US Gun Control Hysteria As Diversionary Tactic For Immigration Treason

Posted by James Bowery on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 20:22.

While it is certainly true that Obama’s second term was destined to be fraught with “gangsta sh*t”, hence a multi-frontal assault on the traditional American nation, a conversation with a Ron Paul supporter helped clarify the current structure of this assault.  To wit: 

Since the leadership of the GOP has given up all pretense of being a political party and is cashing out to the likes of the Western Growers Association and similar cheap-labor consumers (in other words, the GOP is not “the stupid party” because it isn’t a even political party) the Democrats are the only remaining political party in the US.  This means the Democrats have a grace period between now and the time the erstwhile GOP grassroots realizes they don’t have any political representation—a grace period during which the Democrats must deliver the coup de grâce to the traditional American nation:  A nation of settlers—not of immigrants.

Obviously, the way to do this is quickly to make happen to the entire US what has already happened to California:  flood it with racially aggressive Hispanics (and anyone else they can quickly load onto 747s to immigrate to the US), since they know these immigrants vote as racial blocs hence vote Democrat—the true party of racism (whites are the least prone to racial bloc voting of all racial groups making the erstwhile GOP the true party of anti-racism).  If the erstwhile GOP grassroots weren’t distracted by something more urgently threatening, they might get all up in “arms” about “comprehensive immigration reform” and either delay it long enough to form a new political party that accurately represented the interests of the US as a nation of settlers, or be alerted to their utter disenfranchisement as their “leaders” passed “comprehensive immigration reform” anyway.  Either of these circumstances would be totally unacceptable to the treasonous de facto US government since both could result in the traditional American nation of settlers acting to protect their interests.

Since, the phony “GOP leadership” can get behind opposition to gun control without substantial impact on the rate at which they cash out, the Democrats can push for gun control and have a huge media circus, diverting attention from the fact that the government is now in a full-scale invasion of the territory of the US and its people.

By the time the “GOP leadership” and the erstwhile GOP grassroots emerge “victorious” in this battle over gun control, the potential demise of the US at the hands of immigration treason will have been realized.




Posted by Thorn on Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:40 | #

Well written piece. The only thing I disagree with is that the assault on the Second Amendment is a diversionary tactic.

The fact is, they, the Left, outnumber us now and those in power damned well know it. Thus, the Obamunists don’t give a fling fig what the “opposition” thinks; they’re going to do what they damned well please. Obama’s in-your-face style isn’t diminishing him in the eyes of the masses, it’s working in his favor. Barry and his brain [David Axelrod] will move “forward” on granting amnesty and continue their blitzkrieg on gun owners rights until thier objective is accomplished.

Again, the Leftists outnumber us. Moreover, their numbers are growing whilst ours are shrinking.

Our only hope is the future is always uncertain… and their are still plenty of good men and women around.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 16 Jan 2013 23:47 | #

There are good reasons to believe that, outside of foreign nations posing as States, like New York, the gun control agenda is doomed if for no other reason than that there are some remnants of rationality within the beltway who understand that if they trigger martial law in this particular way, it may backfire on them quite easily and literally.  If it is doomed, then why expend so much political capital on it?


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 00:16 | #

If it is doomed, then why expend so much political capital on it?

It’s not doomed.

It’s a long term effert. For example: It’s just like how the Left acomplished the breaking down of the prohibition of gays openly serving in the U.S. Military.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:15 | #

Gays in the military has a tradition going back to Lycurgus and there was no explicit Constitutional designation for homosexuality as a legal category.

The Second Amendment is another matter entirely.  Yes, it has been eroded over the centuries, but there is a powerful “implicit whiteness” to this particular enumerated right and the, otherwise implicitly anti-white 14th Amendment, paradoxically strengthened the Second Amendment by attacking State powers.

The backlash going on against all the anti-gun talk is something to behold.  That, in combination with the increasing decentralization of fabrication technologies born of powder metallurgy 3d printing is already exacting a heavy toll on the long-term viability of the police state envisioned by the left.  This is a very costly investment and I can see only one payoff that is worth the heavy price being paid.


Posted by Thorn the mediocre on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:48 | #

James. I think you are so smart… that is until you venture into unintelligible babble such as this :

That, in combination with the increasing decentralization of fabrication technologies born of powder metallurgy 3d printing is already exacting a heavy toll on the long-term viability of the police state envisioned by the left.


Or maybe I’m just too stupid to participate at MR?


Posted by Poor Suffering Soul on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 01:51 | #


I enjoy your site, lurking here for years.  Some of it appears like grad school bull sessions but always interesting.

Re guns in the US:  Obama and his Fellow Travellers opened a true can of shit when they floated confiscation trial balloons.

Friends I’ve know for years turned out to be every bit the “gun nut” I am.  I had no idea!  I even rekindled several friendships over this brazen, truly frightening game Obama played.  In calls to our U.S. senator’s office, even his office staff were frightened by the talk.


Because he damn well sparked open civil war.

Let me say it plainly:  Most Americans are as “racist” as any Hollywood stereotype even concocted by the Tribe.

They are simply afraid to say anything.  Until their very lives were threatened.  And let it be clear any move against our guns is implicitly and universally understood to be existential in its risk.

In my circle, it was interesting to note the only people openly—and they were hostile at that—against gun rights were FOREIGNERS.  Sadly, many of those foreigners are actual Anglo-Saxons from various Commonwealth countries.

Be that as it may, new alliances were forged.  Pro-Lifers, Libertarians, old-liberal Civil Rights activists as well as “Patriot” and shooters banded together to fight this insane brinkmanship


We’re starting to hear leaks from various D.C. insiders that the massive civil armament action of the last several weeks frightened our Regime into backing down from what was to be today’s announcement of Federal gun confiscation.

I believe such claims.

Going forward, these new alliances have tasted the future and they also came to realize that together we can rid ourselves of these foreign, alien Marxist revolutionaries once and for all time.  They are physical cowards and cannot function except in a propaganda/psyops induced atmosphere of constant, gnawing fear.

Well they blinked today.  Maybe they see it as a strategic retreat.  No matter they blinked.  Now is the time for move offensively and cleanse our beloved America of their foul, satantic stench NOW.


Posted by DanielS. on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 04:09 | #

Jim, this was an expert re-working of language for the GOP grassroots to rally around.

With one exception perhaps: I don’t know why you would want to maintain the legitimacy of “racism” and present the GOP as the true “anti-racists.”

I guess that you are taking the position that “anti-racist” is easiest to understand and the safest argumentative means for them to take at this point. However, I tend to doubt that because it is a conceptually confusing position and undermines their very organizational capacity.

The better angle would be to use your eloquence to turn being a “racist”, i.e., one who classifies and discriminates accordingly, into a good thing.

That would bring into a more complete form the language around which the GOP grassroots emerge.

*There may even a possibility of getting some mileage from channeling people’s anger into identifying as “the bad guys” - yeah, that’s right we’re racists, if by that you mean we don’t think we should have to stand for x, y, z”...


Posted by DanielS. on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 04:13 | #

That is, it could be an opportunity to de-stabilize the “racist/anti-racist” diatribe and rally organization in its disconent, in place of it.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:46 | #

Well they blinked today.  Maybe they see it as a strategic retreat.  No matter they blinked

They’ve blinked and blinked and blinked over their repeated attempts to grant amnesty for 12 million illegals too. Now look where we’re at.

Given the results of the last presidential election: it shocked the Republican strategists into realizing the demographic shift has past its tipping point; hence the Democrats are virtually unbeatable at the national level. In reaction the Republicans are in full panic mode grasping at straws in their futile attempt to compete against the Dems for Hispanic votes. Unfortunately the Republican strategists—as part of their plan to adjust to the demographic change—jumped on board with the pro-amnesty crowd.

Q: So where’s the opposition to amnesty?

A: There is very little left, especially where it matters.

This pattern will repeat itself WRT the gun control issue….watch.

In the mean time it’s corruption at the top and bread and circuses for the plebs.

Benvenuto a Roma



Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:22 | #

DanielS, Edgar Steele’s “defensive racism” may work as an idiom and is, in fact, most accurate.  Europeans are genetically not prone to “racism” in a definition of that word which makes denotative its connotations. 

This is due to our genetic individualism which is much maligned here at MR. 

Until you guys get over this hatred of European character, you’re not going to get anywhere.


Posted by DanielS. on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 17:36 | #

Posted by James Bowery on January 17, 2013, 12:22 PM | #

DanielS, Edgar Steele’s “defensive racism” may work as an idiom and is, in fact, most accurate.  Europeans are genetically not prone to “racism” in a definition of that word which makes denotative its connotations.

Yeah, that might work as an idiom. I was not necessarily suggesting that “racism” be left unmodified (though in certain contexts the bare term does not bother me at all - providing I can define it as I see fit). “Defensive racism” or something approximate may just be the ticket.

This is due to our genetic individualism which is much maligned here at MR.

I don’t know if it is so much maligned as it seen as problematic. As we know it is also exaggerated and exploited in certain circumstances - hence, remedies to its vulnerability are sought.

Until you guys get over this hatred of European character, you’re not going to get anywhere.

I don’t hate European character Jim - can’t speak for the other guys.

This is a good piece of yours - very worthwhile project and eloquently stated.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 18:43 | #

Thorn writes:

James. I think you are so smart… that is until you venture into unintelligible babble such as this :

That, in combination with the increasing decentralization of fabrication technologies born of powder metallurgy 3d printing is already exacting a heavy toll on the long-term viability of the police state envisioned by the left.


Or maybe I’m just too stupid to participate at MR?

Stupid?  I don’t know.  Ignorant, yes but at least ignorance, per se, is curable with education:

Even NY politicians are ahead of you on this one, Thorn.

NASA 3D prints rocket parts — with steel, not plastic

An Open Source Laser Sintering 3D Printer

and last but not least:

RepRap is humanity’s first general-purpose self-replicating manufacturing machine.



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:52 | #

Thanks for the info, James.

WOW! Technology has advanced along way since my teen years. I remember working in a model making shop where the model makers used to work off a set of blueprints (supplied by GM, Ford and Chrysler) for the purpose of creating life size plaster (within 1/16 of an inch tolerance) prototype auto body parts such as fenders hoods, bumpers, etc. The prototypes, when finished, were then sent to the auto companies’ engineering divisions. Anyway, as you might imagine, the overall process involved many workers and many steps thus a long drawn out labor intensive process. Industrial 3D printers have replaced all that.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 20:26 | #

If you worked in the automobile industry then you definitely should check out what some guys in a Seattle storage unit pulled off with Team Wikispeed:  >100mpg car with 5 star crash rating for under $25,000.

Bob Zimmerman’s mockery “Something is happening here; But you don’t know what it is; Do you, Mr. Jones?” is backfiring.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 01:01 | #

I agree completely with the title and substance of this post. I’ve been thinking the same myself. Ironically, the two most important issues today are immigration control and gun rights (although I am certainly very dismayed at the real state of the economy, and its likely still poorer performance in the future). Obviously, the leftist goal is to seize our guns (a proxy for, as well as guarantor of, our liberty) in toto, as well as transform the USA into a wholly nonwhite hegemonic country, in which whites will be completely economically dispossessed, and ultimately physically persecuted - just as has happened (per WN prediction) to our racial kinsmen in Southern Africa. But in the long run, nothing right now is more important than preventing mass amnesty. We can always “deal with guns” (or taxes, etc) down the road, but immigration changes are forever.

Of course, this is not to say that America is any longer viable, even in the event we stop the current amnesty. Sam Francis may have been correct in the 90s that had we stopped immigration then, and had whites developed a mature ethnonational consciousness, we might have been able to preserve our version of the USA, albeit while still stuck with lots of minorities in our midst. A WN USA (or even merely WN GOP), even with 30% nonwhites (plus the usual legions of whites allied to nonwhites: Jews, fags, public unions, ideological leftists), could have enabled the preservation of white American civilization indefinitely (eg, after ending nonwhite immigration, whites could deal with nonwhite criminality through ‘concealed carry’ plus vigorous punishment; repeal affirmative action; pass nationwide felon disenfranchisement, possibly welfare recipient disenfranchisement, too; restore real capitalism, cut government budgets, etc), even though the nonwhite presence would have remained an unfortunate source of problems.

But now the nation is dead, and cannot be revived. Our task for the remainder of our lives is twofold: empower traditional white America as much as possible, so that our daily lives in this new multicult will be as tolerable as we can make them; but also begin the long term campaign for racial/ideological ingathering (never forget: lots of whites LOVE ‘diversity’, even if they don’t want it living next door), and ultimate racial secession and sovereignty.


Posted by CS on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 02:34 | #


A lot of white people are stuck on stupid and even if our countries are turned to complete shit by non-whites they will still lover diversity. Another year has past and nothing has changed other than our countries have become a little more non-white. Perhaps it is time to talk about White Zion or Whitopia again.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 12:40 | #

Posted by James Bowery on January 17, 2013, 03:26 PM | #

If you worked in the automobile industry then you definitely should check out what some guys in a Seattle storage unit pulled off with Team Wikispeed:  >100mpg car with 5 star crash rating for under $25,000.

Actually I was only 18 when I was hired in that model making shop. I worked there for about one year before moving on to the construction trades. That was the extent of my experience working in the auto industry. However in that one short year it taught me how much brains, creativity and hard work it takes to build a car from the concept stage to the finished product - not to mention the underlying monetary risk/reward dynamic that drives the whole endeavor. Thank God for capitalism!

Anyway, it’s always uplifting to be reminded that the white mans’ ingenuity is still alive and kicking—dumbing down of Amerikwa notwithstanding.




Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:53 | #

Hi CS!

My thoughts on WZ have always been analytical and predictive, meaning that, from a neutral, dispassionate perspective, I really do believe WZ is “the last ditch”. I don’t think that whites anywhere outside of Eastern Europe (and maybe not even there) will actually rally so as to prevent their homelands from becoming majority mud-colonies. I hope I’m wrong wrt Western Europe, but we know we’re right wrt the Anglosphere - and in the race to full-on muddedness, my country, the USA, is far ahead of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, though these fools are catching up, of course (South Africa has already gone full-mud, obviously). So WZ is something that will heavily disproportionately appeal to New World whites, esp as our Old World kinsmen still have a shot at retaking their homelands, and therefore a duty to try.

But even though it’s perfectly clear that the White New World is rapidly receding into the past, there is still going to be a long ... let’s call it ‘interregnum’ ... between the declinist, indoctrinated present, and the formation of a critical mass of WZ pioneers ready to begin the WZ colonization. In this period, our task is to build white consciousness, which includes an awareness of the dire white future absent racial separation and sovereignty. It is also to build white social networks, first in cyberspace, but soon thereafter in the physical world, so that camaraderie and friendships (and, ideally, relationships, too) between the likeminded can arise. This is critical to a venture like this. A mere internet presence is inadequate.

Also, please bear in mind that WZ is not a goal, but a means (and, again, a value-free political prediction on my part that only the WZ path will in fact be sufficient to prevent white extinction). The goal is a conscious White Republic; that is, not just a country that happens to be filled with whites (anyone for relocating to Belorussia?), but one that is of whites and for whites - our country. This does not necessarily have to be WZ (electoral conquest of an existent sovereign state via mass WN immigration), which is only what I regard as the option most likely actually to get us what we want. It could also be a breakaway portion of the US (eg, the Northwest Front idea). We should not foreclose any possibilities.

How do we build this real world, white separatist presence? I think not by emphasizing the distant goal of WZ, or even an intranational secessionist movement, but rather, by bringing people together to pursue racial consciousness raising, as well as local political and social initiatives. Even if we ourselves understand the need for future radical action, most of those whites who are generally against ‘diversity’ have not yet realized the utter hopelessness of the current situation, and thus need to be acclimated gradually to the notion of the irreversible racial decline (not merely racial change) of the US. In other words, we don’t want to scare people off in the beginning.

So for me over the next few years, my goals are, first and foremost, to finish my PhD, and then beyond that to join or create some type of nationalist networking group to further WN contacts and consciousness raising. WZ (assuming there never arises a domestic racial secessionist movement), for me at least, must remain a discussion topic and distant endeavor, until I feel a greater mass of dissatisfied whites has come into existence. (I do think the WZ idea deserves its own website. I don’t know anything about website design, however, other than that getting pros to do up a professional looking site can cost around $10,000. I don’t have time, either now or for the next few years, to teach myself web design. I’d be interested in hearing GW’s experience in getting MR off the ground.)


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 13:57 | #


Did you ever go to college? You seem too smart not to have. I was led to believe from The Bell Curve, which I read in ‘95, that by the late 70s, almost everyone with brains was going to college (although I do have a high-IQ WN friend in his mid-50s who skipped “higher ed”).


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 16:42 | #

LH: “White Zion” isn’t a new concept of course and the concept always runs into the same concrete problem: territory.

One must understand that whites are in the position of a family that has had its home invaded and members of its family gang-raped by the invaders.  The only reason any members of the family are allowed to live is that they can be gang-raped.  The family members are not only witnesses to the gang-rapes but they are likely to seek revenge—so they can never be allowed to leave peaceably.  They’ll be killed if they try to escape—where “escape” in a racial sense means acquisition of sovereign territory anywhere.

Given this situation, the first and foremost question facing anyone seeking racial survival is:  “How do we achieve military victory?” In the current circumstance that is really the same as the question: “How do we achieve fifth generation warfare victory?”  where fifth generation warfare, Web 2.0 warfare, is founded on a “plausible promise”.  Understand that fifth generation warfare’s plausible promise must be broad enough to form large coalitions of the highly motivated and must be simple enough to make clear the conditions under which victory is achieved.

Given the individualistic nature of whites, I don’t see “White Zion” as such a plausible promise. 

Moralizing about or deriding “Lockeans”, “Americans” or “Cartesians” or whatever, no matter how sardonically, is just pissing in the wind.


Posted by DanielS. on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 17:56 | #

Jim, if the rule structure of the Constitution and its sources have nothing to do with the problems besetting Whites, if you and other Whites are so individualistic and unsocial, what are you doing talking to us? Of course we are social animals.

The post is excellent and I believe that even in this spurious criticism, you are approaching something entirely valid… ebbing toward a closer reading of the facts to test the speculative conceptualiztion of the group, Whites.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:24 | #

DanielS, politics are a type of social interaction.  Individualists are not political animals despite being social animals.  Moreover, I’m not making any absolute statements about white individualism—nor need I make such absolute statements.  I’m merely making the very salient point about relative individualism, which is what matters most when it comes to political animals devouring individuals.

My own participation in MR and “white nationalism” is born not of my propensity toward being a political animal but is achieved only after an arduous journey, as an individual, that involves mental and moral gymnastics few whites are going to be able to reproduce:

1) Whites are exceptionally individualistic among the races.
2) This is a profound political weakness.
3) This is a profound ultimate value.
4) Whites must therefore be saved not by an appeal to ordinary racialism but by a conscious appeal to their individualism, and this appeal must be military, rather than political, in nature.


Posted by DanielS. on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 18:52 | #

I’m merely making the very salient point about relative individualism

I acknowledged that - that’s basically what I was indicating.

And I can agree that it is valid to appeal to White individualism as well - a statement from Habermas jumps out, viz. that if people don’t see their subjective interests in an effort they are not going to learn. I believe there is a connection in that to White activism. Thus, it is not either/or but both-and.

As for Whites being more individualistic and its being problematic, we’ve noted that and also that you are more articulate and capable of describing the ontology of that motivation (if I can put it that way).

However, I do think that ordinary racism will do for a certain percentage and in certain ways - particularly in a negative sense. Whites may not necessarily be inspired by other Whites, certainly not in an ordinary sense (even I require the transcendent aspect of the 14 Words), however, they do organize in an ordinary racial sense in aversion to other races: as Joe Sobran said, “in their mating and migratory patterns there is little difference between a liberal and a klansman.”


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 19:11 | #

Leon @19

First off thanks for the compliment.

But to answer your question: No, I never went to college as is commonly understood as having “gone to college”.

I did attend and complete a two year technical program at a local community college. I did so in preparation for passing the Journeyman then the Master’s licence in my particular trade. 

As far as my IQ, my verbal IQ is a little higher than the mean; however my spacial IQ is a little more than one SDP above the mean—combined verbal and spacial is around 113. Nothing to brag about, but I get by just fine.


Posted by CS on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 21:36 | #


I agree that “White Zion” is a last ditch effort to stop whites from becoming a minority in every single country. I also agree that we need to promote our ideas so more white people will become willing to be pioneers. Of course as our countries get shittier and shittier that will become more and more easier.


Posted by CS on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 21:54 | #

James Bowery,

So what you’re saying is that our enemies will not permit us to establish a White Zion and will attack it if we create one? In which case we can only “win” by defeating them here. Well that might be true but it might not be possible to defeat them here so we may have to establish White Zion and hope it doesn’t come under attack. And if it were to come under attack then it would become more obvoius to all white people that they are under attack. When NATO attacked Serbia it was because of the violence Serbians were using against other types of people. If Serbia had went about ethnic cleansing in a more peacable manner they may have been left alone. In any case we can attack our enemies and do “White Zion” at the same time. White Zion can serve as a base where our people can retreat when they have to. Even if White Zion starts off as a small community in one city in a small country.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:49 | #

CS, some of the most draconian State laws are in Idaho precisely because people have been trying to establish the equivalent of a “White Zion” there.  Edgar Steele, the only attorney willing to defend various “White ZIonists” in Idaho is now serving 50 years in prison having been convicted of soliciting a contracted murder of his wife and if what his wife, CIndi Steele has to say about it is true Edgar Steele was subjected to a very well organized and financed government supported conspiracy to frame him—all too plausible.  Individuals such as Richard Butler have likely been subjected to SPLC (along with the ADL—endowed with hundreds of millions of dollars) entrapment as a pretext for depriving them of their land in Idaho.  There is Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge, etc.  The horror stories go on and on.

When I say “military” I do not mean to say that there must be a “racial holy war” or a race war of any kind.  I mean that there needs to be a fifth generation war declaration which provides a plausible promise around which coalitions can form to punish the money-power Beast—hitting it where it hurts the most:  in the pocket-book—until it relents and allows a humane regime in which people can sort themselves into governments according to their strongly held theories/beliefs about the kind of society in which they would prefer to live and raise their children/dependents.

The money-power Beast will not relent under mere political pressure, even if whites were capable of competing in the political arena despite their individualistic nature.


Posted by Pacer on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 00:48 | #

What about “The Citadel” community that’s apparently being established in Idaho?

In the midst of a national gun control debate, an Internet-based survivalist group has launched the development of a community of “patriotic Americans” armed with semi-automatic weapons high up in the Idaho mountains.

Reportedly formed in early 2012, the group called The Citadel reveals plans on its website to build a community in Benewah County south of Coeur d’Alene that would house up to 7,000 families. The commune would comprise “patriotic American families who agree that being prepared for the emergencies of life and being proficient with the American icon of Liberty — the Rifle — are prudent measures.”

Residents would have to agree to conditions that include following federal and state constitutions; being able to shoot a man-sized steel target at various distances with a handgun and a rifle; having an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle variant and at least five magazines and 1,000 rounds of ammunition; keeping every household stocked with a year’s worth of food, water and supplies; and taking courses on such topics as basic medical care and firearms safety.

The commune would be protected by walls and towers, with a firearms-manufacturing company, III Arms, at the center of its development. The company was incorporated in Idaho in August, its headquarters listed in Gaithersburg, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C. III Percent — seemingly a reference to the “three percenter” militia movement — and Citadel Land Development were created in Idaho last month, according to state records.

It was covered recently by liberal media outlets:

And Glenn Beck is also apparently trying to set up some sort of community in Texas called “Independence, USA”:


Posted by ben tillman on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 06:29 | #

So what you’re saying is that our enemies will not permit us to establish a White Zion and will attack it if we create one?

We’re living in a White Zion right now.  Are we being attacked?


Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 12:36 | #

The Euro-DNA Nation is a much better starting point and means than the very un-original idea of what Leon is calling “White Zion.”

The European DNA Nation comprehends all that Leon proposes for those who would choose traditional style White communities; and it provides alternatives in addition for those who do not want to be hide-bound with Christianity and some other traditional but also obsolete ideas.

The Euro DNA Nation asserts almost verbatim what CS commends in this sentence , “Even if White Zion starts off as a small community in one city in a small country.”

Except that it does not use the offensive, obnoxious term “Zion”..

and it does not wrongly ascribe undue credit to Leon’s conceits - lets face it, though it is not bad as one kindred effort among many, there is nothing new in what he is saying in “his concept of White Zion.”


Posted by CS on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:05 | #

Ben Tillman,

We are not living in a “White Zion”. I guess the term causes too much confusion. So from now on I will call it Euro DNA Nation.


Posted by CS on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:07 | #

Daniel S,

From now on I will use the term Euro DNA Nation. I prefer the other term but too many other people hate it or get confused about what I’m talking about.


Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:22 | #

Great! Let people get used to it…the terms of the European DNA Nation are ours to assert…

glad to hear it..


Posted by CS on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:30 | #

James Bowery,

I think you’re Sortocracy is a great idea. That’s a great name for it too.

I think the government saw an opportunity to screw with Edgar Steele through his ZOG agent handyman who stole from Steele. I don’t think ZOG designed a big conspiracy to get Steele into jail. I think that ZOG just got lucky and a bunch of circumstances allowed them to put him away. Even if there was a big conspiracy it wasn’t because Steele was forming a Euro DNA Nation in Idaho. Steele wasn’t really doing that. Steele is just someone who has been a bigger thorn in the side of ZOG than the rest of us and so got railroaded when the opportunity presented itself.

There is a “Euro DNA Nation” starting in Kalispel Montana. April Gaede lives there and invited other WN to come move there and create a physical community. Some WN have moved there but I don’t know how many. I hope one day they have the numbers to start electing WN pols at at least the local level. As far as I know ZOG has not fucked with her or them.

In the past we talked about how Golden Dawn was providing charity as a means of winning political support in Greece. The problem with strategy is that the communists and other parties can do the exact same thing and they’ll have bigger financial backers like Soros and company. I do suppose that it is a good strategy as it allows the opporunity for Golden Dawn to get their message out.


Posted by CS on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 14:35 | #


Thanks for the information about those other groups. It will be interesting to see how ZOG deals with the people in Idaho.


Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 15:13 | #

Well, the assortocracy would be on a functional level of the Euro-DNA Nation, which in turn, is an answer to the question of whom we might potentially cooperate with as a macroscopic in-group.

As for what you might call your particular manifestation - I guess that a “White state” or “European state” as a particular instantiation, might be less awkward as a term..with the recognition that these states are functioning with some cooperation and affinity for other White/European states under the rubric of the Euro DNA Nation and under the function of assortocracy.

I’ve listened to Jim’s first 2 sortocracy podcasts for the first time..many keenly articulated ideas there of course..incl. the importance of inviolable borders, expulsion as punishment (though I still believe in the death penalty in some cases), all these things as they bear upon ecology and biodiversity, human and otherwise..very good, as is most of the podast.

Of course we get into Jim’s valuation of duels, sovereigns and shields at the end…while there are some good ideas even in that part, I’m glad that his rules would respect White people who would like to govern their lands in a different way…as I believe that there are ways to govern human ecologies which do not require that form and which need not impose upon another nation within an assortocracy.




Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 15:41 | #

No Christians allowed in DNA Nation!

“in an age when most Jews the world over hold no firm religious beliefs and have no firm commitment to religious practice of any kind, there is something intellectually perverse, if emotionally understandable, in the contention that the son of Polish Jews [Brother Daniel] who has made great efforts to live in Israel is not a Jew because he believes in the New Testament, while the son of Polish Jews who live in Los Angeles is a Jew though he believes in astrology or in transcendental meditation, or in nothing more than his own personal welfare. ” [HALKIN, p. 5] Halkin leaves unspoken what the essence of such identity irrationality is all about. A fundamental basis of “being Jewish” is its historical “otherness,” resistance, and animosity to Christianity. While a Jew can even be legally accepted as an atheist, an important part of “being Jewish” is ultimately defined in emphatic antithesis—to the Christian faith. “In the western world,” observes Charles Liebman and Steven Cohen, “a significant characteristic of being Jewish is not being Christian.” [LIEBMAN, p. 46] This is also exemplified in the 1990 case of two married Jews by birth from South Africa, Gary and Shirley Beresford, who, by Israeli Supreme Court ruling, did not qualify for the Jewish “Law of Return” to settle in Israel because they were members of the organization “Jews for Jesus.” [SEDAN, p. 53]



Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 15:56 | #

No Christians allowed in DNA Nation!

Why do you always resort to lying and smear tactics, Thorn?

There can be States that are Christian, or part Christian (allowing for some Christian communities and some non-Christian communities) and other states which openly assert that they do not recognize Christianity as valid.

European DNA is the condition of membership, not whether one is a Christian or not.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 16:42 | #

It wasn’t meant as a lie, Danny. I just wanted to point out the similarities between the attitudes of a faction of White racialists and the Jewish hostilities towards Christianity.

Quite frankly, I don’t care if a person is an atheist, agnostic, Christian, pagan, or wishes to worship snail darters; so long as they are willing to participate in building a broad coalition of people whose purpose it is is to promote the best interests of White people.


Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 17:05 | #



Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:01 | #

Pacer and CS:  I should have qualified my criticism of the migratory approach.  It is good tactically and ultimately but bad strategically.  In other words, there are very good and urgent reasons to immediately migrate to places like Kalispel Montana and ultimately that kind of assortative migration will be the “final solution”—what I call Sortocracy.  In particular the Bakken oil fields of the north central US represent a highly valuable tactical move for young men looking to find the means to obtain a mate—but they should be under no illusions about finding a mate from that part of the country since the male to female ratio, particularly in the counties where oil work is most concentrated, is downright toxic.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:39 | #

DanielS, I isolated all discussion of natural duel to part 2 which was about a set of problems with which no one in any philosophy of government has even remotely come to grips:  Humanity’s eusocial ecological dominance—population growth and environmental destruction—and the value of preserving Nature.  You really don’t have to listen that carefully to what I said to understand that what I am essentially proposing is to place myself and others who are like me in civilization’s ultimate prison colony—and doing so in such a way that this ultimate prison colony also serves as a nature preserve.

This is no compromise with those who differ from me.  It goes beyond problems that they have even attempted to address in their thinking and takes care of those problems for them.

I intend on getting into another key aspect of this issue in future podcasts which is what one does about entire polities that begin to grow like a cancer—essentially falling into the ultimate failure mode of civilization which might be called the War of the Wombs.  The solution there is to basically cut those polities off from civilization and allocate their territory to Nature so that men like myself are free to deal with them.


Posted by DanielS. on Sat, 19 Jan 2013 18:59 | #

You really don’t have to listen that carefully to what I said to understand that what I am essentially proposing is to place myself and others who are like me in civilization’s ultimate prison colony—and doing so in such a way that this ultimate prison colony also serves as a nature preserve.

It makes sense..I had a sense of that from what you were saying..


Posted by torgrim on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:54 | #

Ben Tillman says; “Are we being attacked? Here are some links that when read through demonstrates how certain connected Libs, and certain ethnics are working together. It is interesting that the US House member, Rosa DeLauro has proposed a new bill, HR226 and is the wife of a certain Stan Greenburg of US and UK advisory fame.


Posted by torgrim on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 02:00 | #




Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 07:18 | #


Re college, just surprised, that’s all. I’m always shocked, perhaps unwarrantedly and arrogantly so, I do admit, when I come across intelligent persons under about 60 or even 65 who did not attend college. As you probably know, there was a huge Federal support for college attendance post-WW2. Moreover, there also was a wonderful economic boom, which made going to college seem like a sound investment (off-topic: this boom has been studied extensively, and completely undermines any idiot’s case against the assertion of the utter economic superiority of capitalism over all other modes of economic organization; recall how quickly the demobilized troops were rapidly absorbed into the free market once wartime price and production controls were removed - this reality having directly contradicted the then idiotic but widespread Keynesian prediction of a new Depression if such deregulation were effected).

I forget that not everyone had the same affluent upbringing, with an emphasis on and expectation of education, that I did. My father was a Pacific War combat vet from the Midwest who loved CA so much (he was still stationed there for quite a while after the official end of hostilities) that he decided to remain permanently, going from BA through PhD (he was a scientist, then later business exec) at the University of California, marrying a CA girl, and making his life and career in Southern CA. Those were the days (40s-early 70s)!, as dad used to say. Can you imagine any Middle American white man today coming out to CA (esp LA) and thinking it some kind of paradise?! But Orange Country really was a great place for decades after WW2 - I would go so far as to argue right up to the 90s (with SoCal generally still bearable at least up until the mid-80s, despite the n——- riots of the 60s, and the crime explosion of the 70s/80s). Maybe my own youthful nostalgia is rearing up. But very little of the mud-shit from LA really got behind the “Orange Curtain” until the 90s.

Anyway, although I ended up at one of the Ivies to which I had had absolutely no connection (my mom having been a Stanford grad, although she had started out back East, but disliked the winters), that I was headed to some prestigious university was drilled into me from as far back as I can remember. The idea that I might do something other than college literally never entered my thinking. And being college-bound was decisively reinforced by my attending a well-known Eastern boarding school (I don’t believe a single one of my high school classmates skipped college).

Note only two of my four grandparents attended college (interestingly, a grandfather on one side, and the grandmother on the other) - but that was a very different, pre-war generation.

I have a good sense of the Old (pre-Diversity) America, derived from my grandparents and friends of their generation. I really miss it (even if I only experienced it myself vicariously). I don’t think younger WPs, perhaps including many here, really and fully understand what life was like - how much sweeter it was - pre-integration. Indeed, my own parents often said I didn’t, either, having grown up a SoCal kid in the 70s-80s. But a young fellow in his 20s-30s right now would have had his entire world shaped by Boomers plus minorities. No wonder some of these WNs, even if racially realistic (more so than many of our generation, to be honest, when we were all struggling to discover racial truth without a handy internet to locate verboten information for us), seem otherwise so ideologically insubstantial. I’m basically a slightly tougher version of Pat Buchanan, and I fear that the ‘window’ to expand my views so as to shape the following generation is long closed. Racialism among conservatives is going extinct, as is conservatism among racialists (perhaps why my views seem to alienate so many on all sides of the Right, even though they were once the modal position of the American Majority: “too racist for the Christians, too Christian for the racists; too capitalist for the racists, too racist for the libertarians” etc).


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 10:10 | #

I’m going to deal with some of the misconceptions about WZ that have appeared above, maybe Sunday night. I hope the discussion continues.


Posted by CS on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 18:11 | #


For one you shouldn’t call it “White Zion” anymore. Too many people hate the name.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 21 Jan 2013 00:19 | #

The Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, has placed immigration ahead of gun control in Congressional priority.  This is exactly what one would expect if gun control were a diversionary tactic to deliver death by immigration to the US.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 21 Jan 2013 23:56 | #


I grew up in a family that stressed education too. My mother had a master’s degree. Both my sister and brother followed suit. I take after my dad and went into the skilled trades.

When I graduated HS in the 1970s, there were still plenty of good opportunities for those who chose a different path than going to college. However nearly all of the really smart kids in my graduation class went in one of two directions: most went to college, some were more mature and went straight into entrepreneurship.

That said, I vividly recall as a tween and teen back in the late 1960s/early 1970s many guys of draft age went to college simply to avoid being drafted then sent to Vietnam. Under normal circumstances they wouldn’t have chosen the higher education path; but many did, and I can’t say I blame them.

I’m basically a slightly tougher version of Pat Buchanan…...

Ditto to that, and I agree with the remainder of your paragraph.



Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 30 Jan 2013 21:35 | #

Was Sandy Hook an operating school on December 14, 2012


Posted by Suburban_elk on Fri, 01 Feb 2013 17:08 | #

there needs to be a fifth generation war declaration which provides a plausible promise around which coalitions can form to punish the money-power Beast—hitting it where it hurts the most:  in the pocket-book—until it relents and allows a humane regime in which people can sort themselves into governments according to their strongly held theories/beliefs about the kind of society in which they would prefer to live and raise their children/dependents.

The money-power Beast will not relent under mere political pressure, even if whites were capable of competing in the political arena despite their individualistic nature.

I like this spelling out here, but.

The Beast is relentless; there is no compromise for age old enmity. So armchair doomsayers are correct in their prognoses.


Posted by Suburban_elk on Fri, 01 Feb 2013 17:13 | #

The talk of the animal farm reserve, forget it. The animal farm is continent sized or planet wize.

Your posts about kelp farming or whatever said as much; so what is the concession here.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)
