Majorityrights News > Category: Modernity

Insider exposé of Google and Youtube

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 15 November 2019 01:56.

Connectivity & Relationality: Nora Bateson’s take on ecological response to unfolding crises

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 November 2019 05:00.

Climate Crisis: Why Everyone Is Confused - Nora Bateson

What We Get Wrong About Social Change - Nora Bateson

Strasburg outduels Verlander in battle of mighty White arms to send Series to Game 7.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 October 2019 12:38.

Stephen Strasburg wins game 6 over Justin Verlander.

If you are going to try to identify with American sportsball, about the only way to do it from a racial standpoint, is to root against or for individual players.

Otherwise it is practically meaningless. One city’s market of uniformed mercenaries from anywhere in the world against another’s.

In fact, hitting star in game 6 for Washington, securing the game with 5 RBI, was third baseman Anthony Rendon.

Rendon was born and grew up in Houston, even went to Rice University.

How White is he? Not sure, but he identifies as a Christian so, we may guess that all are brothers unto Christ, and that’s all the identity that matters.,lock_state=final,game_tab=box,game=599376

We Were Never Asked (whether We native British wanted immigration to make us a minority by 2060).

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 24 October 2019 22:39.

Does (((Miller))) written Trump speech co-opt nationalism at expense of ethnonational coordination?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 13:51.

What provokes this question, of course, is the speech’s heavy emphasis on putting the civic nation of America fist, ZOG-ed out as it is, with other European national leaders commended to put their nations first, as well, though most are now good and fucked in terms of immigrant numbers. That is, plain “nationalism” will be too soft to deal with ethnonational requirements - which entail not just immigration limitation, but large scale deportation and coordination over the problems that created the migratory gluts.

Furthermore, this call for nationalism does little to curb the misallocated fervor of America’s Evangelical Christian Zionists, a hugely problematic demographic to White interests - a demographic instrumental to Israeli Operation Clean Break, A.K.A. “Project For a New American Century” which has used the American military to effect regime change around Israel, beginning with Iraq and now taking aim at Iran and Syria.

In terms of domestic politics, Ethnonationalists might see the same creators of the problem and reaction now proposing a solution - while posed with more of a (((paleocon))) rather than (((neocon))) flavor, the problem - demographic - is baked in the cake and its instigators can present themselves as reasonable nationalists, thusly obstructing radical solutions while the problem manifests fully in a veritable Christian-cucked and civic nationalist holding pattern.

Nevertheless, as ethnonationalists, we might parlay the world-promulgated talking points that are in line with our interests and take advantage of their potential for much needed normalization and institutionalization after decades of international liberalization of our borders and bounds.

Trump speaks at 74th Session of the UN General Assembly, 24 Sept 2019:

“The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them or replace them. Looking around, and all over, this large, magnificent planet, the truth is plain to see, if you want freedom take pride in your country. If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty, and if you want peace, love your nation. Wise leaders always put the good of their people and their own country, first. The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations, who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.


One of our most critical challenges is illegal immigration, which undermines prosperity, rips apart societies and empowers ruthless criminal cartels. Mass illegal immigration is unfair, unsafe and unsustainable for everyone involved. .... yet here in the United States and around the world there is a growing cottage industry of radical activists and non-governmental organizations that promote human smuggling. These groups encourage illegal migration and demand erasure of national borders. Today I have a message for those open border activists, who cloak themselves in the rhetoric of social justice. Your policies are not just. Your policies are cruel and evil. You are empowering criminal organizations that prey on innocent men women and children. You put your own false sense of virtue before the lives and well being of countless innocent people. When you undermine border security, you are undermining human rights and human dignity.

Many of the countries here today are coping with the challenges of uncontrolled migration. Each of you has the absolute right to protect your borders; and so, of course, does our country. Today, we must resolve together to end human smuggling, end human trafficking, and put these criminal networks out of business for good. To our country, I can tell you that we are working closely with our friends in the region, including Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama, to uphold the integrity of borders and ensure safety and prosperity for our people. I would like to thank Lopez Obrador of Mexico, for the great cooperation we are receiving; and for right now, putting 27,000 troops on our southern border.


The American people are absolutely committed to restoring balance to our relationship with China. Hopefully we can reach an agreement that will be beneficial for both countries. But as I have made very clear. I will not accept a bad deal for the American people.


The United States does not seek conflict with any other nation. We desire peace, cooperation and mutual gain with all. But I will never fail to defend America’s interests. One of the greatest security threats facing peace-loving nations in the world today is the repressive regime in Iran.

The regimes’ record of death and destruction is well-know to us all. Not only is Iran the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, but Iran’s leaders are fueling the tragic wars in both Syria and Yemen. At the same time, the regime is squandering the nature’s wealth and future in a fanatical quest for nuclear weapons and a means to deliver them. We must never allow this to happen; to stop Iran’s path to nuclear weapons and missiles I withdrew the Unites States from the terrible Iran nuclear deal, which has very little time remaining; which did not allow for the inspection of important sites and did not cover ballistic missiles. Following our withdrawal, we have implemented severe economic sanctions on the country; hoping to free itself from sanctions, the regime has escalated its violent and unprovoked aggression; in response to Iran’s recent attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities we just imposed the highest level of sanctions on Iran’s central bank and sovereign wealth fund; all nations have a duty to act, no responsible government should subsidize Iran’s blood lust. As long as Iran’s menacing behavior continues, sanctions will not be lifted, they will be tightened.

Iran’s leaders will have turned a proud nation into just another cautionary tale of what happens when a ruling class abandons its people and embarks upon a crusade for personal power and riches. For 40 years the world has listened to Iran’s rulers as they lash-out at everyone else for the problems they alone have created. They conduct ritual chants of “death to America” and traffic in monstrous anti-Semitism. Last year, the country’s supreme leader stated Israel is a malignant cancerous tumor that has to be removed and eradicated. It is possible and it will happen. America will never tolerate such anti-Semitic hate. Fanatics have long used hatred of Israel to distract from their own failures.


The dictator, Maduro, is a Cuban puppet, protected by Cuban body guards, hiding from his own people, while Cuba plunders Venezuela’s oil wealth to sustain its own corrupt communist rule.


We will find more beautiful friendship and more harmony among nations than ever before. My fellow leaders, the path to peace and progress and freedom and justice and a better world for all humanity begins at home. Thank you, God bless you, God bless the nations of the world and God bless America. Thank you very much.”

The USA, particularly as its become more and more ZOG-ed, has a pretty good record for death and destruction too.

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 September 2019 05:16.

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

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Massacre of My Lai, Vietnam, life, land, expresses incitement against White male being/midtdasein


Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 September 2019 05:03.


Ryan Grim, for The Intercept
August 27 2019, 5:53 p.m.

Blackstone Group CEO Steve Schwarzman nterviewed on Fox Business Network, 27 Apr 2018. Photo: Richard Drew/AP

TWO BRAZILIAN FIRMS owned by a top donor to President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are significantly responsible for the ongoing destruction of the Amazon rainforest, carnage that has developed into raging fires that have captivated global attention.

The companies have wrested control of land, deforested it, and helped build a controversial highway to their new terminal in the one-time jungle, all to facilitate the cultivation and export of grain and soybeans. The shipping terminal at Miritituba, deep in the Amazon in the Brazilian state of Pará, allows growers to load soybeans on barges, which will then sail to a larger port before the cargo is shipped around the world.

The Amazon terminal is run by Hidrovias do Brasil, a company that is owned in large part by Blackstone, a major U.S. investment firm. Another Blackstone company, Pátria Investimentos, owns more than 50 percent of Hidrovias, while Blackstone itself directly owns an additional roughly 10 percent stake. Blackstone co-founder and CEO Stephen Schwarzman is a close ally of Trump and has donated millions of dollars to McConnell in recent years.

“Blackstone is committed to responsible environmental stewardship,” the company said in a statement. “This focus and dedication is embedded in every investment decision we make and guides how we conduct ourselves as operators. In this instance, while we do not have operating control, we know the company has made a significant reduction in overall carbon emissions through lower congestion and allowed the more efficient flow of agricultural goods by Brazilian farmers.”

Map: Soohee Cho/The Intercept

The port and the highway have been deeply controversial in Brazil, and were subjects of a 2016 investigation by The Intercept Brasil. Hidrovias announced in early 2016 that it would soon begin exporting soybeans trucked from the state of Mato Grosso along the B.R.-163 highway. The road was largely unpaved at the time, but the company said it planned to continue improving and developing it. In the spring of 2019, the government of Jair Bolsonaro, elected in fall 2018, announced that Hidrovias would partner in the privatization and development of hundreds of miles of the B.R.-163. Developing the roadway itself causes deforestation, but, more importantly, it helps make possible the broader transformation of the Amazon from jungle to farmland.

The roadway, B.R. 163, has had a marked effect on deforestation. After the devastation that began under the military dictatorship and accelerated through the 1970s and ’80s, the rate of deforestation slowed, as a coalition of Indigenous communities and other advocates of sustaining the forest fought back against the encroachment. The progress began turning back in 2014, as political tides shifted right and global commodity prices climbed. Deforestation began to truly spike again after the soft coup that ousted President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers’ Party in 2016. The right-wing government that seized power named soy mogul Blairo Maggi, a former governor of Mato Grosso, as minister of agriculture.

Yet even as deforestation had been slowing prior to the coup, the area around the highway was being destroyed. “Every year between 2004 and 2013 — except 2005 — while deforestation in Amazonia as a whole fell, it increased in the region around the B.R.-163,” the Financial Times reported in September 2017. That sparked pushback from Indigenous defenders of the Amazon. In March, Hidrovias admitted that its business had been slowed by increasing blockades on B.R. 163, as people put their bodies in front of the destruction. Still, the company is pushing forward. Hidrovios recently said that, thanks to heavy investment, it planned to double its grain shipping capacity to 13 million tons.

amazon-destruction-map-1-01-1566850165Map: Soohee Cho/The Intercept
The Amazon, where a record number of fires have been raging, is the world’s largest rainforest. It absorbs a significant amount of carbon dioxide, a major contributor to the climate crisis. The Amazon is so dense in vegetation that it produces something like a fifth of the world’s oxygen supply. The moisture that evaporates from the Amazon is important form farmlands not just in South America, but also in the U.S. Midwest, where it falls to the earth as rain. Protection of the Amazon, 60 percent of which is in Brazil, is crucial to the continued existence of civilization as we know it.


International, Foreign Interests back 5-Star & Conte to Sideline Salvini’s Ethnonational Position

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 August 2019 05:04.

When this tweet speaks of “the socialist party” it is speaking of a party that would not delimit social accountability to native interests first and foremost.

The sane management of pervasive ecology has been dealt yet another serious blow as a central element, the management of human ecology through the accountability that ethnonationalism provides, has been pushed aside - at least temporarily - by liberal internationalist interests.

Matteo Salvini’s crucially necessary nativist, ethnonationalist anti-immigration platform has been sidelined by a coalition of the 5-Star Party, which is in cahoots with foreign interests and the corporate internationalist sell-out, Giuseppe Conte, reinstalling him as Prime Minister; allowing him to continue his border liberalization policies which are destroying Italy, Italians and European peoples broadly.

Italy’s corrupt Five-Star Movement announced Wednesday that it had made a deal with the Liberal Party to form a coalition government — keeping Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in place while avoiding elections and ousting the ethnonationalist League led by Matteo Salvini.

Conte’s position was strengthened this week when President Trump, who pretends to share a similar vision on immigration to Salvini, tweeted his support of Conte – calling him a “very talented man who will hopefully remain Prime Minister!”

Showing his true colors form the start, Trump shunned a meeting with Salvini, who was prepared to endorse him as Trump campaigned for the Presidency.

While Salvini was able to gain popular support by broadening his party’s platform from Lega Nord, to one that represents all of Italy, he sought to gain elite support along with the 5-Stars and Conte’s party by joining the ass-kissing of the Kremlin, the Knesset and the Trumpstein agenda.

Salvini might have added Trumpstein, Putin and Netanyahu to the list of people not to trust with native European interests.

And with friends like that, highly practiced in the art of treachery, the message is: lay down with dogs and wake up with fleas.

Rather, wake up sidelined by the truly corrupt - corrupt enough to push aside your crucially necessary anti-immigration, nativist position and sell out your people and their ancient birthright.

Dr. Jörg D. Valentin@drjdvalentin

@EchoPRN: RT
@BasedPoland: It’s official.

The #FiveStarMovement & the [liberal] party have reached an agreement to form government

Ibid: #Salvini will be out of government until 2023 (unless snap elections at some point).

Italians can prepare for a new …

Ergo, maybe you can ‘weenie the Salvini’...

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