Majorityrights Central > Category: White Nationalism

Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 10:49.

perpetual reaction
The full complexity of east-west relations according to Western reactionary opinion

There are times when the absence of an ethnic nationalist worldview in those who proclaim themselves nationalist (but not specifically, say, National Socialist, or traditionalist, or fascist) really limits communication.  What, after all, is our common frame of reference?  David Lane’s minimalist Fourteen Words accurately summarise the existential essence of all nationalism.  But the formulation is reductive, and can in no way function as an holistic ideology functions, ie, it cannot situate us in a pre-existing, broad-scale system of life-affirming truth by which a people may orient itself in Time and Space.  It is because of the systemic nature of an (actually very rare) epochal philosophy that it can, first, unify a political constituency and, second, energise a mass re-organisation.

But we do not possess that philosophy today.  We are, in consequence, caught in a pre-revolutionary cycle that cannot complete.  We have no unifying ideological standard around which to rally.  Along comes a large but perfectly uncomplicated political question, and we lack the framework to determine where justice lies.

Today such a question is: Do the people of Ukraine have a right to fight the violent imposition of Russian empire, and to struggle for national autonomy?  No ethnic nationalist should have a moment’s difficulty answering that.  But, instead, a substantial majority have lost their heads completely in contemplation of a second question: How dare America and the West challenge Russia’s security needs?  Of course it is a false question.  A need for expansion is not a need for security.  The theft of natural resources, farming produce, and even children is not a requirement for the creation of buffer zones.  It speaks of ancient tribute.  But Muscovy is an empire with an origin in its own payment of tribute to the Asiatic aggressor, and thus even into our time it has remained an empire with an historical culture of entitlement to further empire, and the wealth thereof.  That, not security, is the well-spring of Russian foreign policy.

Explaining this to the holders of “right-wing opinions” is a challenge.  Indeed, it feels like I’ve been challenging the dominant and reactionary pro-Russian sentiment and anti-American prejudice of on-line nationalists and trad-cons since the very first jolt forward of the first T72 in Vladimir Putin’s fateful full-scale invasion of 24th February 2022.  They don’t like it.  They don’t listen.  Their judgement is overwhelmed by anger at the globalist machinations of the Western hierarchy, and they don’t look any further.


Milleniyule 2023

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 22 December 2023 13:11.

... has been running nightly for a fortnight and I’ve only just woken up to it.  But here is the programme.  Here are the podcasts to date.  Here is the trailer:

... and the prologue to this years event.  Which seems bigger and more comprehensive than ever.  I don’t know how he does it!


As usual, the final guest will be on 30th December, and it will be Morgoth - usually a five-hour event in itself.

Hat-tip to Woes

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 01 January 2023 00:11.

Milleniyule 2022

One of the prime events of the calendar for Anglosphere nationalism is also its year-end event.  That is Millenniyule, the unique and engrossing series of twenty plus live-streams conducted by the cultural critic and content creator Millenialwoes (Woes for short).  This year was the eighth in the series.

I have not listened to everything, though I have visited every stream to get a sense of the interview subject.  Many are well-known on the dissident podcast scene.  They are an eclectic mix, which only adds to the immense task Woes sets himself each December (and handles so expertly).  Some of them our host engages for 45 minutes, some for a couple of hours.  The two marathon streams, though, are several hours apiece.  Of these, the longest by far, at one minute longer than seven hours, was the final stream of Millenniyule 2022, with Morgoth:

Next for sheer expansiveness, at four hours nineteen minutes, was the stream with Academic Agent:


AA’s analysis, it must be said, is that of Schmittian reductionism, placing power before idealism.  But there is a lot of interest in the conversation, as there is, as ever, in the Morgoth stream.  It seems to me that one can just as profitably start the year with such material as end it.

Remembering wintermute

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 29 December 2021 11:14.

I checked the site mailbox yesterday - something I have done less frequently since it was moved by the ISP to webmail, which I find to be a problematic platform.  Anyway, I managed to access it and I’m glad I did because there were a couple of mails of real interest.  One of them was a source of sadness, and confirmed the death of a past friend of MR and a man whom many more than just myself held in high respect.

Wintermute - WM, for short - arrived at MR early in its history, at the same time as the also redoubtable ben tillman.  Indeed, they operated on occasion rather like a tag team, and woe betide anyone who incurred their disfavour.

WM’s mission was to convert the world to his version of the Single Jewish Cause.  For some reason he had ventured away from his usual stamping ground at The Phora and selected MR as a suitable case for treatment.  This was not actually what I needed at that time.  Of course there was no reason that WM should hold back.  He did not know that MR was an experiment on a highly unstable material, or that he was lighting a naked flame every time he came here.  He did not stop to examine the cast of actors in this tragi-comedy.  To him, conservatives and libertarians from Oz, paleos from the US, trad cons from the UK and Belgium and proto-nationalists from all over were all people equally in need of grasping the one thing guaranteed to blow the place sky-high.  I attempted to keep my experiment running.  He attempted to make it in his image.  I avoided confrontation.  He sought it.  That was the way of things.

Every barrier I threw up he dutifully dismantled - not always, it must be said, with the most insightful diagnosis of my ideological failings.  Here, for example, he puts my resistance down to “social conservative propriety”:

By raising the spectre of Nazism, you are trying to both inhibit discussion of the Jewish Question, and to minimize the harm done by ignoring it. Would you level the same charge at Belloc?

It is the refusal to discuss the question which results in the radicalism that you decry.

This refusal is very definitely part and parcel of the ‘social conservative’ sense of propriety, though there are also considerations that even more venal: Nixon and Graham are excellent examples.

This remains the only occasion on which anyone has informed me that social conservatism rather than, say, Weimar liberalism, could be a factor in the rise of National Socialism.  Obviously, I had expected WM to be a make-believe National Socialist, like so many German-American WNs I had encountered on the net.  But he wasn’t at all that way inclined.  Probably, he was just too well read. 

Looking back at his commentary I find a WM who, although he couldn’t be clearer about the Jewish impact on our life, was never very clear about his own political antecedents and principles.  MR was a place to which one came to contest those very goods.  It was wholly predicated on the hierarchy of values which has, at its peak, the survival and continuity of European peoples, and on the inevitability that contact with that would inform and renew all who thought otherwise.  But somehow WM floated above all that.

I came close to nailing him down once or twice.  I remember proffering the opinion one time that, had it survived Hitler’s wars of aggression, National Socialism would, over time, have de-radicalised and subsided into a conservative force in its own right.  He agreed, to my surprise, and explained why.  Shortly after, still trying to pigeon-hole the man, I offered the judgement that “You are, I believe, a white nationalist.”  But nope, he confounded me again:

I don’t think of myself in those terms. I think in terms of classical liberty, which more and more seems to me to be an epiphenomena of the populations that are called “White”. That I include considerations of race in my political thinking does not make me a Nazi, a skinhead, or a “white nationalist”. Maybe I’m just a no-modifier “conservative”, who does not share the same preferred set of blinders as his fellows. Had that possibility occurred to you?

Then one day he was gone.  In honour of him I wrote a piece about courage and the unity of men, and that was that.  Or nearly that, because we then began an exchange of private mails in which more of him emerged.  What I found was a man of the spirit, brave in the face of what seemed to be a debilitating illness that he would eventually be unable to beat.  But he was spiritual in that other sense, too.  He was, or had been, a Gurdjieffian; and his natural bent was not at all that of the angry, Jewphobic WN but of a man straining for some permanency and right, and doing it with culture and principle and, always, stylish prose.

I remember saying that if he ever wants to write about his real worldview, minus the Jewish stuff, I would gladly publish it.  But he didn’t want that.  He was a dedicated fighter, a man who had taken a personal decision, a vow perhaps and much against his want and nature, about how he would proceed and why, and nothing could or would change it.  Then he stopped replying, and there was no more contact.

A few months ago Ben came on one of our threads and I asked him if WM was still in touch.  He said he thought he was still down in Texas.  But that turned out not to be true.  The email I opened yesterday was from an old friend and accomplice of WM who, only just the other day, had read the exchange with Ben, and was very kindly writing to tell me that, in fact, WM passed away over two years ago.

One of the lesser harms done to us by the Judaic struggle is that its necessary opposition consumes good men and good minds - sometimes, as in the case of WM, our best.  What he might have achieved, had he not made the decision to plough such a narrow furrow, can never be known.  It is another loss in a great history of losses that is the story of our people’s struggle to live a life fitted to us in peace and in freedom, and perhaps what WM really meant by “classical liberty”.

Those who knew him will remember him well and with gratitude, as do I.

A reply to a friend in America

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 19 June 2021 00:46.

egi notes

“GW, who, like other Europeans, has a non-existent grasp of American realities, leaves out many of the real problems of the American “movement,” which are discussed at this blog on a regular basis.”

So says JWH at his blog EGI Notes in what he titles a riposte to a comment I made here.

My comment made three rather fundamental points concerning the mountainous task which WN faces in securing the existence of America’s European folk and a white future for their sons and daughters.  I will not reiterate them all now, not least because JWH had little that was of interest to me to say on the last two of the three points.  But over the first of them - America is a Jeffersonian liberal project - he did build up a bit of a head of steam.  So ...

By that remark I do not only mean that Thomas Jefferson’s view of the constitution, democracy and the individual equipped with inalienable but equal and guaranteed rights has charactered the American political DNA; though I believe this to be so.  I mean that, contrary to McLuhan, the medium is the man, and the medium here is the person of the white American himself.  As the bearer and transmitter of that political DNA, he is ineffably also its human product.  The two are one.  Further, it is particularly powerful in him - more powerful, for example, than the 1798 revolutionary cause typically is within the person of a Frenchman.  Why, because while the Frenchman has a life on French soil measured in ages, the white American is ripped away into newness.  His existential condition is one of ethnic caesura, which denies him some considerable part of the natural, moderating counter-weight to all of the personality-forming influences of his time and place.  He goes further and more openly into the world which is about him.  To European eyes he is both a brother and a stranger.  For all his welcome racial familiarity, he can also exhibit an alarming and child-like absence of doubt in his convictions, of reserve in his enthusiasms, of forbearance of those who try him, of critical sight of self, and of irony and world-weary cynicism in his expressions.  Europeans notice these things and have opinions about them.  They ... we ... are not surprised that this separation of three and a half centuries and three and a half-thousand miles has consequences.

That said, these things are not mandatory or absolute in any sense.  Our white American brother is not just one political thing.  He is not Jefferson Man and only Jefferson Man.  But he is always European Man outwith European soil, and without European manners; and that liberalistic manner in which he is made, while it conditions him, no doubt, to the freedoms of the self-author, does not condition him so well to the turn to that which is closest and most fitting in his European relative.  Caesura leaves behind a divide which is not easily bridged, and raises the question: to what can this man turn?  Another question: is he anyway too completely enculturated in the liberal Weltanschauung to come to the knowledge that this present-to-hand medium of Americana is what he must, in a sense, kill (or die to)?  For his particular human authenticity is not that.  Liberalism’s consequence is that.

Now let’s finish with some context for this problem.  For there is a wider story which afflicts every European people, however rooted.  Yes, the operative system in which self-hood is modelled is liberalism and, yes, it leads us away into the artifice and self-estrangements of individualism and a socially-structured identity.  However, liberalism does not stand in isolation, but in a deep and ancient structure of confected human meanings.  Likewise, our race’s own genius has visited upon us existential challenges, such that wherever we look today we see our collective life shot through with dangers.

We can distinguish these in two streams which act upon us, and which we might term the historical and the historiographical.  We might then array them as follows:

All of the European peoples have mapped their particular journey to the present through these two structures, which always direct us, as their human product, towards artifice.  Everywhere we are, therefore, be it on my side of the Atlantic or on JWH’s, there is the same vast need for a politics of authenticity.

One of the very last email conversations I had with JWH, before he left MR many moons ago, was about the form of a salvational nationalism for our race; for today our nationalism is without an all-embracing life-philosophy that might stand in the stead of the liberal organising system.  As I recall, he hoped to combine Salterism with Yockeyism, and I hoped to find a way to make Heidegger workable.  From memory, I made some effort to explain why a Nietzschean politics cannot answer an existential question.  I wonder whether the passage of years has mellowed JWH’s philosophical quest.  Mine has only intensified.

A New Site Will Be Coming By Way of DanielS

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 26 September 2020 14:44.

Within days I will set up a website to advance the best in White advocacy/nationalism as it is known to be - a place for the resource brought to bear, for its cultivation by those who recognize the crucial value of this resource.

I will endeavor to maintain a presence at Majorityrights in order to correct any misrepresentations of my positions and to challenge any perfidy which might make its way back, hoping for my riddance.

Some may think that I might be disheartened with the marketing campaign and those beholden to it having held sway over me thus far, but it is not the case.

Some will mock me as having spent my time in futility, but I think not; especially as compared to the likes of those who spend $10,000 only to die on the side of Mt. Everest.

I have achieved what I set out to do, which is to summit (what I am satisfied to be) the most vital and necessary in theory for the advocacy of European peoples. Similar as those not understood for having undertaken a quest of Mount Everest, it was my objective. Something that I had to do. But unlike their project, mine was not so personal or futile; rather it was in service to my broad understanding and to our people (and, ok, if I am to be most honest, perhaps as much against antagonists and those who do not care - their practices which are objectionable for the destructive impact they are having upon us), and against those who time and again mislead the theoretical trail; by contrast, I have left clear maps on trail for the sovereignty of European peoples: I know that I have brought the best in truth and in depth; while some may be determined to deny this truth out of custom, habit, tradition, their prejudices or vanity - or in red caped misdirection, as I have particularly shown - all one has to do is take a look honestly at my efforts which I will carry over to the new site to be disabused of pseudo justification for antagonism to the platform which I bring to bear.

Whether the new site achieves popularity or not right away is not an issue; any more than popular approval might not be first in mind for the guy who dies on the side of Mt. Everest, singularly focused in his aim, irrespective of how futile and impractical popular opinion may deem his quest to be; however, by contrast, the objective of the new site is not vain nor impractical, nor destined to be unpopular or out of the mainstream as those who do take a look will see; as the perspicuous overview from this summit has shown what is most relevant; a manifestation of the most necessary resource for our people.

Germanophilia encouraged to point of Nazi redemptionism as divide/conquer triangulation against WN

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 11 September 2020 06:29.


One of the advantages that Jews have in altercasting White identity as right wing or somehow in response/reaction to “the left’s social concerns”, is that they can take advantage of the inherent instability of right wing reactionary rigidity, its quest for pure warrant beyond social accountability and correctability, whether in Nazism’s natural fallacy or Christianity’s otherworldly nonsense (kosher diversion). It has been apparent for some time that some Jewish perspectives are using a triangulation strategy against White identity and solidarity, by encouraging singularly focused Germanophilia in WN, even to the point of encouraging ostensible WN advocates to roll around in Nazi redemptionism and Holocaust well, if not denial, then downplaying with “humor”, etc. With White America being largely German, there is going to be enough of a true believers market, people desperate enough given the onslaught of PC liberalism and lacking in time, energy and concern to see beyond an overly German sympathetic perspective (with its background of Jewish interests) - wanting to believe rather that they are in sheer defiance of the anti-White, PC narrative - such that they will go along with this angle, not particularly concerned that they are playing into a divide and conquer triangulation.

Perhaps Thamster’s shirt is funny too

Thamster, Josh Neal and Jefferson Lee. Quite articulate of liberalism’s rupture of the organic whole, but what they haven’t figured out is that Hitler and Jesus are not what is needed to keep it together. The day before Richard Spencer’s NPI channel was taken down from Youtube, he was in conversation with these guys extolling the virtues of Mussolini and Hitler (David Duke was doing the same thing the same day and his channel was also taken down after he went on about all the “peace offerings” that Hitler had made. lol). Jefferson Lee invokes the absurd, “they’re going to call you a Nazi anyway” argument (i.e., so you may as well prove them right?). When unavailable for a show, Josh says that Jefferson Lee is busy planning the revival of The Prussian empire (so funny).

The Final Solution to the Denier Question David Cole Stein 30 July 2020. 32:05: “Here we have the most prominent deniers. Here is Robert Faurisson (French). He’s dead now.

See also, Do Joel Davis and Richard Spencer Want to Suck Jewish Cock? ...or would they prefer to take it up the ass?


Note, I will be adding to this article, but for now, let’s get it underway, starting with that, the hypothesis.

The observation of this misdirecting pattern is the important issue at this point. There is no urgent need to trace this pattern to a single or few sources, though there are some of the usual suspects, like Regnery publishing and some of its Alt-Right/Dissident Right/ come Third Positionist/ (((Alt-Lite))) orbiters…

The Final Solution to the Denier Question Here is Jurgen Graf, ok, he’s a Swiss gentleman.

While he is apparently innocuous, David Cole Stein’s Holocaust revisionism has been enough to ingratiate himself in this Jewish sponsored Germanophilism; a proud German-Jew, he is not above coddling Nazism a bit, apparently for the sake of re-routing animus against other Europeans. Cole-Stein uses the revisionist cred and attention that he gets to promote The Institute of Historical Review and “true historians, ‘Mark Weber and David Irving.”

“Hey! quit fuckin around, come on, we’re trying to teach the people something.”

The Final Solution to the Denier Question And Carlo Mentionio (not a wink and a nod but emphatic Italian emotive, including gesticulation to make it clear that he is NOT German). Aaay! ‘Scusi carabinieri, Carlo Mentionio gobadagul gabagul!’

“So this is the denier side. Here we have the three stooges on the denier side (Faurisson, Graf, and Mentionio).”

“This side is the actual historian side. Mark Weber which is represented by the Journal of Historical Review that he edits. David Irving…and then you got me. So, here we have me, Irving, Weber. We represent real history.”


rollo clevich
Why did you ignore Arthur Butz?

Daniel Sienkiewicz

It seems to me (Cole-Stein ignores Butz) because Butz is a German name (even if a German American).  The classic, shifty pivot. David’s classic shifty pivot is apparently to coddle Germans as much as possible, including Nazi apologists, “true historians” Mark Weber and David Irving, to play divide and conquer against Slavics, especially Russian Slavics, including Russian Jewish Slavics who David Cole Stein admits to disliking.

While Greg Johnson’s “New Right/Old Right” has denounced Hitler and the Nazi project as counter to current WN interests, of late he has returned to performing rim jobs on overly Nazi sympathetic perspectives. In a recent podcast featured by Counter-Currents, Frodi Midjord goes along with Mark Weber’s (IHR) endorsement of Patrick Buchanan’s dubious, “The Unnecessary War,” to set in motion a perverted line of “reasoning” that blames everybody but Hitler, but especially Churchill for WWII. Of course David Irving’s pro-Hitler slant also works well enough for them. In fact, there are two recent podcasts with Mark Weber featured at Counter-Currents, here is one, “The War That Destroyed The West”. Here is another.

Besides the pandering of Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents, Regnery Publishing has long been suspect, showing signs of promoting this Jewish/German, Germanophilic perspective to the point of soft peddling Nazism. Along with Germanophilic Regnery, there are apparently Jews involved in its executive decision making. The Regnery circus, as we might call it, was pivotal in orchestrating the Alt-Right Tentosphere, a paleoconservative 2.0 which featured tents not only for Christians and right wing Jews, but also for atheistic Nazophiles.

Regnery and Spencer

I post this picture a lot, but it remains central, and telling as these paleocon right wingers (and Spencer derivative), double down on their bullshit. Left, Patrick Buchanan, half Irish and half German with a corresponding bias that panders to the bulk of White American demographic reaction. Center, Paul Gottfried, (((paleocon))) maven and leading exponent of “THE Left” as the problem, a Germanophilic German-Jew, he is wont to distinguish Slavic Jews where Jewish culpability is to be acknowledged at all.

Many people orbiting White advocacy, like Jonathan Pohl, Right Ruminations and “Terminal Philosophy” a friend of queer Pilleater, cite Paul Gottfried as a reliable leading light. While Gilad Atzmon is another Jew who tends to pander to the Germanophilic perspective; and will get some endorsement from the likes of David Duke, as such.

The latest means of introducing Nazi triangulation has been through the promotion of “Third Positionism”....

Mark Collett and Keith Woods have been a party to this, sadly along with Morgoth (who should know better, but I already tried and failed to dissuade him). I initially took a disliking to Angelo John Ganucci because he was both popular and taking the line that the most intellectually penetrating of WN were “National Socialists” (Nazis). Typical of right wingers, he demonstrated the inherent instability of the right by becoming a defacto liberal rebounding into “Third Positionist” anti-Zionist (while diaspora Jews can be fellow nationalists with him). Just before he was disgraced, Millennial Warts made a statement that “World War II shouldn’t have happened” and added, to paraphrase, that ‘anybody who can’t accept that Britain made a mistake in entering World War II, that they took the wrong side, is just going to have to step aside, sorry.’ How about Hitler not attacking other European nations if you want to exercise 20/20 hindsight? Warts is soon to be resurrected by Fudge Johnson for an interview over there at Counter-Currents.

Johnson can be a bad judge of character; recall that Warts was indignant with me and Majorityrights when I criticized his (self admitted) confidante (((Vivian Veritas))) for attempting to define terms for White nationalism, and Warts demanded that his link be removed from our site. the_lies_will_try_to_live_but_theyre_not_white_theyre_jewish

Some flaming asshole going by the name of Tom Anderson is a definite gate keeper - he has a wrench on several podcasts and is decidedly against me for my stance against Nazophiles in particular; but strangely, he will join Christians, such as Melchy Zedech when they antagonize me, even when they side with Jews, such as Vivian Veritas.

Church of Entropy joined Wll2PWR and Ovfuckyou to attack me for not adopting a right wing position when I began talking with Ecce Lux; in CoE’s case (and she has no business in WN circles) her motive might have been a bit different, but she was joining Wll2PWR who was attacking me mainly because I’m not Germanophilic to the point of Nazism and Ovfuckyou, decidedly against me because I maintain a platform which rejects Nazism.

I lost confidence in Ecce Lux not as much because of his Christianity, but because he let Ov attack me for rejecting Nazism, trying to say that I was too sensitive because I didn’t want to entertain it; that he’d “been through that” - “brainwashed” into thinking that “the Nazis were bad.”

Ecce Lux and Faustian Spirit (who I talked to and also should know better) apparently go along with this Right Wing/Third Positionist angle encouraged by Tom Anderson; while Dennis Dale tags along, unwilling or unable to get out of the kosher discourse box.

        Chinese Philo-Semite, Claire Khaw, in proud photo with David Irving

The idiotic Chinese woman, Claire Khaw, panders to Nazophiles with the absurd line that she just wants to promote “real nationalism” and “Hitler just wanted his day in the sun”....  to demonstrate the innocent integrity of Nazi Germany, she brought an Israeli onto her show to talk with Nazi ovfuckyou, and he agreed that the “Nazis were really Ok.”... apparently the argument being that if that’s what it takes to sort people unto their nations [IF].

In his penchant for the laconic and incisive, GW observed “triangulation” and that inspired this article…


The Horowitz Angle…

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 26 August 2020 04:58.

It’s “THE Left”, they want to take away your Christianity, they’re not dealing with reality!

David Horowitz and Paul Gottfried occupy two axial points of Jewish motivation to promote a marketing campaign against “the left” and characterology thereof, while altercasting manipulable right wing reactionary positions for Whites given intersectionality with the (((progressive stack of PC victim groups))) against their Jewish interests, their need to get ahead of the reaction to NeoConservatism’s Operation Clean Break / Wars for Israel and reaction to the 2008 financial meltdown/ bail-out.

While I have called attention to David Horowitz as a leading Jewish figure in advancing the marketing campaign - in Jewish interests, obviously - against “THE Left” and indeed, he has contributed to exposing the Cultural Marxist/PC Anti-White Left, I have focused more on Paul Gottfried in terms of posing “The Left” in opposition to White identity and nationalism by definition. Nevertheless, both conveniently ignore the possibility (and necessity) of a White Left Ethnonationalism, instead altercasting any White identitarianism which might respond as some kind of Right -

Gottfried continues to orchestrate a program against “THE Left”, as best he can, presenting Christianity as spunky “rebellion” that “the left” wants to do away with, while Spencer was enlisted to advance a youthful, secular element to align with Paleoconservatism.

Alt-Right in Gottfried’s case, with flunkey Richard Spencer figure-heading the addition of new tents, more youthful, flagrantly rebellious and anti-social, secular, along with Paleoconservative and Jewish right wing (Alt Lite) tents - moving to “Dissident Right” after Charlottesville and “Hail Trump”, Spencer then falling to the wayside in favor of a more streamlined but still edgy/ironic Paleoconservatism (Christianity being what it cannot deviate from) and Third Positionism (includes right wing elements, obviously) - But I have not talked as much about David Horowitz’ part in the marketing campaign, positioning White identity against “The Left” and altercasting White Nationalism as some kind of Right (come Third Positionism, or neither left nor right populism, susceptible to infiltration and ineffective if not self destructive right wing reaction).


Though J.F. Gariepy claims to be thinking independently in his terminological deployment, the discourse parameters he follows are within the altercast box prescribed by Jewish interests and serving them; as ever, a caveat thus in regard to Gariepy’s use of the term “The Left” and its “characterizations;” while this usage and characterology is fairly true when looked upon as a Marxist Internationalist or Cultural Marxist Left, assailing White national, group and personal boundaries, absent the delimiting working hypotheses of the White Ethnonational Left, viz., unionization to structure accountability and gauge correctivity for Whites, Gariepy’s advice is more free floating (and, he admits, nihilistic) than it should be - providing feedback looking toward the more objective facts irrespective of our subjective and relative interests, but lacking the radical orientating context without the centering calibration of White Left Ethnonationalism’s relative, systemic interests.

JF Gariepy discusses recent Youtube bans, including Red Elephants: He adds (6:31)“But then, lets not fool ourselves into thinking that the current order is a liberal one. We don’t live in a liberal society. In a liberal society, you can’t lose your channel like Vincent James just lost it today. That is bullshit. These people are not liberals.”

And in regard to his assessment given the recent Youtube bans, viz., of Vincent James, actually, Gariepy is off the mark. The internationalist Marxist, anti-White Cultural Marxist agenda is about liberalizing White National borders and boundaries to the extreme completion - to where we can conserve nothing (not even a Youtube channel with the aim of conserving any vestige of White human ecology).

The discussion below, from NPR Fresh Air, does well to place David Horowitz in the scheme of things. However, it only provides a semblance of explanation of his motivation for terminological and conceptual misdirection of White interests in order to serve Jewish interests as they’ve been intersected by their former client advocacy positions….

All text except for images and captions are from NPR, Fresh Air:

NPR, Fresh Air, 24 Aug 2020

Guerrero is an investigative reporter who formerly was with KPBS, the radio and TV station in San Diego. She previously covered Mexico and Central America for The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires. She’s the author of a previous book called “Crux: A Cross-Border Memoir” about growing up with a Mexican father and Puerto Rican mother.

It’s impossible to understand the Trump era, with its unparalleled polarization, without tracing Stephen Miller‘s journey to the White House. That’s what my guest, Jean Guerrero, writes in her new book, “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda.


GROSS: So David Horowitz, who we’ve been talking about, who became a mentor, a far-right mentor to Stephen Miller - you know, Horowitz started off as as a leftist. He was one of the editors of the leftist magazine Ramparts. He, I think, was, you know, an ally of the Black Panthers. Like, what do you know about why and how he changed so radically? He moved from, like, one pole to the other.

GUERRERO: Yeah. I mean, David Horowitz had recommended his friend Betsy (Van Patter) to work on the accounting for the Black Panthers. She’s a white woman. And she ended up being murdered. And the murder was never solved, but David Horowitz blamed the Black Panthers Party and became convinced that they had murdered her. And after that, you saw David Horowitz go through this transformation where he became convinced that the movement that he had been a part of, the left, had waged a unfair war on whiteness - is what he called it. He felt that whiteness was actually something that needed to be preserved.

And, I mean, he tries not to write about it outright as whiteness being preserved. But he talks about how the only important racism in society is racism against white people and that racism against Black and brown people is a figment of your imagination. And it really goes back to the murder of his friend Betty, who he blamed on the Black Panthers.

And it really started to lean into these, you know, misleading statistics that are put out by publications like American Renaissance, this white supremacist publication that paints brown and Black people as innately more violent than white people. And David Horowitz is the one who introduced Stephen Miller to websites like American Renaissance. He describes the founder of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, to me, as a very smart man, who he claims has a perverse ethnic view because, again, David Horowitz, you know, tries to distance himself from the white nationalist movement because he knows how important it is to launder these ideas through the language of heritage and national security if you want them to appeal to the mainstream.

GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. Let’s get back to my interview with Jean Guerrero, author of the new book “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda.” She is a former investigative reporter for KPBS, the public TV and radio station in San Diego. She’s now freelance and continues to report for public media. She previously covered Mexico and Central America for the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires.

So we’ve been talking about how David Horowitz mentored Stephen Miller. And Horowitz helped Stephen Miller launch his career. He first got him a job with Michele Bachmann when she was elected as a congressperson, and she was very conservative. So what job did he get working with Michele Bachmann?

GUERRERO: He was hired as a press secretary for Bachmann, and that was his first job. And that’s kind of where Stephen Miller starts to learn about, you know, how to write these very hyperbolic press releases. And he starts to, you know, bombard reporters late into the night with his press releases and links and FYIs.

GROSS: So David Horowitz first gets Stephen Miller a job with Congressperson Michele Bachmann. And then from there, Horowitz gets Miller a job with Jeff Sessions when Jeff Sessions was a senator from Alabama who, like Stephen Miller, was very anti-immigration. So what was the relationship like between Sessions and Miller when Miller was working for him?

Jeff Sessions by Gage Skidmore

GUERRERO: So Miller - you know, he really helped to turn Jeff Sessions into sort of a very combative personality. He - I mean, Sessions was already a leading nativist on Capitol Hill when Stephen Miller joined. But Stephen Miller started to model Jeff Sessions, his remarks, after the far-right, combative media personalities that Stephen Miller had been familiar with his entire life - so really pulling, you know, talk radio talking points onto Capitol Hill and having Jeff Sessions, you know, talk about how too much immigration is going to, quote, “decimate” this country and how anyone who supports immigration reform is part of a globalist elite who wants to destroy the country through limitless importation of cheap labor in the form of mass migration. So these ideas of demonization Stephen Miller really incorporated into Jeff Sessions’ rhetoric.

GROSS: So he becomes Jeff Sessions’ press secretary, and then Sessions and Miller end up in the Trump administration. And Steve Bannon helped get Stephen Miller into the Trump administration, and Bannon was another one of Stephen Miller’s mentors. What was Bannon’s role in Stephen Miller’s life before Bannon was pushed out of the Trump administration?

Stephen Miller and Steve, “ethnonationalism, it’s losers and we’ve got to crush it more”, Bannon

GUERRERO: So Bannon, you know, gives Stephen Miller a platform on Breitbart while Stephen Miller was working for Jeff Sessions. Basically, Stephen Miller was given free reign over a lot of the writers at Breitbart to just kind of shape their stories and provide them with ideas that they were expected to turn into stories. And during this time is when Stephen Miller was feeding, you know, articles from white nationalist and white supremacist websites to Breitbart and having them do stories about them, you know, painting immigrants as an existential threat.

So Bannon - you know, he gives him a platform on Breitbart and helps connect him with the people on the Trump campaign, where Stephen Miller was initially providing free labor for the Trump campaign, you know, sending over talking points and memos and then eventually gets himself hired in 2016 as the senior policy advisor and top speechwriter for President Trump.


GROSS: The book “The Camp Of The Saints.”

GUERRERO: “The Camp Of The Saints,” yeah. It demonizes people of color. But it also demonizes their allies. It demonizes anti-racists as agitators and anarchists and as mobs, which you then now see Trump using that exact same language to talk about anti-racist protesters ever since, you know, the police killing of George Floyd. So Stephen Miller is really drawing - whether he’s doing so consciously or not, I mean, Stephen Miller read this book. He promoted this book. And a lot of the language in this book you are now seeing Trump using.


GROSS: Well, among the many riddles surrounding Stephen Miller is - you know, he’s Jewish. His grandparents were immigrants. And he espouses some views that are espoused by white supremacists. White supremacist hate Jews.

GUERRERO: Mmm hmm.

GROSS: They would like Jews to, like, leave the country or at least live in a separate space on their own. How does he reconcile that? I’m sure you don’t know the answer to that. But don’t you wonder?

GUERRERO: I do. You know, I - one of the stories that I found the most interesting in my research for the book is the story of Stephen Miller’s grandmother Ruth, who on his - his grandmother on his mother’s side who spent her retirement compiling the family history, you know, how they were refugees who fled the nationalist agitators and, you know, these pogroms against the Jews, these massacres against the Jews and came here to the United States. And she recorded the family history. She said she was recording it for her grandchildren, like Stephen Miller, so that they would never forget the value of people who come to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and speaking no English, just as Stephen Miller’s ancestors came to this country.

GROSS: How have people in Miller’s extended family reacted to his extreme views?

GUERRERO: You know, I interviewed a number of his relatives. And most people in his family, with the exception of his parents and his siblings, who declined to talk to me - they’re very ashamed to be associated with Stephen Miller and the legacy that he’s created around the family name because of the fact that, you know, they know where they - where the family comes from and the fact that they - you know, they initially came here without any knowledge of the English language and without any money in their pockets and started out as, you know, peddling fruit on the streets and eventually made their way up and made something of themselves and contributed in a very strong way to this country in the way that, you know, many immigrants do.

And so a lot of them told me that they see him as someone who needs to be punished for crimes against humanity. You know, one of his aunts was telling me that she truly believes that he’s unleashed what she calls a Pandora’s box of hatred in this country that is going to be very difficult to contain after they leave office, if they do.


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