The old life is dead ... L’ancienne vie est mort

The cover of Xenia’s new volume of poetry in English and in French
... which poetry lovers, students of modernity and prometheans alike can purchase here.
“Xenia has the uncanny ability to commit to paper the triumphs and tragedies of the natural world with its wonderfully emotive imagery of love, nostalgia and rebirth”
Troy Southgate (author, Tradition & Revolution)
“Xenia Sunic, whose first name in Classical Greek means “foreign lady,” is a foreign spirit indeed to this most shallow age of Western decline. Her poetry is deep, it is mystical, it is achingly aesthetic —and like all great art requires the reader to co-work, to participate, to ascend to an image-realm, to vault to a rarified, stark, new-old, sun-shadow world.”
John de Nugent
“In the nature poetry of Xenia Sunic there is an element of rapture and an aura of mystery in the poet’s exquisite responsiveness to and almost mystical expression of the change of seasons and a profound delight in the sheer loveliness of nature in its more solemn as well as in its more ecstatic moments.”
Joseph Pryce
“For me, Xenia’s poetic muse reminds constantly of just what the expansive heart’s creative beauty is capable of and what one day may be possible for all of us.”
Mervyn Soskolne
“Xenia Sunic is a marvelously sensitive wordsmith and the fact that she is a multilingual poetess renders her poetic accomplishments even more impressive. One can only hope that more of her poems will follow the publication of this work.”
Dr Paul E. Gottfried
Posted by .357 on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 14:37 | #
She’s a beautiful woman; she writes beautiful poetry.