and unprofessional study that could produce nothing indicative of wider trends whatsoever. Even so, on these anorexic foundations this guy saw fit to pontificate in public to the effect that history had to be made relevant to student’s lives (ignoring the fact that non-native students can never conceive our history and heritage as we can ourselves). I think, though, that our little educational god must have been embarrassed by his insubstantial effort here. But he made no mistake about his next venture into the spotlight. He went where the money and the postmodern myth-making really is, and where his people-as-blotting-paper mentality will be most appreciated:-
Notice here that the focus is on the effectiveness of the teachers and on the question, albeit unstated, of Muslim disbelief in “the defining event of the 20th Century”. Fair enough, we don’t have to agree with Holocaust indoctrination to understand that this is an approach to it concerned solely with specialist, professional issues. It’s foremost about striving to fulfill the demands of the curriculum. Notice, too, that at the end of the IoE press release Ruth-Anne Lenga is described as “a visiting fellow at the IOE and a specialist in Holocaust education”. Now ... it happens, rather oddly, that two day before this press release, The Times ran a bit of a shock piece titled “Every school to get Holocaust specialist under anti-racism initiative”. I suppose they received a call from the IoE press secretary, asked a few questions and got the story before the official release was even posted on the IoE website. Revealingly, in The Times’ article Ms Lenga has transmogrified into an independent voice of authority: “education consultant at the Jewish Museum”. Amazing how these people shape-shift. And Foster - who does not appear to be Jewish himself, btw - is much, much more forthcoming:-
How did the BNP suddenly get into this? What happened to the professional concerns about teachers’ attitudes and knowledge? But, of course, it isn’t about that. It all comes back to Foster’s personal politics - not politics at all really, just a vile and irrational loathing of the English as people drenched in “intolerance and racism”. There’s no sign that he - a person who, through his employer, has real traction on teaching practise in this country - is interested in any way in advancing students’ education, only that he wants “to define what is labelled legitimate knowledge”. It’s war. That’s what he sincerely believes education is. I hope he and Ruthy read the comment thread to that Times article. They most likely won’t know that Mark Webber circulated the link to it in his latest IHR list-mailing. There are forty-one comments thusfar, and you have to go through twelve before you come to the first post by a Jew, or possibly a piece of blotting-paper. Here, for your edification, are those twelve:-
Posted by Bo Sears on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:12 | # When all the other categories of discourse fade under the polished attacks of the “wise,” there are two that can never fade—sex and ethnicity. The postmodern tendency toward deconstruction of all texts works to unfold its tentacles, but if it undermines categories of discourse like conservatism, liberalism, universalism, and all the unspeakable lies we have had imposed on our eyes that keep us from seeing clearly, it may yet turn out to be a blessing. Whether they realize it or not, all the sad passive-aggressive songs about deprivation, unfair treatment, slaughter, and deportation are subject to the identical set of rules for fading the significance of those categories, too. May that day come more quickly than later. The relativism advanced today in society has no brake…it cannot control itself from searching for the next category of discourse to undermine. The diverse white peoples need to grasp these tentacles and use the same method of undermining the new absolutes imposed on us. When we do it in resisting defamation, we call it “attacking from the left” and a hilarious exercise it is. And it works. As long as the diverse white peoples draw back from the wholesale slaughter of wordy values, concepts, and categories, we are losers. Once we grasp the power inherent in contemporary doctrines of deconstruction, we are smart enough and bold enough to slash these same swords through our adversaries’ constructions. Complaining about the constructions is not enough. Re-building a stable society will be a bitch, of course, but I think we can do it, relying on the twins (gender and demographics) which no amount of twiddle-twaddle can undermine. And save your European and American history texts published before the second European war in the 20th century….they’ll be the backbone of our history and social studies curriculum after the liquidation of all categories of discourse. 3
Posted by Rusty on Tue, 28 Dec 2010 17:50 | # My children must suffer through SAT/CLEP and the College Board’s AP History courses. Does anyone have suggestions on the best history books to counter the lies in these anti-Western books? My children are self-taught, so a hateful professor will not be an obstacle; it’s the texts which must be supplemented. Suggestions must be for specific books to counter specific distortions. All homeschoolers have this problem, BTW. I will add these books to my homeschooling curriculum ( Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 15:44 | #
I want to round out my initial remark above about this type of academic mind that has given itself over totally to the Social Construct.
The SC has powerful attractions for persons of this kind. It relativises all perception of life and the world. It can be used to reduce all human emotional and behavioural norms, be they ethnic, sexual, marital, familial, whatever, to the level of “intolerance”, “judgementalism” or “racism”. Indeed, the one judgementalism which is mysteriously excluded from this process, and which is lifted thereby to the status of the single measure of what is good, is the progressive obsession with abstract equality.
This is, self-evidently, a scam. Social construction would have some limited value if it was formulated and maintained within its proper terms of a product of the associative nature of thought. But then its suzereignty over instinct and emotion would fall, and the bastards have to have that or they have nothing.
Constructionists don’t understand, or want to understand, the profound separation of the mental faculties, both in their mode of “speech” and their speed. Nor are they interested in the differences in evolutionary age between thought, instinct and emotion. They fall back upon the “constructed” interpretation of instinct and emotion, blissfully unaware that human decisions are taken before thought (ie, conciousness, since the thinking mind is the seat of consciousness in Homo sapiens) enters the equation. The delay, incidentally, is inevitable because thought is many times slower than both instinct and emotion. It means, among other things, that we are much less volitional than we think, and much more dependent upon our instinctual and emotional promptings.
So, what’s really going on with these obnoxious people is very clear. They have rationalised a model of the mind which reduces the thought, speech, understanding and actions of everyone except them to the value of so many cyphers. The meaning of everything except progressive values is neutralised and the person is rendered open to the ministrations of the social engineers. It’s a classic ubermenschen/untermenschen strategy, a power grab ... a clear instance of the male evolutionary pursuit of status which these insects can’t abide in anyone else. It’s instinct, of course, even though they can’t acknowledge it.
But there’s more to it than that. It would be simplistic to conclude that they all gravitate towards progressivism because of the status it confers at the end of history. Many may do so in a groupie sort of way, and Stuart Foster may be one of them. But they are opportunists and prisoners of convention ... ideological lightweights, not true believers. The latter, the real ideologues, are answering to their emotional impulses as well. So the question becomes one of how they came to be mad egalitarians and race-traitors in the first place. For that psychologically morbid condition is what they are nursing. It is a pathology which never ceases to gnaw away at them, and in the end provokes them to seek not self-repair but self-validation via the mastery that comes of the persecution of their own people.