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Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete brought murderers, rapists and torturers to Italy

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 01 October 2019 05:04.

Sea Watch captain Carola Rackete brought murderers, rapists and torturers to Italy

By ARTHUR LYONS 30 September 2019

Carola Rackete, the infamous captain of the NGO migrant transport vessel Sea-Watch 3, brought three men who ran a migrant detention center in Libya where migrants were raped, tortured, and murdered.

According to a report by Il Giornale, three of the 40 migrants who were picked up by Rackete’s boat are men who’ve been accused of raping, torturing, and murdering people in Libya. The suspects are said to have been arrested in the reception center in Messina, Italy.

Police had originally concealed the arrests which reportedly occurred on the same day that the migrants disembarked from the ship. “The captain transported three immigrants accused of torture on the Sea Watch,” Franco Grilli of Il Giornale writes.

“We cannot rule it out, but we have no precise information,” Sea Watch spokesman Ruben Neugebauer told German news agency DPA about the report.

The three men have been formally accused of ‘a criminal association dedicated to the management of an illegal prison center’, complete with torture, rape, kidnapping and even murder.

In response to the news, Italy’s most trusted politician and leader of the national populist Lega party, Matteo Salvini, wrote: “Not only did she violate the law and ram a Guardia di Finanza patrol boat; on June 29th Carola Rackete of the Sea Watch 3 unloaded into Italy three violent migrants accused of rape, kidnapping and murder. Democratic Party (PD) parliamentarians had demanded the landing of all immigrants, including those now suspected of being ferocious criminals.”

According to Chiara Giannini, who cites ‘reliable sources’, the new interior minister Luciana Lamorgese had asked for the embarrassing news not to be published. But instead, members of the real press made the arrests public, along with the names of the three suspects – Mohammed Condè, 27, Hameda Ahmed, 26 and Mahmoud Ashuia, 24.

Condé is from Guinea, whereas Ahmed and Ashuia are Egyptian.

Czech Prime Minister: “We decide who comes to our country”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 September 2019 18:41.

Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis

Czech Prime Minister: “We decide who comes to our country”

By ARTHUR LYONS 25 September 2019

The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Andrej Babis, has slammed policies promoting mass migration and population replacement which are both propagated by globalist governments in Western Europe.

While touching on the subject which is commonly referred to as ’Replacement Migration‘ during an interview with Die Welt, Babis said, “We do not see migration as a means of counteracting a shrinking population, as in Western Europe.”

Echoing his Visegrád partner Viktor Orbán, Babis also spoke about how he would like to increase the low birthrates of his own country where women, on average, have just 1.7 children.

“We want to get the Czechs to have more children,” Babis said.

After the German reporter asserted that it’s “not very climate-friendly” to set government incentives for people to have more children, Babis responded, saying: “I have four children. Then I’m probably climate-damaging.”

In Germany, a country where a large portion of the population seems to have lost touch with reality, there are now certain climate activists who measure everything in terms of carbon dioxide and would, therefore, prefer to ban child-bearing.

Babis went on to say that the only people who immigrate to the Czech Republic are invited by its government.

“We welcome foreigners, more than five percent of our population is born abroad, but we are the ones who decide who comes here and who does not,” the Czech Prime Ministere declared.

Throughout his tenure as the leader of the small central European country, Babis hasn’t wavered in his opposition to mass migration from the third world – something the EU technocrats are certainly not happy with.

In the past, Babis has suggested that the EU should model its asylum policy after the Australian model, which processes those seeking asylum outside of the country.

Orbán in support of Italy: “We reject migrant quotas, but accept deportation quotas with pleasure”

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 27 September 2019 09:29. address to Italy, expresses solidarity, willingness to help however he can:

Orbán:  “We reject migrant quotas, but accept deportation quotas with pleasure”

Voice of Europe 26 Sept 2019:

In a rousing speech given at an annual event hosted by the national-conservative Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) party in Rome, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced that his governments rejects the EU’s migrant redistribution quotas, but would “accept deportation quotas with pleasure”.

Once Italy holds elections, the Brothers of Italy will likely be a key player in the next ethnonational populist governing coalition, along with Salvini’s League.

Throughout the speech, Orbán implored Italy’s leadership to protect its citizens and close its borders.

While he acknowledged that the country’s new leftist coalition government appears to be realigning itself with globalists in Brussels, Orban also said that Hungary would be there to fully support Italy when and if it removes its anti-Italian and anti-European leadership.

“Hungary is ready to help Italy in whatever way we can, but there are areas where we cannot help,” Orbán said. “We cannot help with the transport and settlement of any migrants in Hungary. That is impossible.”

“But once you decide it, we can help you defend your borders, and if you are determined to send home the migrants who are already here, we can help you with that, too.”

“Mandatory settlement quotas, we cannot accept, but deportation quotas with pleasure,” Orbán declared.

Vlad Tepesblog @Vladtepesblog

Last 2 minutes of Viktor Orban speech in Italy.

03:57 - 24 Sep 2019
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“So if PM Conte were to ask the Hungarians to send home a couple of thousand migrants from Italy back to where they came from, then Hungary will be ready and help fulfill such obligations,” the Hungarian PM continued.

Orbán also touched on the steps his government has taken to support Hungarian families but asserted that there are still too few children being born.

“If we don’t do something to counter the negative demographic trend, it will never change,” Orbán added. He then insisted that he would never support globalist policies which seek to replace the children who aren’t being born with migrants.

The Hungarian then wrapped up his speech with this sobering statement: “We are in the minority in the European political elite, but in the majority among nations and people. Our opposition is big, rich, strong and well organized, thus we must fight an unjustly difficult battle for what is right.”

Tips? Follow Arthur Lyons

Slovenia: Citizen defense force formed to stop illegal migration

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 24 September 2019 15:05.

Voice of Europe, 21 Sept 2019:

Slovenia: Citizen defense force formed to stop illegal migration

Citizens in the small central European state of Slovenia have formed a civil defense force to put a stop to illegal migrants entering their country from Croatia.

The Balkan route for migrants heading north from Turkey and Greece into Germany is well-known. However, thanks to Hungary’s national populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the classic Balkan route which starts from Turkey or Greece, goes through Serbia, and then into Hungary has been sealed off.

‘Replacement Migration’, as the United Nation puts it, now comes mainly comes through Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, and Austria. This is the alternative route that’s been established for illegal migrants to gain entry to Western and Northern Europe’s welfare states.

Andrei Sisko, red hat, instructs Slovenian border defenders.

But patriotic Slovenian citizens have come together to stop the relentless flow of illegal migration. The group of concerned citizens has formed a civil defense union to help the Slovenian army capture illegal migrants who’re trying to make their way through the country, Euronews reports.

“I think the only solution here is to send the army to the border, the situation is similar now as if you were opening the gates of a prison and saying we’re letting out all the prisoners, who would stay in there? a single,” said Blaz Zidar, a member of the defense force.

Andrei Sisko, the commander of the citizen’s group, says: “What is the goal? The aim is to educate people and volunteers to defend their country as needed and to help the military and police to control public order. In times of massive migrations from the African and Asian states, especially Muslims, it is important to protect our borders. Because a state that is unable to protect its border is not a sovereign state.”

Recently, during a visit to Slovenia’s southern border with Croatia, Prime Minister Marjan Sarec announced that his country would increase its border protection against illegal migrants.

About 35 additional troops have since been stationed at the border.

Citizens Form ‘Defense Force’ to Stop Illegal Immigration in Slovenia Group of ‘home guards’ patrol border to fight flood of migrants into country

Neon Nettle 23 Sept 2019:

A group of patriotic citizens has formed a border “defense force” to stop the flood of illegal immigration in their home country of Slovenia. Citizens decided to take matters into their own hands in the small central European state and formed the civil “home guards” to stop illegal migrants entering their country from Croatia.

The Balkan Route is used by migrants heading from the Middle East, Central Asia, and North Africa on their way to open borders Germany, and they illegally enter Slovenia via Croatia after passing through Greece and Turkey.


Ethnonationalism ensconces Anthropocentrism of Social Praxis that White Post Modernity prescribes

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 22 September 2019 08:10.

John Mearsheimer, The Roots of Liberal Hegemony, Yale University speech, published 22 Nov 2017.


(17:54): I just want to be clear, that if we’re going to [be talking about] liberalism, we’re talking about at home, not liberalism abroad; and with regard to nationalism, I’m not making the argument that nationalism is this wonderful force all the time.

Okay. Roots of liberal hegemony - the talk tonight. As I said, you’ve got to start with human nature, that was my chapter two. And when you talk about human nature, really what you’re asking is, ‘what are those common traits that all individuals have in common?’

And by the way, this is something that the founding fathers of liberalism paid enormous attention-to.

I believe that if you’re going to think about liberalism and nationalism, you have to wrestle with these questions.

And there are two big questions:

1) The first question is, ‘are men and women social beings above all else or does it make more sense to emphasize their individuality? In other words, are humans fundamentally social animals, who strive hard to carve out room for their individuality, or are they individuals who form social contracts?

That’s question number one.

2) Question number two, second, have our critical faculties developed to the point where we can reach universal consensus, on what defines the good life - can we agree on first principles?

Can we use reason? Are we able to reason our way through collectively and come to meaningful agreement on the big questions about life?

Those are sort of the two big issues on the table when you think about human nature.

Now, my views on this subject are that human beings are primarily social animals. We’re born into societies. We’re born into groups; and we are heavily socialized inside those groups, both by the family and the society around us in a really big way before our individuality gets to assert itself.

I think human beings are very tribal, to put it in simplistic terms from the get go - that’s not to say that you can’t have a lot of individualism but we’re primarily social animals.

Secondly, I think it’s near impossible to reach universal consensus about questions about the good life.

I agree with Mearsheimer that socialization is primary, that we are primarily social animals. That is the human condition, should be considered the preliminary outlook and matter of negotiation - failing that sufficiently, the individual and their truth will not even survive - they become, thereby, a moot point, not even there to argue how facts count.

However, I don’t think the tribal designation is good short hand - that may have been the practical social survival unit historically, but eventually it became too small and the national social scale has become the optimal unit of survival for various practical reasons.

But coming back to the second question, of whether common grounds and recognition of the shared good between people can be established, Mearsheimer frames it wrong in the sense of looking for any sort of elaborate, universal agreement between nations.

The goal, rather, should be more modest, namely of coordination, enough recognition of common interests, self and other national interests to be able to function non conflictually.

Coordination is geared toward facilitating groups functioning in their own interests with minimal conflict as opposed to trying to achieve thorough cooperation in details that do not bear on capacity for coordination or interfere with the common good.

I do need to call your attention to the fact that there is a constellation of right wingers out there who will seize upon ANYTHING, often superficial matters, in order to distract from what I have to say (which is a coherent and complete enough platform in advocacy of European peoples; I can defend and explain anything that I say).

These people are usually antagonistic to me and the ideas that I put forth because they are committed to Christianity, to Hitler, or to the inclusion of Jews in our advocacy group..and sometimes it is reactionary scientism and egotism that has them averse to the integration of ideas which are very necessary to understand for the good of our people.

Let me say briefly, that coordination of human and pervasive ecology is a large concept which I table. Conducted according to White Post Modern understanding, it is grounds that people of any thought and decency should be able to agree upon to facilitate the survival and coordination of our distinct peoples.

However, these right wing commitments, part and parcel of modernity, run rough shod over coordination to an extent that even the most ethnocentric of tradition could never be capable of.

The first project then, getting people, Europeans anyway, especially northern Europeans, perhaps, to appreciate our social nature from the onset is somewhat difficult for the reasons that:

A) They/we are evolved somewhat more individualistically as we were more evolved against the challenges of nature rather than the challenges of other groups forcing us to band together.

B) This has been fetishized in our modernist quest for pure objective warrant and the reward of its scientific/technological yields, its grandiose moral claims beyond utility to relative social group interests, either beyond nature or in laws thereof; also tending to be narcissistically extended beyond the boundaries, discrimination and prerogatives of other groups - modernity runs rough shod over coordination for its failure to recognize differences while traditional ethnocentrism at least recognized the concept of non-natives, outsiders.

C) However, this objectivity has been somewhat spurned on by Christianity, itself introduced by YKW while the purity quest was weaponized further against Whites by YKW - exacerbated Alinsky style, viz. White Americans being instigated to live up to the anti-social (anti White social) Cartesian purity of Lockeatine individual civil rights against “racism” - i.e., prejudiced against the relative group interests of Whites, with boundaries and discrimination thereupon for Whites.

Furthermore, the Abrahamic religions tend to run rough shod over coordination as they insist upon one god, and tend to be narcissistic, disregarding the significance of national differences

D) To make matters worse, whatever socially organizing and qualitative niche advocating correctives to this universalism and individualism that were introduced through (((academia))), tended to be made didactic for Whites by being exaggerated or misrepresented so that Whites would react against the very corrective that they needed for organization and defense of their social systemic homeostasis - this is where we are at now with all this railing against “the left” and “its failure to deal with reality” its “social justice warring” and various other straw man characterizations of THE Leftist, “his call for equality”, “fifty eight genders”, trannies reading to children in libraries and in paradox to the profoundly leftist call for unionization mislabled a call for “liberalism.” This “scourge of ‘identity politics’, when we should all be American.”

There was/is a call for liberalism within the nation, in the sense of doing away with the strict aristocratic class system that England has had since 1066, but the union of England does not mean giving up its borders, it means a union of the English people, whether they had been so called aristocracy or working class.

Bateson calls this “paradigmatic conservatism” - strong borders of the group, but relative freedom of individuality as facilitated by group security. He felt, as I do, that that’s the way it should be but that the reverse is more and more the case - group borders are being forced open to run wild and individualism is getting pegged, put in a straight jacket.


Mearsheimer argues against trying to impose liberal democracy - a post modern turn away from universalism well advised - as it is necessarily a failed foreign policy against staunch nationalism, but he defends “liberal democracy” as a good way of life for The US.

However, he does not observe that The U.S. has failed democratic principle in important ways - notably in the open border/ opening of group boundaries policies in exploit of the “civic nationalist” concept that his YKW people have perpetrated through power niches in cahoots with liberals/right wingers to overturn democratic will (for closed borders) borders and boundaries, weakening The United States nationhood and putting The U.S. effectively, on a trajectory of non-nationhood.

Note Mearsheimer’s use of the pejorative word “purportedly” when discussing nationalist claims to distinguish their people in ways (e.g., important biological differences) requiring a nation-state to protect their differences; i.e., that they are only “purportedly” different from other people in significant ways which require national boundaries/borders to protect them.

Nevertheless, in places, Mearsheimer makes the point, quite eloquently, that people are social, very profoundly social, from the start; thus making nationalism as it protects their sociality something they care about more deeply than liberal democracy. They will defend more ardently the security, social order and stability that provides for general fairness and just recourse against the secondary priorities, bullying ‘prerogatives’ of individual liberal choice over the security of group interests. Noting our deep social nature (including Europeans) from the start is correct, and is the point of correction that Whites need to understand and prioritize as opposed to right wing reaction (itself a species of liberalism) reaction to Jewish didacticism.


Italy’s new globalist government invites NGOs to offload more migrants.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 17 September 2019 14:45.

The moment some fat liberal fuck, working for an (((NGO))), informs 82 African invaders that they will be allowed to disembark into European civilization.

Italy’s new globalist government invites NGOs to offload more migrants

By ARTHUR LYONS 15 Sept 2019:

A migrant transport ferry that has been continuously shuttling mostly military-aged migrant men into Europe this summer has announced that Italy’s new Liberal government has permitted it to offload 82 migrants at Lampedusa island.

Seventy percent of the individuals onboard the ship are military-aged men.

The ‘Ocean Viking’, a migrant transport vessel operated by the NGOs SOS Mediterranee and Doctors Without Borders, announced Saturday that Italian authorities gave the ship the go-ahead to begin sailing to Lampedusa island.

The ship reported that it had been six days since it had picked up this latest group of migrants before it was given permission to dock. 58 men, six women, and 17 minors are currently onboard the ship.

Previously, under the nationalist-populist Salvini government, Italy’s ports were closed to these NGO human transporters.

Now that leftist globalists are back in charge of Italy, the ports have seemingly been reopened to the third world masses.

Italy’s new government will once again begin allowing NGO human trafficker helpers to bring as many loads of mainly military-aged migrant man into Europe as possible.

Italy ‘puts an end’ to Salvini era as 82 rescued migrants allowed to dock

First time in 2019 a charity boat allowed to disembark on Italian soil

The Independent, Andy Gregory:

3 days ago

82 migrants rescued by the Ocean Viking will be allowed to dock on Italian island of Lampedusa ( AP Photo/Renata Brito )
A rescue ship carrying 82 refugees has received permission to dock on an Italian island, suggesting the hard line taken on such vessels by Matteo Salvini’s former government may be easing under the new coalition.

Ocean Viking’s crew said that after days of appealing for a port of safety, Italian authorities instructed them to sail to Lampedusa, a small Italian island between Malta and Tunisia.

It is the first time in 2019 that Italy’s government has granted a charity rescue boat permission to disembark.

Italy’s previous government, under a rigid anti-migrant policy led by League’s ethnonationalist leader Mr Salvini, banned charity rescue boats from entering Italy’s waters and disembarking migrants on the country’s shores.

But earlier this month, Mr Salvini lost power after he pulled out of a coalition with the Five Star Movement in the hope of triggering an early election he felt confident his party could win.

Instead the Five Star Movement formed an unlikely coalition with the Democratic Party, whose leader Nicola Zingaretti said in a clear dig at Mr Salvini: “We intend to put an end to the season of hatred, rancour and fear.”

Democratic Party leaders promised a fresh approach to migration, and have previously called for a more humane policy on migrant rescue boats, many of which have been forced to make illegal landings to ensure the safety of their passengers as a result of Mr Salvini’s policies.

In June the captain of Sea-Watch 3 was arrested after ramming a border police boat to dock at Lampedusa. In other cases the Italian authorities have seized ships and imposed heavy fines.

The 82 adults and children rescued by the Ocean Viking had been fleeing Libya, where refugees are currently sent in a deal agreed with the EU.

Charity SOS Mediterranée, which is running the ship alongside Doctors Without Borders (MSF) said it had been offered port of safety by Libya, but had refused it as it was “not a safe place for rescued people to be returned to”.

Describing those rescued on Ocean Viking, MSF Sea wrote on Twitter: “They tell our medics their skin was burned with melted plastic and they were beaten with sticks. These are just the physical injuries. There are even more horrific stories of abuse and exploitation that have left many with psychological wounds or trauma.”

The passengers had been rescued from two smaller boats – one a rubber dinghy without a working engine launched from Libya by human traffickers – on 8 and 10 September.

On Thursday, a 23-year-old Nigerian woman rescued by the Ocean Viking gave birth to a baby boy after being airlifted to Malta with her husband the previous day.

France and Germany have each agreed to take in a quarter of those onboard, and Italy 10 per cent, according to AFP.

Germany and other EU countries have advocated finding at least an interim solution to the impasse over rescues in the Mediterranean Sea, ahead of a meeting of the bloc’s interior ministers on 23 September in Malta.

Italy’s current and previous governments have insisted on more solidarity from fellow European Union nations, saying the migrants set out on their journeys seeking asylum or better economic conditions in Europe as a whole, not necessarily Italy.

Foreign minister Luigi Di Maio, who heads the Five Star Movement, said the Ocean Viking was only being given access to the southern island of Lampedusa because other European states had agreed to take in many of those on board.

“The new government has reopened its seaports [to migrants],” Mr Salvini said on Twitter on Saturday. “Italy returns to being Europe’s refugee camp. Abused by ministers, who hate the Italians.”

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 September 2019 05:16.

Austrian School Economics at Work: The Subsidiarity of Times Beach Dioxin Disposal

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Rapper Chic returns to her hood in Trenton, N.J. Think you can be at home with the homies, Whitey?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 09:39.

Boss Chic Video Shoot Behind the Scenes

For a Whitey take-away, the hoodies speak better for themselves than an ethnographer might. The setting is Trenton, N.J. state capital.

Alien Nation Indeed


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