Political bankruptcy as the harbinger of fascism Here’s a little bit of Conservative Party election propaganda ... lavishly done, as one would expect when they don’t have to put a penny into fighting the marginals. But it demonstrates how little Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition can actually say in its mock arraignment of the Prime Minister. Or how little are the things it has to say in comparison to the real political crimes taking place in our age. So there is: 1. No charge of treason relating to the “social objectives” which animated Tony Blair, who is not a Jew, Jack Straw, Barbara Roche and Jonathan Portes to maximise race-replacement immigration in 2000 (mind you, there was no mention of these objectives in the 2001 election manifesto, which merely logged a need for immigration rules to reflect skills shortages). 2. No charge of criminal deception for the 2005 election manifesto promise of a referendum on the EU Constitution. 3. No charge of conspiracy to commit treason for taking the country into a war in Iraq on falsehoods. 4. No charge of criminal deception for Dr John Reid’s “hope” that British forces would be in and out of Helmand within three years without a shot being fired. 5. No charge of criminal deception for the Home office estimate prior to May 2004 that between 5,000 and 13,000 migrant workers would arrive per annum from the new accession countries. 6. No charge of treason for political loyalty to the money power (just a mention of “doubling the national debt”) and to organised Jewry (no mention at all, naturally). 7. No charge of being in breach of the Race Relations Act for considering the white working class “bigoted” - for confirmation of which the Conservatives can hardly have needed Gordon Brown’s gaffe in Rochdale. And so on. Well, it’s all part of the Inevitable. Domestic politics conducted between three parties of neoliberalism + neo-Marxism, equally for the raising up of the international class and, therefore, equally for the dissolution of old Europe, cannot have much to say beyond the dramatisation of tax and spend. We have reached the stage where political substance automatically implies nationalism. I wonder, though, if the miniaturisation of people’s political lives might pressage a neo-fascist solution in the same way that Weimar + Versailles pressaged the well-known precedent. Comments:2
Posted by Gorboduc on Tue, 04 May 2010 10:52 | # GW: brilliant. And I shall be quoting:
Posted by "Heigh-Ho" sings Andy Neather. on Tue, 04 May 2010 11:00 | # The Cowdenbeast took part in a truly sickening display yesterday.At some wanky-wet trade union/church ‘compassion’-fest for the illegals (all the big-wig politicos were there), a girl of Chilean origin (just what are Chileans are doing here in the first place?), sobbed loudly on stage that her mother (a cleaner at HM Treasury) didn’t earn enough money to support her. “With a gammon and spinach - “Heigh-Ho” sings Andy Neather”. 4
Posted by Bill on Tue, 04 May 2010 11:15 | # The five minute debate on ‘we share your concern’ immigration has already been packed away and slung into the back of the van. LOL. Gorb. I said months ago the media had already set the agenda. Tax or spend as you put it. Just to think, millions will vote for them. Is there any hope we can believe in? On a more serious note, what about the elephant? What is their end-game? (as regards us I mean.) Kaput? Finito? Alta la vista baby?, Goodnight Vienna? Curtains? Get rid? Replace? Displace? Transports? 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 04 May 2010 13:59 | # Respecting the question about possibly impending fascism, we can dream, but let’s not mistake dreams for reality. I think we can agree, in plain English (though as an American I am amazed at how often I cannot understand what actual Englishmen posting here are talking about), that what is needed is the expulsion of non-whites from Britain (and ultimately from Europe). A fascist coup might be necessary, and possibly could result in the desired outcome, but what are the real chances of such an action being successful? To do anything anymore in the Western world (by ‘Western’, I mean Western Europe plus the Anglosphere, though increasingly Eastern Europe is sadly also being ‘Westernized’, at least in terms of nationalist character, the recent salutary election in Hungary notwithstanding) requires majority consent. The days in which a minority can impose its will against a determined majority are over. Does the majority incline right now to fascism? I know what some of you are thinking. What about Jewish influence? What about immigration, affirmative action, etc? Unfortunately, these are not really cases of the majority will being thwarted. If these were truly burning issues, as they are for most of us here, the BNP would experience a landslide this week. I hope they do, but I wouldn’t bet on it. The brute fact is that, though it is possible that a majority of Brits do oppose, say, mass immigration, many Brit voters (ie real Brits + naturalized aliens) either support it, or are indifferent to it. Worse, even that British majority which is assumed to oppose immigration (and I must say, most of the Brits I’ve encountered over many years here in CA have been racially worse than worthless, so I can hardly believe that Britain possesses some underground nationalist majority just waiting to surface and eviscerate Cool Britannia) does not seem to care all that passionately about the matter. Just because 2/3 of Brits, let us say (I’d like to know the real numbers), would like to reduce or end immigration, this hardly implies that anything remotely like that number are prepared to go to the barricades over it - and that is what a nationalist-fascist (Weimar, etc) coup would require. I know many persons who would tell a pollster they would like to reduce immigration, but who would not give the matter another thought. They care marginally, but not passionately. And they certainly would not support fascism (until it’s too late perhaps) as a way to effect an immigration moratorium. Indeed, I suspect even the vast majority of British Tories (who do not seem to comprise a majority of the overall population), if given a choice between fascism and continued immigration leading to the “minoritization” of the indigenous Britons, would resign themselves to minority status rather than give the Roman salute. Dispiriting, and altogether pathetic by my lights, but facts must be accepted. Fascism came to interwar Europe due to a probably unique set of variables unlikely to be resurrected or repeated. These have to do not only with WW1 and its immediate economic and political ramifications, including the sudden collapse of monarchies, and whole regimes, but also with the intellectual Zeitgeist of the period, as well as the mindset and character of the populations at that time. Whites today are sadly different from whites then, morally and philosophically. Even if we were to experience the same political catastrophes and economic hardships, it is unlikely that our PC-indoctrinated populations would turn to fascism as remedies, or that there would be the type of chaos necessary for fascist coups to succeed. If the white man is to win his war for racial perpetuity, it will probably not be through violent action, but through the patient elaboration and transmission of a counter-ethics to the current race-dispossessionist morality. Most whites believe that white nationalism is immoral; until a new ethics of white survival becomes sufficiently widespread, our side will never gain majority consent, and thus power. Fascist fantasies, romantic nationalism, historical revisionism - none is really helpful to our cause. We need to 1) develop that new racial ethics, justifying the right to life of the indigenous Western peoples, understood not as individuals, but communities; 2) teach our benighted co-racials this new ethics; and 3) then begin the quest first for power, and ultimately for wars of racial repatriation/cleansing, that at least Europe might be decolonized. I would like to hear from GW why he thinks there is any possibility of fascism coming to Britain in the future. 6
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 04 May 2010 14:14 | # That last paragraph of mine above is unclear. My point is that we race-preservationists need to change our race’s racial morality (something which obviously has not been done wrt most whites). That is the first and necessary step. Without having done so, the majority would simply denounce and ignore (or imprison) us if we were to become more militant. However, once we do have a majority of our folk believing in racial principles (which must ethical at their foundation), then we must begin the long campaign for repatriation, which ideally should be effectuated peacefully, but if that should prove impossible, then more violent measures must be contemplated and pursued. 7
Posted by "Heigh-Ho" says Andy Neather. on Tue, 04 May 2010 15:09 | # “A frog a wooing he would go, with a roly-poly, gammon and spinach, heigh-ho says Anthony Rowley”. Classic English nonsense song of the early 19th century.Did you know that ‘Anthony Rowley’ was actually ‘Antonio Rolli’ a famous Italian operatic tenor of the day, lady’s man and rotund gourmand - the Pavarotti of his day. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 May 2010 16:59 | # This afternoon, an email from the BNP arrived in my inbox. It was Nick Griffin refecting on “the terrible future that awaits our country, our children and grand-children” He says:
But then he changes direction and starts talking about the party. But why? The European equivalent of the fourteen words is right there. This, not immigration, Afghanistan and the AGW scam, is what he should hammer away at, and keep hammering and not stop. This is the existential kernel of 21st century nationalism, the great “why”. So why is that the first time during this campaign that I have heard this warning from the future issued in its proper starkness? Bill, I’m not a great fan of the use of the word fascism to describe the coercion of the Establishment - or, indeed, the ambitions of god-crazed Mullahs (I used to use it occasionally in the latter sense, but some wise heads here pointed out that it was not a European invention, and I dropped it). Fascism is a living political movement in Italy today, and a ghost in the rest of Europe. My piece above raises the thought that “reducing” Europeans politically might work in a way similar to the economic and psychological reduction that afflicted Germany after WW1 - Leon’s “unique set of variables unlikely to be resurrected or repeated”. The point is that fascism does not answer the existential question facing us today - something not enough nationalists have tumbled to, imo. But it may answer a more abstract consideration like political disenfranchisement and powerlessness, just as reformism, which was very revolutionary, did 180 years ago (it killed the real Tory Party, and launched the modern political age in England). I would not welcome it, because I want to see a nationalism develop from fundamental truths about us rather than heady abstractions. But I don’t rule out the possibility that the Establishment may be creating conditions under which people will start to dream again. Gorb, Good luck. Keep safe. 9
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 04 May 2010 18:14 | #
But do you really feel that the punters’ antennae are tuned to receive such a message GW? The vast majority of the electorate are still as yet personally unaffected by the tide of vibrant enrichment and, thus far at least, are still able to evade it. I don’t believe that the existential message will resonate with the GBP until there is nowhere left to flee to. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 May 2010 19:39 | # Dan,
Not yet, in the large majority cases. The tuning process isn’t going to happen if they don’t hear it, though, is it?
We should never forget that the work of education and explanation runs with the grain of Nature. We don’t have to force our people to act against their own instincts and interests. We don’t have to tell them they are bigots and racists and illegitimate human beings. We don’t have to constantly tell them lies. We don’t have to attack their culture or abuse the minds of their children at school. We don’t have to make them victims of unjust laws. We don’t have to control the press. We have the massive privilege of speaking truth to our own kind, and we can do it with a soft and brotherly voice. But we have to do it, Dan, and not delay.
My many bans from CiF - far too many to count - are a result of this message and this message alone. It is kryptonite to English liberals. They shrink back from serious engagement and resort to the usual dishonesties. Why’s that? Not because the message does not resonate. It most assuredly does, and the bastards know it. 11
Posted by Bill on Tue, 04 May 2010 20:37 | # Dan said. 5.14pm.
The message, whatever it is, no matter how apoplectic or ridiculous it sounds (as long as it resonates with the people of course) then it can only do good for the cause. Let me give you my reasoning. When I first started on my lonely journey of quest, (and believe you me it was lonely,) there was no-one I could discuss the matter with, no friends to bounce ideas off, there was only me and my computer. (this was long before I picked up courage to tentatively blog.) Even now, the process of trying to get my head around what is happening is an ongoing struggle, the whole saga still smacks of science fiction to me, so is it any wonder that Kev and Sally, steeped in ‘Dorothy’ (BBC TV wannabe competition for Lloyd Weber’s Wizard of Oz audition) would look with wild eyed incredulity if confronted with such an expose. The thing is the elites have launched their programme, and there is no reverse gear, ok they can apply the brakes, take their foot off the accelerator maybe or even tread water for a time, but there is no going back. Anyway they are too self assured and arrogant in their fervour to doubt their rightful reward. It’s a piece of cake and already in the bag. Anyway, the already reached critical mass will ensure the swamping continues unabated, with it’s own momentum of local homegrown enriched birthrates. What I’m saying is, that they, (elites) cannot continue indefinitely to conceal from the people or spin away the fact that the tide is coming in and the water is rising dangerously. This programme of displacement is a slow incremental drawn out process, but even Kev and Sal will begin to join the dots and realisation will set in. But if they don’t hear any alternative message other than what comes out of the box in the corner of the living room - then who can blame them if there’s no dots to join. The message has to be stark and simple and hammered home repeatedly as GW says. I cannot but help acknowledging Dan’s point about the people will flee (white flight) till they reach the cliff-tops of Aberdeen - but will they fight or jump. At least they can’t say they weren’t warned. To save compiling another post here’s another take on a different tack. The reporting on the Internet of another fast approaching financial Armageddon is rife, there are some real smart cookies out there who are forecasting the collapse of the capitalist global system, which will take the world into Mad Max territory. (Especially US and Britain) Even if only a fraction of what they are saying comes to pass then it will make the situation under discussion here seem like a walk in the park. I say this as I stopped posting stuff about the myriad of external rogue catastrophes that could derail the race displacement programme of the elites. Some will no doubt say that the coming final global economic collapse is all a contrived part of it, I just don’t know. 12
Posted by Bill on Wed, 05 May 2010 10:51 | # As an observer of this British general election, the conclusion reached is inescapable, the media are the outright winners. Make no mistake, this election has been a media run affair from the start, from hosting the three Prime Ministerial debates to the whole panoply of involvement of the media three ring circus. The (BBC) Television debates were a travesty, the only public input being a dummy studio audience and a string of BBC censored questions. I never watched a minute of it! (Other than news bulletins) The transition of power (and moreso influence) has moved from parliament to the media studio couch, the transition is now complete. 1984 has arrived, albeit a tad late. Parliament is now subservient to the media, politicians views and performance are shaped and dictated by the media, woe betide the politician who transgresses, he will be destroyed in the blink of an eye. Generations of of soporific addiction to the Television screen has conditioned the people to brainwashing of which they are totally unaware. Attitudes and opinions are subliminally planted in the viewers psyche, they they have been cloned by the pods and when required deliver the required programmed response. This election is such a moment, the result of which has been decided long in advance. A feverish combined media has agitated, confused, misinformed, strewn personal opinion and downright lies throughout, it has directed and controlled the endless flow of trivia without variation to the desired end of muddle and indecision in the public mind. Why would the media want to do this? What an earth could explain the manic effort they have invested in this choice of face (to continue the takeover and destruction of Britain?) The answer is plain, a hung parliament results in a coalition of the willing to destroy Britain and is much easier (and more legitimate) than to entrust the job to one single party. This is all to the advantage of the BNP who will be patiently waiting like a pack of hyenas poised to strike. Time frame - within two years. Kev and Sal and their mates will be joining the dots by then. (He says hopefully) Or will the pods (BBC) be able continue to weave their web of deceit indefinitely? 13
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 05 May 2010 11:17 | # A coming “global economic collapse” is quite unlikely. Economic collapses do not simply occur. In advanced, non-single resource-dependent economies, they are usually the result of either war, or incredible fiscal and/or monetary recklessness. While I am a harsh opponent of socialism, as well as monetary interventionism, with nary a good word for Bernanke or the idiotic or more likely criminal economic team of Obama, the brute reality is that the combined policies of these fools/criminals will produce very anemic economic growth, and likely 1970s-style ‘stagflation’, the end results of which will be that the private sector, and hence nation as a whole, will be much poorer than we need have been, say, 10 years hence. But this is a slow-motion process of state-growth and concomitant private sector impoverishment. Why exactly would this be supposed to lead to “economic collapse”, which implies sudden, sharp downturns? Higher structural unemployment, with low growth and flat market gains, is the intermediate term outlook. Of course, it is also possible that things are at their nadir, and that the GOP will make excellent Congressional gains, and the Tories will assume the Prime Ministership. Neither of these very possible eventualities is likely in themselves to do much to prevent our accelerating white extinction, but either would be economically salutary, at least relative to the current regimes. No, gents, I would not count on an economic collapse paving the way for rapid nationalist growth. We have to grind it out the hard way, patiently reaching out to our people to explain the sources of their dispossession, and the moral rightness of their doing something to reverse it. 14
Posted by Sam Davidson1 on Wed, 05 May 2010 17:27 | # I tried introducing race realism to an English friend of mine last week. There was no discussion of the Jewish Question. It was simply a discussion of the differences between races and England’s race replacement policies. His reply was very simple. “I don’t want to go down that road.” He refused to even discuss it with me, and gave the reason that he’s had non-white friends and girlfriends, and that most people are so scummy that racial differences seem trivial. I tried to show him that the racial differences in behavior were indeed substantial but he simply repeated, “I don’t want to go down that road.” 15
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 05 May 2010 18:43 | # Sam, Race-realism is a tough first-time sell. I’m not sure it is all that effective as an awakener. In any case, you can’t do this at one attempt. Take your time. Don’t tell him things. Ask him questions. Let him speak. Try to get to a point where you can ask him if he has noticed how little of their own opinions people really have ... you know, those other people who have the entire content of their heads dictated to them by the power of social conformism, by authority figures, by the broadcast and print media. See how much he is willing to acknowledge that his own opinions are manufactured in him too. Ask him if a man can be free if his life is agreeable to the people who hold power over him, and how any Englishman today can be as free as our fathers and grandfathers. It has to be a long conversation that let’s a prisoner who has never known the real world understand his own imprisonment. 16
Posted by Bill on Wed, 05 May 2010 19:59 | # The media are cranking it up for the final lap, they have sown so much confusion the polls are all over the place and the voters are mesmerised - well that’s the latest snapshot by Nick Robinson on tonight’s 6.0 o’clock news. According to him, maybe millions haven’t made their mind up. Is it possible that from those undecided millions there is a substantial number of BNP supporters? Just a thought. Despite the progress made in the immigration debate, (take a bow MR) many people are still not willing to reveal their intention to vote for the BNP. (for obvious reasons) So I ask again, is it possible there is a potential substantial vote buried in that pile of undecided voters? At present the polls indicate the BNP are included in ‘others’ at 8%. Two things about the pollsters, are they part of the swindle? And are they being fooled by closet BNP voters who do not reveal their true voting intentions? There really maybe change we can believe in (TIC) (Tongue in cheek) 17
Posted by "Heigh-Ho" sings Andy Neather on Wed, 05 May 2010 21:05 | # Did anyone see that snatch of footage of BNP candidate Bob Bailey kicking the shit (ie the essence) out of a paki, this afternoon? 18
Posted by PM on Thu, 06 May 2010 00:00 | # I second that, Dasein. I think this footage will not do us the harm the BBC assumes. I’m sure many Londoners will find it refreshing to see Englishmen defending themselves against minority aggression. 19
Posted by Sam Davidson on Thu, 06 May 2010 01:33 | # GuessedWorker, That is all good advice. Unfortunately, I doubt he would ever come around to my (our?) point of view. Nonetheless, it is my duty to keep trying. And I hope the BNP makes a good showing in this election, whatever their faults may be. 20
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 06 May 2010 06:24 | # A slightly extended version of the England v Pakistan bout featured earlier. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/london/8663742.stm?ls 21
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 06 May 2010 11:58 | #
Morality. The enemy uses morality to control our people while they slowly exterminate us - racism, ethnic cleansing, genocide are accusations used against white nationalists. Through their control of education and the media the enemy have built up the power of those words so they have the same overwhelming effect as calling someone a heretic or blasphemer had in the middle ages. Turn those words against them: anti-white racist, ethnic cleansing, genocide.
Start much lower than that. Basically: Specific things to get a mainstream person to believe: Undermine the moral high ground that traitor politicians stand on by pointing out their ulterior motives. 3) Point out inconsistencies and double standards that illustrate anti-white racism. Don’t talk about black on white crime on its own. Always talk about how black on white crime is under reported compared to the other way round. Inconsistencies and double standards make people start thinking “why?”. When you feel you’ve opened them up a bit with those very simple and easy to believe ideas. 4) Point out that what is happening in the west would be called ethnic cleansing under international law if it was being done to an Indian tribe up the Amazon. 5) Point out that if things carry on as they are it ends in genocide and that all those defending and supporting the process would be deemed guilty of genocide under international law if they were doing it to an Indian tribe up the Amazon. Nuremburg 2025 AD. God willing. 22
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 06 May 2010 12:52 | # Dasein,
Absolutely, seizing the moral high ground is so powerful. Nuremberg 2025! 23
Posted by PM on Sat, 08 May 2010 20:50 | # Sam- “I tried introducing race realism to an English friend of mine last week. There was no discussion of the Jewish Question. It was simply a discussion of the differences between races and England’s race replacement policies. His reply was very simple. “I don’t want to go down that road.” He refused to even discuss it with me, and gave the reason that he’s had non-white friends and girlfriends, and that most people are so scummy that racial differences seem trivial. I tried to show him that the racial differences in behavior were indeed substantial but he simply repeated, “I don’t want to go down that road.” Perhaps the subject can be raised without making racial differences the issue itself. Try asking your friend what he thinks the consequences for whites would be living in a society where blacks were obviously failing, and the only possible explaination is not innate differences, but white racism. Turn it around so that the issue at stake is not whether white people are better, but that whites of the future face possible persecution for black failings that are outside of our control. He must be made to understand that the problem is either genetics or white racism, and if it is white racism, it will be his children getting the blame in a country where they are no longer the majority. Paint a scenario of what we may face in such a society, and ask him if his belief in racial equality is really so sacred that he is willing to endure this. I think this approach has the advantage that it does not seem like you are trying to claim a sense of superiority, which seems arrogant, but merely pointing out a possible cause of own persecution. Post a comment:
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Posted by Bill. on Tue, 04 May 2010 07:46 | #
I wonder, though, if the miniaturisation of people’s political lives might pressage a neo-fascist solution in the same way that Weimar + Versailles pressaged the well-known precedent.
It sure looks that way, liberalism leaves very little, if any, choice.
But what sort of fascism? NWO?
What chance after this election Brown is still at the helm of the wrecking ball?