Into the authoritarian future

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51.


It would be charitable to conclude that the 45th and 47th president of the United States of America is a regular if inordinately successful guy and a great and fearless patriot with an instinct for the wants and interests of the common man.  OK, he’s not a very subtle person.  He can deliver himself of some quite surprising, not to say shocking, public statements.  His dedication to the security of Israel is fawning and slavish if politically necessary, probably.  But he’s the first US president in decades to speak the language of ordinary Americans.  So in the vernacular, cut the guy some slack while he blows away the whole friggin’ mess that is Dems in federal government, right?

But with Trump we are not just talking about pulling down the progressive order in federal government.  He is seeking a new order internationally as well as domestically.  It turns out that his new international order has nothing to do with “peace”, and is not directly concerned with Ukraine at all.  It turns out that his vaunted economic nationalism, always assumed to be just a domestic, blue-collar cause, is also economic imperialism.  It is, from a Russian imperialist perspective, also an opportunity to throw Trump a hydro-carbon or two to bind him to his and Xi’s grand strategy, and not the other way round.  Which would make this less Nixon and Mao than Molotov and Ribbentrop, with Putin playing the role of Ribbentrop.  As of today Beijing is plainly betting on that, because it has given its support to the “negotiations”.

The big reveal

From Day 1 of his second term the reborn Donald Trump has been pursuing a politics for the world which, it seems, none outside his own circle in the Republican Party saw coming, and very few if any have fully grasped even now.  This politics has three broad goals:

i) To put a stop to the decades of progressive marxisation and malaise in American life, especially economically, and thereby to ring in a new dawn of American power, prestige, and prosperity.

ii) To force the European states to address their post-Berlin Wall political, moral, and fiscal decadence and weakness, so that they may shift from that same destructive trajectory of mass immigration and marxisation to one of political self-rediscovery and self-preservation (crucially, the “self” here being the state, not the natives of the state).

Thus freeing Washington to pivot towards ...

iii) Ending China’s long march towards global military, economic, and political hegemony, principally by confronting it in the Indo-Pacific Ocean.

The start-point for the Trump administration is Ukraine.  Hence the unwelcome energy with which it has distanced itself from the expectations of the European democracies and NATO, while showering Putin with outrageous largesse under the rubric of peace negotiations.  It was the big reveal.  The deceit and childishness which has characterised the campaigns of Trump and Musk against the Ukrainians is pure theatre, but in the scheme of things they’re nothing more important than positioning.  Ukraine itself is not important except as a bargaining chip, its sacrifice a clear signal to Putin that he could even create his fourth Russian empire in the West if he can defeat the Europeans and keep the American military quiet.  BUT ... he can’t have his new world order with himself and Beijing at the apex.  America will remain the hegemon in a force-based Glazyevian system of empires.  The post-war rules-based order is dead.  Starmer’s love object of international law is without a point.  Democracy is no longer the international standard for good and just government.  A force-based system doesn’t have to care about good or justice.  It’s just the wrong metric.  NATO, meanwhile, will be left without the American guarantee, which effectively guts it and leaves Europe militarily defenceless.  Vance’s speech at the Munich Security Conference now makes perfect sense, warning the European political elites that their three decades of spending the so-called peace dividend on weak and sickly liberal-universalist causes has to change, and change now.  Virtue signalling elitism is done for.  Universalism has drained European politics of all moral authority.  The old values will have to be rediscovered if self-defence is to mean anything or to have any hope of success on a future battlefield.

Likewise, Trump’s alarming expansionist talk about annexing Canada and Greenland, and sending the military to take control of the Panama Canal, also now makes sense.  The global order of an empire of empires isn’t a fanciful confection of a few Russian dreamers like Glazyev.  It is the alternative order to the west’s model, and as the once and future hegemon America, too, must have its empire, albeit principally an empire of corporate expansion.  Nixon’s week in China also had a pay-off for corporate America (if at a terrible cost to the American working man).  Eventually it led via neoliberalism to the Davosian technocracy we encounter today.  The Trump administration, mindful that it is weaker than the people and must maintain the institutions of democracy, will hope that Americans actually benefit this time.  But any such good will be incidental.  The politics are fatally vested in the maintenance of American corporate and hegemonic power, not in Americans per se.  Trump is not a real nationalist.  The Republican Party cannot encompass real nationalism because the liberal project which is America is wholly antithetical to it.

Further, the eastern imperial model is oligarchic and elitist, intending state dictate and socialism for the masses of the world.  It is also worth emphasising that it does not at all preclude the Davos corporate and financial elites from its Great Game.  The dissenting right, in its lumpen way, has assumed that Davos is western, and its globalism with it.  No, it is only the politicians who are western.  The rest is worldwide because the Money Power behind it is worldwide.  With the one exception of Israel, it will adapt itself to any polity provided racial universalism obtains or could obtain therein.

All that said, there are points of potential push-back against the Trump agenda. Ukrainian fighters for one (the Ukrainian media is already relaying intelligence reports that Putin plans to announce his victory over NATO on the 24th February anniversary of his invasion).  American voters for another.  Resistance in the established order for another, and from anyone else who does not relish a political betrayal which benefits the murderers of Moscow.  Perhaps the Russophile civic nationalists in Germany and elsewhere will not be able to show their faces once Moscow’s gaze falls on Ukraine’s fellow Europeans to the north and west; and we might get some real nationalism in Europe.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 21 Feb 2025 18:23 | #

Dugin chimes in:

Zelensky’s Downfall
by Alexander Dugin

Feb 19, 2025

key graf:

It must be noted that we are dealing with an entirely different America, with an ideology diametrically opposed to that of the previous administration, as well as Obama, and even Bush Jr. and Clinton. For the first time in decades, perhaps longer, America has embarked on a completely different course. It is very important that these negotiations have likely made it clear that Russia and Putin have much in common with this America.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 12:20 | #

Let us not forget that Dugin proposed a “Russian World” extending from Vladivostok to Lisbon!

The empire of empires is a different concept to the 19th century model of great powers and their spheres of influence.  The difference in part is a consequence of the European and Asiatic sociobiologies.  The 19th century powers did not seek to control or threaten the existence of the native peoples of its colonies.  The Raj, for example, operated through local princes, and for the great part British rule had no particular impact on the natives’ life.  In contrast, we will see that if and when Putin acquires control of all Ukraine the Ukrainians will be smashed, their leaders imprisoned and/or murdered, their activists and intellectuals exiled, their younger children stolen, and the proud Western Ukrainian remnant ethnically cleansed.  Too much of the Asiatic mind resides within the Eurasian mind for a kinder outcome to obtain.

The precise model of empire would not be important.  There could be much variety, with religion, history, economy, and race all playing a central part in one place or another.  Probably the most common model would be the one based on the old Soviet division of the Soviet Union as such and its captive eastern bloc.  It is replicated by Putin as a “russified” Eastern Slavic polity at the centre of a “Russian World” of influence.  Putin would expect the latter to extend to the whole of the old Soviet empire.  However, its Central Asian outposts are now a space contested with Beijing; and Beijing also has designs on the eastern margins of Russia itself.  In the old southern republics of the Soviet Union a Turkic renaissance would further pressure Putin’s expansion.  Ironically, as it is constituted today the Russian Federation itself is by no means guaranteed to survive its own global re-ordering.

Anyway, one might expect the list of empires to look something like this (naturally, with the word “empire” appearing nowhere in an official title):

American empire
Muscovite empire
Han empire
New Ottoman empire
A Catholic-Integrationist revival of the Austro-Hungarian empire
Southern Africa Federation, assuming the Africa Union cannot develop for the usual reason of chronic disorder.
Perhaps a loose federation of South American States, led by Brazil.

The Turks aside, how the Muslim world will respond is hard to guess.  It is extremely unlikely that a Dar al-Islam could hold together administratively.  Persia had four empires between the third century BC and the end of the 18th Century.  But it is impossible for anything like that to re-emerge in our time.  Saudi is certainly not a potential centre of empire.  Both will likely have to rub along with the behemoths as they do now.

Definitely beyond the empire of empires will be the surviving democratic world.  Glazyev proposed perhaps six empires, and likely thought one would be the EU.  Certainly, it is still the intention of Brussels Man that the EU should become a single state.  But the pressure which the jump to a global imperial system imposes upon the western nations can only be countered by the maintenance of free representation of the people.  Because they are bloodlands and not propositional states the nations of the EU and the nations of the UK simply cannot perform the Trumpian trick of talking about democracy while acting autocratically.  If western Europe models democracy other democratic nations will follow, likely including Australia and New Zealand, Japan and South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines, Israel, Chile and Argentina.  If Canada can stand apart from its southern neighbour it would join this list.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40 | #

In the grand scheme of things, Dugin’s proposals are inconsequential; however, he does present several valid points in the article I linked to. What truly matters is whether the Russians can rebuild trust with the USA and rejoin the Western sphere of influence rather than aligning with China. Of course, the process of building trust depends on future U.S. leadership having the mindset of Trump and not that of irrational Russophobes.

In my opinion, the survival of the West hinges on integrating Russia into its fold. The current Western leadership believes that Western survival relies on massive immigration from non-European populations - a policy that will eventually cause the native European populations go extinct.  Contemplating empires that may or may not come to fruition is superfluous—a distraction from the main problem that confronts us: the enemy within.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06 | #

I don’t think you have grasped, Thorn, that America is leaving the western sphere.  It is not seeking to westernise Russia, if the west means democracy, liberty, and the rule of law.  It is joining Russia.  Putin is not going to be discouraged from russianising those parts of the west that it can, which means dictatorship, the absence of all opposition, and arbitrary state action.  Accordingly, Dugin references traditional values or appeals to Christian faith not because he stands with you but to critique liberal modernity.  He is not a nationalist in our blood-sense.  He is a Muscovite chauvinist.  He operates intellectually under the same sign of arbitrary state power as Putin and Xi.

I have learned over the last three years of this war that religious westerners as well as the common run of right-wing dissidents just can’t go beyond the near things, the things which trigger their anger and frustration - most of which are dog whistles, actually.  It locks them into binary thinking, and it is a fool’s errand to try to explain the wider significances.  They won’t listen because they don’t want the comforts of their outrage to be lost to them.  They really only want to belong in a crowd of people thinking just like them as they all march up the hill and march back down again, without end.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06 | #

Stupid little girl.
Germany’s Baerbock Issues Warning To US Over Failure To Back “Liberal Democracies”
Tyler Durden’s Photo
by Tyler Durden
Saturday, Feb 22, 2025 - 07:35 AM

After days of EU officials essentially begging Washington to give the bloc a seat at the table in talks with Russia to end the Ukraine war, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has warned the US that its actions could severely damage relations with Europe.

She urged for the European Union to put more pressure on Washington, and coupled the statement with a warning of what will happen if “liberal democracies” can’t be supported. This is after President Trump has blasted Ukraine and the Zelensky government for refusing to hold elections or achieve peace with Moscow.

“We are increasing the pressure on the Americans” to signal “that they have a lot to lose if they stop standing by the liberal democracies of Europe,” she said Friday during a campaign event near Berlin.




Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11 | #

ZH is Moscow on the Hudson.  Breitbart, meanwhile, is the Lubyanka.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25 | #

“I don’t think you have grasped, Thorn, that America is leaving the western sphere.”

GW, decades ago, I ‘grasped’ that the United States was undergoing a transformation from a majority white country to a majority non-white one. My realization occurred in the 1970s. But at that time, I thought, oh well, there is always Europe, Canada, and Australia that will serve as a safe haven for the white race.

‘Twas around a dozen or so years ago when I was gobsmacked when I learned that the native British were a minority in London and that 40% of the citizens were in fact non-white. Then I discovered that this was occurring in all European countries, as well as in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Moreover, I learned this was a deliberate plan being executed by our own elected leaders! Where is the resistance from the native people? Nary a peep.

What Thorn can’t fully “grasp” is why there is nary a peep.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 16:12 | #

You are not listening.  Russia is already a multiracial empire.  Putin is moving Central Asians to occupied Ukraine - 25,000 of them in Mariupol alone.  Putin is not a nationalist but an imperialist in the Muscovite tradition.  If he wins in Ukraine, he will genocide the Western Ukrainians.  If he can, he will move on to Moldova and the Baltic States, and commence putting pressure on Poland.  He will not stop until he is stopped.  Dugin, meanwhile, is not a philosopher of the blood, but of Russian power and Russian empire.  Why do you think that Finland and Sweden joined NATO so fast?

It is decadent to talk about the problem of immigration and that of liberalism as though Russian World is a solution.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40 | #


GW, I believe we are largely in agreement on many points, although much of what you said aligns with the official neo-conservative narrative.

My primary grievance and point of contention (apparently President Trump’s too) is that I believe the USA instigated the Maidan Coup in 2014, the event which started the war in earnest. Had the coup not occurred, the invasion (SMO) would not have taken place. However, even after the coup, the SMO could have been avoided if a reasonable peace treaty had been agreed upon, specifically one in which Ukraine remained neutral, and Russia retained control over Crimea. That’s probably all it would have taken. However, the Western elites had something else in mind. They wanted regime change in Moscow. As part of their scheme, they imposed economic sanctions and instigated the war between Ukraine and Russia with the intention of weakening and impoverishing Russia to such an extent that the Russian populace would rise up and overthrow the Putin regime. It failed. Millions of white people dead-and-wounded thus far and more casualties to come if Trump’s negotiations fail. Events are transpiring at a fast pace; thus, we will soon know the which direction this conflict takes.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45 | #

Trump is not “negotiating” peace.  He is surrendering the Ukrainian people to Putin’s “mercy” as his first step in ending the post-WW2 rules-based order (which is the basis of global security) and forsaking NATO (which is the bulwark against Russian expansionism in Europe), as America joins Russia and China in their global order of force.  I commend you to think systemically and to project the lines.  Do not remain locked into the conventional narratives you have hitherto absorbed.  Something entirely new and very dangerous is happening at the level of global power interests.

No sensible thinking person believes Russian propaganda about the Maiden revolution.  And we know it’s propaganda. I have even been assured that the one hundred victims of Yanukovuch’s state security in the Maiden were shot by CIA snipers.  It’s utterly malicious.  To belong to it is to lose part of oneself and, to that degree, to become an extension of an external actor.  To become an extension of Russian state propagandists is the acme of gullibility.

Ukrainians are the best source for the history of their own land.  They do not talk about Nuland and the CIA.  They will, though, explain how thousands came out on the streets in Kiev in 2014, and more in other Ukrainian towns and cities.  They will explain that they did this twice in a decade, forcing out Moscow stooges.  They will ask you why, if you can’t understand that Moscow rather than the CIA is the manipulator, Belarussians have “voted” in such a stooge for almost three decades.  They will ask why Georgians have had a pro-Russian government for a decade that they can’t vote out.  They will tell you that they want to be independent and free, and they are fighting now not just for that but for their very existence.  They are not fighting because of neocons.

Support the people of the land in Ukraine and everywhere.  The life of the people constitutes your true supreme value, not the garbage about how evil the US and the west is.  In essence, prefer a positive nationalism to the negative, reactionary stuff (which leads nowhere but to itself).


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56 | #

“If he wins in Ukraine, he will genocide the Western Ukrainians.  If he can, he will move on to Moldova and the Baltic States, and commence putting pressure on Poland.  He will not stop until he is stopped.” 

GW, the predictions you are concerned about are legitimate and warrant the utmost precautions/countermeasures to be implemented. However, and this no doubt will sound counterintuitive to you, but if Trump and Putin can agree on a peace agreement that guarantees the neutrality of Ukraine while allowing Russia to control the eastern part of Ukraine and Crimea, then Russia may not feel the need for further territorial expansion via military aggression. I believe Russia’s “security concerns” will have been addressed. However, if the West chooses to continue the conflict in Ukraine, then I foresee—as you are concerned with—Russia will react by ‘genocideing’ the resistance in Western Ukraine and advancing into Moldova and the Baltic States. If such an event occurs, World War III will inevitably ensue, leading to the potential loss of MOST of the European population. For these reasons, I hope Trump’s strategy to secure peace is successful.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12 | #

Putin has no security concerns.  He knows that NATO is a defensive alliance and does not threaten the Russian landmass.  But the freedom of peoples and the independence and autonomy of nations threatens his drive for Russian empire.  That’s his problem.  When he talks about NATO expanding ... actually free peoples desiring protection from him ... he means opportunities for empire contracting.

For heaven sake, get away from all the sites feeding you this cretinous nonsense about NATO and the poor, threatened Russian dictator.  All that matters is that peoples don’t want the fat Russian arse sitting on them in perpetuity.  No one anywhere threatens Russia.  Ultimately, the only problem Russia has is that it can’t stop raping its neighbours.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13 | #

GW, let us observe how the peace negotiations unfold. If Ukraine agrees to adopt neutrality and permits free and open elections overseen by the U.N. in the oblasts of Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia, along with ceding control of Crimea, then a legitimate and enduring peace will have been achieved.

It must be acknowledged that Ukraine, east of the Dnieper, is essentially ethnically Russian, while west of the river it is relatively different both ethnically and politically. Those differences are, as I see it, a major factor in settling this conflict.

Now, if Russia achieves its objectives as I have outlined but continues “raping its neighbors” then your assessment of the situation be validated. However, if Russia embarks on a peaceful path towards normalization with the West, then my perspective will be vindicated. 

Meanwhile, all we can do is wait and hope for the best.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52 | #

You commence from the acceptance of American government framing, which you would not do if Biden was still in the White House.

1. The Ukrainians are not being offered negotiations.  They have had one meeting on the side with Kellogg, who is playing “the good cop”.  Otherwise they have been excluded and verbally abused.

2. The demand for Ukrainian neutrality actually means no future defence capability.  It includes a size-restricted military unable to access western arms and thus, in the inevitable event that Putin will engineer a follow-on conflict, unable to defend the land.  The lamb is always at risk from the wolf.

3. The minerals agreement has no connection to negotiations.  Zelensky’s original purpose was to trade minerals for security and NATO membership.  Disgracefully, Trump turned it into an extortion threat minus all mention of security - obviously because he wants Putin’s wolf to take his sacrificial lamb.  The parties are currently on the fourth attempt to agree something.

4. It is not anyone’s business but the Ukrainians when and how elections are held.  The following statement from the responsible body was published this morning, as it happens:

5. Prior to 2014 there was never a majority will for autonomy in either of the Donbas oblasts.  The whole thing was got up by the FSB, using local mafia figures dressed up in uniform and backed up by Wagner operatives and Russian Army units (including the Buk missile crew which took down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17).  Everything was paid for and controlled from Moscow - including the lie that ethnic Russians had to be saved by the loving people in the Kremlin.

You are on the side of force and lies.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16 | #

“You commence from the acceptance of American government framing, which you would not do if Biden was still in the White House. “ -
Trump is honorably opposing the positions held by the corrupt Pentagon and the corrupt Intelligence Community. I.e., those who advocate for “never ending wars.” Trump intends to put an end to the business of the wholesale slaughtering of human beings for profit. God bless him for that!

Biden, on the other hand, was following the instructions given to him from his neocon war hawk advisors/handlers. Everyone knows Biden was just a figurehead president, installed for the purpose of executing the directives of the donor class.

Furthermore, Trump is well aware of the fact that Ukraine, with the full backing the UK and the USA, provoked this war. Unfortunately for the war profiteers, we now have peace-loving President who possesses common sense.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51 | #

The MAGA right is standing in a stream of Kremlin sewage.

The following from KI might aid you:

And this from Meduza on what followed:


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22 | #

Thanks for the articles, GW.

The second article seemed more accurate and believable, whereas the first one struck me as manipulative and slanted. Consider this astonishing statement: “What Russian disinformation and its promotors ignore is clear evidence that the Euromaidan Revolution was organized spontaneously by Ukrainians in a grassroots fashion.”

There is no doubt that a significant portion of the Ukrainian populace harbored pent-up anti-Russian sentiment, but to assert that the Maidan Revolution was “organized spontaneously” is laughable. Obviously, it was organized beforehand - probably months or years in advance.

At any rate what matters most is what President Trump thinks. We can assume Trump, Hegseth et al have pored over and thoroughly analyzed the pertinent Itelligence reports relevant to the events surrounding the war. As it appears, Trump has concluded Russia was provoked - or shrewdly manipulated and baited - into invading Ukraine in Feb. of 2022.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19 | #

Trump and Co don’t care about the Maiden.  They don’t care about history.  They don’t care about right and wrong.  They don’t care about ethnic Russians or ethnic Ukrainians, any more than Putin does.  Trump cares about the threat from China and Moscow, and has set upon a course of leaving the WW2 settlement to draw Moscow away from Beijing, thus:

The Ukrainian people are just a pawn to be sacrificed to draw out the Russian Queen.  Zelensky is attempting to hold America to “a deal” on security.  Putin has cunningly responded by indicating that he would welcome American involvement with rare earths in the land his forces control, in effect guaranteeing America profits if he continues the war and takes the whole country.  Which he must think he can do once the Ukrainians run out of American arms.

This is a dirty, dirty business; and by obsessing about neocons and the Maiden you and all the MAGA thread-warriors are missing the reality of it.  Which my OP endeavours to set out.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52 | #

“This change underscores a belief that continued antagonism toward Moscow only serves to push Russia further into China’s strategic orbit. The assumption behind this approach is that an entrenched Sino-Russian partnership presents the most formidable challenge to US hegemony.”

Well DUH!!!!

Marine Le Pen, along with numerous others, has been loudly and furiously warning about that from the outset! But foolish decisions were made by the Western leadership (crazy people hell-bent on doing stupid things) forced Russia further into the arms of China.

“The Ukrainian people are just a pawn to be sacrificed to draw out the Russian Queen.”

Oh, they drew out the Russian Queen alright, and it captured Ukraine’s queen, both rooks, a bishop a knight and half of the pawns. Check.

“Putin has cunningly responded by indicating that he would welcome American involvement with rare earths in the land his forces control, in effect guaranteeing America profits if he continues the war and takes the whole country. Which he must think he can do once the Ukrainians run out of American arms.”

Russia is 25.4 millimeters away from winning the war in Ukraine. They are in a position to take over the entire country, should they decide to do so. I say that bc the Ukrainian army’s numbers have been reduced to the point where it is nearly impossible for it to mount an effective counteroffensive. The math doesn’t lie. Checkmate.

(Thorn note: The Western leaders should have accepted the peace deal offered within a few days after the SMO commenced, but Bozo Boris Johnson intervened and coerced Zelenskyy into rejecting it.)


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40 | #

Thorn, you are still retailing all the naïve right-wing “points” which you pick up elsewhere on the circuit, where they religiously abuse “the evil west” and not a few actually believe that Putin and Holy Russia will free them from it!  One would encounter more knowledge and sagacity among a bunch of teenage girls pulling apart some other girl they don’t like.

A lot of what is going on here is very American in tone.  Americans don’t know that individualism, rugged or not, is a form of equalitarianism.  They don’t know they are living in the Judaic mind.  The angry right-wingers among them don’t know that they are following the same emotional path as the lowest anti-racists.  So immersed in their condemnatory bile are they, and so convinced how privileged and special is their binary thinking, they simply cannot see their gulled selves.  That something might come from outside ... and within ... and raise them up is unimaginable to them.  Nationalism cannot reach their ears, therefore.  They cannot take the step to it.  Half of them probably think they are already nationalists.  They already know all about everything, you see.

Of course, they know only the usual grotesque catalogue of, at best, half-truths and - mostly - complete untruths.  But then they are not on a quest for truth.  They are on a quest for self-assertion.  Boris Johnson?  What does it matter what he says about his own actions.  They know.  They read something somewhere.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15 | #

Reality check:

GW, to understand why Russia invaded Ukraine, one must begin by understanding the culture of Russia, followed by understanding the mindset the ruling class the USA, and the ruling classes of various European countries. This is a good starting point.

I believe that security - the preservation of Russia as a distinct Russian entity - is at the core of the Russian mindset. They cherish and uphold their Russian identity, and they are determined to defend it at all costs, even resorting to the use of nuclear weapons as a last measure. I mention using nuclear weapons because, in their way of thinking, they believe a world without Russia is a world not worth existing. It is no secret that this is the Russian mindset; it is very similar to Israel’s Samson Option. Once you understand that, then ask yourself this: Was it a prudent decision to threaten Russia with NATO expansion then instigate a conflict with them, as was done with the proxy war in Ukraine? THINK! Use some common sense, GW. I know you are capable of it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44 | #

There is no programme of NATO expansion.  That’s not how it functions.  You speak about the desire of peoples freed from Russian empire never to return to it as if that’s NATO’s fault.  How many times do I have to point this out?  Burn all this internet right-wingery out of your mind.  Start again.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39 | #

“There is no programme of NATO expansion.”

It does not matter to Russia. What matters is that Russia perceives NATO’s actual (repeat: ACTUAL) expansion as a threat and has explicitly stated that the expansion of NATO up to its borders would be considered an existential threat to its existence. Russia has declared - over and over again - that it will go to war if such a development occurs. But the West chose to pave the way for Ukraine’s path to NATO membership regardless. Can you understand what a stupid decision that was on the part of the West? Did they not possess the foresight to anticipate Russia’s reaction? Or is it the case they did foresee that Russia would invade Ukraine, and that was the desired outcome of the West all along? In other words, did the West seek a proxy war using Ukraine to weaken Russia as part of a larger geopolitical strategy? Either way it’s clear the West instigated the war. Anyone who is not afflicted with PDS can comprehend what has transpired over the past 25+ years.


A timeline of NATO expansion:


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44 | #

You are still glued to the naïve and self-calming proposition that Russian expansionism traditionally respects and tolerates dissent to the point of not expanding in cases where dissent might arise, so Putin would not take control of Kiev (he tried) or Odessa.  But in fact all historical evidence points to the prevalence of totalitarian repression and population change and, if necessary, genocide.  For example Chechnya and Mariupol in Putin’s time.  Men like Putin will take what they want and utterly eviscerate all opposition.

Things that seem solid to you, like populations on the soil, mean nothing to “men of history” bent on great and bloody deeds.  You must sweep away all your liberal certainties, and think much more fundamentally about what vast power can and will effect if freed from normatives like international rules.  Go to the meaning of the fall of a rules-based order and the imposition by such men of an order of force and will.  Work from there.  Radicalise your thinking.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06 | #

“Things that seem solid to you, like populations on the soil, mean nothing to “men of history” bent on great and bloody deeds.”

“Men like Putin will take what they want and utterly eviscerate all opposition.”

Hey, I’ve got a great idea. Let’s go antagonize and threaten the bleep out of Russia. (Forget about the fact they possess the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.) But wait, it gets better, we can use the suckers in Ukraine to incite and provoke them. IT WILL BE FUN!!!


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42 | #

You still do not understand.  You don’t want to.  You just want to retail the thought-free blame-the-west dicta.  When does it finally dawn on you that the free life ... the independence and autonomy ... of peoples is the fundamental political cause, and the peoples of eastern and south-eastern Europe desire freedom from the steel trap that is Putin’s fourth Russian empire?  Do you run and hide, and assure yourself that you are doing it for peace, merely because he says your aid to those peoples “provokes” him?

The west alone has a race of men who know freedom in their blood.  Do we shackle the emergent nature of our kind merely because a Russian psycho-bully wants to make his mark on history?  Aren’t we better than that?  What kind of life is it if we do not bar the way to such creatures?


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57 | #

“You still do not understand.  You don’t want to.  You just want to retail the thought-free blame-the-west dicta.”

I don’t necessarily disagree with you on your assessment of Putin, GW. My problem is the manner in which Western leaders have dealt with him. They approach Russia in a similar manner to how they approached Afghanistan and Western Asian Muslim countries. Their assumption was/is if they topple authoritarian governments, the people will naturally embrace liberal democracies (Jeffersonian liberalism). A foolish mistake indeed. But that’s the way Western elites are conditioned to think. Apparently being naive about human nature is a prerequisite to qualify for entrance into the elite managerial class.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00 | #

“The west alone has a race of men who know freedom in their blood.”

On topic:

“In this stunning speech at ARC 2025, Douglas Murray called for an ‘Age of Reconstruction’ in Western Nations, fueled by a conviction that our civilizations are the greatest the world has seen.”


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45 | #

Have you been sold a lie? Be honest with yourself. Check your premises.

At any rate, the very delightful Katie Hopkins has a remarkable talent for distilling the complex into clear, straightforward, and practical language as is demonstrated here:

“Zelensky just stormed out of the White House, totally screwed Ukraine and is now being strapped into his booster seat in the back of his minder’s car”



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09 | #

Katie has been courageous in the past, and is funny and a treasure in her way.  But she doesn’t possess a geopolitical bone in her fit little body.  She’s not an independent thinker or a thinker at all.  She is a MAGA supporter and follower, and as such doesn’t have anything worthwhile or informed or ethical to say.

Chris Hayes, however, gets it:


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49 | #


From your vid, a sample of comrade Chris’s “sage” pronouncements:

“Putin is Trump’s buddy and mentor”

“The interview was a planned ambush against Ukraine to switch sides and side with Putin.”

“Senator Lindsey Graham is on team Russia.”

“Trump is siding with Putin against Democratic allies.”

“The American/European alliance is over.”

Chris Hayes. LOL.

GW, you have fallen for one of the most ridiculously hyperbolic professional leftist propagandists out there. There are good reasons Chris is employed by MSNBC. That specific cable news network is notorious for promoting the hard-left globalist agenda and is vehemently opposed to Trump and MAGA. Chris not only fits in there, but he is also a star. A star of the commie red variety. However, it seems that Chris has been partially successful in disseminating his misinformation, as he has effectively convinced you.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50 | #

Manifestly, I am not a MAGA creature.  I am not a civic nationalist.  I do not take a left versus right position on the politics of systemic liberalism.  You are trying to fit me into the right-wing paradigm because, even after all these years, I have not been able to demonstrate to you what nationalism is.  I know this, and knew it within three years of starting this site - which was intended to throw light on how the majority of our people(s), who generally hold right-wing views, can journey towards an effective nationalism.  Down the years I have made many approaches to that problem, and have seen a few ... too few ... remarkable conversions.  But I have not discovered stepping stones, or anything like them.  By and large people stay on their island and think themselves able to objectively weigh a political world in which they are immersed, and a broader culture of which they are wholly a part.  They do not know, or care to know, the totality of what I see from the outside, and think.  It is uninteresting or invisible to them.  They mechanically project their own interpretations upon me, which you are doing now.  I cannot stop you.  But I can tell you that whenever I have met real nationalists no such difficulties arise.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14 | #

“I have not been able to demonstrate to you what nationalism is.”

Apart from the generic definition of nationalism, what you are attempting to convey is the preservation of England’s unique genotype (or haplogroup), which has evolved over at least 100,000 years - 50,000 years on English land. A true English nationalist would resist any attempts by foreign gene pools to alter the genetic makeup that nature has bestowed upon the English population. You, GW, are contending with a contemporary population of fellow Englishmen, especially amongst its elites, who have embraced the Boasian explanation of human variation: “race is a social construct not a biological one.” The “anti-racism” ideology factors “BIGLY” (a little Trump lingo) in there too. It reinforces their belief that the English are not being displaced by immigrants because, after all, “race is only a social construct; beneath our superficial exteriors, we are all the same.” Moreover, to propose that the native English are being rendered extinct through massive immigration – also known as race replacement – is a vile, offensive, and racist idea to them. They have been conditioned to perceive you as a Nazi for suggesting such an idea. That is their mindset. Good luck changing it.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10 | #

In a nutshell.

BTW, Professor Jeffery Sachs is one of the most sought-after economists in the world. His credentials are impeccable and his experience in geopolitics and international affairs is wide ranging. When Professor Sachs speaks, serious people pay attention, and President Trump, for one, agrees.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56 | #

So why isn’t Sachs explaining to his loving MAGA audience why the free world has no interest in the enduring freedom of the peoples of the former Soviet Union?  Could that be because an undertaking made verbally in 1991 (when the assumption was that Russia would put aside empire and democratise) does not “trump” that?

Thorn, there are no functioning arguments against human freedom and the will of the people of the land.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30 | #

Open letter to Jeffrey Sachs on his position regarding Russian war on Ukraine
Group of authors Society

Dear Dr. Sachs,

We are a group of economists, including many Ukrainians, who were appalled by your statements on the Russian war against Ukraine and were compelled to write this open letter to address some of the historical misrepresentations and logical fallacies in your line of argument. Following your repeated appearances on the talk shows of one of the chief Russian propagandists, Vladimir Solovyov (apart from calling to wipe Ukrainian cities off the face of the earth, he called for nuclear strikes against NATO countries), we have reviewed the op-eds on your personal website and noticed several recurring patterns. In what follows, we wish to point out these misrepresentations to you, alongside our brief response.

Pattern #1: Denying the agency of Ukraine
In your article “The New World Economy” from January 10, 2023, you write: “It was, after all, the US attempt to expand NATO to Georgia and Ukraine that triggered the wars in Georgia (in 2010) and in Ukraine (2014 until today).” Similarly, in your article “What Ukraine Needs to Learn from Afghanistan” from February 13, 2023, you write: “The proxy war in Ukraine began nine years ago when the US government backed the overthrow of Ukraine’s president Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych’s sin from the US viewpoint was his attempt to maintain Ukraine’s neutrality despite the US desire to expand NATO to include Ukraine (and Georgia).”

Let us set the record straight on the historical events from 2013-2014, at which you hint in the aforementioned misinformative statements: The Euromaidan had nothing to do with NATO, nor the US. Initial protest was sparked by Viktor Yanukovych’s decision not to sign the European Union-Ukraine Association Agreement, despite said agreement passing the Ukrainian Parliament with an overwhelming majority and enjoying broad support among the Ukrainian population. Yanukovich’s regime’s choice to respond by brutally beating peaceful protesters (mostly students) on the night of November 30, 2013, only further alienated the population and intensified the protests. After the adoption of a set of laws forbidding the freedom of press and assembly (commonly termed the “dictatorship laws”) by Yanukovych in January 2014, the Euromaidan turned into a broader movement against government abuse of power and corruption, police brutality, and human rights violation – which we now refer to as the Revolution of Dignity. Ukraine’s accession to NATO was never a goal of this movement. Hence, your attempts to trace the beginning of the war to “NATO” are historically inaccurate. Furthermore, treating Ukraine as a pawn on the US geo-political chessboard is a slap in the face to millions of Ukrainians who risked their lives during the Revolution of Dignity.

Pattern #2: NATO provoked Russia
You repeatedly emphasize that the expansion of NATO provoked Russia (e.g., “NATO should not enlarge, because that threatens the security of Russia,” from your interview to Isaac Chotiner at the New Yorker from February 27, 2023).

We want to alert you to a few facts. In 1939, it was the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany that invaded Poland. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that invaded the Baltic countries. In 1940, it was the Soviet Union that annexed parts of Romania. In 1956, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Hungary. In 1968, it was the Soviet Union that invaded Czechoslovakia. Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Hungary or Czechoslovakia did not invade Russia or the Soviet Union. No threat emanated from these countries. But these countries were attacked by the USSR/Russia. This is why these countries wanted to join NATO. Since joining NATO, none of these countries have been attacked by Russia again.

Just like these countries, Ukraine (whose military budget was a mere $2.9 bn in 2013, prior to Russia’s military aggression against it) wants to have security and peace. It does not want to be attacked again by Russia (whose military budget in 2013 stood at $68 bn). Given that Ukraine’s agreement to give up its nuclear weapons in 1994 in exchange for security “assurances” from the US, UK and Russia (!) did nothing to prevent Russian aggression, currently the only credible guarantee is NATO membership.

We also want to draw your attention to the fact that Finland and Sweden applied for NATO membership in response to Russian aggression, and yet Russia did not complain about these two countries joining NATO. You do not seem to be particularly concerned about these two countries joining NATO either. This differential treatment of Ukraine vs. Finland/Sweden legitimizes “spheres of influence,” a notion that seems appropriate for the age of empires and not for the modern era.

Pattern #3: Denying Ukraine’s sovereign integrity
In your interview to Democracy Now! on December 6, 2022, you said: “So, my view is that […] Crimea has been historically, and will be in the future, effectively, at least de facto Russian.”

We wish to remind you that Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 has violated the Budapest memorandum (in which it promised to respect and protect Ukrainian borders, including Crimea), the Treaty on Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation (which Russia signed with Ukraine in 1997 with the same promises), and, according to the order of the UN International Court of Justice, it violated international law. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia was supposed to protect peace, but instead Russia violated the foundational principle of the UN (Article 2 of the UN Charter: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”). Indeed, the entire world security architecture after WWII is based on the assumption that country borders (regardless of historical background) cannot be changed by force in order to preserve peace, as Kenya UN ambassador highlighted in his famous speech. If a nuclear power is allowed to annex territories of another country as it wishes, then no country in the world can feel safe.

By insisting that Russia can keep Crimea, you are making an implicit assumption that if Russia is allowed to do that, it will leave the rest of Ukraine in peace. However, this is demonstrably not true, as Russia’s “de facto” ownership of Crimea over 2014–2022 did nothing to preclude its current aggression. The aim of Putin is to “ultimately solve the Ukrainian question,” i.e. to completely destroy Ukraine and annex its entire territory. Thus, by annexing Crimea he did not “restore the historical justice” — he just prepared a springboard for further military attacks on Ukraine. Therefore, restoring Ukraine’s control over its entire territory is crucial not only for the security of Ukraine but also for the security of all other nations (by reinforcing the lesson that aggressors should not get away with land grabs!).

Also, you state that “Russia certainly will never accept NATO in Ukraine.” For your information, the UN Charter emphasizes the self-determination of peoples as a key principle. It’s not for Russia to decide what alliances or unions Ukraine will or will not join. Ukraine has its own democratically-elected government (not a dictatorship, like in Russia), and this government, after consultation with Ukrainian people, will decide whether Ukraine will or will not join NATO. Likewise, NATO countries have every right to decide for themselves whom they would like to welcome in their alliance.

Pattern #4: Pushing forward Kremlin’s peace plans
In the aforementioned article “What Ukraine Needs to Learn from Afghanistan,” you write: “The basis for peace is clear. Ukraine would be a neutral non-NATO country. Crimea would remain home to Russia’s Black Sea naval fleet, as it has been since 1783. A practical solution would be found for the Donbas, such as a territorial division, autonomy, or an armistice line.”

While your suggestion is perfectly aligned with that of Russian propagandists, it leaves unanswered the key question from the Ukrainian perspective: Based on what evidence do you trust a serial warmonger, who has stated on multiple occasions that Ukraine does not exist, to be satisfied with Crimea and Donbas and not try to occupy the entire country? Until you find a convincing answer to this question, we would kindly ask you to refer to the 10-point peace plan proposed by President Zelensky and fully backed up by the Ukrainian people. Regurgitating Kremlin’s “peace plans” would only prolong the suffering of Ukrainian people.

Writing that if Ukraine offered Putin Crimea and Donbas in December 2021 or March 2022 then “the fighting would stop, Russian troops would leave Ukraine, and Ukraine’s sovereignty would be guaranteed by the UN Security Council and other nations” is just wishful thinking. Peace negotiations in early 2022 broke down not because of nonexistent US intervention but because Russia demanded unconditional capitulation of Ukraine (and it still does!). Remember that Russia’s goals in Ukraine were “demilitarization and denazification”. What “denazification” means was explained by one of Putin’s political advisors, Timofey Sergeitsev, in his piece “What Russia should do with Ukraine?” There, he argued for the brutal destruction of the Ukrainian nation involving killing millions of people and “re-educating” others. Russians already started implementing these plans in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

We suggest that you read the entire text by Sergeitsev’s, but a few passages clearly show what he means: “a country that is being denazified cannot possess sovereignty,” “Denazification will inevitably include de-ukrainization — the rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component in the self-identification of the population of the historical Malorossiya and Novorossiya territories, which was started by the Soviet authorities”, “denazification of Ukraine means its inevitable de-europeanization”, [denazification implies…] “the seizure of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels that contain Nazi ideological guidelines” (in his article, Sergeitsev repeatedly calls Ukrainians “Nazis”).

You seem to be unaware that, consistent with this rhetoric, Russia commits horrendous war crimes as documented by the UN and many others. We fail to discern any indication of a genuine interest in peace from the ongoing Russian atrocities.

We urge you to reevaluate your stance on thinking that Russia is interested in goodfaith peace talks.

Pattern #5. Presenting Ukraine as a divided country
In “What Ukraine Needs to Learn from Afghanistan,” you also state that “The US overlooked two harsh political realities in Ukraine. The first is that Ukraine is deeply divided ethnically and politically between Russia-hating nationalists in western Ukraine and ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.”

This statement echoes a Russian political technology first applied during 2004 presidential elections and still used by Russians to justify the “denazification” of Ukraine today. We encourage you to take a look at the actual empirical facts and history.

In 1991, all regions of Ukraine voted for independence. Including Crimea.

According to the 2001 Census (the latest data on self-identified ethnicity available for Ukraine), Ukrainian population is the majority in all the regions of Ukraine, except for Crimea. And when we speak about Crimea, we should ask why it has the ethnic composition which it has. It has a Russian majority because of a series of genocides and deportations starting from its first occupation by Russia in 1783 and as recently as 1944 when Crimean Tatars were deported to remote parts of the Soviet Union. Crimea’s indigenous population was deported, killed, and replaced by Russians. A similar tactic was used by Russia during its several genocides of Ukrainians — for example, during the Great Famine of 1932–33, Russians arrived to live in the houses of Ukrainians who died of famine. Russia is using the same tactics of population replacement today, in the current war: it deports the Ukrainian population, forcefully adopts Ukrainian children or “re-educates” (brainwashes) them after forcefully parting them with their families.

Besides cleansing Ukrainian and other indigenous populations, Russia used “softer” tactics, such as Russification, i.e. discouraging the learning and usage of the Ukrainian language in all spheres. Russification has been ongoing for centuries. Its instruments have been quite diverse — from “mixing” people by sending Ukrainians to work to Russia and sending Russians to study or work in Ukraine, to making it close to impossible for Ukrainian speakers to enter universities, to representing Ukrainian language and culture as backward and inferior to the “great Russian culture,” to stealing Ukrainian cultural heritage (e.g. only now world museums started to correctly identify Ukrainian artists presented by Russia as Russian, and hundreds of thousands of artifacts have looted from Ukrainian museums from 2014 and especially during the last year). Thus, the acute language discussions are a natural response to Russia’s historical attempts to suppress any restoration of rights of the Ukrainian language. Despite this history of oppression, Ukrainians have been gradually switching to Ukrainian, and the Russian full-scale invasion intensified this process.

Recent polls show that irrespective of language or location, Ukrainians overwhelmingly (80%) reject territorial concessions to Russia. Polls also show that 85 percent of Ukrainians identify themselves above all as citizens of Ukraine, as opposed to residents of their region, representatives of an ethnic minority, or some other identifier. This is hardly possible in a divided country.

In summary, we welcome your interest in Ukraine. However, if your objective is to be helpful and to generate constructive proposals on how to end the war, we believe that this objective is not achieved. Your interventions present a distorted picture of the origins and intentions of the Russian invasion, mix facts and subjective interpretations, and propagate the Kremlin’s narratives. Ukraine is not a geopolitical pawn or a divided nation, Ukraine has the right to determine its own future, Ukraine has not attacked any country since gaining its independence in 1991. There is no justification for the Russian war of aggression. A clear moral compass, respect of international law, and a firm understanding of Ukraine’s history should be the defining principles for any discussions towards a just peace.

Kind regards,

The list of signatories, mostly of folks in university departments all over the world, is at least 230 strong.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28 | #

Open letter to Jeffrey Sachs on his position regarding Russian war on Ukraine
Group of authors Society

Dear Dr. Sachs,

blah, blah, blah ....


“The list of signatories, mostly of folks in university departments all over the world, is at least 230 strong.”

GW, given the insightful man you have proven to be time and time again, you must know that the letter to Dr. Sachs was not intended as a direct response to him, but rather it was aimed at the low-information general public. Undoubtedly, Professor Sachs found it amusing knowing full well he could dismantle and discredit every assertion point by point if he ever came face-to-face with the authors and signatories on a debate stage.

“At least 230 strong.”

In the case you cite, numbers mean nothing. It kinda reminds me of this example that highlights of the “veracity” of certain “trusted” authorities:

It’s been two years since 51 intelligence agents interfered with an election — they still won’t apologize

[O]ne of the dirtiest tricks in electoral history was played on the American people by 51 former intelligence officials, who used the false alarm of “Russian interference” to stop Donald Trump winning a second term as president.

Using the institutional weight of their former esteemed roles, they signed a dishonest letter to mislead voters 15 days before the election, claiming that material from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by the New York Post “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

In their expert opinion, “the Russians are involved in the Hunter Biden email issue.”

Russia was “trying to influence how Americans vote in this election … Moscow [will] pull out the stops to do anything possible to help Trump win and/or to weaken Biden should he win.

“A ‘laptop op’ fits the bill, as the publication of the emails are [sic] clearly designed to discredit Biden … It is high time that Russia stops interfering in our democracy.”



Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38 | #

Why are you looking up to someone like that?  He’s nothing.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41 | #

Yes, GW. Sachs is nothing. A mere cipher.

Wikipedia lists Dr. Sach’s many remarkable worldwide achievements in high-level economic and political consultations over the past 44 years.

But there is much more in his personal recollections. Sachs recounts to Tucker his astonishment in December 1991, when during a Kremlin meeting in which he was seated opposite President Gorbachev, the military entered the room to report that the Soviet Union had just been dissolved.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18 | #

He’s part of the machinery of internationalism.  He’s one of the climate change people.  From his wiki page:

Stephan Richter, editor-in-chief at The Globalist, and James D. Bindenagel, a former U.S. ambassador, wrote that “In his books and articles, Jeff Sachs has done much to frame and popularize the language and thinking to push a sustainable development agenda on the world stage. That is an achievement in which he can rightfully take considerable pride”

Then there is this:

Jeffrey Sachs and the Global Migration Machine
How One Economist Leveraged the Catholic Church and UN Goals to Fuel a Worldwide Crisis
The W.C. Dispatch
Feb 22, 2025

Behind Broken Borders: Sachs’ Weaponized Compassion

Friday, February 21st, 2025: By, Walter CurtJeffrey

Sachs, a noted economist and influential figure in global policy circles, has long been celebrated as an architect of sustainable development. Yet behind this polished veneer lies a more unsettling story, one that implicates him in masterminding the invasion of the southern border of the United States and beyond. By co-opting established religious organizations—chief among them Catholic Charities—and harnessing taxpayer dollars, Sachs has effectively weaponized compassion to orchestrate a mass migration crisis.

His book, Ethics in Action for Sustainable Development, which carries a foreword by Pope Francis, serves as the blueprint for this operation. In the pages that follow, we will expose how Sachs’ grand design has enabled a form of “war by migration,” under the benevolent cloak of “helping those in need,” all while channeling public funds to make it happen.

Whether he operates as a tribalist or a globalist “fighting poverty and hunger” I will leave you to work out.  But for heavens sake pick your heroes more carefully.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37 | #

Incidentally, the international prize system is how billionaire “philanthropists” manufacture government and media activism for, and public acquiscence to, their agenda.  Tcehnocracy is government by expert.  Not to put too fine a point on it, the prize-giving is a circle jerk signifying nothing of value to you and me.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53 | #

“But for heavens sake pick your heroes more carefully.”

Never looked upon him as a “hero.” I regard him as someone who is dead-right on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Also, he’s absolutely correct about the detrimental influence/impact Netanyahu has had on U.S. foreign policy over the last three decades. Prof. Sachs emphatically and accurately describes Netanyahu as ” currently the most dangerous and destructive man on the planet” ... and Sachs has the receipts to prove it!!

Now let me guess: you think Prof. Sachs wrong about Netanyahu too, right?


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55 | #

I don’t hold views on Israel.

What is the moral cause, precisely, in ethnically cleansing Western Ukrainians from their ancient homeland?


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09 | #

Are Western Ukrainians currently being ethnically cleansed by Russian troops? Or is that some sort of fear you are fantasizing about.

It is my understanding the ongoing fighting is in the eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine, resulting in massive casualties on both sides.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23 | #

You and all those like you are calling for Russian imperial conquest of all Ukraine, not just the east.  Orban understands that.  Fico understands that.  The Romanian opposition leader understands that.  They want it because they hope to bite off a part of the country.  They also understand perfectly well what Russian conquest means for Ukrainians, especially in the Kievan heartland west of the Dneiper.  They know imperial Russia’s historical methods?  Read Timofey Sergeitsev’s thinking as presented in the Author’s Group reply @ 37.  Wake up, Thorn.  You have been asleep with the MAGA people long enough.  They can be excused their ignorance because no one has explained the real situation to them.  But you have had it explained to you.  You have no excuses for your current slavishness.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21 | #

GW, if Russia had the population and manufacturing capacity of China, then people like you would genuinely have something to worry about. IOWs Russia would indeed have the capability to invade and takeover Western Europe; the fact is, they don’t possess that capability. And the crazy-talk about Putin wanting to reconstitute the Russian empire amounts to hogwash.  Face it, you’ve been brainwashed by anti-Russian propaganda to the point of absurdity. It would all be quite amusing to witness, but the concerning aspect is that nearly all the dazed leaders of European countries are stupidly determined to pursue the self-destructive course of continuing the war. Let me put it another way and take it closer to your home: Continuing to threaten Russia only increases the chances of London being reduced to glowing embers; the likelihood of such an event becomes greater with each passing day. Is a nuked London what you want? Well, that’s the direction this proxy war in Ukraine debacle is headed. Thank goodness Trump has a clear perspective. He is the only rational leader the West has going for it.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28 | #

And another thing,

Russia possesses the military and political capability to annex the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine as illustrated on this map.

Russia does not wish to invade conquer and occupy the Ukrainian-speaking Catholic regions, even if it were possible. They are fully aware that military action in that region would rapidly devolve into guerrilla warfare. As much as Russia wants to liquidate the Azov battalions, it is likely Russia will refrain from doing so because it does not desire to entangle itself in war where the costs far exceed the benefits.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59 | #

Does the geopolitical analysis of the Swedes and Finns, Lithuanians, Estonians, and Latvians, Poles, Ukrainians, and Moldovans agree with the claims of the MAGA people?  Does the experience of the Belarussian people suggest that Russian empire is not real?  Is there any solid evidence at all outside of the Trump faction for belief in the benignity of Putin and his circle?  Don’t quote Sachs.  He feeds off the globalist third wheel.

There is a reason that, the Trumpists excepted, the analysis of the western political body as a whole accords with my own narrative, and that is that it is true.  Moscow itself confirms it, if you did but care.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47 | #

“Does the geopolitical analysis of the Swedes and Finns, Lithuanians, Estonians, and Latvians, Poles, Ukrainians, and Moldovans agree with the claims of the MAGA people?”

If Trump has his way, the EU will become irrelevant. NATO will disintegrate. The Russia USA alliance will take precedence in the new world order. Furthermore, that development will, ironically, ease your angst about the “Chinese mind” dominating Europeans under their technocratic rule. You will like it.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55 | #

The Russia/USA Alliance will sideline China’s potential forthcoming technocracy dominance.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15 | #


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55 | #

It is true that in a global system of force there is nothing to bind Trump’s America to to the democratic world.  Indeed, the people’s will becomes America’s enemy, and vice versa.  In that scenario, the precise form of technocracy is likely be a combination of Chinese and American.  The difference lies only in the remnants of sociobiology and heritage.  But does that make American technocracy likeable?  Well, obviously not.  It will be easier for nationalist rebels to kill and overthrow an American technocracy, for either way technocracy will have to be killed and overthrown.

I think Russia is irrelevant to the technocratic paradigm.  It is a maffia state too disorderly for American investors, bankers and corporations to place much reliance upon.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00 | #

“The difference lies only in the remnants of sociobiology and heritage.”

” It will be easier for nationalist rebels to kill and overthrow an American technocracy”

I concur with that.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Sikorski on point' on Sun, 30 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)
