Inter-racial murders and the health of the MSM - updated

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 01 August 2005 22:53.

Two late-night murders dominated domestic news stories in yesterday’s and today’s British Mainstreams.  One was the vile stabbing of Richard Whelan by a fellow passenger on a London bus.  The victim was white, the murderer black.

The other, already the recipient of very much more wallpaper, is the shocking axe murder of Anthony Walker.  His was, apparently, a racist killing of a black by a white or whites.

It is clear that the murder of Anthony Walker, who we are sensitively informed was a “devout Christian” and a “talented athlete”, “A-level student” and wannabe “lawyer”, is the one that will run and run.  Evidently, the death of Richard Whelan, merely “a hospitality agent”, offers no such journalistically picturesque delights.

Note the way the police descriptions of each attack are reported.  The Telegraph presents Det Chief Insp John Macdonald of the Metropolitan Police, investigating the Whelan murder, as saying:-

“A lot of passengers left the top deck after the suspect started harassing and throwing food at them. The victim endured it in silence for 15 minutes, then food started to be thrown at his girlfriend and he remonstrated against it.

“The woman tried to pull the attacker off her boyfriend but he pushed her away as she began shouting for assistance. The victim had done nothing wrong.”

No clue given there as to the race of the attacker, no physical description by which the public could respond to police appeals.

Now look at how the Telegraph - supposedly a right-wing rag - presents the press briefing given by Bernard Lawson, Merseyside Police’s assistant chief constable:-

“What we are dealing with here is an unprovoked and vicious attack on a young black man which we believe to be racially motivated.”

Not much equivocation there then.

We all know why the very frightened police have double standards on race.  A murder like Richard Whelan’s cannot be presumed racially motivated because, as every member of the New Labour Policing Service (formerly the Metropolitan Police Force) knows only too well, racial motivation is a sticky business.  It brings a grave threat to senior police careers.  Get it ever so slightly wrong and the black lawyers, Labour MP’s and Home Office Ministers will hound you to professional death.  The inevitable result is a general concensus that black-on-white murders are just, well, murders.  No senior plod ever lost his job for making that assessment.  By the same token no senior plod ever lost his job for concluding that the rare white-on-black murders are racist.  Or if they are not, they jolly well should be.

OK, but .. what is the excuse for the mainstream media?  Why do they go to such lengths to hide the colour of black crime and shout to the rooftops about white crime?

I’ll give you a clue.  It’s not pressure from Ministers of the Crown or the race lobby.  It’s not onerous and unfair press laws.  It’s not the hidden Judiaic motives of insanely anti-white newspaper owners.  It’s not rampant political correctness, even.  It’s the fact that nobody from the lowest copy clerk right up to the proprietor’s fourth father-in-law has a single anti-liberal hair in his head.  Not one of them can conceive of any truth but liberal truth or any justice but liberal justice.  Anything smacking of pro-white sentiments simply doesn’t get a hearing.  The media establishment is a moral wasteland and has rotted away its adherents from within.  They are hollow.

At least the right of the UK blogosphere is in rude moral health and rightly baying at the MSM.  But judge for yourself here and here with the Pub Philosopher, here with the superb Laban Tall, here with a thread-jockey of old, Dumbjon.

It is getting so that one has to turn to the net and read the blogs to learn the truth.  For us, of course, that’s a good thing.  But I would far rather our great newspapers answered to some higher moral standard than advanced liberalism and simply told the truth.

UPDATE, 2nd August, 2005

Nick Griffin, reviled and persecuted by all mainstream politicos and MSM, has trumped everyone with a superb piece on murder and the media here.  As Phil pointed out recently, since 7/7 Griffin has been an authoritative voice and the one truth-speaker in British politics.  It could only be so, for the establishment has pinned everything on White Guilt, and White Guilt is a lie.  For different reasons, liberals and mainstream Conservatives strive by any means to stop up Griffin’s mouth less their grip on the public mind, grounded as it is in so many untruths and half-truths, is fatally compromised.

In Griffin’s long article he highlights a murder of which I was quite unaware.  But then, I would be because it has received no national coverage whatsoever:-

David Henkel, 32-years-old, a loving father to a young family. Racially abused, knocked to the ground, held down and stomped to death in an unprovoked racist attack by a group, believed to be Albanians, in Chatham, Kent. David died in hospital on last Tuesday with his heart-broken family at his bedside; he had been in a critical condition in Medway Maritime Hospital since the attack the previous Saturday night.

An Albanian man has since been arrested on suspicion of murder. The story made the Kent BBC News website and the front page of the local paper, but that’s it. Put ‘David Henkel’ into Google and you won’t find a single report of the murder. This silence is all the more sinister given the widespread local rumours that the alleged killer was an asylum seeker who had only recently been released from prison, where he had been heard boasting of his intention to kill a “white Briton” once he got out. And have the media given us all the heart-rending details about how special, talented and precious to his family David Henkel was? Of course not, because he was only white.

Griffin concludes with a summary of the state of his prosecution.  Anybody who sticks his head above the parapet in the biggest way possible as he has, anyone who faces the foe with such apparent nervelessness and clarity of purpose is bound to be demonised as “extreme”, “hateful” and all the rest.  Perhaps he has been and still is.  Are there, then, better men for the task Griffin has set himself?  Perhaps there are.  But there can’t be many braver ... and, whether one entirely approves of him or not, he is the man to whom, in these extraordinary times, Fate has handed such an extraordinary opportunity.  He deserves the widest support.

Griffin writes:-

No-one who looks objectively at the media coverage of the three murders I refer to above can have any doubt that white victims are somehow regarded as being less important. And no-one who has the faintest concept of justice and right can fail to see that this situation is both wrong and likely, if not put right, to engender even more hatred in the future. That is why the trial starting on 16th January will be so important. For it is not about my right to make a speech. It is about the right of the white community to be treated fairly and equally. It is about our collective right to express concern about the injustices perpetrated against us by the liberal elite when they refuse to acknowledge that racism cuts both ways, when they refuse to accept that our sons and brothers and young dads bleed too. It is about our right to campaign for justice for the victims of murder.

To make the biggest possible impact in that trial I need to hear from the families of white victims. Because my trial is largely about the question of whether we are even to be allowed to discuss the problem of anti-white racism, my trial can give you the opportunity at last to publicise the way in which your tragedy has been swept under the carpet, the way in which your grief has been made to count for less. Please get in touch, in strictest confidence with me directly.

For those who have not been directly involved, but who still share the BNP’s burning anger at our collective second class status, I urge you to stop feeling the anger of powerlessness and to start doing something about it.

Fighting talk, as one would expect of the man.

Tags: Journalism



Posted by Geoff Beck on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 01:12 | #

Does Mr. Bernard Lawson have a phone number(work) and email address? Perhaps he needs some nudging?


Posted by Kubilai on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 02:11 | #

Apparently they have all sorts of information about the perps in the Walker homicide, such as one may be the younger brother of Manchester City midfielder Joey Barton who fled to “Europe” with another young male, and they have two possible perps in custody.  WHEW!  My, how much they can accomplish when they set their minds to it.  I also loved the bit about the “A student, talented athlete, devout Christian, who was subjected to a torrent of racial abuse as he waited for a bus with his white girlfriend and cousin.  Touching.  He had it all and it was all snuffed out by evil Whitey.

As for Whelan, well the only thing we know is that it was a thievin’, knifin’, hood wearin’ Negro.  Ho-hum.  Who the hell knows who or where he could be. 

I do not condone violence, however I will wait and see how the facts play out before we try, convict, and hang these Whites in the MSM.  I am quite curious to see what their motive was.  Whites picking on and then killing a Black while he is minding his own business, waiting for a bus is not what normally happens in this day and age.  At least not White on Black it doesn’t.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 02:38 | #

The Independent mentions that Whelan’s killer had a three inch afro. That’s the only hint of the man’s race in the leftist daily. But it’s in the UK News section of the paper unlike these headlines which appear to be front page (I say ‘appear’ because I’m going by their website, not the actual paper):

‘We ran, but my cousin Anthony did not get away’

Twelve years after the Lawrence


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 02:41 | #

Sorry. That second headline should read - Twelve years after the Lawrence murder, racist incidents increase


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 03:31 | #

I’ve just noticed that neocon David Aaronovitch mentions Right Now in his Tuesday column in The Times (as well as the black murder victim from Liverpool).,,22369-1717148,00.html

Neocon Aaronovitch seems to have become a bit of an anti-racist watchdog of late. He decided to do an internet search of someone who wrote a letter to The Times and lo and behold he discovered that the letter writer is an editor of Right Now, a former BNP member, and indeed he is so evil he once had a bite to eat with Jean-Marie Le Pen!

I think we’re going to see more attempts by the Left (including neocons like Aaronovitch) to link criticism of multiculturalism in the wake of 7/7 to heretofore beyond the pale right wing extremism. I find it very interesting that Aaronovitch decided to do a search of someone who merely wrote a moderate letter to a newspaper regarding the Balkanisation of Britain. It’s almost as if the multiculturalists are starting to panic.

Here’s what Aaronovitch has to say about a racially homogenous part of northern Norway. It tells you a lot about his type:

To judge by the Stiklestad festival most Norwegians live very comfortably and are almost absurdly law-abiding. They are also all white

Yes, this “absurdly law-abiding” place doesn’t have crimes like the one on the bus Guessedworker mentions at the top of this thread. What do they ever talk about in northern Norway?!

He goes on:

But even suppose you could turn the date back to 1950 and a British society as white as Narvik in January, and as Christian as St Olav’s tomb, is that really what we would want? The play in Stiklestad has been performed since the year that I was born. In the programme there were photographs of performances going back to 1954. In all that time the only thing that has really changed has been the position of the orchestra. Otherwise the characters look the same, the set is the same, even the tree-trunk where the blind man sits is in the same position. A country like Britain can’t be like that.

Heaven forbid that Britain be a stable nation passing on a shared culture to new generations. No stabbings, bus bombings, or halal meat shops. Imagine how boring that would be!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 03:44 | #

“Anthony Walker’s death is one of the 50,000 race-hate offences that will be investigated by police this year.  Given that many cases of intimidation and abuse are likely to go unreported, the true scale of the problem is probably far higher. The British Crime Survey estimates that there are more than 200,000 racially motivated incidents every year.  Official figures suggest that the country is in the grip of a rapidly growing crime wave aimed at ethnic minorities. The numbers of racially-motivated incidents in England and Wales have quadrupled since Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death in 1993.  In 2003-04, police examined 52,994 racist incidents, a 7 per cent increase on the previous year and four times as many as in 1996-7. More than 35,000 fell into the more serious category, including wounding, assault and harassment. Only 2,520 of those ended in a conviction or a caution.”  (—from the Independent Online article linked in Matra’s comment)

Forgive me, but ... isn’t there ... something wrong with this picture?  Fifty thousand “race-hate offenses” expected to have to be investigated by police this year alone?  Fifty thousand?  Leaving aside the human cost of it all—the injuries, possibly the deaths, too often the personal and family tragedies of enormous proportions—leaving aside the horrible human cost, that’s ... quite a police expense, isn’t it?  And judicial—sounds as if it’ll be a guaranteed   strain on the judicial budget as well, considering all the investigations that eventuate in criminal or civil charges.  Who’s the new Minister for Home Affairs over there, the one who replaced David “There’s No Theoretical Upper Limit” Blunkett?  I can’t remember.  Well, whoever it is:  forgive me for asking, sir, but ... if I might, sir ... What’s that come out to, cost-wise, for all that police detective work and legal work (public defenders, criminal trials, etc.)?  And then there’s the cost of imprisonment for many of the fifty thousand deemed culpable ... Millions of pounds, sir, isn’t it?  At least that, surely—goes without saying, but ... how much is it really—tens of millions?  hundreds?  You see, sir, I’m puzzled, because ... if the government weren’t so insistent on letting all these other races into the country, that figure of fifty thousand of these cases a year would likely be ... likely be ... Mmmmm ... let me think ...

I’ve got it ...

... it’d be zero wouldn’t it.  ... No?  Yes, it’d be ...

... Zero. 

I mean ... let’s pick a year: in the year, nineteen ... what—fifty-five?  OK, let’s go with 1955—in the year 1955, how many “race-hate offenses” needed to be investigated by the police? ...

Enough said? ...

Yes, I should think so, sir ...

(Or need one spell it out for you? ...) 

But you see, the strangest thing about it is, our élites, our government, keep telling us the solution to what’s going on—to this situation where our police have to investigate fifty thousand “race-hate offenses” per year—is ... is ... (wait for it) ... is ... to import even more of these other races than we now must try and accommodate ... Yes, we must bring in more—millions more if possible—there’s no upper limit, you see, “no theoretical upper limit” to it, as Blunkett said ... and the whites who question that policy simply have to be harshly suppressed so they can’t openly express any contrary view of the matter ... That and that alone, as a policy, will solve the problem ...

Now ... I did go to college ... and while there I studied all sorts of logic—you know, classical logic, symbolic logic, mathematical logic ... but this sort ... forgive me, sir, but ... this sort of logic I never studied ....


Posted by Stuka on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 05:47 | #

Living in London, I observed on many occasions negroes openly taunting and harrassing white women on the streets. There was a ferocious confidence about their behavior that made American negroes look like pussycats in comparison. Perhaps the knowledge that the typical British male won’t defend himself or his lady in the face of non-white aggression spurred them on even more. In any event, negro victims of white revenge assaults get what they deserve. More, please.


Posted by Amman on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 06:13 | #

Out of curiosity, was this Anthony Walker fellow, at any point, actually convicted of some sort of an assault on a white? Was he mistreating his white girlfriend at the time of the incident? Is there any evidence that he was, somehow, a troublemaker? If there is, perhaps then Stuka’s assertion that “negro victims of white revenge assaults get what they deserve. More, please.” would apply. But then again, if he was really just minding his own business, his death would seem somewhat senseless, since with all the violent non-whites out there, it doesn’t really seem logical to hound the ones that actually don’t want to hurt anybody.


Posted by seelow heights on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 06:22 | #

“Living in London, I observed on many occasions negroes openly taunting and harrassing white women on the streets. There was a ferocious confidence about their behavior that made American negroes look like pussycats in comparison. Perhaps the knowledge that the typical British male won’t defend himself or his lady in the face of non-white aggression spurred them on even more.”
I wonder if it was anything like this in the ‘70’s when the NF (with a membership of some 20,000 at one point )and a group witha really violent reputation (British Movement with about 3,000) had a presence in the streets. Or maybe it’s a class thing with the two above being working-class organizations and obviously middle-class whites being the more tempting targets for black savagery since it is assumed that they wont respond physically. Of course, a major factor would be the much smaller numbers of blacks in the UK during that time.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 15:58 | #


Aside from the pecuniary rewards of the legal classes consequent upon this exciting new crime wave, one should not forget that the minoritiies have been handed an incentive to boost their victimology - and that’s the real reason why we suddenly have 50,000 new white causes for shame.

A crime of Race Hatred is committed if the aggrieved party feels that it has been committed.  The vast majority of “offences” committed under the Act are, therefore, judged on grounds that could never be admissable in other areas of the law - common slander, for example.

In allowing such weak, unrealistic and subjective grounds into law the liberal establishment has brought itself into disrepute.  It is a very nasty corner of the War for Racial Socialism (my new name for the Culture War, which is too mamby-pamby to hit the ordinary Joe square in the cerebellum).


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 18:42 | #

A country like Britain can’t be like that

Wow, what an argument!  Heaven knows how facile his arguments would be without the Jewish IQ boost.

KMac once observed how very bad all the arguments coming from his genius Jewish critics were.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 20:12 | #

Aaronovitch pursues his EGI through the promotion of cosmopolitanism.  It simply runs directly counter to English, Scots, Welsh and Irish EGI.

He could, of course, pursue his EGI far more effectively by making aliya, and that would entirely accord with ours.

Suitcase.  El Al ticket, one way.  Happiness all round.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 02 Aug 2005 23:25 | #

Well said on Mr. Aronowitz, GW.  That’s exactly what’s happening with this incredibly obnoxious Jewish individual.  Decent Jews ought to cringe every time he opens his mouth to promote race-replacement of white Christians in the U.K.  In an ideal world he’d have his citizenship revoked and given 48 hours to leave the country.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 03 Aug 2005 00:54 | #

The minor detail missing from those 50K race hate crimes is just how many of them are whites as the victims. The stats are out there somewhere…


Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 03 Aug 2005 00:56 | #

Is there any evidence that he was, somehow, a troublemaker? If there is, perhaps then Stuka’s assertion that “negro victims of white revenge assaults get what they deserve. More, please.” would apply. But then again, if he was really just minding his own business….

If he had a white girlfriend, he wasn’t minding his own business.


Posted by Kubilai on Wed, 03 Aug 2005 03:11 | #

If he had a white girlfriend, he wasn’t minding his own business. - Ben

My thoughts exactly.  Funny how she is ALWAYS referred to as the “White girlfriend” and not just his girlfriend.

The story is tragic and the kid may have been as good as the fawnings the papers have written, though I cannot muster any sympathy or sense of bereavement for the sole reason that there have been countless White victims at the hands of Black savagery without anyone in the MSM attempting to do anything aside from hiding or trivializing these crimes.  Does anyone remember the Carrs in Wichita?  How about Todd and Stacy Bagley in Killeen, Texas?  How about Melissa McLaughlin in South Carolina, who was raped, tortured and skinned alive in a tub of bleach by seven blacks?  What about Richard Skelton, who was attacked and stomped to death by a group of 25 blacks while black onlookers yelled, “Kill the cracker”?

Sorry, no tears from me because there are countless stories like the ones I gave above and nobody even knows about them.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

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