No native voices

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 12 December 2004 00:13.

I am grateful to John for this link to Charles Bremner’s Times article on the forthcoming hate speech Bill in France.  It ties in, of course, with David Blunkett’s decision to insert a clause protecting Muslim sensibilities into his Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill.  A high-class article in today’s Telegraph by Charles Moore argues against that injustice more eloquently than can I.

We do not lack compelling arguments against a religious hate speech law or, for once, compelling arguers.  To their credit, Liberal Democrat MPs and, it’s said, many Labour ones, too, are also disturbed by this attack on freedom.  I don’t suppose more than one in ten non-Muslims sees it as anything other than another unjust imposition on the real British peoples.  But that one in ten evidently includes our political and juridical elite as well as all the little bees who work so busily in the public and voluntary sectors to neuter us and make Britain safe for minorities.

These people literally own race policy discussion and oversight.  The subject is a feeding trough for race equality hucksters and the diversity-loving left.  Indeed, if the stout hearts arguing against that religious hate speech clause don’t win the day it will only be because our entire system of government is hopelessly corrupted by this kind of racial progressivism.

If Blunkett wins he will have accomplished one more small step in the great task of changing the peoples of these islands.  Some time several decades hence we will look back upon these times and wonder how forty million or more English men and women allowed it all to happen.  How did each step towards oblivion come to be taken by so many yet desired by so few?

The answer is that we did not perceive the threat.  So we did not develop a strategy.  So we did not organise.  Even the least intellectually able of those who would succeed us know how to organise and organise and organise and organise and organise and organise (presumeably at the public - ie, our - expense).  In consequence, they do not just have the ear of government.  They are inside the machinery, indeed welcomed in by a pathologically egalitarian left.

Once inside here’s how it works.  Unsurprisingly, it’s about continuously pushing the envelope.  This is just one example ...

When Blair’s first administration established the Greater London Authority in 1999 it made provision for a Metropolitan Police Authority to be set up under the auspices of the GLA.  By its own account the function of the MPA is to give:-

Londoners a regime of local democratic accountability for policing that previously did not exist – its duties and responsibilities formerly rested directly with the Home Secretary. Members of the Authority scrutinise and support the work of the Metropolitan Police Service.

But the more I look into it the more it seems to me that the MPA isn’t about democratic accountability at all.  It is about the political shopping lists of the hucksters who inhabit it.

It consists of thirteen committees.  I cannot linger over each one.  But they are all drawn from its twenty-three Members.  The Chair – ridiculous, demeaning word - is Len Duvall.  His background: “before becoming a Labour politician Len worked in local government and the voluntary sector.”  Obviously.  His Deputy Chairs are Reshard Auladin, an Asian magistrate, and Cindy Butts, who is black and a BA in Social Anthropology and Politics from the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Of the other Members four are Conservatives and two UKIP, though one of them must be as right on as any UKIP member can possibly be.

The balance is, frankly, diverse.  These, for example, are the listed Independent Members, ie, those without Party affiliation:-

Peter Herbert:

a campaigning human rights advocate and chair of the Society of Black Lawyers.

Karim Murji:

a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University, where he has contributed to courses in Sociology, Social Policy, Politics and Geography. His academic research has focussed on drugs, policing, race and racism, and the media.

Kirsten Hearn:

a freelance equality trainer since 1983 and has been active in voluntary organisations since 1980. She is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Liaison Executive Committee member of Regard, the national organisation of Disabled Lesbians, Gay men and Bisexuals, and is a member of the Board of the Consortium of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Voluntary Organisations.

John Roberts:

says he feels “responsible for ensuring minority groups are heard and listened to.”

This, then, is what passes for independence these days.  You may be interested to know that the MPA’s Committee for Equal Opportunities and Diversity is chaired by Hearn.  Her fellow committee members are Herbert, Roberts, Butt, Hockney plus a Magistrate Member of the main board, Aneeta Prem.

Now, everyone knows that London will be a majority non-English city in – what? - ten years, twenty?  One expects non-white interests to be voiced.  But why are they the only interests voiced?  As the non-Lesbian, non-right on English are still the current majority, why is their voice not in the ascendant?  Instead it is silent.  As I say, we have only the hucksters’ voices dinning into our sinful white ears.

Still, let’s continue on our merry way through the governance of super-diverse, modern London.  We will see that the governance itself is anything but diverse.  It is a medium-sized private club.

On 24st April 2001 a now defunct MPA body named the Consultation, Diversity & Outreach Committee discussed a report from our Black Lawyer friend, Peter Herbert.  He had been on a jolly at the Stockholm Race Hate Crimes Grotius Seminar in February of that year.  Stockholm is very cold in February, especially for one not designed by Great Nature to cope with frozen extremities.  But the Swedes are nothing if not notorious for their Nazi leanings and no doubt Mr Herbert’s presence not only benefited London but the whole of Sweden, too.  In any event he appears to have returned with the really cool idea of hosting a similar conference in the Swastika-covered, Cockney heartland of hate itself.

So at the 24th April meeting our heroes considered the issue and decided to … have another meeting with other club members.  This time the Crown Prosecution Service, Society of Black Lawyers, the Metropolitan Police and Miss Butt, who is black as you will recall, and a now retired MPA Member named Nick Long, who could be green for all I know, decided to … have another meeting.  What else?

Actually, I should say at this point that I don’t really think Mr Long is green, although it’s not impossible.  In his capacity as Chair of the Estates Sub-Group he was required to visit police stations to conduct assessments of the “state” of WC’s, shower facilities and locker rooms.  Race, race, race, you know.  No stone unturned in the hunt for hate.  No toilet seat unlifted.

This new meeting decided to … you’ve got it, have another one.  But bigger once again.  They drew up a list of who they should invite.  It’s predictable and it’s here (though it’s very boring, too, so I wouldn’t bother to click on it).  What it reveals is how the racio-political interests of a few hucksters grow outwards, tentacle-style, into every other available orifice of government.  You can bet that the recipients of their warm invitation to the new PeeCee-Fest took one look at the subject – race hate – snapped to attention as required, and ordered the nearest black face to attend.

And this is how we allow our governance to be conducted.

Well, Mr Herbert didn’t get his conference.  Shame, really, after all that blather, so vitally important for Londoners as it surely was.  But, folks, instead he did get a shiny new toy- a perpetual conference of sorts -  called the London-wide Race Hate Crime Forum.  It is a child of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report, aka Macpherson*.  It sits every ... whenever it sits, and here are its listed Members.

Peter Herbert, Chair, Metropolitan Police Authority
Henry Velleman, Vice Chair, Victim Support London
Sylvia Kelcher, Association of London Government
Michelle Adeyinke, Association of London Government
Clifford Stewart, Commission for Racial Equality
Michael Whine, Board of British Jews
Rosemary Emodi, Greater London Association
Lindsay Morris, DfES
Leanne Donald-Whitney, Circle 33
R. David Muir, Metropolitan Police Authority
Yvette Williams, Crown Prosecution Service
Dru Sharpling, Crown Prosecution Service
Nicola Speechly, Government Office for London
Neil Harris, Home Office, Racial Equality Unit
Ann Williamson, London Magistrates Court Authority
Layli Uddin, London Muslim Coalition
Claudia Webbe, Mayors Office, GLA
Cecile Wright, Metropolitan Police Authority
Julia Smith, Metropolitan Police Authority
Rod Jarman, Metropolitan Police Service
James Riches-Walker, NACRO
Reeva Bell, National Black Crown Prosecution Association
Judy Clements, Prison Service
Jacqui Thomas, Private Sector Housing Unit
Alethea McInstosh, Probation Service
Leroy Richards, Race on the Agenda
His Honour, Judge Michael Hyam Recorder of London, Crown Court
Gerry Gable, Searchlight
Raj Joshi, Society of Black Lawyers
Taiwo Dayopayne, Southwark Council

There are thirty of them.  Very diverse, no doubt, but not sufficiently diverse to incorporate majority sympathies.  One wonders if there really can be that much white race hate to confront in London.  And one fears for the poor, benighted London bobby if he can’t find enough of it to support all this ideological superstructure.  Do please note the presence of Jewish anti-racist superstar, Gerry Gable, who runs Searchlight.  If a creature like this, Britain’s own Morris Dees, can be invited into the government machinery we can be completely certain of its implacable hostility to the majority.

Now, I haven’t been able to find any minutes of this august body.  I would, though, like to demonstrate the kind of things that get said before I finish.  So please take a bit of time and read all the way through this wondrous document.  I especially enjoyed the twittering contributions of the Muslim, the homo, the Jew and the disabled bloke.  God help us.  For we don’t seem to have a clue how to help ourselves.

* For a flavour of the evil which is Macpherson spend a moment or two here.



Posted by Phil on Sun, 12 Dec 2004 09:26 | #


Excellent post. I would add:

The unwillingness to rise up in outrage across the nation is a sign of a decadent people who have lost their way. It goes ultimately to the heart of the matter: we have become very private beings. We see whats happening but the majority among us do not lift a finger to do anything.

The small minority in this country that drives the Left’s agenda thinks of nothing except more destruction 24/7. They’ve been at work since the fifties. They are “driven”, highly “motivated”. Its the same story as in America although America, I dare say, is much further down the road to oblivion.


Posted by Phil on Sun, 12 Dec 2004 09:31 | #

I would add further:

It would be a good question as to how our Laws compare with Laws in much of continental Europe in respect of Minority pandering.

My own feeling is that the Anglo-Saxon nations (US, Britain and Canada) are probably the worst in the western world, in this regard. Germans still argue for hours about giving citizenship to third generation Turkish immigrants, for example.

The question would then be: what is it about the Anglo Saxon nations that drives this madness far more than it does elsewhere in the West?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 12 Dec 2004 19:37 | #


Legally, I think it’s a mixed picture.  Obviously, “Holocaust denial” is the big thing in Germany - Sweden and Canada, too.  There is a proposal for adopting German hate law, pretty much, across the EU.  Isn’t it included in the Giscard’s EU Constitution (which is not going to gain assent)?  But Jewish pressure groups will surely organise to get it onto the statute books of individual Member States.

The proposed hate speech law for the EU is especially worrying because it would provide for Germany, for example, to extradite to Germany and prosecute an Englishman for questioning the veracity of “the 6 million” in England.

Sweden passed a hate speech law in 2002 which included religious hate speech in its protections.  Canada’s hate propaganda law, known as C-250, specifically excluded religious hate.

The Swedish law also has a unique feature in that it offers no protection to native Swedish males.  Anyone can say anything they like against them with impunity.

Like Sweden, France is, perforce, celebrating the priceless gift of a large Muslim population.  It now seems likely to incorporate religious hate into its canon of anti-native laws.

The clear drift here is that the executive is racist towards its native peoples.  That, though, would presuppose that the executive is majority-native.  My post suggests that, the marxian left aside, there is virtually no native input in the process.


Posted by Phil on Sun, 12 Dec 2004 23:56 | #


While it is true that we have “hate speech” laws everywhere in Europe (and Germany especially), I am more interested here in “degree”.

I think the Germans are still (compared to us) amateurs at the multi-culti stuff (and certainly compared to America).

How many Nations in Europe insist that government forms be printed in 94 languages (like they do in California)? The process seems more advanced to me in America and in Britain.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

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