
Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 06 September 2015 13:45.

The shocking, cruel reality of Europe’s refugee crisis
          Tiny Victim of Human Catastrophe



Posted by migrants destroying Lesvos on Tue, 08 Sep 2015 09:16 | #

Red Left Island which bequeathed its name to lesbians is burned by its liberalism: 


What a difference 9 months can make. In January 2015 Lesvos was essentially a “Red Island” the island voted overwhelmingly for SYRIZA with 32.97%, followed by New Democracy at 30.39%, The Communist party at 10.81%, ANEL at 5.30%, PASOK at 5.12%, Golden Dawn at 4.66%, and POTAMI at 4.26%.

Today, the island literally burns, an estimated 30 thousand Afghani, Pakistani, Syrians and other assorted desert people roam the once wealthy and peaceful island, rioting, looting and breaking into houses. A Greek woman was stabbed today and robbed, she survived but the story did not make it past local news.  The numbers continue to grow and the once “progressive” leftist residents are now in a state of shock at the lack of police protection for them and their property.

Report from Golden Dawn, New York Chapter

Greek authorities send troops, police to Lesvos after migrant clashes


Greece sent troops and police reinforcements Sunday to Lesvos after renewed clashes between police and migrants, the public broadcaster said, while Syrian refugees on the island were targeted with Molotov cocktail attacks.

Authorities are working to “relieve the island as quickly as possible of a large number of refugees, so that the flow can be brought back to a tolerable level,” deputy migration minister Ioannis Mouzalas said as he visited the island.

Lesvos is one of several Greek islands struggling to cope with a huge influx of people arriving in flimsy boats from Turkey, most of them refugees fleeing war-torn Syria.

More than 230,000 people have landed on Greek shores this year and the numbers have soared in recent weeks as people seek to take advantage of the calm summer weather.

There have been repeated clashes on Lesvos between police and migrants – and between migrants themselves – over delays in the registration process that have left thousands of refugees stuck on the island, unable to continue their journey to other countries in Europe.

A police source said a pair of attackers on a motorbike threw two Molotov cocktails at refugees sleeping in parks in the island’s main town, Mytilene.

A Syrian was lightly injured in one of the attacks, the source said. State news agency ANA said two 17-year-olds were arrested over the assaults Friday morning.

Riot-police used batons Sunday morning to beat back a crowd waiting to be registered, after scuffles broke out between Syrians – who are granted priority in the process – and Afghans forced to wait for much longer, public TV channel ERT 1 said.

Two extra riot squads arrived on the island on Sunday while 60 more ordinary police officers have been dispatched to speed up the registration process, ERT 1 said.





Posted by Sunic on significance of Debenoist's analysis on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 10:32 | #

Tom Sunic
September 10, 2015

comment at TOO

A few specifications on my part: No, I don’t wish to sound like a spokesman for Alain de Benoist, nor do I always agree with his analyses. I do, however, admire his style and sense of nuance in French language - often difficult to translate to English.

1. The current FM, L. Fabius, who is Jewish, was back in 1990 a chief architect of The “Fabius Gayssot Bill”, which put into the French Criminal Code a crippling effect on free academic discussion in France ever since. This legislation, in addition, laid the foundations for the modern thought police all over Europe.

2. J. Attali, another big shot in French politics, is also Jewish and a prolific author. His books on Jewish identity are particularly helpful for learning many things about Jewish identity from the horse’s mouth, with no need to resort to real or fictitious “anti-Semitic” authors.

3. Re: the current onslaught of migrants (The word “migrant” is more appropriate as most Afro-Asian newcomers ARE migrants and not refugees. A would-be “refugee”, on the other hand, can be easily settled in an adjacent Muslim country, instead of flocking as a “migrant” now to the distant German or the Nordic “paradise”), on lines that can be reproduced here: “.. there is some glimmer of hope in this unfolding disaster in-so-far as even fully a-national and a-political folks are waking up. In fact, this migration has been going on piecemeal now for over 50 years, in the kind of a communist salami tactics Solzhenitsyn wrote about—with people becoming desensitized to it. Now, with the sudden surge of migrants many self-hating or implicit Whites are finally thinking in hindsight. This time, I’m sure, history is on the run again, big time” Tom


Posted by Swedish woman raped while jogging on Sun, 13 Sep 2015 14:35 | #

Woman raped during jog at Selångersån - police calls for observations

A woman was assaulted and raped during a jog along Selångersån in Sundsvall on Saturday evening.

Police are now calling for observations and tips from the public.

The suspected rape occurred on the riverbanks, 500-600 meters west of the roundabout at the end of Sidsjö road, on Selångersån south side shortly after ten o’clock on Saturday evening.

The scared woman, who is in her 20s, said it happened during a jog on a footpath by the riverbank that she was suddenly assaulted and then raped.

- She has been tackled down and dragged into the bushes, there is no doubt that it is a completed rape, said Tommy Nygren, duty officer at the county police department.

The man did not say a word to the woman during the rape. Late Saturday night the woman was transferred to hospital for examination.

Large police actions were immediately deployed to gather any traces and evidence at the crime scene shown by the woman, including a special trained rape task force. The area is cordoned off and scoured during the night of forensic scientists.

- “We have undertook investigation immediately, but unfortunately there are no witnesses to the incident”, said Tommy Nygren.

It happened at nine o’clock on Sunday morning. Police said that they still do not have any witnesses.

- “We now continue with normal investigative measures, including interviewing the plaintiff again and we will make sure that nothing has been missed” said, Sage SO Gustavsson, on-call investigators at police.

The police now ask to have in tips from passers-by who might have seen something that could be associated with the event.

The suspected offender was dark-skinned, in his 40s, about 170 centimeters tall and strongly built, with a short hair cut and short beard. He also had light blue jeans and a black mission jacket.

The police receive tips on telephone 112 or 114 14th

No person has been arrested for the crime.


Posted by Coudenhove-Kalergi, race-mixing impresario on Tue, 15 Sep 2015 21:36 | #

White Genocide

Greg Johnson

Read full article at Counter Currents: http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/09/white-genocide/

This is the last part..

..the burden of proof needs to be shifted. For is it really plausible that the leaders of dozens of white nations have adopted similar policies antithetical to the long-term survival of their own peoples, yet none of them knew what they are doing? Yes, it is fashionable to deride politicians for thinking only in terms of the next election. But that is not really true. Politicians are, for instance, rather far-sighted when it comes to their personal career ambitions and plans.

Beyond that, our ruling elites do not consist simply of democratic politicians. Moreover, the ruling elites in every form of society are noted for thinking and planning ahead. Both government intelligence agencies and private think tanks are in the business of generating long-term predictions based on current trends, and planning accordingly. Thus it is just not plausible that our leaders are unaware of white extinction. They either don’t care about it, or they want it to happen.

Second, it is no longer controversial that Jews are massively overrepresented among Western elites in politics, the media, business, academia, and the professions. Jews are, moreover, among the principal promoters of trends conducive to white genocide, for example: non-white immigration, racial integration, miscegenation, feminism, and sexual liberation. Of course any attempt to blame Jews for white genocide can be hijacked into hairsplitting about historical causation. From a practical point of view, however, it is more important—and less controversial—to note that the organized Jewish community is the linchpin of opposition to nationalist, especially racial nationalist, attempts to rectify these problems going forward. How we got here is ultimately less important than how we can save ourselves. And Jews are blocking the exit.

Now, is it really plausible that the leaders of the Jewish community “know not what they do”? Jews, after all, are the people most aware of the conditions that promote or prevent genocide. Thus Jews support the existence of a Jewish state, Israel, as a refuge from genocide. Yet they oppose any attempt to preserve white homelands for white peoples. Israel is for Jews, but Poland, Sweden, Germany, France, and so forth are for everyone. Jews see intermarriage as a threat to Jewish survival, but they promote miscegenation for other groups and oppose anyone who would ban it. Jews recognize that a strong sense of Jewish identity, including pride in their history and achievements, is necessary for Jewish survival, but they promote multiculturalism and white guilt for the rest of us.

Now, not all Jews promote destructive ideas merely for the goyim while exempting themselves. Jews may promote intermarriage for others, but they practice it as well and at higher rates than other groups. Jews promote feminism to others, but the primary victims of Jewish feminism are the Jewish men who marry these harridans. Jews promote an ethos of selfishness, individualism, and materialism to others. But they practice it as well, and secular Jews typically have very low reproduction rates.

In short, many Jews don’t just preach nihilism, they practice it as well. Unfortunately, because Jews are so influential, they have the power to drag us along in their wake. They are the vanguard of nihilism. They are not hypocrites, preaching nihilism for thee but not for me. But that makes them even more evil, because hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, and they don’t care enough to even offer lip service.

But while some Jews are leading us into extinction, others are goading us from behind but have no intention of sharing in our fate. These are the Jews who praise multiculturalism, open borders, and miscegenation for us, but prefer to opt out because they know that such policies would lead to their extinction.

They aren’t just being “inconsistent” about principles. They are being perfectly consistent with their real principle of collective self-interest. They are not upholding “double standards,” because their single standard is collective self-interest. These Jews have a live and let die philosophy. They seek to profit from our destruction as a people, and they not only promote our decline but actively suppress our resistance to it.

Aside from Jews that are actively pushing and pulling us toward our destruction, there are surely some who are doing neither. Some simply lack the power to do us harm, even if they might want to. Others are entirely ignorant of what their leaders are doing. But one category is conspicuous by its near absence: righteous Jews, i.e., Jews who know white genocide is taking place, who understand their people’s role in it, and who have warned whites and worked to stop it. That relative silence is actually more damning than the never-ending din of anti-white hatred emanating from the Jewish community.

In short, we know that white genocide is happening, because Jews in high places, with the power to promote or prevent white genocide, cannot be unaware of what is happening, yet they do nothing to stop it and everything to stop us from stopping it.

The third and most compelling piece of evidence for white genocide is that people actually say that they support it. The only people who say outright that whites should be exterminated are marginal cranks, like Dr. Kamau Kambon, a sometime Black Studies professor and the owner of Blacknificent Books, who declared, “We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet.”

The subtler advocates of white genocide, like Noel Ignatieff, a Jewish Harvard professor and the editor of the journal Race Traitor (subtitled Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity), speak of “deconstructing” the “concept” of whiteness, which sounds like a harmless language game until you grasp that they think race just is a social construct.

Miscegenationalism: But the most common advocates of white genocide simply promote race-mixing as a solution to racism. They tacitly agree with White Nationalists that racial diversity within the same system leads to strife, so to eliminate strife, they promote miscegenation to create a homogeneous mongrel race. The most influential advocate of what I call “miscegenationalism” was European unity pioneer Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who was himself of mixed race (his father was white, his mother Japanese). In his book Practical Idealism, he declared:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.

Interestingly enough, Coudenhove-Kalergi did not envision the disappearance of the Jewish people but instead expected them to be the ruling elite of a miscegenated world. (He himself was not Jewish.)

Why is it important to establish that white extinction is actually white genocide? It is easy to understand why people might shy away from such a truth, for it implies that whites are not just the victims of a ghastly mistake, or an impersonal sociopolitical “system,” or an inhuman cosmic or historical destiny, but of knowing malice—of principled enmity—of diabolical evil. It is hard to accept that such evil exists, much less that it wills our annihilation.

But if we are to save ourselves, we have to understand the forces that are arrayed against us. We need to know that our attempts to raise people’s consciousness and win their allegiance will eventually come up against not just ignorance and indifference but diamond hard malice. Eventually we will make all the friends that we can make, persuade all the people we can persuade, and only enemies will remain—enemies that cannot be converted but must simply be defeated.


Posted by Faye on causes of deluge on Thu, 17 Sep 2015 09:46 | #

Critical excerpts from

The Migratory Invasion, Part 1: A Terrifying Diagnosis - by Guillaume Faye

Translated by Greg Johnson

The Causes of the Deluge

The wave of “migrants”... are attracted by three elements:

1. The permeability of the Schengen area and the lack of protection of “common borders”; the EU is the only political space in the world without protected borders; every day European marines give assistance to boat people rather than repel them (humanitarian ideology), which acts as a suction pump. They are an aid to the invasion rather than protection from it. Never before seen in history: the armed forces aiding the invader. Insane.

2. Second suction pump: grants, assistance, benefits, and allowances offered to illegals upon arriving in several European countries, including France. At the expense of the natives, including the poor, who do not get these privileges! Preference for foreigners . . . It’s parasitism and extorted charity from people unable to take charge of their own country.

3. Third suction pump: intruders know that it is almost impossible to expel them, and the authorities (plus a part of public opinion and media) are rotted by bad conscience, guilt, compassion paralysis. The invaders calculate that we will never dare to drive them back by force. Hence, as seen in Calais and elsewhere and recently in the riots in the Balkans, the incredible impudence and audacity all the way to violence. “Migrants,” animated by a sense of impunity, arrogate all rights, including the right to invade us “from below.”

The maudlin weakness of European leaders, their delusional devotion to “human rights,” their dogmatic and xenophile “anti-racism” excite the aggressiveness of “migrants” entering by force. We have convinced them that they have an inalienable right to take “refuge” in our homes, and hold on to them. They obviously do not even dare to argue with Israel, Russia, Australia, or the United States!

Measuring the Extent of the Invasion

The numbers are staggering…..

The Law of Numbers

In all cases, the disorder endemic in the Muslim world, exacerbated by the stupid and disastrous American and Franco-British interventions (“to establish democracy”) in Iraq and Libya, is causing the exodus. But this unprecedented migratory invasion, which is 80% Muslim, is also part of a strategy (organized by ISIS and Erdogan’s Turkey) to conquer Europe by Islam. Invasive war from the bottom and by cunning, by moral disarmament.




Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 19 Sep 2015 02:38 | #

Norman Lowell talks to Vice News on the refugee crisis.


MR Editorial Note:
JamesUK is a troll of Jewish nature. His reason for posting this comment was probably to distract from thread content, present Dr. Lowell as “kooky” and slip in the “level-headed sounding” Jewish news reporter who is promoting the migrant invasion of Europe with classic Jewish calm spoken delivery, as if genocidal introduction of mass non-European migration into Europe is normal, benign and reasonable.

....as if taken for granted


Posted by re-worded cartoons from the "Alt-Right" on Sun, 20 Sep 2015 11:50 | #

Re-worded cartoons from the “Alt-Right”. Cleverly done:








Posted by Marion Maréchal-Le Pen harassed by mob on Sun, 20 Sep 2015 13:23 | #

Marion Maréchal-Le Pen was harassed while campaigning in Guillestre, France last week.                                                                                           

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOUXDyBm9Ns&feature=youtu.be

Le Pen is known for her opposition to the displacement of Western culture by Islamic insurgents. She is also known as being the youngest member of the French parliament, being elected at age 22.

Some estimated the number of attackers at about fifty. They shouted insults, disrupted her speaking, threw beer at her, and chased her and her entourage through the streets.

Some in the mob reportedly accused LePen of provoking the violence by her presence.

The attack was reported Sept. 17, 2015.

Apologists for the displacement of Western culture not only hate rational political candidates, they also despise free speech and free elections.

Le Pen is now 25 years old. She is the niece of Marine Le Pen, president of the National Front political party in France and anticipated candidate for president.


Posted by Overview: scope of invasion & its advance on Sun, 20 Sep 2015 13:44 | #

Jared Taylor giving a good overview of the scope of European invasion and its advance



Posted by They do not have the right! on Sun, 20 Sep 2015 14:24 | #

Stefan Molyneux - you (politicians) do NOT have the right [!] to give away Western liberties, which took centuries to achieve, to migrants. 

You do not have the right to give away our blood soaked inheritance and you do not have the right to give away the environment which we borrow from our children:




Posted by Ann Sterzinger: It won’t BE take much pressure on Mon, 21 Sep 2015 15:55 | #

Perhaps a stylistic indulgence in Old English, but I might charitably guess that it is a typo: “It won’t be take much pressure.”

... and I will remind people of this error committed and let through by a professional writer and proofreader, the next time I am criticized for my indulgence in Old English.

Have Tot, Will Travel
Ann Sterzinger

I’m sure by now you’ve seen that awful picture of the little refugee boy. Drowned off the coast of Turkey due to cruel European control of the laws of physics, his arms in a gracefully pathetic “hug me, I’m dead” position, he’s been passed around Facebook as “evidence” that Europe must open her doors to the fresh wave of walking sob stories that’s been unleashed by U.S. intervention in Syria.

Once I got over my visceral reaction to . . . er, no, I wasn’t reacting to the powerful image of the tragic death of a child. Sorry, I’m a monster with a womb of stone.

Toddler, n.: A creature which anyone who isn’t a bloody-minded sentimental fool knows is not yet capable of thinking or feeling anything less rudimentary than a hamster. Was this one worth sucking dry the pockets of the dozens of working European adults it would have taken to rear it to the age of reason? Consider the likelihood, after all, that “reason” in this case would have likely been limited to reading the Koran and thinking of new reasons to hate the worker bees that fed it.


But instead this will happen: the European politicians will be beaten down by the fingers of the world wagging in their direction. It won’t be take much pressure nor hurt them excessively; after all, they don’t live in the neighborhoods where they will be magnanimously parking all these hostage takers.


Posted by 17 down on Mon, 28 Sep 2015 16:14 | #

Seventeen migrants attempting to reach Greece by boat from Turkey have drowned after their boat sank off Turkey.

The victims, all thought to be Syrians, included five women and five children, local media said.

Another 20 people on the boat’s deck, who were wearing life jackets, survived, the news agency said.

Some 300,000 migrants and refugees have arrived in Greece so far this year, most of them moving on to try to reach other EU countries.



Posted by Les Brigandes: great replacement (of Whites) on Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:45 | #

Les Brigandes - The great replacement (of Whites)


Too bad they are Christian. In their case, we can take it for an inarticulate proxy for our race.


Posted by Pope pushes next dead baby trip on Tue, 31 May 2016 20:13 | #

Pope issues next dead baby trip to try to make Europe acquiesce

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

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anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
