For a while now I have been rolling the idea around in my thoughts that race is today, particularly in regards to marketing, what sex once was a couple of generations ago. It is a topic that is taboo, yes, but one that is so biologically unavoidable that it presents a huge untapped resource to those who are willing to broach public (or elite) opinion and use it for creative, commercial ends. My theory is that at some point someone will take the plunge, and if and when the coast looks clear for the more timid, many more will stamped in as well.
Recent developments suggest that companies may be close to the edge of taking the leap; at least one now has:
[N]ew billboard advert for Sony’s white PSP has caused consternation across the US videogaming community. The ad shows a white model dressed entirely in white threateningly grasping the face of a black model. Next to them are the words, “PlayStation Portable. White is coming”.
The ads were developed by agency TBWA, which seems to have a very high-risk outlook. From their site, they provide an view of their philosophy:
Disruption is a tool for change and an agent of growth: a working methodology and a life view philosophy.
The word is difficult, uncomfortable but “Disruption” is not destructive. It is creation. Disruption is a means of creating something dynamic to replace something that has become static.
Disruption is the art of asking better questions, challenging conventional wisdom and overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas.
Disruption is a system for people who hate systems. Similar to the concept of open-source software development, Disruption has evolved and matured as communities around the network use, adapt and reinvent Disruption tools for specific market or client needs.
Posted by Stanley Womack on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 03:13 | #
Zach, you are definitely on to something. Fifty years ago, race was not the shocking third rail that it is today. At that time, sex and unmarried pregnancies and “bad reputations” were the shocking third rail in American society. A divorce would end a political or pastoral career.
As morality goes, race has become a vastly overly-mentioned unmentionable, and sex has become glorified and an almost oppressive presence in the lives of younger and younger Americans.
At this point in the analysis, this is not particularly a Majority Rights issue. But in the New Marketing as explained by Zach Maulsby above, it is a very big deal for Majority Rights.
Consider the new Washington Mutual TV ads. A young African American man is shown herding a large group of stupid, greedy, older European American men, meanwhile mocking them as bankers past their prime.
We gave the “Julius Streicher Award” to the ad agency that produced these TV ads on the ground that they describe European American men in kidnapping, trapping, herding, and a variety of other criminal victimizations.
If you’d like to see this, go to this web site for our take on the issue, and you will find links to the ad agency’s web site that show the ads.