Palese on the left, and how to deal with it The following little activist’s goldmine was posted four days ago by Steven Palese on the BNP results thread. Some will have read and admired it. But I thought it deserved headline status. Steven is quietly developing and unselfishly distributing around the net activists’ material of high quality. If enough of it materialises here we will probably have to cache it some place where interested parties can grab a quick fix before staggering back into battle. Anyhow here, rescued from anonymity and only ever so slightly altered, is the latest from the Paladin of the thread wars. GW It’s really a shame that pro-white posters here and elsewhere continue to view the left as a pack of foolish idealists rather than what they are: A coalition of pro-minority bigots busily calculating better ways to extract more group-specific privileges off the backs of white children. This pro-minority extortion coalition is primarily composed of five groups: paranoid Jews, racial minorities, militant lesbians (the so-called “feminists”) and militant gays plus an army of daydreaming dupes seduced from the majority. Aside from the dupes, members of these minority groups are perfectly conscious of their pariticipation in the coalition and of its objectives; to advance everybody’s group-specific interests against those of the majority. Their cohesiveness, as groups and as a coalition, owes to extensive propaganda aimed at characterizing whites as their common “oppressor” and as their universal scapegoat for all grievances. That’s what the left is as opposed to what it says it is. Of course, the right is hardly better. The pro-minority bigots operate at the metapolitical level within both the left and the right. The left is dominated to the point it serves them exclusively while the right to the extent it accepts that asserting group interests while white is illegitimate. I say that’s hardly better because, personally, I prefer being attacked from the front to being stabbed in the back. Bear in mind that by “left” I’m talking about the “new left”, whose evolution is complete in the US and almost done in the UK. I’m not sure how far it’s progressed in continental Europe, e.g. Finland. The measuring stick is the importance of old fashioned worker’s concerns. If private workers and labor unions count for nothing, as in the US, then that country’s left has completed its gramscian long march to become a pure pro-minority extortion coalition that is focalized exclusively on bashing the “white hetero male oppressor”. Strategy In any case, white identity politics need not engage this fraudulent left-right charade since the real battleground is metapolitical. This calls for a perspective that revolves around group interests and specifically the white majority vs. minority coalition axis. After all, this is the framework used by our opponents, the pro-minority bigots. And quite self-consciously so, I assure you. Whereas politics is driven by political parties and powered by ideology, metapolitics is driven by interest groups and powered by grievances. To observe metapolitics in action just watch the gay groups. These are the latest addition to the pro-minority extortion coalition and their march through the institutions is currently in progress. They’ll end up where the other coalition members already are: militant lesbianism (“feminism”), affirmative racism and pro-semitic bigotry have conquered both left and right and their opposition has been blackballed off the political stage. Eventually, charges of “homophobia” will aquire the same weight as “sexism”, “racism” and “anti-semitism” and the gay agenda will achieve the same 360 degree dominance. Note there is no “gay ideology” or “gay political party” doing this. It’s the end product created by thousands of semi-coordinated interest groups clamoring away at gay grievances across all ideologies and parties. That’s why it’s important to understand leftism for what it is: a home base for the coalition of pro-minority interest groups. No more, no less. If you continue to view it as an ideology, you will continue to reach for an ideological solution that involves destroying their cover mass of bla bla or building new ideological bla bla to counter it. All the while missing the boat on their real agenda and on what is really needed: a counter-formation of pro-white interest groups. Point A From a strategic perspective, point A, where you are, comes from this clear understanding of our enemies as a coalition of pro-minority bigots operating at the metapolitical level within both the left and right. Their modus operandi basically consists of slicing us up with their sharpened grievances while one particular fun joker among them holds us down. This fun joker is organized Jewry which operates neo-McCarthyite persecution networks that actively police and suppress any sign of whites asserting group interests. These persecutions involve organized blacklists, intimidation and economic strangulation of dissidents. See the Walt and Mearsheimer report on the Israel Lobby for details. Example: “[Assistant District Attorney Michael] Regan’s fate was sealed when the Washington Post published his observation, from an interview at the conference, that “you can see European Christian Americans are an endangered species.” Though there was nothing explicitly “anti-Semitic” in Regan’s comment, the Anti-Defamation League, America’s most feared and effective thought police, promptly attacked his reputation and his livelihood. In a letter to Regan’s superior, the ADL’s regional director for New York decreed: “Those kinds of comments are absolutely inappropriate for a public official to make,” and Regan was promptly out of a job.” ( ) Although this organized Jewish tomfoolery may appear optional to the point A analysis, it isn’t and we’re going nowhere until we solve this problem. This doesn’t mean you wave the swastika or go a single nanometer beyond this specific issue, which, as it happens, is the ONLY issue that truly matters vis-a-vis organized Jewry. If we can dislodge their fun boot off our necks long enough to aquire equal rights to assert group interests while white, we’ll raise anchor and cast off. And if we don’t? Well, we’re simply not moving this ship as long as whites live in fear of organized Jewry and their privatized policing of whites. I’ll add a pet peeve of mine: Mindlessly berating whites for “letting” minorities do this and “letting” them do that, is no substitute for facing and resolving this problem. People have children, bills, mortgages, commitments and a whole host of other reasons why they NEED their jobs. The issue is never their apathy or cowardice. They are simply unwilling to risk their livelihood. Period. The real issue is why do they feel their jobs are at risk in the first place. In short, we’re dead in the water until the persecution networks are faced head on. Point B Point B, where you want to be, comes from the clear understanding of the need for counter-formations to oppose the pro-minority bigots and their persecution networks directly. And, as NEC Watch makes clear, this has to be directly as in D-I-R-E-C-T-L-Y. All politicians love to boast about their concern for minority interests, do they not? Aren’t they absolutely explicit about that? Well, who is going to be explicit about white interests? That’s the point B question - how do we assert and legitimise our grievances? I’d say there are absolutely no shortcuts to countering them with mirror image organizational structures that blatantly assert our group interests the way they assert theirs. We hammer away until we break past the legitimacy barrier and become big enough to beat them at their own game. We do this by doing exactly what they do all the time: We list our grievances, the remedies we seek and we stridently insist on our right to be heard until our grievances and demands are listened to. Grievances A usable grievance is something that answers the question, “what are white interests and why do they matter?” Anything that provides a complete answer is strong enough to haul the entire movement by itself if necessary. So far I’ve identified five white grievances that make the cut: 1. Adverse demographic engineering (race replacement) The first two are easy for your target demographic (Daily Mail readers) to work with; the third deals with Jews; the last two have their roles but these are limited. Each of the five grievances listed can serve as the base seed from which position statements emerge organically to provide pro-white articulation across the board: For example, grievance 1 (race replacement): Q. This is racism Q. I have non-white friends Q. We’re all equal Q. Who is white Q. I believe in tolerance Q. So what’s the issue with immigration, miscegenation, foreign adoptions etc etc? Pro-white articulation stemming from grievance 2 (anti-white discrimination) is different. Different seed, different flowers: Q. This is racism Q. I have non-white friends Q. We’re all equal Q. Who is white Q. I believe in tolerance Q. So what’s the issue with immigration, miscegenation, foreign adoptions etc etc? Grievance 3 (competitive necessity). Again, different seed, different flowers: Q. This is racism. Q. I have non-white friends Q. We’re all equal Q. Who is white Q. I believe in tolerance Q. So what’s the issue with immigration, miscegenation, foreign adoptions etc etc? Grievance 4 and 5 I’ll leave to you because I rarely work with them. I prefer arguments with legs. An argument has legs if it’s simple enough that you can ask your grandma to talk to her geriatric friends about it. Anyway, you get the point: Grievances are the essential catalysing agent for pro-white metapolitics; they are what you use to define your position and to collect human and financial resources around dedicated interest groups. These groups are the media, professional, labor, political, lobbying, etc formations that emerge from this process. These will then use their grievance based pro-white perspective to interpret individual economic, public order, healthcare, free trade, military, environmental, and all other political bla bla issues. Their natural output of elaborate position statements will organically construct an aggregate pro-white perspective you might then call “ideology”. This patched up “ideology” will leak hypocrisy all over just like its mirror “liberalism”, but it would still be useful. It might be harnessed by some pro-white political party, for example. The political party may fall for the “maintreaming” scam as they so often do, or it may not. In any case, the overlying metapolitical entities, be they media, lobbies, societies, pseudo-masonic lodges, whatever they are, remain anchored in their white grievance and not easily led astray from their core blood and rights mandate. And they’ll keep going regardless; endlessly chipping away at any anti-white element found within any political party or ideology. The line Anyway, once you have the British versions of point A and point B nailed down, i.e. you know exactly where you are and where you want to be, that’s when you get to the fun part. Strategy involves drawing a line between A and B. Comments:2
Posted by Ex-Day Dreaming Dupe on Thu, 24 May 2007 23:07 | # “This pro-minority extortion coalition is primarily composed of five groups: paranoid Jews, racial minorities, militant lesbians (the so-called “feminists”) and militant gays plus an army of daydreaming dupes seduced from the majority. Aside from the dupes, members of these minority groups are perfectly conscious of their pariticipation in the coalition and of its objectives; to advance everybody’s group-specific interests against those of the majority. Their cohesiveness, as groups and as a coalition, owes to extensive propaganda aimed at characterizing whites as their common “oppressor” and as their universal scapegoat for all grievances.” That is very good, very accurate. I assume Steven Palesi is an American, but that is a very good description of the UK Guardianistas. I speak as an ex-‘day dreaming dupe’. The cognitive dissonance was always a problem, but it started to become overwhelming, and one day it dawned on me - these people are the enemy. 3
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 25 May 2007 00:33 | # E-DDD - sounds a bit like my story. One should never pass up the chance to point out the gay racists, muslim rapists, homophobic blacks etc. The rainbow coalition is a woefully ramshackle vehicle. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 25 May 2007 16:02 | # This “two points and a line” definition of “strategy” is a reasonable rhetorical device: assessing our situation and stating our goal, thinking about the difference. “Point A” is well articulated—particularly the point about biological vulnerability to attack at the level of subsistence. Something could have been said about the fact that this extends beyond denying people jobs to denying them full benefits welfare safety nets if they are white, even to the point of “welfare” bureaucracies confiscating children—which has happened. “Point B” it seems is more a “point along the line” than the “goal”. In other words, achievement of civil equality is a step along the way to the goal in one possible line. I would say that any goal short of the freedom for whites to associate on carrying capacity over which they control immigration rights, is inadequate. 5
Posted by Kievsky on Fri, 25 May 2007 16:33 | # Wow, great thread! I printed this out for memorization and future reference. 6
Posted by gongstar on Fri, 25 May 2007 18:22 | # Some good stuff, but I’d be surprised if SP has ever read Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language” (e.g. what’s the difference between “organizational structures” and “organizations”?). It should be required reading for anyone who wants to address the public: an insane message delivered well can beat a sane message delivered badly. If this side had someone like Steyn, it would make a big difference.
The feminists and gays in the coalition remind me of Spoilt Bastard in Viz, who tries to spite his mother by running off into a forest, where he meets a “redneck” pervert (“My, you gotta purty mouth”) or floating out to sea on a lilo and not being able to get back. 7
Posted by Matra on Fri, 25 May 2007 20:45 | #
The response from those who have no problem with immigration and foreign adoptions is likely to go as follows: In your answer you mistakenly assume that race relations are part of a zero-sum game in which one group’s gain must be another group’s loss. How does the presence of immigrants lead to our children losing their inheritance and being replaced? 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:09 | # Matra’s imaginary liberal: How does the presence of immigrants lead to our children losing their inheritance and being replaced? Strictly speaking, through the reduction of ethnic genetic interests, which Frank Salter specifically calculated in “child equivalents”. Genetically, it is precisely a zero-sum gain for the host population. For the immigrants it is not, since their EGI includes the unaffected genetic continuity of their own people back home. However, I accept that that argument might be is too abstract for general usage. 9
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:16 | # <i>How does the presence of immigrants lead to our children losing their inheritance and being replaced?</i? It’s an interesting point. A recent thread discussing race-replacement by Chinese immigrants in Vancouver, involved a white women, whose daughter was married to a Chinaman who is serving with the CF in Afghanistan. After explaining Salter to her, she agreed, that genetically she was probably more closely related to me, a white stranger, than to her grandchildren. However, she didn’t care because, in her view, it was better her daughter married an East Asian, who was willing to fight for democracy and our freedoms, than married some wimpy white man, who opposed the war. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 25 May 2007 22:23 | # Of course, the more communicable reply is known and understood by anybody whose memory of London, even, stretches back to 1997 or earlier - before Blair’s first Immigration Minister, the Jewish Barbara Roche, announced the new policy of expansion of immigration (in, I think, 1998, so they didn’t waste much time). For people like me whose memory goes back to the 1950s it’s even clearer. In simple, it goes like this: dispossession ... deracination ... loss of sovereign control over who is British ... marginalisation ... loss of control over the future. 11
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 26 May 2007 17:25 | # Guessedworker, thanks for putting this up! James Bowery,
My post was tailored toward GW’s question, “how can liberalism be destroyed?” That’s why point B, the goal, consists of aquiring something that can execute this specific demolition job - and no more. You’re absolutely right that a strategic analysis oriented toward endgame objectives would have to set point B further out. Matra’s hypothetical liberal,
Ever heard of white flight?
The same way it’s already happened in all big cities. I might then add that these are cities which their forefathers built for them, our posterity, not Cambodians. And if I’m feeling mean I might then close with some humor: All the diversity bla bla sounds good and all but, in the real world, it just means that when your car breaks down in the wrong neighborhood you get beaten with your own tire iron. Anyway.. Grievance 1 (race replacement) is very closely related to white flight (ethnic cleansing) and this keeps it an autonomous, standalone basis for pro-white expression - no need to support it with EGI. It can be relied upon to answer the ultimate question all by itself: Q. What are white interests and why do they matter? A. It’s against white people’s interests to become a minority because this will disposess whites politically, culturally and, as demonstrated by white flight, even geographically. As can the other four: Q. What are white interests and why do they matter? Grievance 2 (affirmative racism): It’s against white people’s interests to become a minority because this will maximize the pro-minority extortion coalition’s ability to extract racial privileges off the backs of white children. Q. What are white interests and why do they matter? Grievance 3 (equal rights for whites): It’s against white people’s interests to become a minority because it is inevitable that members of a group denied the right to assert group interests will be exploited by groups that can. (Note: Grievance 3 is, in my opinion, the best for dealing with Jewish issues. See this post that explains the mechanics of grievance 3 in detail plus a radical left take on it from Israel Shamir. Also see this video on the Walt and Mearsheimer report that describes organized Jewry’s methodology for suppressing anti-Zionists; while watching it bear in mind that pro-white expression is suppressed the same way by the same Jewish networks) Q. What are white interests and why do they matter? Grievance 4 (Salter): It’s against white people’s interests to become a minority because whites will lose genetic potential, defined as child equivalents, as the country’s carrying capacity fills up. Q. What are white interests and why do they matter? Grievance 5 (Herrnstein & Murray): It’s against white people’s interests to become a minority because a multiracial society inevitably class-stratifies along racial lines, leading to systemic and irreconcileable racial friction and conflict. In any case, the fact that they’re all standalone just goes to demonstrate our flexibility. There’s absolutely no reason we should hold fast to just one, that’s just silly - they all have their roles. In the specific hypothetical Mantra presented, I’d personally switch to the grievance 2 argument: more immigrants = more anti-white discrimination against my kids. Why? Because grievance 2 is my personal fave and I’m most comfortable with it. I probably should have limited my original post to strategic issues and dealt with grievances separately or tacked them on as an appendix. In the original thread several people were lamenting EGI’s poor performance and the over-wordy digression into grievances was, in part, a reply to this concern. I meant is as something of a heads up that there’s no reason to panic, there’s other usable grievances on hand and that, anyway, EGI does have its role, though it’s limited to particular target demographics. 12
Posted by a Finn on Sun, 27 May 2007 13:25 | # My recommendation goes to Palese. He is verbally gifted and can concentrate the essentials. Generally European nationalists write in a way that requires more or less previous knowledge and/or treats a part of the issue. Palese hammers the starting issues from A to Z even to the dumber heads. The crown is that he doesn’t set in his ways (i.e. “My way and there is nothing outside of it). He thus sees the methods he described as demolition tools against liberalism. Thus there is more important further goals. The sign of clear rational thinking. Also to the rationalities of his writings feelings are almost inconspicuously attached, which increases the effect. Aside what the Palese contributes on his own, I suggest this: When European nationalists have made plans and gathered conglomeration of ideas, we could ask Palese how he would formulate those to our target groups. 13
Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 28 May 2007 15:40 | # “It’s really a shame that pro-white posters here and elsewhere continue to view the left as a pack of foolish idealists rather than what they are: A coalition of pro-minority bigots busily calculating better ways to extract more group-specific privileges off the backs of white children. “ Great observation, Steve. In fact, what you say has never been a hidden leftist agenda. The Left brazenly stated they are anti-white and more particularly anti-white male. They came out into the open when affirmative action was first introduced. AA was specifically designed to ONLY give a leg up to Blacks who were descendants of slaves. But the Leftist stradegy is to destroy the White-male so it formed a coalition and expanded those who qualified for AA programs to ANYBODY other than White-males. They are continuing to divide Whites by creating another “victim group” - homosexuals - thereby further isolating White-male heterosexual Christians as the only group that can be denigrated and discriminated against. To further emasculate us, the Left is passing hate crime laws preventing us from exercising our free speech rights to protest against our own dispossession. It is fast coming to the point where if a White man fights for his own preservation or progeny, he will be stripped of the opportunity to earn wages; or worse, be tossed in jail. Btw- Hers another good site that teaches appropriate responses to our Leftist enemies: Post a comment:
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Posted by Frank McGuckin on Thu, 24 May 2007 22:49 | #
This is a great thread. Your non-white legal immigrant friend at work-let’s say from Jamaica and father of three-who has treated you very humanely at work, understands very well that the future in America belongs to his gene-line. And whether he votes Republican and Democrat, his nigra gene-line wins everytime. His nigra gene-line also receives affirmative action bennefits. Your young White sons face a future of complete dispossession. Not such a good friend after all.
We should start cleaning our own house first. Take Why is so eager to embrace hispanic invaders from cuba as allies? Why would the cubans down in miami be OUR PEOPLES natural allies? Miami is foreign ,spanish speaking and thouroughly hostile to English speaking Euro-Christian Americans.