Majorityrights News > Category: Islam & Islamification

Never mind unions of native French workers, “The Euro” must go on!

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 05 June 2016 22:15.

        Lets not be inconvenienced by native French unions and syndicates, we need to support the “French” football team!

The Telegraph, “French government labels strikers ‘irresponsible’ over threats to Euro 2016”, 3 June 2016:

The French government yesterday condemned pilots and rail workers as “irresponsible” for refusing to call off strikes that threaten to disrupt the Euro 2016 football championship.

Train services have been halved by an open-ended rail strike that began on Tuesday. 

Dozens of flights were cancelled this week after a stoppage by French air traffic controllers although most of them called off plans to to extend industrial action through the weekend.

The Socialist government said no one would understand why Air France pilots were planning a four-day strike over pay to start on June 11, the day after the tournament kicks off. 

“This is irresponsible,” said the transport minister, Alain Vidalies. 

He said the Socialist government had made concessions to avert more action by air traffic controllers and had also met many of the demands of rail workers.

“It’s time to acknowledge the progress that’s been made and get back to work,” he told RTL radio.

The hardline CGT union has spearheaded a wave of strikes and industrial unrest in the past few months over planned labour reforms to make hiring and firing easier. Other more moderate unions have accepted the reforms, which the government has in any case watered down after weeks of street protests, many of which have ended in violence.

The prime minister, Manuel Valls, said the CGT was waging an increasingly lonely war.

“If we gave into the CGT, a union which is in the minority even if I respect its history and struggle, it would no longer be possible to reform France,” he said.

Fuel shortages at petrol stations have eased after riot police forcibly removed pickets from most blockaded refineries and fuel depots, but another protest has shut down several large waste treatment facilities around Paris, raising the prospect of rubbish piling up.

Stretching the truth of home and jurisdiction the Jewish way

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 02 June 2016 16:39.

Along with a Muslim Mayor, this is another way to extend the bounds of Abrahamic jurisdiction

Stretching the truth of home and jurisdiction the Jewish way - fishing wire atop poles circumscribing a protracted area to designate the new parameters of “home”, so that Orthodox Jews will not be “violating the Sabbath” within its extended bounds -  an extensive area of London designated as theirs exclusively.

With the new London Mayor, it also goes to show that they are prepared to live alongside Muslims and that they believe that they know how to do that. Of course its alright for Jews to discriminate and have their own sacrosanct territory.

DM, “Jewish plans for London ‘eruv’ zone ringed by six miles of fishing wire to avoid restrictions on the Sabbath could create ghetto, say critics,” 1 June 2016:

Fishing wire would be suspended from 18ft poles to create a boundary

Eruv would act as extension of home’s walls giving Jews more freedom

Concerns that proposal to Camden Council could lead to ‘ghettoisation’

But architect says eruv would make people feel more part of community


Top left is an example of poles topped with fishing wire surrounding a protracted area of London (in purple) symbolizing their “Orthodox home” so that they can avoid Sabbath rules prohibiting activities “outside the home” on Saturdays.

A six-mile perimeter could be created around an area of North London to help Orthodox Jews avoid restrictions on the Sabbath.

Fishing wire would be suspended from tall poles to create the boundary for what would become a huge eruv, acting as an extension of the walls of a home which would give Jews greater freedom.

But there are concerns the proposal to Camden Council by a group of synagogues could lead to ‘ghettoisation’ of the area, following similar fears raised in another application nearby in 2014.



An example of an eruv, which acts as an extension of a home’s walls and gives Jews more freedom

An example of an eruv, which acts as an extension of a home’s walls and gives Jews more freedom

Observant Jews have to try to avoid violating a religious law that bans them from working on the Sabbath, which includes carrying anything around - except within their homes.

But an eruv extends the boundaries of their properties, meaning they can follow the same rules within this area when outside the home.

It is created using physical features such as walls and then filling in the spaces with fishing lines connected between poles to enclose land.

Pushing things in public is also forbidden on the Sabbath, so an eruv allows people with wheelchairs or pushchairs to use these outside.

Within an eruv Jews can carry items such as house keys, books, essential medicines, extra clothes, reading glasses and crutches.

The idea of the eruv is to help Jews follow the ideas of the Sabbath by making it enjoyable without breaking the rules that keep it holy.

This means Jews still cannot carry things that cannot be moved on the Sabbath such as mobile phones, pens or wallets.



But who cares? Black and Arab men are more important than White women to feminists anyway.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 02 June 2016 09:00.

But who cares? black and Arab men are more important than White women to feminists anyway.

Isn’t “confidence” and men being “real men”, as young girls might simply want young men to display, just wonderful? Unimpeachable as a value?

White men should learn how to be like this, instead of being “beta cucks.”

Promoting adaptation to R selection strategies and people… instrumentalizing adjustment to its victory over K selection peoples and habitats.

- The “Poznan Institute”, defrauding Europeans of their birthright since 2015

Us and Them: British patriotism from a “stay” & pro European perspective - by Bill Baillie

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 01 June 2016 12:29.

Editor’s note: Bill’s viewpoint is his own and represents an alternative perspective for your consideration.

European Outlook # 30, June 2016:

Us and Them - by Bill Baillie

After the Second World War the class system in the UK began to break down. In 1970 Edward Heath, the son of a builder and a pupil of the local grammar school, became prime minister. He was followed by a succession of middle class people who made it to the top; Harold Wilson, Margaret Thatcher, and John Major. It seemed that things were changing for the better but now, under Dave Cameron, we have gone back to being ruled by upper class millionaires who know nothing about ordinary people.

        Oswald Mosley

Some aristocrats had a social conscience. Oswald Mosley was tipped to be prime minister but he resigned from the Labour Government in 1931 when it refused to adopt his proposals to cure unemployment. Harold Macmillan, like Mosley, had fought in the trenches of the First World War and understood working people. But Dave Cameron and his chums have no such affinity. They’ve been forced to drop changes to tax credits, disability benefits, and academy schools because of their ignorance of public opinion. They tried to go too far too soon.

The class system was eroded by generations of social engineering but the aristocracy survived taxation and death duties and has now been reinforced with pop stars, footballers, pornographers, drug dealers, financiers and property speculators.

In days of old our lords and masters were expected to raise regiments and lead us into battle but the present lot are under no such obligation. They still have their private armies but nowadays the pikes and muskets of their hired thugs have been replaced with the smartphones and tablets of their sharp-suited accountants and lawyers.

The recent Panama disclosures confirm that we are not “all in this together”. Working people have to pay their taxes but the rich hide their money in overseas accounts. Our society is profoundly unequal and getting worse.

        Major Tim Peake
        Photo European Space Agency

Helen Sharman became the first British astronaut when she served aboard the Soviet Mir Space Station in 1991. NASA astronaut Michael Foale was born in Britain, but Major Tim Peake is the first Briton to serve on the International Space Station as a European Space Agency astronaut. He is due to return to Earth on June 18.

We have long been at the forefront of scientific achievement but we can’t afford an independent space program and it’s vital that we contribute to the ESA and pan-European projects such as Airbus and Eurofighter - all of which would be threatened by our withdrawal from Europe.

A long list of British inventions have been sold to America for want of development capital. We pioneered television, radar, the jet engine, vertical take-off aircraft and many other scientific achievements only to see them sent abroad. We spent so much money on the Blue Streak rocket program that we were forced to abandon it and buy American missiles; first Skybolt, then Polaris and now Trident.

The Tory Party has sold its soul to McDonnell Douglas, the makers of Trident, but thousands of British jobs depend on our participation in joint European aerospace projects. Mjr. Peake’s brave contribution to scientific research is the living proof of our commitment to Europe.

Spies and Traitors

Patriotic parties have always been infiltrated with spies and traitors. The pre-war movements collaborated with the State until it turned on them in 1940. They have been more careful since the war but according to Joe Owens the police have informers in all of them.

Bernard O’Mahoney states in his book Hateland that anti-fascist groups have no trouble recruiting discontented nationalists. So it’s likely that the police and the anti-fascists have got every group covered.

A meeting of the Communist Party in America during the fifties was famously abandoned when it was realized that everybody there was a government agent. And a recent case against the NDP in Germany was thrown out when those accused of promoting racial hatred were unmasked as security policeman.

Ray Hill was an active nationalist who split British Movement in 1982. He stood as the BNP candidate for Leicester in the 1983 general election where he got 469 votes. But in his 1988 book The Other Face of Terror he boasted of his career as an agent provocateur and general nuisance.


British nationalist leaders are routinely accused of being enemy agents, especially when their parties collapse following disappointing election results. Some of them might be guilty but we should remember that Adolf Hitler was assigned to military intelligence when he joined the German Workers’ Party - the rest, as they say, is history.

What Can We Do?

British nationalist candidates did badly at local elections throughout the country. They didn’t beat the record set by Commander Bill Boaks who got 5 votes standing as an Air, Road, Public Safety, White Resident in the March 1982 Glasgow Hillhead by-election; but they came close and they will now have to reconsider their tactics and policies.

Mosley’s Union Movement in the fifties and sixties and the National Front in the seventies were forced to use marches and demonstrations because they were refused access to meeting halls and denied press coverage. But street politics has had its day and modern methods of communication are called for.

                        Union Movement marching along Dalston High Street in 1952


Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube & Microsoft agree on EU code of conduct to censor “hate speech”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 01 June 2016 11:56.

Reuters, “Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Microsoft back EU hate speech rules,” 31 May 2016:

By Julia Fioretti and Foo Yun Chee

BRUSSELS - Facebook (FB.O), Twitter (TWTR.N), Google’s (GOOGL.O) YouTube and Microsoft (MSFT.O) on Tuesday agreed to an EU code of conduct to tackle online hate speech within 24 hours in Europe.

EU governments have been trying in recent months to get social platforms to crack down on rising online racism following the refugee crisis and terror attacks, with some even threatening action against the companies.

As part of the pledge agreed with the European Commission, the web giants will review the majority of valid requests for removal of illegal hate speech in less than 24 hours and remove or disable access to the content if necessary.

They will also strengthen their cooperation with civil society organizations who help flag hateful content when it goes online and promote “counter-narratives” to hate speech.

“The recent terror attacks have reminded us of the urgent need to address illegal online hate speech. Social media is unfortunately one of the tools that terrorist groups use to radicalize young people,” EU Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said.

Germany got Google, Facebook and Twitter to agree to delete hate speech from their websites within 24 hours last year and even launched an investigation into the European head of Facebook over its alleged failure to remove racist hate speech.

“There’s no place for hate speech on Facebook,” said Monika Bickert, Head of Global Policy Management at Facebook.

“With a global community of 1.6 billion people we work hard to balance giving people the power to express themselves whilst ensuring we provide a respectful environment.”

The code of conduct is largely a continuation of efforts that the companies already take to counter hate speech on their websites, such as developing tools for people to report hateful content and training staff to handle such requests.

Twitter has suspended over 125,000 accounts since the middle of 2015 for threatening or promoting terror acts, primarily related to Islamic State.

The United States has undertaken similar efforts to entice the cooperation of tech companies in combating online radicalization, focusing on promoting “counter-narratives” to extremist content.

EU ministers had called for cooperation with tech companies to be stepped up after the Brussels attacks in March.

Jewish lobbyists, frequently the target of hate speech, welcomed the code of conduct.

“This is a historic agreement that couldn’t arrive at a better time,” said Dr. Moshe Kantor, President, European Jewish Congress.

White Nationalists shocked by new migrant “transit zone” in Hungary despite sagacity & defiance

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 31 May 2016 17:36.

White Nationalists are shocked over the building of new mass migrant “transit zone” in Hungary despite all actions, including their own great wall, and despite all sage and despite all defiant talk.

        Orban being taken about face, pulled back into the EU sway?

TNO, “Shock over New Hungarian “Transit Center”, 30 May 2016:

Shockwaves have spread throughout Europe at the news that the Hungarian government—despite all its earlier promises not to facilitate the further nonwhite invasion of Europe—has now secretly agreed to build a new “transit zone” for invaders on their way to Germany.

The dramatic development only became evident this morning when construction vehicles arrived at the Hungarian border with Serbia—near the world-famous town of Ásotthalom—to start construction.

The mayor of Ásotthalom, László Toroczkai, rushed to the scene with his team to investigate the appearance of the vehicles, only to be told that they had been sent to start building a new “transit zone for migrants” near the town, directly opposite the Serbian village of Backi Vinogradi.

According to the New Observer’s sources, the construction crews said that they had been told to start clearing land for a new “transit zone” for “migrants” after “human rights activists had complained that the already existing transit zone at Roszke was too far for the migrants to walk.”

Germans moving to Hungary to flee immivasion

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 30 May 2016 16:19.

  Lake Balatan area a popular destination, where the white wine is good too

IBT, “Germans moving to “Christian’ Hungary to flee migrant crisis”, 26 May 2016:

Increasing numbers of German’s are moving to Hungary to flee the refugee crisis, German public service broadcaster Bayerische Rundfunk reported.

Estate agents in the picturesque Balaton area in western Hungary said there had been a surge in Germans looking to move to the area since September, after millions of refugees fleeing conflict in the Middle East and Africa entered Germany.

As well as the good weather and large German community, one estate agent told the station that the new German arrivals were attracted by the fact that the majority of Hungarians are Christians and “there are hardly any migrants” in the country.

Millions of refugees and migrants entered Europe in 2015, many travelling on foot through eastern and central Europe to seek refuge in Germany, where German chancellor Angela Merkel granted asylum to refugees from the Syrian Civil War.

Hungarian Prime Minister has criticised Germany’s refugee policy, refusing to accept the country’s EU quota of asylum seekers and authorising the construction of a razor wire fence to seal the country.

Germany received the highest number of asylum applications in 2015, followed by Hungary, according to Eurostat.


Map & Figures on The Imposed Syrian Immivasion

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 29 May 2016 10:00.

Courtesy of Stratford

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 15:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:06. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

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