Jewish Occupation Government—Your Insurance Candidate Just Lapsed For those who understand what Presidential Candidate (let’s be real here) Fred Thompson is really about, his stock in the betting markets just plummeted. Comments:2
Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 04:49 | # I think Ron Paul, liberterianism, Free State Project, etc. are implicity WN or at least pro-white. The Free State Project, to the extent that Ms. MsKinstry is a spokeswoman for it, is explicitly anti-anti-Semitic. As much as I like Ron Paul, his organization, in Dallas at least, seems to be 30-40% Jewish. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 06:06 | # Ben, I know saying this risks drawing opprobrium down on my head from some of the commentariat here, but there are Jews who are as much against race-replacment of Euros as you or I. No there aren’t masses of them. But they’re out there. As they dislike what’s going on, they’ll be showing themselves more, but discreetly. No, they have no particular love for Euros or for Christians BUT they definitely disagree with race-replacing Euros. Maybe some of the ones in Paul’s organization down there are such. Maybe not. Give them a chance. Yes, dismiss them as assholes if they so prove, but why dismiss them out of hand, sight unseen? You’re going to see sincere Jews start to join our side on this. Not all Italians love the Sicilian mafia, remote from the average Italian. Not all Jews love the sort of Jewish mafia, remote from the average Jew, which is responsible for a lot of this destructive behind-the-scenes race stuff. 4
Posted by John on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:38 | # “The Free State Project, to the extent that Ms. MsKinstry is a spokeswoman for it, is explicitly anti-anti-Semitic.” Their implicit pro-whiteness might be “malgre lui”. Nevertheless, they would of course want to head off criticism on that basis. “As much as I like Ron Paul, his organization, in Dallas at least, seems to be 30-40% Jewish.” Perhaps some of them are infiltrators/malign encouragers and maybe some of them benefit no more from the current criminal regime than you or I (or any ordinary man or woman of any race, for that matter). 5
Posted by schaum's on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:53 | # Not all Italians love the Sicilian mafia, remote from the average Italian. Not all Jews love the sort of Jewish mafia The two differ greatly, the first feeding off its own, and the second dividing the parasitic spoils amongst its own. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:03 | # The way Jewish influence works is two fold: 1) Disproportionate representation in all the organs of activism by virtue of genetic predisposition and cultural disposition—resulting in critical Jewish influence on both sides of any issue. 2) Ethnic nepotism in those activist organs by virtue of genetic predisposition and cultural disposition—resulting in any given issue going in the direction currently “good for the Jews”. For almost the entirety of the 20th century a key component of this system was the disproportionate presence of Jews in mass media and the reliance of the populous on the mass media for their information. That is changing and they are not going to go quietly into that good night. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:42 | # James B’s comment just above about the way Jewish influence works is one-thousand percent correct. Bullseye! 8
Posted by John on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 13:43 | # On the other hand, maybe this whole Ron Paul thing is a trojan horse. It does, after all, funnel people in or back in to the Republican party (or politics, for that matter, when their efforts might be in vain or at least better channelled elsewhere). He could be a way of steering the dissent and also a honey pot (as I think the internet and blogs are)—with his approval or not. His activities in the Congress, from where he got his “cred”, have cost TPTB next to nothing, after all, as virtually the entire rest of the legislative branch is in their pocket. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 17:38 | # In what sense do you think the Internet is a honey pot? 10
Posted by John on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 19:00 | # It identifies those who oppose TPTB. I believe the men who developed and made publically available (it was at first a US military project) the internet knew of its potential to bypass the approved information sources and plan eventually (and have all along) to shut it down. I predict it will occur around the time the bottom finally falls out of the world financial markets. An recent article in a Swedish tabliod asked the question (in 24pt), “will your child be the next one seduced by an internet pedophile?” Could they have com up with a more neutral/factual headline? The US press is replete with stories of “extremism” on the internet and internet-organized terrorism. I believe the days when we can freely exchange information on forums like this are numbered and henceforth, the will have our (person)number. 11
Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 20:39 | # For almost the entirety of the 20th century a key component of this system was the disproportionate presence of Jews in mass media…. I disagree with this “disproportionate” formulation. There is no number that would be proportionate. When the Dallas Cowboys huddle up against the Washington Redskins, what is the proper proportion of Washington players in the Dallas huddle? It’s not half (11/22); it’s zero. 12
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 20:46 | # You might want to read what I wrote circa 1982 about the network potential: What I wrote then I believe still holds:
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 21:03 | # PS: I should probably add that I did go on to be put out of business by government favoritism in granting access to DARPAnet to my competitor in San Diego when I was attempting to get a distributed network off the ground there subsequent to my position at Knight Ridder—so the idea that there was some sort of systemic “collusion” to take out “loose canons” is plausible to me. However, despite Paul Baran being Jewish, I don’t perceive him to have been involved in a conspiracy to contain the potential of an electronic Gutenberg Revolution and I did have direct and indirect dealings with the man. He was simply one of many Jews who rose to prominence in the defense establishment during the post WW II era. His primary negative influence, if he had one, would have been to not oppose the establishment of a private communications monopoly akin to Microsoft. Indeed, Packet Cable did have the potential for becoming such a monopoly—and it was due to my perception of such a potential monopoly that I abandoned a partially completed 8086 operating system in the late 1970s to pursue mass marketing of networking systems such as PLATO and Viewtron. I didn’t see Baran’s company as a particular threat then, or I would have joined it (since I was offered a position with early stock), and it turns out I was right. 14
Posted by John on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 21:10 | # Appropos Frank Zappa quote: “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.” I believe we are fast approaching the point where we’ll begin seeing the brick wall. 15
Posted by John on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 21:13 | # Those of you unfortunate enough to have to fly anywhere (in Europe, too, maybe not so bad as the US) have already caught a glimpse it. 16
Posted by explicit on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 01:25 | # Ben Tillman said: The Free State Project, to the extent that Ms. MsKinstry is a spokeswoman for it, is explicitly anti-anti-Semitic. As is Majority Rights, whose leading spokesman is GW: 17
Posted by Top on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 07:50 | # “Those of you unfortunate enough to have to fly anywhere (in Europe, too, maybe not so bad as the US) have already caught a glimpse it. “ I think people are gettting confused about what’s really going on. Truly free political systems (as far as you want to take the whole concept and of course truly free is an illusion) are historically a very recent phonomenon. They are mainly function of our own evolution but they also rely on several factors (examine the countries that are truly ‘free’): 1) Well developed (preferably industrialized and beyond) economy There are probably others. This is just off the top of my head. The point is that our freedom is a function of several natural factors and has nothing to do with mysterious organizations that are gonna ‘pull the curtain’ or whatever silly metaphore you want to use. A lot of that stuff is just jewish and non-Euro carictature of how THEY perceive our free socities. To them our free socities are not free because it does not allow them to dominate us. So in fact they turn our ‘freedom’ into the opposite. To them freedom means being able to exploit. But that is not what freedom means to us. Look at what’s going on the USA: That is why we are losing our freedom! Not because of some magic curtain pullers. The airport stuff is just an natural extension of all that stuff. It will get worse as those six factors (and others) get more extreme. Again - there are no conspiracies and no magic tricks. If we really wanted to change things we would. But not enough of us do. Please, PLEASE - do not use our enemies’ mental models to describe ourselves. Anyway, what is the natural reaction of a white population (or any population at that) to intellectual domination by an aggressive, hostile, foreign faction? You centralize and purge. Look at Russia (1940s) and Germany (1930s) Once you remove the threat you worry about freedom and all that other good stuff. 18
Posted by John on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:42 | # The causes you mention are natural?! No one behind them, they just happen? Who are these “enemies” whose “mental models” we shouldn’t use. What is their agenda. To just let everything happen by itself? You might not like Zappa’s metaphor but as regards freedom of thought and the internet, it is apt imo. My reading of the MSM on this subject tells me that they plan to clamp down on internet freedom of speech at some point. It seems reasonable to me that the elite plan things and can reasonably forsee the problems and advantages that new technonlogy brings them and have a network to control technology. I don’t think they get together at Bilderberg to discuss sports or talk about their grandkids. Look up a few things and get back to me: Total Information Awareness (a DARPA (the same US military research group who developed the internet) project), Operation Gladio, Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty. 19
Posted by John on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 14:37 | # Back to the topic, Edgar Steele agrees. I found his article through an unrealted search that pulled up this guy (I post it if anyone reads Swedish/Scandinaviska) (I love the internet. Sure gonna miss it.) 20
Posted by 2R on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 04:19 | # “You might not like Zappa’s metaphor but as regards freedom of thought and the internet, it is apt imo. My reading of the MSM on this subject tells me that they plan to clamp down on internet freedom of speech at some point. It seems reasonable to me that the elite plan things and can reasonably forsee the problems and advantages that new technonlogy brings them and have a network to control technology. “ I agree 100%. As many of you know, North America is about to be unionized. There’s going to be a lot of diseffected whites as they’re being displaced. This will cause white people to organize in a way that has never been seen before. It is for this reason, I can almost guarantee that the Internet will get censored. I don’t know how much it will be censored but we will see something. There will also be “Hate Speech” laws. If these anti-white, unconstitutional laws become a reality, how much do you think this will affect our struggle? Europe has a stronger Nationalist presence than N. America and they have police state laws. So does it really matter? Maybe such laws will cause the Nazi types to go away therefore making us the only game in town? Or, will Americas’ police state laws exceed those of Europe and be closer to thew old USSR? Any thoughts? 21
Posted by Top on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 05:33 | # “Who are these “enemies” whose “mental models” we shouldn’t use. What is their agenda. To just let everything happen by itself? “ Who are these enemies? Well turn on on the TV and listen to what they say about race relations. Go to your nearest university and listen to what they teach the kids. Join the nearest ‘human rights’ group and observe the language. The enemies are not some shawdowy group hiding under a rock. They speak to us and our children everyday. There is no conspiracy - it is EXTREMELY visibile. Every ambitious non-white who immigrates to the West can easily join their networks - and they do. Their networks are very grass-root and are not hidden. The enemies are those who push race-replacement, those who who use anti-white language and those who push for the destruction of the West. Anyone who fights for open borders is an enemy. Anyone who attacks our history is an enemy. Anyone who constantly pushes guilt trips on us is an enemy? Do I have to make lists of every leftist and neo-con groups on campus to prove my point? Do I have to make lists of every sleazy campaign contributor to make my point? Do I have to make lists of influencial social groups who clearly state they want to see the destruction of the white man to make my point? Do I have list every ‘human rights’ group that constantly attacks our culture to make my point? They don’t hide their agenda! A key segment of our politicians, media personnel, college professors, ‘human rights’ activists, fianance people, etc… are OPENLY pushing for the race-replacement of Euro whites everywhere. They are not hiding it! I don’t have to go to some secret Bilderberg meeting to get their point. I just have to go to New York or London and talk to influential people there to get the picture. I just have talk to non-white political people in the West to get the picture. I just have to turn on CNN or NBC news. It is not hidden. It is in the open. So while I admire your knowledge of fringe conspiracy topics, at this point I think it’s more important to attack that which is visibile (and that which I can make a case against), as opposed to some shadowy groups which most intelligent whites will instinctively reject. Or please do tell me - who are your enemies? You think that talking about “Total Information Awareness (a DARPA (the same US military research group who developed the internet) project), Operation Gladio, Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty” will get me anywhere with the average white? Or will they just label me as a right-wing, conspiracy nut? Will I not merely be a caricature of what ADL has in their profile for a paranoid ‘white-supramacists’? In other words - will I not be using the cognitive model that my enemies at the anti-white think-tanks like the ADL or SPLC created? I guess there is room for everyone in the ‘movement’. 22
Posted by John on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 10:38 | # “Conspiracy nut”, like “racist” is chiefly employed to shout someone down who’s talking about something you don’t want talked about (for whatever reason). The internet was designed to gather information on people who oppose the elite. At some point they will shut it down. They anticipate massive opposition at some point (soon, I believe) and will start using the legal infrastructure they have buit (in large part since 2001). 23
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 17:13 | # John, Other than recommending that people avoid identifying themselves during their exercise of first amendment rights, (which most people do for simple reasons like wanting to avoid reprisals from people in their own community that could render their families homeless or even confiscate their children under “child protective services” actions) what are you recommending is the appropriate response to your assertion that “The internet was designed to gather information on people who oppose the elite.”? 24
Posted by John on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 22:04 | # It’s probably a heculean task to avoid getting on one of their lists and I know it’s too late for me and many others. Perhaps limiting posting on opposition (not just WN but anti-“free” trade, NWO, NAU, CT as well) blogs to internet cafes. Not wure how reliable proxies/IP changers/key encryption are—probably just flags your communication for them. Local intranets might be an answer for some, I dont know enough about internet technology to talk intelligent about it. At some point if we judge from history and assuming the next generations of the same people are running things now, I believe for most of us (not just WNs) the only protection for what they certainly will try to do again is to be found in this quote from Solzhenitsyn: “How we burned in the prison camps later thinking: What would things have been like if every police operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive? If during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever was at hand? The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt.” Of course the with technology and tactics they have developed probably render such an approach obsolete. I’m sorry to be so negative and I hope Top chides me 20 years from from now for being a “paraniod conspiracist”. Post a comment:
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Posted by john on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 16:24 | #
This is an an extremely well done Ron Paul music video: We need more of this caliber (on other and non-pollitical topics as well). I think Ron Paul, liberterianism, Free State Project, etc. are implicity WN or at least pro-white. They all affirm the right to the fruits of one’s labors (while repudiating others’ (read: muds’ ) claims to “health care”, a living and other “social justice” “rights”), freedom of association and the right to self-defense.