Murdoch’s papers explode the code

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 26 May 2008 00:32.

The latest example of intercultural dialogue, the knife murder of 18 year-old Robert Knox in Sidcup, has generated unusual behaviour at Rupert Murdoch’s News International.

Time was (like yesterday) when we were never told the race of a black perp until the jury had bought in the verdict.  We, of course, came to understand that journalists are poor, squeamish creatures who say “youth” and “teen” when they mean black.  We developed exquisitely attuned antennae for the rubric of professional denial and obfuscation.  The slightest reluctance to come clean about some random act of inner city savagery was sniffed out and added to the probabilities that, once again, the perpetrator was ... black, of course.

But today, like a throw-back to the 1970s, Murdoch’s Sunday papers gave out the race of Robert Knox’s murderer as reported by witnesses and friends of the deceased.  Just like that.

From the The Times:-

Lee Bentley, manager of the Metro bar, said the attack appeared to have been triggered by a row over the alleged theft of a mobile phone.

“Nine days ago, a guy came to the bar and caused trouble,” said Bentley. “He accused [Knox’s friend] Dean Saunders of stealing his phone and hit him in the face. We cleaned up Dean and barred the man.”

But the man, who is black and in his twenties, returned on Friday night armed with two knives and tried entering the bar, where Knox was a regular drinker.

What happened next is unclear, but Jade Nicholson, an assistant bar manager, said: “I saw Rob go outside and shout, ‘You pulled a knife on my brother, someone call the police’.”

Tom Hopkins, 18, who was drinking at the bar, said: “Rob had been trying to stop the trouble, it wasn’t his fault.

“All I remember was seeing Rob get stabbed in the chest. I ran over and me and my mate Tarik both tackled the black man. I jumped on top of him and he said, ‘I’ve got a knife, I’ve got a knife’. As I tried to grab the knife I didn’t realise he had another one in his other hand and he cut me in the back of the head.

Well, I doubt whether young Tom Hopkins really told Murdoch’s hack that he “tackled the black man”.  Surely the word “cunt” or “bastard” must have slipped in there somewhere.  Boys being boys.  But, then, perhaps the sensibilities of Times readers are too refined for an encounter over the breakfast table with a “c—-” or “b———d”.

Anyway, from the News of the World, where no one has to worry about such things:-

Lee Howard, 19, a friend of Robert who saw the trouble, said: “We were in the bar, just having a drink on a Friday night as normal, when word went round that someone was coming down, tooled up with knives.

“We told the bouncers on the door but they told us not to worry.

“Then two black men in an Audi A3 turned up outside. The bouncers didn’t seem to search them and let them into the bar.

“It kicked off straight away. One of them went up to Jamie and said, ‘I’m going to get you. I’m going to slit your throat.’

“This man threw a chair at Jamie and a big fight erupted. We were all just trying to get the knife off him.

“It all spilled outside the bar. We got the man in the bushes but he pulled out another knife.

“He had one in each hand and was just lashing out. There must have been six people who he stabbed. It was terrible.” His accomplice fled.

In its reporting of the Knox murder, the rest of the UK print media is adhering to its code of not disclosing the race of a black perp because it is “irrelevant”.  Not to mention that it is also intensely uncomfortable for the liberal Establishment to be doing anything that might inflame some too, too dreadful act of white racism.  Like having nothing to do with blacks in our land.

But even for liberal elitist sodballs the respec’ addicts are, in their small-brained way, flashing their shiny little blades too close to home.  Robert Knox was not some wigger or druggie left-behind in an inner city sink estate.  He was an aspiring actor and a rugby player - a member of the same club as poor dead Jimmy Mizen.  He was unarmed.  He was acting honourably, in defence of his younger brother ... as a young man should.

It made no difference.  It’s got so it could be anyone’s son next time.  And no one, not even a liberal, believes there won’t be a next time.  No one believes the MultiCult will ever be anything but a place of fear and viciousness.

If it is repeated more widely when the next time comes, and the next, the Murdoch papers’ breach of anti-racist unity will not be without wider political significance.  We might one day see some independent thinking instead of the usual damned correctnesss.  In that event, the possibility of speaking to the English public without lying will have opened up.  It needs to.  The English public is tired of having to deal with deceit and evasion.  Whenever a politician or policeman, teacher or journalist employs it, the inherent presumption is of white guilt and sinfulness.

We’ve had enough of that, damn it.  We want something else.  And, actually, I think we would like to muscle public discourse to the point where the words “our land” resonate with meaning and with pride for us, and to hell with the traitor-class who call that wrong.

Tags: Journalism



Posted by Bo on Mon, 26 May 2008 07:16 | #

In Northern California, there is no relaxation in the media code of keeping silent about a so-called minority perp—-even, and this is astounding, if he or she is still on the loose. The dominant media culture here operates in the reverse when the perp is a so-called member of the majority—-then the news is spread far & wide in an effort to smear the diverse white American peoples with the defamatory myth that their members are particularly and specially prone to race-based crimes.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:30 | #

To those who may not have seen this.

Theodore Dalrymple
A Confusion of Tongues

Hat tip Auster - VFR


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:04 | #

You realise, of course, Bill, that Anthony Daniels is a member of the International Race, like Auster - hence, no doubt, the continual backtracking in his piece.


Posted by John on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:11 | #

In Northern California, there is no relaxation in the media code of keeping silent about a so-called minority perp—-even, and this is astounding, if he or she is still on the loose. The dominant media culture here operates in the reverse when the perp is a so-called member of the majority—-then the news is spread far & wide in an effort to smear the diverse white American peoples with the defamatory myth that their members are particularly and specially prone to race-based crimes.

It’s worse in Sweden. They won’t even publish the name, even after a conviction (of course, here the name is a dead giveaway). I remember two reportages that were particularly egregious. In one there was a 3rd page Metro article on a rape. The victim was quoted as saying, “I remember his disgusting white skin on me” (Jag kommer ihåg sin äckliga vita hud på mig). Somehow I don’t think they’d have published the quote if it had been (more likely even in absolute numbers), “Jag kommer ihåg sin äckliga bruna hud…”. Another time on the TV news a doctor was being tried for drugging and raping his patients. They scrambled the video of his face but left no doubt that he was a Swede. If the perp had been ethnic, for any pictures, they’d have covered his head (like they did with the “German” women suspected of killing Swedish children).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 May 2008 13:56 | #

“It’s worse in Sweden.”  (—John)

Not surprising when you consider how the Jews control the press in Sweden.

By the way John, what was that about the “German” women suspected of killing Swedish children?  I hadn’t heard about that.  Was that like the “British” suicide bombers who blew themselves up in Israel a couple of years ago?


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Mon, 26 May 2008 17:21 | #

But even for liberal elitist sodballs the respec’ addicts are, in their small-brained way, flashing their shiny little blades too close to home.

As they did here:

Tom ap Rhys Pryce was a 31 year-old lawyer who worked for Linklaters, a leading London corporate law firm… At 13, Tom won an academic and music exhibition which was later upgraded to a full scholarship at 16 to attend Marlborough College, Wiltshire, England. There he achieved passes at A-levels in Greek, Latin and English Literature, with three grade As. From there Pryce went on to gain a First-Class honours at Trinity College, Cambridge in June 1996, where he read Classics staying on to study for a masters.[6] Pryce was also known to be a talented musician[7] and lived on Bathurst Gardens, Kensal Green in a flat which he shared with his fiancée Adele Eastman, 31, a solicitor specialising in employment law with Farrer & Co, the Queen’s solicitors.

Murder of Tom ap Rhys Pryce

Then he met these two specialists in law-of-the-jungle:

The rest was violence. The dead Cambridge-graduate-lawyer’s article is long and detailed and has survived the memory-holing to which the equivalents for victims-of-no-importance succumbed long ago.

Wikipedia - The Memory Hole

Gone - Gavin Hopley, Christopher Yates, Charlene Downes, Mary-Ann Leneghan, Richard Whelan. Was Ross Parker there before? Charlene Downes entry was deleted by a chap called Srikeit, an Indian national who discovered Wikipedia in January and became an administrator in July. I have to admire his self-confidence in feeling able to chop an item on an English murder - I’m sure I wouldn’t feel myself competent to pronounce on murder cases in India. How long can Kriss Donald’s entry survive? Or Isiah Young-Sam’s? I don’t think we have to worry yet about Anthony Walker. But don’t tell them about the Zebra Killings.

Wikipedia - The Memory Hole

Meanwhile, the Guardian and BBC tumesce over the possibility of a real Racist Killing™:

The body of a badly-beaten teenager has been discovered in a park, police said today. Officers are appealing for witnesses after the 16-year-old boy, who has not been named, was found in Crow Nest park, in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, at 7.30pm yesterday. “At 7.30pm, police were contacted by ambulance services,” a West Yorkshire police spokesman said. “The body of a 16-year-old youth was found. He appeared to have been subjected to a serious assault.” He said the boy was Asian, wearing white tracksuit bottoms, black trainers and a Bench top. “We know there were a number of groups of youths who were in the park yesterday, and we need them to come forward as a matter of urgency.”

Guardian: Body of badly-beaten Asian teenager found in Yorkshire park

BBC: Youth ‘brutally’ killed in park

If it turns out to be an ethnic-on-ethnic crime, tumescence and coverage will rapidly subside.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:20 | #

Ive just seen this, which will come as a surprise to, well…no-one really:

Sounds like some good old fashioned West Yorkshire vibrancy alright. In the article:

“Sky News correspondent Mike McCarthy said two youths aged 15 and a man, 20, and all of Asian origin, were being questioned as part of the murder inquiry.”

and more vibrant still:

“Detectives fear Amar may have been the victim of violence between warring gangs of youths who waged running battles in the park yesterday.”


Posted by Bill on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:20 | #

GW - ” You realise, of course, Bill, that Anthony Daniels is a member of the International Race”.....

If this chap is Theodore Dalrymple then thanks, yes I do, but I had forgotten his name.

GW, I don’t like sticking my head above the parapet, I make no bones about visiting LA @VFR, I happen to like reading a brilliant mind (mostly grappling with advanced vocabulary, Oxford dictionary in one hand and reading the same sentence ten times over) no matter who.

May I ask if you have read LA’s response to this article?

I am not well versed in the etiquette of blogging, and mostly struggle (not very successfully) to get my head around what is being discussed here, but what you get is me.  Ok, I post all over the place, especially in the daily press and rarely (if ever) use my own name, so in a way you are honoured here, for I do use my given name. (middle one actually)  If quoting from such sites embarrasses potential posters here then I will stop making reference to such sites.

My take is this.  How can you look into the minds of these people unless you read what they say, (or don’t they say what they think) I’ve posted here before on this subject (no response) about what you might say are scam sites, here’s a few.  Peggy Noonan, Dr.Sanity, GoV, LGF, Littlejohn, Steyn, Phillips? Auster? Daily Mail, Times, Telegraph. There must be dozens more but that’s all I can think of at the moment.  These people are very clever at what they do, and they can fool a whole lot of people for a whole lot of the time and do need to be outed, maybe a list permanently on display would alert less aware posters.

Finally, I appreciate your letting me use MR as a platform for my views, I know I’m a bit of a loner here and sometimes wonder if I’m in the right place, actually there are very few sites for the average poster to engage.  I notice that there are very few ‘average’ types posting here and were hoping that I might attract the odd one or two to join in - with not much success it appears.  Do you see this site as, (shall we say) exclusively intellectual?

I started this post just to answer your question, it seems I’ve meandered a bit - never mind eh?

PS. Regrets if OT.


Posted by John on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:42 | #

By the way John, what was that about the “German” women suspected of killing Swedish children?  I hadn’t heard about that.  Was that like the “British” suicide bombers who blew themselves up in Israel a couple of years ago?

Sorry, it’s “woman”. It happened in the small town of Arboga. The mother picked the “German” out of a line-up. I haven’t seen anything in the English speaking press about it. Here a Swedish report and a German one,560198

I have no way of knowing for sure but I figure it was an ethnic because when they showed her on the news being transported, they put a sack over her head. If she’d been of European origin, and she didn’t ask for it, they’d have just scrambled the pixels around her face, instead.

IMO, 90% of the “suicide bombings” in Israel (and now in Israeli-controlled Iraq and Afghanistan) are patsy set-ups or false flags. The Irakis never used such tactics against the British or the Algerians against the French. As with most terrorism these days, more benefits accrue to the ostensible victims than to the “perpetrators”. And the Israelis are the masters of the false flag: (King David Hotel, Lavon affair, USS Liberty). In the 7/7 bombings, the “terrorists” had everything to live for and suicide was not tactically necessary, anyway.

Not too many people know this but in October, 2001, before the ruins of the twin towers had even stopped glowing red, a former IDF Colonel who had entered the country illegally and his Mexican Jew accomplice were caught in the Mexican Parliament with pistols, explosives, detonating devices and Pakistani passports. They were quietly allowed to leave the country.


Posted by 123 on Mon, 26 May 2008 19:54 | #

Same thing in Germany. If the perp is foreign, the news will be phrased neutral, thus giving the impression he is a German. If he is indeed German, then this is explicitly referred to. This is all so glaringly obvious, that I and many others know automatically how to read it. Probably as a reaction to this general wising up there seems to be some modification lately. Crimes by foreigners are simply no longer reported.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 May 2008 20:48 | #

Bill, 1) we’re all average here except for a few participants of genuinely incandescent intelligence; I for one am just like you, an average, ordinary guy who’s here merely trying to figure out what in the goddamn hell is going on, learning as I go — very much so, and often needing to read comments and log entries five times; 2) I find your posts always among the best:  I always enjoy them and benefit from reading them; 3) you have come to the right blog:  you’re in the right place; this blog is the right one for you.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2008 21:39 | #


I had a principled disagreement with Larry (see here and here).

Larry’s very likely unconscious need is to redefine and shape our “view from the right” in such a way that white American ethnocentrism is quietly made safe for certain people, especially with regard to Islamification (which is not an issue in America).  I don’t doubt that he can’t help himself.  But if he was genuinely concerned for our interests, instead of Jewish interests, he would leave us alone to form our own opinion, and address himself instead to Jewish ethnocentrists.

He is not, in my view from the right, intellectually brilliant.  He is verbally intelligent in the way that so many Jews are.  But I see no particular capacity in him to process abstract thought, or to originate new thinking.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2008 21:58 | #

My view of the more mainstream sites listed by Bill is that, excepting the national dailies, they are all useful as staging posts for emergent nationalists.  They are not useful as political “homes”.  We are.  Our function is to tap the ideas of thinking nationalists (or conservatives in the revolutionary sense, should you prefer that terminology), and generally inject some juice into our collective survival.

I’ve said before that the defining difference between Austerlitz and the Berezina is the understanding that liberalism is a unity, and that the politics of life exist exclusively outside it.  This is the beginning of metapolitical thinking, and the beginning of the search for Western survival.  It’s what really matters.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2008 22:03 | #

On the subject of the national dailies, they are organs of the power elite.  There’s no value in them per se, expect that the on-line versions provide some scope for boosting dissident attitudes into sleepers’ minds.

I think the Guardian is the best of them, partly because CiF is the most bracing environment, partly because leftists are probably better material for conversion than traditional conservatives.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 May 2008 22:49 | #

“leftists are probably better material for conversion than traditional conservatives.”  (—GW)

Amazing statement.  I would’ve said the opposite.  For me, race is the crux at this stage of the game.  Leftists seem further from race than tradcons.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Mon, 26 May 2008 22:53 | #

Yes, panic over about the murder in Yorkshire. But the Mail behaved more shamefully than the Guardian or BBC:

Three arrested after Asian boy, 16, is battered to death in ‘race gang attack’

The story now contradicts the headline by revealing that the three in custody are Asian. The Mail is still obviously proud of its Lawrence headline, which will one day be viewed rather as “Hurrah for the Blackshirts!” is now, I hope.

GW: He [Auster] is not, in my view from the right, intellectually brilliant.  He is verbally intelligent in the way that so many Jews are.  But I see no particular capacity in him to process abstract thought, or to originate new thinking.

I think he writes much better than the Jewish average and can pack a lot into a little. He’s also very honest for a Jew and by giving permission to gentiles to think the forbidden will undoubtedly be recruiting for extremists like MR.

I think the Guardian is the best of them, partly because CiF is the most bracing environment, partly because leftists are probably better material for conversion than traditional conservatives.

I don’t think traditional conservatives have a paper or magazine any more. The Torygraph and Spectator have both been neo-conned.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 27 May 2008 00:04 | #


It’s a question of psychology.  I’m a believer in the Adlerian idea of the revolutionary second son.  His will to kick over the Establishment and to right wrongs are psychological needs that can always be harnessed.  The first son’s natural conservatism offers no such hand-holds.  I’ve known about this for thirty years.  But only recently did I really come to understand that conservatism is not capable of instituting change.

Conservatism is the continual entrenchment of social stability, upon which firm foundation the freedom of the stable mind can be profitably encouraged.  That, in essence, is the conservative “deal”: stability + freedom.

But there is no navigational critique at work in conservatism that can get us out of the liberal milieu and into some stability-inducing form of life-politics.  Instead, life-politics, after its initial revolutionary phase, would slowly mature into a conservative form, as I believe.

So I am interested now in seeking out those of my countrymen who have the right psychological-political profile to be useful in the revolutionary terms of shifting out of liberalism.  That is the most pressing need.  Without that, nothing else will come to pass.

Obviously, it goes without saying that we are a very long way away from putting together an active first phase.  Real, post-philosophical planning looks like this.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:07 | #

Everyone needs to click on the link at the last word in GW’s comment just above, to see what sort of explicit, real, unapologetic planning the Jews engage in for themselves as a group but would declare World War IV against Euros for, if we tried to have it for ourselves as a group.  One look down that page at the conference titles is a bracing experience when one considers how we, Euros, are not permitted to have anything analagous, although our survival in the traditional tribal and nation-state forms which history has known since the Trojan War is teetering on the brink for the reason that our races themselves are under genocidal attack and that largely because of the Jews.


Posted by Bo on Tue, 27 May 2008 02:53 | #

Fred says just above, “One look down that page at the conference titles is a bracing experience when one considers how we, Euros, are not permitted to have anything analagous, although our survival in the traditional tribal and nation-state forms which history has known since the Trojan War is teetering on the brink…”


With the greatest respect in the world, that is incorrect. Throughout the 1990s, we had meetings of the European American Study Group, the European American Issues Forum, a one year weekly TV show devoted to European American Diversity, and monthly meetings at libraries in San Jose and San Francisco—all announced and held in public, and all open to anyone wanting to attend. I have at hand two records of two hotel conferences as follows:

May 2, 1993

Promoting European American Student Safety
Promoting Our Right of Self-Designation
Resisting Defamation
Creating New Institutions
Combating Low Self Esteem Among Young European American Girls & Boys
Opposing Re-election Of District Attorney For Bias in Hate Crime Prosecutions
Preserving The Memory Of A Victim of Campus Shooting In San Jose

August 15, 1993

Institutional Racism In Schools Against White Teachers Today
Be Your Own Boss—One Way To Guarantee Employment
What Is A European American Approach To Art?
Emotional Aspects Of European American Awareness
How To Preserve A Record of Employment Discrimination
Principles, Strategies & Tactics To Celebrate European American Diversity

At another event, we had two candidates for mayor, one candidate for sheriff, two candidates for city council, and assorted other candidates present campaigning for our support.


So what brought our movement down? It was purely internal and revolved around the governance of our various groups.  WE ARE “PERMITTED” TO HAVE PLANNING MEETINGS. The key is that our events were purely Euro-centric, we talked about harm to our children, but we didn’t seek to tell other demographics what they were like and how to act. I know it’s tough to grasp the difference between talking about ourselves, our needs, & our goals for our children, and talking about the flaws & failures in other groups. The same things are being said, but from a different centricity.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:30 | #

“WE ARE ‘PERMITTED’ TO HAVE PLANNING MEETINGS.  The key is that our events were purely Euro-centric, we talked about harm to our children, but we didn’t seek to tell other demographics what they were like and how to act.”  (—Bo)

In other words Morris Disease, Heidi Beirich, and their Jewish anti-Eurochristian group SPLC won’t classify us as a “hate group” the instant we hold “purely Eurocentric” meetings about Euro survival and Euro well-being, provided we very carefully refrain from criticising Jewish behavior. 

With all respect, Bo, I’m not so sure of that.  A lot has changed sincie 1993.  Your 1993 group would be called “exclusionary,” “lacking in diversity,” and “racist” by today’s Jews (the ADL, the SPLC, etc.) and would get condemned for that alone, the minute it became big.  Admittedly, as long as it remained tiny and wasn’t registering on radar screens they’d ignore it (even they have budget constraints).  But not if it became known.  If it became known they’d attack it like a the rabid pit bulls they are.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 May 2008 03:47 | #

It turns out Jews see hypocrisy as no more of a vice than gypsies see picking pockets or shoplifting.  You can’t shame Jews by showing what hypocrites they are.  They couldn’t care less.  They see themselves as fighting a war.  A war against you.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 27 May 2008 05:04 | #

Ironic much?  Well, not really I guess.  Nothing that isn’t an extended plea (or demand) for “tolerance” gets through Hollywood anymore, unless it’s neokhannery.

You can find “tolerance” injected, appropos of nothing, into Hollywood films as far back as 1940.  See Knute Rockne All American.


Posted by calyen on Tue, 27 May 2008 13:15 | #

leftists are probably better material for conversion than traditional conservatives.

In my experience this is true, but why do you think so Guessedworker?


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 27 May 2008 15:13 | #

Well, let’s separate the two issues of the general temper of the leftist mind from the ease, or lack of it, with which leftists can be awakened.  On the temper issue I commented on this thread at May 26, 2008 at 11:04 PM.  That will do for now.  On the practical issue of waking these guys up, I am much less certain ... really just relying on a hunch that they might be hares to the conservative tortoise (notwithstanding the fact that the fabled tortoise won the race!).

Clearly, leftists have a longer journey than the archetypal conservative.  But I suspect that the best of them might prove to be more susceptible than we think to an intelligent critique of their worldview - particularly if it is allied to a highly moralised, non-palingenetic explication of nationalism.

It is the moralism that slays them, IMO.  At the fifth time of asking I’ve managed to hang on to my posting rights in the Guardian’s misnamed “Comment Is Free” pages.  I keep making the argument for the morality of survival, and receiving in return no sensible or even very determined response.  But, then, it does not exist - a fact which I know and they are learning.  This is how it proceeds.

Now, I can never know for sure that somewhere it is contributing to some dawning of understanding.  At an individual level it can take years, perhaps, for that to come to fruition.  But since I regard myself as fairly awake, and I am conscious of the fact that I was not always so, I must believe in the same possibility for others.  The effort has to be made.  Leftists are our brothers whether or not they are aware of it now.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Tue, 27 May 2008 17:33 | #

It’s a question of psychology.  I’m a believer in the Adlerian idea of the revolutionary second son.  His will to kick over the Establishment and to right wrongs are psychological needs that can always be harnessed.  The first son’s natural conservatism offers no such hand-holds.  I’ve known about this for thirty years.  But only recently did I really come to understand that conservatism is not capable of instituting change.

Interesting. You could see minorities like Jews, Asians, homosexuals as permanent second sons. Conservatives often seem to be pack animals, fawning to the biggest jaws, i.e. Jews in our present system.

So I am interested now in seeking out those of my countrymen who have the right psychological-political profile to be useful in the revolutionary terms of shifting out of liberalism.  That is the most pressing need.  Without that, nothing else will come to pass.

Persuasion is slow; instinct is fast. And I think instincts like ethnocentrism will be triggered by some of what’s coming up.

Btw: evidence of how close “unfettered will” liberals and the awakened can be?


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:54 | #

We must address root causes! Poverty and racism.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Wed, 28 May 2008 13:33 | #

You realise, of course, Bill, that Anthony Daniels is a member of the International Race, like Auster - hence, no doubt, the continual backtracking in his piece.

But Auster does not like Dalrymple:

So it devolves down into the usual story. Dalrymple, whose real name is Anthony Daniels, and whose mother was a refugee from Nazi Germany and presumably Jewish, takes the position that because his family came to Britain as immigrants or refugees, which saved them from Hitler, therefore he must support the continued open immigration to Britain of all immigrant groups, including Jew-hating Muslims, to the end of time. This is of course the standard Jewish liberal/neocon line on immigration. No other ethnic group makes their own persecuted and immigrant background a moral mandate to support all future immigration to the extent that Jews do… It is self-evident that people whose primary loyalty is to foreigners and prospective immigrants rather than to their own country should not be allowed to participate in the determination of those laws.

Where Dalrymple is really coming from on immigration

That’s strong stuff. See also:

Dalrymple’s latest pretentious exercise in emptiness


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Fri, 30 May 2008 14:48 | #

This white working class stuff is a media invention—A monochrome group has been ‘driven’ to vote for the BNP, goes the fable, such is their terrible ignorance and suffering


ordinary May 30, 2008 12:41 PM Deleted by moderator.

This white working class stuff is a media invention

You presumably didn’t go beyond the pale, GW.

Auster continues to post stuff that would fit perfectly at MR:

Be sure to read the remarkable article by the English blogger Tottenham Lad about interracial gang rapes of white girls and women in Britain, all of the stories sourced in mainstream newspapers. I’ve never seen anything like it. The article is also linked and discussed in this VFR entry. Rape and civilizational surrender

A nation’s immigration laws are the most fundamental laws it can have, determining its very identity and destiny as a nation. It is self-evident that people whose primary loyalty is to foreigners and prospective immigrants rather than to their own country should not be allowed to participate in the determination of those laws. Where Dalrymple is really coming from on immigration


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 15:02 | #

Judge for yourself, Nux.

So much vilification!

Are any of you Guardianistas capable of muzzling your Pavlovian emotions and engaging in an intelligent debate?

I doubt it.  But I will try.

Lynsey is unable to see race clearly enough to distinguish meaningful human difference and, at a finer level, ethnic interests.  She is not, as a woman, unusual in that.  Generally, women perceive race less clearly than men because their evolved life-function is family not tribe-oriented.  However, it is in the nature of men to protect not just themselves and their immediate family from external harm, but their people.

Nature has not gone away in postmodernity.  It will never go away.  The artificial moral structures that have arisen, really, since WW2 - and which produce so abundant a crop of sudden loathing here for the protective males of the BNP - represent a distortion of our natural interest.

And this is the essential dichotomy of the postmodern left all over Europe.

As European men, you guys possess in full the natural drive to protect your genetic interests, your ancestral land and the resources built up by your forefathers.  But currently you are emotionally disabled.  You cannot get this desire out without all manner of strange ideological contortions blocking the way.

What, for example, is this fascinating commentary about the Jewish Holocaust?  That has nothing to do with the English people, and nothing whatsoever to do with English politics.  What does it matter to us who thinks what about it?  There is no more vivid proof of the artificiality of values in postmodernity than a loud declamation of moral rectitude about the Holocaust.

For what it’s worth, the BNP leadership is not of high quality.  The Enough Is Enough affair demonstrated that clearly.  But criticise them for their true shortcomings, which include a dictatorial interest in power.  And do not extend that criticism to their activists, or to those members of the public for whom postmodernity has either never held much sway or has been thrown aside.

And good riddance to it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 15:05 | #

I would add that Ordinary has had his posting rights removed.  Ban number 5.


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 30 May 2008 17:30 | #

That was an excellent comment.

Now, I can never know for sure that somewhere it is contributing to some dawning of understanding.  At an individual level it can take years, perhaps, for that to come to fruition.  But since I regard myself as fairly awake, and I am conscious of the fact that I was not always so, I must believe in the same possibility for others.  The effort has to be made.  Leftists are our brothers whether or not they are aware of it now.

I agree completely.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 May 2008 20:09 | #

BNP Leadership.

The challenge for leadership blog is not exactly a seething cauldron of activity, if this is all there is I don’t much rate their chances against Griffin.  I’m of the mind, that someone like Griffin (b*****d) is exactly what is needed at this stage, thick skinned and been round the block a few times, and can handle himself against the BBC types.

I can’t honestly say right now the BNP want a nice reasonable guy up front, that will come later. trouble is, Griffin and co. come with a lot of nasty baggage with which the media can slaughter them.  Like a lot of things it’s a trade off.

What did for me was the London elections, I still can’t figure it, why did they vote en mass for the Tories?  It seems my theory that things have got to get a lot worse before the middle class will hold their nose, doesn’t hold water -  how much worse can things get? (in London)


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 30 May 2008 21:57 | #

The reason more people don’t vote for the BNP is because they are cowards who value their bourgeois creature comforts, respectability and moralistic hypocricies more than saving their race.

As for Nick Griffin, I think that he is really a National Socialist who has cleverly and correctly decided to water down his message so the said bourgeois sops can feel respectable (very important to them) voting for someone pro-White.

To me it isn’t all that complicated, maybe thats just because I’m simple minded.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 22:05 | #

Thanks ben.  From you I appreciate that.

Bill, you are right about Griffin.  He is what’s needed for a while longer yet.  But he has demonstrated that he won’t walk away beyond the moral tipping point, when real power begins to beckon and his character and his baggage become a negative.

It is my opinion that the Enoughers need to ally with people who can articulate a second path into nationalist politics, targeting the kind of government which will hold sway from 2010 to 2018.  But I don’t think they can detach from their loyalty to the BNP, and I don’t think they can guage the historical moment of these times.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Fri, 30 May 2008 22:44 | #

Lynsey is unable to see race clearly enough to distinguish meaningful human difference and, at a finer level, ethnic interests.  She is not, as a woman, unusual in that…

Sexism! Followed by…

As European men, you guys possess in full the natural drive to protect your genetic interests, your ancestral land and the resources built up by your forefathers.  But currently you are emotionally disabled.  You cannot get this desire out without all manner of strange ideological contortions blocking the way.

Racism! And…

What, for example, is this fascinating commentary about the Jewish Holocaust?  That has nothing to do with the English people, and nothing whatsoever to do with English politics.  What does it matter to us who thinks what about it?  There is no more vivid proof of the artificiality of values in postmodernity than a loud declamation of moral rectitude about the Holocaust.

Holocaust denial!

I would add that Ordinary has had his posting rights removed. Ban number 5.

Unsurprising. Searching for the truth doesn’t matter to some “liberals”—who aren’t really liberals even within their own terms. What you say threatens their present power and their plans for more, therefore it has to be suppressed.

I lasted less than five minutes with a comment at this police blog:

We’ve deleted one or two comments.

Thought crime creeping in, was it?

The bloke who started this blog is married to a girl whose skin is a lot darker than his is, and she’s not a criminal.

So the thought criminals were claiming all people with dark skin are criminals, were they? No, of course they weren’t, but that kind of dishonest evasion is compulsory in the PC police when the subject of racial differences arises.

But none of the people involved in running this blog believe that your skin colour makes you more or less predisposed to commit crime. We have all seen more than enough white criminals to disabuse us of this notion.

Politically correct rubbish. I doubt you really believe that, but I understand that you have to genuflect before the PC idols to keep your job. All groups are capable of committing crime, but it is obvious that some groups are far more likely to commit it than others. Denying the obvious is at the heart of PC.

You may think we’re wrong; if so, you are free to start a blog of your own.

Because the truth is not allowed near the modern British police. And the truth is that blacks are far more likely to commit violent crime than other groups. This does not mean all blacks are violent and all whites saintly: it means that the average for the two groups differs. Denying that fact is an excellent way to ensure that the problem of black criminality remains unaddressed and continues to claim innocent victims, both black and non-black.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 May 2008 23:06 | #

Just an observation.

The speed with which everything about us is collapsing is difficult to grasp.  Have you seen the reports where Gordon Brown has taken to telephoning members of the public and talking one to one, about the nation’s problems? (keep within earshot of your phone GW)

I think I will suggest to the DT (Your View) -  If you received a telephone call from Gordon Brown what would you say to him?

Yes the speed of collapse is giddying, I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this since the days of Thatcher when job losses, (in their hundred of thousand) were being announced daily -  in the early eighties.  To try and predict where all this is leading is hopeless.

As regards Leftist’s are our brothers, the old working left are already in the bag, it’s the others we want now, but the captain says they won’t.

I tapped a Google search a few minutes ago, End of Globalism, I was very surprised at the results, people were forecasting as long back as 2002 that the wheels were coming off - so there’s hope yet. (I must try and get with the curve)


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 23:14 | #


I backed you up with the following at Plod’s blog:-

It does not matter what you believe.  The facts are very clear and understood by every honest student of behavioural psychology.

On average, Sub-Saharan African populations exhibit more crime, and much more violent crime, than any other populations.

The figures for inter-racial rape are available in America, and are particularly stark.  So this isn’t a social exclusion or poor parenting issue.  What social exclusion could possible motivate 49 times as much black-on-white rape as white-on-black?

It is incredibly important to speak honestly and publicly about this vexed but absolutely crucial issue.  Running away from it into political correctness will only produce more innocent victims.

Please show some courage.  Do not delete this post.  Speak the truth.

It remains to be seen whether they have the balls to publish it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 23:38 | #

Whaddya know ... five minutes on the page and deleted.  The modern Plod has truly been battered into submission.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:52 | #

Reading coppersblog since its early days has been a mixture of hope and despair.

It does seem that the comments there have become more PC on average, when it was still below the radar it seemed more honest. But that “We’ve deleted one or two comments.” thing - its a complete collapse. Grim.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 31 May 2008 07:03 | #

Copper’s Nark

I’m glad the subject of a police blog has come up, some time back another police blog, (PC Copperfield) was creating a lot of interest in the national press.  The fly on the wall style of a British nick seemed to catch the imagination of the British public.  However, not long (after I had become acquainted with PC Copperfield) the copper outed himself and left for sunnier coppering climes in Canada.  Still, my brief encounter with PC Copperfield had whetted my appetite, why was this?

I figured, rightly or wrongly, that a police blog would be an ideal vehicle for gauging the mood of the nation, especially that section who had the onerous duty of keeping the lid on any potential trouble arising from the coming sh*t-storm, so I cast around for a replacement for my all too brief encounter with PC Copperfield.

Suffice to say, I landed at a place called  Pc Copperfield in this blog is a Police Inspector Gadget of somewhere in Rural Shire.  So duly note booked, I pop in to see Gadget once in a while, it’s quite an active blog with a sizeable following, most posters seem to be ‘the job’ but there is also a sprinkling of public posters. 

I suppose I’ve been ‘calling in’ now for over a year, not very often I must admit, somehow it hasn’t grabbed me (no pun intended) like Copperfield, but it, (blog) is serving it’s purpose, that purpose being a bellwether.

My impression is these people are in the ‘job bubble’ and for me, it soon becomes tedious.  Gadget is an astute writer of talent, but from my perspective (and I could be very wrong here) the blog in its entirety seems to have no idea what’s coming down the pike - now you would think they would, wouldn’t you?

Disclaimer - Maybe I don’t read Gadget often enough to make a snap judgement like this, and am doing the chap a disservice - but I can’t help feeling what I feel.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 31 May 2008 07:54 | #

The Copperfield site had the same feel. It was always about yuk, yuk stuff. Possibly cops are like that. They see so much shit they’re just happy to have a pulse. There is currently a comment under the picture of “Dave” shovelling snow in Deadmonton regarding the Steven Bigby murder. It’s more of a don’t blame us, we’re under paid and overworked and just trying to stay alive in the “jungle”. My local neighbourhood copper puts it all down to low IQ and alcohol.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 13:23 | #

Nux should have hit them at that police blog with this from Tottenham Lad, when they were acting as if (and in the process doing great credit to Ivan Pavlov via Sir Ian Blair) nonwhite and white violent crime rates were the same. 

They can perhaps get away with that lie in Europe where, as in France for example, the authorities are forbidden to compile statistics on that subject.  But as GW points out we have statistics over here which they can point to, and even if we didn’t, as should go without saying one doesn’t need statistics where one hasn’t been Pavlovian-conditioned by Sir Ian Blair to disregard the evidence of one’s two eyes and one’s common sense. 

Every goddamned lying PC zombie knows the truth surrounding this matter, as is evident in the way he lives his life and orders the lives of his family down to the smallest details (where one does not dare to walk the street after dark or even in the day, where one rents a place to live, where one prefers to send one’s kids to school, and so on).  They all know exactly what’s going on.

I remember when the Jews in this country were all denying that Negroes committed more violent street crime than whites.  (Back then I didn’t realize they were Jews but thought of them as generic liberals and generic non-denominational leftists and communists.  I’ve since realized who the ringleaders of this stuff always are.)  They knew it as well as anyone, of course — there was no one who didn’t — but were brazenly denying it because for Jews, “white” meant “of the inherently anti-Semitic Eurochristian race/ethnoculture” (thus the Jewish-owned media could trumpet Susan Sontag’s quip about whites being “the cancer of history” and make sure it became a household notion, without in their minds attacking Jews but only the anti-Semitic enemy of Jews) so they weren’t about to concede any advantage to their enemy (“whites”) at the expense of their ally (Negroes), especially when their ally was doing such a great job destroying that which they wished destroyed, anti-Semitic white Eurochristian society, which the Jews saw as “excluding them” and so wanted utterly destroyed, taken down brick by brick, out of pure jealous rage (and still do). 

Then when the statistics began to be cited gradually over the space of a few years the Jews stopped denying it (except in the sense of the ongoing Jewish claim that races don’t exist — anti-Semitic white Christians, motivated by their deep-seated racism, created Negroes as an artificial social construct, you see, and continue, inhumanly, so to maintain them — so it still isn’t true in the Jewish mind, since Negroes don’t really exist:  evil anti-Semitic Eurochristians created them) and gave instead as their rejoinder that white-collar crime was far worse for ordinary everyday life in society than violent street crime (another Jewish lie, by the way) and anti-Semitic whites committed way more of that than Negroes.  And anyway, so the Jewish reasoning goes, to the extent Negroes commit more violent street crime, they do purely because anti-Semitic Eurochristians (the cancer of human history and incurable anti-Semites to boot) subject them to so much individual and institutional racism.  It’s not their fault, it’s the anti-Semitic Eurochristians’ fault.  Everything bad, you see, is the anti-Semitic Eurochristians’ fault in a certain kind of Jewish mind (the kind that seems to be running things nowadays, unfortunately).


Posted by 357 on Sat, 31 May 2008 13:55 | #

The Coppersblog Team:“But none of the people involved in running this blog believe that your skin colour makes you more or less predisposed to commit crime. We have all seen more than enough white criminals to disabuse us of this notion.”


In others words:- The ‘diversity training seminars’ coppers are force to be subjected to has had its desired effect.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 15:57 | #

“I tapped a Google search a few minutes ago, End of Globalism, I was very surprised at the results, people were forecasting as long back as 2002 that the wheels were coming off - so there’s hope yet.”  (—Bill)

Following Bill’s lead, I did the same Google search just now.  It’s true, the results are heartening, making for some good browsing.  Thanks for mentioning that, Bill.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 31 May 2008 17:23 | #

Bill - the police blog in question is PC Copperfield’s, they are one and the same though I believe he doesnt have much to do with it now.

Ive left a couple of comments in the last day, one deleted, one edited. Just left another but they have switched to comment approval since yesterday so dont expect any deviation from the party line now.

Coppersblog is now dead.


Posted by Troll Watch on Sat, 31 May 2008 21:20 | #

GW - Have you tried the posting on the old-style Guardian Talkboards which are still going after about 10 years.

They attract an interesting mix and are much less lightly moderated than “Comment is Free”.

Your friend and mine WJP was once a very prominent poster on issues of race and IQ etc. as he was in the good old days of Peter Cuthbertson’s blog.

His latest incarnation there only writes about telly sadly. “Halonsgard” - whose CIF comment Nux often quotes is another of his but turned up for about 5 mins and left.

What a frustrating man he is. He could be a British Fred Reed and Steve Sailer rolled into one.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 21:51 | #

Troll Watch, how do you know with certainty which pen names belong to whom?  How do you know, for example, that “Hal Onsgard” is “Amalek/Effra/Matt O’Halloran/WJP”?


Posted by Troll Watch on Sat, 31 May 2008 22:06 | #

As with anyone, there is only so much he can write on so the same topics come up again and again.

But mostly it is the unmistakable (and unbeatable) prose and rhetorical style.

I guess he could be imitated, but one would need some skill to do so.


Posted by snax on Sat, 31 May 2008 23:43 | #

He could be a British Fred Reed and Steve Sailer rolled into one.

Troll Watch, didn’t you once say that WJP was formerly an up-and-coming opinion writer for a major right-wing newspaper?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 May 2008 23:46 | #

TW: “But mostly it is the unmistakable (and unbeatable) prose and rhetorical style.”

Yes, he was a pleasure to read.  For me, though, the shine went off him somewhat when he took to attacking me personally, as he did occasionally in his Amalek manifestation.  I did offer him a set at our table three or four times, but he never had the courtesy to reply, even in the negative.  That’s poor, I think, and indicates something unreliable at work in him.

Even so, the world is a poorer place for his absence, and I would be cheered to turn over a digital stone someplace and find the unmistakable traces of his passing - just to know that he’s OK.

I will have a look at the Guardian Talkboards.  Generally, I don’t like lists because I harbour the unrealistic expectation that many unseen eyes are scanning my words.

Most of them instantly know I am a crazed Nazi replete with Zyklon B cannisters, of course.  But that’s just the nature of the liberal universe we are trying, in our miniscule way, to blow to smithereens.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
