Nation Revisited, November 2019: Marxism & Communism.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 01 November 2019 07:19.

Baillie’s assessment in this article misses the mark significantly as he concludes with a correspondent, who makes the remark, that for the nationalist cause to make progress, nationalists “need to descend from their favorite lame hobby horse, anti-Semitism.”

There is sufficient evidence that Jewry do not treat their own interests as a hobby horse to come down from, that they see themselves, in fact are a different people (nation) from Europeans, with different and antagonistic interests, who nevertheless have significant power and influence over the affairs of European peoples.

There is enough evidence that their interests, differing and antagonistic to European peoples, are sourced not only by their religion, which conceives of them as THE chosen people (over and against nature and others), but also by their genetic evolution.

Hence the need, particularly given issues such as crypsis (their capacity to look quite European), to articulate their differences, the differences of their national interests to ours; and with that, to demonstrate the necessity and warrant of pursuing governance of European peoples which does not include them.

Now, what Baillie might well advise those seeking to warrant the pursuit of sovereign European governance, free from significant Jewish influence, is to denounce calls for murder and genocide - including its correspondence with Hitler and Nazi redemptionism.

But here, Baillie is somewhat contradictory for the Mosleyite position that “Britain should have stayed out of the war.”

Nevertheless, other than moral revulsion, takng the moral high ground by contrast and sympatico with the nations Hitler was attacking and seeking to annex, it can be difficult to argue that Britain fighting against Nazi Germany has worked out very well for Britain’s people.

However, hindsight is 20/20 and, at the time, the motive to counter Hitler’s moral failings and duplicity would seem to combine with Britain’s old article of faith that assisting in the balance of powers on the continent would correspond with the continued maintenance of Britain’s power levels.

20/20 hindsight is the point. With that, the initial blame is not with Britain, which even gave up The Sudetenland to appease Hitler. 

The problem is with Hitler for his epistemological blunder in disregard of praxis, for his imperialist supremacism in that regard, for not drawing better friend / enemy lines and policy among European nations, and not correctly assessing the strength of opposition - which, if correctly assessed, would have led him to a more moral and negotiative position rather than war mongering - a war which he initiated unnecessarily (I am here echoing the phrase ‘unnecessary war’ to challenge and counter the furtive plug Baillie gives to the vastly overrated Pat Buchanan). 

All European ethnonationalisms need to recognize eachother as allied in the cause of our sovereignty, and that Jews as religiously and genetically committed to the interests of another nation, need to be separated from our governance.

However, this course, if it is to be viable, has to be conducted without calls for genocide and rash calls for violence, along with the general disrepect for niche qualities and brutal lack of compassion that characterizes the low account right wing perspective that has gotten us drawn into catastrophic wars, including the mass killing of one another.

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Nation Revisited # 157 November 2019

Marxism and Communism - Jeffrey Hamm

Many voters distrust Jeremy Corbyn because he is a self-confessed Marxist. But what is Marxism? The following extract is from “Mosley’s Blackshirts” by Jeffrey Hamm. Available from Black House Publishing.

Mosley was perfectly familiar with Karl Marx’s ideas. John Strachey, later to become the leading English Marxist intellectual, had been Mosley’s principle lieutenant from 1924 to 1931. Mosley accepted that Marx had produced the first important overview of human society, but considered his analysis to be faulty in almost every detail. Even in 1867, when the first volume of Das Kapital was published, the condition of the working class was changing. The Great Reform Bill of 1832 and the Municipal Corporations Act of 1835 had removed political powers from the aristocracy and landed gentry and opened the way for working class enfrachisement.

The course of history and the structure of human societies were not determined, as Marx believed, by blind economic forces but by remarkable individuals. To achieve the universally desired end of an economic system that was both efficient and humane required not class warfare but a class unity that would eventually lead to to the disappearance of all classes.

Laissez-faire capitalism had proved efficient as far as the production of wealth was concerned, but inefficient in the way this wealth was distributed. Marxist Communism, by ignoring the mainspring of human motivation, had resulted in societies that are both economically inefficient and inhumane. The real division is not between workers and capitalists but between financiers and producers. Co-ownership and co-partnership can provide workers with both a share of ownership and a share of profits. Eventually technology will reduce th part played by money, banking and finance, to a point at which wealth is produced and distributed with minimal human intervention.

Maj Gen Saad el-Shazly

Kim Darroch the British ambassador to Washington was recalled on President Donald Trump’s insistence, but he was not the first ambassador to be rejected. In 1974 the Jews mounted a campaign against Maj Gen Saad el-Shazly as Egyptian ambassador to London.

He was known is the Middle East as the ‘Arab Rommel’ for his invasion of the Negev in the 1967 Six Day War, and his successful assault on the ‘impregnable’ Bar-Lev Line during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  Amnesty International accused him of war crimes, when he was Egyptian Chief of Staff, for giving the following order:

“Kill the Jews wherever you find them and take good care that they don’t trick you, for they are deceivers pretending to surrender so that they may overcome you and kill you easily. Kill them and don’t show them any pity or mercy.”

The Jews were incensed by the appointment of Maj Gen el-Shazli who fraternised with anti-Zionist groups when he was the Egyptian military attache in London.

In February 1974, I wrote in my newsletter ‘Nation’:

“Anyone hated by the Zionists is welcome in our country. We are opposed to mass migration but we seek good relations with all nations. The Arabs need our weapons and we need their oil. The British government recently lost an arms deal with Saudi Arabia because of Israeli pressure. Instead, France clinched the deal.

In 1956 Britain, together with France and Israel invaded Egypt on the pretext of defending the Suez Canal, only to be forced into a humiliating withdrawal by the United States. We have no quarrel with the Arabs and we must not be influenced by those who have.

Not so long ago, Menachem Begin was wined and dined in London. He was an Irgun terrorist during the Palestine mandate and he now leads a fanatical Zionist movement. If we can stomach a killer like Begin we should welcome el-Shazly, a soldier and a scholar who has never done us and harm.”

Maj Gen el-Shazli was dismissed as ambassador to Britain following his criticism of the Camp David Accord in 1978. He took refuge in Algeria but returned to Egypt following the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. He died in Cairo in 1982 aged 88.

Menachem Begin was Prime Minister of Israel 1977-1983. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, together with President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, for his part in the Camp David Accord. He died in 1992 aged 78.

Squarerig Two

(In May 2016 I reported on a meeting of the London Forum which prompted the following correspondence from ‘Squarerig Two’).

May 1, 2016. Thank you for the Voice of Reason. I have been a racial nationalist for more than fifty years and, at this stage, have virtually given up. For, at every meeting I attend there is such an assembly of cranks, loonies, JOO haters and conspiracy theorists that it is obvious, to any rational thinking man - or woman! - that with such people we are going absolutely nowhere!

It is my experience, based upon observations and listening to people’s views, that the overwhelming majority are attracted to this movement for one reason, this reason looming so large in their minds as to practically exclude all others, and this is their pathological anti-Semitism. Joining such groups as ours - there is a large variety of nationalist ‘parties’ to chose from - allows them to express their visceral, unreasoning and blind hatred of everything Jewish or even remotely connected with the Jews without fear of reproach. If I should happen to name some of my Jewish acquaintances many of the listeners will immediately develop that ‘knowing’ look, the equivalent of taping the side of the nose, some even going so far as to tell me that I do not understand the JOOS and that the gestures of friendship and support I received from these acquaintances when severely ill, is merely a ruse to deceive and lead me, as it were, up the Jewish garden path. I am viewed in some circles, as being the useful and misused Goy, for which they have some Yiddish term, the use of which implies a deep if not profound knowledge of all things Jewish!

I am not familiar with your views on this matter but I refuse to believe that it is the Jews, and the Jews alone, who are responsible for or at least the prime cause of every mishap and every act that tends to the downfall of our nation and its terminal decline. The complex affairs of men have never been that simple and to paint the world in black and white, apart from placing the artist in the enviable position of being able to understand everything, all at once, to hold such childish conceptions leads to false conclusions and ridiculous behaviour.

Whilst not in agreement with all your assessments, nevertheless, I find your articles well-written, almost free of prejudice, balanced and certainly worthy of discussion. Long may you continue to write such interesting matter.

May 2, 2019. I also attended this meeting - I assume that you refer to the one held in the Holiday Inn in Kensington - and I listened, attentively, to all that was said and done - and it mostly was! Out of all the speakers - I leave aside our glorious poetaster, the gentleman dressed in outlandish garb who is, according to his own lights, a worthy successor to the Anglo-Saxon bards of old - I also found that Whitby’s address, if one could really call it that; this almost hysterical, garbled, rambling, irrational rant against all and everything took the biscuit! How on earth was this man ever elected to anything? He is not only ignorant but his head is filled with strange, ominous, doom-ridden figures whose sole raison d’etre, if you will, is to destroy us and elevate the JOOS - again - to the most powerful position in the universe. Whilst being pleasant to be among like-minded people of my own race, nevertheless, I feel that my time, of which I have but little, is too valuable to squander on such silly gatherings where much is made of the glories of one Adolf Hitler. My wife is the daughter of prominent members of the NSDAP and could tell a different story but they are not interested in anything which runs counter to their version of the ‘truth’ - their truth of course! Each one consists of men and women who simply want to air their grievances, talk and talk and talk but who have absolutely no plans on how to halt the rot in our society. Apparently the JOOS are superhuman, possessed of unearthly powers, their sole purpose in life is to subjugate the rest of humanity.

Outstanding scientist, as Richard Feynman, mathematicians such as Cantor, Einstein, outstanding researchers in Israel are all dismissed, and this for the main part by people who have no knowledge of these areas of human activity, as being of no account or yet another part of the grand plan for world domination.

I am fully aware of the role played by many Jews in seeking to impose their values and even Weltanshauung upon others; but surely this is their right. If we disagree it is up to us to work against their agenda and may the best man or theory win! We hear much from nationalists about survival of the fittest, Darwinism in the political field and yet when
confronted with what they regard as a threat they do nothing, unless one considers small meetings of like-minded people in the back rooms of pubs around the country or pointless demonstrations.

But curious, is it not, when Gerhard Menuhin writes a book which agrees to some extent with their views they accord him, a JOO, the highest praise!

If our fellow nationalists would only descend from their favourite but very lame hobby horse of anti-Semitism. I am sure we could make some progress. Many of them possess admirable qualities but rational thinking does not figure large among them.

Wanted: A Dynamic Leader

Our traditional political parties defend class interests. The Tories look after the rich, the Labour Party protects the working class, and the Lib-Dems represent the middle class. They all pretend to be ‘broad churches’ but they enforce party discipline by threats and expulsions. Changes are slow to happen, except when a revolutionary figure emerges to upset things.

Margaret Thatcher transformed the Tory Party by selling council houses and shares in privatised industries to working class voters. She tamed the trade unions, won concessions from Europe, and defeated the Argentines in the Falklands, but she went too far with the Poll Tax and was dumped by Central Office.

Tony Blair made the Labour Party electable by abolishing Clause Four - the basic tenet of Socialism. He dumped nationalization and won three general elections in a row. The standard of living improved on his watch but he will always be blamed for involving Britain in the American invasion of Iraq.

Oswald Mosley was a rising cabinet minister who left the Labour Party in 1930 when they rejected his memorandom on unemployment. His background should have guaranteed his political career but his movement, the British Union of Fascists, was banned by the State and he was imprisoned, together with a thousand of his followers, for opposing the Second World War.

Revolutionary politicians are exceptions to the rule. Political parties dislike change and most MPs do as they are told. Winston Churchill crossed the floor of the House and changed history, but he had the backing of powerful friends such as the Rothschilds, Sir Ernest Cassel, and the filmmaker Alexander Korda.

Boris Johnson has leadership qualities but he is a bumptious imposter who poses as a champion of the people whilst enjoying the backing of the right-wing press. Genuine rebels vanish into obscurity and new parties are boycotted by the mass media, starved of funds, attacked by ‘anti-fascists’, or shut down by the State. 

The current upheaval in Westminster will not last forever.  Parliamentary democracy protects itself with rules and regulations that have been perfected over the years. The main parties are under pressure at the moment but when the dust settles we will still have a right-wing party, a left-wing party, and a centrist party; all obediently serving big business.

The Scottish Nationalist Party rules north of the border; Northern Ireland is divided by sectarianism, and Wales remains a poor relation. But the Celtic nations are economically insignificant compared to England and their cherished independence is mostly cosmetic. In or out of the EU, the UK will remain in the grip of global capitalism until a dynamic leader emerges.

Why I Lost The Plot - John Bean, Beanstalk 2001

(JB has criticised this blog for being “locked into the past for 20 years or more”. Well, here is something that’s only 18 years old).

For half a century I have been the recipient of numerous tracts that warned of a world-wide plot to destroy the white world, culturally, politically and racially. Inspired by ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, we were invariably told that this was the fault of the Jews, who could also be blamed for anything ranging from global warming to ingrowing toenails and the state of the rhubarb crop.

When we look at the state to which Britain, the US, and the European nations and the white world in general have been reduced to, one can be forgiven for thinking that there must have been some ‘plot’ to account for our decline - and impending demise. I have never thought that there was any specific ‘plot’ but rather that the West’s predicament stems from the work of Marxist exiles (I admit that many were Jewish) from Hitler’s Germany. These invaded Western academe - the American in particular and implemented the ‘Critical Theory’ that replaced Marxian class struggle with cultural struggle. The Italian Marxist Gramsci and other theorists held that the proletariat would not revolt, that civilisation must be wrecked by subverting the West’s cultural institutions including the family.

The neo-Marxist academics such as Herbert Marcuse became the gurus of a new generation that now holds power in most Western nations and whose ideas have become the status quo throughout. To these neo-Marxists in place of a revolutionary proletariat would emerge another revolutionary vanguard composed of feminists, homosexuals, and with youth alienated from the cultural mainstream.

Understand this and you can understand the popularity of ‘Eastenders’ and other poisonous soaps.

In his book ‘The Death of The West’ Patrick J Buchanan, the American conservative right-winger shows that he is fully aware that this cultural revolution makes strides because it is also in keeping with its mirror image, big business which, as he states, holds no loyalty beyond money.


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Posted by Thatcher & Blair on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 12:59 | #

I also do not share Bill’s positive view of Thatcher, who, along with Reagan, ushered-in (((Frank Meyers PaleoCon fusion of Judeo-Christianity and no account objectivism))).

Nor for Blair, who is a criminal of the highest treason for the immigration policy his administration imposed upon the native Brits.


Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 20 Nov 2019 21:57 | #

Many voters distrust Jeremy Corbyn because he is a self confessed Marxist

There are many reasons to distrust Corbyn, his Marxism being but one of them. Other reasons would include his plan for another “peoples vote” on whether to Remain or just Stay In the EU and the Labour Party’s position on immigration, which amounts to open borders. Corbyn would also declare war on what he sees as “YT Privilege”, which is not surprising, given his belief that “Britain invented racism” . Indeed, it was this belief that propelled him into the arms and more of his political soulmate, Diane “Mojito Di” Abbott back in 1979. The story goes that being estranged from his wife, Jane Chapman, Corbyn had a brief relationship with Abbott and that two of Corbyn’s fellow activists somehow, accidently, saw Abbott lying naked on Corbyn’s bed. I don’t buy that. I think it went more like this…

“Why have we come back for more leaflets Jeremy? we still have plenty left” asked Comrade 1. Jeremy, in a hushed voice answered “Because there’s something I want you to see. You’ll never guess what it is. I’ve only got a black bird in my bed..”“Oh, fuck off Jezzer” Comrade 2 interrupted “You think it’s for stirring your tea with. That’s why Jane threw you..” Corbyn hissed “No,’s true..behold” as he threw open the bedroom door to reveal Abbott lying nude on the duvet. “Crikey” exclaimed Comrade1 “Fuck me” muttered Comrade 2. “Sorry, thought you’d be dressed by now” Corbyn apologized before quickly closing the door and ushering his comrades back into the living room. Then, placing them both in a conspiratorial embrace, he explained “The Party agenda is to swamp Britain with immigrants who’ll be so grateful they’ll keep voting for us. Then in about forty years time, there’ll be enough to ensure a permanent Labour government - and that’s when I’ll make my power grab. As Leader, the Party mantra shall be “Jeremy doesn’t have a racist bone in his body” and what you have seen here today is evidence to back that up. We will then be able to create the truly diverse and progressive Britain we all want”. In unison, both Comrades declared “Clearly, Jeremy, you are the ONE”

Over the following decades, Corbyn has convinced many of us that he doesn’t have a spine in his body either. As for Jane Chapman, hearing of her husband’s relationship with Abbott ended any hope Corbyn may have held for a reconciliation. When you go black, they don’t want you back.

Despite becoming leader, with the party mantra being “Jeremy doesn’t have a racist bone in his body”, Corbyn still managed to run foul of a small but influential minority group. The Labour antisemitism saga rumbles on and does appear to be having an adverse effect on the party’s electoral chances. Recently 24 public personalities signed a letter to The Guardian saying they would not support Labour with Corbyn as leader as he is “steeped in antisemitism”. The signatory who should cause Corbyn concern, if not sleepless nights, is Joanna Lumley. It is well known that the Ab Fab former Avenger has only to cry “Jaya Maha Kali - Ayo Gorkhali” and a squadron of Gurkhas would invade Southside 105 Victoria Street and leave Corbyn with nothing to stir his tea.

Corbyn has also made the mistake of following in Donald Trump’s footsteps and opining on the subject of Kashmir. On which, more soon. In the meantime here’s a musical intermission….


Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 21 Nov 2019 20:54 | #

The Labour Party conference passed a motion calling for international observers to enter Jammu and Kashmir and demanded self determination for Kashmiris. A few days later Corbyn took to Twitter to claim he’d had a “very productive meeting with UK representatives from the Indian Congress Party” and had “discussed the human rights situation in Kashmir”.

A horrified Congress Party quickly distanced itself from Corbyn’s comments as the issue of Kashmir is a highly sensitive one in India. Indians regard Kashmir as entirely an internal matter. The last thing they want is outside interference, particularly from a former colonial power.

Should Corbyn become PM India might find it has become the new Myanmar and Kashmir the new Rakhine.

The Indian news channel Republic TV ran a feature on the Labour motion during which talking heads lambasted Corbyn , particularly over his record on terrorism and his affinity with terrorists of various stripes. Social media in India exploded with indignation and the press blamed the Pakistani High Commission in the UK for organizing a protest march, supporting the Labour position, on the day of Diwali the major Hindu religious festival.

In Britain 110 Indian organizations signed a letter addressed to Corbyn expressing “deep dismay” at the “one sided and divisive” Kashmiri motion. The National Council of Hindu Temples (NCHT) accused Corbyn of “anti-Indian racism”. The NCHT had previously (in 2015 and 2016) urged Hindus not to vote for Labour and to switch to Conservative. The goddess Durga must have told them not to trust the mongoose   faced bastard Corbyn. You can’t fool a goddess. However, you can fool the Charity Commission and after receiving complaints the NCHT was forced to withdraw its advice.

Against this background Labour’s decision to stand Islington councillor Claudia Webbe, who was on the NEC that passed the Kashmir motion, as the candidate for the safe seat of Leicester East, has not been well received in the largely Hindu constituency. The move being described as “a slap in the face for the Indian community”.

WhatsApp is currently being used to urge Hindus not to vote for Labour because they are “anti-Indian” and “anti-Hindu”. They are also urged to ask Labour candidates awkward questions, like “Why are young Hindu girls being abducted and forced to marry and convert to Islam in Pakistan?”.

In response to all this, Labour now claim that they intend to remain neutral over Kashmir. As if. It seems Corbyn is all too willing to throw smaller minorities under the election bus in order to secure the much larger Muslim vote. After the election, he hopes to be able to turn his attention to those he considers the real enemy. Y’know, those who"invented racism”.

In contrast,the Conservative MP for East Harrow, Bob Blackman, is strongly pro-India over Kashmir and apparently wants the Conservatives to work more closely with India’s ruling party, the BJP. As the BJP are essentially an ethno-nationalist party this is something I would like to see happen as the Conservatives might learn something. I also hope that the Hindus play a part in preventing Britain from falling over the Corbyn cliffedge. I’m sure their aunties in India would want that too.Jai Hind.

Some outro music…


Posted by Laura Towler on Sun, 24 Nov 2019 10:45 | #

Should We Apologise For Our History?


Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 25 Nov 2019 19:08 | #

How to deal with Labour canvassers,,,,


Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 23 Dec 2019 15:17 | #

As the BJP are essentially an ethno-nationalist party this is something I would like to see happen as the Conservatives might learn something

Like something approaching joined-up thinking, for example. Recently in India there has been a large number of demonstrations against two pieces of government legislation. The first being the National Register of Citizens, which is a census and will establish a database of citizens. The second is the Citizen Amendment Act (CAA). It was the passing of the CAA that sparked the protests and resulting violence as the Act makes it easier for religious minorities who have fled religious persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan, all majority Muslim countries of course, however doesn’t include Muslims. This is not unreasonable, given that Muslims are hardly likely to face discrimination in Islamic states. Muslims can still qualify for citizenship under the normal rules, nor does the CAA discriminate against Muslims who already have Indian nationality.

The simple logic of the CAA hasn’t deterred the rioting or the vitriol directed at the ruling BJP by the western media. I have been unable to find something that wasn’t full of liberal angst, philo-Islamic sentiment and hostility towards nationalism in the western coverage of the issue. So this video (in English) is from the Hindustan Times and supplies simple facts, free of bullshit.

The Conservatives might learn how to think holistically and not for example,allow former ISIS fighters and supporters back into the UK, having already granted asylum to people from Iraq and Syria fleeing ISIS.


Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 25 Dec 2019 13:27 | #

Familiar complaints. “Pakistani Hindus share why CAB [now CAA] is a ray of hope for them”.

Familiar Western media silence.


Posted by mancinblack on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 14:24 | #

In a stern warning to Pakistan, Army chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane, on Tuesday said India reserves the right to preemptively strike at sources of terror threat if the neighbouring country does not stop state-sponsored terrorism.

In an exclusive interview to PTI hours after taking charge of the 1.3 million strong army, General Naravane said a strategy of “resolute punitive” response has been evolved to punish cross-border terrorism.
He also said the Pakistan army’s all out effort to deflect attention from state sponsored terrorism has been a total failure and that the situation in Kashmir had improved significantly after the abrogation of Article 370 [concerning the status of Jammu & Kashmir]

“The Pakistan army’s proxy war design received setback due to elimination of terrorists and decimation of terror networks” he said.


Top comment, highlighted in the article, from the largely uncensored commenting section at the Times of India reads..

Pakistan is the epicentre of Global Terror. As a Leopard cannot change its spot so cannot Pakistan change its Policy of Global Terror. So world needs to fight out this Menace on Earth & until Pakistan is wiped from the map World cannot live in peace
Preamdeep Daas

And a Happy New Year to All…..


Posted by Durga Devi on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 14:34 | #


Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 03 Feb 2020 00:58 | #

Should Corbyn become PM India might find it has become the new Myanmar and Kashmir the new Rakhine

Corbyn was trounced of course but you can rely on the EU…

With the European Union Parliament to introduce an anti-CAA resolution, calling the legislation a dangerous shift in India’s citizenship regime, the government on Sunday urged sponsors and supporters of the draft to engage with India to get a full and accurate assessment of the facts before taking action

The EU is interested in ideology not facts.

The government also reiterated that CAA was not discrimination against any religion and that even European societies in the past had followed the same approach.

Europe just isn’t Europe anymore.

The resolution, tabled by European United Left/Nordic Green Left Group (lol) is to be debated on Wednesday and says that…

The CAA marks a dangerous shift in the way citizenship will be determined in India. Instead of addressing concerns, offering corrective action, calling for security forces to act with restraint and ensuring accountability, many government leaders have been engaging in efforts to discredit, rebuke and threaten the protestors.

The Social Democrat bloc in the European Parliament are appalled by anything that smacks of nationalism and believe that wanting to, for example, protect your way of life, is “disgusting” which provides yet another reason to be grateful we are out.


Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:47 | #

Relationships ruptured the way they did after Trumps election or the Brexit Referendum

How much liberals hate Modi and the BJP -

Jaya Jaya He Mahishasuramardini Ramya Kapardini Shaila Sute



Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 13:33 | #

#YouToo. Destroying the Social Fabric - Madhu Kishwar…


Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 19 Nov 2020 17:06 | #

Jeremy Corbyn’s dead
No,No,No,No he’s on the outside looking in

Having been hugely entertained by series 1 of the Labour Party antisemitism saga, I’m delighted that a second series has been announced.

Following Starmer’s decision to withhold the whip from Corbyn, civil war in the Labour Party looms. If Dame Margaret Hodge’s Twitter is anything to go by, series 2 will be even more explosive than the long running original.

In a separate tweet, Dame Margaret (who is in her seventies) listed some of the abuse she’d received after Corbyn had been suspended…

I hope she dies soon. Dumb bitch. Member of a rich & powerful Jewish dynasty. Mossad agent. Liar. Rat. Old cunt. Snake. Nazi. Traitor. Zionist stooge. Evil personified.  Cancer. Zionist hag. Pig. Infiltrator. Racist witch. Controlled and funded by Israel. Palestinian child murderer.

Well, I certainly hope the Corbynites and antifa removed the #BLM from their accounts before tweeting that.

Len McCluskey has urged Starmer to “pull back from the brink” - as if. Starmer’s wife is Jewish so unless he wants to sleep in his car that’s not going to happen, is it?

It’s time to settle back with a bottle of schadenfreude and some popcorn again.

He’ll lead you on, he’ll let you down
He’ll put your family underground
He lies so much, he stoops so low
He knows exactly which way he’s gonna go
Jeremy Corbyn, Jeremy Corbyn

(with apologies to “Legend of a Mind” by the Moody Blues)




Posted by Nation Revisited December 2020 on Tue, 01 Dec 2020 16:08 | #

Nation Revisited # 170 December 2020

Lest We Forget

The Cenotaph in Whitehall, London was established in 1920 to commemorate the British Empire dead of the First World War. It subsequently embraced those who fell in the Second World War and various conflicts since…

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 14 Feb 2025 01:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 12 Feb 2025 20:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 22:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 18:25. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:59. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:05. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Mon, 10 Feb 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 22:58. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 19:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 01:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:30. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

uKn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:59. (View)

ukn_Leo commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 21:43. (View)
