Muslim Set to Win London Mayor

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 03 May 2016 07:15.

TNO, “Muslim Set to Win London Mayor,” 2 May 2016:

Britain’s capital city of London is set to elect a Muslim Pakistani-origin mayor this week, making it the first such formerly European city to officially fall before the nonwhite invasion of Europe, started more than five decades ago.

Sadiq Khan, standing for the Labour Party, is far and away the strong favorite to win London’s mayoral election on Thursday, despite a racially-charged campaign and allegations from his Conservative opponent that he is linked to Muslim extremists.

Sadiq Khan MP at Westminster, London, Britain - 11 Oct 2012

Earlier, Khan had announced that there were “too many white men” working in the London government, and that if elected, he would “rectify” this “problem.”

Khan is set to win the election not because he is the better candidate, but because the city is now majority nonwhite, perhaps the largest metropolis in Europe to have been completely overrun by Third World immigration.

As a result, the Conservative Party candidate—Zac Goldsmith, a Jewish-origin Member of Parliament, married to a member of the Rothschild family—trails Kahn by more than 20 points in all opinion polls.

As a Reuters article understated the situation: “London’s population of 8.6 million is among the most diverse in the world and it is rare for identity politics to enter British campaigning.”

This “identity politics,” as Reuters calls it, is of course nonwhites block voting for the nonwhite candidate, and London’s Jewish population voting for the Jewish candidate. The ethnic British voters in the capital—now an absolute minority—appear to be favoring Goldsmith, but this is unlikely to affect the race’s outcome.

Goldsmith, with the support of Prime Minister David Cameron, has for weeks focused on Khan’s past appearances alongside radical Muslim speakers, accusing him of giving “platform, oxygen, and cover” to extremists.

Khan was briefly forced to the defensive on the issue, and said that he regretted sharing stage with speakers who held “abhorrent” views.

In turn, Khan has accused Goldsmith of “using Donald Trump-style tactics to divide Londoners along faith lines.”

Khan has also admitted that the recent “uproar” over “anti-Semitism” in the Labour Party had hurt his chances with Jewish voters.

“I accept that the comments that Ken Livingstone has made makes it more difficult for Londoners of Jewish faith to feel that the Labour Party is a place for them, and so I will carry on doing what I have always been doing, which is to speak for everyone,” he told the media.

The real importance of Khan’s expected election victory is however that the predictable end-result of the policy of mass Third World immigration—pursued by successive Conservative and Labour Party governments—has now come to pass.

It is conclusive evidence—if any more was needed—that legal immigration is a larger threat than illegal immigration, and any nation which does not take immediate steps to ensure its racial homogeneity, will suffer London’s fate.



Posted by Call to prayer in London on Fri, 06 May 2016 20:16 | #


Sadiq Khan becomes the first Muslim Mayor of a major European city.


Posted by Muslim Mayor of London on Sat, 07 May 2016 21:50 | #

TNO, “Muslim Wins London Mayor Race” 6 May 2016:

The majority nonwhite capital city of Britain today elected a Muslim mayor—the single largest personal political mandate in the country—by a landslide.

Sadiq Khan, standing for the far-left Labour Party, took around 1.2 million votes, compared to his Jewish-origin Conservative Party opponent, Zac Goldsmith, who took around 930,000 votes.

Khan took over 44 percent of the vote, and made up the difference though the “second preference” votes in the election.

Whites have been a minority in London since 2011, the direct result of decades of legal Third World immigration promoted and encouraged by successive Labour and Conservative Party governments.

In addition to Khan, five other nonwhites were elected to the Greater London Assembly, the equivalent of Members of Parliament. The areas for which they were elected correspond largely with the most heavily nonwhite-colonized areas of London:

GLA members: From left to right. Brent and Harrow: Navin Shah, Labour Party; City and East: Unmesh Desai, Labour Party; Lambeth and Southwark: Florence Eshalomi, Labour Party; Ealing and Hillingdon: Onkar Singh Sahota, Labour Party; and North East: Jennette Arnold, Labour Party.

The election results will only come as a shock to those who have not been aware of the massive racial sea change underway in Britain.

In the borough of Tower Hamlets—which lies adjacent to the world-famous London Tower and Tower Bridge—nonwhite colonization swamped the area many years ago, and first elected a Muslim mayor in 2010.

Apart from London, white Britons became a minority group in three towns and cities outside of London. A report by the University of Manchester, based on the 2011 census, cites the influx of three million immigrants over the last decade for the demographic sea change in Leicester, Luton, and Slough.

Other formerly British cities teetering on the brink of absolute nonwhite majorities include Birmingham and Manchester, the second and third largest cities in the country.

The nonwhite numbers are even higher in the lower age group ranges. For example, in London and Birmingham, over 70 percent of school children are nonwhite in origin, a figure which is also on the horizon in Birmingham.

* The British National Party, now in decline since its destruction at the hands of its former leader, polled 0.5 percent of the vote, being beaten even by Britain First, a breakaway group, which polled 1.2 percent.



Posted by Khan Campaigned in Hebrew on Sat, 07 May 2016 22:03 | #

TNO, “Khan Campaigned in Hebrew,” 7 May 2016:

There are so many Israeli-born Jews in London that newly-elected Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan’s campaign materials were printed in Hebrew, it has emerged.

The revelation demonstrates once again how Britain’s capital has been completely overrun by nonwhite invaders, as even “British” Jews would not require Hebrew-language literature.

Campaigned in Hebrew

Sadiq Khan, center, campaigning in Colders Green, London, with Hebrew language election literature.

The existence of the Hebrew campaign literature—posters and flyers—was revealed by the Labour Party’s winning candidate for the Greater London Assembly seat of Barnet and Camden on his Twitter feed.

Dismore—who claims not to be Jewish but who certainly looks it and has a long record of pro-Jewish activism—was one of those widely predicted by the controlled media to lose his seat following the controlled media hullabaloo over Ken Livingstone’s “Hitler-Zionist” comments because his area has one of the highest concentration of Jews in London.

An eve of election poll for the Jewish Chronicle claimed, for example, that support for Labour among British Jews had “plunged” to just 8.5 percent.

In the end, the Jews did not abandon the Labour Party in such massive numbers, and Dismore was re-elected by a large margin.

In his victory speech, Dismore thanked his Jewish voters for sticking by him and referred to Ken Livingstone as “vile,” and called for him to be kicked out of the Labour Party.

Livingstone, however, refused to back down and in a new interview broadcast on Sky television said that for “a lot of people, it’s a shock to discover there had been that relationship between a small section of the Jewish community in Germany and Adolf Hitler but it’s historically true.

“And the simple reality of all of that is we shouldn’t be ashamed about some of the mistakes our government has made in the past and I don’t think the people of Israel need to be ashamed of what happened 80 years ago.”

In a separate interview broadcast by Memri TV—the covert Israeli government propaganda “news service” set up by Yigal Carmon, a former colonel in the Israeli Defense Force’s intelligence unit—Livingstone branded the creation of Israel after World War II as “fundamentally wrong” and a “great catastrophe.”

“The creation of the state of Israel was fundamentally wrong, because there had been a Palestinian community there for 2,000 years,” Livingstone said in the Memri TV interview.

“The creation of the state of Israel was a great catastrophe. We should have absorbed the post-WWII Jewish refugees in Britain and America. They could all have been resettled, whereas 70 years later, the situation is still very tense, and there is potential for many more wars, potential for nuclear war.”

He added: “When Hitler won the elections in 1932 and came to power, his policy was not directed toward killing the Jews.

“He wanted to deport all the Zionists to Israel. If you look at the Arab world at the time, there were large Jewish communities that never suffered threats or attacks.

“They lived in peace alongside their Arab neighbors. But all of this was destroyed with the establishment of the state of Israel.”

As pointed out earlier, Livingstone’s comments are all factually accurate—and, if anything, understate the extent of the cooperation between the Nazi state and the World Zionist movement.


Posted by BoD welcomes new London Mayor on Mon, 09 May 2016 12:37 | #

TNO, “British Jews Welcome Muslim London Mayor” 8 May 2016:

The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the UK Zionist Federation have both welcomed the election of Sadiq Khan as the first Muslim mayor of London, defying predictions that “anti-Semitism” would drive Jews away from the Labour Party.

According to a report in the Israeli-based Arutz Sheva [Israel National News] service, “Jewish Londoners are in fact heartened by their newest mayor.”

According to that report, the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BoD), which officially represents the UK’s 270,000-strong Jewish community, enthusiastically congratulated the new Mayor of London.

The “Jew-hatred” to which the Arutz Sheva article refers is, of course, nothing of the sort. Through their control of the media, the Jewish lobby has classed any criticism of Israeli oppression of Palestinians as “anti-Semitism.”

This ruse is deliberately designed to let Israel engage in policies which all true leftists would oppose—if they were being true to their ideology—but by falsely labelling such criticism as “anti-Semitism,” the Jewish lobby hopes to suppress all criticism of the Jews-only state.

Artuz Sheva went on to say that Arkush noted that Khan would be sharing a podium at the holocaust memorial service with the UK’s Chief Rabbi and the Israeli Ambassador, which was, he said a “strong snub to the hard-left within the Labour Party.”

“I am hopeful about him,” Arkush told Arutz Sheva. “I think that in the run-up to the election, he was exceptionally friendly in his dealings with the Jewish community.”

“He was one of the leaders of the charges within Labour that were very critical of Jeremy Corbyn,” he continued, adding that he firmly believed Khan’s sentiments toward the Jewish community were sincere.

“I don’t see any of that as being purely for electoral reasons,” he insisted. “On the contrary, I think Sadiq Khan’s commitment to genuine middle-ground politics and friendship toward all communities—certainly including the Jewish community—are entirely genuine.”

“I would like to think that if Sadiq Khan indeed develops further into a moderate, tolerant, enlightened politician from the Muslim community, that he could stand as an important role model for British Muslims, who currently lack such figures. Time will tell.”

Arkush also said that “Although to the Israeli press,” the current “Labour controversy” makes it “seem like the UK is anti-Semitic, the reality is different. These people who have been suspended from Labour are not new anti-Semites. Most of them were there all along—some of them are just more emboldened now to say what they are saying.”


Posted by YKW stretching the truth of home on Thu, 02 Jun 2016 16:38 | #

Stretching the truth of home and jurisdiction the Jewish way - fishing wire atop poles circumscribing a protracted area to designate the new parameters of “home”, so that Orthodox Jews will not be “violating the Sabbath” within its extended bounds -  an extensive area of London designated as theirs exclusively.

With the new London Mayor, it also goes to show that they are prepared to live alongside Muslims and that they believe that they know how to do that. And, of course its alright for Jews to discriminate and have their own sacrosanct territory.

DM, “Jewish plans for London ‘eruv’ zone ringed by six miles of fishing wire to avoid restrictions on the Sabbath could create ghetto, say critics,” 1 June 2016:

Fishing wire would be suspended from 18ft poles to create a boundary

Eruv would act as extension of home’s walls giving Jews more freedom

Concerns that proposal to Camden Council could lead to ‘ghettoisation’

But architect says eruv would make people feel more part of community

Top left is an example of poles topped with fishing wire surrounding a protracted area of London (in purple) symbolizing their “Orthodox home” so that they can avoid Sabbath rules prohibiting activities “outside the home” on Saturdays.

A six-mile perimeter could be created around an area of North London to help Orthodox Jews avoid restrictions on the Sabbath.

Fishing wire would be suspended from tall poles to create the boundary for what would become a huge eruv, acting as an extension of the walls of a home which would give Jews greater freedom.

But there are concerns the proposal to Camden Council by a group of synagogues could lead to ‘ghettoisation’ of the area, following similar fears raised in another application nearby in 2014.


An example of an eruv, which acts as an extension of a home’s walls and gives Jews more freedom

An example of an eruv, which acts as an extension of a home’s walls and gives Jews more freedom

Observant Jews have to try to avoid violating a religious law that bans them from working on the Sabbath, which includes carrying anything around - except within their homes.

But an eruv extends the boundaries of their properties, meaning they can follow the same rules within this area when outside the home.

It is created using physical features such as walls and then filling in the spaces with fishing lines connected between poles to enclose land.

Pushing things in public is also forbidden on the Sabbath, so an eruv allows people with wheelchairs or pushchairs to use these outside.

Within an eruv Jews can carry items such as house keys, books, essential medicines, extra clothes, reading glasses and crutches.

The idea of the eruv is to help Jews follow the ideas of the Sabbath by making it enjoyable without breaking the rules that keep it holy.

This means Jews still cannot carry things that cannot be moved on the Sabbath such as mobile phones, pens or wallets.



Posted by Tweet from Paul Weston on Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:15 | #

Tweet from Paul Weston

Sadiq Khan @SadiqKhan is a Muslim inflicting sharia law on London. Spectator Magazine has yet to notice…..very odd


Posted by Sadiq Khan proposes ban on looksist ads on Tue, 14 Jun 2016 14:37 | #

Spectator, “Sadiq Khan’s advert ban shows he is an illiberal censor at heart”, 14 June 2016:

Brendan O’Neill

Six weeks ago I was one of the 1.3 million Londoners who voted for Sadiq Khan as mayor. Boy do I regret it now. Because he’s just shown what he really thinks of us inhabitants of the capital: that we’re so mentally fragile, so pathetic, so vulnerable to the wicked charms of advertisers, that he must censor allegedly sexist ads on our behalf and protect us from offence. In proposing a blanket ban on bus and Tube ads that make people feel bad about their bodies, Sadiq has revealed his authoritarian, paternalistic contempt for the people who swept him to power.

I’m amazed there isn’t more fury about his extraordinary proposal. He has instructed Transport for London to stop running ads that indulge in body-shaming. Like last year’s Protein World ad that asked commuters ‘Are you beach body ready?’, next to a picture of a svelte woman in a yellow bikini, which elicited a frankly bonkers response from feminist campaigners: they defaced it, marched against it, and got 70,000 signatures calling for its destruction, as if it were the embodiment of evil, the destroyer of women’s souls. Now Sadiq says TfL must refuse all such ads, because they can ‘demean people, particularly women’.

The irony of Sadiq accusing advertisers of demeaning women as he sets himself up as the great protector of women from allegedly harmful images is just too much. What could be more demeaning to women than the idea that their self-esteem is so weak that they need politicians to cover their eyes so that they never see anything which might make them ‘ashamed of their bodies’?

Sadiq’s ban demeans women, and all Londoners, far more than any ad for a protein supplement or piece of lingerie ever could. Sure, those ads make some people wish they had better bodies; but Sadiq’s ban calls into question everyone’s ability to use their minds, to think for themselves, to zone out stuff they don’t like. It’s shockingly infantilising. Women should be fuming. Censorship was once demanded with the cynical rallying crying of ‘Won’t someone think of the children?!’; now it’s enacted with the cry, ‘Won’t someone think of the women?!’ The censoring of imagery to protect women’s sensibilities sets back women’s lib by decades. We should be marching to City Hall about this.

Sadiq’s ban also sets a mad precedent. He says he wants to squash ads which give people ‘unrealistic expectations surrounding their bodies’. But advertising is all about unrealistic expectations.


Posted by London Khan against anti-Semitism on Wed, 29 Jun 2016 03:17 | #

JTA, “London’s Muslim mayor calls for rooting out anti-Semitism”, 28 June 2016:

Sadiq Khan, the Labour Party candidate for London mayor, and his wife Saadiya Khan, posing for photographers after voting in London, May 5, 2016. (Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)

(JTA) — Sadiq Khan, the first Muslim mayor of London, called for the rooting out of anti-Semitism in his city and in his Labour Party.

In an op-ed Monday in The Jerusalem Post, Khan said he wants “to send a message around the world by being the London mayor of Islamic faith who does more to protect Jewish Londoners from anti-Semitism than any mayor in this city’s history.”

Khan, who was elected May 5, also is the first Muslim to lead a European capital city.

Noting that he has signed the American Jewish Committee’s Mayors United Against Anti-Semitism pledge, Khan called the recent rise in anti-Semitism “alarming” and said, “We need to send the message far and wide that anti-Semitism is totally unacceptable and can never be justified.”

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