black hyper-assertiveness

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 10 August 2016 07:22.


French girl doesn’t want to give out her phone number

Television News reporter and cameraman shot live on air




“Alison made ‘racist’ comments”

black woman spits in White woman’s face at Trump rally:

The worst of Black Lives Matter.




Posted by Why do blacks riot? on Wed, 26 Aug 2015 18:03 | #

July 24, 1967 – Detroit, MI, U.S. – Police began to move in the area of 12th Street and Clairmont as hundreds of people fill the street with violence gaining momentum during the 1967 Detroit Race Riot. (Credit Image: © Keystone Press Agency/Keystone USA via


Posted by Free boat rides to Africa on Fri, 02 Oct 2015 18:24 | #

Free boat rides to Africa:

Though the hidden camera prankster (“amazing ‘racist’) is a Jew, this video illustrates how aggressive, hyper-assertive and presumptuous that Negroes are. It is rather clearly illustrative of typical Negro behavior. The chances of getting such reactions “arbitrarily” are non-existent. It is also tragically typical that an arbitrary survey of beach-side strollers in this hidden camera prank would easily come across a lowly, hyper-assertive Negro with a rather fine White woman - a pairing the likes of which you were not going to see on anything remotely like a typical basis in the 1970’s or early 80’s.


Posted by raise your spirits, not all are pussies on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 06:06 | #

The White husband’s wiggerishness, including his ebonics, are an embarrassment (where does that sub"culture” come from?), his use of a bottle might not hold up in a present day court of law (though it should), but other than these tangential issues, good job:


In a more normal world, where confronted with Negroes, this is one way to handle them. I (DanielS) have had a few occasions to make them back-off with a handy item.

This guy managed without a weapon and the wigger ebonics (though he did have a White friend nearby to back him up in the event of rough going). Nevertheless, good job as well:

What starts out like an all knowing, cocky, aggressive black and winds up like a riddled, bobble-headed Sphinx?


Posted by Tanya Chamberlain on Thu, 19 Nov 2015 20:03 | #

News Alert Courtesy Stan Hess -

NY Daily News, ‘Eighth-graders allegedly stab woman to death at car wash, prop her body up for a joyride’, Nov 13, 2015:

The boys allegedly stabbed 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain in the face, neck, chest and hands as she vacuumed her car and then took her dead body on a joyride.

Two Missouri teenagers fatally stabbed a woman while she was vacuuming her car and then went on a gruesome joyride with her dead body propped up in the front seat, according to reports.

The two boys, 13 and 14, allegedly stabbed 43-year-old Tanya Chamberlain in the face, neck, chest and hands on Nov. 1 as she visited a local car wash and vacuumed her vehicle, according to documents obtained by KCTV5.

Surveillance video shows the eighth-graders exiting Quick Clean Car Wash wearing distinct hoodies that would later help police identify them as suspects.

The Nov. 1 time change for daylight saving time screwed up the nearby video footage, which shows the boys getting in the vehicle with Chamberlain in the front seat at around 1:57 a.m. — 40 minutes after Chamberlain is seen on camera vacuuming her car, according to the court documents.

A few minutes later the video boots back up and the car is gone, KCTV5 reported.

The documents state that the teens then took off in the vehicle with Chamberlain’s dead body propped up in the front seat with her feet on the dashboard.

Police pulled over the swerving vehicle about 20 minutes later for what seemed like intoxicated driving.

The boys fled from the vehicle and police lost sight of both of them after a brief foot pursuit, KCTV5 reported.

The suspects​


Posted by If Obama had a son it would look like him on Tue, 24 Nov 2015 13:08 | #

Videos show accused student following teacher before she is killed

“If Obama had a son, it would look like him”

Philip Chism is charged with killing Colleen Ritzer, 24, with a box cutter in a girls’ bathroom at the school. Chism, now 16, has pleaded not guilty to aggravated rape, robbery and murder charges in January. He is being tried as an adult.

Colleen Ritzer

                                                                - comment and alert courtesy Stan Hess



Posted by Cassie Carter on Wed, 09 Dec 2015 15:42 | #

Cassie Carter


Posted by Grenada vacationer murdered on Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:05 | #


Grenada: Mother of two found in shallow grave

DAILYKENN, ‘young mother who was also a college professor went missing during a jog while vacationing in Grenada’

Her body was discovered in a makeshift grave on the south end of the island.

Akim Frank turned himself in to police earlier today. He was charged in her death.


Posted by 15 year old murdered on Thu, 17 Dec 2015 17:10 | #

NBC10, ‘Death of Missing Teen Girl Ruled a Homicide, 3 Men Arrested on Unrelated Charges’ 17 Dec 2015:

A body that was found in the basement of a South Jersey home Monday was identified as a missing teenage girl. Police also say they’ve taken three men, one of whom allegedly had a sexual relationship with the girl, into custody on unrelated charges.

Police have identified a body found in a basement in Middle Township, New Jersey as a missing Lower Township teen girl. They also say the investigation of her death led to the arrest of three men, one of whom allegedly had a sexual relationship with her, on unrelated charges.

Nicole Angstadt, 15, was reported missing by her family on Dec. 1 and was last seen on Nov. 29 at her home in the Erma section of Lower Township. During the investigation, police found her body inside the basement of an abandoned home on the 100 block of Vermont Avenue in the Rio Grande section of Middle Township Monday.

(L to R), LaQuan Harris, Derrick Powers, Charles Mosley
Photo credit: Cape May County Sheriff’s Office

Police also say their investigation revealed 32-year-old Charles Mosley was having a sexual relationship with Angstadt. He was arrested and charged with sexual assault of a person at least 13 but less than 16 years of age, endangering the welfare of a minor and trespassing. He was lodged in the Cape May County Correctional Facility in lieu of $250,000 bail.


Posted by Zero compensation on Tue, 29 Dec 2015 15:04 | #

Violent Crimes: Black On White & White On Black

Category, Black Males: Rape & Murder /Attempted Murder - White Female Victims

I have documented 2530 white victims (seriously injured or dead) in my blog series, Violence Crimes: Black on White.  In about 25% of the incidences the black male(s) raped his white victim(s) then, after the sexual attack, he/they murdered, or attempted to murder,  the white female(s).

Note:  Estimates for black male sexual assaults on white females on a per year basis over the last 40 years, range from 14,000 to as high as 38,000 (no way to find out exact rape figures as the federal gov’t refuses to release this information).  The incidences below do not include the black male’s sole act of rape on the white female. The incidences include only those where the black man has raped then murdered, or attempted to murder, his white female victim(s).

The rape and murder / attempted murder incidences below have been color coded :

  Home Invasion (Red)
  Business Invasion (Green)
  Public Abduction (Blue)

As of August 2011, the total amount of compensation from the federal gov’t to either the white family members of the deceased , or the survivor(s),  of a brutal attack by Eric Holder’s people ... is ZERO


Posted by Hunting Ground: Erica's Story on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 00:04 | #

The Hunting Ground: Erica’s story

...but when you build stadiums that cost $2, 300,000,000..when you build athletic facilities that can get up into that range as well.. and then you look at the multi-billion dollar television contracts…

When you are talking about that kind of money there is an enormous investment in a student athlete who may be a quarterback on a top twenty team that’s pulling-in hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue.


Posted by Julia Anderson on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:51 | #

And 569 other White victims of violent black crime in 2015


Posted by takes Senegali home for sex and.. on Wed, 27 Jan 2016 13:55 | #

                                                                - takes Senegali home for sex and.., ‘Ashley Olsen Horrifically Murdered: Suspect Has Finally Been Arrested’, 14 Jan 2016:

A suspect has finally been arrested in connection with the brutal murder of 35-year old American artist Ashley Olsen in Italy on Jan. 9. The blonde beauty was found dead in her apartment by her landlord. Here’s the scoop.

This is utterly tragic. American artist Ashley Olsen, 35, was found dead in her apartment on Jan. 9 during an extended trip to Italy. On Jan. 14, Italian police said in a press conference that they’ve finally made a breakthrough in the case and arrested a Senegalese man Diaw Cheik Tidianee for the murder. We have all the details, here.

Such a devastating story. A suspect was finally arrested for the murder of the lovely American artist Ashley. On Jan. 14, Italian officials held a news conference to explain the new breakthrough in the case. “We have collected very serious evidence of his guilt,” said chief prosecutor Giuseppe Creazzo. He explained that they found a cigarette as well as a used condom with Diaw’s DNA on it. They called the findings “decisive evidence” in the case, Us Weekly reported.

The police explained that Ashley met Diaw at a nightclub on Jan. 8, and the two returned to her apartment together to have consensual sex. They were under the influence of alcohol and maybe even drugs at the time. An autopsy shows that there were two fractures on Ashley’s skull as well as marks on her neck that prove she was strangled. Italian media outlets say that Diaw told police he didn’t mean to kill her during questioning.

Ashley’s body was found on Jan 9. Her boyfriend called her landlord after he was unable to reach her, and the woman spotted her dead body when she opened the apartment to check on her. Her dog, Scout was present and seemed okay.



Posted by Vacationer murdered 1rst day in Grenada on Wed, 27 Jan 2016 21:04 | #

SkyNews, ‘Man Charged With Fatal Grenada Machete Attack’, 27 Jan 2016:

The victim’s husband told police he fought off a machete-wielding man on a remote beach before running to call for help.

Police in Grenada have charged a 27-year-old man with murder after a machete attack which left a US woman dead.

Dave Martin Benjamin appeared in court on Wednesday accused of the murder of 39-year-old Jessica Colker, from Atlanta, Georgia.

Benjamin, who faces the death penalty if convicted, did not enter a plea.

Jessica Colker was killed while on holiday with her husband, Brian Melito

                                A neighbour said Ms Colker loved to travel.

Ms Colker and her husband Brian Melito were attacked by a machete-wielding man on a remote stretch of beach near St David on Sunday.

She died from a skull fracture and asphyxia, the Royal Grenada Police Force said in a statement.

Mr Melito told police he fought the attacker and managed to get away to call for help, Sylvan McIntyre, an assistant superintendent with the Royal Grenada Police said.

Police have not disclosed a suspected motive for the attack, however they did reveal that Benjamin was convicted of robbery and burglary in 2009 and rape in 2013.

He was released from prison in November.

The couple arrived on the island on Saturday, authorities said.

Their neighbour, Sara Greene, told Atlanta NBC television affiliate WXIA that Ms Colker was “one of the most genuine, loving, real people I’d ever met”.

She said the couple loved to travel, adding that was how they met in 2014.


Posted by Nanny to Gambia on Sat, 30 Jan 2016 12:04 | # -

—An American nanny was suffocated to death in an apartment she shared with an illegal alien from Gambia.

The body of the 25-year-old Lauren Mann was found half naked in her Vienna home. She had been in Vienna five years.

Reports say the Gambian was in Austria illegally.

An American nanny whose body was found in her Vienna apartment died of “suffocation,” authorities said, as authorities continue to look for a Gambian immigrant who was sharing the apartment.

  As the investigation into the death of Lauren Mann continues, her friends and colleagues have begun reflecting on her life.

  Police are treating the case as homicide “because third party involvement cannot be excluded,” a police spokesman told NBC News.

  Mann, 25, who grew up in Colorado, was found dead in her Vienna apartment, with her half-naked body located on a mattress near “a considerable amount of blood,” police have said.

  She was sharing the apartment with a Gambian immigrant who was in Austria illegally, and police were looking for him, Austria’s Kronen Zeitung reports. The nature of his relationship with Mann was unclear.

  Police were interviewing her acquaintances, neighbors and friends, as well as her employer.

  Mann had lived in Vienna for three years and was working in Austria as an au pair, officials said. She was considered “very reliable,” officials said Wednesday.

  Reliable? One should say probably not.


Posted by Well meaning White-caster on Tue, 05 Apr 2016 06:09 | #

Counter Currents, “Black Crime & a Well-Meaning White Lady”  - Irmin Vinson

Last month there was a mass shooting of Blacks in Wilkinsburg, a high-crime suburb of Pittsburgh.


The gunmen have not yet been arrested and convicted, so we don’t know for certain their race. It is within the realm of fantastical possibility that they are white supremacists or mafia hitmen, enabled thus far by their white privilege to elude justice; but there is not a single rational person who doubts that it is much more likely that the killers are Black thugs. Wilkinsburg is a high-crime suburb because it is filled with low-income Blacks, and these Blacks often kill one another. In general, of course, Blacks kill far too often: between 1980 and 2008 Africans living in America were responsible for more than half of the country’s murders, despite being only about twelve percent of the population.

A White television anchor in Pittsburgh, with numerous awards for excellence to her credit, has been fired for arriving at the reasonable conclusion that the Wilkinsburg killers are likely Black and likely from dysfunctional families.

That was Wendy Bell’s own attempt to grasp for answers, and she lost her job as a result.

She did not suggest, as I would, that Blacks are naturally more violent and more impulsive than Whites, and that Black crimes of this sort are thus tragic but unsurprising. She did not suggest that low-IQ Blacks often have difficulty judging whether any gain they might acquire through criminal violence is worth the time in prison their violence is likely to cost them. They act rather than think, because they are better at the former than the latter, and they often end up dead or behind bars as a result.

Instead Wendy Bell, writing on Facebook, made what most non-Blacks would consider informed remarks, while including appropriate expressions of grief at the tragedy:

You needn’t be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers who broke so many hearts two weeks ago Wednesday . . . [T]hey are young black men, likely in their teens or early 20s. They have multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They’ve grown up there. They know the police. They’ve been arrested. They’ve made the circuit and nothing has scared them enough. Now they are lost. Once you kill a neighbor’s three children, two nieces and her unborn grandson, there’s no coming back.


No one, least of all liberal Wendy Bell, would argue that it is a criminal’s fault that his childhood home was dysfunctional.

Bell, in other words, was offering an accurate but charitable interpretation of the crime, an interpretation supported by five decades of social-science research documenting the consequences of the Black family’s decline. Her charitable interpretation aroused, nevertheless, great anger among Negroes in Pittsburgh, and their anger, along with the cowardly passivity of her employers, caused her firing. She had been working at WTAE-TV since 1998.

Negro journalist Damon Young, an expert in the racial etiquette surrounding the word “nigger,” was an important participant in the campaign against Wendy Bell. He acknowledged that she is a “well-meaning White lady,” but thought she merited punishment nevertheless. “She very much deserved to get fired,” he wrote. “She earned this.”

Professional Negro Damon Young

Prominent among Damon Young’s various complaints is his target’s supposed confidence in her talent as a criminal profiler: “Although she’s a news anchor, Bell apparently moonlights as Sherlock fucking Holmes.” Her belief that she is Sherlock fucking Holmes is in turn, according to Young, an expression of her white privilege. Young defines the term: it is “the idea that [our] Whiteness is omniscient and inherently superseding.”

There are two complex words in this definition, and Young succeeded in using only one of them correctly, which makes his meaning unnecessarily obscure.

He apparently means, however, that Whites, owing to our unexamined racial confidence, believe that we are capable, like the Christian God, of seeing and knowing everything. Filled with our whiteness, we assume, without first consulting the nearest available Negro, that our interpretations of the world, including the Black crime that plagues most American cities, are always right. Blacks, for example, believe that O. J. Simpson was innocent and Darren Wilson guilty, whereas too many self-confident Whites imagine that we are entitled to ignore deeply held Black convictions on such issues.

Young angrily paraphrased Bell’s innocuous Facebook post as follows: “Maybe we don’t know who killed these people. But we do know their mommas are some broke Black hoes. If you round up all the broke Black hoes in Wilkinsburg [...] you’ll find the people who did this.”  He intended this as a darkly humorous indictment of Wendy Bell for her “racially problematic” prediction..


The difficulty with this paraphrase is that, like the Facebook post it is so loosely based on, there is a very good chance that it is true. The killers are likely underclass Blacks.


Bell was guilty only of making an informed guess.


That’s why she specifically denied that it required any skill as a criminal profiler to predict the type of Blacks who committed the crime. And that’s also why any concept, like Damon Young’s version of “white privilege,” that imputes to Bell an improper belief in her race’s supernatural omniscience cannot be relevant. The ability to see the obvious doesn’t require special abilities.

It is possible that Young claimed that we believe our whiteness is “omniscient” and “superseding” only because he thought the words sounded impressive. But if he really meant what he apparently tried to write, he picked a remarkably poor case to display his imperfect command of Whitey’s English. If he wanted to disprove our alleged belief in our racial omniscience, he should have picked instead an example of Wendy Bell making an implausible prediction. Or, better still, he should have caught her in a simple factual error. He should not have picked an example of a White woman making a prediction that everyone knows is highly plausible. Young himself doesn’t need divine omniscience or Sherlockian deductions to know what kind of Black criminals transformed a backyard cookout into a bloodbath, and he would be both pleased and astounded if the killers turn out to be Caucasians. As Bell said in her doomed defense, “what I wrote is realism, not racism.”

There’s just been nothing nice to say. And I’ve been dragging around this feeling like a cold I can’t shake that rattles in my chest each time I breathe and makes my temples throb. I don’t want to hurt anymore. I’m tired of hurting.

She went on at length with similar expressions of personal suffering, and Young had a good time making fun of her grief over Black deaths: “I’ll . . . picture a sad and sullen Wendy Bell at a Starbucks in Sewickley last week — teary-eyed, tense, and teetering on the edge of a panic attack.”


..whether Bell’s claims of heartbreak were genuine or not [....] she and Damon Young both live in the same racially inclusive community within the same nation. She lost her job because she believes that idea is true.

If members of Damon Young’s often savage race are shot near Pittsburgh, Wendy Bell assumes that she has a stake in the resulting suffering. She is affected by the crime and thus feels grief just as much as any Black woman would feel grief, because the inclusive community she believes she inhabits is defined not by race but by location.


On the other hand, I do not believe that Wendy and Damon meaningfully live within the same nation, even though both physically reside in Pittsburgh, and I believe that he and his fellow Black agitators have been kind enough to prove it.


He doesn’t like her because she is White, and he doesn’t value her expressions of sympathy for the same reason. The nation to which he belongs clearly does not include the pretty White woman who formerly worked at WTAE-TV.

It required from Damon Young a contemptible brand of negritude to feel pleased that a well-meaning reporter lost her job for speaking truthfully and for expressing her sadness over the deaths of members of his race. But on one important issue Young is right: he belongs to a different nation from ours, and we would do better to worry more about Black crimes against Whites and fret less about Blacks murdering other Blacks. As The Color of Crime reports, “of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence [in 2013] that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time.”




Posted by Serial rapist Clarence Bogan III on Thu, 14 Apr 2016 21:57 | #


Cleveland: serial rapist Clarence Bogan III is charged with murdering his fiancée, 39 year old Stacey Marie Tucker.

He bludgeoned her to death but claimed that she accidentally fell. He then set up a memorial fund to ask for money to pay for her funeral.

Bogan has a long criminal record, starting in 1982, when he was convicted of raping a 15 year old girl. He was released in 1989 but was sent back to prison for assaulting another woman.

While incarcerated, he was charged with several counts of gross sexual imposition.

He was released in 2006. In 2007 he was accused of raping a woman, beating her and forcing her to withdraw money from her account. Bogan was later charged with raping two other women. He got seven years for these crimes.

On February 10, Bogan told neighbors that his fiancée, 39 year old Stacey Marie Tucker, got intoxicated, “fell four times” and died. The next day he published at least two fundraising pages to ask for money for her funeral.


Posted by leading cause of death for White women 18 - 24 on Tue, 31 May 2016 19:09 | #

Julie Mitchel:

- Leading cause of death 4 White women 18-24 - NEGRO MALES. Teach your children the dangers of “race mixing”

Crimesider, “Remains believed to be Fla. mom found in acid-filled barrel”, 27 May 2016:

HOBE SOUND, Fla.—Crime scene technicians unearthed partial remains believed to be a missing south Florida mother after her ex-husband, who is charged with her murder, led them to the place where he said he buried her in an acid-filled barrel in a shallow grave in the Hungryland Wildlife Management Area, reports CBS affiliate WPEC.

The remains that are likely U.S. Air Force veteran Tricia Todd were located 19 miles away from her Hobe Sound home and just outside investigators’ original search area, a 15-mile perimeter near Todd’s home.


Posted by Zebra-Killings: attack on home front on Fri, 28 Oct 2016 08:14 | #

Good article at Counter-Currents regarding the true clear and present danger, the war against midtdasein on America’s home front at the time -

Counter-Currents: “The San Francisco Zebra Killings”

Carl F. Robinson

A central unexamined political issue in the United States is the failure to manage its African population since the end of the Civil War. This problem is foundational to every American public policy issue and every social problem.

In the 1960s, Americans were still on the high of becoming a world power after having won two World Wars. While in that state, they looked to solve their race problem. Most (but not all) of America’s wealthy businessmen, actors, ministers, university professors, and other notables got behind the “Civil Rights” movement that promised equality for Africans and presumably also an end to African dysfunction that blights so much in the United States. It was an idealism that swept up the young of the early 1960s and became a lasting semi-religion.[1]

All the promises of the de-segregationists turned out to be empty. The speeches about dreams on mountaintops had no connection to subsequent reality. The key problem in the failure of “Civil Rights” is not so much the IQ issue, or skin color, or the peculiar black accent, but the fact that a large segment of the black population turned out to be hostile towards Whites.

Because of that fact, no idealistic social reform of the 1960s crashed harder or quicker than the “Civil Rights” reforms. The Civil Rights legislation was signed in July 2, 1964, but by July 24th, the first race riot of the typical “chimpout” style we know today had broken out in Rochester, New York. As the 1960s ground on, entire cities burned in the fires of black activism. During the 70s, black crime exploded across the land. Rates of muggings, rapes, and murders went up.

Even the nicest and most liberal of cities were not spared. San Francisco became the hunting grounds for the “Death Angels.” The Death Angels were a group of Negro ex-cons who were converts to the religion of the Nation of Islam (NOI) who went on a calculated, religiously and racially motivated murderous rampage in 1973 and 1974. At least 15 people were killed, and 8 more were wounded. But some estimates put the number of dead as high as 73. The murder spree lasted 179 days and crippled the city as residents feared to go out at night. These black terrorists became known to history as the Zebra Killers.

The four convicted Zebra Murderers: Manuel Moore, Larry Green, Jessie Lee Cooks, and J.C.X. Simon

The Basics of the Zebra Killings

As mentioned above, the Zebra Killers called themselves Death Angels and were radicalized in prison by a deliberate effort on the part of the Nation of Islam to reach out to and convert black prisoners. The Nation of Islam is a heretical sect of Islam. It rejects the universalism of mainstream Islam and only offers membership to blacks. Among the doctrines of the Nation of Islam is that a mad scientist carried out a eugenics program where all evil was bred out of the black race and crystalized in the newly created White race. Thus Whites are “devils” to be feared, loathed, and destroyed by members of the NOI.

The Death Angels were influenced by a still un-identified series of anti-White Imams made into a composite character called “Vandyke” (due to the style of beard) by The Zebra Killings author Clark Howard.[2] The exact association between the “Vandykes” and the Nation of Islam is uncertain, but his preaching was well within the doctrine of the NOI. Vandyke encouraged the murder of Whites by providing “wings” (presumably some sort of award or status like Airborne Wings) to the Death Angels who killed a certain number of Whites. Women and children were worth more “points.”

The four convicted killers pictured above attended NOI’s Mosque #26 in San Francisco and operated out of the Black Self-Help Moving and Storage in the same city. Clark Howard carefully describes the murders from a “fictionalized” viewpoint. For example, instead of merely describing a scene from the third person, Howard uses dialogue to paint a story that could easily be flipped into a screenplay. Because the dialogue is paraphrased or from memory, it is in single and not double quotes. Often a scene is described from the Death Angel’s point of view and then in the next page the same scene is shown from the point of view of the beat cop sent to the area following a shooting.


Posted by Zebra-Killings: failure of White upper class on Fri, 28 Oct 2016 08:32 | #

Zebra-Killings: failure of White upper class leadership

Continuing same article from Counter-Currents, Ibid:

Howard [Clark Howard, author of “Zebra” - New York: Richard Marek Publishers, 1979] put together the information to write The Zebra Killings by extensive interviews with the convicts, surviving victims, police officers, as well as the informant who helped crack the case. Additionally, Howard got information from anonymous sources after taking out an advertisement calling for information in the newspaper.[3]

The attacks weren’t the works of criminal masterminds. The four simply cruised around in a borrowed vehicle with a borrowed .32 caliber pistol and looked for victims. Howard relates the theory that the reason women and children were “higher” in points is because they were victims less likely to fight back. The Death Angels didn’t kill young, athletic men traveling in groups. Their attacks were more like that of a jackal, picking off the young, weak, old, and alone. Clark Howard does a good job exposing the low-IQ, low-time preference of the killers. They were supposed to be doing political killing — murder minus the rape and robbery, but often they simply couldn’t help themselves. Their choice of a .32 caliber pistol was also amateurish. Such a pistol is better for plinking cans, not killing people. The Death Angels use of a .32 made for survivors.

The first murder victim was Quita Hague. She and her husband were kidnapped and taken to a remote area where she was nearly beheaded and husband Richard severely slashed in the face and left for dead. Quita was sexually assaulted during the kidnapping. Nearly 55 Days after the Hague murder, after Saleem Erakat, an Arab shopkeeper was tied up and shot with a .32 execution style did police detectives realize that there were black Muslims on the hunt for White victims. Much like all non- White on White attacks, the “war” has usually gone on for a long time before Whites realized the seriousness of the conflict.[4]

The murders continued. The Death Angels were helped by several factors, the most important which was luck. They were often able to elude the police by mere moments. Well into the spree, surviving victims’ descriptions of the suspects were vague due to darkness. A set of fingerprints that could have been connected to one of the killers with 100% certainty turned out to be smudged beyond use. The security camera revolution was yet to occur, and the technology to create usable DNA evidence from a crime scene didn’t exist at the time.

Eventually the luck of the Death Angels ran out. When operating outside the law, especially as part of a group doing the same, one person who gets tired of the stress can cut a deal with the cops and start talking. This is what happened. An informant gave detectives the critical details, and the police connected the dots.

The Failure of the Upper Class

Across the globe, upper class people routinely risk their lives, fortune, and sacred honor for their own kind. In the United States, since the end of WWII the behavior of the upper class in the face of black criminality and hostility can only be described as craven cowardice. During the Zebra killings, members of the American upper class disproportionately fell victim to the Death Angels. Three of the victims were Quita Hague, the granddaughter of one of Stanford University’s first graduates, future San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos, and the son of a DuPont Executive, Nelson Shields IV. Despite this class paying such a price, they utterly failed to come to grips with the full scope of the problem. Instead, they merely doubled down on denying the problem altogether or blaming innocent parties.

One victim, Tana Smith snapped at her girlfriend Nancy Lobaugh, when Nancy expressed concern that “niggers” were out shooting people. Writes Howard, “Tana was her own person. She had believed in and spoken out for the civil rights of blacks long before it became fashionable to do so.”[5] Tana Smith should have supported Sundown Laws,[6] for she would be shot down and killed by the Death Angels on the way to a fabric store just after snapping at her politically incorrect roommate. Another victim, Roxanne McMillian was bound for life to a wheelchair after being shot by the Black Muslim gunmen, yet she only told her son the half-truth that a “bad” man crippled her. Writing in 1979, Howard reports, “Roxanne has never pointed out to [her son] that the man was black. And never will.”[7] In fact, the race of the shooters is the critical factor in Roxanne McMillian’s injury. Leaving out that detail on the part of McMillian as well as Tana Smith’s deliberate race-blindness can be attributed to the tone set by the upper class in covering up the failures of “Civil Rights.”

Perhaps the most tragic case of upper class failure is that of Nelson Shields III.[8] Shields had been a Navy Fighter pilot during World War II. After his son Nelson Shields IV was killed, he resigned his position at DuPont and became an anti-gun lobbyist in Washington D.C. He got armor piercing bullets outlawed and the importation of repair parts for Saturday Night Specials banned. But he refused to face the fact that the problem is not guns, it is blacks with guns. Since becoming “red-pilled,” I have found it strange that WWII Veterans whose incredible acts of courage in battle will be remembered for millennia simply folded up with fear when faced with the truth of black pathologies post-“Civil Rights.” In truth, White support for “Civil Rights” is, like defending South Korea [? editorial question mark as to the unworthiness of South Korea] or Israel, all cost and no benefit.

America’s rulers have reduced crime in Chicago, New York, Washington D.C, and San Francisco in part by reducing their black populations by re-settling blacks in Section-8 housing in the suburbs. This is, of course, a selfish policy that merely moves African troubles from, say, Chicago to Dubuque. Instead of leading, the White upper class is simply playing demographic hot-potato warfare to the detriment of their less affluent kith and kin in suburbia.

As the Zebra Killings became known to the public, the San Francisco Police adopted a “Stop and Frisk” policy aimed at black men. Immediately, all forms of crime went down 30.7%.[9] The usual suspects, black ministers, the NAACP, and the ACLU sued the city to stop the practice. A judge agreed with the plaintiffs, and the police stood down.[10]

Since the American upper class tends to get into positions of executive responsibility in government, it is curious why they fold when a single judge rules against an effective way to deal with black terrorism such as that of the Zebra Killers. Judicial rulings come from mortal men, not gods. All too often, judges are hostile minorities with historical grudges against Whites, so there is no reason to meekly submit to such a ruling. When faced with anti-White rulings in Worcester v. Georgia and Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, President Andrew Jackson ignored the rulings and removed the Cherokee. While, hypothetically, a judge could rule a mayor in contempt of court for ignoring a ruling, by the same token, a mayor or Police Chief can declare a liberal-minority judge to be a threat to public safety. There are other options: impeach judges, filing appeals, packing the courts, etc.

The Story Vanishes

The San Francisco Bay Area was in many ways where the social revolutions of the 1960s began. But it also became the place where those revolutions symbolically ended in disaster. One such symbol of post-60s disorder was the Zodiac Killings, which took place in and around San Francisco. The Zodiac killer showed that after the 1960s, highly intelligent people had become disconnected enough from society to derive pleasure from shooting unarmed kids in various “Lover’s Lanes.”

[Another social disconnect was] The People’s Temple under its charismatic minister Jim Jones — who combined Pentecostal Christianity, Communism, and race-mixing —  honored by the Bay Area Left [“Left”, read liberal], who have no objection to Christianity when practiced by colored people and spiked with Marxism. Eventually, Jim Jones led his flock to a South American Jungle, where they committed mass-suicide.

The stories of the Zodiac Killer and the People’s Temple are told and retold. There are still amateur codebreakers trying to decipher the Zodiac’s yet un-cracked second code. But the Zebra Killings have been almost forgotten. There are no award-winning documentaries, no amateur sleuths trying to discover who the “Vandykes” were. Clark Howard’s book is no longer in print. My copy was purchased used, and its pages are brittle and yellowed with age. In 2011 a book called The Zebra Murders, by Prentice Earl Sanders and Ben Cohen was published. The book seems to be a deliberately deceptive work. Its reviews retired San Francisco cops and are universally negative. One reviewer says, “I did read Clark Howard’s book on the same subject about 25 years ago. After reading Mr. Sanders version of the events I wonder if they were both writing about the same incident. Needless to say, Mr. Sanders’ book leaves one with the feeling that the real crime was the fact that the Mayor of S.F. and the police were using every means at their disposal to put a stop to these horrible crimes.”[11]

The Zebra Killings is an important work, despite its suppression. No White nation has gone into darkness silently or continued to live in tyranny forever. One day, our people will know how they were preyed upon in the dark days of multicultural America.


Posted by White women and civil wrongs on Thu, 23 Feb 2017 03:55 | #

TOO, “The Dark Side of the Civil Rights Movement”, Luke Wolfe, 20 Feb 2017:

The dominant narrative of the civil rights movement is a story about selfless Whites fighting Southern injustice. Usually the movement is presented as made up of devout Christians and freedom fighters, struggling against the prejudices of ignorant Southern Whites. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is the civil rights movement was plagued by the same forces that plague any setting where Whites and Blacks intermingle: violence, theft, criminality, resentment, and sexual dominance.

White civil rights workers who left the North to organize resistance to Southern segregation approached their jobs with religious fervor. One White woman captures this spirit: “There is no doubt in my mind this is worth dying for. … This love is growing every day and will continue to expand and expand until it defeats all hate all over the world” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 133). Please note the woman’s messianic mentality: she wants to defeat hate “all over the world.”

White civil rights workers were shocked to discover that local Blacks in Mississippi resented and resisted White domination of the civil rights movement. Grassroots Blacks wanted local, Black control of civil right organizations and sought to ensure White men and women were in a subordinated, powerless position (Rothschild, 1982, p. 132). Blacks believed Whites were smug and acted superior to Blacks (Watson, 2010, p. 267). On the other hand, White civil rights workers came to view Blacks as essentially lazy and stupid (Watson, 2010, p. 267). White volunteers were greeted with suspicion and mistrust.

Many civil rights organizations broke up because of racial and gender differences. For example, at a Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) conference in Waveland, Mississippi, many attendees walked out because of the brutal hostility between Whites and Blacks (Watson, 2010, p. 268). White civil rights attendees spoke about race with a candor that would get them prosecuted for hate speech in Europe today. They referred to Blacks as “bullshitting Negroes” (Watson, 2010, p. 268). For their part, Blacks simply refused to take orders from White people (Watson, 2010, p. 268). The rancor between Whites and Blacks culminated with SNCC expelling all White members from the organization (Watson, 2010, p. 269).

Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the civil rights movement for White women volunteers was “the sexual test” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 137). Black male staffers used their position of power to force White women to have intercourse with them (Rothschild, 1982, p. 137). This was very common. Two volunteers described it as a “rite of passage before women could be considered serious workers” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 137). As one author reports “Every Black SNCC worker with perhaps a few exceptions counted it a notch on his gun to have slept with a White woman — as many as possible” (Watson, 2010, p. 230). What was the result of this racial fraternization? Venereal disease spread throughout the ranks of the SNCC and the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO) (Watson, 2010, p. 230).

Blacks viewed liberated White women from the North as easy. Because Northern White women wore makeup, earrings, and low-necklines, Black civil rights workers viewed them as promiscuous (Watson, 2010, p. 230). Female White civil rights workers sometimes lived up to their Black colleagues’ expectations by having sex with as many Black men as possible. Mary King recalls how White women “Fluttered like butterflies from one tryst to another” (Watson, 2010, p. 230).  Many White women slept with Black men because they felt guilty for racism and wanted to prove loyalty to Black men (Rothschild, 1982, p. 137).

For their part, Black men were filled with hostility towards White women. Trainers for civil rights organization warned White women about the hostility Blacks felt for them (Rothschild, 1982, p. 138). Blacks would often physically and verbally abuse White women (Rothschild, 2010, p. 139). Blacks took great delight in having sex with White women in the back of their cars in White areas of Jackson, Mississippi (Rothschild, 1982, p. 139). At times White women were also assaulted and raped by Black males in the movement (Rothschild, 1982, p.139). Sometimes one Black would beat and attempt to rape up to three White women at once (Rothschild, 1982, p. 139). When White women complained about this treatment, they were simply sent home and the Black male received no punishment whatsoever (Rothschild, 1982, pp. 138–139). As one White woman wrote, “It’s quite obvious that they’re after a White woman. … I’m quite disillusioned about that” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 138). One White worker explains a Black staff member’s animosity towards White women: “he had a real deep-seated emotional hatred … and bitterness against White people. So that he hated most of the girls who were White, and most of the guys who were White, but he took out his hatred on the girls (Rothschild, 1982, p. 139).

Black civil rights workers did more than sexually and physically abuse White workers. Sometimes they actually tried to kill them. One White worker complained about a Black predator who attacked numerous White women. The Black attacked her with a hatchet. The woman describes the attack in her own words: “He was holding a hatchet, and he said, ‘I’m going to whup you good.’ And I said, ‘Go right ahead.’ So he started hitting me over the head with the hatchet, and I put my hand up. And the hatchet had a case around it, but the case didn’t cover the blade part, and the blade hit my hand, and my hand got cut open. That’s really what happened” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 140). What was the White woman’s response to this abuse? She blamed White people for the Black’s behavior: “His emotional disturbance is a result of what the White people have done to him” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 141). Most White women didn’t complain about violence or rape in order to help the movement succeed (Rothschild, 1982, p. 142). One has to ask the question: if Blacks will do these things to White people that travel across the country to help them, what will they do to those of us who just want to be left alone?

The unbridled sexual interest Black males displayed for White females caused deep rifts in the civil rights community. Black women gravely resented the attention Black males gave to White women (Watson, 2010, p. 267). As one Black woman noted, “the Negro girls feel neglected because the white girls get the attention” (Watson, 2010, p. 267).

Blacks would often drink and abuse White women workers (Rothschild, 1982, p. 144). Sometimes brave northern Whites would join in the abuse of White women (Rothschild, 1982, p. 144). One woman describes what it was like: “They’d pour out all their hatred — racial hatred — at us. It was just so painful. It tore me up inside” (Rothschild, 1982, p. 144). What is amazing is these women volunteered to work in the South and stayed throughout the abuse!



Posted by "Black Countrymen" of Trump nationalism on Tue, 28 Feb 2017 13:24 | #

It is astonishing, but right-wing American hubris is such that they typically prefer to live with blacks than alongside and work with a shift in demographics which could facilitate the displacement of blacks with Mexicans and Asians.

Of the apparent “reasoning” is that blacks are “easier to control” ...the idea being that because blacks don’t threaten the NERD skills that they are relatively ok to live with. This is surely a product of over rationalization, “rational blindness”, if you will.

For heaven’s sake, how many black on White crimes has Daily Kenn reported-on and he’s still pitching an angle “against racism.” In this late instance, referring to these violent blacks as his fellow “countrymen”, apparently because Trumpists have swallowed the (((received))) civic nationalist line that blacks are preferable to Mexicans and Asians.

I (DanielS) would swap Mexicans and Asians for these “black countrymen” in a heartbeat:—27-year-old Brian Smith of Crossett, Arkansas was gunned down in the doorway of his home, reports say. Arrested is 37-year-old Curtis Lumsey. Lumsey is black. Smith was white. No motive was reported.
The murder was reported February 21, 2017.

DAILYKENN.comAngie Lechlitner was raped then strangled in her home in 2008, reports say. Eight years later 27-year-old Michael Ryan Brown was arrested for the brutal murder of the young white woman. Brown, a black male, was linked to the crimes by fingerprint evidence.

The crime occurred in Norfolk, Virginia. The victim was 28-year-old at the time of her death.

According to

An electric cord was tied in a double knot, tightly around Lechlitner’s neck, investigators testified Wednesday. Her hands were bound with electrical tape. She was stabbed in the back, a wound that nicked her lung. An autopsy revealed Lechlitner, a 28-year-old nursery technician at the Norfolk Botanical Garden at the time, had been raped several times before she died, said Elizabeth Kinnison, pathologist with the chief medical examiner’s Norfolk office. Lechlitner died from the combination of being choked and stabbed, Kinnison said.—Black Americans are seldom reminded that we live at the apex of human civilization and are the beneficiaries of the most advanced technology ever experienced. Black Americans enjoy the highest standard of living of any black population anywhere in the world at anytime in history.

Cultural Marxism [preferable term to “the left”] saturates the minds of black Americans with a sense of victimization and entitlement to justice. That false sense of victimization is often the driver behind black-on-white violent crime.

Below is an example that may demonstrate the tragic outcome of convincing our black countrymen that the are unjustly oppressed when, in reality, the are extraordinarily blessed.

• A 25-year-old medical student, Ashley Fricke, was effectively executed outside a Walmart in Ashland, Virginia.

Fricke was gainfully employed at a nearby Holiday Inn while she worked on a degree as a medical assistant. She was engaged to be married. Friends said the victim had a bright future ahead of her. That future was simply erased with the twitch of a trigger finger. Arrested for the senseless murder is

  24-year-old Brittany L. Wiggins.
  Wiggins is black. The victim was white.

No motive was given by the media for the crime. It was reported February 19, 2017.


Posted by why do blacks riot? on Tue, 09 May 2017 06:05 | #

black woman spits in White woman’s face at Trump rally:

The worst of Black Lives Matter.


Posted by Greetings to France from Africa on Fri, 23 Jun 2017 15:27 | #



Posted by 25 Shot in Little Rock Rap Club on Sun, 02 Jul 2017 11:05 | #

The good news: “It wasn’t a terrorist attack”

SBPDL, Saturday, July 1, 2017

At a Rap Event in Little Rock, 25 Blacks Shot by Black Shooters (Same Club Held “Stop the Black on Black Violence” Event Five Days Earlier)

Previously on SBPDL: In 42% Black Little Rock, Arkansas, an MLK 5K and a ‘Stop the Violence” Yard-Sign Campaign in Effect to try and Stop Blacks from Killing other Blacks.

Blacks won’t cooperate with police when it comes to snitching on suspects in nonfatal shootings involving both black suspects and black victims. Homicides in the 42 percent black city are almost always the result of black suspects.

It goes without saying that if Little Rock didn’t have a black population, it would be nearly gun violence free. But, Little Rock does have a black population… [All homicide victims are black in Ark. capital, Washington Times, March 26, 2014]:


Posted by Mall scourge on Tue, 04 Jul 2017 13:33 | #



The beginning of black violence is the end of shopping malls == 25% going out of business


Posted by Why do blacks riot? on Sun, 30 Jul 2017 15:24 | #

“Because all White people are devils ....and make sure you hear dat one.”


Posted by Chattanooga black crack back on Sat, 05 Aug 2017 03:42 | #

SBDL, “In 60% White Chattanooga, TN, the ‘Times Free Press’ Estimates Black Violence Cost City $2 Billion Between 2010-2015”, 3 August 2017:

Previously on SBPDL: ‘Worst of the Worst’ (All Black People) Removed From the Streets of Chattanooga; Black Community Comes to Their Defense

Before we begin our journey, let’s consider the facts. Chattanooga, Tennessee is 60 percent white and roughly 33 percent black. For 2016, basically all fatal and nonfatal gun violence in the city was committed by blacks.

A few years ago, the newspaper in Chattanooga tried to quantified the cost homicide to the city, though it tried to gloss over the race responsible for the bulk of the homicides.

Hint: blacks.


Nothing more than a representation of the black community in Chattanooga, a 60% white city…. where the crime problem is reflected in glaring blackness

Here’s how our friends came up with the data:

On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010. The researchers looked at 654 murder cases and quantified the costs of the victim’s death, the court system, lost productivity and the public’s willingness to pay for crime prevention programs to stop murder.

By that count, Chattanooga will spend more than $408 million on just 2015’s homicides. For all 119 homicides since 2011, the cost is higher than $2 billion.

But whom exactly is responsible for this gratuitous waste of resources and capital?

Blacks. [The toll in Chattanooga: The Cost Of Chattanooga’s Homicides, Times Free Press, 10-18-2015]:

Every time Satedra Smith pulls into her driveway, her mind goes back to one day a few months ago, when her sons wrestled in the front yard.

That day was a good day.

They were all outside, laughing and enjoying each other as her 20-year-old son roughhoused with his brothers. Every time Smith pulls into her driveway, her mind goes back to that day.

But now it’s a bittersweet memory, because her son, Jordan Clark, is dead — shot to death during a drive-by in Chattanooga on Aug. 25.

In the weeks after he died, she mourned; she went to his funeral; she organized anti-violence rallies, started a foundation in his name, led prayer vigils. But the pain is still fresh.

“It doesn’t seem like it’s been going on two months since it happened,” Smith, who lives in Atlanta, said Thursday. “It’s almost like we can still call him and hear his voice. But we can’t.”

The three bullets that slammed into her son yanked Smith into a unwelcome group. She joined the ranks of the family members of the 119 people killed in Chattanooga during the last five years.

Her pain, echoed 118 times.

There’s the 3-year-old girl who was raped, then beaten to death.

The 19-year-old new mother gunned down in the street.

The 66-year-old stabbed to death inside his apartment.

Tatiana Emerson, 3. Jasmine Akins, 19. Robert Rutledge, 66.

The toll that homicide takes on a city is hard to measure. There’s the immediate searing loss of death, the choked sobs of a grandmother and the wails of disbelief as a friend collapses just outside the yellow police tape.

But then there’s the dull, constant emotional pain that never really disappears. The economic loss of the victim’s potential life and earning power. There’s the tension and fear at high schools when a student is killed. The cost of the counseling, of the police investigation, of the trial and incarceration of a suspect.

On average, each murder costs society $17 million, according to a study published in the The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology in 2010. The researchers looked at 654 murder cases and quantified the costs of the victim’s death, the court system, lost productivity and the public’s willingness to pay for crime prevention programs to stop murder.

By that count, Chattanooga will spend more than $408 million on just 2015’s homicides. For all 119 homicides since 2011, the cost is higher than $2 billion.

“It takes a toll on lives,” said Verna Wyatt, whose sister-in-law was raped and murdered in Nashville in 1991, prompting her to serve as executive director for nonprofit Tennessee Voices for Victims.

“When you drop that pebble in, there is that immediate impact, but then it affects so many people,” she said. “Family, friends, acquaintances, teachers, students — it just cascades on down.”


Vanessa Buckner drove from Chattanooga to Nashville on Tuesday to sit in a parole hearing for the man she believes killed her son, 20-year-old Quincy Bell.

Police think he’s the killer, too: Marcus Boston was arrested three months after Bell was shot while driving on Wilcox Boulevard on Sept. 22, 2012. But when a witness failed to show at a hearing in 2013, the charges were dismissed for lack of evidence.

Boston was jailed on unrelated drug charges. So Buckner goes to his parole hearings to make sure he stays behind bars. And every Sept. 22, she visits her son’s grave, stops by the gas station where he died. She still orders a cake for his birthday every year. She cares for two of his children regularly while their mothers are at work.

“Nothing has changed,” she said. “People say it gets better as time goes on. But it hasn’t for me. I still cry every day. I didn’t know a person could cry for three years.”

Bell is Chattanooga’s typical homicide victim: black, male, in his 20s. A Times Free Press analysis of the 119 people killed in Chattanooga between 2011 and 2015 showed that, in cases where race could be determined, 80 percent of the people killed were black.

Eighty-two percent were male. And the majority — 65 percent — were black males.

Plotted on a map, the homicides are clearly clustered in Chattanooga’s poorer neighborhoods, often in or around the city’s public housing complexes. In the two ZIP codes with the most homicides, 66 percent and 38 percent of the populations live below the poverty level, according to U.S. census data.

The school zones for The Howard School and Brainerd High School include 87 of the city’s 119 murders. Both schools have the lowest graduation rates and lowest ACT scores of all traditional public schools in Chattanooga.

Dr. Elenora Woods, president of the local NAACP, sees statistics like that as proof that homicide is driven by underlying problems — poverty and lack of opportunity.

“People are going to fight and steal and kill to live,” she said. “No matter what country you are in, if there is only one glass of water and everybody is thirsty, the person who gets the water is the one who gets to it first — or kills someone to get there. And we’re seeing that.”

About 40 percent of the city’s homicides involved a victim or suspect in a gang, according to police records. But perhaps the most ubiquitous factor among Chattanooga’s homicides is some involvement with illegal drugs, said Sgt. Bill Phillips, who now heads the department’s homicide cold-case unit.

It could be a home is targeted for a robbery because the suspect knows narcotics are sold from the house. It could be a drug deal gone wrong. Or it could just be that people are high and something happens that wouldn’t have normally, he said.

Newspapers have no problem describing the victims of homicides being black, by why refrain from discussing the race of the suspects?

Oh… that’s because the newspaper got in trouble for posting pictures of the “worst of the worst” criminals. Hint: they were all black. 

[A look at the 32 suspects authorities called ‘worst of the worst’ criminals in Chattanooga, Chattanooga Times Free Press, 11-17-2013]

Again: when can we stop pretending black people in America are our greatest untapped asset and realize they represent our greatest (and most obvious) liability?


Posted by Hyper-assertiveness at the Obama library on Tue, 12 Sep 2017 21:38 | #


Posted by Sudanese migrant opens fire in church on Mon, 25 Sep 2017 13:12 | #

Sudanese migrant in shooting spree in Tennessee church:

“He shot her like she was a damn dog in his backyard”


Posted by Tale of two church shootings on Tue, 26 Sep 2017 02:37 | #

A tale of two church shootings


Posted by The bling shall inherit on Sun, 22 Oct 2017 00:41 | #





Posted by Minnesota vs Ohio State Brawl, 1972 on Mon, 23 Oct 2017 12:02 | #

Jim Brewer hits Witte in the face as Witte goes for layup.

It stuns Witte, knocking him to his knees

Taylor pretends a sportsmanlike gesture to help Witte up…

Then Taylor knees Witte in the groin, knocking him down again.

Behagen comes from the bench and stomps Witte’s head while he is down.

Minnesota vs. Ohio Brawl, 1972

My dad and I were big OSU basketball fans. I was 21 at the time and went over to my mom and dad’s house to watch the game as we always did. The game was a low scoring, close game up to the last 30 secs. That’s when all hell broke loose. I recall that Luke Witte went up for a layup and Minnesota center Jim Brewer fouled him, hard. I think Brewer got tossed from the game. Corky Taylor reached a hand down to Witte in what appeared as a gesture of sportsmanship. Jerking Witte to his feet, Taylor then kneed Witte in the groin. Dave Merchant, an OSU guard shoved Taylor away from the writhing Witte. Several scuffles broke out on the floor and then the Gophers Ron Behagen ran from the bench to the prone Witte and stomped several times on Witte’s head. Dave Winfield was chasing Merchant up the court grabbing his jersey and ripping it off. I also remember some fan jumping OSU forward Wardell Jackson under the basket and Wardell then clocking the fan back about 2 rows into the stands. My dad and I were on our feet in front of the tv screaming at the screen like a couple of nuts. I thought my dad was gonna have a stroke. He was so enraged. OSU was not the same team afterwards. And really not for several years. OSU coach Fred Taylor was quoted upon his retirement 4 yrs. later as having lost his love of the game after the incident. Sports Illustrated next issue had the cover – “The Mugging in Minnesota.” It is a terrible memory and OSU fans who witnessed it will never forget it and always have poison in their hearts for Minnesota.
Comment by dave crabtree February 1, 2010 @ 6:03 pm

May ‘The Barn’ be burned down for this atrocity. Dave Winfield may he rot in hell for beating a prone Mark Wagger numerous times. Jim Brewer should issue a public apology to all of Buckeye Nation as he was also a ‘racial’ culprit. Now, Ron Behagen stole thousands from an old lady with dementia (3/2012). Funny, how thugs repeat animalistic actions.

Why hasn’t anyone asked Dave Winfield some serious questions?? Why are we are chickenshits for letting the media sweep this under the rug.

Maybe we need a barnburner!!!

Comment by Jimmie Crum April 28, 2012 @ 9:18 am


As our team sat in the dark, dingy locker room … I emerged from a near-comatose state and jumped up, wanting to finish the game. I have no memory of anything that occured from halftime to the next morning … What happens to the human psyche when a person suffers traumatic harm? What does a person do with the deluge of emotions that infiltrates his mind and changes from minute to minute? One minute I felt that everything would be fine, that healing was happening. The next minute all I could think about was hatred and retribution … Emotionally and philosophically, I was in a crisis. Ron Behagan, Clyde Turner, Corky Taylor, and Coach Bill Musselman had become objects of what philosophers Jeffrie G. Murphy and Jean Hampton call ‘moral hatred.’ … After college, I played for a few years with the Cleveland Cavaliers in the NBA, but I never played with the same intensity of enjoyment that I had before the Minnesota game.

– Luke Witte’s post-brawl account is excerpted from an essay on forgiveness in Basketball and Philosophy. Sports Illustrated called the fight “the most vicious attack in college basketball lore.”

This was Witte’s face. He is now a pastor.

I watched this game on TV with my father. I was sixteen years old and , even by then, a big Buckeye basketball fan. I’ll never forget the horror of watching this whole unbelievable scene unfold. By the time I got over the initial shock, I became outraged as I saw one Buckeye heaved into the fists of waiting Gopher fans in the stands by two Minnesota players.

Even more outrageous than the brutal attack was how quickly the whole thing was swept under the rug by Big Ten officals. Fred Taylor, one of the best coaches in Big Ten history was incredulous, calling it a “bush league” reaction. Despite being ranked as a top five team at the time of the attack, the Ohio State basketball program sank quickly into oblivion. It would take over six years for the program to recover.

Watching this horror again, for the first time in 37 years, makes me sick, especially for the lasting harm it did to Fred Taylor and all the fine Buckeye payers who would never be the same after the senseless bloodletting.

Minnesota BOO!
Comment by M. Stephen Lamb November 12, 2009 @ 7:07 pm

I went to high school with Luke Witte. He was a class act. He was a good sportsman. This is the first time I ever knew what happened, why his basketball career was cut so short. This is truly sad, and that those people got away with that kind of brutality is absolutely terrible. Luke is a class act, and would never hurt anyone, and that is why, I am sure he did not press charges. He is doing a far greater work now that is for sure. He does not make the money he could have otherwise, but I can just imagine his life/career has been much more worthwhile than the careers of those other players from Minnesota. I am sure they have had to live with that, and continue to live with that. What a great guy Luke truly is.
Comment by BJTA August 9, 2010 @ 2:20 pm

The incident, of course, was an appalling one. Not just for Bill Musselman’s stupidity, but for the fact that these black players committed these acts racially.

Luke Witte has proven to be a remarkable man. If this was the only such incident, I too could forget it. But it isn’t.

Tyler Hansbrough was attacked by Duke’s Gerald Henderson.
Steve Nash has been attacked a number of times.
So have a number of other good white basketball players who outplay blacks on the court.
There is an issue here, and it must be dealt with.
Because if it isn’t, there will be another Luke Witte, and one is already too many.
Comment by GERRY SCHULTZ September 24, 2010 @ 10:57 pm

I watched this game on tv. I thought all 4 or 5 Gophers should have been jailed for assault, and probably their coach. The school should have been put on probation with no athletics for a year but nothing ever happened. This was outrageous to Buckeye fans. And to think, The Big Ten Channel picked Dave Winfield as one of their top 50 Icons of the Big Ten.
Comment by rOBERT a. HANSON December 16, 2010 @ 1:46 pm

Did Minisota have a player on their roster by name Darnell Martin at the time of incident?
Comment by Joe delph January 8, 2011 @ 1:33 am

memory lane, and yes I am from Ohio…I saw this game and could not believe me eyes…..the Minnessota players involved were lowlifes….thugs….whatever you want to say about racism…..who cares….they did this unspeakable act, sucker punching players….chasing them around the court hitting them from all angles…for what?…..because they were loosing, not because of some flimsy excuse later used about a foul in the first half that was not called……DO NOT forget Dave Winfield, the Gophers 6-6 power forward was in on this too….I never forgave any of them…even though Behagen played with Maravich later in the pros…I still hated him
Comment by Joe Heidkamp February 6, 2011 @ 4:04 pm

I was nine years old when this incident happened and somehow happened to see a clip of it on television. I can remember feeling horrified by what I was seeing. I probably didn’t know the words depraved and sinister at the time; but that was definitely the feeling state. I had long forgotten about this, but as an adult came across this video and still feel as shocked and appalled as I did at the age of nine. And the fact that the incident was swept under the rug at the time seems mind-boggling to me now.
Comment by kellyjane March 25, 2011 @ 10:18 pm

The video should start with Witte elbowing the Minnesota player on the way to the locker room at halftime to put the entire incident in context. Not to justify the events but Witte had a reputation of being enthusiastically physical shall we say. Witte and OSU were notorious for being cheap shot artist, if your gonna do the crime you have to do the time. There were several incidents during that Big Ten season where Witte and company got real dirty and got away with it, pay back …
Comment by Marc May November 29, 2011 @ 11:28 am

An elbow on the way to the locker room doesn’t justify the magnitude of the incident. Get a life and face the fact that minnesota should have been banned from athletics for the balance of the year and for all of the following. In today’s environment, all the minnesota players would have gone to jail.

There is no doubt that this a racially motivated attack as the only players who were injured after being blindsided and sucker punched were white.
Comment by kryp44 December 13, 2011 @ 4:33 pm

I was at this game-sitting in the third row center court. It was a tough game-both teams were very good and playing hard-too hard and rough. The refs lost control of this game early on and several players-including Witte should have been ejected for their “dirty” play Saw many times when Witte “cleared” out the lane after a rebound by throwing an elbow to the head of a Gopher player-he was no saint. However, when Taylor kneed Witte in the groin after helping him up was way “out of bounds”. The stomping on Witte’s head/face by Behagen and Winfield’s sucker punching players during the onsuing melee was above the line- it should have marked them as questionable human beings-but this is the atmosphere that coach Musselman encouraged. I went to a Gopher Booster luncheon the next week and Winfield was there “in his eloquent” and self denial persona. At this point, I divorced myself from Gopher BB and lost all respect for the low class Dave Winfield.
Comment by Steve February 7, 2012 @ 8:50 am

I can still remember watching this game. I was in high school and was interested in the game due in part to a Sports Illustrated feature earlier about Bill Mussleman as coach at Ashland College in Ohio. Mussleman believed he could get a shutout and some Ashland games were really low scoring (before the shot clock). I was totally shocked and still remember Luke’s head being bounced repeatedly off the floor. Luke never played the same again. The reports after the game blamed Mussleman for whipping his players into a frenzy around some black-white thing. The Big Ten totally swept this under the rug. No doubt this wrecked Coach Taylor’s career, Luke Witte life and OSU basketball program for years.
Comment by K E Boggs September 12, 2013 @ 9:57 pm

Black racism is not only tolerated but encouraged by the leftist media, leftist public colleges/universities and our two unconstitutional, anti-white political parties since 1964. Racist diversity is ” in ” , representative democracy is ” out “since 1965 ; taxation without representation because of one’s white skin color .This is all interconnected racial pathology against the race of people who founded it disproportionately and disproportionately built America out of the wilderness. .Are Euro-stock people perfect ? No ! Just asked the American Indian where most of their tribal lands have gone and taken by uncivilized force against them but The U.S. Army had plenty of practice first on their own people during the War of Northern Aggression by mass murderer dishonest Abe. By contrast, Whites looked damn good against the other demographics world wide. Those racist blacks in this attack on White players should have never finished college nor allowed into the pro-sports, created and supported by Whites ( their victims ).
Comment by Michigan Patriot November 24, 2014 @ 1:16 pm

I remember the fight.. Watching basketball on local TV in Dayton we could hardly believe what was happening. The story came out in SI the next week. Sad.
Comment by tom March 6, 2017 @ 8:11 pm


Posted by Marquis-Evans Royster on Tue, 24 Oct 2017 14:51 | #

Inflamed by narratives such as the millionaire black NFL player national anthem protests and black Lives Matter pep-rallies about overcoming ‘White supremacy’, Marquis-Evans Royster spits in White homeless man’s face after telling the homeless man that he “owes him for making his grandmother a slave; all White people are evil; you (the two White bus passengers) should die;” Royster then rummaged through the homeless man’s pockets, spit in his face and threatened to douse him with a cup of urine.

Royster has two children.


Posted by Fuck your life on Mon, 30 Oct 2017 09:34 | #

And Whites won’t do anything for fear of being called racist, a.k.a. “collectivist”

You say I ain’t gonna what?

Fuck your life! That’s what happens to you when you say I’m not gonna smack you!


Black photographer of incident (laughs mockingly at the emerging scenario):

Black punk: “You say I ain’t gonna do what?” ...“You say I ain’t gonna do what?”

Another black person: “said you ain’t gonna smack em brah”

Black punk: (hits seated White person hard).

Black photographer of incident: “Bing! ha ha!” (sings) “It’s ovaaaah”

Black punk: “Fuck your life!” ...“That’s what happens when you say I ain’t gonna smack you bitch.” ...“So, any of you bitches talkin’ that stupid shit, I’m gonna smack you, knocked the fuck out like that, I don’t play like that.”


Thug Teens Sickening Knockout On A Helpless Woman

Thug Teens Sickening Knockout On A Helpless Woman…This attack occurred on October 17th in Browns Park in Atlantic City. Two young black males are involved in what appears to be an unprovoked attack on an older white female who is sitting down. One of them is videotaping the incident and egging the other one on. The other screams abuse at the woman and then hits her in the temple with a haymaker. The woman is knocked unconscious and the pair laugh gleefully.

Then the attacker remains standing by the unconscious woman and brags about the assault while the cameraman continues laughing. Numerous bystanders seem unfazed by the assault, as if it was a normal everyday occurrence. The attackers don’t run away and no one tries to intervene.
The victim is a 45 year old homeless woman who was in critical condition when she arrived at an Atlantic City hospital. A spokesman for the police says she suffered serious head trauma and is still in serious but stable condition.

Twenty-five year old Ibn Hunter was arrested this morning and charged with aggravated assault…No Water Mark wink


Posted by Dear White women on Thu, 02 Nov 2017 09:32 | #

      ...but hopefully it will get you killed, and good riddance.


Posted by woman murdered by boyfriend on Sat, 04 Nov 2017 18:14 | #

Woman killed by boyfriend, authorities say -—“He’s put her in the hospital more than once,” Ledford said.

Reports say the male who allegedly killed Stormy Stanley, 28, had a violent temper.

Feminists seem unconcerned. Apparently, the only abusive men who show up on their radar are white.

Low impulse control. Violent temper. Long history of violence. What’s not to like?


Stanley’s mother and brother had begged her to leave Williams according to her sister-in-law, Amber Ledford.

“He’s put her in the hospital more than once,” Ledford said, adding, “She was a good mom and she loved her kids so much.”

When police arrived at the home at about 1:15 p.m., October 25, 2017, Stanley was unresponsive in a bedroom of the home and being attended to by medics before she was transported to Southeast Texas Medical Center where she later died according to police.

Williams later admitted to detectives in an interview that the couple had been fighting the night before after he had told Stanley that he was having another child with a different woman according to a probable cause affidavit.

Williams told detectives that the argument became physical when Stanley slapped him across the face.

He then told police that he became angry and shoved her to the floor where she struck her head on a door hinge that was attached to a closet door in the master bedroom of the home according to the affidavit.

Williams also admitted to detectives that he had slapped Stanley across the face at one point during the altercation.

Williams showed detectives where the assault took place and where he later helped Stanley into bed where he said she slept that night the affidavit said.

He told detectives that after the fight he helped Stanley into the bathroom and helped her take a shower.

While detectives were at the home they noticed what appeared to blood on the doorframe of a bathroom in the hallway of the home.

Williams then said that he had helped Stanley into bed where he said he heard her “snoring” and believed that she was asleep according to the affidavit.

When Williams woke up Wednesday morning and got out of bed Stanley was still sleeping when he left to get food he told police.

Upon his return to the home Williams found that Stanley was barely breathing and then called 911 for help according to what he told police.

According to the affidavit detectives went to see Stanley at the hospital before she died and medical staff gave them a preliminary status on her.

Medical staff told detectives that she had multiple bruising in various stages of healing, traumatic injury to her face and abdomen with bruising, traumatic injury to both hips, and brain injuries consistent with infraction and soft tissue hemorrhage to her face.

Williams is currently in the Orange County Correctional Center where his bond has been set at $500,000 according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Police say that the children are staying with family at this time.


Posted by Mass brawl in Bristol on Sat, 04 Nov 2017 18:46 | #

Mirror, “Shocking CCTV footage shows mass brawl of more than 100 people using barriers, poles and chairs as weapons, 2 Nov 2017.


Posted by Black murder of White working class on Wed, 15 Nov 2017 06:37 | #

SBDL, “His Name is Alexander Wroblewski: Another White Bartender in 70 percent black Baltimore Murdered by blacks”, 14 Nov 2017:

Alexander Wroblewski, another member of the White working class in 70 percent black Baltimore murdered by blacks.

Remember Kimberly Leto? She was a bartender at O’Donnell’s Pub in Baltimore. She was murdered by two black males in 2014. One of the black males who murdered her was the son of a police dispatcher.

The White working class in 70 percent black Baltimore has no community to support them, nor advocacy group to promote their interests.

Whites represent under 25 percent of the population of Baltimore, when in 1917 whites represented nearly 90 percent of the city’s residents.

It was a world-class city then; now, it’s nothing more than another Mogadishu in the making.

So, who is the next member of the white-working class to pay the Eloi tax in 70 percent black Baltimore? [Man Killed In Robbery Attempt Vowed To Fight Back Amid Recent Crime Wave, Baltimore CBS, 11-14-17]:

A man is dead after he was shot in the stomach outside a Royal Farms Store near the new Anthem House apartment complex in Locust Point, police say.

Police say Alexander Wroblewski was buying a late night snack of milk and cookies after work, and that he paid for it with a large denomination bill. They say the persons of interest held the door for him as he left the store.

Our media partners at The Baltimore Sun report that Wroblewski recently told co-workers, amid a recent rash of crime, that if he was targeted he wouldn’t go down without a fight.

It was around 1:15 a.m. when officers responded to the 400 block of Lawrence Street. Upon arrival, officers found the 41-year-old suffering from a gunshot wound. He was transported to Shock Trauma where he died.

Police say the suspects left the scene in a car, a silver Chevy Cruze.

WJZ Investigator Mike Hellgren spoke with a friend of the victim Tuesday afternoon.

This is an area where some residents say they’ve been living in fear due to a recent spike in violent crime. Several vicious attacks have been reported nearby. Davis and other city leaders held a crime walk there just last week.

Homicide detectives are investigating the murder.

Alexander Wroblewski was a bartender at The Rowhouse Grille, and a life long resident of Baltimore. He was a White man who tried to fight off his black attackers that ultimately took his life:

Amid a rash of crimes in South Baltimore, Alexander Wrobleski recently told co-workers that if he was targeted, he wouldn’t go down without a fight.

On Tuesday morning, Wrobleski stared down a robber’s handgun and resisted — and lost his life.

Rowhouse Grille chef Tess Mosley said employees were stunned by the news.

“He was a very kind, kind soul,” Mosley said. “He was full of integrity.”

Mosley said during a recent discussion about crimes that have been taking place in the neighborhood, Wrobleski told others that he “would go down fighting” if attacked.

“He said, ‘They’re not going to take my stuff,’” she said.

At some point in the not too distant future, the wrong White man is going to be the attempted victim of a mugging/robbery by black suspects.

The outcome will be far, far different than the terrible fate forced integration had for Alexander Wroblewski.

In a city where black on white murder (crime) happens far, far to frequently, one gets a glimpse of what life will be like for the coming white minority all across America.

No organizations to advocate for the rights of white people to exist as a distinct people, because it’s not okay to be white in Baltimore.

All you get in death is a few tears and shock from friends who knew you in life and mourn your tragic loss at the hands of racial group The Baltimore Sun spends every published word defending as some great asset, when in reality they represent the greatest liability to Baltimore’s future.

Previously on SBPDL: His Name is Sebastian Dvorak: Popular White Bartender Murdered by black Male in 70% black Baltimore.

Remember Robert Ponsi? He was a server at James Joyce Pub in Baltimore. He was fatally stabbed by a group of black males in January of 2016. One of the black males who participated in the execution of Ponsi was the son a community activist.


Posted by African knowingly gives HIV to French women on Wed, 15 Nov 2017 16:04 | #

Diversity Macht Frei, “France: African immigrant deliberately infected women with HIV”, 14 Nov 2017:


A 42-year-old man appeared in court this Monday for having voluntarily transmitted HIV. Three of his victims filed a complaint with the police.

He told them love wasn’t made without confidence. Sometimes he also pretended to put a condom on but left it on the bedside table at the last moment. And when his partners became too suspicious, he even showed them a fake document proving that he wasn’t sick … Sekou Camara, a 42 -year-old man from the Ivory Coast, is appearing for judgement at the Assise Court of Deux-Sèvres from this Monday on for having voluntarily transmitted HIV to three women – ex-girlfriends or conquests for a night – when he knew he was carrying the virus. Criminal conduct punishable by up to 15 years in prison going as far back, for some of them, as 2003.   

The man, who is now living in Niort, is an unrepentant seducer, already the father of four children whom he has left behind, in Ivory Coast or the Paris region. It was at this same time – his last-born is HIV positive himself – that he learned he had HIV.

Ashamed of having been deceived, frightened of not being believed, his first victims remained silent. But in 2009, a criminal complaint was filed. The case will show that, in total, seven women were infected through contact with him, a last being miraculously spared.


Posted by Chelsea Beller on Thu, 23 Nov 2017 16:14 | #

Young woman dies after being shot by robbers (despite her compliance).

The subjects are still at large and the media requested information from the public, but failed to profile the suspects — by race or gender.

A security video reveals one of the robbers’ black ass, leading us to assume his entire body is black and that his accomplices are also black.

AJC, Atlanta: Video surveillance shows three masked people responsible for the particularly heinous shooting of an Atlanta restaurant manager Sunday, police said.

Chelsea Beller of Atlanta was forced upstairs to open a safe during a robbery by three masked suspects at Barcelona Wine Bar on Howell Mill Road, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution previously reported. The rest of the employees were tied up with electrical tape, police said.

After opening the safe, Beller was shot in the shoulder and later died at Grady Memorial Hospital.

While police know three people are responsible, they are asking for the public’s help in identifying them and have issued a higher-than-usual reward, Atlanta police spokesman Carlos Campos said Monday in a statement.

The usual $2,000 Crime Stoppers reward for information leading to an arrest and indictment is more than tripled at $7,000.

“No crime against our citizens, anywhere in the city, is acceptable,” Campos said. “But the robbery and murder of an innocent restaurant manager doing her job is a terrible crime that has shocked even the most jaded among us here at APD.”

Police are continuing to investigate the shooting and robbery and ask anyone with information to provide an anonymous tip through Crime Stoppers Atlanta by calling 404-577-TIPS (8477).


Posted by Cathie on Mon, 27 Nov 2017 01:48 | #

NY Post, “Man accused of killing jogger details final moments of torture”, 20 Nov 2017:

Chanel Lewis (left) and Karina Vetrano Gregory P. Mango; Instagram

The family of Queens jogger Karina Vetrano broke down in court Monday as they for the first time watched her accused killer detail to cops the tortured final minutes of their daughter’s life.

Cathie Vetrano let out an anguished moan in between sobs as she heard Chanel Lewis calmly confess to the brutal August 2016 beating, in which he broke her daughter’s teeth and kept beating her until she lost consciousness before strangling her.

        Cathie Vetrano

At one point, the mom brought the foot-long, golden crucifix she routinely totes to court to her face, watching the footage through tears. Her sister Tana Vetrano sat frozen, her teeth bared at Lewis as she cried.

“I was mad, I saw red,” the accused killer tells cops in the video, which was played during a pre-trial hearing Monday to determine whether it’ll be deemed admissible as evidence.

Lewis says he grabbed Vetrano as she ran past him through the marshy swamp, adding she clawed at his face as he hit her five times before she was knocked unconscious.

“She didn’t yell. She was finished.”

“I finished her off, I strangled her. She fell into the puddle and drowned,” he says coolly in the footage. “I got up and wiped off the blood. And she was calm, she was in the pool [of water].”

“It was like all the way over [her face],” he says of the puddle, gesturing across his own face.

Incredibly, after telling cops how he “finished her off,” the 21-year-old seemed to think he could pay his way out of murder charges.

“I can straighten out my stuff?” Lewis asks the befuddled prosecutor after he spills his guts during the February 2017 interview. “Well, you’re the DA, right? Where do we go from here? Is there a restitution program or something?”

Before confessing, he’d told Detective Barry Brown, “I want to change my life, I’m sorry for what I did.”

But he insisted he didn’t molest her, even though her jogging shorts had been pulled down. “I didn’t do any of the stuff they said, sexual assault and stuff like that,” he told cops, according to the tape.

He said he then walked home up the bike path, “shaken up,” hoping to get napkins to stop the bleeding from the scratches she’d left on his face.

When asked why he attacked the jogger, Lewis confusingly responded that he killed Vetrano “because a guy moved into my house and the neighborhood.”

Her father, Philip Vetrano, said he was feeling “a lot of anger” and lashed into Lewis’ relatives before he and his family left court in an unmarked police car.

“His family left the room,” he said brusquely. “They couldn’t listen to his confession. We know where the coward got his cowardliness from.

“The truth hurts,” he added. “It’s pathetic. “It’s just so tomorrow they can say their offspring is not guilty.”

Lewis’ family ignored questions.


Posted by White woman with baby on Sun, 03 Dec 2017 06:09 | #

Black Male (left): Take the baby off of her.

Take the baby off her, take the baby off of her.

The baby is the reason she’s not getting up.

Black Female: Get up! Get Up!



Posted by She jus' a ho. on Sun, 03 Dec 2017 14:03 | #


Posted by Shejusaho on Sun, 03 Dec 2017 15:18 | #


Posted by Kayne West on Thu, 21 Dec 2017 22:42 | #

Madonna started things off by pronouncing Michael Jackson “the king.”

....“long live the king” (who had just died).

But Kayne West certainly deserved the award for hyper-assertiveness…


Posted by Lacie LaRose on Sun, 24 Dec 2017 14:25 | #

39 year old man gets 99 years for killing 19 year old student ....after dispute over a game of beer pong.

The Eagle, “Witness: Argument over game of beer pong led to death of 19-year-old Lacie LaRose”, 3 June 2015:


The death of 19-year-old Blinn College student Lacie LaRose at a graduation party last month was the result of an argument that began over a game of beer pong, a witness told The Eagle.

The two-bedroom home in the 900 block of San Benito Drive now sits unoccupied. The backyard where LaRose was shot, along with two others who received minor injuries, shows no signs of a party, let alone that a young woman was gunned down there. The residential neighborhood less than a mile from A&M Consolidated High School was quiet Tuesday afternoon, the one-month anniversary of the shooting that police said remains under investigation.

On the night of the shooting, there were between 100 and 120 people at the graduation party where a pay-per-view boxing match drew a crowd that included neighbor Ronald Wayne McNeil, 39.

Landon Duke, the 23-year-old guest of honor at the May 2 party, said McNeil lived across the street and came to the party with two friends. Duke, who was celebrating his pending graduation from Texas A&M on May 17, had never met or interacted with McNeil, a convicted felon.


Posted by 2000 swarm Cherry Hill Mall on Thu, 28 Dec 2017 23:33 | #


DM, “Five teens are arrested after up to 1,000 juveniles swarm a New Jersey mall”, 28 Dec 2017: 

- Cherry Hill police said five teens were arrested during an incident at a NJ mall    

- Authorities said the incident began at the JC Penney entrance at Cherry Hill Mall  

- Police said between 700 to 1,000 teens swarmed mall around 7.30pm Tuesday  

- The teens were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest  

- Cherry Hill police said there were no reports of injuries or property damage


Posted by stabbed 14 times on Thu, 04 Jan 2018 18:29 | #

“Minneapolis Woman Stabbed 14 Times By Somali Immigrant” – Media Blackout Ensues

On the night of December 13, Morgan Evenson, walking home from work, was chased down, tackled, and repeatedly stabbed and left for dead by a Somali migrant – bleeding profusely on the curb of the street.

Evenson was left with 14 stab wounds on her arms, neck, and back. Her kidney was also lacerated.

Miraculously, Evenson survived. After hearing her screams, neighbors came to her aid and her attacker – described as a a Somali man in his 20’s, somewhat built and wearing gray stone-washed jeans – fled the scene.

Evenson had merely been walking home from work, an Apple Store just eight blocks from her apartment. Police have called the incident a botched robbery, but Evenson’s attacker did not take her purse or money.

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the city’s largest newspaper, hasn’t reported on the story.

Any media publications that are reporting on the story are conveniently omitting the attacker’s full description as Somali. As Southwest Journal reported:


Police described the suspect as a man in his early 20s, about 5 feet 7 inches with a light build, wearing… gray stone washed jeans.

Would this happen without YKW imposition, in a White country?


Posted by James LaFond on black hyper-assertiveness on Thu, 11 Jan 2018 08:24 | #


James LaFond describes the incredible hyper assertiveness, the violence, thuggery and extortion of blacks in Baltimore:


Posted by Melbourne: African street gang problem on Sat, 13 Jan 2018 03:02 | #

TNO, “African Gangs Rampage Melbourne, say Police”, 3 Jan 2018:

Australian police have formally admitted that African immigrant gangs are rampaging through the city of Melbourne, causing destruction and chaos in a crime wave which is the direct result of the policy of promoting mass non-White immigration.

According to a report in the Australian Broadcasting Corp., police have finally admitted that “Melbourne has a problem with African street gangs, after earlier insisting there were no gangs in the city.”

Police Minister Lisa Neville on Tuesday defended the Government’s handling of youth crime after the Federal Government on Monday said “African gang crime” was out of control in Melbourne because of lenient state policies.

The issue has become a priority for both major parties after a series of recent headline-grabbing crimes committed by Africans, including the trashing of an Airbnb property in Werribee, vandalism in Tarneit and a night of violence at St Kilda Beach involving dozens of rampaging Africans.

Acting Chief Commissioner Shane Patton confirmed there were African street gangs in Melbourne, contradicting earlier politically-motivated claims that there were no such gangs.

“We have for a significant period of time said that there is an issue with overrepresentation by African youth in serious and violent offending as well as public disorder issues,” Commissioner Patton said.

Separately, Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said people in Melbourne are “scared to go out at restaurants” at night because of African street gang violence.

“People don’t see this in NSW, in Queensland, but the reality is people are scared to go out at restaurants of a night time because they’re followed home by these gangs, home invasions, and cars are stolen,” Mr Dutton told Sydney radio 2GB.

The federal government has already cancelled the visas of 12 offenders in Victoria who are originally from Sudan, other African countries and New Zealand after state authorities referred 18 cases, he added.

The extent of the violence is evident from the State government’s response: It has

* added resources to the gangs squad and special operations group

* recruited 3,135 additional frontline police

* funded an intelligence system, bulletproof vehicles and other technology and resources.

Earlier, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the Government was concerned about “growing gang violence and lawlessness” in Melbourne, and frontbencher Greg Hunt said “African gang crime in some areas in particular is clearly out of control”.

Data from Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency shows an overrepresentation of Sudanese-born and Kenyan-born offenders in some crime categories, proportional to their Victorian populations.

They also show a sharp rise in Sudanese-born offenders involved in armed robberies, from 20 in the 2014-15 financial year to 98 two years later.

According to Census figures, people born in Sudan make up about 0.1 per cent of Victoria’s population. The Kenyan-born population in Victoria is about the half the size of the Sudanese-born population.

Race-denying liberals have tried to claim that Africans do not commit a majority of street crime in Melbourne, pointing to overall figures which show that a majority of such crimes are committed by people “born in Australia.”

This diversionary tactic is of course just another liberal excuse, because it fails to take into account the fact that the Africans are responsible, pro rata, for far more crime than their actual numbers should represent—if crime rates among racial groups were “equal.”

However, as figures from all western nations show, nonwhites, and Africans in particular, have much higher violent crime rates than whites.

The next excuse which will be used—once incontrovertible racial conviction and imprisonment rates are released—will be that the “judicial system” is racist—i.e., it will always be the fault of White people.


Posted by TBB in Milan on Sat, 13 Jan 2018 04:48 | #

Diverstiy Macht Frei, “Italy: Journalist attacked by African drug dealers”, 10 Jan 2018:

In this video, you can see how Africanised many of Italy’s great cities have become. This isn’t some migrant-colonised ghetto or suburb. This is the central square just outside Milan Central Station. There are carabinieri but they just leave the drug dealers unmolested. Only when the violence kicks off do the police intervene, and probably only because a TV crew was present.

The journalist’s name is Vittorio Brumotti. One of his specialties is going into immigrant-colonised areas and stirring up aggro. He’s been beaten up and injured quite a few times.


Posted by Bringing untreatable forms of TB to Europe on Sat, 13 Jan 2018 04:55 | #

New Observer, “Invaders Bring New Untreatable TB to Europe”, 12 Jan 2018:

Non-White invaders from the Horn of Africa who entered Europe pretending to be refuges have introduced a multidrug-resistant new form of tuberculosis “never before been described,” experts at the University of Zurich have announced.


In an official statement released by the Institute of Medical Microbiology at the University of Zurich, that body announced that between February and November 2016, a multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis as discovered in “eight refugees arriving in Europe from the Horn of Africa.”

The analyses provided an impulse for launching a transnational investigation and developing a pan-European alerting system, the statement added.

According to the statement, the Mycobacterium tuberculosis found in a Somali in the “refugee” center in Chiasso in February 2016 was extraordinary:

“These bacteria exhibited a new combination of resistance mutations against four different antibiotics that had never before been described,” Peter Keller, Head of Diagnostics, who identified the germ, said in the statement.

The multidrug resistance makes it necessary for people carrying these bacteria to be isolated and undergo intravenous drug treatment at a hospital for several months.

In the months following the discovery, the same resistant germ was also observed in further patients, all of whom had “migrated to Europe from countries on the Horn of Africa,” the statement continued.

In total, the pathogen had been identified in eight invaders from Somalia, Eritrea, and Djibouti between February and November 2016.

This unusual build-up prompted the management of NZM and of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) to alert their colleagues across Europe. At the same time, the German reference laboratory in Borstel near Hamburg also registered a case with the same pathogen, the statement added.

The Swiss institute then made their molecular-biological data available to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to enable their team to identify further possible cases in the EU.

In the course of these analyses, the European tuberculosis reference laboratories identified a total of 21 cases in a cross-border collaboration. As with the cases in Switzerland, these patients had also come from the Horn of Africa or Sudan.

“The extraordinary case led to the development of a European alerting organization for dangerous tuberculosis pathogens,” said Keller.

Molecular-genetic analyses and interviews with patients made it possible for the researchers to partially reconstruct the chain of infection.

The data indicates that the tuberculosis pathogen spread among the invaders in a camp near Bani Walid in Libya. Several of the patients diagnosed with this particular resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis had come through this camp on their way to Europe.

Scientists believe that the pathogen originated in northern Somalia, where it is likely to have developed the dangerous new combination of resistances as a result of mutations.


Posted by This thug raped 64yr old in her home on Sat, 13 Jan 2018 08:32 | #

Police say this is the thug who raped a 64 year old woman in her home.
—While fake feminist sit alone knitting pink hats, the women of America are subjected to the most heinous sex crimes.

Why the silence?

The focus of fake feminism is on “the rape culture” which they pretend exists only among white males. Therefore, when the suspect is not white, fake feminists simply ignore it because non-white rapists do not exists in the cultural Marxist fantasy world.

The race of the victim was not disclosed by the media. The media seldom engages in racial profiling unless the suspect is white and the victim is not white. Think Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown.

From New York Post ▼

This is the creep who followed a disabled 64-year-old woman to her Bronx home and raped her, police said.

The woman, who uses a walker, was headed home to her apartment around 6:30 p.m. Monday near the corner of East Gun Hill Road and Dekalb Avenue in Norwood when the man began pursuing her, cops said.

Once the woman arrived, the man pushed her inside and sexually assaulted her, officials said.

Police released video of the man, who the woman does not know, on Tuesday.

The victim was taken to an area hospital shortly after the assault and was in stable condition, police said.


Posted by Igor Serwacki on Thu, 25 Jan 2018 06:56 | #

Though looking uncannily like the archetypal form of Igor Serwacki, this is actually Wilmot Collins - immigrated back from Liberia (the place where President Monroe got rid of any freed slaves who wanted to go). He’s become Mayor of Helena, Montana. He can show the locals of Montana how the Liberian Mayors did their infrastructure. The mayor did not consider himself above he people - he would to shit on the beach right along side the rest of the town’s people.

...way to go Montana! A holler up there in Whitefish! and those in quest of The North West White Republic.


Posted by Acquaintance rapes/murders Kimberlee Graves on Mon, 29 Jan 2018 16:38 | #

Coloradoan, “Suspect faces eight felony charges in Kimberlee Graves murder case”, 24 Jan 2018:

Update, Jan. 24: Suspect makes first court appearance in Kimberlee Graves murder case

Authorities on Wednesday arrested a 30-year-old man who they say sexually assaulted and fatally strangled Kimberlee Graves, the Fort Collins woman reported missing in early December.

Khalid White, 30, was charged Thursday with eight felonies: first-degree murder after deliberation, two counts of felony murder, sexual assault with a weapon resulting in serious bodily injury, robbery, tampering with a deceased human body, identity theft and motor vehicle theft.

All charges are listed in court documents as having an offense date of Dec. 4 and are related to Graves’ death.

In Colorado, a suspect can be charged with felony murder if another person dies while the suspect is in the process of committing certain felonies. In this case, the robbery and sexual assault charges would each meet the criteria for a count of felony murder.

Graves was last seen at her Akin Avenue home Dec. 4, and a park ranger discovered her body in Lory State Park last week. The Larimer County Coroner’s Office ruled her death a homicide by blunt force head injuries and manual strangulation.

Police said they learned early on in the case that White was acquainted with Graves and might have information about her disappearance, though they didn’t specify in a news release when they learned that information.

White missed a probation appointment Dec. 14, and detectives learned he left Colorado on a commercial bus, according to the news release.

He was arrested in West Wendover, Nevada, on Dec. 20, and arresting officers discovered that he was in possession of Graves’ identification and other personal items. West Wendover is a town of about 4,200 just west of Nevada’s border with Utah.

Fort Collins police detectives traveled to Nevada to interview White, according to the news release.

Police said they suspect Graves was killed Dec. 4 or 5.

On Dec. 10, a friend reported that Graves’ central Fort Collins home had been ransacked. On Thursday, police said they believe the damage to her home occurred after she disappeared because other people had access to the residence. Police did not release details on who they believe trashed Graves’ home or whether charges will be filed.

Police discovered Graves’ car abandoned in the parking garage under the former Safeway at College Avenue and Mulberry Street on Dec. 13. They later announced that someone, whom they didn’t identify, had been using Graves’ car. On Dec. 19, police said they did not believe the person using her car was related to Graves’ disappearance.

They did not clarify Thursday whether the motor vehicle theft charge against White is related to Graves’ abandoned vehicle.

Other details about the case were unavailable, as White’s arrest documents are sealed to the public.

Police declined to answer questions about their search for Graves, including when they learned she died, the nature of Graves’ relationship with White, additional evidence or possible motives, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation.

“Based on the information we had, we did everything we could (to locate Graves),” Fort Collins Interim Chief of Police Terry Jones said. He added that Graves lived an “at-risk lifestyle,” which he said affected the investigation.

“The officers that handled this case received a lot of non-consistent and conflicting witness statements,” Jones said.

On Thursday afternoon, White made a brief appearance via video at the Larimer County Justice Center. He was dressed in a red jumpsuit, which denotes a maximum security inmate.

Deputy District Attorney Robert Axmacher described White as a flight risk, noting that he missed his probation appointment and was going to take a bus from Nevada to California before he was arrested.

White is being held without bond in the Larimer County Jail. He’s due for a first appearance in the case at the Larimer County Justice Center on Wednesday.

White was also arrested on a charge of negligent child abuse causing serious bodily injury in an unrelated case from last year. He pleaded guilty to felony and misdemeanor child abuse charges in October at the Larimer County Justice Center.

On the felony charge, he was given a four-year deferred sentence. On the misdemeanor charge, he was sentenced to 60 days in jail. He had already served that time pre-sentence, and was credited for time served.

On a deferred sentence, the guilty plea is not entered and sentencing is delayed — or deferred — until successful completion of a probationary period. If any condition of the deferred sentence is violated during the probationary period, the agreement can be revoked, at which point the guilty plea will be entered and sentencing will follow.

Police said in that case White and the mother of their 3-month-old daughter brought the baby to Poudre Valley Hospital with a fractured arm Aug. 28, 2016. White later told investigators the baby had an upset stomach and required diaper changes throughout the night, according to arrest documents.

He told investigators he flipped the baby onto her side so he could bundle her, and he said it was possible he used too much force. He told investigators he was frustrated but was “pretty sure he didn’t do it hard enough to break” her arm, according to arrest documents. A team at the Kempe Center at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado later reviewed the case and concluded that White’s description of bundling the baby could have caused the fracture.

Court records show White pleaded guilty to careless driving in March 2015 in El Paso County and disorderly conduct in 2011 in Pennsylvania.

The investigation into Graves’ homicide is ongoing. Anyone with information is asked to contact Fort Collins Police at 970-416-2825 or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). People can also contact Crime Stoppers of Larimer County at 970-221-6868 or

Graves’ family members and friends described her as sweet and kind, as well as a loving mother. Graves had a 16-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. Police previously confirmed Graves’ children are safe and had been living with other relatives for some time when Graves disappeared.

“They were her world, and she was ours,” Graves’ mother, E.C. Waller, said previously. “Beautiful inside and out.”

All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in court. Arrests and charges are merely accusations by law enforcement until, and unless, a suspect is convicted of a crime.

Reporter Cassa Niedringhaus covers breaking news for the Coloradoan. Follow her on Twitter: @CassaMN. Reporter Saja Hindi contributed to this report.


Dec. 4: Kimberlee Graves is last seen at her central Fort Collins home in the evening.

Dec. 5: Police believe Graves is killed either late Dec. 4 or early Dec. 5.

Dec. 8: A friend requests a welfare check from police. Police check her home, but no one answers the door and her car is gone. Police do not enter the residence on this date. Graves’ friend Joe Feiereisen said he and and five others enter Graves’ home and notice the is door broken and the house is a mess.

Dec. 10: A friend enters Graves’ home and reports to police the home has been ransacked. Feiereisen and police confirm damage is worse than two days prior. Police do a protective sweep of the residence.

Dec. 13: Police find Graves’ vehicle in a parking garage under the former Safeway at College Avenue and Mulberry Street.

Dec. 14: Khalid White, who is later arrested on suspicion of killing Graves, misses a probation appointment.

Dec. 18: Police make their first public statement in the case, announcing Graves’ disappearance and seeking the public’s help in getting information about her whereabouts.

Dec. 19: Police announce they’re continuing to investigate but are encountering difficulties in reaching Graves’ friends and associates, many of whom police say are in unstable living situations. They also announce someone used Graves’ car for several days, but they do not believe the person is connected to her disappearance. This announcement comes six days after the vehicle is discovered.

Dec. 20: White is arrested in West Wendover, Nevada, and arresting officers find he is in possession of Graves’ identification and other personal items. Fort Collins police travel to Nevada to interview White.

Jan. 9: A ranger discovers Graves’ body in Lory State Park, west of Fort Collins.

Jan. 11: Police announce Graves’ death and that her death has been ruled a homicide by the Larimer County Coroner’s Office.

Jan. 17: White is transported back to Colorado via the Albany County Jail in Wyoming and booked into the Larimer County Jail on suspicion of first-degree murder after deliberation, felony murder, tampering with a deceased human body, sexual assault and identity theft.

Jan. 18: Police announce the arrest of White in connection with Graves’ death.


Posted by Warski suspended for making fun of colored woman on Thu, 01 Mar 2018 19:21 | #

Warski Banned From Youtube Live Streaming For Three Months For Having Criticized A Colored Woman.


      Franchesca Ramsey

If you want to know who has power, look to whom you cannot criticize.


Posted by Terri St.John on Fri, 02 Mar 2018 12:12 | #

Washington Post, “She disappeared from her driveway while her children were home. Her body was found in the woods”, 1 Mar 2018:


Workers at a Virginia horse farm knew something was off on Tuesday when Terri Lynn St. John, 23, who lived across the street did not show up for her job.

Keyser told detectives that he confronted St. John at her house on Tuesday about something she had said about him.




Posted by Baltimore businesses collapse under black crime on Sat, 03 Mar 2018 16:57 | #

New Observer, “Baltimore Businesses Collapsing under Black Crime Plague”, 25 Feb 2018:

Increasing numbers of commercial businesses in the black overrun city of Baltimore, Maryland, are closing up and fleeing in the wake of an 88 percent increase in commercial robberies in that metropole, it has emerged.

The homicide rate in the 71 percent non-white city surged to a record 343 killings in 2017, which works out at 56 killings per 100,000 people. Baltimore has about 615,000 inhabitants.

Police in the city attributed the overwhelming majority of Baltimore’s crime to “gangs, drugs and illegal guns.”

Another report revealed that the black criminals have increasingly turned their attention to robbing the city’s remaining commercial businesses, and that such crime has risen 88 percent in the last five years, from 560 commercial robberies in 2013 to more than 1,000 last year.

According to the report, business owners “are also complaining of threats outside their stores: drug dealing, intimidation, stabbings and shootings.”

This was exactly what happened in Detroit, and the ongoing violence eventually left that black city without any major retail outlets.

Cailey Locklair Tolle, president of the Maryland Retailers Association, was quoted as explaining that that a lot of her organization’s members “don’t relocate. It’s a massive endeavor. A lot of times they just go out of business.”

A CBS News “Murder map of Deadliest U.S. cities” revealed that Baltimore is officially the second most deadly city in the US, beaten only by equally black St. Louis, Missouri—which was also the scene of massive anti-white riots.

Third most deadly city on the CBS map was black overrun New Orleans, Louisiana, and Detroit comes in fourth.


Posted by Dance exhibition for taxpayers on Mon, 12 Mar 2018 10:23 | #

3 March, 2018 - Palermo, Sicily: Instead of the public bus to Palermo just driving away and allowing this African vagrant to fall off the roof that he’d climbed upon to stage some sort of exhibition, taxpayer’s money was used to collect him and put him back into the vagrant shelter.


Posted by Acapulco Joe's owner beaten by dine and dasher on Fri, 16 Mar 2018 05:54 | #—

Black diners are notorious for not leaving tips. Sometimes they leave without paying. This restaurant owner was left in critical condition after he attempted to stop a black male from leaving without paying


Acapulco Joe’s owner seriously hurt trying to stop dine-and-dasher

        Published: Mar 14th, 2018 - 9:49am (EDT), Updated: Mar 15th, 2018 - 12:30pm (EDT)

INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) - The owner of a popular Indianapolis restaurant was seriously hurt trying to stop a man who was about to run out without paying. Metro Police say the suspect was about to “dine and dash” while on a blind date at Acapulco Joe’s at 365 N. Illinois St. around 2 p.m. Tuesday. The owner, 57-year-old Grant Redmond, saw it happening and tried to stop him.

                        Grant Redmon in 2016 (photo submitted by Robert Plank)

The suspect attacked him, knocking him unconscious. First responders say when Redmond first woke up, he didn’t know where he was or what happened to him. He was taken to the hospital in critical condition and had to get surgery for a blood clot in his brain. As of Thursday, Redmond was showing signs of improvement in the hospital. His speech is still limited, but doctors are hopeful for a full recovery.

Witnesses told police the suspect ran away westbound on Vermont. He hasn’t been seen since.

The suspect’s date stayed behind and cooperated with investigators.

She only knew the man as “Maurice.”

The restaurant manager said before he ran, the suspect tried to pay with a card that was declined. He said he’d need to go to the ATM if that card wasn’t working. They told him they were calling police, which is when he ran. When police ran the name on the card, they found it was declined because it had been reported stolen the day before.

The manager also said she had surveillance video of the incident. As of this writing, that video has not been made public, but police say it shows a black man wearing a dark shirt with white writing on the front, a short cut fade, possibly khaki pants and white shoes.

Their bill came out to roughly $50 in food and alcohol, including five beers and a shot of Jack Daniels.


Posted by Black male runs over crowd of gay men on Sat, 24 Mar 2018 16:54 | #

Occidental Dissent, “Black male rams car into crowd of gay men. One dead”, 23 Mar 2018:

Witnesses say Cordale Robinson, a black male, intentionally rammed his car into a crowd outside a Houston gay bar called Montrose. He allegedly tried to hit as many people as he could, dragging victims along the way.

One victim, a twenty-six-year-old black male was killed. Many more victims have serious injuries.

Robinson was allegedly beaten up by a group of men from the bar before the attack.


Posted by black woman on Sun, 01 Apr 2018 06:11 | #


Posted by Rainer Chlodwig von K. on Sun, 01 Apr 2018 11:31 | #

Aryan Skynet, 30 Mar 2018:

“What My Jury Duty Experience Tells Me About the Future of Justice in America”

A person doesn’t have to do too much googling to come up with a bunch of outrage-dripping stories about how racist prosecutors are still suppressing democracy by unfairly dismissing the blacks in jury pools. Are blacks, as reputed, reluctant to give prosecutors convictions? Well, maybe. It depends on the race of the man on trial. In a 1997 study, psychologists Paul Skolnick and Jerry Shaw showed that blacks were racially biased against Caucasian defendants – and a 2000 study by S.R. Sommers and P.C. Ellsworth confirmed that black jurors were harsher in their judgments of white defendants regardless of whether or not the alleged offense was interracial in nature.

I was able to observe firsthand the racial dynamics of justice in action at the local level when I served on a jury hearing the case of a man charged with a petty financial crime. The defendant, a white man, was a chubby, underemployed millennial loser still living at home with his parents. The man may very well have been guilty of the crime with which he was charged; but the prosecutor, a young and inexperienced smirker, presented a case based wholly on circumstantial evidence garnered from a lazy police non-investigation. So little had been done to find out what exactly had happened that, even if the defendant was guilty, the authorities had simply failed to do their job and prove it – and this was ultimately what mattered to most of us on the jury – the white people, that is.

The racial makeup of the jury was less than racially representative of our county due to the underrepresentation of Hispanics (there was only one), but the ratio of whites to blacks was more or less proportional, with the former roughly double the number of the latter. What was interesting is that the only people on the jury in favor of a conviction were the three black women. Even the one black man in the room – a mild-mannered college kid and therefore something of an outlier as blacks go – was in favor of letting the guy off the hook. Only these three black women sat in the jury room with sassy defiance and frustration on their faces at our reluctance to convict.

The racial demarcation of opinion was obvious. Only the fact that they were so clearly outnumbered discouraged them from asserting themselves. They had nothing persuasive to say on the matter, but just seemed to be bitter at not getting their way. Eventually they changed their votes – not because they had changed their minds, but just to be done with it all and get out of the courthouse and back to their lives – and it was in this way that a potentially innocent man was saved from prison time. Later I searched the defendant’s name online and discovered he had a shabby record of DUIs and such – his wild, goofy mug shot a far cry from the clean-cut suit-and-tie respectability he had adopted for his courtroom appearance – but that wasn’t the point. The jury was tasked with weighing the merits of one specific charge against him – and that’s what most of us did. A minority had another agenda. What if this ne’er-do-well’s trial had been held in front of a majority-black or an all-black jury? What if it had been an all-Mexican jury? Would he have gotten another chance to straighten out his pathetic life – or would he be some black dude’s bunkmate in prison now?

What does my jury duty experience tell me about the future of justice in America? More than I probably want to know.

Rainer Chlodwig von K. - Rainer is the author of the book Protocols of the Elders of Zanuck: Psychological Warfare and Filth at the Movies.


Posted by Jamie Hart & Carolyn Casey on Fri, 06 Apr 2018 06:47 | #

            Jamie Glenda Hart
Birth 14 Nov 1977
Saint Louis, St. Louis City, Missouri, USA
Death 1 May 1999 (aged 21)
Brazos County, Texas, USA
Red Hill Cemetery
Brazos County, Texas, USA
Memorial ID 9487175 · View Source

Murder victim—Jamie Hart, 21. Her death went unsolved for 14 months after her body was discovered on a rural Brazos County road, 9 miles from where her abandoned car was left running with lights on.

DNA evidence and fingerprints connected Yobe Matthews to the 1999 slaying of Jamie Hart. he confessed to forcing his way into her car. A month after he was condemned for Carolyn Diane Casey slaying, he pleaded guilty to Hart’s death. he was executed in Jan 2004.

          Carolyn Diane Casey
Birth 28 Jul 1978
Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma, USA
Death 28 May 2000 (aged 21)
College Station, Brazos County, Texas, USA
Waco Memorial Park
Waco, McLennan County, Texas, USA
Plot Veterans Section- Right Half
Memorial ID 20283044 · View Source

Murder Victim-Carolyn was born in Lawton OK. and lived in College Station,TX. for eight years. she was a graduate of Timber Academy in College Station and a daycare teacher at First Baptist Church.
Ynobe Matthews was executed Jan. 6,2004 for the kidnapping, sexual assault and murder of the 21-year-old woman in College Station.
Carolyn Diane Casey
July 28, 1978 — May 28, 2000


Posted by Eldridge Cleaver on Sat, 07 Apr 2018 15:11 | #


Posted by Better GIF of French girl slap episode on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 01:20 | #

A Better GIF of this episode, in which a Negro tries to stop a French girl walking by and she doesn’t want to be bothered so he slaps her, hard. Then after she moves on with minimal protest another black trips her to add insult to injury (that moment is cut off in the shorter GIF); finally black number one celebrates his handy work.


Posted by "Take the baby off her" on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 14:14 | #


Posted by Iben Hunter on Fri, 13 Apr 2018 18:10 | #


Posted by Denny's Drive-Through on Sat, 14 Apr 2018 08:43 | #



Posted by Khallid Muhammad on Tue, 17 Apr 2018 08:54 | #

Khallid Muhammad

“We kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the faggots, we kill the lesbians, I say, goddammit! we kill ‘em all!


You say why kill them all?

Why kill the women?

First, why kill the babies?

They’re just little innocent blue-eyed babies!

Because, goddammit, one day they’re going to grow-up to rule your babies.

Kill ‘em now!

Why kill the women in South Africa?

I say kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing center; and every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls-out from between their legs. So shut-down the military manufacturing center by killing the White woman!

Why kill the older crackers? The old, decrepit crackers in South Africa. How the hell you think they got old? - they got old oppressing and killing black people. I say kill (strange glossolalia), kill ‘em all!

Kill the faggot, kill the lesbian!

And after you kill them all!

I said that day about Mandela to say what he really knows about me. He don’t know a damn thing!

I said then you go to the goddamn grave and dig them up!

And kill them a goddamn-gain, because they didn’t die hard enough!


And if you don’t have the strength to dig them up after you’ve done all that work - just go to the grave and shoot in the damn grave, kill ‘em again!

Because they didn’t die hard enough!


Posted by homicide rates driven entirely by blacks on Tue, 24 Apr 2018 08:13 | #

SBDL, “The Center for Disease Control confirms it: America’s Homicide Problem is Entirely Driven by Black People”, 22 April 2018:

The White death vs. black dysfunction.

The former is ignored by the elite and the media; the latter is the greatest crisis America faces, with trillions of dollars spent over the past half-century dedicated to uplifting black people and only black people. Which is one of the primary reasons for the White death.

When your nation turns its back on you, an increasing number of white people are falling down. 
Suicides Outnumber Murders 6 To 1 For Whites; Murders Outnumber Suicides 3.5 To 1 For Blacks, American Council of Science and health, April 21, 2018:

Suicide and homicide rates show strikingly different trends in the United States.The suicide rate has been increasing. It has been led by a rise in suicides in rural America, which are up 40% in 16 years. The homicide rate, on the other hand, has been decreasing over the same time period, though there has been a slight uptick in recent years.

Racial differences in homicide and suicide rates are particularly eye-catching. Over the past week, the CDC has released data, first on suicides:

The suicide rate in America: white America is truly falling down

As shown, the overall, age-adjusted suicide rate in the U.S. is 13.5 per 100,000. The suicide rate (per 100,000) among whites (17.1) is more than 2.5 times the rate among blacks (6.3) and Hispanics (6.7).

To put those numbers into perspective, the death rate in 2016 from car accidents in the U.S. was 11.6 per 100,000. That means that the average white person was more likely to die by suicide than in a car accident, while the average black or Hispanic person was likelier to die in a car accident than by suicide.The data for homicide rates are shown below:

Were America to suddenly see all blacks disappear, the nation wouldn’t have much of a homicide problem.

Overall, the age-adjusted homicide rate was 6.2 per 100,000, a slight increase from 2015. In 2016, the homicide rate (per 100,000) for whites was 2.9, blacks 22.8, and Hispanics 5.3. Put another way, compared to whites, Hispanics were roughly twice as likely and blacks eight times as likely to be murdered.

Comparing Suicides to Homicides by Race

The contrast between races is further underscored by creating a “suicide-to-homicide” rate ratio (or vice versa). For whites, there are roughly 6 suicides for every 1 homicide; among blacks, there are about 3.5 homicides for each suicide; and the rate ratio among Hispanics is roughly 1:1, with suicide slightly edging out homicide.

When we discuss our “gun violence” and “suicide” epidemics in this country, these statistics should help clarify where public health and safety resources are best spent. Suicide disproportionately affects whites, while homicide disproportionately affects blacks.

Source #1: “QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Suicide Rates,by Race/Ethnicity — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2015–2016.” MMWR 67(14): 433. Published: 13-Apr-2018. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6714a6.

Source #2: QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Homicide Rates, by Race/Ethnicity — National Vital Statistics System, United States, 2015–2016. MMWR 67(15): 462. Published online: 20-Apr-2018. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6715a8.

Until we stand up, we’ll just keep falling down.


Posted by Metzger on Thu, 26 Apr 2018 03:44 | #

​TT says: The ruling class must keep a lid on any reaction by whites.

Not because they give a shit about either race. But because they remembered 1968 when the blacks went crazy in every major city in the country.

The ruling class lost billions of dollars in lost property. So they walk a tightrope.

That’s why they overreact when a white person attacks a black person.

It’s a dangerous game they play and it could collapse at any time. Whether the blacks go crazy again like 68 or the whites go crazy too at the same time, think of the property the ruling class would lose.

As I always say, follow the money. I love to watch the ruling class play Russian roulette.  But in the long run it will never work - promoting the insanity is a black hole and promotes the chaos factor.​


Posted by Starbucks Black-Bucks/IHOP HIP HOP on Fri, 04 May 2018 07:15 | #

The Telegraph, “Starbucks agrees compensation with black men arrested while they waited for a friend”, 3 May 2018:

Rashon Nelson, left, and Donte Robinson, right, were arrested at a Starbucks cafe in Philadelphia Credit: AP

Two black men who were arrested as they waited for a friend in a Philadelphia Starbucks last month have reached settlements with the coffee chain and the city.

The arrest of Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson on 12 April was captured on video and widely shared online, sparking protests in Pennsylvania over accusations of racial profiling.

Mr Robinson and Mr Nelson have now dropped their legal action against the city, agreeing to a symbolic $1 each in compensation and the commitment of $200,000 (£150,000) from officials to fund an entrepreneurship program for public school students.

The men, both 23, also reached a confidential financial settlement with Starbucks, who also offered them the opportunity to complete their undergraduate degrees at Arizona State University with full tuition coverage.

“We all recognise the importance of communication about differences and solutions, and that we will be measured by our action not words,” they said in a joint statement.

Mr Robinson added: “It’s not a right-now thing … but I feel like we will see the true change over time.”

Starbucks issued an apology for the incident which saw a store manager call the police when the pair sat down before making an order as they waited for a friend to arrive. 

The company responded by closing more than 8,000 of its US stores for an afternoon of racial bias training, with Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson also apologising personally to the two men.

Demonstrators protest over the arrests of Rashon Nelson and Donte Robinson Credit: AP

“I want to thank Donte and Rashon for their willingness to reconcile,” said Mr Johnson. “I welcome the opportunity to begin a relationship with them to share learnings and experiences.

“Starbucks will continue to take actions that stem from this incident to repair and reaffirm our values and vision for the kind of company we want to be.” 

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said the incident had “evoked a lot of pain” and put the city under a “national spotlight for unwanted reasons”.

“I am pleased to have resolved the potential claims against the city in this productive manner,” he added.

This case is but one in an endless line of extortion through black hyper-assertive response to assertions against their own violent and imposing nature.

Starbucks, (((Starbucks))), a Jewish company, probably sees it as good public relations and business strategy to pay tribute to the black henchmen of their agenda of imposed liberalism on the goyim.

A similar case of employee discrimination against a black customer occurred at IHOP (International House of Pancakes) but IHOP fared better (so far):

IHOP waitress fired after calling black patron a ...—Reports say a black waitress was fired after allegedly using an n-word to identify a black patron.

The receipt containing the offending term was posted on social media prompting an apology from I-HOP and $10 gift card.


An IHOP restaurant in Missouri reportedly used the N-word to refer to a black teen on her receipt — then sent her a $10 gift card as an apology.

Maya Thomas, 19, received the offensive receipt when she picked up her take-out order April 13 from the Grandview establishment, the Kansas City Star reported.

“She seemed distraught and upset when she showed it to me,” her mom, who spoke on her behalf, told the newspaper. “And of course it got me pissed.”

The teen called the chain to complain about the slur. Days later, she received a $10 gift card in the mail.

“I think that’s really what made her mad,” her mother said. “Of all the things you could call someone, you call them that. And then the way you deal with it is by giving them 10 dollars?”

Frustrated, her mom posted the receipt to social media where the image went viral.

IHOP President Darren Rebelez said Tuesday the server’s actions were “inexcusable.”

Meanwhile, in Edmonton, Canada…


A one-sided “race war” appears to be under way in the Canadian city of Edmonton, after it was announced that hundreds of charges had been laid against 34 members of a large group of Black youths responsible for hundreds of attacks on White people over the past year.

As reported by Metro News, which takes special care not to mention the race of the assailants or that of their victims:

Police have hit 32 teens and two young adults with 460 charges in connection with a series of crimes committed across Edmonton.

Police say the accused were connected through private social media groups, where they planned out some of the crimes.

Assault, aggravated assault, robbery, weapons offences, credit card fraud, shoplifting, and possession of a controlled substance are just some of the charges facing the young suspects, some of whom are as young as 13.

EPS Supt. Tom Pallas said the crimes took place between January 2017 and March 2018, starting on the northeast side and then spreading elsewhere.

  “I’m hoping this is a wakeup call to all of these teens that were involved in this. If you are going to show such contempt and disrespect for our community, and the law, you will be held to account for these actions,” Pallas said.

In two videos released by the police, it is obvious that the gang members are Black, despite attempts to hide their identity by blurring their faces.

In the above video a 46-year-old White woman is kicked down the stairs from behind, suffering five broken ribs. The assailant was charged with aggravated assault.

In this video, a group of 30 Black youths swarms two male teens at an LRT station. One of the victims ended up in hospital, with two of the gang being charged with assault causing bodily harm.

The race of the victims is unknown. Who knows, they might even be Black, but this video clearly shows that the gang, which is also involved in numerous other crimes targetting White Canadians, is Black.

Like many major Western cities, Edmonton is going through rapid demographic change, but the Black population is still relatively small at around 4%. But it is constantly being reinforced by inflows of refugees.

In 2006 the city was 72% White, but only five years later this had dropped to less than 65%. At this rate it must now be under 60%, and is clearly following the same “White Flight” trajectory that destroyed White majorities in cities like Toronto (47.9% White).

Such rapid demographic change breaks down the social and cultural order, leading to moral ambiguity and chaos in the cities affected. This creates an environment that allows tight-knit ethnic gangs to flourish and intimidate the other inhabitants. This is clearly what has happened in Edmonton, where atomised Whites, amongst others, walk around with their heads down, afraid to defend their collective interests for fear of being called “racist,” while arrogant ethnic gangs pick them off one by one. 

When the problem gets bad enough the authorities try to impose a technical solution to defuse political pressure. Usually this works temporarily, but does nothing to change the underlying trends, leading to ever increasing cycles of White Flight, urban decay, and increasing ethnic gang violence directed at the “host” population.

While in Germany….

New Observer, “Germany: Violent African Invader Mob Prevents Deportation Action”, 3 May 2018:

There are now so many violent Africans in Germany that they are able to prevent the deportation of nonwhites with patently bogus “asylum seeker” claims from that country by simply using violence and death threats against police, an incident this week in Baden-Württemberg has shown.
According to a report in the Stuttgarter Zeitung, around 200 African invaders “violently prevented the deportation of a Togolese [man] from refugee accommodation in Ellwangen.”

The report said that the violent mob damaged police vehicles in their attack and threated to kill their occupants during a deportation action against an invader from Togo.

The report said that the police had to “cancel the action” on Monday evening “because the situation was too dangerous for the occupants of three squad cars.”

The police had already arrested the African and had him in a police vehicle at around 2:30 AM in preparation for the deportation, when at first around 50 other Africans approached the police, They were soon joined by hundreds more, demanding that the Togolese be released and threatening the police with death should they continue with their action.

“The confrontation, which was extremely aggressive and violent, meant that the police had to release the person already in police custody, in order to avoid an otherwise feared massive escalation of the situation,” a police statement said.


Posted by Perry on Thu, 24 May 2018 11:26 | #

In this case it should be written perhaps as (((black hyper-assertiveness))) as it is the (((legal system))) rather, which is asserting anti-White. But anyway, it Cohencides with patterned black nature - viz., hyper-assertive:

SBDL, “Black cop killer in Indianapolis SUES white cop he killed for $2.3 million”, 15 Jan 2016:

Years from now, when civilization has been restored to the planet, we will learn of the heroism of Officer Perry Renn.

We will learn how black people dared claim he would still be alive if he had just “stayed at his car” instead of getting out to confront Major Davis.

Black cop killer SUES white cop he killed for $2.3 million

We will learn how America was irredeemable in 2016, courtesy of a black population that felt it was above the law. [Accused killer of IMPD officer Perry Renn sues cop for $2.3 million,, 1-14-16]:

Major Davis Jr., the man accused of killing Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officer Perry Renn, is suing the late officer for $2.3 million, claiming he used “excessive deadly force” against him.

Davis claims he was unarmed when Renn shot him 11 times, “shooting me in the right cranial, the torso, abdomen and the back.”

The encounter happened during a backyard party in the 4000 block of Forest Manor Avenue on the city’s Eastside on July 5, 2014.
Davis, who is representing himself, filed the federal lawsuit as he awaits trial for murder.

Davis claims he saw Renn and officer Nicholas Gallico, as he was leaving the party with two women and several men. He said he first saw Renn talking to another man who was attending the party. Gallico arrived shortly after and asked to talk to Davis and the two women, who told police “everything is okay here you can leave,” according to the complaint.

Davis claims Renn shot him as he was walking in an alley toward his white van. He said he was shot “all at close range while unarmed,” according to the complaint. He also said fireworks, which were going off at that time, “added to the confusion.”

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Davis, who claims in the lawsuit that there was no evidence he was armed with an AK-47 assault rifle during the encounter with the officers.

Authorities said Davis fired the rifle at Renn, striking him three times. At least six shots were fired from the weapon, according court records. At least 22 came from .40-caliber handguns fired by police.

Renn and Gallico responded to the area just after 9:20 p.m., after receiving a call about a man with a gun and shots being fired, according to court records. Police said Gallico, who arrived first, saw Davis walking toward him with his right hand behind his back, according to court records. Davis refused to show his hands and walked away toward the alley.

Police said that while in the alley, the officers ordered Davis to put down his rifle, which he was pointing toward Renn. Davis fired the first shot, police said, setting off a gun battle that lasted no more than five minutes.

In a 911 call, Davis’ girlfriend said, “The police just shot my (expletive) boyfriend” and “They shot each other,” documents said.
The five-page complaint was filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. The suit also names Gallico, Mayor Joe Hogsett, IMPD and former IMPD Chief Rick Hite as defendants.

Sgt. Kendale Adams, spokesman for IMPD, referred requests for comment to the Office of Corporation Counsel. Justin Paicely, deputy city prosecutor and public access counselor, has not returned an email requesting comment.

Davis’ mother, Cynthia Davis, said she will talk to her spiritual adviser before she comments.

Davis “has been and will continue to be irreparably injured by the misconduct of the defendants,” according to the complaint. Davis said the injuries resulted in neurological and digestive problems and caused him to be confined in a wheelchair.



Posted by Zombie Knifer on Sat, 02 Jun 2018 17:04 | #

Irish Savant, “Faces of the new and vibrant London”, 2 June 2018:

White British, i.e. British, are now a minority in London, the capital of an empire that once ruled a quarter of the world. Those remaining are ruled over by a Muslim Mayor. There was a time when it was one of the safest metropolises in the world, bobbys on bicycles two by two and all that. But its new vibrancy has lead to its now overtaking New York in the murder stakes.If you’re puzzled by this development maybe the following pictures will help your understanding.

THIS is the moment a cyclist armed with an enormous ‘zombie knife’ tries to smash the window of a car in an apparent road rage row. The driver was forced to run for his life as the cyclist battered his car with the foot-long blade in the confrontation in Croydon, South London.”

Here’s my guess at the police description of the assailant. “The attacker was described as male, approximately five feet nine inches, wearing a grey jacket and dark jeans’


Posted by Free Boat Rides to Africa on Sat, 09 Jun 2018 10:03 | #


Posted by Biko on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 07:56 | #

Six women sexually assaulted by same male on bus line.
—As expected, fake feminists feel no empathy for the six women who were humiliated by the unrestrained sex urges of a sole male.

The suspect allegedly grabbed women who were using the Toronto transit system. The six assaults occurred over a single weekend.

The suspect is a 21-year-old black male; IQ unknown.

Meanwhile, fake feminists continue to condemn the traditional Western family; characterizing it as a “rape culture”.


A 21-year-old man has been charged in connection with the alleged sexual assault of six women on the TTC last weekend.

The first incident occurred at Jane Station on Friday, June 9.

Police said a woman was at the subway station when she was grabbed around the waist from behind and sexually assaulted by an unknown man.

On Saturday, June 10, police said another woman was on board a TTC bus on Jane Street when she was approached by a man and sexually assaulted.

Later that same day, police allege a man approached four women on a subway train travelling between Wilson Station and Glencairn Station and sexually assaulted them.

One suspect, identified as 21-year-old Toronto resident Biko Miguana, has been arrested in connection with the alleged incidents.

He is facing six counts of sexual assault.


Posted by School Official Traded Perks for Sex on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 18:33 | #

Daily Kenn, “School Official Traded Perks, for Sex, Suit Claims”

While urban schools are rife with mayhem and chaos, school officials draw paychecks while sexually abusing vulnerable students — and each other.

Case in point is a Queens, NY school official who created a “sexual assembly line” and rewards those who cooperated with perks according to a $10-million lawsuit.

That raises questions:

First, how do such officials get jobs?
Second, how do they get promoted?
Third, how did they get into college?
Fourth, why aren’t fake feminists protesting?

The answer to the first three questions may be: Affirmative Action.

The answer to the fourth question: Fake feminists care nothing for real women’s rights. They use feminism as a cover to advance the cultural Marxism agenda.


A Queens assistant principal created a sexual assembly line of teachers at his Queens high school – and rewarded conquests with professional perks, according to a shocking new $10 million lawsuit.

John Binet bedded at least four staffers at Hillcrest HS since being appointed to lead the Jamaica school’s English department in 2014, according to a Manhattan court case filed Monday.

Binet belittled female teachers who questioned his behavior as “resistant” and once counseled a male colleague that the best time to pursue colleagues was around graduation, according to the suit.

Teachers lacking membership in Binet’s harem saw their careers stall while participants were treated to professional benefits, according to the suit filed by one current and one former teacher at the school.

“There are at least four female faculty members, whose names are known to the plaintiffs, who have all received benefits from their sexual exchanges with Binet,” according to court papers.

The case also asserts that principal David Morrison – who was investigated for improperly passing students in 2016 – knew about Binet’s behavior but did nothing to stop it because they were friends.

Both men are named as defendants.

“These individuals have been caught with their pants down,” attorney Gloria Keum told The Post Monday. “Time’s up for them.”


Posted by D’cobien on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 19:02 | #

KFDM, “Lawyer reveals new information about woman charged with Nederland man’s death”, 30 May 2018:

Today (May 30, 2018) marks three weeks since a Nederland man was found dead inside his home.

Police arrested Duane Owens Jr., and his girlfriend Ashlie Martinez and charged them with capital murder in the death of Michael Legg.

Police say the case remains open and more arrests are possible.

KFDM’s Angel San Juan spoke with Ashlie Martinez’s lawyer, who revealed that his client is pregnant.

Both Martinez and Owens are in the Jefferson County Jail and have been denied bond.

Owens is still waiting on a court-appointed attorney.

          Duane Owens               Ashlie Martinez             D’cobien James Dorsey

KFDM, “Third suspect in Michael Legg capital murder arrested in Port Arthur”, 8 June 2018:

Jefferson County —

The third suspect in the May 9th capital murder of Michael Legg, 40, of Nederland is in custody. Nederland Police Chief Gary Porter says the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Warrant Division arrested D’cobien James Dorsey at around 10:30 Friday morning.

Police had been searching for the 19-year-old since the day of the homicide. His bond is set at $1 million.

Two other suspects have been in the Jefferson County Jail since May 23rd. Beaumont Police SWAT officers arrested Duane Owens, 23, and his pregnant girlfriend, Ashlie Martinez, 24, and charged them with capital murder. They’re being held with no bond.

Legg was found dead inside his home on Beauxart Garden Road. Initial autopsy results indicate he was beaten and possibly strangled to death. Legg leaves behind a wife and an 8-year-old son.


Posted by Regan Smith on Sun, 23 Sep 2018 23:49 | #

Daily Mail, “They did nothing and now she’s gone’: Queens woman, 31, is gunned down by her obsessive ex-boyfriend, 47, in a tragic murder-suicide after she contacted NYPD TWICE in the days before the killings” 23 Sept 2018:

Regan Smith, 31, was killed Friday in her Queens, New York, apartment


Her ex-boyfriend Nelson Giron, 47, shot her in the head and stabbed her new boyfriend twice before turning the gun on himself. Smith had filed three complaints against Giron in the weeks before her murder.

Officials are upset at how their domestic violence units handled the complaints


Posted by Gary Wayne Medlin on Thu, 24 Jan 2019 20:15 | #

SBDL, Wednesday, January 23, 2019:

His Name is Gary Wayne Medlin: In 96% White Knox County (Kentucky), Black Criminal Guns Down White Man
Imagine living in a 96 percent white county, in the heart of Appalachia. Low crime rate, yet a poverty rate of 35 percent.

People know one another. They care about one another. They are family. They friends of family.

Despite the poverty rate, social capital flourishes.

Rest in peace, Gary Wayne (left)

The population of this county in Kentucky (Knox County) is less than one percent black.

Even so… [Knox County murder victim’s family, friends hope for justice as search continues,, 1-23-19]:

Law enforcement continues to search for a man accused of murdering a man in Knox County earlier this month, as family and friends hope justice will be served.

Troopers say Gary Wayne Medlin, 25, was killed Jan. 16 as he was trying to leave the A and B Quick Stop convenience store on U.S. 25 East between Barbourville and Corbin.

Investigators say Phillip Lee Lewis III, 24 is wanted in connection to the robbery and shooting death. Lewis is wanted out of Mississippi for a probation violation, and he has ties to Mississippi and Michigan. He is considered armed and dangerous.
Kentucky State Police say they still don’t know why Phillip Lewis was in Kentucky or the reasoning behind the robbery and deadly shooting.

“Honestly I think (Gary) was just hanging out with some friends,” family friend Angela Raines said. “Just being Gary Wayne, you know. I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was a sick joke. I said, ‘No, not Gary Wayne.’”

In the days following the murder, A and B Quick Stop has closed its doors. The store plans on staying closed out of respect for Medlin’s family.

Medlin’s friends have started a Facebook page which includes fundraisers to help his children.

Even in a county where 96 percent of the population is white (with 35 percent of the population living below the poverty line and - somehow - violent crime and property crime being rare), a criminal black male murders a white man.



Posted by Liam Neeson on Wed, 06 Feb 2019 05:04 | #


LONDON (AP): Liam Neeson says he’s ashamed to admit he had violent thoughts about killing a black person after learning that someone close to him had been raped.

Neeson says that after being told the attacker was black, he “went up and down areas with a cosh [stick or truncheon]” hoping a black person “would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him.”



Posted by Kedienhon in Cambridge on Wed, 06 Feb 2019 12:17 | #

BBC, “Paedophile jailed for raping seven-year-old girl in Cambridge”, 5 Feb 2019:

A paedophile who raped and sexually assaulted a seven-year-old girl over a two-year period has been jailed for 15 years. Greg Kedienhon, 27, was staying temporarily at a house in Cambridge when he began abusing the girl.

He was arrested in 2017 after social services were alerted and the child came forward to talk to police.

Kedienhon, of no fixed address, denied one count of rape and two of sexual assault.

But he was found guilty by a jury at Peterborough Crown Court.

Social services and Cambridgeshire Police were alerted anonymously to the girl’s situation in 2015, however officers said she did not feel ready to talk until the following year. Police did not say when the abuse took place, but it began when the child was seven years old and continued for two years.

Kedienhon was also put on the sex offenders’ register for life and issued with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order meaning he must have no unsupervised contact with children under 18 for a period of 15 years.

Det Con Andrea Dollard praised the girl’s bravery in disclosing the full extent of the abuse she suffered.

It was a “traumatic period of her life” and Kedienhon’s actions had had a “huge impact” on his victim, she added.


Posted by Bus driver sucker punched on Fri, 08 Feb 2019 17:22 | #

Bus driver sucker punched by black passenger

For those of you who haven’t had the experience, riding American inner city public transportation is typically nightmarish.


Posted by Kyle Yorlets on Sat, 09 Feb 2019 13:07 | #

5 black children arrested after White singer’s murder —Kyle Yorlets is dead. The 24-year-old white singer was fatally shot during a robbery, reports say.

Arrested for the crime are five black children, ages 12 to 16. Three of the suspects were identified as Roniyah McKnight, 14, Diamond Lewis, 15, and Decorrius Wright, 16. A 12-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy were also arrested, but their names were withheld.

Reports say the promising young white musician handed over his wallet when confronted by the Negroes. When he refused to give the kids his car keys, he was fatally shot, reports say.

Yorlets was confronted outside his Nashville home. After the shooting, he managed to go back inside his home but was later pronounced dead at Vanderbilt University Medical center.

Some ask, “Where were the parents of these kids?”

We don’t know that answer. We do know that feral black kids are frequently the spawn of parents who were, themselves, feral blacks kids as were their grandparents. The phenomenon seems to be trans-generational. 

Some believe it is racist to use the term Negroes. Other believe it is racist to ignore the epidemic of black-on-white homicides.

Read source story here ►

Earlier this week we reported:

• A white nurse died after being kicked about 40 times in the head. A black male was arrested. [source]

• A white airman was shot in his car as he and his wife were returning home to their apartment. Three blacks were arrested. [source]

• A 47-year-old white man was fatally shot during a home invasion. Four blacks were arrested. [source]

• A 41-year-old white woman was found fatally shot in her vehicle. A black male was arrested. [source]

• A 24-year-old white man was fatally shot in Kentucky. A black male was arrested. [source]

View more black-on-white crimes at


Posted by A blackish man in Bismarck on Sat, 23 Feb 2019 14:07 | #

Probation for rape? Why feminists don’t care.

Dailykenn, 23 Feb 2019:

Blackish Brandon Foren—A 28-year-old blackish man has been sentenced to probation after pleading guilty to “sexual imposition” and “gross sexual imposition.”

His victim accused him of rape, saying he dragged her into a bedroom. Police arrived, apparently alerted by neighbors who heard the woman’s cries for help.

Fake feminists have not objected. The reason? Fake feminists are actually cultural Marxists who use feminism as a Trojan Horse strategy to invade the minds of the gullible. Their objective is to destroy Western culture by attacking it on the “family front.” Their method of attack is to demonize white males by creating a false “rape culture” narrative. Non-white rapists do not fit that paradigm and their crimes are ignored.

The crime occurred in Bismarck, North Dakota which has been a safe space for white people with a black population of only 1.2 percent. 

From ▼  Anthony Humes

A Bismarck man who was accused of raping a woman in March has been sentenced to probation Tuesday.

Twenty-eight-year-old Brandon Foren was originally charged with sexual imposition and three counts of gross sexual imposition. Attorney’s reached an agreement on the three GSI charges and they were dismissed.

In August, Foren pleaded guilty to sexual imposition.

Foren was arrested by Bismarck Police in March after officers say they arrived at a residence and heard a woman in distress.

The victim told police she was pulled into the bedroom by Foren and raped. She also told police that Foren put a pillow over her face and couldn’t breathe.


Posted by White girl bleed a lot on Sun, 10 Mar 2019 06:53 | #

White girl bleed a lot: good, recent interview of Colin Flaherty


Posted by Italian woman's x-husband on Thu, 21 Mar 2019 16:06 | #

Senegalese man hijacks Italian school bus and threatens to kill children on board before setting the vehicle on fire in protest over migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

- Ousseynou Sy is originally Senegalese but has been an Italian citizen since 2004
- He had to bring two classes of high school students to the gym with a school bus
- Nobody was injured but some students were treated for principle of intoxication
- A student called the police when the driver showed a gasoline can and a lighter

A Senegalese man abducted 51 children when he hijacked an Italian school bus and set the vehicle alight in a protest over migrant deaths in the Mediterranean.

Ousseynou Sy, originally Senegalese but with Italian citizenship, stopped the bus he was driving, with two classes of high school students on board.

He was said to have ordered the children’s hands to be bound and threatened to kill them and himself during the drive, before setting the vehicle on fire when he was stopped by a police blockade today.

The incident happened in San Donato Milanese, a town near Milan, Italy.

The 47-year-old father of two, whose ex-wife is Italian, has been arrested and charged with carnage and kidnapping, worsened by the fact that most of the people involved are under age.

De Marchis told Sky TG24 that the driver, an Italian citizen of Senegalese origin in his 40s, threatened the passengers, telling them that ‘no one would survive today’ as he commandeered the bus carrying two middle-school classes in Cremona province, some 25 miles (40 kilometres) from Milan.

ANSA quoted one of the students as saying the driver took all their phones and ordered the chaperones to bind the students’ hands with cable ties, threatening to spill gas and set the bus ablaze.

The student, whose name was not given, said a classmate managed to conceal his phone.

Authorities said that an adult called an emergency operator, while one of the students called a parent, and they alerted authorities, who set up roadblocks.

The driver was apprehended and was being treated for burns, while Italian media reported 12 students were rushed to hospital.

ANSA identified him as Ousseynou Sy, and said he was being investigated on suspicion of kidnapping, intention to commit mass murder, arson and resisting law enforcement.

De Marchis said he had previous convictions, but did not specify their nature.

ANSA reported that Sy, who became an Italian citizen in 2004, had been convicted in 2007 and 2011 of drunken driving and sexual molestation of a minor.

Sy, who has been an Italian citizen since 2004, has a criminal record for driving in a state of drunkenness and for a case of sexual abuse on a minor, the Italian newspaper reported.

Daily Mail, 20 Mar 2019


Posted by Stephanie Brainerd on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 18:44 | #—Stephanie Brainerd is dead. The Virginia Beach woman was murdered while working hard for a living. It appears the suspects preferred to rob for cash rather than work.

The three suspects, all of whom are black, are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Police found the 30-year-old victim dead in her vehicle. She had been fatally shot. Brainerd leaves behind a husband and two children.

The crime was reported March 26, 2019 from Chesapeake, Virginia. 


Three people have been criminally charged for their suspected involvement in the death of pizza delivery driver Stephanie Brainerd.

30-year-old Brainerd of Virginia Beach worked for Chanello’s Pizza and was shot dead in her vehicle while on a delivery run the night of March 14.

The three suspects have been arrested and have been charged with the following:

  Tonagee Franciosa Ravenel, 19 - robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony
  Antonio Cerroane Britton, 18 - robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony
  Semiya Mone Davidson, 20 -  robbery, conspiracy to commit robbery, use of a firearm in the commission of a felony, felony eluding and child endangerment

These arrests come shortly after Brainerd’s family spoke to News 3 about being in the beginning stages of grief.

“The people that did this to my sister took away not only a sister, a daughter - they took away a mother of two young children who have to live with us with no mother for the rest of their life,” Brainerd’s sister said.


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Posted by Landen Hoffmann on Tue, 16 Apr 2019 13:32 | #

Daily Mail, 15 April 2019:

Man who ‘threw five-year-old boy off a balcony at Mall of America’ tells police he went there intending to kill as revenge for years of being rejected by women at the shopping center


PUBLISHED: 18:00 BST, 15 April 2019 | UPDATED: 20:21 BST, 15 April 2019

Emmanuel Aranda, 24, was charged with attempted premeditated first-degree murder on Monday after he allegedly threw a five-year-old boy off a third-floor balcony at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, on Friday

He said that he was angry after years of trying and failing to pick up women there.

Aranda allegedly told police he went to the mall looking for someone to kill

He is accused of throwing five-year-old Landen Hoffmann off a balcony at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, on Friday

Landen is fighting for his life in a Minneapolis hospital with head trauma and multiple broken bones after the nearly 40-foot fall

Arabda, who is accused of throwing the five-year-old boy off a third-floor balcony at the Mall of America allegedly told police he went there looking for someone to kill as revenge for being rejected by women at the Minnesota shopping center for several years.

Aranda has been charged with attempted premeditated first-degree murder for Friday’s attack, according to Bloomington police.

He is expected to appear in court on Tuesday, where prosecutors will seek bail of $2million.

Meanwhile, little Landen Hoffmann is fighting for his life in a Minneapolis hospital with head trauma and multiple broken bones from the nearly 40-foot fall.

A criminal complaint filed in Hennepin County on Monday says Landen and his mother were standing outside a restaurant when Aranda came close to them, picked up the child and tossed him over the balcony.

The complaint says Aranda told police he had been coming to the mall for several years seeking to talk to women, but had been rejected and it caused him to lash out.

A bystander who police say witnessed Aranda push the child chased him down before the suspect shoved him against a wall.

Aranda kept running until police were able to capture him on the light-rail train outside the mall.

When he was being arrested, the suspect reportedly remained calm and did not question why police had stopped him. 

Aranda allegedly told police that he knew what he was planning to do was wrong.

He said he came up with the idea to kill someone one day earlier and was planning to target an adult because ‘they usually stand near the balcony’, the complaint said.

REVEALED: Hero bystander helped apprehend the Mall of…

The suspect’s uncle, Francis Aranda, told KSTP that his nephew had displayed violent tendencies since childhood. 

‘He has a serious mental problem, he was diagnosed as a child,’ the relative said.

He added: ‘We are going to pray for that baby [Landen] because what happened is so unfortunate, but it’s going to bring light to mental illness, I hope he [Aranda] doesn’t go to jail, he needs help.’

Bloomington Police confirmed Aranda had been banned from the mall twice before, but the most recent ban had since expired. 

Aranda allegedly told police that he knew what he was planning to do was wrong, saying that he came up with the idea to kill someone one day earlier and that he intended to target an adult because ‘they usually stand near the balcony’, the criminal complaint said.


Posted by Mooney on Sun, 21 Apr 2019 19:18 | #

Mirror, 21 April:

British woman killed at party and three others kidnapped in Nigeria

Faye Mooney was shot dead in Kaduna after travelling from Lagos

Kidnappers in Nigeria killed a British woman and a Nigerian man as well as abducting three others.

Faye Mooney had traveled from Lagos to the northern city of Kaduna as a tourist and was attending a party before the incident happened, police said.

While the British High Commission released the woman’s name and confirmed it was aware of the incident, it refused to speculate on the motive or nature of the attack.

No one has claimed responsibility for the incident and the kidnappers have yet to be identified, police said.

Mooney, who was from Manchester, was employed in Nigeria by a non-governmental organisation called Mercy Corps before she was killed late on Friday.

Her next of kin have been notified.


Posted by Samantha Josephson on Mon, 22 Apr 2019 12:20 | #

Published on Youtube, Apr 1, 2019, #CNN #News

Samantha Josephson, a 21-year-old University of South Carolina senior, was found dead in a field about 14 hours after getting into a vehicle she mistakenly thought was her Uber, police in Columbia, South Carolina said.

CNN’s Dianne Gallagher has the latest developments. #CNN #News


Posted by 3 blacks 81 kids 46 mothers on Tue, 30 Apr 2019 20:26 | #

Tennessee’s deadbeat dads: The three men who have fathered 81 children with 46 different women ...  via @MailOnline

Kevin MacDonald@TOOEdit
7m7 minutes ago


Posted by Black on Asian girl on Sat, 11 May 2019 06:54 | #

Your hair is so pretty! Makes we want to grab a handful of it and beat the living shit out of you.


Posted by Goddard on Wed, 15 May 2019 18:14 | #

The Murder of Tricia Gayle Todd [ Must Watch]


Posted by Rhoni Reuter on Wed, 15 May 2019 18:44 | #

The Murder of Rhoni Reuter and Her Unborn Child


Posted by Rapper vids celebrate rape, destruction of France on Sun, 19 May 2019 11:21 | #

“I fuck France. I burn France”: rapper violates and kills France, symbolised as a White woman.

Diversity Macht Frei, 19 May 2019:

Last year, “French” rapper Nick Conrad published a song called “Hang the Whites“. In the accompanying video,  he killed a white man and uttered the words “I go to the nurseries. I kill white babies.”

Conrad, his aristocratic status having been confirmed, is now back at it again.

His new video is called “Doux pays” [Sweet country].

In it, he characterises France as a white woman whom he sexually violates and then kills.

Here is the full video, with the lyrics shown in English subtitles.


I fuck France, fuck France
Until the agony
I burn France, I burned the F-

[Verse 1]
Cock in her mouth
Enjoy like a pig
Viscous liquid, chew it like Malabar
This hexagon, I fuck his grandmother
Air France, we eat too badly on board
When I want to defend my interests
With chords
Big bitch still gives me wrong
Harcore melee
She likes when we go
When is there blood at the airport
The teacher called me Khaled Kelkal
No doubt she had her reasons
Marianne falsified my story
I put a bomb under his pantheon
Baltringues tell me:
“Be careful, you’re way too true in your songs”
The truth worse than the illegal
Repel death or prison, if

Yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
I’m fucking France, I’m burning France
Sweet country of my childhood ...

[Verse 2]
When you come back, I have the flag crouching
We say we have to crouch too
Except that royal, is my DNA
Criminal, is my genius
My pen destroys the screaming France
Decorative but [?]
They did not understand
The suffering of my soul does not originate from today
What does the other friend of Charles Trenet say?
Never been sweet, the country
N * gro takes bastos in the skull all his life
But never dies, despite himself
Cash evil, infinite stock inside
And then returns all the energy
They do their prayers but they die at the end
Because only black is blessed, yes
Blessed yes yes yes ...

I’m fucking France, I’m burning France
Sweet country of my childhood ...

[Verse 3]
Apparently I would hit the headlines
Nick in all their clippings
Subject verb complement, well placed
And I’m a little more than one of those tess’
The heart marked with indelible marks
Macaque with a very talkative spoof
Now at the microphone
They say that I am suffering violent civil war
[Vasavolo?] I have my hand on the steering wheel
Watch all these rappers at daisies
They do not go soft to wish me death
Junk art feels coming defeat
Do not put lions where dogs are (never)
My cock in the mouth of Olivier Cachin
Get fucked, fuck all
And without making any effort, I’ll spray all these hooligans

When I search their world, they all say:
“Oh, Mayday, Mayday”
I fuck France, fuck France
Until the agony
I burned France, I burned France
Instoppable is the fire
I’m fucking France, I’m fucking France
Until the agony
I burned France, I burned France
Instoppable is the fire



Posted by DeWayne Craddock on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 03:49 | # News:

DeWayne Craddock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

DeWayne Craddock, a public utilities engineer whose name frequently appeared on city notices, was named as the mass shooter who opened fire “indiscriminately” at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center, killing 12 people and wounding others, in the nation’s latest horrific active shooter event.

The Wall Street Journal and CNN reported that Craddock was the shooter; Heavy confirmed the name through police scanner audio, which you can listen to later in this article (be forewarned that it is very disturbing). Officers named DeWayne Craddock as the shooter to dispatchers early on in their response. Craddock, who worked for the city of Virginia Beach, previously served in the Army National Guard, and he was a 1996 graduate of Denbigh High School in Newport News, Virginia, according to an old Daily Press newspaper article.

The scene inside Building 2 was a frightening one; police scanner traffic chronicled how officers rushed to rescue victims, including at least one shot in the face, found survivors hiding throughout the complex, and worked to neutralize the suspect, who was still firing through a door. Authorities praised the heroism of a wounded officer and other first responders.


Posted by Disgruntled Minority Massacre on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 18:26 | #

Black Virginia Beach Shooter DeWayne Craddock Just A Typical Disgruntled Minority Massacre Story

The Washington Post pushed a story—yes, to my (James Fullard) phone—which said a lot about what guns the Virginia Beach shooter used, but nothing about his race, or the race of his victims. WaPo did name him, which was a clue. supplied a picture, although as usual, race is not one of their Five Fast Facts.

Yes, it’s yet another example of what (but not, of course, the MSM) calls a Disgruntled Minority Massacre.


Posted by Cleveland on Sat, 01 Jun 2019 18:38 | #

An 88 year old White woman was round house punched in the face by a black.

Another black shows up when she’s knocked out.
... think he came to see if she needed help? No, he took occasion to snatch something from her hand. —An 88-year-old white woman was punched in the face by an unidentified black male. The assault was captured on video and apparently occurred somewhere in Cleveland, Ohio.

Another person shows up and appears to snatch something from the woman’s hand. 

The video was posted May 31, 2019.


Posted by School integration pounded into your head on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 10:11 | #

School integration pounded into your head.


Posted by Another French girl in integration on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 10:52 | #

Another French girl in integration


Posted by Regina Denny on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 04:20 | #


Posted by They just lack education on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 07:10 | #

They didn’t have quite the excuse to go after Regina as they did Reginald, but if they did ...well, they just lack education, has nothing to do with inborn hyper assertiveness…

<h3>Meanwhile in the Italian schoolroom, where Africans are to be educated…</h3>

Related at Majoritgyrights: Africa Rise!


Blackened School Bus, where 51 European children were bound-up in an attempt to burn them to death.</a></div>Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey have called attention to this story again, which has been under-emphasized, even by The Drudge Report:

An African immigrant to Italy, referred to as an “Italian” by mainstream media, apparently didn’t identify as “Italian” in his most radical concern. Actually, he was about to kill 51 indigenous Italian children in “protest” over Africans being turned away at sea rather than their being allowed to disembark into Europe. In a liberal world where people are supposed to be colorblind and value all lives the same, apparently this man was more concerned with fellow African lives, particularly those who died in the Mediterranean hazarding the voyage - and was quite willing to sacrifice European/Italian lives in priority of concern.


Posted by MacKenzie on Fri, 28 Jun 2019 20:14 | #


Charred Remains of Missing Utah College Student Found

        – Suspect Ayoola Ajayi Charged With Aggravated Murder

Charred remains of missing 23-year-old Utah college student MacKenzie Lueck were discovered after police searched Ayoola Ajayi’s home.

Neighbors said they saw 31-year-old Ayoola Ajayi burning something in his backyard, according to reports.

Salt Lake City police had been searching for MacKenzie Lueck for 11 days before they discovered her charred remains.

According to reports, MacKenzie was dropped off at Hatch Park at 3 AM by a Lyft driver after landing at Salt Lake City airport on June 17. The Lyft driver was cleared of any involvement in Lueck’s disappearance and murder.

Authorities combed through MacKenzie’s phone and social media records where they made the connection to Ajayi — both were at the same park at the same time of her disappearance and Ajayi initially denied knowing MacKenzie.

According to the New York Post, investigators had also been digging into Lueck’s dating apps after receiving tips that she was interested in older men and casually seeing several people.

Ajayi’s booking record in jail says he was born in Nigeria, reported

“There is a self-published book for sale on Amazon called “Forge Identity.” The author, Ayoola Ajayi, says in his bio: “Ayoola Ajayi was born and raised in Africa. He has been a salesman, an entrepreneur, and a writer. He has survived a tyrannical dictatorship, escaped a real life crime, traveled internationally, excelled professionally in several industries, and is currently curating a multi-platform advertising campaign for his debut novel, Forge Identity, a sample of which can be found on Kindle, Amazon, Facebook, and any current social media. He lives in salt lake.”

More from CBS News:

The Salt Lake City Police Chief fought back tears as he spoke about notifying MacKenzie’s parents of their daughter’s horrific murder:

Ayoola Ajaya was charged with aggravated murder, aggravated kidnapping, obstruction of justice and desecration of a body of MacKenzie Lueck, the Salt Lake City police chief said.

Source: Gateway Pundit, 28 June 2019.


Posted by Mateen Cleaves on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 17:41 | #

Jurors acquitted Mateen Cleaves, prosecutors say this video proved his guilt

by Ross Jones

WXYZ Detroit, Posted: 5:50 PM, Aug 23, 2019 Updated: 6:18 PM, Aug 26, 2019

GRAND BLANC, Mich. (WXYZ) — Video from the night Mateen Cleaves was accused of sexual assault shows his accuser struggling and pulling away from the ex-MSU star as he attempts to pull her back into a motel room.

Cleaves was acquitted of 4 sexual assault charges by a jury on August 20.

The surveillance video, which was played in court but not allowed to be broadcast while the trial was ongoing, was taken outside of the Knights Inn Motel in Grand Blanc. The struggle, prosecutors say, took place between 1:30AM and 2:00AM. It was released today by the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office through a public records request.

The first clip shows Cleaves’ accuser walking away from the motel partially nude, followed closely by Cleaves in pursuit. Cleaves is seen wearing only socks.

The video shows Cleaves grab the woman, who we are not identifying, spin her around and pull her back towards the room she just tried to leave. She resists, bending her knees and trying to pull away.

The video has no audio.

Colleen Dowdall, a resident of the Knights Inn Motel on September 15, said she witnessed the struggle and testified during Cleaves’ criminal trial.

“She looked at me and she said: ‘Help me, help me, help me.’ And I had the phone in my hand and I told her I’m on the phone right now calling the police,” she said. “I looked Mateen in the eyes, he didn’t say one word.”

13 minutes later, Cleaves accuser is seen on video again, this time running from the former MSU star who can be seen chasing her, then grabbing her with both arms and pulling her back to the room again.

The struggle continues until she ultimately falls to the ground. Seconds later, she is seen trying to pull away again. Once more, Cleaves pulls her back, wrapping both arms around her waist and pulling her back to the room.

Dowdall testified that she spoke to Cleaves’ accuser that night.

“She said he got on top of her,” Dowdall said in court, “she couldn’t fight him off and she just laid there.”

Cleaves’ attorneys maintained during trial that the sex was always consensual and that the video showed him Cleaves trying to protect the partially nude woman when he pulled her back into the room.

Jurors ultimately sided with the former MSU star, deliberating for less than 3 hours before acquitting him of all charges.

In an e-mailed statement, Cleaves’ attorney Frank Manley said the video was irrelevant.

“The video was presented in a Court of Law. A Jury found Mr. Cleaves Not Guilty of all charges,” Manley wrote. “The complainant had her day in Court. The criminal matter is closed. Not Guilty remains Not Guilty.”

Contact 7 Investigator Ross Jones at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or at (248) 827-9466.


Posted by Nicole Zanlith on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 02:23 | #

15 Year Old White Danish Girl Blinded by African Muslims in Racially Motivated Hate Crime

Nicole Zanlith, a Danish citizen, was waiting for a taxi in the Spanish town of Marbella.

A group of North African Muslim immigrants attacked her for the fun of it. The slashed her face with a broken vodka bottle causing permanent blindness in her right eye. Violence against European women by Muslim immigrants is exploding at unbelievable rates. It is easy to see why the perps targeted her. She is beautiful and fair-skinned.

The news report at least admitted that the attackers were Moroccan immigrants, which is more than most US media outlets would have done.  However, the report is still a deflection. Instead of talking about the nature of the crime, they make the story about a Disco serving to underage patrons.


Posted by AfroMigrant clobbers 2 women in underground on Wed, 11 Sep 2019 17:27 | #

CCTV shows African migrant clobbering two women on Italian underground.


Posted by School Integration Fun on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 01:54 | #


Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:14 | #

lol Manic street preachers…

We became blessed because we found out we weren’t just some Africans,monkeys swinging in the tree. We’re actually the children of Israel, the chosen people.


Posted by Ilhan Omar on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 15:25 | #

Ilhan Omar’s Minneapolis: Brutal Racially Motivated Attack

Black on White attack contrasts reality as opposed to what Ilhan Omar is saying.


Posted by Simon Kristoffersson on Sun, 22 Sep 2019 11:18 | #


Posted by Keely Bunker on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 08:34 | #


Posted by Audrey Coignard on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 16:38 | #

National File, 26 Sept 2019:

Immigration Activist Stabbed to Death By Immigrant She Was Housing

A medical student’s life was cut short after the immigrant she was housing allegedly murdered her.

Medical Student, Audrey Coignard, 27, was stabbed to death on September 16th allegedly by a man believed to be an immigrant and ex-partner who was staying at her home.

Coignard was brutally stabbed fourteen times and found in a pool of her own blood at her home in Saint-Ouen, near Paris.

Coignard, a medical student in Caen, volunteered for activist causes, offering assistance to migrants at different locations in Normandy, Northern France.

According to the local outlet, Ouest-France:

Former medical student at the University of Caen, she was also very committed to migrants from Caen and Ouistreham “she helped and treated.” A tribute could be paid to him in the coming days in Caen and a Leetchi kitty has already been opened to support the family. Colleagues of the young woman greet “an adorable woman” and a professional “who invested 300% in everything in which she believed”.

Aside from providing direct assistance to migrants, Coignard had also worked for causes opposing deportations.

Sadly, this isn’t the first time a pro-immigrant activist in the Western World paid dearly for the causes they support.


Posted by 6/50 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 09:56 | #

6% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime.



Posted by 13 Year Old Boy on Sun, 15 Dec 2019 07:01 | #

13-year-old boy faces murder charges in death of Barnard College student

CBS News 13 December 2019

A 13-year-old boy will be charged in the murder of Tessa Majors, a freshman at Barnard College in Manhattan, who died after being stabbed in Morningside Park on Wednesday night, CBS News has learned. The 13-year-old was caught trespassing in a building on Thursday wearing clothes that matched the description of the suspect.


        Tessa Majors

Majors was stabbed several times in Morningside Park, near West 116th Street, shortly before 7 p.m. local time Wednesday. She staggered up a staircase onto the street where a school security guard found her and called 911.


Posted by This wouldn't happen if... on Thu, 07 May 2020 09:46 | #

...if Whites had their own country (countries)

Anger mounts over Ahmaud Arbery killing…


Posted by Gloricia on Fri, 08 May 2020 05:00 | #

Woman Shoots Three Teenager McDonald’s Workers For Telling Her She Couldn’t Eat In Dining Room Over COVID19 Restrictions, 7 May 2020:

An angry Oklahoma woman shot at a group of teenagers working at a local McDonald’s after they explained to her that the dining room was closed due to coronavirus restrictions.

32-year-old Gloricia Woody was arrested by the Oklahoma City Police and charged with the shooting.

From the Oklahoma City Police -Last night, officers were called to the McDonalds at 9001 S Pennsylvania Ave regarding a shooting. Original reports indicated there were two suspects, however it was later determined there was only one suspect.

The suspect, Gloricia Woody, entered the restaurant and was told by employees the dining area was closed. Ms. Woody was asked to leave but refused. A physical altercation ensued between Ms. Woody and an employee. Ms. Woody was forced out of the restaurant by employees. She reentered the restaurant with a handgun and fired approximately three rounds in the restaurant. One employee was hit in the arm, a second was hit with shrapnel in the neck/shoulder and a third employee was hit with shrapnel in the side. The employee who was in this initial physical confrontation sustained a head injury, the cause of this injury in unclear.

Police say she fired three rounds in the restaurant, causing multiple employees to take cover and call 911.

From the 911 call:

Victim: “Someone came in and shot a gun. Please, I need help.”

Dispatcher: “Someone came in and shot a gun?”

Victim: “Yeah, please, I need help, please.”

Caller: “There was a lady that came in, and she didn’t want to leave.  My manager, she was, my manager was trying to get her out.  She was like arguing with her, and then she got out, then the lady pulled out a gun and she started shooting up McDonald’s. All the workers just ran.”

KFOR spoke with one McDonald’s employee who says this isn’t the first time a person was angry that the dining room was closed.

“She was like, ‘Why are you not open? It’s already May 1st.’ The manager explained to her that we don’t open for two weeks,” Jose Lopez said. “Then she got mad. Nothing bad happened, she just threw her sandwich at the manager’s face.”

KFOR also talked to many of the employees, who did not want to go on camera, as they were shaken up and worried about their friends’ safety.

They say in all, there were about eight employees inside and they all ran for the back door when the gunfire started.

McDonald’s released a statement about the incident on Thursday saying:

“The safety and security of our employees and customers is our top priority. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved, and the good news is that we can report the employees who sustained injuries are expected to make a full recovery. This is a heinous crime on our restaurant employees who were trying to support public health efforts. We are fully cooperating with law enforcement as they continue to investigate this matter.”


Posted by Vincent on Fri, 08 May 2020 13:41 | #

What the Media REFUSES to Tell You About This Story - #118 Amhoud Arbery


Posted by Codger on Sat, 09 May 2020 03:13 | #

Old Codger
Old Codger@OldCodger15
VE Day brave men and women fought to make this country safe .. Governments let them down ..Emily Jones stabbed by Somalian Refugee:

Girl, 7, killed in park on Mother’s Day ‘was stabbed in neck by stranger on bench as she rode past on her scooter’ – The Sun


Posted by Rachel on Sat, 09 May 2020 19:05 | #


Rachel Dolezal shout out to the 13% crew (13 do 55!)

Rachel congratulates the 13% - “truth be known, really 6%” - because that’s the number of young black males who are really “getting it done” - committing 55% of the violent interracial crimes.


Posted by Christopher Newsom & Channon Christian on Sat, 09 May 2020 19:28 | #

The Conqueror


Christopher Newsom, 23, was tied up, tortured and raped, shot in the head, dragged to a railway station and burned.

His girlfriend, 21, was beaten and raped with a chair leg, had bleach poured down her throat and genitalia area while alive!

The media didn’t care!!!


8:27 PM · May 9, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Posted by Another Slap in the face on Sat, 16 May 2020 14:35 | #


Posted by BLM ONLY on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 11:30 | #


Posted by - You disrespecting me yo? on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 15:16 | #

Even with regard to their own: black girl is so “assertive” as to say to black boy, “go on the porch with your friends”...and so he knocks her out with a skateboard.


Posted by Man Caught Spitting On Pizza on Fri, 10 Jul 2020 03:53 | #

Man Caught Spitting On Pizza


Posted by "we want it all." #Seattle on Sun, 23 Aug 2020 10:32 | #

Replying to @KittyLists

The demands have now changed to “we want it all.” #Seattle


Posted by Amy Mek on Mon, 14 Sep 2020 05:02 | #

Last week

An enricher waits for a woman passing by in the street, then delivers a blow to her head on

Attack is filmed by the terrorists friend who laughs at the helpless woman

Amy Mek@AmyMek
Women are NOT safe in Sweden!


Posted by Amazing Racist on Mon, 14 Sep 2020 07:42 | #

Amazing Racist

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
