The demagoguery of the centre-right ‘neo-masculinists’ cannot conceal their traitorous countenance.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 25 February 2016 10:26.

Straight at the target.
Straight at the target.

Greetings, pick-up artists, liberals, Islamic ragheads, and other ne’er-do-wells! This is your number one enemy, your favourite playmate, Kumiko Oumae at Majorityrights—the little sunbeam whose throat you’d like to cut! Get ready for another vicious assault on your morale, this is yet another article addressing the trials and travails of our friends—I mean, our enemies!—at Return of Kings dot com.

What happened?

For those who have been living under a rock or who have been too busy to keep up with everything that has been happening over the past few weeks, the tantrum over at Return of Kings began with a single flashpoint that occurred on the night of 03 Feb 2016:, ‘ANNOUNCEMENT: The Meetup On February 6 Is Cancelled’, 03 Feb 2016:

I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on February 6, especially since most of the meetups can not be made private in time. While I can’t stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meetups. The listing page has been scrubbed of all locations. I apologize to all the supporters who are let down by my decision.

This should be forever known as the Night of the Plastic Sporks, because it’s funny, and because no one even needed a knife to bring Roosh’s ridiculous plans grinding to a halt. Whatever the threat was, remains unknown, but the Roosh camp seized on the opportunity to cancel everything and present themselves as the most forlorn and victimised people in the whole world.

The world loves a good victim, and so it was on 03 Feb 2016 that the pick-up artists at Return of Kings began their pathetic ‘lose to win’ strategy in the hopes that they could reconcile themselves to an ethno-nationalist movement that had been growing tired of them and had always despised them behind closed doors. They assumed that if they could find some SJWs and western liberal-feminists, trip dramtically over them, and then throw themselves down on the floor like a footballer who is faking having been foul-tackled, that ethno-nationalists would say, “Look, SJWs are abusing Roosh, let’s defend Roosh!”

No. Instead, we all said, “Good. Let them finally fall there and perish. They deserve each other.”

The cavalry is not coming, and it will never come, because ethno-nationalists are not Roosh’s cavalry. There are structural reasons for why we are all driving our rhetorical knives, or sporks, or whatever into the backs of pick-up artists right now. Many of us were simply waiting for Roosh to stumble so that we could push him right off the stage and be rid of him. I have talked to a number of old hands among European and American ethno-nationalism, and whenever I asked about what people thought of Roosh V, I could find hardly anyone who liked him.

As such, I was absolutely not surprised when the whole of the ethno-nationalist circle on the internet came out to begin condemning Roosh for his pro-rape comments and for his attempts to sneak an Islamic values system into European ethno-nationalism via the back door.

One of the most notable websites which sided against Roosh was Counter-Currents, and I’ll quote some portions of Greg Johnson’s article there:

Counter-Currents / Greg Johnson, ‘Roosh Really is a Rape Advocate (& a Rapist, if He’s Telling the Truth)’, 11 Feb 2016:


Roosh faces a dilemma here, and the reporterette knows it. If he is telling the truth, he raped the girl. (It is rape in Iceland too.) And if “macho sex writing” just means Penthouse Letters-style fiction, then it casts doubt on the veracity of all of his sex travelogues, which function as testimonials to his pickup artistry. In short, Roosh is either a rapist or a fraud.

But even if Roosh is a fraud, he is no mere fraud. He is a fraud with a large audience that regards him as a role model. Even if he never raped anyone, one day one of his followers will. Does anyone seriously doubt that somewhere in the world, a woman has been (or will be) raped because of what some pussy nerd read in a book by Roosh V? I’d bet money on it. And not even Roosh’s most ardent supporters would take that bet. So it is not just feminist hysteria to describe Roosh as a rape advocate.

Roosh also argues that since no woman has accused him of rape, he has never raped anyone. But how do we even know that no charges have been filed against him? How would Roosh even know? Roosh was just a sex-tourist; he was just passing through; he could have used a false name or no name at all. There are probably quite a lot of Middle Eastern-looking John Does in open rape cases all over Europe, and it is only getting worse.


I cheered Roosh when he asked reporters why they are going after him while covering up mass rapes by Muslims in Europe. All Roosh would have to do is convert to Islam and show up in a track suit, and feminists would shut their mouths and spread their legs.

But the hypocrisy charge cuts both ways: how can White Nationalists decry the mass rape and sexual exploitation of white women by Middle-Eastern men but stand in solidarity with Roosh V?

How can White Nationalists extol Eastern Europe as the most racially and culturally healthy part of the white world and condone the kind of man who treats it as a cheap brothel?

How can we stand in solidarity with Polish nationalists against Middle Eastern rapefugees and defend the author of Bang Poland?


Greg Johnson should be applauded for this article, he just wins and keeps on winning.

What Greg Johnson has done there is that he has found the fault-line, the glaring fault-line which has been there all along and he’s translated it into the clearest words imaginable.

There is an inherent contradiction between:

  • [1]ethno-nationalists advocating for the defence of discrete geographical breeding groups and their dominance over a civic space on the one hand, and
  • [2]on the other hand, neo-masculinists calling for a kind of world-wide brotherhood of greasy men who yearn for mass mestizaje and the exploitation of women.

These two things are indeed irreconcilable. Universal solidarity among men without preconditions or limits is impossible for ethno-nationalists who care about the ties of blood and ethnicity for the same exact reason that universal solidarity among women without preconditions or limits is also impossible in an ethno-nationalist context.

There was one line that Greg Johnson included that I thought was pretty funny though:

Counter-Currents / Greg Johnson, ‘Roosh Really is a Rape Advocate (& a Rapist, if He’s Telling the Truth)’, 11 Feb 2016:

[...] The manosphere is part of the larger reactosphere. It performs an important red-pilling function on human biodiversity. And it shares a border with White Nationalism that is as long and porous and the US border with Mexico. [...]

I think he’s being a bit too charitable to Roosh in that instance. At risk of sounding like Donald J. Trump, I have to partially agree in that yes, Return of Kings dot com is like Juarez, Mexico. And yes, the border is porous.

That’s precisely why they have to go. And it’s also precisely why there needs to be a wall. And not just between them and white nationalism, but between them and any kind of ethno-nationalism.

I’m sure that Greg Johnson would agree with me on that, especially in light of how Roosh has chosen to respond to his article.

The Reality is Confirmed

Eventually Roosh was sure to make a response, and that response has come. I’ll cut his respose up into parts and give some commentary of my own along with it. Now, we at Majorityrights are not part of the Alt-Right, but we are ethno-nationalists.

When Roosh refers to ‘Alt-Right’ he seems to actually mean ethno-nationalists as a whole, and not just the Alt-Right, so I will treat his comments as though he is discussing all of ethno-nationalism, and not just that one segment of it:

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, ‘The Alt Right Is Worse Than Feminism In Attempting To Control Male Sexual Behavior’, 22 Feb 2016:

For a flash of 2015, they offered new ideas that could serve as a counterweight to liberalism and social justice, [...]

Actually, the beast reawakened in the early 1960s. It’s not going away.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

[...] but unfortunately a large section of it has degenerated into a collection of fearful beta males [...]

Yes, this is the all-consuming question, the question which is also being asked by Roosh’s friend Matt Forney. Matt Forney alleges that the Alternative Right got cucked, and that somehow women are to blame. But who are the beta-cucks in this situation, really? Who are the sad, whimpering little boys who are prepping the bull’s dick and giving the bull money and encouraging the bull to fuck its way across their countries? And who is the bull?

Let’s check with Roosh himself to find out:

Roosh and his non-white supporters are actually the bulls who are being prepped. All of Roosh’s white supporters are in fact the very definition of beta-cucks.

Roosh’s white supporters aren’t able to succeed at basic sex-friend relationships with the women that they meet on a Friday night, and so they are compelled to buy Roosh’s books so that he can teach them how to finally get a woman to actually have sex with them or, alternately, how to become a rapist.

Meanwhile, Roosh takes their money and uses it to go around advocating mass mestizaje and pick-up artistry, so that sex tourists can take advantage of the women in various European countries. Roosh then gloats about this state of affairs on twitter in the middle of the Rapefugee crisis and Roosh’s cucked followers then angrily demand that everyone should stand with Roosh.

It’s pretty simple, once you take into account what the definition of the term ‘beta-cuck’ is.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

What went wrong?

Plenty of things went wrong, but opposing Roosh Valizadeh was not one of them.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

The alt right has begun doing what they wanted to do all along: control the sexual choices of men.

Le gasp. Imagine, a world where societies impose some kind of guidelines or limits on sexual behaviour, limits which actually apply to men as well as to women. What kind of society would want to limit the number of instances of mestizaje where possible, can anyone think of what the word for that society might be? Oh, ethno-nationalist, that’s right.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

If you’re a white male, you’re forbidden to sleep with a non-white girl, because that is “race mixing” and goes against their race platform, even though the white race was certainly produced as a result of pre-historic race mixing.

Amazing. It’s almost like Roosh got lost on his way to an anti-racism convention.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

The alt right has gone from a possible political alternative to a frustrated mob that wants to control the sexual choices of all men. With whom have we encountered that before?


We’ve also encountered it with ethno-nationalism. Because, you know, in order for an ethnic group to survive, it has to exalt its own existence and not go around openly promoting mass mestizaje as a meritorious ‘accomplishment’.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

Johnson was applauded by the alt right for taking such a brave stand against an ex-player, while his adventures in AIDS-causing anal sex are hushed up and ignored in what is supposed to be a traditional movement. It turns out that homosexuals have some sort of perverse immunity in the alt right.

A person doesn’t have to be a traditionalist in order to be an ethno-nationalist, but a person does have to advocate ethno-nationalism in order to be an ethno-nationalist. That’s the key difference between Roosh Valizadeh and Greg Johnson.

Greg Johnson is an ethno-nationalist. Roosh Valizadeh is not.

This controversy was never about ‘traditional values’. Nor should it have been.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

They’ll go on and on about the Jewish question—and attack you if you don’t—but ignore discussion of the “homosexual question” and its role in wrecking societies. Now you know why.

Roosh asks ‘why?’ Could it be because on one hand Jewish interests are diametrically opposed to the maintenance of all ethnic groups other than their own, whereas homosexuality on the other hand is a side issue of no negative consequence which Roosh is trying to distract people with?

The demagoguery of the centre-right ‘neo-masculinists’ cannot conceal their traitorous countenance. Centre-right liberals have been playing a honky-tonk piano with two well-worn keys labelled ‘homosexuals!’ and ‘abortions!’, for the past three decades in a frantic effort to distract everyone from the central issue of racial advocacy, and when Roosh does this it only further satisfies the heuristics of treachery.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

I didn’t write a dozen books and hundreds of articles preaching on the sanctity of masculinity to help a movement that attempts to redefine consensual sex along the dystopian standard of the left while crushing the choices that men want to make, especially since race is not even close to being a defining factor for men looking for a suitable partner.

Retarded and wrong. A twitter poll is not even scientific, and Roosh’s poll is based on a small cross-section of his own centre-right mass-mestizaje-promoting followers, who in the absence of a racial preference would of course ‘make up for it’ by becoming interested in more carefully scrutinising the personality of their partner.

Roosh’s followers are not typical of human behaviour as a whole, and they are in fact in the minority.

See here:

J. Philippe Rushton, ‘Ethnic nationalism, evolutionary psychology and Genetic Similarity Theory’, Nations and Nationalism 11 (4), 2005, 489–507: (emphasis added)

Genetic Similarity Theory

In 1984, the current author, along with Robin Russell and Pamela Wells, began to apply the Hamiltonian perspective to human dyads, small groups and even larger national and international entities (Rushton et al. 1984; Rushton 1986, 1989a, 2004; Rushton and Bons 2005). We dubbed our approach ‘Genetic Similarity Theory’ and reasoned that if genes produced effects that allowed bearers to recognise and favour each other, then altruistic behaviour could evolve well beyond ‘kin selection’. By matching across the entire genome, people can maximise their inclusive fitness by marrying others similar to themselves, and like, make friends with and help the most similar of their neighbours, as well as engage in ethnic nepotism. As the English language makes clear, ‘likeness goes with liking’.

Social-assortment studies

Of all the decisions people make that affect their environment, choosing friends and spouses are among the most important. Genetic Similarity Theory was first applied to assortative mating, which kin-selection theory sensu stricto does not readily explain since individuals seldom mate with ‘kin’. Yet, the evidence for assortative mating is pervasive in other animals as well as in
humans. For humans, both spouses and best friends are most similar on socio-demographic variables such as age, ethnicity and educational level (r = 0.60), next most on opinions and attitudes (r = 0.50), then on cognitive ability (r = 0.40), and least, but still significantly, on personality (r = 0.20) and physical traits (r = 0.20).

Even marrying across ethnic lines ‘proves the rule’. In Hawaii, men and women who married cross-ethnically were more similar in personality than those marrying within their group, suggesting that couples ‘make up’ for ethnic dissimilarity by choosing spouses more similar to themselves in other respects (Ahern et al. 1981).


Several twin and adoption studies show that the preference for genetic similarity is heritable, that is, people are genetically inclined to prefer similar partners. In one of these studies, Rowe and Osgood (1984) analysed data on delinquency from several hundred adolescent monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs, who share one hundred per cent of their genes, and dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, who share fifty per cent of their genes. They found that adolescents genetically inclined to delinquency were also genetically inclined to seek out similar others as friends. Dovetailing with these results, Daniels and Plomin (1985) examined friendships in several hundred pairs of siblings from both adoptive and non-adoptive homes, and found that whereas biological siblings (who share genes as well as environments) had friends who resembled each other, adoptive siblings (who share only their environment) had friends who were not at all similar to each other. These results show that shared genes lead to similar friends.


Women prefer the bodily scents of men with genes similar to their own more than they do those of men with nearly identical genes or genes totally dissimilar to their own (Jacob et al. 2002). Each woman’s choice was based upon the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene sequence – the basis for personal odours and olfactory preferences – inherited from her father but not her mother. Another study found that both men and women rated versions of their own face as the most attractive after they had been computer-morphed into faces of the opposite-sex, even though they did not recognise the photos as images of themselves (Penton-Voak et al. 1999). Similarly, people whose faces were morphed with strange faces trusted others most when they looked like themselves (DeBruine 2002). Familiarity was ruled out by using morphs of celebrities; only self-resemblance mattered.


Even very young children typically show a clear preference for others of their own ethnic heritage (Aboud 1988). In fact, the process of making racial groupings has been shown to result from a natural tendency to classify people into ‘kinds’. Children quickly begin to sort people into ‘basic kinds’ by sex, age, size and occupation. Experiments show that at an early age children clearly expect race to run in families (Hirschfield 1996). Very early in life, a child knows which race it belongs to, and which ones it doesn’t.


People can be predicted to adopt ideologies that work in their genetic self-interest. Examples of ideologies that have been shown, on analysis, to increase genetic fitness are religious beliefs that regulate dietary habits, sexual practices, marital customs, infant care and child rearing (Lumsden and Wilson 1981). Amerindian tribes that cooked maize with alkali had higher population densities and more complex social organisations than tribes that did not, partly because alkali releases the most nutritious parts of the cereal, enabling more people to grow to reproductive maturity. The Amerindians did not know the biochemical reasons for the benefits of alkali cooking but their cultural beliefs had evolved for good reason, enabling them to replicate their genes more effectively than would otherwise have been the case.


The hypothesis presented here is that because fellow ethnics carry copies of the same genes, ethnic consciousness is rooted in the biology of altruism and mutual reciprocity. Thus ethnic nationalism, xenophobia and genocide can become the ‘dark side’ of altruism. Moreover, shared genes can govern the degree to which an ideology is adopted (e.g. Rushton 1986 and 1989a). Some genes will replicate better in some cultures than in others. Religious, political and class conflicts become heated because they affect genetic fitness. Karl Marx did not take his analysis far enough: ideology may be the servant of economic interest, but genes influence both.

As as side-bar, I should mention that Rushton makes only one mistake there. Rushton says that Marxian analysis ‘does not go far enough’ because it overlooks the influence of genes. However, on the contrary, Marxian analysis does not overlook it. Friedrich Engels explained in 1894 how the geographic features of the earth shaped different ethnic groups, and how that shaping has a dialectical relationship with the development of the economic base.

Aside from that one minor mistake, everything else that Rushton has said is correct.

But hey, maybe for some people it’s difficult to decide whether they should believe science and their own naked eyes, or whether they should instead believe the words of Roosh Valizadeh and his followers hammering the ‘personality’ button on a twitter poll.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

More severely, they’ve allowed scores of attention-whoring women to enter their movement and have a voice in its future.

That statement is more than ironic, given that Roosh is literally the definition of an attention-whoring man.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

The alt right is becoming so authoritarian [...]

I’ve just got to laugh. Do you hear that, everyone? Roosh thinks it’s really awful how authoritarian all this is getting! It’s not like ethno-nationalism is a political tendency that has always attracted authoritarian personalities or anything! It doesn’t yet work the same way in the West as it does in the East, but it’s a work in progress.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

The story of what happened to the alt right is the story of every single internet movement in existence: subversion. The initial thought-leaders of the movement got overtaken by outsiders or those whose intentions were at odds with the founding ideals.

Again, irony.

Roosh Valizadeh literally is the embodiment of a subversive tendency. He is the spearhead of a tendency which sought to redirect everyone’s attention away from advocating ethnic genetic interests and constructing the kind of counter-institutions that could develop strategies for maximising those interests, and instead toward trying to transform the conversation into one about love relationships, pick-up artistry, game, and the feely-feelings of jilted men.

Yet now he accuses everyone else of being subversive.

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, 22 Feb 2016:

I still believe that a form of nationalism is needed to defeat the liberal establishment that is run by sociopathic globalists, but it must be one that doesn’t mimic feminism in controlling male behavior.

In other words, Roosh’s final plea is for everyone to become like the ANC-controlled rape-paradise of South Africa, a place where male behaviour is never controlled, and which is made of both failure and AIDS.

No thanks. Not ever.

Roosh’s crypto-Muslim agenda

Lest anyone forget, Roosh also said this:

Return of Kings / Roosh Valizadeh, ‘Women Must Have Their Behavior And Decisions Controlled By Men’, 04 Nov 2015:

[...] Women would not be able to attend university unless the societal need is urgent where an able-minded man could not be found to fill the specific position. Women would not be able to visit establishments that serve alcohol without a man present to supervise her consumption. Parental control software on electronic devices would be modified for women to control and monitor the information they consume. Credit card and banking accounts must have a male co-signer who can monitor her spending. Curfews for female drivers must be enacted so that women are home by a reasonable hour. Abortion for women of all ages must be signed off by her guardian, in addition to prescriptions for birth control. [...]

Anyone who reads these things and doesn’t realise that these are Islamic values being promoted by Roosh, is frankly delusional. His rhetorical strategy seems to be that when he is asked about what should be done to prevent the exploitation which he is promoting, he responds by promoting Islamic values as a ‘solution’ to a problem that he is helping to exacerbate.

It is alien and pathetic.

To our female readers: A better way

There has been a lot of talk about the ‘proper role’ of women in the struggle. My view, a view which I personally live by, is that any struggle that you do not participate in, is a struggle in which you will be left on the sidelines after it’s done. In order for a movement to really be capable of unifying a population, everyone has to able to participate, and women form 50% of the population.

Young women who are interested in serving ethno-nationalist causes absolutely should not ever spend their time obsessing over petty men and relationships, and should not consider ‘housewife’ to be a fitting role. That’s a waste of valuable time and energy.

We as women should be doing everything to insert ourselves into core industries and services, such as:

  • Police: There are a lot of dindus out there, and you’ve got to have the capability to work with a team in order to catch them all and put them into the prison system. Also, buy shares in the companies that run the prison system, so that you can win while you win. Recently the police are getting a lot of military surplus toys to play with, so you can enjoy that too.

  • Military: In some countries it’s possible to choose an infantry combat role, but don’t get suckered into that dead end path, the physical requirements are too high. Do not choose an infantry combat role, there are plenty of other great roles which cater far better to the inherent strengths of the female brain, which will still allow you to get used to the complex processes involved in killing people either directly or indirectly.

  • Defence manufacturing: Once you have been able to establish yourself, it will be difficult to get off the conveyor belt of increased responsibilities. And you won’t want to get off it, because it’s too fulfilling.

  • Oil and Gas sector: Who will liberate the oil and gas from the hands of Arabs who don’t know how to productively use it? Without the oil and gas sector we’d all be lost. Many of these companies are undergoing reorganisation recently because of the plunging oil prices, but once the situation stabilises there will surely be lots of roles available and I hear they like single women with no immediate family commitments. Oh, wait, actually, everyone likes single women with no immediate family commitments.

  • Private Military Contractors: Don’t count them out! If things get really bad one day, PMCs might be granted the ability to directly target and loot specific areas of the Middle East. Some people have been talking about the possibility of this becoming the next big phenomenon in warfare, the return of privateering. It could get really interesting.

This list is written in a lighthearted way and it is by no means a complete list, but I’m also 100% serious. It’s intended as a sketch of the mindset that you ought to be in. Aiming for any of those kinds of life roles requires a determination to succeed despite adversity. It also requires that women take advantage of the openness of the school system, a system which has never been more open than it is now, to take STEM subjects and stop doing degrees in “women’s studies” and so on.

You only live once, and your mother did not give birth to you just so that you could become someone’s boring Stepford Wife. I’m not a Stepford Wife, and I never will be.

All women should strive to be the best they can be. I hope that you women out there who don’t yet see the necessity of this struggle will come to see that it is necessary, and I hope that some day you’ll join us in this struggle. We have to do what we can, where we can, to help our nations to safeguard their genetic and cultural heritage, and to ensure that the children of the future live in a world that is better than the one we inhabit today.



Posted by Ryan on Thu, 25 Feb 2016 22:50 | #

Pro-Polish Rally:

Are these people going to be supportive to Roosh? European interests are marginalised but it does not mean an ally is someone who is on record as being degenerate.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 01:48 | #

Especially if that ‘someone’ is explicitly opposed to ethno-nationalism. Roosh could never be an ally because he is overtly opposed to ethno-nationalist ideology and has said so repeatedly.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 03:19 | #

Perhaps I should have noticed this long ago, but the truth is that until recently I have not paid much attention to Roosh. One commentor in a prior thread mentioned that he has presumed to situate himself in Poznan, Poland. Though I’d never seen him around, I had no reason to doubt it. Nevertheless, when looking into the matter, not only did I find that he is in Poznan, but I was surprised to find just how comfortable Roosh intends to make himself in Poznan.

He has a new “neo-masculinity” venue and it is called “The Poznan Institute”:

Middle Easterners apparently share with blacks a brazen presumptuousness to make themselves at home among other peoples and in other people’s homelands:

Of “The Poznan Institute”, he says:

Poznan Institute will serve as a reference archive for the neomasculinity platform, providing a central resource that explains the ideology in depth. Since neomasculine articles and videos are appearing in different locations across the internet, creating Poznan Institute ensures that none of those materials get lost with time.

First, a little background about some of the stuff he intends to bring to Poznan and encourage among visitors here.

These are some scenes that Roosh looks upon approvingly from bars in Virginia, USA.

Here is the kind of European gene pool that he hopes to seize upon. This one in Iceland.

Moving on to The BBC story -

In December, The BBC aired a feature about Roosh: 
- “Men at War.” It starts by covering a Roosh seminar in England.

Mouth-big-enough lectures “a room full of men who are excited about what they are about to hear.. [so is The BBC].”

BBC reporter taking interest from the genetic interest of BBC

One of the attendees describes the meeting as having “a broad spectrum in terms of race and background.”
......“look here” he says, “people are mixing together, and very few of them have met one another before.”

Next, in order to keep up with Roosh, the BBC have to track him down for an interview in Poznan, Poland:

The BBC flies there to find out what Roosh is up to…

On the basis of the BBC interview, here is what is discernible about Roosh’s living circumstances in Poznan.

“Roosh moved to Poznan, a year ago”...

“..a small university town full of female students.”

He had scurried back from Canada “I’ve been back for only about 5 days. I’m still recovering from the drama,” Roosh will go on to say - which would probably put this in August, 2015..

BBC is in Hotel Puro, located at corner ul. Stawna, Zydowska, Wroniecka

ul. Zydowska is outside of the BBC’s hotel window

Before the BBC meets with Roosh,“it’s time for a refresher course.”

“It took at least 30 repetitions of no, Roosh, no,
until she allowed my penis to enter her vagina….
no meas no until it means yes.”

A clip of Roosh’s is spliced in, as he narrates,
“I go to the supermarket to be a pervert,
to film that girl’s ass and another girl’s ass”..

Here the BBC is making his way from the hotel down ul. Wroniecka

He moves through to the other side of the Old Market, directly across, at the end of ul. Wroclawska,
just a few minutes away..

Here the BBC is on ul Strzelecka, just a few blocks beyond,
making his way to meet Roosh in his apartment nearby.

The very last moment of the BBC clip shows this scene,
which they apparently propose as the location of his apartment - ul. Kopernika


What the BBC proposes to be a location shot of his apartment

Google Maps confirmation of that place

Here is the Google image confirmation of the proposed location

What they propose to be his apartment street entrance should be that brown entrance way with the semi circle top at the end of the street

The BBC apparently walks in this doorway - ul. Kopernika 4.

Roosh’s apartment number is number 18.

They show us inside his apartment.

From what you can see out of the window indicates that the location shot could indeed have been accurate.


Roosh has paced this video of “Poznan at night” on Youtube.

He shows a drunken and fallen down Polish woman as if that is an every day, every night occurrence.

He adds the Jewish/Ukrainian Gypsy Odessa (Jewish) Waltz, an utterly non-native music for Poland as if it is appropriate ...perhaps so that can try to create an atmosphere of backwardness.

In the footage he presents, he focuses on, and vastly over represents, the presence of Arabs wherever he can find hem and makes sure to depict them as if they seem comfortable.

Roosh comments..

“Prettiest girl in the video: 1:52”


On his forum, Roosh talks about “Cuba Libre”....

It is one of the few places around that is predictably unbearable for the invariable presence of some muds and mudsharks.

A crowning gem of Roosh’s kingly creation


Posted by Ryan on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 21:01 | #

Omg Dan you are doxxing like a SWJ! There will be a Falange-SWJ alliance against him next.

I and I think others would be very interested in the domestic situation in Poland and hearing about it more.

Is Poznan basically a western liberal outpost in Poland or is this widespread in metropolitian areas?

Are young people’s view of Western culture declining or is there an unfortunate current of wanting to copy Western culture?


Posted by comment on Sat, 27 Feb 2016 01:55 | #

“whereas homosexuality on the other hand is a side issue of no negative consequence” This comment in counter-currents counters that: “As an integralist I don’t see homosexualism as biologically sub-optimal [Johnson’s term] but instead as a biological and spiritual element within the Dissipationist movement. It would appear that you are speaking of mere homosexuality which is like autoandrophilia, biastophilia, coprophilia and paedophilia which have always been noxious aberrations within the occidental world but rarely have they been serious forces of Dissipationism. The homosexual movement is something rather different as it represents the logical development of Dissipationism and its elevation to a protected, fashionable, legally recognized and privileged social force with the goal of destroying any possible occidental restoration by redefining family away from the cornerstone of any civilization worthy of the name into vile inversions of those things.  The various manifestations of Dissipationism (such as egalitarianism, liberalism, anti-racism, class warfare, feminism and recreational heterosexualism) have incrementally instilled the current anti-culture and have given rise to the homosexual movement. The casual dismissal of the reordering of family to suit Dissipationism is a rejection of permanence and wholly at odds with occidental restoration and integralism.  Homosexualism is atomistic individual liberalism taken to its nihilistic, yet logical conclusion in service of our own destruction. The homosexual movement is a particularly serious biologic threat as a result of its trendiness among our youth and its institutional strength.  It is said that family life is dead and that as a result the latest form of societal destruction—that is to say, homosexualism—should be ignored and the more common forms of sexual decrepitude should command our attention. This is a convenient, lazy prescription for selective inaction coupled with a wish that the broader forces of Dissipationism can be reversed, and reflects an unwillingness to understand and act in a way that represents surrender to the metapolitical realm of our enemies.  Yet even within the degenerate post-occidental world, relatively healthy families are still common and any potentially regenerative elements will overwhelmingly arise from them as they represent the only element of organicism left. The prescription that the homosexual movement’s campaign against marriage should be greeted with disappointment and blasé support is simply capitulation disguised as pragmatism.  recognizing the homosexual movement within its broader context—as has often been seen within this discourse, while laying the blame for societal disintegration on heterosexuals—is fully analogous to blaming occidentals for our dispossession.”


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 27 Feb 2016 16:02 | #

Posted by Ryan on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 16:01 | #

Omg Dan you are doxxing like a SWJ! There will be a Falange-SWJ alliance against him next.

I and I think others would be very interested in the domestic situation in Poland and hearing about it more.

Is Poznan basically a western liberal outpost in Poland or is this widespread in metropolitian areas?

Are young people’s view of Western culture declining or is there an unfortunate current of wanting to copy Western culture?

Ryan, I trust that you favor a retaking of the term “social justice warrior” for our purposes, for our “White social justice war” as I might suggest; and as opposed to falling into the Jewish set trap of arguing against “social justice” and arguing as a right winger instead. A right winger would not argue on the basis of relative group genetic interests and its social justice but on “objective” and abstract facts, unjust socially and a-racial though how those facts being taken to count might be.

So, yes, I am social justice warring on behalf of White people.

I and I think others would be very interested in the domestic situation in Poland and hearing about it more.

Well, I’ve already described it some. I can tell you firstly that I would not trust Roosh V’s descriptions and his motives for those descriptions. I discuss his misrepresentations some in the “Poznan Institute thread” above.

I certainly do not talk about Poland for the sake of people who feel an affinity for his agenda.

Is Poznan basically a western liberal outpost in Poland or is this widespread in metropolitian areas?

I don’t fully understand your question. It seems that you are taking Roosh’s word for what it’s like here. It’s not liberal in a very fundamental way - i.e., to this time, minorities here have been very few. As I’ve said, particularly during the winter, you might not see a black for a week. You can go for a pretty long time without seeing an interracial couple. Believe me, I notice them when they’re here.

So, no, it is not like Roosh’s depictions. He vastly over represents the quantity of Arabs standing around. The degeneracy - e.g., the woman falling-down drunk on the street is not commonplace at all. The Jewish Gypsy music is a total insult and misrepresentation. And the one Cuba Libra club is an anomaly among many, many bars here. There is prostitution - and that might even be how the great “pick up artist” met the women of whom he spoke - but if people like Roosh want whores, they should go to the Middle East to find them.

Nevertheless, petty moralism and right wing abstract principles thereof will not keep Poznan in the White way it (almost miraculously) is nor will petty right wing moralism save the rest of European peoples. White social justice warriors fighting for White social justice will.


Posted by Ryan on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 04:33 | #

The first line of what I said was satirical. I know that both Feminists/SJW’s and Polish Nationalists are after him. I was not bringing the whole ‘White Left’, ‘White Right’ stuff into it.

In regards to the 2nd question I was asking a question as I am genuienly interested in the situation in Poland. I was not taking Roosh’s word on it because if I did I would of not asked yourself.

In regards to the 1st question I wrote it before you made the article and it was a general suggestion. The situation in countries outside the anglosphere are in comparison barely written about in English but I know the majority of Pro-White English readers are genueinly interested.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 05:54 | #

Posted by Ryan on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 04:33 | #

The first line of what I said was satirical. I know that both Feminists/SJW’s and Polish Nationalists are after him.

“It was satirical” - So, you were “satirizing” me for defending the social justice of my/our European people. Am I to thank you for that?

I was not bringing the whole ‘White Left’, ‘White Right’ stuff into it.

Though it should be clear already, if it has not been, then let it be known that I consider that “stuff” to be significant.

In regards to the 2nd question I was asking a question as I am genuienly interested in the situation in Poland.

I have been asked about it and have answered in depth about my experience - in a comment or two just recently, though I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom of doing that, given the lack of empathy and care in my interlocutors. For example, in this case, a person who is mocking two things that I consider to be very important wants to know what is going on here?

I was not taking Roosh’s word on it because if I did I would of not asked yourself.

Is Poznan basically a western liberal outpost in Poland or is this widespread in metropolitian areas?

The way you framed these questions presumes that Poznan is liberal.

It is not liberal in the most important sense, that it is predominantly White. But mocking a concept of social justice for European people sets forth a rule structure and frame of mind that hinders it and facilitates liberalism, if not petty moralism of the “enriching” kind.

In regards to the 1st question I wrote it before you made the article and it was a general suggestion.

Again, I’ve answered it some but have to make sure that my audience is sympathetic. I provided a sympathetic and in depth answer to Captainchaos just recently, and he turned around and asked Kumiko “how she was able to get any cock in England?”

He may have been drunk, but even so, I have to wonder about myself, even, when I treat people, like CC, who literally refers to Hitler as “the Fuhrer” as if he is sympathetic/empathetic.

Nevertheless, Poznan is not really a small city and I am not going to protect it from what is in many ways a liberal rule structure adopted from the west all by myself or by being secretive. As I have said before, indicated my disappointment as such, yes, in many ways Poland has imitated the West and American culture since emerging from communism, but there are important differences beneath what can be deceptive similarities when looking upon it narcissistically from a Western perspective and experience. Among the things that are cause for optimism however, are Poland’s history, which does not make the idea of taking its ethno-national identity away as self righteously easy as other nations. With that, a recent poll apparently indicated that 95% of Polish people are against having immigration here.

And the fact is, that Poland and Poznan too, is still overwhelmingly White. I said that, and even made clear in the comment that you initially responded to, that Roosh exaggerated the decadence and the non-Whiteness of Poznan. Not indicating that you had seen anything I’d said on the matter, even there, and your asking nevertheless, is why it seemed to me that you were only paying attention to what he had to say.

The situation in countries outside the anglosphere are in comparison barely written about in English but I know the majority of Pro-White English readers are genueinly interested.

I think we need to get our concepts straight first and render them anew non-Jewified, so that a concept like social justice and even social justice warrior might actually have us attending our focus on the right variables instead of mocking those variables because Jews have made them didactic.

Part of my irritation is due to the fact that you are asking me to repeat concrete things I’ve answered only recently in some depth but you are merely re framing the question to suit a liberal take on these concrete matters, and at the same time, you are being sarcastic and dismissive of abstract concepts that I have considered important for a long time, analytical frames that are crucial as they bear upon sociological analysis of our problems and solutions.

I am prepared to believe that you are more caring and empathetic than that and worth a caring and empathetic response in turn, but should I be?


Posted by Ryan on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 14:18 | #

I have been asked about it and have answered in depth about my experience - in a comment or two just recently, though I am beginning to wonder about the wisdom of doing that, given the lack of empathy and care in my interlocutors. For example, in this case, a person who is mocking two things that I consider to be very important wants to know what is going on here?

Seriously you think I am satirizing you when I was pointing out the irony of the situation that the anti-White, anti-racist SJW have the same goal in regards to Roosh that Polish Nationalists have. Am I condemming Polish Nationalists? Nope. Am I defending Roosh? No.

Nevertheless, Poznan is not really a small city and I am not going to protect it from what is in many ways a liberal rule structure adopted from the west all by myself or by being secretive. As I have said before, indicated my disappointment as such, yes, in many ways Poland has imitated the West and American culture since emerging from communism, but there are important differences beneath what can be deceptive similarities when looking upon it narcissistically from a Western perspective and experience. Among the things that are cause for optimism however, are Poland’s history, which does not make the idea of taking its ethno-national identity away as self righteously easy as other nations. With that, a recent poll apparently indicated that 95% of Polish people are against having immigration here.

Thanks, that was all I was interested in.

Part of my irritation is due to the fact that you are asking me to repeat concrete things I’ve answered only recently in some depth but you are merely re framing the question to suit a liberal take on these concrete matters, and at the same time, you are being sarcastic and dismissive of abstract concepts that I have considered important for a long time, analytical frames that are crucial as they bear upon sociological analysis of our problems and solutions.

I am prepared to believe that you are more caring and empathetic than that and worth a caring and empathetic response in turn, but should I be?

I am not being sarcastic and you know I am not.



Posted by DanielS on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:13 | #

Yes, I can seriously see how I could understand you as antagonistic, especially with your “clarification” after I gave you the benefit of the doubt in my first response.

Ok, well, perhaps I did misunderstood your motives, but based on the way you put your questions and responses, I will give myself a pass on testing you a bit.

Nevertheless, I am well disposed and always ready for people leave nonsense behind and to come to our side.

I should clarify one position that I hadn’t made explicit after your prior comments, which is that I am not only representing Polish nationalists. I am a White/Native European Nationalist. That includes Polish nationalism by definition, of course, but it is by no means an exclusive concern. In point of further clarification, I have not been following what Polish nationalists have been doing in regard to Roosh.

If you want more orientation on the Polish situation, here is a response I gave to a similar question from Captainchaos. It is almost more like an article on the matter than a comment:…_with_negrophilia_a_lisp#c148914


Posted by Foster the People on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 22:01 | #

Foster the people


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 23:12 | #

Comment # 5

I must come out of the closet to confess a few things.

Firstly being that I have not read your comment, though there seems to be some text there.

Secondly, as would follow, I am not especially interested.

Let’s lose the numbers now and get serious.

I am not comfortable around male homosexuals in particular and I presume that neither are you.

But rather than try to go in depth as I’ve done before, let’s cut to the quick and ask rather, why you care?

It is a small percentage of the population, yes?

Can they make you go to their bars and do they try?

They cannot make me go to their bars but I will tell you this, given the choice between a few queer bars in my city or a nigger bar there is NO QUESTION as to which is preferable - there is no question as to which is going to be less contributory, more violent and destructive.

If you are a straight man, why would you see this as a big problem? More women for us, yes? Isn’t that good?

The genetics have rigged it such that there are going to be some queers in any given population. It obviously has survival value to populations and homeostasis in gender relations. They definitely have some things to say in correction of hetero-over compensations.

The Smiths are amazing.

Perhaps Pink Floyd is able to get away with such wallowing for their creativity, but few others like the Smiths to my awareness.

How would Joan of Arc have felt?

If you can’t empathize, then cope with it - try paying less attention to the issue. They don’t try to make me go to their bars and could not, even if they tried (which they don’t). How about you?

Furthermore, since THEY ARE GOING TO BE a part of any and every population, emerging as a part of its natural constitution, why not accept it as a fact and have them be deployed in our overall genetic defense?

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