This Honourable and Noble Cause, Part 1 (State Interference in Lawful Political Parties) by David Hamilton A totalitarian method used by the British state is infiltrating state agents into legitimate and rival political parties to discredit and destabilise them and keep the Global elites in power. The Express newspaper of 18th February 1999 revealed that the Security Services were going to infiltrate:
Since Griffin became leader in 1999 the BNP has been contained when it was riding a wave and now is being destabilised. The tide turned for the BNP in 2001, due to media promotion and hard work of organisers in Oldham and Burnley. Two areas Griffin has destroyed. Griffin and others contained that growth by quickly undermining branches in areas that growth had taken place in by sacking organisers where it did. East London was the first, followed by Oldham and Burnley later Bradford and Birmingham. The BNP’s peak was contained and undermined by state ops working within. Around that time previous BNP leader John Tyndall was suspicious of Griffin:
THE Scottish National Party was spied on by British secret service agents, previously classified Government files seen by Scotland on Sunday have finally proved:
It is instructive to consider the 2002 trial of the German NPD which collapsed after it was revealed that 30 out of 200 party officials were on the secret service payroll. Some senior NPD members were being paid 100k a year by the state. The NPD also made breakthroughs in elections, thus the claim Griffin can’t be state, because the BNP had success is not true, the BNP’s growth was contained and destabilised, like the NPD. A new party The British Freedom Party was formed because of Griffin’s behaviour on November 5th 2010 and within 24 hours their treasurer and backer had resigned, and within a week another founding member had resigned alleging threatening and abusive emails sent out by a senior member and former BNP associate of Griffin. The Electoral Commission are now investigating this split. It is now two factions both calling themselves BFP! The friendship between Simon Darby and state agent Andy Carmichael is well documented. Their party, the National Democrats, were scuppered just before the 1997 election when The Sunday Times and Daily Mail exposed Carmichael as an MI5 op. This also gives an insight into how the Security Services use sexual depravity. (7) Paul Golding’s article for The British Resistance: The BNP’s Electoral Failure: Bad Leadership and Empty Fantasies revealed that Darby dissuaded NG from practising for his appearance on the BBC’s Question Time so that he went on unprepared:
There is much concern that large sums of money have been collected from BNP party members but not been accounted. It is in the public interest that this is investigated. The police and fraud squad can not have the public thinking they cover up for people who run political parties as scams to make money out of the public. Several responsible people have raised these concerns: a professional accountant, has handed in evidence, as has a retired Metropolitan police inspector. Even more damning of British police is the ignoring of evidence from Jon Crudass, MP for Dagenham and Rainham. He tried to get the BNP finances investigated but his evidence was suppressed. The Electoral Commission notify the police if they find suspicious circumstances. In a BBC report a former party treasurer stated illegal practices had taken place. The party’s accountants often refuse to sign their accounts off. So why do the appropriate police departments and even the Fraud Squad cover this up? It is in the public interest to investigate this, but as it is now coming out anyway, and this will seriously undermine the public’s confidence in the neutrality of the police. Note that what is being done to the BNP from the top is similar to what is being done to UKIP as can be seen from the infighting on the British Democracy Forum. Furthermore, Lord Tebbit alleged that UKIP was set up by two members of the Security Services. (2) This is a coordinated attack by the ‘State’ to destabilise patriotic anti-EU and anti-immigration movements and stop professional and highly intelligent people getting interested by making the movement look thuggish and sexually perverted - to destroy faith in nationalist parties before the economy collapses or ethnic violence breaks out. I wonder how many sleepers are in the Conservative Monday Club or The Traditional Britain Group? The BNPs very able female candidate in the recent Barnsley by-election had excellent chances of a high protest vote which the leaders destroyed by promoting to Yorkshire Organiser Ian Kitchen whose wife is a “granny-porn star” across the internet. This is supposed to be the party of family values. His deputy was former detective Simon Goodricke, who contested a ward in Barnsley in 2008. He was sacked from West Midlands Police and jailed for 18 months for perverting the course of justice and defrauding a pensioner of £1,000. He was found guilty at Birmingham Crown Court in 1998 after tipping off two businessmen who were attempting to swindle £100 million from Colombian drug barons. (3) I have no wish to attack people who have paid for their crimes but to show one of Griffin’s methods of discrediting the party and preventing them being successful. Promoting people with bad pasts into the public eye whereby the media will use them to discredit the party and movement as a whole. That is a harsh fact of life. Griffin and his “inner party” have continually expelled competent local organisers and successful branches and promoted people not suited to their roles so that the party has never been able to function properly. It began almost as soon as he took over when he destroyed the very successful Burnley branch. The ludicrous election broadcast of 2005 wasted an opportunity to get a meaningful message to our people which featured Dave Hannam singing the sentimental tosh Corporal Fox - a song written by Griffin about homeless people. (4) Griffin has the background for a State Op. He was a student at Downing College, Cambridge, a well-known recruiting ground for spies. He went to Libya to meet Colonel Gaddafi in the 1980s where he would have met Libyan intelligence officers; the same intelligence officers who were meeting with and funding the IRA. Are we expected to believe the security services would not have wanted to talk to him after? This was at a time when Britain had no diplomatic relations with Libya. He was also involved with far right groups in Italy suspected of terrorist connections – the International Third Party. Naïve people may think its just extremist groups the Security Services and police infiltrate but what about UKIP and the recent case about infiltration of eco movement by Mark Kennedy? The information he gathered went straight to Tony Blair. It is clear that these infiltrations of “right” political parties has come from the top. For instance, orders to the police to attack the EDL with truncheons but let Muslim Griffin constantly acts to scupper the BNP vote. A notorious example was before the 2010 General Election when he boldly stated on television news that the Director of Publicity was plotting to have him murdered. Then for the Barking ward his fellow “undertaker of the NF” Patrick Harrington had masses of anti-Semitic booklets attacking Margaret Hodge printed and activists were forced by Griffin to distribute them. They did this because they knew it would put voters off. (There is something delightfully ironic about a morally censorious state that persecutes people for “racism”, “hate speech”, and “Holocaust denial”, yet has its state operatives promoting extreme race positions and Holocaust denial!) This is destroying the BNP from within as they did the NF, and is a classic operation of state agents. The “understakers” are destroying the BNP from within as they did the NF. Their latest rouse is supporting IRA murderers. Harrington was once photographed by a Belfast memorial to the IRA! Recently, Kevin Scott of Civil Liberty, wrote defending IRA murderer Gerry McGeough. This got newspaper coverage in Sunday World and further turned people against the cause. (5) The BNP had a good chance in the Welsh Assembly elections till Griffin supported violent thugs against a BNP councillor, and drove away the councillor. Then he had his photograph taken in South Wales with a Nutzi. The BNP had a good chance in the Welsh assembly but Griffin has scuppered them. Why has dodgy accounting not been acted on when even a previous treasurer has reported it? (6) File On 4 of 12 February 2008 interviewed former party treasurer John Brayshaw who refused to sign off the party’s accounts because he claims he was not given the access to all the records he needed to see. In 2005 he wrote to the Electoral Commission, the body which oversees political party finances, saying that he resigned as BNP treasurer. He alleged a number of irregularities had come to light including missing invoices and receipts from the Trafalgar Club. In his letter, Mr Brayshaw said current party treasurer John Walker and his deputy David Hannam visited his home for a week to complete the accounts. He said he did not help them but claimed he witnessed some unusual activities, namely the shredding of a large number of documents and invoices. Mr Brayshaw said he was told to burn the shredded documents, but kept them because he felt something improper had taken place. Jon Cruddas, MP said, “What this investigation for File On 4 is identifying is much more significant that any of the charges I was laying before the Parliament, namely a systematic series of financial irregularities.” Ms Ebanks told File On 4 that the party informed her the donor’s cheque was genuine and he should be made an honorary life member. The BNP strenuously denies that it has broken any rules. It claims that the cheque in fact bounced and therefore did not need to be declared. Labour MP for Dagenham Jon Cruddas has already raised the issue of BNP finances in Parliament, and presented the Electoral Commission with a 20-page dossier just before Christmas. Nothing was done! The Electoral Commission usually pass these on to the police if they themselves can not act.
Swingers and Perverts When the “Granny porn” scandal broke Simon Darby promptly gave a press interview defending the Kitchens. He knows the members disapprove of them as it exacerbates discontents and causes more disruption. Harrington belongs to a rival party, the National Liberal Party (Third Way), which stood against the BNP as recently as 2007. Harrington could easily be another state op, perhaps turned when he had to be escorted into his university lectures by police. Civil Liberty is what Stormfront call a “Stronghold”, an organisation designed to make inroads into the public consciousness. Its leader Kevin Scott has just published an article supporting an IRA murderer which does great damage to British nationalism. Harrington also supports the IRA and a photograph of him paying respects at a memorial exists. Mrs.Harrington, aka Mish Bondage, is the BNP’s highest paid member of staff. Lancaster UAF reported an interview online:
Griffin’s promotion of these people suggests that he is degrading the nationalist movement to stop intelligent and professional people becoming involved. The BNP operates in a hostile environment and has to be run very professionally, and after 30 years involvement he certainly knows that. He must know, too, that the Security Service’s strategy is to have people in senior positions who cause disruption, destabilise successful branches, get rid of successful organisers etc. It would appear that Griffin’s handlers have now told him to wind the party up completely and this is likely to be within the next 3 to 4 months. He will probably take a rump of gullible supporters with him into a civil rights movement free from The Electoral Commission where he will have the money to himself and earn a good living as his reward as indeed are his EU salary and expenses. This would be why the police will not investigate the finances. Further, it would expose the state as undemocratic and controlling lawful parties political parties for their own interests. But it is necessary to expose the machinations of state assets if we are to save our movement. When this is all exposed to the public as what it is - state dirty tricks - the name of nationalism becomes clean and honourable again and will inspire the public to work to save their children. Then the public will see that the thuggery, the crass holocaust denial and the sexual perverts were put there by state ops showing that we have a clean and honourable party made up of decent and brave British patriots willing to make noble sacrifices for their country and their people at a time when we are being replaced in our communities by immigrants imported here by the elites. It is the duty of the writers and bloggers not only to expose this but to maintain morale and try to “find the way forward. We must support the brave and noble people who go out to talk to the general public, often put at risk in dangerous immigrant areas, because of the foul and false reputation placed on them by state assets. We are entering a new era requiring honour, nobility and heroism to create a future for our dispossessed children and our people.
(2) (3) (4) (5)
(8) Comments:2
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 07:26 | # Very disturbing reading, assuming it is all true. One of the ingenious aspects of the communist movement was its ability to sow discord, disorientation and fear - a big part of how Stalin maintained his dictatorship, as it had fairly little popular support, at least before WW2. When “whom can one trust” becomes a major concern, a movement is in trouble. That said, I return to my perennial point. Britain, and other European nations, require single-issue anti-immigration parties (not America, however; with our own state-monopoly entrenched duopoly, this wouldn’t work). They must dabble in nothing else but ending immigration, using whatever rhetoric is deemed most useful at any given moment: national security, cultural loss, overpopulation, threat of infectious disease, budgetary overstretch, etc. The party must start out with a constitution of sorts, outlining what is acceptable for officials to say publicly - overstepping of which would lead to expulsion. Then the party must set out to recruit the most ethically and culturally attractive and professional persons possible. Such persons in the British context must be as normal and conventional as possible, even to the extent of espousing various elite-approved platitudes about ‘tolerance’ and similar rubbish. They must only be unyielding on immigration, which in turn must be described as bad for the present generation of British people, without necessarily making any reference to race, nation, etc. The point is to give Britons the opportunity to vote for a party which is highly simplified and unthreatening, except to immigration fanatics. A single-issue party would also force the opposition to debate immigration. On that glorious day when immigration is finally ended, the party can hold a convention to debate its next set of concerns. 3
Posted by Rusty on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:09 | # Excellent article, thank you. It certainly removes up some of my confusion (big task, that). 4
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 14:20 | # So old Diddy Dave Hamilton pops up on this now does he. ” A new party The British Freedom Party was formed because of Griffin’s behaviour on November 5th 2010 and within 24 hours their treasurer and backer had resigned, and within a week another founding member had resigned alleging threatening and abusive emails sent out by a senior member and former BNP associate of Griffin. The Electoral Commission are now investigating this split. It is now two factions both calling themselves BFP! “ I shall address this load of old cobblers below.
The idea that any political party can work with a man who is undergoing an emotional crisis and who resigns twice in less than a fortnight whilst they hold such a senior position is simply untenable. We need people we can work with, not people whose private lives mean they are unable to function oin their political roles. As for his being a backer, John Savage promised Simon Bennet six thousands pounds to run the BFP website, and then, as he needed the money to invest in buying back his old business, welshed on the deal. That sort of ‘treasurer’, that sort of ‘man’ and that sort of ‘nationalist’ you can keep thanks. As for the threats issue and ‘abusive e mails’ the e mail sent by John Savage to me in which he was abusive and threatening has also been published online on the BDF forum - as a result of this e mail being sent we lost one of founder members who was disgusted by Savages abuse. The emails from Svagaes friends, Brin and Gwen Jenkins, also published on the site detail how they agreed that he as emotionally unstable and unsuitbale for his role as party treasurer. And by the way Savage was never a founder member. I, simon bennet, Peter Mullins and Michaela Mackenzie set up the party. I wrote the party constitution. I suggested the party name, and this was agreed by the founders. But Diddy Dave knows all this, but as we told him that we were not interested in him being involved with the party, due to him acting like a sulky prat as we refused to genuflect before his genius (he wrote an article with Pat Buchanan dontcha know what what ) he went off on a prolonged hissy fit attacking the party on every internet forum he could find. Those sort of ‘nationalists’ are the nationalists that have held this movement back for decades - pathetic, whining egotists. The EC is at the moment investigating one issue - how to remove the two expelled members of the party, Michelle Marshall and Mick SImpkins from their former positions as registered officers with the EC. Contrary to the bullshit being peddled by the simpleton Mick Simpkins and his miniscule cabal of moronic sock puppets on the BDF forum, the EC is seeking legal advice on that one issue. Under the present electroral law there is no power for a political party to demand the removal of a registered officer from the EC. If a political party has to expell an individual member, then they can ‘squat’ on the EC website and refuse to resign their positions as former registered officers with the EC. The EC is seeking powers from the government to rectify this situation. They have stated that the lack of powers available to them to force the removal of a mad, corrupt, expelled or imprisoned regstered EC officer is causing real damage to political parties. At the moment if the treasurer or nominating officers of the Tory Party or Labour Party were convicted of fraud or murder, then if they refused to resign as registered party officers with the EC , then the EC could not remove them - and this in effect means the party cannot function. An entire political party can be held hostage to one or two deluded idiots - and thats why the EC has asked me to draft up formal documents and applications sent to them to get this issue formally addressed by the government and new legislation passed. At the moment though the law is that the EC has no power to force the removal of an ex officer of a party from the EC at the request of that party. That is the one issue the EC is looking at - if they can actually comply with our request to get Mick Simpkins and Michelle Marshall ( who also resigned her position as party tresurer due to ill health on december 7th 2010 ) removed off the EC registration forms. There is no ‘two factions’ of the BFP. There is one party, but two people are refusing to resign from the EC even though they have been expelled from the party. The other pseudo-BFP that is masquerading as the party will be dealt with very soon by both the police and civil actions. The fact they are using my copyright owned party constitution as the basis of their pseudo-party will soon be addresed as well. I have not given them permission to use my work. At the same time they have also been forced to change their logo as the BFP party logo is owned by simon bennett. The problem is that Diddy Dave who wrote this article, is a pal of Savage and the rest of the expelled members. Hence he puts this load of old bollocks up on this site about things he has zero knowledge of. 5
Posted by David Hamilton on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 15:39 | # Non, now Nasty. That was not what I meant at all. I meant that that had been alleged. I had to refer to the split between the two British Freedom Parties but did not mean that pejoratively - my focus was elsewhere. 6
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 16:47 | # I will apologise to you for that then. After your repeated attacks on me on various websites I assumed this was a repetition of that. The only sabotage was due to the incompetent plotting of a cabal of halfwits who tried to remove the chairman from his own party - and then when they were caught refused to resign as registered officers with the EC or accept reality. They have damaged the party. The only worse thing than being a back stabbing traitor plotting a coup, is to be an inept back stabber traitor who gets caught. As for the BNP financial irregularities, I have seen the file and been in contact with Michael Barnbrook and as far as I know the police have yet, after months from him lodging the complaint, refused to confirm or deny that they will investigate the allegations he made about Griffin. As for why - its because either works for the state and has done since either university or since his trial over the Rune magazine ( hence why the CPS wont reveal the files to the public about his case ) or the system protects him as they realise he is such a toxic little man who alienates mass support for the BNP, that they last thing they want is a decent leader who the public would vote for. 7
Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 22:01 | # David Hamilton isn’t the only one that’s deeply suspicious of Nick Griffin. John Bean writes about some correspondence he received from John Tyndall. 8
Posted by Thunder on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 23:45 | # Thanks for this David. I assume there is considerable infiltration and attempted destruction of nascent parties although I have no inside knowledge of it. However, a few years ago I joined a new Australian party the Australian Protectionist Party. You can read about their difficulties getting registered as a party here We were not granted registration in time for the last election but have achieved that now. The main players in Oz and, no doubt, elsewhere will do whatever they can to maintain their corrupt, limited player game. 9
Posted by David Hamilton on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 00:15 | # Lee, there was a lot of infighting and I made many offensive comments. I have renounced factionalism and now only want to support our cause, our people. Mind you, I am banned from the democracy forum for life. Which is a good thing. 11
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:10 | # Hi David, I am glad to hear that, you have a lot to offer nationalism. Have a listen to the interview I am giving to Green Arrow on The British Resistance Site on saturday noight at 8 PM, I will be proposing some new models foe a new more dynamic, less divise British Nationalism. 12
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 12:18 | # I am copying part of a comment of mine from another thread, as that one is petering out, and this section seems apposite here. Re nationalist party matters, stances, etc: As long as any European politician says the following, I am with them: “I seek to preserve forever my nation and civilization, the foundation of which, that which begins national distinctiveness, is, as for any nation or civilization, race. All European nations are white nations. They are not compatible with nonwhites, who, merely by virtue of their biology, can never be racially, or even culturally, assimilated, except, wrt the latter, superficially and fleetingly. Therefore, as a matter of supreme national security, nonwhite immigration, legal and illegal, must be halted. Achieving this supersedes all other issues. Once an immigration moratorium has been legislated, and the illegals deported, then we must work to find ways to 1) repatriate non-Europeans to their ancestral lands, exactly as Europeans resident in and often born into former Third World colonies were made to return to Europe following the decolonization period of the mid-20th century, and then 2) increase our national fertility to generational replacement levels. We may also need to increase spending for military preparedness in the expected event of nonwhite anger and attempted military/terrorist reprisals.” Surely all who presume to call themselves ‘nationalists’ can agree on this minimal platform. My point is to emphatically reject any sort of “Mosleyist” / European Action-style, or French / Continental New Right, non-racial nationalism. The white race is the foundation of Europe and the West. I would subordinate all of my regular, conservative/libertarian ideological preferences in order to secure a future for that race and civilization. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to embrace, even if from afar, a nationalism that is silent about race; that thinks the “threat” of American hamburgers is comparable to Muslim mosques; and that is more wedded to protecting stagnant industries and bloated pensions from neo-liberal globalization and market discipline, than to resurrecting the ancient synthesis of Greco-Roman rationality and Christian metaphysics which defined our civilization for centuries if not millenia, and under which white men and their culture reached their apogee. Which BNP factions are sound on race? Are there any self-styled British nationalists who think it appropriate for nonwhites to be considered and treated as British? Any successor to the BNP must be totally opposed to any nonwhite immigration as a public minimum. Stopping immigration should be the main element in the party’s agenda, as well as the only ‘extremist’ one. Imagine a BNP2 that is very mainstream, perhaps slightly Tory mainstream, in all of its positions, from the budget to foreign policy to education to unemployment, etc; which never mentions Jews, Nazis, Holocausts, race and IQ studies, past ‘extremist’ parties, etc; whose leaders and spokesmen all speak fluent, non-colloquial English, groom and dress ‘business class’, and have conventional, un-scandalous personal lives ... and whose leaders are relentless in discussing, in calm and measured tones, the catastrophe of contemporary immigration. Couldn’t such a party make some serious electoral headway? I bet it could. 13
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:10 | # ” Couldn’t such a party make some serious electoral headway? I bet it could. “
Its about as popular with the electorate as smallpox. Its membership is smaller than the number of Klingon speakers in the UK. Its number of votes usually about the same as the ambient air temperature outside the polling station.
Leave the politics to people whose live in Britain and whose idea of populist politics in British society does not derive from the Hitler, sorry History Channel. 14
Posted by David Hamilton on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 15:34 | # I’m looking forward to it. I’m still an Ethno Nationalist but realise that post State Agent Griffin it is now unlawful for a political party to use that ideology in Britain!!! 15
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 16:06 | # Stick to posting screeds ontis site Leon. Leave the politics to people whose live in Britain and whose idea of populist politics in British society does not derive from the Hitler, sorry History Channel. (LJB)
1. Do you agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the following? “I seek to preserve forever my nation and civilization, the foundation of which, that which begins national distinctiveness, is, as for any nation or civilization, race. All European nations are white nations. They are not compatible with nonwhites, who, merely by virtue of their biology, can never be racially, or even culturally, assimilated, except, wrt the latter, superficially and fleetingly. Therefore, as a matter of supreme national security, nonwhite immigration, legal and illegal, must be halted. Achieving this supersedes all other issues. Once an immigration moratorium has been legislated, and the illegals deported, then we must work to find ways to 1) repatriate non-Europeans to their ancestral lands, exactly as Europeans resident in and often born into former Third World colonies were made to return to Europe following the decolonization period of the mid-20th century, and then 2) increase our national fertility to generational replacement levels. We may also need to increase spending for military preparedness in the expected event of nonwhite anger and attempted military/terrorist reprisals.” 2. Why exactly would a party conducting itself as I describe immediately below not make electoral headway? And how do you equate this with Hitler? Is stopping immigration equivalent to embracing Nazism? Are you a leftist? Any successor to the BNP must be totally opposed to any nonwhite immigration as a public minimum. Stopping immigration should be the main element in the party’s agenda, as well as the only ‘extremist’ one. Imagine a BNP2 that is very mainstream, perhaps slightly Tory mainstream, in all of its positions, from the budget to foreign policy to education to unemployment, etc; which never mentions Jews, Nazis, Holocausts, race and IQ studies, past ‘extremist’ parties, etc; whose leaders and spokesmen all speak fluent, non-colloquial English, groom and dress ‘business class’, and have conventional, un-scandalous personal lives ... and whose leaders are relentless in discussing, in calm and measured tones, the catastrophe of contemporary immigration. 3. What issue do you think is more important to Britain than ending immigration, such that it should be the primary focus of a successor to the BNP? 4. What is the purpose of a nationalist party, if not to defend the nation from immigration-conquest by racial aliens? 16
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 17:52 | # 1. Do you agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the following? “I seek to preserve forever my nation and civilization, the foundation of which, that which begins national distinctiveness, is, as for any nation or civilization, race. All European nations are white nations. They are not compatible with nonwhites, who, merely by virtue of their biology, can never be racially, or even culturally, assimilated, except, wrt the latter, superficially and fleetingly. Therefore, as a matter of supreme national security, nonwhite immigration, legal and illegal, must be halted. Achieving this supersedes all other issues. Once an immigration moratorium has been legislated, and the illegals deported, then we must work to find ways to 1) repatriate non-Europeans to their ancestral lands, exactly as Europeans resident in and often born into former Third World colonies were made to return to Europe following the decolonization period of the mid-20th century, and then 2) increase our national fertility to generational replacement levels. We may also need to increase spending for military preparedness in the expected event of nonwhite anger and attempted military/terrorist reprisals.”
Immigrants can integrate into a culture as long as the ethnic indigenous folk that created that culture are, and remain in perpetuity, the demographic majority and the immigrant influx remains at around less than 5 % of the total ( in my estimation) and are forced to abandon their ancestral culture and adopt totally the national culture as a pre-requisite for gaining or retaining their citizenship rights . All immigration must be halted into Britain, all illegal immigrants and foreign criminals etc deported - and most important of all - ALL COLONISTS DEPORTED, these being those who do not and will never assimilate. This is because CULTURAL INTEGRATION means the immigrants no longer retain their ancstral cultures eg such as having high birth rates and hence they adopt the national culture and cannot be a demographic threat due to their higher birth rates, There is no need to increase fertility of natives, the aim is to ensure those here lawfully adopt our national culture which means they do not reproduce to an extend they become a threat. 2. Why exactly would a party conducting itself as I describe immediately below not make electoral headway? And how do you equate this with Hitler? Is stopping immigration equivalent to embracing Nazism? Are you a leftist?
A) - Because the masses never have voted for parties with national socialist ideologies , because the masses reject racialism, because racialism is linked in the eyes of the masses with Nazism , because the media can depict racialist politial ideologies as Nazism and ensure it never becomes viable as a political model for the massses to vote for. The NF a case in point. As for the ‘am I leftist’ my only response to thst is ’ are you an idiot ? ‘ 3) Any successor to the BNP must be totally opposed to any nonwhite immigration as a public minimum. Stopping immigration should be the main element in the party’s agenda, as well as the only ‘extremist’ one. Imagine a BNP2 that is very mainstream, perhaps slightly Tory mainstream, in all of its positions, from the budget to foreign policy to education to unemployment, etc; which never mentions Jews, Nazis, Holocausts, race and IQ studies, past ‘extremist’ parties, etc; whose leaders and spokesmen all speak fluent, non-colloquial English, groom and dress ‘business class’, and have conventional, un-scandalous personal lives ... and whose leaders are relentless in discussing, in calm and measured tones, the catastrophe of contemporary immigration.
4. What issue do you think is more important to Britain than ending immigration, such that it should be the primary focus of a successor to the BNP?
A-) The primary goal of any political party, and the reason d’etre of a political party being a political party in the first place is to take power and impose its ideology. Any political party that puts ideological purism before populist pragmatism, is not a political party is it a waste of time and resources cult. The aim of politics is simply to take power, not pose with its principles in the margins of politics. Nationalism has degenerated into a cult with its pathetic cult of personality leaders and its ideological purism. Many nationalists think nationalism is about being part of a political party, regardless of whether that political party can attain power. Those nationalists are reactionary cultists. The true nationalist revolutionry understands that what matters is just one thing TAKING POWER Without taking power then the nation, our folk and culture are doomed. The true nationalist revolutionary abandons ideological purism as the hobby politics of the idiot. The true nationalist revolutionary seeks one goal, power - and rejects anything that gets in the way of obtaining power. In politics all that matters is the goal of attaining power. Once in power the National Revolutionary then enacts the National Revoultion. 17
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Wed, 16 Mar 2011 18:27 | # And just for you Leon I shall leave with a quote from one of your ideological heroes, Adolf Hitler himself who in one of his last speeches revealed how his th nking on race had evolved as a result of the war and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of non-Aryan soldiers who fought for Germany - from Sikhs, to Indian Hindus’, to blacks, to Jews to Koreans, to Chinese and many other racial and ethnic groups and mixed race soldiers ; Hitler in his speech at the Platterhof. (26 May 1944) where he said to his officers and generals: ” We have this people of ours that are not to be defined as a race, and that is now clear to millions. However, gentlemen:when I began my apprenticeship twenty-five years ago, this was not so; there I was always told by middle-class bourgeois circles: Yes, people and race are one and the same! No - people and race are not the same. Race is a component of blood, a blood nucleus, but the people are very often composed not of one race but of two, three, four or five different racial nuclei. Even so, it is not possible or even desirable to dismantle such a united body of people, but in the course of political developments such a solution may occur anyway. “ What is ironic is that it is liberalism that has ‘split the united body of the people and the nation’ into different racial nuclei, each of whom have now been awarded different rights according to their racial status - which is something Hitler homself never wanted to happen ! Oh the irony. Liberalism achieved what Hitler feared - the racialisation of the body politic and the division of the nation and people into competing rcial groups. Compare this to what President Truman said during he war whilst black troops were dying to defeat Germany ; “I think one man is as good as another so long as he’s honest and decent and not a nigger or a Chinaman. Uncle Will…says that the Lord made a whiteman out of dust, a nigger from mud, then threw up what was left and it came down a Chinaman.” Now that was a truly disgusting thing to say as Black American soldiers were dying for America in the war. 18
Posted by GriffinWatch on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 04:48 | # British Democracy forum state controlled/protected? 19
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 08:36 | # Barnesy, Hitler clearly intended that statement as pragmatic to facilitate the cooperation of various European peoples marshaled to the Axis cause. He did not intend it to connote his desire for the eventual genetic amalgamation of all those it was addressed to - which is what your imply, either disingenuously or in ignorance. I’ll throw the question open to the gallery: Who of you agree with my interpretation or that of Barnesy? 20
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 08:41 | # Yeah, thats why he forbade all those Jews, Indian Hindus. Koreans, Tibetans, Chinese, Sikhs, blacks and others from all mixed race backgrounds from joining the German Army and fighting for him.
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 08:46 | #
What was the actually number of these in proportion to indigenous European forces fighting in the service of the Axis cause at the time the Hitler speech in question was delivered? My guess, virtually negligible. Numbnuts. 22
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 11:14 | # The fact they fought alongside the Germans, proves your ‘ayran only’ bullshit is just that - bullshit. Its better to be numbnuts than a no nuts. Jog on eunuch. 23
Posted by David Hamilton on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 13:02 | # I think it was the 1976 Race Relations Act that brought “race” in British law for the first time. 24
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 16:12 | # That is right david, the RRA was bought in due to one reason, the incitements to murder of various nazi groups. As a result of those groups giving the government the opportunity to pass these laws they denied free speech for all our people on the issues of our cultural destruction and the immigration invasion. And who was leading the most extrem,e nazi groups in that area - agents of the state such as the seniro officials of the BM and NF who were expeosed as being in the pay of the state. The most racist extremists on stormfront have been exposed as working for the canadian equalities body as agent provocateurs, whilst the NPD of Germany and their infiltration by security service agents who printed extremist literature to get the party banned via the constitutional court. Extremism is the agent of the state. It allows the state to close down free speech and pass aws to imprison disidents. Extemists must be suspected as agents of the enemy. 25
Posted by Helvena on Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:03 | # The assertion that National Socialist believed in a pure Aryan race is Allied WWII propaganda. Prof. James Gregor: 26
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 02:38 | #
It appears to be more of a reconciliation between the Nordic faction and the German faction of the party. A white nationalism for Germany, if you will, because of the racial variation in Germany between the Nordic north and the Alpinic south of Germany. Like France, the German “nation” was composed of a “people very often composed not of one race but of two, three, four or five different racial nuclei.” Largely, these groups were not incorporated in the German army, until the end of the war, much like the British, (The Indian battalions were often segregated, with companies of different tribes, castes or religions) fought in separate units of the Waffen SS designated by common racial groupings.
More disgusting was the fact that Europeans were killing Europeans and that they employed other races to kill more Europeans. Truman’s words pale in comparison to the devastation brought upon German womanhood by the brutal savagery of the Soviet Union’s Asiatic hordes. 27
Posted by Syd on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 03:00 | # Re the comment above, I saw the link, and it is sick….and the way the Germans have climbed back up is admirable. As regards the brutality of the Russians and the Poles, these people lost everything in the war too. 27 million Russians and one in ten Poles perished in the war…these soldiers didn’t care if the war was orchestrated by greedy Anglos or depraved Jews, they wanted revenge, and how better to take revenge than on the women of the defeated? Of course, I am not surprised that the British stood by and watched it happen in front of their eyes. They were the masters of playing dirty, and would stoop to any lows to retain their power - for example, their reprisals against Revolting Indians in 1857 was quite extreme, even in those different times 28
Posted by David Hamilton on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:17 | # Lee, 29
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:33 | # Ray Hill infiltrated and destroyed the British Movement ; Note that Hill and his clique joined and supported the newly formed BNP. And also the National Front was infiltrated by Michael Carmichael ; Most damning of all, a full set of minutes of National Front Directorate meetings from late 1979 to the 1986 “Third Way” versus “Flag Group” split, deposited by former NF leader Patrick Harrington in the library of the University of Southampton, revealed that during the party’s post-1979 wilderness years they were in the habit of “tipping off the Reds” in order to give their activities greater credibility with the public by being attended by hordes of angry protestors. This fact was later confirmed by MI5 mole Andy Carmichael, who was West Midlands Regional Organiser for the NF during the 1990s.
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Fri, 18 Mar 2011 12:35 | # As Julian Assange stated the othr day, the internet is the greatest surveillance tool ever invented. They no longer need to bug us, they just watch us on sites like stormfront. The revolution will be offline. 31
Posted by Calvin on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 03:29 | # We’re getting a bit carried away here, aren’t we? For a start, the secret services aren’t infiltrating the “extreme right”, or the “extreme” anything. The BNP are not in any way, shape, or form, “extremist”. When BNP policy’s are put to the British public anonymously they get a sixty percent approval rating. The British National Party are the party of the British majority. I’m quite sure that government infiltration of any party that seeks to challenge the comfortable ascendancy of the parties of minority opinion is rife. So what! What exactley are these agents going to tell their paymasters? They will tell them that the BNP are campaigning to implement policies that have the support of the majority of the British public. Hardly grounds for a prosecution is it? The fact that Griffin has prevented any self destructive EDL style rabble rousing, and that a rich Jew and MI5 have had to create this new organization, would seem to indicate that Griffin is manifestly not in the business of leading patriots onto the path of self destruction, but is rather, keeping them on the straight and narrow. Power elites always infiltrate their potential competitors, but it’s really about policy conforming to public desire. The bulk of the organization will always be composed of genuine nationalists. Voters will only tick the box if the policies are right and each tick pulls the rug another inch from under the rug of our cosy establishment. The only prophylactic you need against agents is good ethics and order within the party. Half of MI5 probably agree with BNP policy anyway. Let them infiltrate all they want, they can see first hand how much who they are supposed to be defending cherish democracy and non-violence. 32
Posted by GriffinWatch on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 14:24 | # 33
Posted by epic yawn on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 16:15 | # Fuck off Hadley, you useless pygmy mug. No one gives a toss whta you think . you red rat. 34
Posted by Griffinwatch on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 16:34 | # Barnes the 100% self admitted Zionist. As we can see from epic yawns post above, Zionists and their supporters just resort to abuse, when they are exposed or have exposed themselves: 35
Posted by David Hamilton on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 17:40 | # Poor old, Calvin! You didn’t understand a word of that essay did you? 36
Posted by Calvin on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 20:16 | # “Poor old, Calvin! You didn’t understand a word of that essay did you?” Hi Dave! I’m neither poor, nor old. I do admit that I didn’t read it too thoroughly though. I’ve looked over your subsequent posts and you do seem to be articulating a lucid argument. There’s no need to a condescending twat though. I have noticed that the BNP seem to be in limbo recently. They are not even generating negative publicity at the moment. I’ll continue to vote for them on the basis that anyone hated by the established parties, the Guardian and the BBC, can’t be all bad. 37
Posted by David Hamilton on Sun, 20 Mar 2011 20:27 | # Fair enough! I understand they are only expected to last another month or so with various court claims for money owed being brought. It is hoped Griffin has to cop for it. His appeal for donations for Solidarity are thought to be so he can close the party and set up a civil rights group. Local officials are urged to gather contact addresses in order to rebuild when the traitor pulls the plug. 38
Posted by BB Wolfe on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 03:42 | # This Lee John Barnes is a dodgy chap — I found what he had to say mostly sensible, but anyone who believes Iran is a threat to Israel has rocks in their head. Israel is one of the greatest military powers in the world — has been for well over 30 years. Iran is nothing at all. As a self-admitted zionist, and for the lamest of reasons, he should be ignored entirely. Despite this, he is right to suggest that engaging the electorate via the concept of race is flogging a dead nazi horse. 39
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 09:37 | # Mr. Barnes’s cultural nationalism is deeply confused, as least as he has explained it above. I wish this thread hadn’t died out, or that I’d responded earlier. Next time I notice him expounding on this nonsense, I will demonstrate its inanity. Of course, most of what I do write goes either unnoticed or misunderstood, so perhaps I won’t. 40
Posted by David Hamilton on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 10:56 | # Is this what you need to inspire you, Leon? 41
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:13 | # Oh dear Leon, what a loss to the world. I am soooooooooooooooo sure the world has losr what would have been a critique of astonishing proportions. Come on Leon, the thread hasnt died out - its just that you chickened out. Cluck ! Cluck ! Come on give us your wisdom Leon. Twat. 42
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:16 | # Use you real name on this site Hadley when you post your total bollocks about me, dont hide behind names like BBwolfe. You are too stupid to understand what I believe, seeing as you are simply a collection of genetic defects that dares call itself an Aryan. Jog on you thick, ugly, pygmy twat. 43
Posted by Lee John Barnes on Mon, 21 Mar 2011 18:15 | # I am sick of sock puppets talking shit about me being a ‘Zionist’, if you want to know what I think then read my blog.
Posted by GriffinWatch on Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:49 | # Charming, you will gain a great following using an attitude and language like that. NOT! Your have exposed yourself via you own words own and actions, (and are still doing it) GriffinWatch has merely quoted you. End of conversation. We have no intention of argueing with you and dragging this comments section down. Regards. 45
Posted by GriffinWatch on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 03:51 | # “Bang to rights” 46
Posted by Silver on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 04:46 | # Like France, the German “nation” was composed of a “people very often composed not of one race but of two, three, four or five different racial nuclei.” Who obviously shared nothing important in common. NS was a subversive strategy of the roly poly Alpinoids to increase their EGI at the expense—as always—of the ever put upon Noridcs. 47
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 05:34 | #
Good for you, Silver. Defending pan-Germanism, if only unintentionally. Will you be joining Sunic in his lionization of Krauts?
If you were Nordic, you would feel no less strongly about Nordic preservation. Which is, I believe, indeed in part what motivates you to at least give lip service to the justice of Nordics looking to their genetic continuity. The rest of your (fairly obvious) motives I can disregard so long as you keep making the right noises. P.S. Dividing Germans against each other would indeed be a coup for the English, would it not? 48
Posted by Anon on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:53 | # If you were Nordic, you would feel no less strongly about Nordic preservation. Which is, I believe, indeed in part what motivates you to at least give lip service to the justice of Nordics looking to their genetic continuity. You are mad. Silver was obviously being sarcastic. 49
Posted by Anon on Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:55 | # NS was a subversive strategy of the roly poly Alpinoids to increase their EGI at the expense—as always—of the ever put upon Noridcs. How were Alpinics increasing their EGI relative to Nordics in National Socialist Germany? Probably there was interbreeding between the two types, but that far preceded National Socialism. It at least went back to German unification. I know you’re being sarcastic, but there’s a chance you’ll mislead the most stupid people here into thinking you’re serious. 50
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 01:46 | #
According to Stoddard, the Pan-Germanists used the growing consciousness of Nordicism as a political expedient.
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 08:19 | #
I call into question the accuracy of sub-racial classifications per Europeans (e.g., Nordic, Alpinid) as a valid metric of closeness of genetic relatedness as against genetic testing. For example, are northern Germans actually more closely genetically related to Englishmen than they are to Austrians? If not, then from the perspective of EGI, it would, generally speaking, be more adaptive for northern Germans to cast their lot with Austrians than Englishmen. If so, and again from the perspective of EGI, that would only tend to solidify the case of needless English race betrayal against their fellow Nordic northern Germans during and after WWII. 52
Posted by Silver on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 12:13 | # anon, Probably there was interbreeding between the two types, but that far preceded National Socialism. Yes, I was being sarcastic, but that is the sort of thing the Desmond Joneses are apt to believe. In this view, the establishment of the NS government could be regarded as having consecrated the union. CC, If you were Nordic, you would feel no less strongly about Nordic preservation. Which is, I believe, indeed in part what motivates you to at least give lip service to the justice of Nordics looking to their genetic continuity. While I wouldn’t put it in terms of “genetic continuity,” yes, you’re right, I can sympathize with your desire to live on, and provided it can be contained within strict moral bounds—hardly a given—I’d not only not oppose it but even champion the cause myself—not least because I consider the chain of events I see it as setting off as highly useful, indeed, essential, for my own purposes (which, when you think about it, are the purposes of any people who are willing to avow that they prefer themselves to the world at large, although the glacial pace of the transformation which looms in the absence of such an avowal has the effect of rendering this distinction invisible). Now, a hardliner may respond that my “help” [scoff] isn’t necessary because no one like me should never have been permitted to come so near in the first place, which is the original sin we’re guilty of and which must first be dealt with, which totally rules out any sort of “cooperation.” I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether you can afford the fifty more years of moral invisibility that this attitude will ensure. 53
Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:01 | #
Exactly. It’s outdated. It uses phenotype frequencies to “guess” genetic relatedness. Furthermore, it does a poor job of it. Much of the method of Nordicism in fact is stubbornly anti-scientific, i.e. it puts the conclusion before the evidence. This is why I’ve never liked Nordicism. For all the hype, it’s just a bunch of creepy men who are obsessed with blondism who will go to any lengths to justify their particular prejudices. If you doubt this, go check out n/a’s blog. They took Arthur Kemp to task - an English racialist - because he “didn’t look Nordic enough.” What good can come of such a myopic ideology? 54
Posted by Hamish on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 19:16 | #
Why would the Thirty Years’ War have killed off members of the Nordic type in south Germany more than members of the Alpine type in south Germany? Obviously the Thirty Year’s War killed off a lot of Nordics in south Germany, but to have an effect on the proportion of Nordics to Alpines it would’ve had to have killed off the Nordics disproportionately. Were the Nordics in south Germany horrible fighters or something? Where’s one iota of evidence for that assumption? Pathetic illogical reasoning from Stoddard. 55
Posted by Silver on Fri, 25 Mar 2011 23:00 | # According to that table, the Swiss-German Fst is only 0.0002- I’m not sure that the Swiss Germans are 10x more ‘German’ than are Austrians. Fair point. On the other hand, who are you to argue with what the science says? Big no-no. One must be resolute. If the science says the Swiss are at .0002 then the Swiss are at .0002, no ifs, buts or maybes. The Austrians will just have to take it like men. Now, what I’d like to know is just what this means in practise? Swiss get kisses on both cheeks, Austrians only on one? Swiss get a second hand clasping the handshake? What does it all mean? You know, I can just imagine Dasein, fst-detector in hand, plotting a course through a shopping mall. <<Bee-beep. Bee-beep. Bee-beep.>> Smooth sailing for now. All of a sudden the instrument goes haywire. <<BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP>> Dasein looks up. In the distance a blackamoor approaches, holding hands with a white girl. Dasein wipes his brow as he crosses the floor to avoid their path. Close call. 56
Posted by anon on Sat, 26 Mar 2011 12:06 | # In the distance a blackamoor approaches, holding hands with a white girl. Dasein wipes his brow as he crosses the floor to avoid their path. Close call. That is what I do, but rather than wiping my brow in distress, I stare at the offensive pair to communicate my disgust. They shame us every day at every opportunity for holding to our own. An unkind look is the least one can do in the other direction. 57
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:33 | #
The other side is entirely motivated by racial hatred. It can’t not be about race because they make it so. However it may need to be addressed from the other direction:
They created a fake morality which purports to be anti-racism but is in reality is disguised anti-white racism. The way in is to focus on the double standards. 58
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:51 | #
. A quibble maybe but the RRA was brought in because they wanted to shut down debate on immigration. They used agents to create the conditions to get the law passed. So if there were no actual groups or organisations saying those things voluntarily would the law not exist today? No they would have created those groups themselves and said it themselves. So the argument isn’t just about extremism as if it isn’t there then they’ll create it. You could have as cultural an organization as you like but that won’t stop someone from an anti-white organisation joining and then sticking a picture of themselves in an SS uniform on Facebook the day before an election. The question is how to somehow minimize the damage down by the *inevitable* use of state and non-state infiltration or how to optimize the efficacy of the organisation to the point where it outweighs the damage down by infiltration. Post a comment:
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Posted by BOMBkangaroo on Tue, 15 Mar 2011 02:48 | #
Let me ask the obvious question, how do we go about reliably detecting, collecting evidence of, and convincing Joe Bloggs that there is subterfuge at work?