Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 24 January 2024 10:49.

perpetual reaction
The full complexity of east-west relations according to Western reactionary opinion

There are times when the absence of an ethnic nationalist worldview in those who proclaim themselves nationalist (but not specifically, say, National Socialist, or traditionalist, or fascist) really limits communication.  What, after all, is our common frame of reference?  David Lane’s minimalist Fourteen Words accurately summarise the existential essence of all nationalism.  But the formulation is reductive, and can in no way function as an holistic ideology functions, ie, it cannot situate us in a pre-existing, broad-scale system of life-affirming truth by which a people may orient itself in Time and Space.  It is because of the systemic nature of an (actually very rare) epochal philosophy that it can, first, unify a political constituency and, second, energise a mass re-organisation.

But we do not possess that philosophy today.  We are, in consequence, caught in a pre-revolutionary cycle that cannot complete.  We have no unifying ideological standard around which to rally.  Along comes a large but perfectly uncomplicated political question, and we lack the framework to determine where justice lies.

Today such a question is: Do the people of Ukraine have a right to fight the violent imposition of Russian empire, and to struggle for national autonomy?  No ethnic nationalist should have a moment’s difficulty answering that.  But, instead, a substantial majority have lost their heads completely in contemplation of a second question: How dare America and the West challenge Russia’s security needs?  Of course it is a false question.  A need for expansion is not a need for security.  The theft of natural resources, farming produce, and even children is not a requirement for the creation of buffer zones.  It speaks of ancient tribute.  But Muscovy is an empire with an origin in its own payment of tribute to the Asiatic aggressor, and thus even into our time it has remained an empire with an historical culture of entitlement to further empire, and the wealth thereof.  That, not security, is the well-spring of Russian foreign policy.

Explaining this to the holders of “right-wing opinions” is a challenge.  Indeed, it feels like I’ve been challenging the dominant and reactionary pro-Russian sentiment and anti-American prejudice of on-line nationalists and trad-cons since the very first jolt forward of the first T72 in Vladimir Putin’s fateful full-scale invasion of 24th February 2022.  They don’t like it.  They don’t listen.  Their judgement is overwhelmed by anger at the globalist machinations of the Western hierarchy, and they don’t look any further.

They get confirmation from a furious rabble of serious and not-so-serious actors, some of them aided by the FSB (“The Saker”, for example), some of them home-grown but one-eyed, alt-media anti-American Americans like “The Duran” (who, in turn, draw information from Russian military bloggers), one or two retired US Army generals playing the military wiseacre, short-lived Republican presidential candidates wanting to out-Trump Trump ...  And then there is Jordan Peterson, a psychologist-turned-self-help guru who has found fame, wealth, and God - in that order - and who sees everything through the lens of the culture wars.  Naturally, Peterson now thinks God and Vladimir Putin are the answer to the western elite’s tranny-mad malaise (which, by the way, he seems to ascribe to the West in general). 

A dishonourable mention must also go to John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, who have given the anti-America, anti-NATO, anti-West narrative an academic patina.  They are not alone.  Several more swampy creatures work the non-profit interface of academia and the government machine.  Samuel Charap, for one.  Thomas Graham is another.  Away from American defeatism, there are the pro-Russian likes of Robert Fico and Viktor Orbán in middle Europe.  Both dismiss the Ukrainian cause as if Russian dominion is all Ukrainians are worth.  Fico denies that Ukraine is a “viable” state at all.  But, of course, the pair of them operate from within the safety of NATO and while tightly grasping Brussels’ cheques.  One wonders how long they would enjoy the comfort of their respective offices if Putin were to extend to their own people the same choice as that he has extended to the Ukrainians: Do you accept your subordinate place in the fourth Muscovite empire or will you fight to live sovereign and free?

At least Fico and Orbán acknowledge the geopolitical-imperial dimension.  The herd of cats which is nationalism in the West seems constitutionally oblivious to it.  Likewise the idea both that there might be such a thing as eastern globalism and it can be even more hostile and dangerous than the western variety.

Geopolitics, of course, is the permanent preoccupation of national elites.  It is the one constant in international relations.  Alliances shift.  Pacts come and go.  Empires rise and fall.  Everything else may be in flux but the struggle of interests ... the Great Game … endures.  Perhaps we in the West have grown too accustomed to western superiority, and to the imposition of European political ideals upon great swathes of the world’s peoples (and, inherent to that, our moral imperatives, too) to entertain the thought that other even quite small nations with other interests and other imperatives might feel not gratitude for our domination but humiliation.  The large ones might have hegemonic ideas of their own, perhaps to cast-off the parasitic yoke of the dollar reserve or to replace our bungling dominion, with its constant reminder of 19th century colonialism, with China’s … perhaps that thought tends to be discounted as unimportant and not something that, anyway, could ever touch our daily life in the West.  But that is to take the geopolitical for granted.  That is to assume that the western way of life is inviolable, denying even the possibility of challenge and change.  It is to deny that, when change comes anyway, the Asiatic mind freed from the post-WW2 rules-bound order will be free to be itself. Ultimately, it is to deny the ancient “right” of the Asiatic conqueror to tribute.  Which is dangerously naïve.

There are other reactionary naïveties, though, with which an opponent of eastern as well as western globalism must grapple.  I can count eight ...

Claim 1: Globalism is another word for Jewish supremacism

First and foremost is the “same old same old” of White but, demotically speaking, German-American Nationalism, namely the reification of the hyper-aggressive, hyper-supremacist Jew as the single source of all our race’s ills.  Accordingly, Jews are doing:

The Third Worldisation of the urban space, the marginalisation of European masculinity and the africanisation of the European genome, the homosexualisation of marriage, the trans-sexualisation of what it is to be a woman, the toxification of white skin ...

… not to mention (at one time or another) classical Marxism, Revolutionary Internationalism, anti-racism, hate speech law, second-wave feminism, second-wave libertarianism, Holocaustism, neoconservatism, 9/11, the War on Terror and supposedly, in the present context, The Maiden!  And all this in the pursuit of the unchanging goal of a perpetual supremacy over humankind got not through any inherent superiority but by de-nationing the Other (for which read the European), de-naturing him, and rendering him amorphous and a-causal.

The flaw in this argument is the separate and distinct emergence of technocracy, first in the 1930s in reaction to the communism of Stalin’s Russia and then again in the decades after the publishing of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “technetronic” paper in 1971.  Within nationalism the MR article linked above, published in June 2021, was possibly the first to draw nationalists’ attention to the revolution in elitism which technocracy had wrought:

We could say that banking parasitism is giving way to predatory corporatism.  Perhaps another way to look at it would be through the lens of personalities, so the Rothschilds and the European royal houses versus the Rockefellers and the US political Establishment.  Another would be methodological, so supra-nationalism and immigrationism versus the smart mega-city and inclusiveness (both pairs being destroyers of the natural human fundamentals as they express in nation, kind, home, love).  Yet another would be Marxism versus scientism; and another the New World Order versus Sustainable Development.  We might even identify one more in the priest-class of Judaism’s Olam Ha-ba versus Homo davosian, the wired transhuman of the fourth industrial revolution.  Or we could lighten up a bit, and contrast and compare the doomed Merkel and here sad little, pyramid hand signs with the business-like photocalls of the mischling technocrat Schwab.

Two of the principal methods of change under the old system have been subsumed into “the new”.  Mass immigration into the living spaces of European Man is directed via the UN into a new technocratic project of “global justice”, pursued by various UN bodies upon which few Jews sit.  Anti-racism and culture war are taken out of the left into the hands of the asset management and corporate client-world, in which they appear as CRT and DEI.  But supranationalism has been replaced by the drive for hyper-modernist cities such as The Line, with the countryside intended for rewilding.  Likewise, the ownership of debt has been overtaken by the ownership of assets, such that the banking elites who sat atop the prior pyramid are now the investor class atop its technocratic successor.  Added to these changes are all the pzazz and immediacy of the WEF’s array of progressive methods, ie, Sustainable Development / Net Zero, Public-Private Partnership, Stakeholder Capitalism, Fourth Industrial Revolution (ie, the sum of current emerging tech), Digital ID, Programmable CBDC, Universal Basic Income, corporate purpose and brand values, smart cities, the Internet of Things, the Internet of Everything, all the way to Transhuman Man and the Singularity (ie, the sum of future emerging tech by which a Borg-like connectivity between minds and between mind and machine is achieved).

The take-home point here is that technocracy has no use for ethnicity, nation states, or peoplehood because these things supply human relation and, therefore, human cause.  Its dynamic, therefore, is towards a post-causal Homo deracinatus for the surviving masses and an eternal life in a techno-augmented body for its elites.  It does not make any exception for Jewish relation and the Judaic cause; and the Jewish elites who desert the old model for it do so, despite what they may tell themselves, because the hard, technological practicality of the project is actually within the realms of the possible:

The Jewish elite’s pivot to technocracy requires a certain threshold for alienation to be crossed.  The customary tribal devotion must be, if not renounced as such (because that is biologically impossible), then certainly made secondary to the elitist’s focus on his or her personal good.  In other words, a given Jewish elite’s participation in technocracy depends upon his or her confection of a non-natural self-view and world-view.  That would typically be accompanied by some sophisticated apologetics for the purposes of disguise and, probably, self-delusion.  But one would suspect that the more consciously fashioned is the shiny new persona, the less stable it may prove.  That said, once the Re-Set¹ bites there can be no general return to Judaism’s ageless struggle for tribal dominion.  That will have been the Jewish technocrat’s necessary sacrifice on the alter of an Ultimate Power that is actually achievable in this life.

How long it will take WN to question its current thinking is, however, a very open question.  The German-Americans probably never.

Claim 2: Globalism is a western project

It’s fair to say that the Judaically-centred predecessor of technocracy was a significantly western project.  But when people think of globalism today it is western technocratic projeect which they tend to mean.  Its drive for Globality is as an empire of money.  That is the name of the beast, and it is a beast with ideals of a sort.  Its vision is centred on asset ownership by a pyramidal class, with dynastic investors at its apex and authorised political and assorted managerial whores at its base.  In the middle is the structure of corporate, financial, and political internationalism.  The creatures of the pyramid would hold unto themselves all the world’s lands, and every material thing thereon.  They would control the destinies of all the surviving populations.  Further along the technological way, they could be physically and cognitively augmented … transhumanised ... and thus they would become gods of the Singularity.  If gene tech advances far enough, they would actually be immortals.

As for the rest of humanity, technocracy eschews ethnicity and nation, because it is mortally threatened by the life-cause which naturally inhabits both.  Deracinated, de-nationed, and atomised, therefore, the common man would, in the worst case scenario, be made into a chattel of the powerful.  With or without meaningful employment, he would be paid in programmable CBDC, putting him under a permanent threat that any failure in his social compliance … any failure to conform ... may trigger an algorithmic decision to switch off his access to money and thus food and water, housing, energy, healthcare, and survival.

Now, there is nothing exclusively western about any of this, just as there is nothing exclusively western, in any rooted sense, about the development of investment, finance, and corporate activity over recent decades.  The related but separate late 20th century phenomenon of globalisation (related because free markets are a prerequisite for globalism) was kicked into being by Richard Nixon’s visit to China in 1972.  Evidently, Henry Kissinger had never heard of the ancient Chinese saying, “China is a sea that salts all the waters that flow into it.”  The Nixon administration very deliberately awoke the Chinese nation and its CCP leadership, opening fateful avenues to a “rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”.  What appeared in western elite circles as a strategy for globalising their wealth, power and position appeared to Beijing as an invitation to embark upon a re-engagement with the world on the traditional, universalist terms of tianxia and the narrative of Middle Kingdom racial greatness.  The CCP leadership may be gangsters, but they are Han nationalist gangsters.  They will not pass up the opportunity which now presents itself – and cannot do so for the simple reason that if they do not take ownership of globalism eventually someone else will, and China will remain a second-tier nation of unfulfilled potential.

So the CCP leadership make encouragingly geo-economic noises and the western elites strive to make their trade for a truly global supremacy.  They, the Last Liberal Man that they are and not yet Global Man, vow to relinquish American hegemony, the Western nation state, and even Europe’s ethnicities in anticipation that the Chinese will reciprocate and abandon the power principle.  The Chinese will not abandon the power principle.  It is, after all, the unbridled power of the party which alone corporatised the economy via the WEF’s public-private partnership and formalised the digital control of the population.  That power has transformed China into the world’s first technological state.  It certainly appears to be on the golden (belt and) road not just, as is often said, to “the Asian century” or even to Chinese global hegemony but to Han racial supremacy in perpetuity.  That is the final meaning of the Chinese technate, and we opt for complacency at our peril.

Claim 3: The WEF’s Great Re-Set project failed and is over

Working on the assumption that the Covid pandemic was actually a WEF project, and the purpose of the project was to kill a substantial fraction of the world’s population … say one in five ... and force the survivors into a system of totalitarian social control, our reactionaries note the return to the socio-economic norm and assume that the threat has passed.  But Covid as such was under the hand of the World Health Organisation, which is an agency of the United Nations.  The WEF only really came into the picture because Klaus Schwab opportunistically seized the moment to push his technocratic agenda:

The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then-Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch. The initiative’s stated aim is to facilitate rebuilding from the global COVID-19 crisis in a way that prioritizes sustainable development.

WEF chief executive officer Klaus Schwab described three core components of the Great Reset: creating conditions for a “stakeholder economy”; building in a more “resilient, equitable, and sustainable” way, utilising environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics; and “harness[ing] the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” In a speech introducing the initiative, International Monetary Fund director Kristalina Georgieva listed three key aspects of a sustainable response to COVID-19: green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth.

“The Great Reset” was to be the theme of the 2021 World Economic Forum annual summit in Davos, Switzerland, scheduled for January 2021. Due to disruption from COVID-19, the summit was postponed to May 2021, and again to 2022. The Davos 2022 theme was “History at a Turning Point”, and the summit was dominated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Thus two things had happened.  Just as Putin unfroze and switched his war in the Donbas to Kiev the Covid strategy was frozen.  In the event, the lethality expected of the virus had not materialised.  The world’s population had not been decimated.  So “the Covid response” as a social control strategy was not able to be pursued.  We shall never know if the darker prognosis of permanent booster jabbing and a permanent lockdown were correct.

Obviously, response as such has to remain “on the books”.  “The next pandemic”, and pandemicity in general (“Not if but when” as the WHO says), has been installed in government planning everywhere.  Should we be apprehensive that the WHO, a classic managerial and technocratic body, is drawing governments into a centralisation process via its new Treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response?  Probably, but what else would one expect of a UN agency charged with oversight of global human health?  Public awareness about pandemic preparedness in general and Covid preparedeness in particular is not the metric upon which responsible government should determine future policy.

But the headline focus has had to switch to Putin’s war.  Just in the last fortnight we have seen Davos developed as a leading geopolitical centre, to be attended de rigeur now not just by civil servants and backroom boys but by solicitous prime minsters and presidents from conflict zones.  Schwab does not seem to have taken a reputational hit from the Covid episode.  He still has an array of novel ideas to progress, ie, Sustainable Development / Net Zero, Public-Private Partnership, Stakeholder Capitalism, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digital ID, Programmable CBDC, Universal Basic Income, Corporate purpose and brand values, Smart but car-less (or 15-minute) cities. It seems to be going very well in China.

Was, then, Covid wholly a technocratic project from the outset, and a failure in its own genocidal terms?  A lot gets said on social media.  Claims on truth are made with virulent certainty.  Yet we cannot know the facts of the initial outbreak with any certainty.  The CCP does not want that.  Anthony Fauci denied in May 2021 that the National Institutes of Health supported “gain-of-function research” at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  But we cannot know one way or another.  What we do know is that Covid brought opportunity – and fabulous riches - for some.  We know that nudge units, fact-checkers, statistical queering, social control apps, and so forth were all magicked into existence overnight by government.  Each speaks of a definite contempt for public concern and freedom of thought and deed.  We know know that the sovereignty of the human body has been breached, and what we always thought of as the social contract has been overturned.  So now we know that democracy is a thin veil easily discarded.  A turn to authoritarian methods is only ever a breath away.  Libertarians’ distrust of the state machine has been justified.  But more than that we just cannot say; and perhaps Klaus Schwab’s disgracefully one-eyed, cranky opportunism at the start of it all should not influence us.

Claim 4: Putin was provoked

Russian propaganda has turned the brains of nationalists and tradcons inside out.  They are a pretty susceptible subject-group in the first place, of course.  They hate their own political classes with a will (hardly surprising, I know).  Any strong negative emotion can be exploited by skilled propagandists.  But hatred is the easiest.

By whatever means it comes to pass, understanding the Muscovite mind, Muscovite history, Muscovite imperialism and racism is a test for us all.  If one simply assumes that Muscovy is no more Asiatic than we are, Muscovy’s elites no more atavistic or imbued with confidence in Russia’s greatness among the nations of the world ... if one assumes that the Kremlin has no geopolitical agenda, no design for global socialism under a Sino-Russian hand, no fear of the West, no paranoia because of the earnest preference of all its neighbours to live free under the aegis of the Western power structure, no envy of Western economic, scientific and technological superiority, no contempt for Western pluralism and democracy, no desire among the “men of force” for untrammelled power, no will to cruelty and violence in the pursuit of that power at home and abroad … if one assumes all this, one will fail that test miserably.  And that is precisely what is happening.

As a result, slavish conclusions are everywhere, none more so than the risible and a-historical supposition that the poor, harmless Russian dictator Vlad was “provoked” by a nuclear-tipped expansion eastward conducted from the dark and criminal recesses of Western power.  Mere mention of Victoria Nuland, oftimes followed by the loaded word “Kaganite” or “neocon”, is sufficient to wipe away all consciousness of the two popular revolutions in Ukraine, a decade apart and both against Moscow’s corrupt satraps.  The later, in 2014, brought great crowds to the centre of Kiev; men, women, and children with their blue and yellow scarves and flags, chanting and singing,  lighting candles of hope for freedom and nationhood.  But no, the reactionaries see only Nuland, Biden, NATO.  An FSB-supervised hatred carries the day!  But it remains a shocking dereliction not just to fail to suspect and interrogate Russia’s elites – and China’s – no less closely than one suspects and interrogates one’s own, or fail to see any reason why one should, but to whitewash Russia’s dictator and hand him a free pass to murder and missile who he wants, thieve what he wants (including children), and lie to the whole world about his imperialism.  In Stalin’s time such dupes were called useful idiots by the KGB.  One wonders what the successor of that organisation calls its current audience in the West.

If in any case, the suggestion that NATO on Russia’s borders is the problem, Putin’s invasion of Ukraine will have to be replicated in Finland, where a further 830 miles of “NATO provocation” now exists.  But, of course, that won’t happen, because provocation is a lie in the first place.  Russia invaded Ukraine because the second Ukrainian revolution against satrapy in ten years rendered its assimilation (likely, in time, under the same State Union Law that is operating next door in Belarus) impossible.  The loss of Ukraine to democracy and the West spells the end for the dream of a fourth Russian empire as well as a BRICS-based globalism of empires under Sino-Russian hegemony.  Further, the attainment of empire is the only means by which Russia, whose economy is the size of Italy’s, can stand against China, whose rise is seemingly inexorable and whose leaders in Beijing already treat the border between the two countries as if it did not exist.  Without empire Russia will be nothing.

As for Ukraine, it is not an intolerable provocation for a sovereign people to desire autonomy, or a sovereign nation to seek security from a violent and aggressive neighbour.  Like all the peoples who, until 1989, were forced to live under the fat Soviet arse for four and half decades, Ukrainians wish to be free.  It’s normal.  Next door in Belarus the people want the same.  The “NATO expansionism” of which Moscow complains is not, as the charmless Lavrov – Boilerplate Man - puts it, an attempt to “strangle Russia”.  NATO membership does not work like that.  It is not by invitation.  It’s a defensive alliance which nations must apply to join - which Lavrov knows perfectly well, but does not care to admit publicly.

“Provocation” is just one more lying justification to be lapped up … willingly lapped up ... by suggestible westerners.  For them it is a badge of independence, and for everyone who is not them it demonstrates bias confirmation, lack of enquiry, and echo chamber effect, to name but three complete projections.

Claim 5: China’s economic emergence does not imply global political intent

Historically, the phenomenon of national isolation is not that rare.  But China’s was unusually long.  It can be dated back half-a-millenium to the Ming dynasty.  It only really ended with the modernisation policies of the ultimate backroom boy that was Deng Xiaoping.  He began opening China to the outside world in the late 1970s, several years after Richard Nixon’s week-long visit in February 1972.

The early phase of western investment quite rapidly gave way to to the build up of strategic Chinese industrial development, not at all restricted to China itself.  That geostrategic development has been advanced in particular by large-scale raw material initiatives on the African continent and the vastly ambitious Belt & Road Initiative.  Both strategies have been widely critiqued as neocolonialism, and the latter in addition as debt-trap diplomacy.  A third strategy is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, established at the end of 2015.  None of these appear to trouble the western elites, which makes sense because they are geo-economic in nature.  Their refrain is not that China may not replace America as the economic hegemon, or even that, in time, the yuan may not replace the dollar as the global reserve currency.  These are perfectly welcome to the western elites.  But only in so much as there is no accompanying geopolitical dimension.  In other words, Chinese hegemony must be on western terms, particularly regarding the international rules-based order which is seen in Western capitals as inviolable.

The first problem with this is that classical Chinese political thought precedes even isolation.  That though dictates that the great ruler …  the Son of Heaven … receives his Mandate from Heaven, which makes him the ruler of the entire world.  In Chinese political theory other rulers of other peoples only derive their power from him.  Today he is the CCP, and nothing of this supremacism has been put aside.

The second problem, therefore, is with the geopolitical strategies which Beijing has initiated.  Chief among these is the development of BRI, which is the economic guts of the emerging economies of BRICS+.  Putin’s Russia aside, Beijing’s new southern hemisphere friends tend to be folk who govern by the exercise of arbitrary power.  Not a few of them are Muslim.  The UN’s Agenda 2030 and the World Bank’s linkage of funding to “good governance” and democratic reform are pure expressions of Western elites’ values, and the governing classes of the southern hemisphere tend not to thank us for it.  This is the break-point in the western geo-economic model.  No one else in the seats of government across the world wants to loosen their personal grip on power for some economic bit part in another self-serving western charade.  They may not have much of a voice.  But Beijing does and, wisely or not, they trust it with the preservation of their own portion of power.  The development of BRICS+ over the next decade will very likely demonstrate the universality of that trust.

The other significant and, from a Western perspective, troubling Chinese power play has been the 2001 Sino-Russian Treaty of Friendship.  Shortly before the Russian Army’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Xi and Putin agreed that the relationship between their two countries (power-structures actually, but never mind) was one of “limitless friendship”.  The invasion clearly strained relations.  But the western politicians have not succeeded in drawing Beijing to Kiev’s side.  Beijing is always and in everything on Beijing’s side, and the full meaning of that, while it may be understood well enough in the recesses of State Department thinking, has yet to percolate down to the wider information space.

Part of that is the information that the Eurasian mind and the East Asian mind find agreement on the matter of America and the West.  Both Russian and Chinese elites are atavistic.  Both are expansionist in their geopolitical thinking.  But the Kremlin is ineluctably a place of the peasant mind.  The Chinese have a deeper culture, if one reinforcing supremacist thinking, and with that thinking a racial animus at, and abiding resentment of, the brilliant, inventive “upstart” Europeans.  We, as European nationalists, are making a grave error in underestimating them.

Claim 6:  Russia is the source of white Christian renewal

… notwithstanding the fact that church attendance in America is five times higher than in Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and only 16% of non-Muslims in Russia say religion is important in their lives (but 43% of Muslims say it is).  Or that Vlad’s occasional public references to Western decadence and degeneracy are eurasianist propaganda.  Or that his important article from July 2021, which set forth a denial of Ukraine’s separate existence and was employed to justify its assimilation, mentioned neither decadence nor degeneracy.

But how, anyway, would this fabled Christian renewal work?  Even if Russians were church-going and traditionally Christian, how would that find its way, as a dominant influence, into a post-collapse power structure in the West?  Does anyone really believe that a new dispensation will be concerned with the saving of European and American souls?  Why would the Russian “men of force” be remotely interested in religious renewal, or any renewal, for the nations of the West.  They have no interest in exporting “philosophical Russia” or, indeed, “religious Russia, to scourge the liberal source of our weakness and straiten us for the rigours of their own mastery.  Why would they?  Along with the Chinese, they would be completely content for European Man to continue his descent into hell.  To be clear, they would not constitute a liberating force riding hell-for-leather to our rescue at the eleventh hour.  They would be but another layer of self-serving, destructive power.

Or, if one eschews the imposts of power and assumes for a Christian revival from within western societies, can we identify some inevitable historicity to it, some gravitational pull which dictates that people must revert to Yahweh-worship?

To be clear, it’s an imported and prescribed system of belief, and not an artefact fashioned for, and according to, our sociobiology.  If one were to judge Christian belief by its Abrahamic parent and its secular child, which is liberalism³, one might easily conclude that we are not well served by it.  So, for example, subtract from it the social conservatism and generally adaptive choices that travel with it (which nationalism would supply more openly and effectively).  Now come to England, old and rural.  Subtract a lone bell’s monotonously regular toll floating on the morning air; the ancient churchyard, a trespass on the tufts of dewy, springy grass past stones once stood erect but haphazard now, names carved all too long ago and washed away by the centuries of English rain; the dark-hued, ageless yew throwing its shadow; the oaken door silvering in its Norman arch; the stone flags worn by the feet of generations of the faithful and the not so faithful; the air in the place, heavy and autumnal, conjured into an otherliness that is expected yet retiring, unknowable; and, in the great and deep, unspeakable silence, a sense of time and not-time, of place and no place, of beauty, of sanctity, of light and of vastness, of stubbornness in the face of decay, of the smallness of men and of oneself – constituents all of an aesthetic belonging in a strange but definite sense more to English genes than to English religious history or English cultural history …. subtract all that and one is left with the plain, unadulterated post-Judaic dicta for the gentile.  One is left with universal love, the praying for forgiveness from the sin of not loving universally, the judgement of the Judaic deity and the soul’s eternal damnation for some unknowable wrong-doing (not so popular since WW1), the grace of the said Judaic deity and the soul’s salvation and eternal life in Heaven (too lightly taken for granted since WW1), and belief, belief, belief … the circuitous track of eager belief.  What, then, is there for us?  Where is the ethnic and racial benefit of any of these leavings, given that death is certainly death, and that gods are for the benefit of the people of living peoples?

Aside from the occasional isolated string of authentically esoteric biblical linguistics, the practise of transcendence is, at best, entirely obscured from view as if it never was.  But then it has to be.  Human authenticity drives out human artifice, and everything here is the artifice of the exoteric   Everything can display only more of its own lovely visage, which is not enough, and which is the tragedy of European faith in the post-tribal epoch.

Claim 7:  The collapse of America and NATO at the hands of a resurgent Russia will free the West for nationalist revolution

Again, how?  Honestly, how can anyone conclude that China, the world’s first technate, and the CCP, an utterly ruthless and self-interested gangster body with a vision of a 21st century Middle Kingdom dominion over supine, socialist humanity, is in reality so easy-going and all-round libertarian, that it would come wreathed in smiles and help nationalists into control?  Sometimes I am earnestly informed that China is only interested in making and selling its gewgaws and widgets, and would never harbour any designs for the control and exploitation of Europe, America, and the Antipodes.  Why, we will all just be able to go on with our liberal project like before (because, of course, we don’t know what a systemic nationalism of ethnicity truly is, and we don’t know that we are the liberalism we so freely disdain).  And, obviously, we will be given all the time in the world to organise our own revolution.  There couldn’t possibly be any imposition of a new Middle Kingdom order.

Yes, our Chinese overlords will be tolerant, generous, and very happy to see the West rise again as a nationalist racial bloc.  What’s that?  Wishful thinking, you say?  Child-like naïvety, anyone?

Claim 8:  The traditional white way of life will return if globalism is defeated

This is what I’ve previously termed isostasism … the assumption that evolutionarily adaptive thinking will rise again when maladaptive thinking is driven from power over us.  In other words, the embedded consequences of maladaptiveness within the worlded personhood – a generational phenomenon -will simply count for nothing, and sheer inevitability will do the rest.  It will manage everything for us, the reactionary says.  It is his perfect, Eden-esque solution, requiring nothing so difficult and reinforcing as a new and positive epochal Idea.  It is also magical thinking, and it blithely gambles the house on a mechanism which, though real and important within its own confines, exists amid the light and noise and distractions of the day only as a retiring, vestigial principle, and one proven insufficient by millenia of human experience.  Post collapse and sans an ordering system by which men may destine we are far more likely, sadly, to be nihilistic savages; and it will be the unenquiring face of savagery which the reactionary can eventually expect to gaze into.

To reprise, this is an anti-philosophical proposition, not only in that it denies the power and tenacity of the extant system – extant because it abides in us all, above our nature - but it also denies the necessity, in the event of a civilisational collapse, for a whole systemic replacement.

The final word

One does not expect nationalists and tradcons to begin understanding the role of thought and philosophy any time soon.  It is a psychological reflex for men betrayed by their leaders and deprived by them of a fit standing in life, unjustly abused and silenced, to turn to wilder and wilder forms of self-justification and self-assertion.  Impulsive and injudicious claims and whole-hearted commitment to more or less anything that might damage the perceived enemy goes hand-in-hand with that.  Throw in the internet echo-chamber, anonymity, Russian propaganda and fakery, the competition among right-wing critics of the West to be crucially alternative yet credible, and to attract attention, follower, likes, re-tweets yet notoriety, the profusion of “experts” (all subject to these same temptations), and the appetite for revenge against the elite’s complex, callous, disdainful power structure that is, in the minds of these men, “America” and “the West”, the sheer negative energy of reaction ... add all that and it makes sense. 

How one can reasonably find truth and speak of it amid this bedlam, this great quest for the win … the final word, is another problem.


¹ The term “re-set” was in circulation for several years before Klaus Schwab picked it up, stuck “Great” in front of it and used it to mean a rapid transition to The Globality courtesy of the opportunities supplied by the new bureaucratic religion of pandemicity.  Even before the financial crisis of the late noughties there were voices in financial journalism calling for a re-set of debt in their industry.  Pity no one listened.

² The 2030 date is also not a Klaus Schwab original, but something he pinched from those delightful people at the UN, who needed target dates when they were confecting their two Agendas.  The second of those had 17 sustainability goals to be achieved by, yes, 2030.  Uncle Klaus appears to have woven the entire WEF programme out of other people’s science and other people’s internationalism.  But the world’s “leaders” seem to be terribly impressed.

³ The Christian seeking salvation by the grace of God translates in systemic liberalism as the unfettering will, while the soul saved for an eternal life in Heaven translates as the subject without confines.  Sin translates in right liberalism as the condition of the fettered “individual” and in left-liberalism as oppression by an Other.



Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 01 Feb 2024 21:00 | #

An interesting book review appeared at the Speccie today.  The book in question is The Political Thought of Xi Jinping by Steve Tsang, Director of the China Institute at SOAS University of London, and his research fellow Olivia Cheung, and the review is written by former UK diplomat and old China hand Charles Parton.

This book is the most surefooted guide you will find to the mind-numbing and at times faintly comical language in which the CCP clothes its ideology and actions. Phrases such as ‘community with a shared future for mankind’, ‘the two establishments and two safeguards’, the ‘China dream of national rejuvenation’ sound fairly meaningless, but they are not. Tsang and Cheung slash through the jungle of jargon and the picture they paint is not reassuring. Xi aims to make China great again. Inside the country, that means a contradictory mix of a Leninism which still consults the people (but may not factor in their views where they do not suit the CCP) with a strongman leader who has dispensed with the old form of collective leadership. It is control by the party, in turn controlled by Xi, with a totalitarian vision.

Internationally, Xi wants to restore the age-old Chinese concept of Tian Xia (everything under heaven), whereby China leads the world, its values and systems recognised and followed, but takes very limited responsibility for solving the world’s problems. Becoming the number one superpower by the mid-century is what Xi intends, but China will not become America 2.0 – not the world’s policeman so much as the world’s secret policeman.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Feb 2024 00:15 | #

Nixon and Kissinger set China’s ascendency in motion. They are the proximate cause of the power that Xi now wields. China’s rise was predicted from the onset in 1972. Why should we be in anyway shocked that China is fast rising to become the number one super-power in the world? Again, anyone with a lick of commonsense knew this was coming from the 1972 start! Any latecomers to that reality are in the category of the idiot class.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 02 Feb 2024 09:34 | #

Mentioned that in Section Two of the OP, Thorn.

The point is that, as this book explains, the CCP is committed to a power-based hegemonic model, and not the western elites’ geo-economic model.  Beijing talks geo-economics at Davos but not at home.

What does that mean?  Well, add technocracy (ie, the secret policeman reference in Parton’s review) and Moscow’s imperialist, non rules-based global model to Chinese hegemonic power and what do you get?  A profoundly more unsympathetic Mind controlling our national life, as I have tried to explain many times.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Feb 2024 11:31 | #

“A profoundly more unsympathetic Mind controlling our national life”

I concur.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 03 Feb 2024 03:26 | #

  A few prescient souls predicted the awakening of the slumbering giant , China , long prior to 1972.

Here’s an informed speculation re China’s rise:

  In the short and medium term , China may wish to claim its place in the sun without wishing , immediately , to place its largest economic partner ( for now ) in the inevitable and proximate shadow.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 03 Feb 2024 16:44 | #

From the article Al linked to @ 5.

“And the US should do more to improve its own talent pool and therefore its technological base and economic strength. Don’t let China create an inexorable lead in its talent pool, particularly for STEM graduates.”

Therein lies the problem going forward for the USA. The educational system has shifted focus and is now prioritizing the indoctrination of its students in CRT, DEI and “anti-racism” over teaching math, science, technology and engineering.
Fighting and defeating “systemic racism” and “white supremacy” has taken precedence. In short, “progressive” academics (which comprise >90% of them) look upon meritocracy as a tool used to perpetuate the “white supremacist” system; a system designed to oppress blacks and other “marginalized groups. Thus, America’s meritocracy - including anything that measures intellectual accomplishment - has been deemed as “white racism” thus it’s under severe attack.

DEI has spread into nearly all the institutions both public and private. The consequence of DEI is it is systematically corroding all the characteristics Western culture is built on. We can’t survive this much longer.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 04 Feb 2024 00:06 | #

Check this out, GW. I think the Rabbi is right.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 04 Feb 2024 23:30 | #

Al, Lee Kuan Yew seems to be living in a past age.  What he says was true in Deng’s time, when the idea of China’s rise was novel.  But now?  Technocracy, BRICS+, Putin’s Eurasianist war-mongering, Taiwan and the String of Pearls, Covid and the technate, Xi Jinping’s totalising new powers ... it’s as if the hard-talk of, say, the State Department’s geopolitical analysts has been excised in favour of the broad, optimistic, stuffy speechifying of a state banquet.  Sorry, no sale!

Likewise, Thorn, that Orthodox rabbi, although no doubt sincere, is arguing from the Torah.  Obviously, “G-d” isn’t going to disappoint Zionists so He can deliver the world up to Olam Ha-ba.

Two days ago over at TCW - a definitely religious site, to be fair - an article appeared on the completely non-religious subject of Net Zero.  Naturally, it dragged in God (who, as far as I know, hasn’t yet offered an opinion on climate change).  So I posted the following observation:

Note to the religious.

Keep it to yourself. Don’t let it interfere in intellectual contributions. It will make them unreadable and uninteresting to the majority of thinking people.

I don’t wish to be unfriendly to TCW’s Christians.  But I do wish they could switch off the magical thinking for five minutes.  Same goes for religious Jews.



Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 03:14 | #

GW, please . LKY died years ago .

Were he alive today, he would doubtless quote his fellow Cantabrigian, Keynes, and say ” When circumstances change , I change too . What do you do?”


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 03:24 | #

GW , Singapore is run by very smart people who , for now , are not overtly taking sides in the US / China rivalry and won’t until the latter’s total victory is obvious.

  I do wish that UK could arrest a naturalised ( itself an unnatural process ) foreign - born citizen ,  and charge him with Sedition .

It necessarily follows that de - naturalisation and deportation is the logical step but I’d bet Mayfair to Mogadishu that Singapore won’t annoy China with such an act .


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 06:28 | #

GW , at what point does your dislike of anti - American sentiment meet reality . 

When the Jews in charge of so much of that once great country , declare racial victory or when the Blacks / Browns become a majority ?

I exhibit anti - American tendencies because I know that the White Colonial folk who built that once - great nation are now a lost and , in time , to be forgotten people. like White Zimbabweans.

At the root of White failure is something you have known for years ,  viz., our non - tranferability of EGI care and concern from village to city and beyond.

Fortunately , The Chinese will look at our Civilisation , in the manner that Oxbridge academics viewed ancient Egypt.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:58 | #

“Likewise, Thorn, that Orthodox rabbi, although no doubt sincere, is arguing from the Torah.”

I should have been more specific when I said the Rabbi is right. What I mean is I agree with him on the question of whether Zionism -particularly the creation of the Zionist state known as Israel - is good for the Jews. He explained why it isn’t and I, in large part, agree with is take.

From the Nakba on, Israel has been shown to be a murderous Jewish supremacist disruptive pain in the azz. It has and continues to destabilize the entire region. Now it’s in the midst of committing genocide on the Palestinian citizens in Gaza - and, obviously, the USA is complicate in that genocide. Kudos for South Africa for filing genocide charges against Israel in the ICJ in which, thank goodness, the ruling went against Israel (the results have yet to be realized.). They should file one against the USA next. The Biden administration provided Netanyahu, and his foaming-at-the-mouth bloc of maniacs, all those 1,000 and 2,000lb bombs that were indiscriminately dropped - and are still being dropped - on innocent Palestinian citizens. Biden could cut Israel off of U.S. support immediately and that would cause an end to this genocide, but he won’t. Many believe the Israel Lobby holds the upper hand in U.S. foreign policy decisions. All indications point in that direction.

Then there is the question of whether most Israeli Jews (the Ashkenazim) are descended from the original tribes or are they descended from native European Women who converted to Judaism in ancient times. Many credible studies of modern-day Ashkenazi’s mtDNA have led to the preponderance of the evidence almost proving - but not quite proving but are very close - the latter is the case.  If it’s indeed the case, then modern day Israel, founded as a Jewish state, is illegitimate. They have no legitimate claim on the land.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 00:34 | #

I know you know what Al says about the USA applies equally to what’s happening in the UK too. Amazing the parallels. The truth is both the USA and the UK have the same peeps directing the agenda.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 01:47 | #

My bad, Al.  LKY died in 2015, aged 91; the year after the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and three years after Xi Jinping became paramount leader and two years after becoming president of the PRC.

Regarding anti-American sentiment, it’s fine when it is adequately reasoned but not at all fine when it is a mechanical prejudice sustained by denying the obvious.  One of the disasters nationalists and tradcons have to confront is the shocking weakness of intellectuals and men of political stature in the face of Establishment power and control, which effectively means that the discontented have vanishingly few men to look up to, and from whom they might take a lead.  The result is a surfeit of low-grade, reactionary noise with very little political knowledge or nuance, allied to a massive belief that they have it all down right!  Perhaps I am getting old, but I just find it is very, very tiresome to have to deal, basically, with the same cock-sure, closed mind popping up in a different body ... the same claims, the same assertiveness, the same absence of questions, the same intellectual failings.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:20 | #


A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineage

The origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain highly controversial. Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.

The origins of Ashkenazi Jews—the great majority of living Jews—remain highly contested and enigmatic to this day1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11. The Ashkenazim are Jews with a recent ancestry in central and Eastern Europe, in contrast to Sephardim (with an ancestry in Iberia, followed by exile after 1492), Mizrahim (who have always resided in the Near East) and North African Jews (comprising both Sephardim and Mizrahim). There is consensus that all Jewish Diaspora groups, including the Ashkenazim, trace their ancestry, at least in part, to the Levant, ~2,000–3,000 years ago5,12,13,14. There were Diaspora communities throughout Mediterranean Europe and the Near East for several centuries prior to the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE (Common Era), and some scholars suggest that their scale implies proselytism and wide-scale conversion, although this view is very controversial9,15.

Overall, we estimate that most (>80%) Ashkenazi mtDNAs were assimilated within Europe. Few derive from a Near Eastern source, and despite the recent revival of the ‘Khazar hypothesis’16, virtually none are likely to have ancestry in the North Caucasus. Therefore, whereas on the male side there may have been a significant Near Eastern (and possibly east European/Caucasian) component in Ashkenazi ancestry, the maternal lineages mainly trace back to prehistoric Western Europe. These results emphasize the importance of recruitment of local women and conversion in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and represent a significant step in the detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.


Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion. The phylogenetic nesting patterns suggest that the most frequent of the Ashkenazi mtDNA lineages were assimilated in Western Europe, ~2 ka or slightly earlier. Some in particular, including N1b2, M1a1b, K1a9 and perhaps even the major K1a1b1, point to a north Mediterranean source. It seems likely that the major founders were the result of the earliest and presumably most profound wave of founder effects, from the Mediterranean northwards into central Europe, and that most of the minor founders were assimilated in west/central Europe within the last 1,500 years. The sharing of rarer lineages with Eastern European populations may indicate further assimilation in some cases, but can often be explained by exchange via intermarriage in the reverse direction.




Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 11:25 | #

Our Fake Money System
January 31, 2024

THE issue neither presidential candidate will ever discuss is explained in this podcast by Legalman, who loses his cool a couple of times unfortunately but does a good job explaining the basics. Listen:

The fake money system is at the root of all the fakery.

“The system is there to enslave you and it works.”


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 22:26 | #

This supplement’s or adds to what Legalman @16 asserts:

Lt Col Karen Kwaitkowski Is the US Govt a Ponzi Scheme?


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 05:17 | #

GW , you sound tired .

Buck up and answer some questions , like why do you imagine that ” discontented men ” ever looked up to their betters.

They , in private mocked, them . 

The “discontented men ” were forced by Land Law or Military Service to suffer what they must.  That is what every White Gentile society required and requires and why the Jew Marxists wish to abolish it.



Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 22:36 | #

I am reaching the conclusion, Al, that literally nobody else in nationalism ... not a soul ... believes that we are standing at what the hip political in-crowd like to call an inflection point but is really an impending disaster on a civilisational scale.  The stars are aligning, and the collapse of the western order is becoming inevitable.  It will be as shocking and straitening and temporally defining as when the Romans arrived in Britain in AD 43 and suppressed the old tribalism, or when William defeated Harold and put an end to tribalism’s tender national successor; and though I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to explain the meaning of western collapse and the rise of the Asiatic Man to my fellow dissenters, still they cheer on Putin and Trump, and do so solely because they hate the old political order with all their might.  Of course, they are cheering on the destruction of the world in which they are themselves invested in toto, and which they need to survive so that our sons and daughters might fight by its engrained moral rules and yet give life to our people.

It’s as if Enoch’s terrible warning “We must be mad, literally mad ...” has been realised, yes, but the reality has expanded exponentially in every direction.  All the mad little people are screaming themselves hoarse for death to come and wave its pitch black cloak over our life.  What can one do?  They think they know where freedom is.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 03:27 | #

#15 I think , Thorn , that you may be on to something. 

In Israel , DNA tests for the general public are banned and one may reasonably surmise that lack of Levantine DNA in so many tested ” Jews ” is a causal factor.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 07:56 | #

Also , prior to the racially alien, slave - inciting , heretical Jews ( Christians ) bringing psychological threats to our Aryan Ancient Roman territory, Religious Terrorism , in the posthumous Supernatural attack sense was happily absent.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:22 | #

Both Israel and the West (read: the USA) have maneuvered themselves into a Zugzwang position. At least that’s the perspective of Big Surge. I think he sees the situation correctly. You may see it different. 

The Age of Zugzwang
The Merciless Grip of Geostrategic Logic

FEB 13, 2024


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 10:38 | #

Nice style of writing.  Interesting take.  He does, though, seem to be selling a form of historicism, not Spenglerian exactly but not a million miles away.  Historicism without Spengler’s revolutionary conservatism is without content.  It is just an inevitablist process.  So the question is: what are his politics?

As far as I can see, he is not a nationalist; so he probably cannot know where the start of the historical chain is.  However, we are nationalists and we know.  Having transferred their allegiance to Money and international finance, the Western elites of the post-WW2 period chose to embark upon the race-replacement of European Man so that the bond between European blood and European land was no longer a threat to their power interests.  Our race-replacement was not forced on us by historical inevitabilities but by the decisions of the powerful.  That, as we now know, would go on to generate a series of very shocking pathologies in our life.

Having chosen to excise the existential principal, ie, European Man, from the West, the elites then chose to trigger the rise of the east.  That, as we also now know, has had the effect de-industrialising and neoliberalising the West.  Over the ensuing three decades a rag-bag of destructive political causes were increasingly installed at the heart of all the Western polities (anti-racism, the various neo-Marxist forms, the hate speech manipulation, holocaustism, pee-cee/wokery, the green agenda, technocracy).  These did not become forces in our life through an inevitable turn of historical events but by rationally-determined choices by the controlling powers in America and the West.

Without the designed release of China from isolation there would be no drive for a fourth Russian empire, because the the West would not be seized by paroxysms of decline and change.  Opportunities for empire would not exist.  China’s rise to hegemony would not be anticipated, and Russia would not need to defend herself from it.

As for Israel, it’s of little moment to us whether that country exists or not.  On balance it is better that Jews live there than in the West.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 14:11 | #


Good take on your part, GW. But I don’t see a “drive for a fourth Russian empire”. Even if Russia wanted to, it doesn’t possess the power - militarily or otherwise - to engage in empire building. Nowhere close.

Here’s another good essay.

European Suicide: The Economic War against Russia
February 1, 2024 Patrik Baab

The Goals of the German Federal Government and the Current Situation

The Federal Government dreams of a comprehensive integration of Ukraine into the EU and a prosperous post-war Ukraine. A “confidential memorandum” of the London School of Economics, commissioned jointly by the Foreign and Economic Ministries, envisages a driving private sector run reconstruction backed by active German industrial policy [Luke Cooper, After the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2023: Lessons and themes for 2024. Confidential Memo. London School of Economics, 2023]. Technology transfer should play a central role. The state protects the private sector’s risk—investments. The memo provides close cooperation with USAID and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, which is close to the leading Social Democratic Party. According to the memo, reconstruction is in the interests of large German companies. So the plan is to set up an extended workbench in Ukraine as a low-wage country. But the dreams of a “new Singapore in Kiev” only show the government coalition in Berlin’s loss of reality [“A Singapore in Kiev”—that was the tenor of a confidential technical discussion at government level in autumn 2023]. Apparently, the external costs for the German taxpayer are not even evaluated.

That is why I want to present the economic consequences of the Ukraine war based on the studies and forecasts known so far. This includes the dimensions of war, the economic situation of Ukraine, the consequences of a possible EU-membership of Ukraine, the sanction’s impact on Russia, its impact on the German economy, the economic and geostrategic reasons for the Ukraine-war, winners and losers of a “European suicide” and the goverment’s options.

(To save time, you can skip to #‘s 7 & 8 - 7. Winners and Losers, 8. Conclusions and Policy Measures


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 18:21 | #

Thorn, the three Baltic states, the Polish, and the Moldovans don’t agree with your assessment.  Today the Telegraph live feed quoted an ISS summary about Moscow’s shaping of the discourse on Moldova:

The Kremlin is using “very similar” rhetoric towards Moldova as it did before its invasion of Ukraine, the Institute for the Study of War reported.

The think tanks says Moscow’s methods are “likely” designed “to set conditions to justify possible future Russian escalation against Moldova”.

Addressing the Transnistria conflict, yesterday, Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, made a series of allegations that mirror those directed at Ukraine ahead of Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its full-scale invasion.

His allegations included falsely claiming that the US and EU control the Moldovan government. He also claimed that there are about 200,000 Russian citizens in Transnistria, and that Russia is “concerned about their fate” and “will not allow them to become victims of another Western adventure.”

The Kremlin has used the idea of protecting its “compatriots abroad” to justify Russian occupation of Transnistria since 1992 as well as its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the ISW reported.

“The timing of a possible Russian hybrid operation in Moldova is unclear, but the Kremlin is setting informational conditions to make it possible soon,” it said.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:38 | #

GW, I think The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) is one of the most relied upon think-tanks the Washington establishment gains its intelligence from. What to see the direction the Department of Defense and the Department of State is going towards or bases its decisions/policies on? Read the ISW website and it provides the general answers. But we must keep in mind, the ISW is bias towards the neocon philosophy which adheres to the notion that the USA is exceptional thus must assume the role of the world’s policeman who spreads and maintains liberal democracy across the globe. Sounds good on paper but the reality is most of the world does not want to come under the hegemony of Western style globalism. The Putin regime decided the best course forward for Russia and the Russian people is to reject Western style globalism and choose a different course. Of course, BRICS is part of that course of action. We now live in a multi-polar world where the two main adversaries are the USA and China. China is very happy that the Western elites drove Russia into their arms. Now China has easy access to the natural resources - particularly the fossil fuels - they so depend on.

Botton line,
I share your grave concern China may come out on top in the struggle to gain control of the forthcoming globalist government. But driving Russia into China’s arms was a boneheaded mistake on the part of Washington’s decision makers. Meanwhile millions of whites are either being killed, maimed and or displaced in Ukraine as a result of the hubris, and impatience mainly perpetrated by the oligarchs who pull the strings of the elected officials in Washington DC.

The plan was-is to weaken Russia using Ukraine as a proxy; if China continues to economically support Russia via trade, then ironically the tables may be turned. That being, the China/Russia alliance could very well weaken the USA economically, militarily, and especially diplomatically, in the eyes of the world.

Agree with it or not, this piece is a good example of displaying the mindset of those in the ISW:

Just as I finished scribbling this comment, I heard on the news a report that opposition leader Alexei Navalny is dead.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:43 | #

I mention Navalny’s death bc it has the potential to spark unrest in Russia’s main cities. Time will tell….


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 03:32 | #

GW , your point about the absence of politics in historicism ( itself an oft challenged view of the past ) rings true .

I have on my Kindle , the late great Prof. RG Collingwood’s ” Idea of History” and I would be interested in an autodidact’s view of it , bearing in mind that RGC did not allocate sufficient study time to become an accountant , so you may find yourself at an advantage . :


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 04:53 | #

#27 Thorn , perhaps Russians may think about Navalny’s death the same way as I might think about the unlamented demise of dangerous haters of UK , like Diane Abbot et al.

I would promise not to organise a protest through the streets of my home town , St Andrews.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 09:31 | #

Thanks Al, I’ll have a look at Collingwood and maybe knock something out on where stuff comes from.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:38 | #

Al @ 29

I can hope the Russians have enough common sense to reject people with the corrosive philosophy Navalny was trying to propagate. All one has to do is look at how the West is being destroyed from within to see the ruinous results the Navalny types have in store for Russia.

Good riddance to Navalny.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:57 | #

Is state murder really the best way to handle competing political ideologies, Thorn?  Come on, look at what you are saying.  Would you really prefer to dissent under a murderous and psychopathic dictator than under the western Establishment class?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:59 | #

British Asset Dies in Russia

It’s a bit much for the people who are holding Julian Assange and the J6 political prisoners in prison for doing absolutely nothing that can be reasonably regarded as criminal to shed crocodile tears over the death of a British intelligence asset who tried to overthrow the Russian government in a Russian prison.

Now that you’ve heard the fake outrage from the West, let’s look at the information they withheld from you. Navalny is a terrorist. He was caught planning a color revolution to overtake Russian with MI6. He’s not “political opposition”. He’s a foreign intelligence asset. A spy.

Below, you can see Navalny discussing planning “mass protests, civil initiatives, propaganda, establishing contacts with elites” with British MI6 agent, James William Thomas Ford, via the funding from unnamed rich billionaires.

Navalny was the West’s frontman to takeover Russia from within. The same exact playbook they used to take over Ukraine. Navalny was a Deep State asset, and he was treated as such. As a hostile foreign actor looking to overthrow a sovereign nation, on behalf of the West. Treason and sedition. So spare me with the West’s fake outrage and pearl-clutching, as if Putin is unfairly jailing and murdering political opponents, while the Trump witch hunt is going into its 8th year… and while Julian Assange is still being tortured in prison…

Biden and the MSM are already trying to leverage this situation to coerce Americans to send more money to Ukraine. The entire thing is a hoax, just like everything else they do.

Navalny was literally caught on video plotting a color revolution in Russia. He was a traitor to his nation and a corrupt actor in service to Clown World. He was a very evil man. Pay attention to anyone pretending that he was some sort of political martyr, because that is a reliable confirmation of loyalty to Clown World.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 12:09 | #

@ 32

GW, obviously you haven’t noticed or are willfully ignoring the fact that Western leadership has fallen under the psychopathic mindset of the Herbert Marcuse types. Putin is a saint by comparison.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 13:25 | #

1. The GRU decide what you hear, Thorn.  Navalny returned to Russia after a botched assassination attempt.  Strange thing for a Western spy to do, don’t you think?

2. To concentrate your mind, would you rather dissent in the west or in Russia?  Really?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 14:14 | #

Or Navalny returned to Russia because he was caught-up in his own grandiose delusions? He actually thought he could prevail in a contest against Putin? Foolish man.

Good article:

With Prison Certain and Death Likely, Why Did Navalny Return?

An activist who thrived on agitation, he feared irrelevancy in exile. Winning new respect as he continued to lambast the Kremlin from behind bars cost him his life.

Read more>>



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 17:36 | #

Never believe the Kremlin, Thorn (and the response to that is not “Never believe the White House” or whatever).

As for Navalny, Bild has claimed that Navalny was a possible exchange in the coming weeks for former FSB colonel Vadim Krasikov, who assassinated a former Chechen commander Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin’s Tiergarten Park in broad daylight in 2019.  It’s one sure way of saying “No deal”.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 18:10 | #

“Never believe the Kremlin, Thorn”

Not sure we should take much stock in what the Bild prints either.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:33 | #

I know you will love this, GW. lol


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:38 | #

This is a good one too:


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 06 Mar 2024 03:31 | #

# 41 I liked the mad woman’s Democracy plea .

  George Galloway won in Rochdale by appealing to the 30% of the population who are White Infidel - despising , Muslims from South Asia.

His entire campaign was about Third Worlders’  Gaza concerns and at no time did he address the needs of the 70 % White native English electorate . 

The Paki electorate in Rochdale never once lobbied their home country’s Govt to take in Gaza refugees . 

No surprise there : the Pakis gave the boot to fellow Muslim Afghans :

Why can’t we learn from our former Empire subjects’ view of unwanted ethnic interlopers ? 

That’s Democracy , folks .  And you are welcome to it.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:35 | #

“Terrible Tom”, a sharp and courageous inspiration. Sure do miss him! He did an admiral job fighting for the white race against his vilest, most devious, anti-white opponents.

This from (my guess) around 40 years ago:


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 02 Apr 2024 21:08 | #

The U.S. gov.  open borders policy (aka race-replacement) working in tandem with the U.S. government using lawfare/intimidation tactics (currently being used to silence and censure all dissident voices) is where we’re at today. Let’s connect these two particular dots:

First this:

Then this:

“IT IS FINISHED”—NYAG Letitia James Crucifies Editor Peter Brimelow writes:

I launched on Christmas Eve 1999. So it is perhaps appropriate that, on Good Friday 2024, the anniversary of Christ’s death,  I must announce’s crucifixion by New York State’s communist Attorney General Letitia James.

On March 27 2024, in another of her lightning-fast NYAG James-compliant rulings, New York State Supreme Court Judge Sabrina Kraus held us in Contempt Of Court because we have not yet complied (because we were fighting it) with her January 23 2023 order that we meet NYAG James’ massive and crippling subpoena demands.

Judge Kraus did modify her earlier order to reflect the intervention (much appreciated) of the Institute for Free Speech. So now we no longer have to reveal, explicitly, the names of our pseudonymous writers, some of whom would certainly be fired from their jobs if their identities leaked.

But we are still required to review 40 gigabytes of emails, an enormous amount. And of course these would in fact reveal the names of those pseudonymous writers, as well as our donors, privileged communications with lawyers etc.

Judge Kraus has also now allowed us to redact these emails. But this is a huge task, which our lawyers estimate could cost as much as $150,000.

An observer tells us this order is more typical of major corporate litigation, not a tiny charity.

And, perversely, although Judge Kraus has now modified her January 23 2023 order, she is nevertheless now fining us $250 a day for not complying with it.

We have fought NYAG Letitia James, at a cost of up to $1 million, for nearly three years. But now we are literally hanging on the cross.


“IT IS FINISHED”—NYAG Letitia James Crucifies | Articles

“IT IS FINISHED”—NYAG Letitia James Crucifies | Articles Editor Peter Brimelow writes: I launch…

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)
