Prototype Ron Paul Barrage Microblimp

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 22 December 2007 17:06.

As previously suggested here by GT:
Someone’s already going into business manufacturing them.




Posted by daveg on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 21:52 | #

Hey, are gay people not white?

Why am I asking this? 

Because three of the best advocates for Ron Paul are gay - Andrew Sullivan, Glenn Greenwald and Justin Raimondo.

Of course, Greenwald is Jewish, but if there is a better advocate for Ron Paul I have not found him.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 23:39 | #

Allowing the existence of some human ecologies/states that allow all manner of sexual perversion (in the case of pedophilia of course only with the consent of the parents) is probably a necessary evil.  The principle of mutual consent between adults, as well as parental responsibility for their children, necessitates toleration of these practices within so-organized human ecologies/states.  It is probably necessary to also allow infanticide as well as abortion within some human ecologies/states.

If you let the Federal government get involved in morality you’ll end up with the worst kinds of people imaginable telling everyone else what is right and wrong with government force and state supported propaganda licenses—as we have today.


Posted by Maguire on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 00:12 | #


GT first mentioned advertising blimps back in May-June as part of MSM-free Local Campaign techniques for mass outreach.  An ad blimp and a high visibility spot to anchor it will reach vastly more people than 10x the cash cost of radio & tv advertising.  Nearly everyone driving past will see it. 

What percentage of that traffic will be tuned in to a radio ad?  So how many ads on how many channels do you have to run to equal the exposure of one small blimp?  Then there’s the Buchananism aspect of Supplying The Enemy by buying such momentary media ads. 

The way to reduce a fortified city is first put it under close siege and cut off its supplies.  It’s only after an extended period of deprivation that the moment comes for the final storm assault on the ramparts.  The same applies to institutions like radio, TV and Institutionalized Higher Learning.



Posted by Tommy G on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 05:51 | #

“The way to reduce a fortified city is first put it under close siege and cut off its supplies.  It’s only after an extended period of deprivation that the moment comes for the final storm assault on the ramparts.  The same applies to institutions like radio, TV and Institutionalized Higher Learning.”

You’re a real Napoleon!


Posted by Duncan Tyyne on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 13:26 | #

Why do Ron Paul supporters have an affinity for blimps?  According to Michael Medved, in one of his on-air “jokes,” it’s because the Nazis also did.  That’s right, nothing to do with bypassing the MSM.  Then again, bypassing the MSM means money out of Jewish pockets, so I guess the blimps are Nazi!

“Not all Ron Paul supporters are Nazis, but all Nazis are Ron Paul supporters,” said Medved in his whiny, effeminate voice.  It would definitely be beyond him to learn why David Duke and Don Black are not Nazis.  Quite aside from that, I don’t think Bill White is a Ron Paul supporter.  And I wonder at this point why Medved even mentions Ron Paul anymore.  Dr. Paul has already shown that he has too much common sense to respond to the smears of Medved and his ilk.  The establishment will attack him no matter what he does, so why shouldn’t he keep the piddling $500 he got from Don Black?

I believe it was Glenn Greenwald who recently wrote a piece about neocons not representing the Jewish population generally.  If the Jewish population really does have such a high IQ, it’s easy to see why.  Medved, in particular, strikes me the same way the “harpy” from that video Renner took did - not particularly intelligent and extremely insecure.


Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:09 | #

Somebody should inform Medved that Mother Nature is an Anti-Semite.

The blimp shape is aerodynamically stable, whereas a balloon will bob, spin, and weave.  Readability of ad messages is better on blimps due to its horizontal surface, which a balloon lacks.


Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:21 | #

You’re a real Napoleon!

That was not Maguire’s intention.  The analogy is basic OCS, week 1 stuff.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 20:08 | #

Extremely effective Ron Paul video (in which the full-size campaign blimp is mentioned a couple of times).  The ordinary people, the genuine grass roots, are speaking.  They desperately want to get out from under Leviathan’s iron boot heel, and sense Paul’s the man for the job, but the élites have every intention of doing their best to crush him.  What a shame if they succeed.

About Medved, he’s a good man in so many ways but he has the Jewish defect, the Jewish incompatibility, the Jewish flaw, the Jewish taint, the Jewish curse, the Jewish problem, the Jewish misfortune, whatever you want to call it, that which makes it impossible for Jews and Euros to live together in the same country and both be happy:  in Jews’ eyes racial/ethnocultural normalness and social health for Euros is bad for Jews, unacceptable, a non-starter, and will be opposed, thwarted as much as possible, tooth and nail even.  As long as Jews are around in any numbers they’ll work hard to defeat Euros’ hopes of living in normal societies, meaning in part ones characterized by effective racial/ethnocultural homogeneity and the expectation that that homogeneity won’t change or be placed under threat.  Jews call that kind of society “fascist” and loathe it (unless it’s Israel, in which case they call it “the only democracy in the Near East” and love it) and not only consider it unacceptable but their opposition to it rises to the level of intense passion bordering on obsessive hysteria.  They’re nation-killers and for that reason should not be permitted to settle in Euro countries in any significant numbers:  sooner or later they’ll kill the Euro nation they settle in.  Their preferred way is using their influence to pry open the borders and force the host population into a subordinate position with respect to the races brought in to weaken then replace it. 

Some Jews don’t have that taint, that Euro-nation-killing, Euro-race-extinguishing impulse.  Columnist Don Feder doesn’t have it; Rabbi Meyer Schiller doesn’t, of course; Rabbi Daniel Lapin doesn’t; I don’t think Matt Drudge has it; Prof. Paul Gottfried of course doesn’t; the Jews who run the Jewish Task Force don’t; I would say Rabbi Meir Kahane didn’t have it.  Yes a few of the above might join Medved in insinuating Ron Paul’s “anti-Semitic” or some nonsense but their behavior otherwise is free of the taint I’m talking about.

Michael Medved unfortunately, for all his good points, has it.  He has the taint.  He’s one of these Jews who want everything to be Negroes this and Negroes that, he turns on his TV and wants to see plenty of Negroes not Euros, he goes to the movies and wants to see plenty of Negroes in the films, not Euros, he looks at schools, universities, neighborhoods, immigration laws, birth rates, images on Christmas cards, ads in magazines, displays in store windows, slates of candidates of political parties, married couples, you-name-it, no matter what it is, he wants it to be as close to one hundred percent Negro as it can possibly get (or if it’s couples, racially mixed Euro-Negro), then he feels more comfortable.  He doesn’t want any of this for Jews or for Israel, only for Euros and Euro countries.  He doesn’t like seeing Euros.  He can’t adjust to accepting the normalness of a Euro majority in the Euro country he lives in.  By temperament he’s incompatible with life in Euro countries and is an example of the kind of Jew who should not live in any Euro country.  He should live only in Israel. 

Living as a minority, as Jews are expected to do in Euro countries, can’t be easy, especially for Jews trying to raise children.  I sympathize with them in that.  But destroying the host nation and genociding the host race, the solution preferred by this type of Jew I’m talking about and which we all know, doesn’t ... hey and I dunno, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m having a bad hair day or something, maybe it’s my hormones, so excuse me, but ... the genocide-of-Euros solution doesn’t go down all that well with the population being targeted.  Yes of course some deadheads among that population don’t seem to mind terribly but lots of others get ... get extremely mad, shall we say?  Yes. 

Extremely mad. 

At the ones they see doing it to them. 

Some other solution has to be found.  And if none can be found, Jews and Euros shouldn’t live in the same countries. 

I like Michael Medved very much.  But I cannot tolerate his insistence on a set of conditions for my country which make its eventual racial/ethnocultural destruction inevitable.  He’s a smart guy.  He ought to be able to figure that out.  He wouldn’t want those conditions for Israel.  He should be able to see I’m no different as regards my country.


Posted by Kulturkampf on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 20:39 | #

Hey Fred,

Your instincts about the limited appeal that Ron Paul has for even right wing Jews would seem to be correct.

So, are these guys suggesting that on balance a Ron Paul presidency wouldn’t be such a good thing? The commentary is a just little too Delphic for me to properly decipher.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:52 | #

Kulturkampf, the JTF guys don’t like anyone who appears not to back the war in Iraq or who seems less than gung-ho on attacking Iran, both of which they see as necessary for Israel’s good.  So yes, they’re free with the Ron Paul name-calling.  But in my comment above I distinguished guys like these JTF guys from guys like Medved on other grounds, those of supporting race-replacement-equivalent policies in other domains, or not supporting them.  Medved supports them; these others not only don’t, but they reject them as loudly and as vehemently as they can.  Completely apart from Ron Paul specifically, Medved fundamentally is a race-replacer, while these others would be on our side on race-replacement.  That’s what I meant above.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:57 | #

Of course if you asked Medved if he was a race-replacer his reaction would be that you were insane even to post the question.  But whether he just totally ignored you, refusing to answer at all (likeliest) or attempted to answer by denying he favored race-replacement (second likeliest) it is indisputable that policies he favors in general make forced race-replacement inevitable for whatever Euro national population is subjected to them.  That simply cannot be argued against.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:59 | #

“even to pose the question”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 22:06 | #

Again, I like Michael Medved.  But there’s this ....  what’s the word I want? .... “stumbling block”? .... No, that’s not the word .... What’s it called when your desire to genocide a guy’s entire race and annihilate his nation kind of .... kind of sours your relations with the guy? .... Well, let’s just call it “this little problem” ... You see, there’s this little problem I have with Jews like Michael Medved ...... (see above for details) .............


Posted by Maguire on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 06:56 | #

“I believe it was Glenn Greenwald who recently wrote a piece about neocons not representing the Jewish population generally.”

Greenwald is right in a limited sense.  They don’t ‘represent’ the Jewish people in the sense of being leaders chosen to speak for Jews or decide for Jews.  This function is handled by other persons who lead purely Jewish organizations to which the Jewish core of neocons respond.

The neocons are a Jewish control mechanism imposed on the white Republican Party.  In Russia in previous eras ‘neocons’ were known as “Commissars” and “political officers”.  It’s no accident most of the neocons emerged from the New Left and even the Old Left milieu of covert Communism.

The average Jew is a registered Democrat.  The difference between Republican and Democrat these daze mirrors the difference between Israel’s Likud and Labor parties.  The policy disputes are the same and many of the (Jewish) personalities overlap.


Posted by Kulturkampf on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 09:06 | #

The fact that the JTF only give their support against race replacement on their own terms,  i.e. military support for Israel, makes them rather equivocal allies in my view.  And although their polemics are very entertaining, I think that the rhetoric content is way OTT to persuade a mass audience that race replacement is a bad idea.  When Chaim Ben Pesach refers to Muslims, he never simply says ‘Muslims’ but rather ‘ArabMuslimNazis’ - all one word!

On the other hand, their consistent opposition to race replacement - for both the West and Israel - makes them an order of magnitude more amenable than 99% of their kinsmen.


Posted by daveg on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 16:47 | #

Hey, what is the deal with “Don Black?”

Justin Raimondo put it best:

Surely Black, as the leader of a neo-Nazi group, is very well aware that his “support” is hardly welcome and would actually hurt Paul: Stormfront members discussed this openly when “Commander” White posted his statement. For Black to publish those photos on his own site when he knew they would be immediately picked up by the anti-Paul witch-hunters’ brigade – the controversy over his donation was already in progress – pretty much demolishes the idea that he is any kind of Ron Paul “supporter.” With supporters like that, Ron doesn’t need any enemies. Essentially, Black did exactly what White did and what professional witch-hunters such as David Neiwert and neocon idiot Michael Medved have tried to do, and that is to smear a good man who doesn’t have a racist bone in his body as a “white supremacist.”

I think that rings true.  Is he an idiot or a shill?

I think the key element is the bad graphics.  Bad graphics = bogus.


Posted by Far Right Anti-Semitic Nazi on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 17:48 | #

“but all Nazis are Ron Paul supporters”

I’m not a Ron Paul supporter.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:42 | #

Looks like someone should e-mail the comment just above to Michael Medved as proof-positive he’s wrong in the second part of what he said (of course he might demand proof the commenter isn’t lying either about being a Nazi or about not supporting Ron Paul).  And we know Medved was wrong in the first part of what he said too, since all Ron Paul supporters must be Nazis.  Look at it this way — we’re all familiar with the deep philosophical riddle, “If a random Euro stands in the middle of a forest and talks, and no Jews hear him, is he anti-Semitic?”  And we know the answer is yes he is, because everything in the universe is anti-Semitic or at least starts off that way until a Jew absolves it:  my car is anti-Semitic, my dog is, my computer is, the keyboard I’m typing on is anti-Semitic, the oatmeal I ate for breakfast was anti-Semitic, the spoon I ate it with was, the snow on the ground outside is anti-Semitic, the gas I put in my car last night was anti-Semitic, my snow tires are anti-Semitic, and so on.  Everything is anti-Semitic.  That’s why “The Lord of the Rings” movies were anti-Semitic, by the way, something which for the longest time I couldn’t understand (“There are Jews saying “The Lord of the Rings” movies are anti-Semitic.  What in the world???  I can’t understand what makes them anti-Semitic!!!  I’ll have to give this some thought.”)  I mulled over that for a couple of years till I came to understand that everything is anti-Semitic.  Now, if everything is anti-Semitic, everything must be a Nazi, and since all Ron Paul supporters are things, all Ron Paul supporters must be Nazis.  So Medved is wrong in both parts of his statement.  Therefore the guy can be disregarded as someone who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 19:58 | #

“And we know the answer is yes he is, because everything in the universe is anti-Semitic or at least starts off that way until a Jew absolves it:  my car is anti-Semitic, my dog is, my computer is, the keyboard I’m typing on is anti-Semitic, the oatmeal I ate for breakfast was anti-Semitic, the spoon I ate it with was, the snow on the ground outside is anti-Semitic, the gas I put in my car last night was anti-Semitic, my snow tires are anti-Semitic, and so on.  Everything is anti-Semitic.”

Without criticizing Fred Scrooby, another way to look at this is to understand the Universal Law of Jewish Hatred, a viewpoint that shrouds every item and every idea throughout the universe with undifferentiated hatred by Jews. Understanding the Universal Law of Jewish Hatred frees us from having to sort out which ones hate us or Putin or the King of Jordan, and just understand that the hatred will out somewhere at any time. It’s a tough doctrine to grasp, and even people as smart as MacDonald make constant references to “historical” justifications for Jewish conduct. An inbred people that has sorted for grandiosity and paranoia for upwards of 3,000 years is not us, and we can barely understand the constant hatred, suspicion, and loathing toward all others.


“About Medved, he’s a good man in so many ways but he has the Jewish defect, the Jewish incompatibility, the Jewish flaw, the Jewish taint, the Jewish curse, the Jewish problem, the Jewish misfortune, whatever you want to call it, that which makes it impossible for Jews and Euros to live together in the same country and both be happy:  in Jews’ eyes racial/ethnocultural normalness and social health for Euros is bad for Jews, unacceptable, a non-starter, and will be opposed, thwarted as much as possible, tooth and nail even.  As long as Jews are around in any numbers they’ll work hard to defeat Euros’ hopes of living in normal societies, meaning in part ones characterized by effective racial/ethnocultural homogeneity and the expectation that that homogeneity won’t change or be placed under threat.”

Without criticizing Fred Scrooby, another way to look at this is that it is a function of an ancient Jewish religious obligation called tikkun olam which decrees that an important duty for all Jews is to “heal the world for Jewish benefit.” You won’t often see the last three words in Jewish literature, but the first three words are ever-present. European-origin peoples in all their diversity just haven’t inherited such a strong drive to fix up the nests of other persons to conform totally to our needs and comfort. It is always surprising to see references to the negative consequences of Jewish nudging, nagging, taxing (Kosher), smearing, slandering, and developing of pernicious ideological constructs, without any examination of how this behavior is a religious duty. I’m not so Judeo-centric as to indulge in the question “Are they a race or a religion?”, but we must not ignore the obsessive, intensely ritualized and religion-based commitment of all Jews to tikkun olam. And believe me, you don’t want to live in a North America which has been completely tikkun olamized…it would be a cross between the worst elements of Sparta & East Germany with spies and helots everywhere (we’d be the helots). The daily drama can be easily imagined with a close reading of the Book of Joshua in which Jews have given us about 3,000 years of advance warning as to their nature.


Posted by Ducan Tyyne on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 20:31 | #

Lew Rockwell posted two articles today about the Don Black donation.

One is from an Irishman who may be a race-mixer, but has a good grasp of logic and reason:

Another is by William Norman Grigg and concerns attacks on Ron Paul by Fox News hack Neil Cavuto:

A Merry Christmas/Glad Yule to all!


Posted by John on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 21:42 | #

Don Black is obviously a shill and his Steinfront website is pure-T Hollywood caricature white nationalism If he genuinely supported Ron Paul, knowing as he does the current political climate, the best thing he could have done is support Dr. Paul’s strongest opponent for the plausible reason (in the minds of “anti-‘racists’ “, anyway) that he will “kick some towelhead ass” and give the $500 to someone else to donate. This would have been a smart way to use the mainstream media’s prejudice against them. I think he knew what he was doing, though—he $500 has bought millions worth of publicity.


Posted by Daveg on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 22:27 | #

I think he knew what he was doing, though—he $500 has bought millions worth of publicity.

This seems correct to me. But EVEN if he could not see that the $500 donation would hurt him, taking your picture with Ron Paul and then positing it seems deliberate.

Even an idiot would see the problem with that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 01:32 | #

I think there may be a lot to Bill’s comments, especially this part:

another way to look at this is to understand the Universal Law of Jewish Hatred, a viewpoint that shrouds every item and every idea throughout the universe with undifferentiated hatred by Jews. Understanding the Universal Law of Jewish Hatred frees us from having to sort out which ones hate us or Putin or the King of Jordan, and just understand that the hatred will out somewhere at any time. It’s a tough doctrine to grasp, and even people as smart as MacDonald make constant references to “historical” justifications for Jewish conduct. An inbred people that has sorted for grandiosity and paranoia for upwards of 3,000 years is not us, and we can barely understand the constant hatred, suspicion, and loathing toward all others.

Good thinking by Bill.  There may be a lot to that.  There is a very large number of Jews who intensely loathe Euros.  (What it is is they loathe “gentiles” but most of all the Euros among the gentiles, since Euro gentileness is, in Jewish eyes, sort of the most intractible of all gentilenesses.  If you have a quality someone loathes and you have a more intractible form of it, he’ll loathe you more than others who have less intractible forms.  Jewish hatred of Euros is an instance of their gentile-hatred, Euros being hated most since their gentileness is seen by Jews as the most intractible gentileness.)  Euros don’t have a clue this is going on because, obviously, the Jews don’t go around advertising it.  Now, you won’t be harmed by a group’s hatred of your group unless that group’s members get control over your group.  The Amish aren’t too fond of us but they don’t have control over us so can’t harm us.  Needless to add, it’s not quite the same with the Jews.  (It’s the diametrical opposite, in fact.)  When Jews who hate gentiles and Euro gentiles most of all get power over Euro gentiles they use it to harm them.  This creates enormous ill-feeling among the Euros who see what’s going on, as can be imagined.  Luckily for the Jews, we’re talking about Euros here, in other words not exactly what you’d call the brightest bulb on the ethnoracial tree — so the those Euros who see what the Jews are up to are few.  The Jews of course know this (Abe Foxman & Co.) so see no reason to stop.  They’re taking a huge risk though.  It’s a risk I for one wouldn’t take if I were they.  But that’s like saying flying into a candle flame is a risk I for one wouldn’t take if I were a moth:  they have to do what their genes make them do, and Jews have the exact same gene moths have that makes them think they can fly into candle flames and get away with it — the exact same one.  They’re both hopeless.


Posted by VLC on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 05:30 | #

James Bowery:
“If you let the Federal government get involved in morality you’ll end up with the worst kinds of people imaginable telling everyone else what is right and wrong with government force and state supported propaganda licenses—as we have today. “

Sunday Paul said to Tim Russert that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was bad because it basically means the government controls everyone’s private property.

Duncan Tyyne:
“According to Michael Medved, in one of his on-air “jokes,” it’s because the Nazis also did.”

hahaha! Conservative, Liberal, it doesn’t matter: a jew is a jew, you can’t go wrong with that rule. The few exceptions are just that, exceptions.

“Living as a minority, as Jews are expected to do in Euro countries, can’t be easy, especially for Jews trying to raise children.  I sympathize with them in that.”

hey I sympathize too, which is why I think all jews on earth should be shipped to Israel. Let’s make Israel a big concentration camp


Posted by Riley DeWiley on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 09:58 | #

I doubt Don Black is running a false flag op over at Stormfront, I really do. The false flags are pretty cheesy and pretty easy to spot; the National Socialist Movement is an obvious one. So is Chester Bowles.

I think Don Black was just putting his own interests ahead of Ron Paul’s by hitching a ride on his coattails, that’s all.

Not too surprising - each man is a politician, in his own way.



Posted by Steve Edwards on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 11:23 | #

Just as the National Democratic Party of Germany was, as revealed in court proceedings, set up, led, and staffed by intelligence operatives, so we have every reasonable expectation that this clownish Don Black is on the payroll of the FBI. Unless you actually believe the cover story that the neo-cons and the neo-nazis are ganging up to defeat a “crypto-fascist”.

Don Black is undoubtedly an FBI informer, if not a fully salaried Agent.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 13:51 | #

The false flags are pretty cheesy and pretty easy to spot;

To each sheep his own Shepard…

Don Black for some, David Duke for others and Lawerence Auster for the rest.

Nonetheless, it is precisely this attitude that leaves one vulnerable to persuasion by the vastly more sophisticated psychological operations. I encourage thee with the words of one such government agent: Drop out.

Relieve yourself of dollar denominated assets, avail yourself of your wage slavery and create and alternative economy[1] to the one presently in vogue and dominated by jews, race traitors, capitalists and enforcers of integration.

[1] - c.1530, “household management,” from L. oeconomia, from Gk. oikonomia “household management,” from oikonomos “manager, steward,” from oikos “house” (cognate with L. vicus “district,” vicinus “near;” O.E. wic “dwelling, village;” see villa) + nomos “managing,” from nemein “manage” (see numismatics). The sense of “manage the resources of a country” (short for political economy) is from 1651. Hence, economic (1835) means “related to the science of economics,” while economical (1780) retains the sense “characterized by thrift.” Economist is 1586 in the sense of “household manager,”


Posted by danielj on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 13:54 | #

I say it again and hope that people will assent to not only the validity of the statement, but additionally, its import.

Do not trust anyone until you have seen their White children, in their White household, doing work with their White hands for our community instead of the for the benefit of J.O.G.

Think like a terrorist. [1]

[1] def: Nationalist, Freedom-Fighter, Insurgent against Occupation


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:08 | #

Daniel may I ask what dictionary you got that etymology from (for the word “economy”)?  It looks like a damn good one.  I think I’d buy it just on the basis of that one sample of its quality.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:25 | #

Here you are Fred:

Online Etymological Dictionary


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:40 | #

Thanks, Daniel.  I never knew of the existence of that.  I’ll be making good use of it from now on.


Posted by Soren Renner on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 18:25 | #



Posted by Soren Renner on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 18:27 | #


Posted by GT on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 20:01 | #

It is wonderful to see this courageous woman, Elizabeth Blane, running with the microblimp idea.  She’s in an excellent location off the 125, with loads of politically sympathetic Naval and Marine aviation and support personnel nearby.  Local campaigns everywhere can benefit, for the blimps are portable, economical, and have high visibility.  Notice that Elizabeth’s blimp is lighted for night time viewing.  Maximum regards to you lady, if you should happen to read this.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 00:12 | #

The fix <strike>is</strike> isn’t in.


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 14:59 | #

It’s a shame so many of Paul’s Iowa supporters weren’t legally eligible to vote for him.  But you had to be a registered Republican.

The Ron Paul moment of truth arrives in four days in New Hampshire.  If he can’t gain any traction there,  AS A REPUBLICAN, then he can’t get it anywhere.  New Hampshire allows registered Independents to vote in either party’s primary.  So this is a very fair test indeed.

Of course an Independent Presidential candidate has until November to use grass roots strength to offset concentrated media power.  But this is hypothetical because RP is a “Republican”, not an “Independent”.


Posted by Jean West on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 17:00 | #

I have very little confidence in the Ron Paul campaign.  One reason is that I have first-hand suspicions of infiltration in local positions that can monitor and control what goes in and what goes out.

More important, there has been no sign whatsoever of Ron Paul on television here in New Hampshire, where it’s of utmost importance, and there still isn’t today—no sign.

The other candidates are fighting hard for NH votes; their faces are all over the screen all day long.  Today it’s non-stop:  Clinton, Huckabee, McCain and Romney - over and over and over - in their own ads, in interviews and in news commentary.  Obama, too, but not as continuous as the others.

Ron Paul is conspicuous for his absence.  What is the money being spent for?  It’s a true statement that in the past two months, I’ve seen exactly *one* Ron Paul television ad, and it was so quick that I blinked and it was gone.  Whereas during that time I have seen dozens and dozens and dozens of ads by others including McCain and Huckabee, who supposedly don’t have as much money as Ron Paul.

And then there’s the mediocrity of the RP images; this weekend he’ll speak at a big Libertarian affair along with other speakers, and the web pages advertising the event feature a bluish white Ron Paul face surrounded by a dozen faces with healthy tans. 
I saw this same thing marquis-style on a news site a few days ago and automatically chalked it up as intentional.  But the Libertarians?  Who checks that sort of thing?

This failure to always put a flattering Ron Paul image forward strikes me as careless and amateurish.  It’s not the way it’s being done for the other candidates.



Posted by Maguire on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 17:21 | #


Thank you very much for this field report.

“More important, there has been no sign whatsoever of Ron Paul on television here in New Hampshire..Ron Paul is conspicuous for his absence.”

What kind of presence does he have there in other media?  I’m thinking of things like vehicle bumper stickers, vehicle mounted signs, yard signs, micro-blimps, airplane banner pulls, printed leaflets being handed out, direct mail and human canvassers going door to door?

Are people active in organizing local Ron Paul meetings in the neighborhoods?

Thanks again.



Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 17:36 | #

The fix isn’t in.

The “fix was in” when RP’s managers decided they were going to be “smart” and limit his campaign to the Republican Party instead of going the Independent route. 

Since most of RP’s potential voters aren’t Republicans they weren’t eligible to participate in last night’s Iowa caucus. Even in most “poll open all day” primaries RP’s “get out the vote” effort is twice as difficult as everyone else’s:  Most of his ‘registered’ voters have to re-register again as Republicans to participate.


It’s a shame so many of Paul’s Iowa supporters weren’t legally eligible to vote for him.  But you had to be a registered Republican.

The silence this morning in the RP online echo chamber is deafening.  Maybe I’m awake too early. wink

Suckabee was given the benefit – at rapture cult shaman John Hagee’s direction – of the Republican Party’s permanent, on-the-ground organization in Iowa.

There is one lesson from this episode and that is the value of permanent on-the-ground organization.

At the end of the primaries lesson number two will be the need to destroy the Republican Party through the use of permanent, local, Independent campaigns


Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:10 | #

New Hampshire allows registered Independents to vote in either party’s primary.  So this is a very fair test indeed.

I think RP will do better in New Hampshire but only because it’s easier for the state’s Independent online “community” to quietly slip away from their computers and vote for him, not because they have put their reputations at risk by establishing a permanent political presence, campaigning door-to-door or even placed RP signs on lawns.

This, from Jean West, is ominous:

Ron Paul is conspicuous for his absence.  What is the money being spent for?  It’s a true statement that in the past two months, I’ve seen exactly *one* Ron Paul television ad, and it was so quick that I blinked and it was gone.

Indeed, I have wondered about this myself.  What is RP’s money being spent for?  I hope to find out soon.


Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 20:30 | #

Well, well, well.  Door-to-door campaigning.  Now why, oh why didn’t WE think of this a long time ago? wink

<u>Better late than never,</u> I suppose.

After the primaries I hope RP decides to go the Independent route and establishes a permanent constitutionalist infrastructure throughout rural and suburban America.

The Republican Party must be destroyed.


January 4, 2008

What is a <u>precinct captain</u>? Within a party structure it is a person who is responsible to the party for their precinct, for voter registration, for voter identification, and for getting out the vote (GOTV).

Ron Paul needs YOUR help!

Regardless of whether you are a Republican party officer or not, you can still become a Precinct Captain for Ron Paul.

You can do the same thing for Ron Paul as a precinct captain does in his/her own precinct for the party: Deliver *your* precinct for Ron Paul!

<u>Precinct Canvassing</u>

Precinct canvassing is the #1 most productive activity a single individual can do in politics. Precinct canvassing delivers. It delivers votes. It delivers delegates. It delivers elections.

In every single case, without exception from San Diego to Oregon, from the Mojave Desert to Denver and from Idaho to Tucson, those people who have gone out to meet their neighbors in their and neighboring precincts all agree: it works!

Furthermore and especially in this internet age, the personal contact you make with potential supporters is more important than it has *ever* been before. Every campaign, no matter how sophisticated, 21st century, or version 2.0 it is, will employ a door-to-door strategy.

Below the body of this email, I’ve included testimony from volunteers around the west as to the power of door to door precinct canvassing.

So How Do I Become a Precinct Captain for Ron Paul?

It’s easy!

If you do not currently know of a way to get involved or you are not a member of your local meetup group or your meetup is not currently hosting in-field precinct canvassing meetups, you can visit our new page at HQ:

and there are training videos (password for both = nevada4ronpaul)

Being a Precinct Captain for Ron Paul (Intro Training, some NV specific content)

Precinct Canvassing (Intermediate Training, some NV specific content)

Campaign Strategy

In <u>Nevada,</u> we are in a position to sweep all of the available national delegate positions from the state - very literally. In order to do it, the campaign needs every supporter in Nevada who can to be involved in the statewide precinct canvassing effort. If you are not already involved in a meetup group, please join one by clicking on the “meetup” button on the website. If you are in Las Vegas or Clark County, please visit or call campaign HQ at 438 E. Sahara Ave. Phone 702-430-1407. They can equip you with everything you need and provide in-depth training to help you be successful right away.

There are only 4 all-day opportunities left to canvass in Nevada: Jan 5+6 and Jan 12+13. During the weekdays, each Precinct Captain for Ron Paul can canvass their own neighborhoods or help others canvass theirs in the evenings or make calls during the day.

<u>California</u>: California is a potential goldmine for the campaign in terms of national delegates, but, again, it will require every Ron Paul supporter who is physically able to take ownership of their own precinct and one more neighboring precinct and deliver them for Ron Paul by registering Independents and others as Republicans (until Jan 22) and by door to door canvassing (until Feb 4). If you cannot walk, then you can call Californians from your home.

The California canvassing operation is up and running statewide. Training is delivered via the meetup groups. If your meetup has not already scheduled canvassing training, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to do so. If you are not in a meetup, please join the one closest to you.

By taking the delegates out of CA and NV that are within our grasp RIGHT NOW, we’ll be in this for the long haul with the nomination within our reach.

<u>Utah</u>: Given the realities of presidential politics in that state, Utahns can best help between now and January 19th by volunteering to canvass in Nevada. If you are in southern Utah, please work with the Washington County meetup to augment their Nevada canvassing effort. If you are in northern Utah, please join the Elko, NV meetup to help them. Wendover is also a possibility.

<u>Arizona</u>: If you live in the north, canvassing in Nevada would be helpful and you can call the NV State HQ number provided above. However, it is also important to take ownership of your own precinct and, as a Precinct Captain for Ron Paul, be sure that you have canvassed your own precinct and are helping others do theirs.

<u>Colorado</u>: Colorado Ron Paul supporters have a mature precinct canvassing operation and it’s easy to get plugged in. If you are not currently in a meetup or if your meetup has not had canvassing training, please contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Neighboring States and States with Primaries after Feb 5

<u>Please still become a “Precinct Captain for Ron Paul” and take ownership of your own precinct by canvassing.</u> If you can help out in the states mentioned above, please do so, by contacting the nearest meetup to you in those states.


“I am now a believer in door to door. Today (12/22) was my first day, and oh boy, I wish I’d started sooner. It was suprisingly easy too, and I’ve never done this before; I’m not a salesman. It is also the MOST rewarding to get the word out. So many people out there will support Ron Paul and had NO PLANS to vote in the primary. GET OUT THERE PEOPLE. We have the NUMBERS. If every Ron Paul supporter who’s active on the internet went out and did a few dozen homes, it will be a SLAM DUNK in the primaries.”
- Jason, CA

“The value of going door to door cannot be overstated. We call it ‘waking up a neighborhood’. Many people of all stripes are on the fence, we find very few deeply committed to any candidate. I know we are making a difference.”
-Stephanie, CA

“We precinct walked two entire precincts in two days over the weekend. If the precinct captains for Ron Paul do their follow up work, we will sweep all delegate positions from both of those precincts.”
-Jeff, NV

“Last weekend I did what the mainstream political organizations do, which is to go from door to door to hand out materials about Ron Paul. I worked once on a political campaign mostly from my office chair, showed up at some rallies, and did all kinds of things, but did not walk any precincts. I later realized, that walking the precinct was the way to get sure voters registered and sure votes, some right on the spot with absentee ballots. All political campaigns will tell you that this is how elections are won, because having spread a candidate’s information and getting voter turnout trump everything else….By canvassing a precinct, and handing out flyers, DVDs, or letters, it ensures that every Republican is reached by the Ron Paul campaign, and most of those people will then remember to go to the Primary election. Doing this is much easier and more satisfaction than you think. It can be a great team effort if one person organizes the walk lists, another prepares the campaign collateral, and another few go/drive from address to address. You can go together with a friend or meet a new volunteer and have lots of fun. ” excerpted from:

“Sunday was the first time for me. Fun, though my feet hurt by the end of 3 hours. I tried to talk to everyone, had a conversation with someone at perhaps 1 out of 10 homes, a much higher proportion than pollsters reach…... I learned a lot.”
-Lew, CA

Happy New Year to all!

Best Regards,

Jeff Greenspan
Southwest US Regional Campaign Coordinator
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee


Posted by Maguire on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 21:07 | #


“Suckabee was given the benefit – at rapture cult shaman John Hagee’s direction – of the Republican Party’s permanent, on-the-ground organization in Iowa.”

The “Republican Party” itself is very much a Hollywood back lot structure.  It only comes to life when the klieg lights and cameras roll into position.

The “organization” supporting Hucky in this case is the network of what we perjoratively term the judeolatrous “rapture cult” churches.  Purists would prefer “Premillenial Dispensationalism” as their defining theology.

Most of the Southern Baptist Convention, the Independent Baptists, the Independent Bible churches, the Assemblies of God and assorted independent mega churches form the backbone of this network.  Their premier leaders, such as Grand Rebbe Hagee, are all dependent on access to real Jew controlled mass media.

However, the Rapture Cult leaders do have a standing local economic structure they use to organize the profane cowans.  This structure’s economics are identical to what the non-Movement Blightwing leadership aspires to.  This consists of corrupt rich leaders looting impoverished followers by a variety of devices.  The rapture cultists are just a lot slicker and successful at it.  In the case of the Iowa caucuses they were able to motivate well under 1% of the Iowa population.

There is one more facet to “Iowa” the Judeo-media is trying to tiptoe past.  This is the decisive rejection by Flyover Midwest of perceived external leadership.  Obama is from Illinois.  Huckabee comes from Arkansas.  Compare this to:

—- Hillary of Washington DC & New York
—- Giuliani of NYC
—- Romney of Massachussets
—- Biden of Delaware
—- Dodd of Connecticut
—- Hunter of Southern Mexifornia
—- Paul of southern Texico
—- McCain of Aztlanzona
—- Fred Thomson of Washington & Hollywood
—- Bill Richardson, also of Aztlanico.

Edwards of North Carolina is the only other exception.

The question is how much further will this regionalization of voting proceed?  It’s widely conceded Huckabee has little base in N.H.  Giuliani early on adopted a coastal states strategy, choosing to focus on centers of Jewish power like multi-racial New York, Florida and California.  Here’s an example of a ‘Republican’ attempting to secure the nomination in two states that are certain to be Deep Blue in November.  The third, Florida, is very questionable.



Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 21:08 | #

Here’s a “Ron Paul echo chamber” comment:

The Iowa/Huckabee/Paul/Fox/NH situation is nearly optimal for an outbreak of violence targeting the meat sitting in the old media offices—which is why I posted my article about “Bridling the Old Media Beast” (prior to the results of the Iowa caucuses).

Ron Paul’s 10% showing in Iowa is nearly perfect for violence against the meat sitting in the old media offices since it is just enough to prove Ron Paul is at least as viable as Huckabee was prior to his surge of Old Media attention—but not enough to force Old Media to give him fair time.  If Ron Paul is, indeed, getting nearly zero old media coverage in NH (by rights he should be getting at LEAST 10% of the total air time allocated to Republican candidates—given his Iowa showing, and more given the value NH puts on independents with which Ron Paul showed strength in Iowa) then it doesn’t really matter how well or badly he does there—Old Media becomes a military target.  The only question is when will military action be taken.  It may not be for some time but this situation will not be forgotten—it is permanently waking up huge numbers of young men to the structure of the tyranny under which they slave and are potentially drafted to have their balls blown off.


Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 21:32 | #

Due to the Kwa’s size there is a need for a neo-constitutionalist political infrastructure comprised of collaborating, <u>independent</u> campaign organizations.  These independent organizations would be perpetual (year-after-year), responsive to the interests of the local demographic, and put major roadblocks in the way of any effort to effect central (read as “jewish”) control.  The first major roadblock would be that these organizations must be entirely supported by locals.


Posted by GT on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 23:30 | #

The Iowa/Huckabee/Paul/Fox/NH situation is nearly optimal for an outbreak of violence targeting the meat sitting in the old media offices—which is why I posted my article about “Bridling the Old Media Beast” (prior to the results of the Iowa caucuses).

I despise them, also.

However, although I’d love to think otherwise, I’m not altogether convinced that the occasional loss of $600 megabucks by the old media would be treated as anything but “one of the costs of doing business,” or that its non-coverage of the RP campaign “won’t be forgotten,” or that this is “permanently waking up huge numbers of young men,” or that the anger of “Netizens” in our corner of the Internet counts for much. 

The virtual has replaced the real in too many lives.  I’m a bit surprised to see precinct walking only now recommended by the RP campaign, when such personal interaction with others in the neighborhood is common sense. “Netizens” must reacquaint themselves with reality.  They must leave the company of their computers long enough to build the ground-based alternate communities, economies, and political infrastructure we’ve discussed.  Those unable to do so should use the Internet to provide the necessary educational, moral, and monetary support.


Posted by GT on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:52 | #

JB writes: The Iowa/Huckabee/Paul/Fox/NH situation is nearly optimal for an outbreak of violence targeting the meat sitting in the old media offices—which is why I posted my article about “Bridling the Old Media Beast” (prior to the results of the Iowa caucuses).

I’ve not been clear.  Another mental glitch, perhaps, I don’t know.

What I’m trying to say is far more than Old Media, as you call it, was involved in RP’s Iowa performance.

The Republican Party reaches into almost every community. The organization is rooted in local business and churches. 

Suckabee didn’t “earn” his win.  Neither was he “chosen” by the Old Media.  The man was selected by the high priests (Hagee, for example) of the Republican Party to counter Ron Paul.  Word was sent down to local pastors in Iowa and Suckabee was anointed by the flock.

What evidence, you ask?  The rapture cultists much heavier than usual turn-out.

Old Media has an effect, of course, but local political organization is what got the job done for Suckabee and the high priests of the Republican Party in Iowa.

Ron Paul’s political organization is comprised of Meet-Up groups.  That’s a start, but in no way do these groups compare to the grassroots organization of the Republican Party - even between elections when that organization lies “dormant.”

Regardless of Ron Paul’s success it is very, very important that his campaign infrastructure stay in place and not dissappear.


Posted by GT on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 09:02 | #

Maguire wrote: There is one more facet to “Iowa” the Judeo-media is trying to tiptoe past.  This is the decisive rejection by Flyover Midwest of perceived external leadership.  Obama is from Illinois.  Huckabee comes from Arkansas.  Compare this to:

—- Hillary of Washington DC & New York
—- Giuliani of NYC
—- Romney of Massachussets
—- Biden of Delaware
—- Dodd of Connecticut
—- Hunter of Southern Mexifornia
—- Paul of southern Texico
—- McCain of Aztlanzona
—- Fred Thomson of Washington & Hollywood
—- Bill Richardson, also of Aztlanico.

Edwards of North Carolina is the only other exception.

The question is how much further will this regionalization of voting proceed?

I’m glad you’ve pointed this out.  The interests of Aztlan, Florida, and the Nor’ Eastern seaboard are well represented by the candidates.  That leaves flyover country: the Pacific Northwest watershed, the Grain Belt, the Ohio-Mississippi River Valley Ore Country, and part of the Old Confederacy.

Flyover country is mostly White.  Local political organizations built around the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure would be effective there, as would the introduction of alternate communities and economies. 

Flyover country, in case any haven’t figured it out, <u>is New America</u>.

New America is reserved for our posterity.  May the regionalization proceed unimpeded!


Posted by Jean West on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 11:54 | #

This is a tv ad that’s going to be shown in SC, and there are two others on the page:

I haven’t seen any here.  There are lots of Ron Paul signs in NH, and there is some door-to-door activity going on.  I see the media shackling as a major issue in the campaign.  The media is not allowing Americans to see or hear a candidate.

The exact day that the press and television suddenly shoved Huckabee out in front was the day after the 11/5 money bomb.  I had the impression that it was almost a knee-jerk reaction.  But as I see it, Huckabee was just an immediate distraction away from RP.  The candidate they *really* want to win is robotic John McCain,  neocon stooge, active enemy of free speech, champion of thought crime legislation, son of the naval officer who suppressed the USS Liberty report, and joined at the hip with Joe Lieberman.

McCain looks unwell to me.  He looks like a man who always needs Lieberman or Feingold standing next to him to hold him up.  Some people call McCain the Manchurian Candidate, and I have to say that without even havng read that until recently, I have commented several times to friends that watching him, I see that there’s something not right about him—he seems to be on autopilot.

Might Orthodox Joe Lieberman *finally* get into the White House by way of McCain?

Last night Bill Moyers interviewed Ron Paul and then Dennis Kucinich.  As he did in his Journal segment “Buying the War,” (available at PBS) Moyers’ focused on the active role of the media in controlling what Americans see and what they don’t see; he looks so surprised about it—but really, how can he be?



Posted by Jean West on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:22 | #

Here’s a “Ron Paul echo chamber” comment:  The Iowa/Huckabee/Paul/Fox/NH situation is nearly optimal for an outbreak of violence targeting the meat sitting in the old media offices—Ron Paul’s 10% showing in Iowa is nearly perfect.

I don’t know what Ron Paul echo chamber refers to, but I’m in agreement that the only reasonable reaction to what’s happening is active rebellion against the system, including the media, which is more and more visibly controlling what people are allowed to see, say, think and do, and which is controlling who they are allowed to put in charge of their lives.  Violence is the natural response to the violence of totalitarianism.



Posted by Maguire on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 12:52 | #


“There are lots of Ron Paul signs in NH, and there is some door-to-door activity going on.”

How would you compare the RP campaign efforts with signs and door-to-door to the other candidates?  Is the Ron Paul Army more or less active than others with these two methods?  What about the quality of effort with signs and people to people?



Posted by Jean West on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 13:10 | #

The most signs are Ron Paul and Hillary Clinton.  Yesterday is the first time I saw lots of young people waving McCain signs on the side of a very heavily traveled road.  I wish I knew more about the door to door—I feel quite guilty that I haven’t participated in that; it’s not in my nature, but that’s no excuse.  I’m going to find out if there’s any protest activity going on at St. Anselm’s today, and if so, I’ll be joining that.

Huckabee and Hillary are the two most visible faces on television.  Yesterday I also heard various radio spots; they were predominantly Clinton.  I don’t know if I mentioned that both of the major newspapers in NH endorsed Clinton and McCain.

It’s beyond me.  It really is.


Posted by Maguire on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 13:44 | #


“Local political organizations built around the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure would be effective there, as would the introduction of alternate communities and economies.”

I see two dominant themes in Iowa.

1.  Regionalization of preference.  In both ‘parties’ the voting locals (a small percentage of Iowa’s eligible population) went with closest home boy they could find.
What about the non-voting mass?  Are they most likely to be moved by more or less localization? 

2.  Criticality of Standing Local Organizations.

Huckabee we know about.  His ‘base’ was the network of local Baptist and quasi Baptist pastors.  What was Obama’s ‘base’?  I suggest he gained the majority support of the local National Education Association (NEA). 

(note for our European kinsmen.  The NEA is the teachers’ labor union for elementary, middle and high school levels.  It exists in nearly every community with a public school system).

Both groups exist day to day on local economic roots.  They are not primarily dedicated to politics but both have extensive *local* political experience.  Neither Huckabee or Obama were the annointed of the Old Media (i.e. mass Jewsmedia tv, magazines and wire serviced newspapers).  Giuliani, Romney, McCain and Clinton were the beneficiaries of one year of mass Jewsmedia salivation.

The internet is working very well for these two older LOCAL groups as well. 

In the recent past (1960 forward) there has been one script.  A candidate quickly emerges with Big ‘Momentum.  The mass Jewsmedia then spotlights this Big Mo candidate and progressively backgrounds the others.  The Big Mo candidate is then showered with more money which buys more and more Jewsmedia advertising and wins more and more primaries.  The Candidate then marches to a predetermined and carefully scripted summer convention.

This was the heyday of a pyramid centralized mass media.  There were three (government licensed) TV networks and two wire services.  Since then there has been a loss of focus due to many more channels.  This is combined with the growth of a laterally networking ‘media’, the internet. 

“Local political organizations built around the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure would be effective there, as would the introduction of alternate communities and economies.”

This is the master key to the Future.  So far RP-2008 is replicating, on a much larger scale, a previous experience we had.  This is using the internet to tap into a widely distributed support base of true believers, but then being unable to focus that support enough to accomplish local tasks.



Posted by Jean West on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 16:34 | #

There’s another factor at work that I know is out there but don’t know how widespread.

Large numbers of people *despise* the Clintons, separate or together.  I found myself thinking this morning, given the fact that many Blacks hate Jews (yes, Whites, too) and have no love for Israel, even Obama’s spiritual leader Jeremiah Wright and buddy Sharpton, is it possible that Obama would turn out to be less controlled than the others—enough to make a difference?


Posted by Maguire on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 17:18 | #

“is it possible that Obama would turn out to be less controlled”

There’s a sure way to know if any uncontrolled candidates are in the field, or if any slip their moorings out on the campaign trail.  Gunfire, airplane accidents and sudden heart attacks are always a part of genuine American political decisions.

Many have noted the increasing adherence by all candidates (besides RP) to a common set of economic and foreign policies.  And there has been a huge reduction in the level of retail political violence in recent decades.  These factors are cause and effect.


Posted by Jean West on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 18:50 | #

Very funny, but somewhat ex post facto (not useful for purposes of prediction).

You wrote:
“Local political organizations built around the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure would be effective there, as would the introduction of alternate communities and economies.”
This is the master key to the Future.  So far RP-2008 is replicating, on a much larger scale, a previous experience we had.  This is using the internet to tap into a widely distributed support base of true believers, but then being unable to focus that support enough to accomplish local tasks.

I’d like to understand how this would work, and I wonder if you and JAB are planning to try to set it in motion in the real world, using “the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure” as a starting place.  Not “planning,” but playing around with the idea, preliminary to “planning”—that’s such a “scary” word.  : )



Posted by GT on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 22:49 | #

Speaking of blimps here’s a pic of Mike Suckabee’s son David.  David has an interesting “family values” history.  Google it!:


Posted by GT on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:08 | #

Jean West writes: I’d like to understand how this would work, and I wonder if you and JAB are planning to try to set it in motion in the real world, using “the salvaged Ron Paul infrastructure” as a starting place.  Not “planning,” but playing around with the idea, preliminary to “planning”—that’s such a “scary” word.

Regardless of what happens to Ron Paul, his campaign infrastructure should be preserved to the greatest extent possible.  A non-partisan committee dedicated to RP’s principles of constitutionalism and free association could take over the operation.  Immediate objectives would include methods to undermine the media, teacher’s unions, and rapture cultists.  Candidacies for state assemblies and Congress would be encouraged, local demographic data and contacts compiled, political training provided, local socialization encouraged, newsletter published, etc.

Note: The libertarian principle of free association is <u>very important</u> to racialism.


Posted by Maguire on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 16:09 | #


” Immediate objectives would include methods to undermine the media, teacher’s unions, and rapture cultists.”

“Undermine” is an interesting word.  It originally described a tactic used in protracted siege warfare against walled cities and military posts like castles.  The attacking force would dig a network of tunnels underneath the walls and tower foundations, shoring these tunnels up with timbers in the usual manner.  At the selected moment the timbers would be pulled out or set on fire, causing the tunnels and the overlying foundations to collapse.  In the late Middle Ages barrels of gunpowder began to be used for more rapid demolition, ala “Guy Fawkes Day”.

1.  “Undermine the media”.  There are two tasks here.  The first is to offer competing and more useful coverage.  The second is to make the privately owned, for-profit mass media a main subject of investigative reporting. 

2.  “Undermine the…teacher’s unions”.  Historians a thousand years from now will still marvel that contemporary Amerokwans can more easily discover what’s happening in the Green Zone in Baghdad than what’s going on in the public schools 1/2 mile away.  This is not without design.  The personnel, their agenda driven curriculums and how they spend the property taxes are all great subjects.

More advanced is to offer support, guidance and information in obtaining the true education that is needed, but not provided.

3.  “Undermine the…rapture cultists.”

Money and sex are the permanent elements of great scandal.  Follow the money.  If the church in question is a registered 501c3, get the annual report and put it online.  I think every community should have an internet resource detailing the status of local state licensed and tax-exempted religion.  As the usury interest screws tighten down the high five and six figure incomes, lavish expense accounts and portfolios of tax exempt ‘investment property’ will taste more bitter all the time to the sheared sheeple.

“Family values”?  It’s an evil lie in their teeth.

Maintaining a standing localized website and known interest will cause disgruntled little birds to fly in from all over.  You (and your neighbors) will be surprised to discover the very high percentage of alcoholics, sodomites, lesbians, pederasts, adulterers and fornicators in the ranks of the local Teachers of Righteousness.  As these sheets are pulled off a great many current adherents of these groups will discover *why* their precious moral and family values issues never catch fire despite all the smoke.

The property tax question recurs.  In my opinion the Religious Tax Question is the only way to *politically* attack these religiously disguised political groups.  The best part is this solution can be applied on a non-racial and ‘equal’ basis.  In virtually all jurisdictions church owned real estate is tax exempt.  It need not be so.  This is as much a local and state issue as as a federal question.  See

What we see here is the 12% keeping the 88% well-ground between the upper and nether millstones.  The public teacher unions live off the property taxes.  Meanwhile their mainly faux opposition and their lavish temples are handily exempt.  In the local public schools and clergy we find two of the four drivers for race replacement and uncontrolled immigration.  Both groups have simplified, even primitive, ‘economics’:  LOOT THEIR NEIGHBORS.  The teachers’ unions send people with guns and badges to lock up dissidents.  The shamans use a more subtle threat of eternal imprisonment for the same offense (not coughing up the shekels).

There is one vital point.  Do not mindlessly ape the Jewish “Culture of Critique”.  If a problem is raised then a proactive solution must be offered.  In the vast majority of cases this solution should be capable of immediate and progressive local implementation.  The fastest way to discourage people is to give them goals that even morons can see are almost certainly unattainable.



Posted by Jean West on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 17:47 | #

Ron Paul Town Hall Meeting (1/6/08) - Congressman Ron Paul held a town hall meeting in Manchester, New Hampshire this evening.  Fox News did not invite Dr. Paul to participate in its presidential candidates forum tonight.  Read the full article »

Video pt. 1
Video pt. 2

I see only half as many peopled have viewed Pt. 2 as Pt. 1.

The big story of the campaign in NH is the TOTAL BLACKOUT of Ron Paul.  We’ve talked about media control for years, but to see it in action this intensely, with every possible hole in the wall blocked, has been a shock even to me.

This Town Hall meeting was to be televised on public access TV - didn’t work out.  It was to be shown on C-Span Online - never happened.  It was to be on CNN- online -  never happened.  It was going to be streamed live on several websites - never happened.  The excuse given by the tv channel and Ustream was overload.

Several advertised mainstream tv appearances also never happened - he just didn’t appear, no explanation given.

There is NO MENTION of Ron Paul in the newspapers.  It’s beyond belief.  There were only 100 people at this town meeting.  Today it can finally be viewed.  But it never received a mass showing anywhere that I’m aware of.  I sent an email to a few campaign people as to whether there was a group organized for the specific purpose of getting things posted on high-traffic mainstream and Republican forums.  The response was no, this was up to us to do.


Posted by Aerialproducts on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:57 | #

We can help you determine the right product for your needs, by answering the big questions like:- Should I use a blimp at a trade show? How large a blimp do I need to be seen from a half mile away? Should I use a point and shoot style camera or a Digital SLR? Do I use digital graphics on my RC blimp, or banner attachments?
Advertising Balloons Get You Noticed. From Outdoor blimp to Indoor Spheroids for Trade Shows, Blimps, Balls and Custom Shapes Bring Customers To Your Business.


Posted by GT on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 15:37 | #

Aerial Products has a comprehensive list of services: Tethered and remote-controlled balloons and blimps for indoor/outdoor applications, 50’ camera masts, aerial photography, photography equipment, infrared sensors, LED lighting for blimps and balloons, and graphics.  A new forum has been created for technical questions.  The company is family-owned with Kevin (CEO), Ruth and Edgar listed as contacts.  They sell world-wide, but primarily in North America, South America, and Europe.

Blimping, trailer-pulls, and searchlights are cost-effective, boots-on-ground means of bypassing the jewzmedia.

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Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
