Today’s Sunday Mail carries a story about the leaking of details of a new MI5 operations centre by a careless council somewhere in south-east of England. In the course of the article the website Secret Bases was mentioned. It’s a four-part resume of mostly unacknowledged British intelligence facilities, supported by dozens of aerial photographs - many acquired through a “resident pilot”. Part One is here.
Secret Bases is run by a guy called Alan Turnbull. I take my hat off to him. If he has a counterpart in the US, he’s not nearly so outrĂ©e. Does anyone know of a comparable site?
Posted by the Narrator.. on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 13:51 | #
Maybe Alex Jones’s site, though I wouldn’t put much stock in most of it. Same with Jeff Rense.
As to the aerial photos, I gotta ask… does a country slightly smaller than the state of Oregon, with a population of over 60 million (and setting aside all of the historical sites like churches, castles, Stone Henge etc..) do they find enough space for crop circles and giant secret military complexes?