A Russian Passion
We mere citizens of the West, we voters for the Uniparty, we victims of propaganda do not get to hear the words spoken in the highest geo-strategic reaches of the US State Department, or in the Pentagon, or in the CIA, much less in the rival bodies in Moscow and Beijing. What trickles out of the mouths of presidents and ministers is the usual finessed, platitudinous semaphore by which vast power structures publicly communicate with one another. Sometimes a “government source” or someone “close to such-and-such” will add vital context, on or off the record, which is presumably then pored over by analysts a world away. But precious little of the resultant analysis ever reaches the mass of Americans or Russians or Chinese. Every leader’s statecraft and long and short-term geopolitical strategies are locked away in the black box that is government. Basically, the masses are only required to think one simple thing at a time. We must support our leaders in “difficult” (ie, costly) decisions. We are to be compliant workers and consumers. Under no circumstances are we to make domestic difficulties. If opacity is necessary in certain (obvious) respects, nonetheless it is a primary cause of the fine mess which is “right-wing” opinion on Moscow’s war in Ukraine. Many, many people still operate from the mechanical assumption that, no matter how inhuman the Russian military’s deeds, “the West” … meaning Washington + NATO … is the real evil-doer in this world. So Moscow gets a free pass. Scarcely anyone troubles to analyse the geopolitics. Russia as an historical geopolitical dynamic … expansionist Russia, therefore … the Russia which has bloody borders, and whose small neighbours can never be entirely safe … that Russia goes unexamined while the past excesses of American power are held up for ritual condemnation and blamed for everything. It’s a wilful blindness. Last week, in his phony presser, Putin reiterated the same conditions for “peace” which he had used to justify the invasion in the first place. Ukrainians and Russians are one people ... there must be de-militarisation and de-nazification ... Ukraine must be neutral. If we ignore the factual inconsistencies and the boilerplate abuse, this does actually demonstrate an imperialist dictator’s historical intent, which is dominion. Ukraine would be Russified, or divided, one part Russified and the other part only Belarussified with another Yanukovych at the helm. The Ukrainian people would, of course, have no right to express an opinion on the matter. The new Tsardom will not tolerate discordant opinion. Unlike the British colonialism of the 18th and 19th centuries, which had no interest in die-stamping the existence of its ruled peoples, life in Putin’s Russian World would not be less Russified than it was in the long, hard decades of the Soviet tyranny. But in Ukraine, which has had the temerity to fight and would have to be engineered out of ever doing so again, Russification would mean something even darker. Andriy Yusov, from Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence, spoke exactly about this in February this year:
Anyone who is not a would-be Pol Pot will have difficulty in understanding from whence such monumental destructiveness issues. Plainly, it is not, as the FSB has it, some just and reasonable response to Ukrainian “Nazism” against the poor, oppressed Russians of the east. There is an article online at Ukrainska Pravda about ordinary villagers close to the Russian border near Kharkiv. It finishes by quoting someone who said: “I’m from Kharkiv and I spoke Russian all my life. Since 2022 I’ve only spoken Ukrainian. In the end the battle is over whether we can just be ourselves.” That is the extent of Ukrainian sin. So we must look for the truth of things within the mind and character of the aggressor. It should surprise absolutely no one that the power struggles of pretty well any nation have perfectly obvious aspects which, actually, work a bit like a set of Russian dolls. First, there is the nation’s simple presence on the international stage, reacting to the events of the day. Moscow’s reaction to, on the one hand, Ukrainian nationhood and autonomy and, on the other, the efforts of Western governments, especially Washington, to pull Ukraine into their orbit, has been a wild mix of diplomatic indignation, alternative alliance-building, brazen territorial claims, of course, and purblind geopolitical justifications. The main aim appears to be to re-cast outright military aggression as the defence of a much offended against and wounded party. But what has actually been defended with deadly force since 2014 is Moscow’s treatment of Ukraine, like its treatment of Belarus, as a satrapy. Still, we can say that this doll is political. We might even name it Politea. Secreted within it is a smaller doll which gives form and, more importantly, substance to the outer one. This is the doll of national interest. Since we have named one doll, perhaps we might christen this one Strategia. National interest is both a somewhat shifting calculation and at the same time always authoritative. When cited in government it invariably assumes a near-religious primacy, observed by the whole governing class as its one true touchstone according to which strategy is determined and international politics must be conducted. Why religious? Because in this context “national” is a euphemism for “state”, and “state” for the governing class, and the interest of the governing class is as incontestable to that class as any faith-object. It would take a Ceaucescu moment for the idea to be entertained that there are more fundamental interests (for example native interests, ethnic interests, genetic interests), or that the governing class might not be a reliable arbiter in the first place because it is always going to find its own interests inviolate. By way of parsing these things, we might think … we have certainly been propagandised to think … that Russia’s national interest is expressed via a muscular and totalistic back-yardism - an unquestioning, assumed right to politically, economically and militarily control its neighbours simply because it can and it doesn’t want them to control themselves or anyone else to control them. But this would be naive, and hopelessly limited. The actual strategic goal is to expose, humiliate, bankrupt, disempower and bring down the hated America, and all the West with it. Thereby, the putative model of a global empire of money would be ripped from its political womb. The current unipolarity would be ended and NATO broken apart. Moreover, the pluralist and democratic order would be rendered defunct, and along with it the post-WW2 rules-based comport of nations and the international legal system. This is the true interest not of Russia’s peoples, of course, but of their governing class in Moscow. All imperialism has force majeure at its criminal heart. The larger and blunter the imperial scheme the greater the force required to bludgeon it into being, and this is the largest and bluntest scheme of all: a new epoch of the licence of force to make itself absolute, and thereby to act however it will for its own advantage and self-aggrandisement. The only subtlety about this “special geopolitical project”, à la Putin’s usage, is that Moscow does not propose its own unipolarity in its global empire of force. That model requires a multiplicity of dominant powers, and thus we see Tehran, Saudi, Turkey, India, South Africa, and even Hungary (via Catholic integrationism) weighing up their chances. But all these would be regionally limited and, inevitably, subordinate to the new, technocratic hegemon in Beijing, at the shoulder of which would sit its “unlimited partner”, Moscow. If Sergey Glazyev is to be believed - and he does appear to be licenced by the FSB and possibly the Foreign Ministry to speak the geopolitical truth (at a safe distance from the chief, of course) - the hegemon would impose economic uniformity on the global masses. That would mean a universal basic income and wealth transfer from the rich north to the poor south. Glazyev describes it as global socialism, which puts him firmly in the Davosian camp. Now, this second doll contains a third which roots the above strategy in a narrow and archaic reaction to racial humiliation and submission – something formative which has reached down the centuries as a fundamental of the Eastern Slav mind or, at least, of its ethnocentric and ethnic-competitive consciousness. Muscovy, to give the Russian Eastern Slavs their original collective name, is not very ancient. The Kievan Rus were controlling a vast area of northern and eastern Europe from the late 9th to the late 11th century, before declining and splintering by the mid-13th century. It is not until 1147 that we find the first written reference to a riverside settlement named Moscov. Ninety years later it was burned to the ground and its inhabitants killed by Mongols under the command of Batu Khan (founder of the Golden Horde). In those days, as now, dominion was imposed and maintained by military force, and the conquering elite rewarded by tribute. The Golden Horde and various other khanates parasited off the Eastern Slav principalities. But the Horde’s rulers also awarded Muscovy significance, using it as a political counterweight to the emerging Grand Duchy of Lithuania. For example, Iván Kalitá was installed as Grand Prince of Moscow from 1325 and Grand Duke of Vladimir from 1332 until at least 1340. What had been a small settlement within the principality of Vladimir-Suzdal was on the path to a dominion of its own. At the same time, the Horde entered upon decline from the beginning of the fifteenth century, reflected in the name given to it, as “Golden” was replaced by “Great”. Russian historians date the final throwing-off of “The Tartar yoke” to the The Great Stand on the Ugra River in 1480, at which forces of the Great Horde and of Grand Prince Ivan III of the Grand Duchy of Moscow faced one another across the river. Ivan III had stopped paying tribute, but Akhmat Khan’s intention of punishing the city went unfulfilled. Virtually no fighting took place and the Khan simply gave up and returned north with his army. Muscovy was now the centre of calls for the recovery of all Russian lands. The Tsardom of Muscovy, dating from 1547, became the Tsardom of Russia, and then the Russian Empire, established by Peter the Great in 1721. By this triumphal history we may assign to the third doll the character of an irrepressible, indeed once more a near-religious vision of a past … of a destining Russian people, of the sacred and eternal Russian motherland, of a deep and abiding Orthodox culture, of Russia’s mythic suffering and struggle … that is forever seeking to find a way to a future that is golden as a cupula. It may, in reality, be a vision riven with self-deception. It may be covering over a society in which theft and hunger for endless power infect the elites, and a shocking cruelty and contempt for the people infect the state machine. But then the simple, plain Russian anticipates the dvoryane’s knout on his broad peasant’s back, and he can still laugh and drink and sing, and love God in Heaven and the motherland at His feet, the motherland Eurasia with too many horizons to count. All this and he can dream that the wide world will one day recognise the greatness of these things, and know that greatness to be its true saviour. The wide world, of course, is riven with visions and elitisms of its own, most particularly the vision of the Western elites for an empire of money global in reach and permanent in prospect. And for the new Tsar, the 21st century Tsar in his palace at Gelendzhik, is that not to be interpreted as another shackling, suffocating yoke, this time demanding a dollar tribute from every possession? And is it not the destiny of Russia’s ruler to bestow a Russian salvation in place of that, even if it must be coerced upon the whole world? Even if it means a novel and terrible Russian Passion to bring it into being? Atavism. The name of the third doll is Atavism. On what other ground is a Russian Tsar to anchor his machinations? But there is one disquieting truth to such an ambition. The face on the fourth doll, the face we cannot yet see, may not be Tartar. It may not be the face of he who, by his sword arm and his greed for tribute, called Muscovy to life. But it is Asiatic. Russia’s grand 21st century destining to save the world is built on Chinese economic and geopolitical power, on the Chinese Communist Party’s ambition, and on its willingness to maintain an alliance with the Russian elites – which, of course, would last only as long as it is convenient to Beijing. Beijing, the new Golden Horde. Beijing, the name of the fourth doll. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 13:32 | # Thorn, you can up your game a bit and not repeat tropes. I’ve looked into the Nuland thing. I have asked for detail from people who cite it. No response. Similarly, the Johnson tale is on very weak substantive ground. There was a conversation. We do not know what was said. If you read Ukrainian sources you would know that at no time was Zelensky seeking peace with Putin before or after the victory at Kiev. Let us speak only of that which has definitively no genesis in the Russian secret services. You are right about the demographic crisis across the entire northern hemisphere, including China. You are not necessarily right about the negrification of Ukraine. We know from the other eastern European states that the efforts of the usual suspects to immigrate them to hell have been very largely resisted. There is a lot of corruption in the Ukrainian political class, so it might go differently there. But we shouldn’t write the country or its people off just yet. 3
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 14:14 | # GW, I always hold out the possibility I’ve been misinformed. But the info I derive my opinion from points in the direction that Nuland and Johnson are key players at preventing a legit peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. Of course, the military industrial complex has the larger voice in the matter. Nuland (despite her personal hatred for both the Russians and Ukrainians) and Bozo Boris are just mouthpieces for the Western powers-that-be ...the big money boys. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:23 | # Nuland had one - one! - leaked conversation with the American ambassador in Kiev (who was not a Jew). It was not hyper-sensitive. It sought the ambassador’s view on the situation in the Maiden. The rest is fed to WNs by some malign other. 5
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 16:09 | # You can ignore the role Nuland played in instigating the war if you chose to, but the underlying facts remain the same. The big boys - such as Larry Fink, for but one of many scores of examples - see Russia-Ukraine war as a money-making opportunity. Zelenskyy, BlackRock CEO Fink agree to coordinate Ukraine investment Ukraine’s pop has already declined to two-thirds of what it was at the beginning of the war in February of 2022. Add to the equation the estimated 500,000 Ukranian men that have been needlessly slaughtered on the battlefield - not to mention the fertility rate of Ukraine has been one of the lowest in the world. It now stands at .7, down from the .9 it was prior to the Russian invasion. BlackRock et al is going to need plenty of manpower to rebuild Ukraine. Where do you think all the workers - both skilled and unskilled - will come from? Factor all that together and it spells a coming massive immigration plan via the Third World. Ukraine will become a majority non-White country within the span of one generation - maybe two. 6
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:45 | # Maybe I have too much time on my hands, but I came across this piece from the Cato Institute. It kind of makes your position, GW, look ignoramus in a stupid way. https://www.cato.org/commentary/us-nato-helped-trigger-ukraine-war-its-not-siding-putin-admit-it 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:24 | # I am not ignoring “Nuland’s role” because there was no role beyond a completely appropriate advancement of US and European interests. People who conclude otherwise are wrong in principle, and helping Russian state security to muddy the waters. To be clear, Washington is absolutely entitled to support, encourage and advise whoever it wants in any country, especially one in a revolutionary moment; and Ukraine is no different from anywhere else. Moscow has absolutely no unique and unanswerable historical or geopolitical right to control other countries. That’s all there is to it. If Russians want influence they should earn it through respect and by championing democratic values in their own land (the same is true of the US in their central American back-yard). The fundamental cause of this war is as described in my article above: there is a deep atavistic strain in the Russian psyche. That is why Putin’s action is the fourth attempt - fourth! - to generate a Russian empire, the other three having been successful in their day. Absolutely no people anywhere wants to live under Moscow’s fat behind. Thus every eastern European people forced to live under the Soviets ran into the arms of the West at the first opportunity. The desire for freedom and autonomy is clear and unanimous. Why are you arguing against that? What do you think you are arguing for, actually? 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:32 | # By the way, I note that the Cato article was siting a BBC news piece which called the leaked conversation “infamous”. You ask anyone in this country to the right of Antifa what they think of the BBC’s political coverage you will receive a colourful reply. It is a captured, culture-warring institution. So, for example: Who is Giorgia Meloni? The rise to power of Italy’s new far-right PM Etcetera, etcetera. 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:29 | # As a matter of interest, what is the role of intelligence agencies in the geopolitical struggle, Thorn, if not to advance perceived national interest? 10
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:45 | # “To be clear, Washington is absolutely entitled to support, encourage and advise whoever it wants in any country, especially one in a revolutionary moment; and Ukraine is no different from anywhere else.” Yeah, Washington is absolutely entitled to support and encourage, and advise whoever it wants ... even though they may have it utterly and dangerously wrong?!? Apparently, you are oblivious to the fact Washington is under the influence (and that’s putting it mildly) of the Israel Lobby. Why do you think the Biden Administration gave the greenlight - and continues to do so - to Netanyahu’s genocide of Palestinian citizens in Gaza? Who is supplying the IDF with all the ammo including 1,000 and 2,000 lb. bombs which they’re indiscriminately dropping on the citizenry? Those targets include hospitals, schools and refugee camps. >90% of the world’s population clearly understands there is a genocide unfolding and Israel, and with the full support of Washington. What will the longer-term consequences of the genocide result in? My speculation is it can’t be good for either Israel or the USA. To be honest I don’t really give a flying fig about Israel, (IMHO the establishment of the State of Israel was an ill-thought-out idea) I do care what happens to the USA. Due to the backing of Ukraine and Israel the USA is making enemies across the entire world. Obviously, that set of circumstances contributes to a speeding up of the USA’s decline. The UK is sure to follow. If you critically examine the events that led up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is clear Russia was deliberately threatened and provoked - NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! The Maiden coup (2014) orchestrated by the CIA (Nuland played a role in that) marked the beginning of the hot war. You need to set aside your petty emotions, take your head out of Heidegger’s arse, and get real ... it’s time to get your facts straight. 11
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 12:00 | # From the CATO opinion piece: “A recording of the infamous leaked telephone call between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt confirmed the extent of Washington’s meddling in the affairs of a sovereign country.” That Nuland example is meant to emphasis the extent of Washington’s meddling. IOWs, Washington’s meddling into Ukraine’s internal affairs went well beyond Nuland’s manipulations. 12
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 12:42 | # Not sure whether to laugh or get highly PO’d about this so I did both. The “wonderful” mentality of our Whites ruling class. Politician Who Demanded Mass Migration Beaten by ‘North African’ Men 13
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 13:27 | # @9 “role of intelligence agencies” GW, the U.S. intelligence agencies have been thoroughly corrupted. On the domestic side they have been weaponized by the Left to go after all political opposition. In the foreign aspect, they gave us the Trump-Russia hoax. Then there were 51 former intel officers who signed a letter stating the Hunter laptop story was a Russian disinformation operation. Toss in WMD in Iraq lie. The list of examples is long. The corruption is so in-your-face obvious that I’m somewhat surprised you still trust and give credibility to them. At best, they are to be treated with the utmost degree of skepticism. They have their marching orders and apparently those orders do not have the ordinary citizens’ best interests in mind - particularly White citizens who’re not sufficient supportive of the “woke anti-racist” agenda. The unwoke are increasingly being targeted for persecution, i.e, canceled or imprisoned. The intelligence agencies are working assiduously towards implementing the social credit score system. When they get there, that’s when the “fun” will really ramp up. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:11 | # It isn’t wrong to contain the atavism and aggression of Russia’s elites, Thorn. The idea that the expansionist must be allowed to take what it wants didn’t work in 1938 and it doesn’t work now. If you think it is dangerous to contain Russian expansionism why not ask the people of Belarus, or the people of any of the former-Soviet satellites. Russia has to be contained. Ideally it has to be defeated and re-formed so that it might, if its destiny of opposing the globalism of the West really must out, do so as a moral champion of nations and peoples and not as an unbound, murderous burglar. 15
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:47 | # Oh c’mon, GW. Russia’s invasion isn’t motivated by expansionism. Defense and national security are the proper way to understand it. Furthermore, even if the current regime in Russia wanted to, it does not possess the military and-or monetary wherewithal to engage in an expansionist endeavor. Hell, they barely possess to military power to take control of eastern Ukraine - and it’s right on their border!! I think your fear that Russia has plans to sweep into Europe are based on pure fantasy. The last thing Russia wants is a war with NATO. They know they would lose badly. Contrary to what you might think of Putin, he is not foolish ... or a donor-class controlled puppet like most Western leaders are - Biden is a prime example of such. Sheeesh! Use some common sense! 16
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:55 | # Speaking of common sense, Norman Finklestein demonstrated some of it in his debate with Alan Dershowitz. In case you haven’t had the pleasure of watching this yet. Norman Finkelstein vs Alan Dershowitz On Israel-Palestine War With Piers Morgan | The Full Debate
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:57 | # Ukraine is an internationally recognised independent nation. In that presser Putin said:
So where is this mythical putting away of all thought of expansion? Is it the same as the absence of expansion in Belarus? Is satrapy not expansion? Is the State Union Law not an expansionist instrument? You do not have an argument, Thorn, that does not involve justifying Putin.
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:03 | # Ilana Mercer, also, has been a harsh critic of Netanyahu’s war crimes in the aftermath of the Oct.7 Hamas terrorist attacks. 19
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:26 | # @17 Don’t have an argument my azz! You are not taking into account all that happened with NATO expansion during the last 30 years. The Maiden coup and the subsequent ethnic cleansing of the ethnic Russians in east Ukraine along the fast-track path for Ukraine to NATO membership was the final red-line the West crossed. From the Russian POV, they could not allow Ukraine to become a hostile NATO military staging base; obviously it would pose an existential threat. The invasion is defensively strategic in nature; it was-is a preemptive strike. BTW, how are the energy supplies and prices doing in the EU? 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 17:17 | # Thorn, you are thinking obsessionally, which leads you into behaving like the worst ant-racist who cannot see past the blame of all those who do not share his destructive obsession. He is wrong and so are you, with your very short-sighted conviction that “the West” or whatever is always malign, always to blame. Russia has no magical right to regional expansion and regional hegemony. Russia has no magical right to empire, anymore than any country ever had such a right. There is no such right. Once the assumption for it is falsified everything else falls within the simple question: what do the Ukrainian people wish for? The people wish to lock out the murdering burglar next door. Every single people subject to his trespass wishes to lock him out. If you lived in Ukraine (or Belarus, or Moldova, Poland, one of the Baltic states, Finland, Georgia) you, too, would want to lock him out. You would not blame Nuland or Biden or NATO or the EU for offering the means to do it, because if you do not do it the burglar will return. You know him well. You know his mind, his history, his will, and you know your own. If we are ethnic nationalists then that is what we are. We are not simply anti-Americans, or anti-neocons. We are not guided merely by what we are against. We are for a certain something. To be an ethnic nationalist is more than to be a Ukrainian nationalist or an English nationalist. It is a conviction that the life of the people of the land is the highest moral cause on the land, and the will to life of the people the highest political end. That conviction must hold true for every people of the land, because that is what it means to be an ethnic nationalist. In the final analysis, when all causes which we might be for or against are weighed and assigned a value, it is the universal principle of the life and right of the people of the land to which we must cleave; or we have no philosophy to our name. 21
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 17:47 | # “everything else falls within the simple question: what do the Ukrainian people wish for?” In the years 2014 and again in 2022 the people of Donetsk and Luhansk held referendums in which the results were than they, by a landslide voted to break from Kiev and join Russia. Elon Musk suggested yet another referendum be held; this time under watch of the U.N. or some other Internattional watchdog group. Of course, he was hounded down and vilified for suggesting that practical solution. The fact is the USA thinks they can wear Russia down to the point of forcing a regime change in Moscow. Thus far it hasn’t been working out as they planned. My question is what will Ukraine be like 10 years from now? IMHO the best-case scenario is Russia wins permanent control over most of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and the rest of it, a rump state, will be rebuilt with Western countries’ taxpayer dollars. I’m sure that the Larry Fink types will be mostly content and satisfied with that outcome.
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 22:57 | # First, the forthcoming presidential election in Russia is not going to elect some independent, not least because the only surviving independent party in Russia, Yabloko, has declined to put forward a candidate . The election is going to return Putin. The election authorities have not yet decided whether he will win 70% of the votes or 85%. But the decision will be taken soon, no doubt. By the same measure, no referenda, no election conducted in Donetsk and Luhansk in 2014 or in Kherson and Zaporizzhia in 2022 is worth a light, and you must know that. Second, there are national minorities caught by history on the wrong side of a national border all over Europe. In democratic societies the possibility exists for such minorities to form a peaceful secessionist movement and make politics. It is not the way of peace for the other state to foment a war and occupy the land, or to launch a full scale invasion. Third, Putin’s gambit is as I have described it many times here. He is acting at the global level, with a global political vision he shares with his ally Xi. To cling to the FSB trope that he actually cares about Russian people in the Ukrainian east is painfully immature. Meat attacks, anyone? Putin doesn’t care about a living soul but himself and his place in Russian imperial history. At bottom, you are only interested in condemning America and the West. It wouldn’t matter to you if Putin personally poisoned every Ukrainian man, woman, and child with polonium. Biden ... Nuland ... NATO ... I hear it all the time. A dozen different ways. 23
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 23:21 | # “It wouldn’t matter to you if Putin personally poisoned every Ukrainian man, woman, and child with polonium.” I love ya, GW. Even though you are descending into dementia. 24
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 23 Dec 2023 23:45 | # Yeah, yeah, likewise. Even though I’ll never get you to engage on the faith thing. But on Ukraine, I do think you are well able to detach from the anti-Washington, anti-NATO line for the reason that you know how bad the situation is, and that we have no friends in this world. Go on, admit it. Relying on Putin and Xi for our salvation doesn’t actually grab you, does it. 25
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 04:35 | # #9 Maybe not , GW . Rory Stewart , an intelligence “asset” , if that’s quite the right word , advocated for militarily helpful Afghans to be permitted UK residence . 26
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 04:56 | # GW , re Putin , is he a threat to your presumed desideratum of a White Western continuum, if such may be realistically contemplated ? 27
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 07:10 | # GW , much as I appreciate your impressively autodidactic philosophical interpretations re our Race’s plight , there comes a time when an email to a political party which approves White Survival may be welcome. Farage , a good guy , might appreciate , a nudge re emulating India : Here’s what Modi does : An Overseas Indian passport grants Indians holding whichever cupidity - acquired passport , Permanent Residence - no voting rights , no standing for election , just make sure you are Hindus - no Muslims allowed , as per Paki and Bangla legal proscription , even unto the pre - Raj generation. We should should not be too proud to emulate good sense from a collection of states upon which we bestowed unity and modernity. 28
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:03 | # “Relying on Putin and Xi for our salvation doesn’t actually grab you, does it.” Who is suggesting the White race should rely on Xi or even Putin for our “salvation”? GW, obviously our enemies come from within. The Biden administration in no uncertain terms made it clear. His words: “White supremacy is the most dangerous terrorist threat to our nation.” Not Putin, not Xi, not 12,000 illegal unassimilable low IQ non-white immigrants, per day, setting up residence in the USA. No, it’s “white supremacy.” The scary part is 90% of our ruling-class agree with that; they’ve been conditioned to do so. The anti-white toxic ideologies of Robin DeAngelo, Kendi X Ibram, and the late Noel Ignatiev has become central to their being. Good luck trying to deprogram them! Of course, Biden doesn’t define what “white supremacism” actually is. What the Left does is use neo-Marxist language tricks to send the message that anyone who does not toe the woke/DEI/ESG/CRT/anti-racist party line is a “white supremacist” ergo must be canceled. Whites have been mind-fucked. That, in a nutshell, is what we are fighting against. It’s psychological warfare; the survival of the White race is in a race against time and the anti-Whites are very well aware of that - they, the anti-Whites, are pulling out all the stops. The USA and Canada are pretty much lost, Europe still has a chance. Pushing Russia into China’s arms was a sinister anti-White move. 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 16:11 | # Thorn, the Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation was signed by Putin and Jiang Zemin on 16th July 2001. Its aim was to advance competition in world markets with the US, the EU (which included the UK), and Japan. When preparatory work on it began in Moscow and Beijing I do not know. But Putin became prime minister on 9 August 1999, and it is quite possible that it was his baby from the beginning. It is known that around this time Boris Yeltsyn was making appeals to Western governments to bring Russia in from the cold. But it was likely already too late and, anyway, logistically impossible (the EU, for example, has demanded huge changes to Ukrainian political society in advance of the negotiations on membership which are now to take place plus Russia was just too vast, populous and Asiatic). A large part of my complaint about WN’s mechanical, all-weather and antifa-like dismissal of the Western power structure is that it is all based on received wisdom. In place of thinking there is prejudice, and in this war are many state actors seeking to infuse that prejudice with additional “wisdom” and to steer it towards “helpful” ends. We are meant to be stern critics of mechanical assumption. That is our key characteristic. It is precious and not to be lightly surrendered. Of course, thinking is hard. Due diligence with the facts is hard. But if we allow prejudice to own us in this way we are nothing. 30
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 24 Dec 2023 17:12 | # “A large part of my complaint about the mechanical, antifa-like dismissal of the Western power structure is that it is all based on received wisdom.” Is it “received wisdom” that caused us to realize the ‘Western power structure’ has enacted immigration policies that will ensure the eventual extinction of the native European population? Are you aware that our intelligence agencies, the DoJ and the DHS rely on the SPLC and the ALD’s research as the basis of crafting policies and proposed legislation that deal with “domestic threats”? The ‘Western power structure’ regards being anti massive immigration from the Third World as both racist and anti-Semitic thus a threat to the country as a whole. Putin inherited a big mess when he assumed office. I’m sure you are aware that right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union (the Yeltsin years), a small number of oligarchs seized most of Russia’s wealth which, of course, left most Russian citizens very poor. Pooty Poot Putin took action against those oligarchs and righted the ship. While doing so he also booted the NGOs working to corrupt traditional Russian culture. Geroge Soros and his ilk were left butthurt. They were denied the opportunity to spread their sick-twisted radical LGBTQ agenda. Most Western elites are highly resentful towards Putin bc of that. Don’t downplay just how perverted and morally bankrupt many Western elites are. Over the last three decades, they’ve managed to turn the U.S. military into a bastion of wokeness - it’s two steps away from becoming the world’s largest gay social club. THE U.S. MILITARY!!! Thinking is easy, GW, especially if you have a well-developed ability to discern. 31
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:53 | # Al, There is a surging tide of supremacism in Hindu nationalism which Modi’s government is party to. He is also steering the country in the direction of authoritarianism, both prosecuting political opponents and seeking to change the constitution away from the British model of pluralism and democracy. It produces some true ideological craziness, such as this posted by an Indian commentator at the Speccie earlier this year:
So I am sceptical as to whether Modi sets a useful example for nationalists in Europe. I think it’s probably a case of “With friends like that ...” 32
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 01:15 | # Thorn, if Glazyev’s plan for the economic, then political, then social collapse of America and the West succeeds and rings in an age of Chinese global dominion, the West’s pussy-footing hyper-equalitarian and migrational programmes will seem like the least of our worries. I am coming to the conclusion that WN’s chronic inability to think ahead, or to even want to know the factual basis on which such thinking is advisable, has something of Freud’s mutually opposing pleasure principle and reality principle. There seems to be this mechanical assumption that striking at the Western power structure in the above way is so desirable, nothing else could possibly matter. Why, it’s going to put whites on some new homeostatic political and racial upswing, and no other possibility exists. Trying to tell those who think this way that, no, you are arguing for genocide by gulag, is effectively impossible. They just can’t resist the instant gratification of the Putin fallacy. They come up with all sorts of weedy and hopeless reasons why the CCP won’t apply power as it understands it, and somehow all the fine aspects of Western freedom will still obtain. I would estimate that 80% to 90% of “right-wing” dissenters think that way. Of course, when one considers that pretty much the same people also go completely overboard about Islam, it’s probably not so surprising. 33
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 07:39 | # Al writes: Is [Putin] a threat to your presumed desideratum of a White Western continuum, if such may be realistically contemplated? There are two things here. First, Putin is not working towards a fourth Russian empire for no more reason than regional self-aggrandisement. It is not coincidental to all the criticism of American monopolarity and the deceit of the Western model for a future multipolarity. It is not coincidental to everything that is said about the alternative future under BRICS, indeed now BRICS +. It is not coincidental to the overtures that Moscow is making to the southern hemisphere nations or to the regional economic initiatives of Moscow’s “unlimited” partner, Beijing; in particular to the alternative reserve currency on which the “partners” have been actively working. The geopolitical struggle is always uppermost in international relations, and we are obviously in a time of extreme geopolitical sensitivity as the Western globalist project reaches its moment of truth: can the pre-requisite geo-economic international dispensation really replace geopolitical struggle so that American monopolarity can be safely laid down in favour of a G7 based multipolarity, or will the key Asiatic actors - Russia, India, China - simply not comply with consigning power to the past? The second factor follows on from the assumption that the answer to that question is evidently no ... the Asiatics will pursue a power-based global (and techno-globalist) project, and not in the form of a geopolitical contest continuing as now but of an over-arching structure of totalistic imperial power freed from the Western rules-based system for the cause of a maximalist dictatorship. What this means in practise is Chinese power, which would have to be technocratically applied to the West at a uniquely high intensity, both to achieve the distribution of Western wealth to the southern hemisphere and also to bring under absolute control the troublesome expectation of white peoples that they shall preserve their prior political and social culture, which could never be allowed. So the answer to your question is that while, with his operation in Ukraine, Putin is triggering the model of empires of power, thereby rebutting the West’s drive for an empire of money, the real beneficiary will be his Chinese partner, whose interests and ambitions will be driven to the fore as America and the West subside. Yes, you might think this all too redolent of the usual conspiratorial thinking, but then you would have to argue either that the CCP is benign and the Asiatic Mind is disinterested in the West, or that none of this geopolitical stuff is real, BRICS is a distraction, and Putin just really cares about ethnic Russians in Donetsk and Mariupol. 34
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 12:07 | # “Thorn, if Glazyev’s plan for the economic, then political, then social collapse of America and the West succeeds and rings in an age of Chinese global dominion, the West’s pussy-footing hyper-equalitarian and migrational programmes will seem like the least of our worries.” The Chinese are not the threat the MSM propaganda machine has you believing it is. The Chinese have their hands full trying to keep their own population’s needs met. We need to stay focused on our most pressing threat, that of race-replacement. The “Western power structure” via massive immigration, is deliberately, systematically, intentionally, all being done in the most evil insidious way, attacking our gene-pool. Genocide by stealth!! It’s so obvious what our leaders are doing to us that it blows my mind that you would somehow defend or run interference for them. 35
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 13:19 | # Thorn, there is a complex or knot of competing geopolitical and globalistic forces at work here which we are required to parse accurately. None of my analysis implies that any focus be taken away from the Western globalist / Jewish ethnic paradigms and their common and uncommon trespasses against us. That’s not at issue. The issue is that we must add focus. Taking down the Western power structure from without will not leave our people in a position of autonomy and freedom or with any potential to restore these goods. It will simply impose another external force over us, no less far-reaching and Davosian, and even more hostile, with even less potential for our dissenting action. I am on Bishop Richard Williamson’s mailing list, and every so often receive a very godly missive from him to his Catholic traditionalist flock. This morning an email arrived on the subject of an article written in a French nationalist publication. Some lines from it were quoted, including the inevitable reference to the West’s “proxy war”, as if there is some moral problem with aiding Ukrainians in their existential fight, and as if the West (which includes the former Soviet satellites) has no just cause in degrading Russian military power. The Western power structure is certainly a very evil thing, and it means us grave harm. But it is still capable of useful deeds, and doing what it can to abort a putative empire of power is definitely one such. I just wish that nationalists understood that signal fact and were not so gullible and impulsive. 36
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 25 Dec 2023 23:40 | # Yes, “capable of useful deeds”. Right. (Sorry for the sarcasm; I respect your opinion but I’m not in full agreement with you. I’m looking at the Russia-Ukraine war from a different vantage point and using a different set of facts than you. At any rate, from Oct. 7th on ... if I was given a dollar for every time I heard the term “Iran’s proxies”, uttered from the government media complex, I’d be rich enough to join the donor class. Apparently, the U.S. propaganda machine is preparing its gullible citizens to accept the move to wage war on Iran (yet another war to be fought for the benefit of Israel’s security at the detriment of the West). Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Russia-Ukraine, Libya and now Iran(?) ... the pattern there has become too evident to ignore. I wish people would become more cognizant of the power the Israel Lobby has over U.S. foreign policy decisions. 37
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 02:10 | # A useful deed is a deed useful to the ethnic principle, or the native principle, or specifically to any people of European descent in its own living space. Defending European peoples against Russian imperialism is manifestly a useful deed, regardless of any other motive. Fact-wise you are stuck, Thorn, with the unmakeable argument that Putin is a peace-loving Russian nationalist whose full-scale war on Ukraine, with its daily crimes and inhumanities, is all for ethnic Russians in the east OR with the equally unmakeable argument that Putin the good and wise leader is fighting a defensive war against the expansionist wickedness of “the West”. The former argument requires evidence that this political gangster and dictatorial authoritarian has consistently acted in the life-cause of Russia’s 100 + ethnic groups. His circle ... the Siloviki ... yes, but ordinary Russians? It’s just not a feature in his rule. The latter argument requires a dismissal of Russian history, of eurasianism, of the various conflicts Putin has started in the Caucasus and central Asia, of the eating alive of Belarus, of the frozen conflict in Transnistria, of the BRICS strategy and the southern hemisphere strategy, of the currency strategy, etc. That’s not doable either. Obviously, all of this fits within the narrative I have set forth. But you refuse to accept it because of your penchant for binary thinking. 38
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 07:25 | # #31 Fuck off British Imperial Legacy. Let’s behave like Indians. It was GB that imposed their spuriously superior democracy on India : Why ? Because there was no India prior to GB , simply an agglomeration of states speaking mutually unintelligible languages. Often the Leftist view of GB was ” Divide and Rule” when the mathematical and racial truth is ” You cannot divide what is not united.” 39
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:23 | # @37 Prior to and after the CIA backed Maidan coup, America led Ukraine down the primrose path. The predictable result? A wreaked Ukraine. That primrose path paved with good intensions turned out to be the road to hell. Useful deed, indeed! Russia was provoked. 40
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 12:01 | # Thorn, when you utter the words “CIA-backed” you are thinking negatively. Even if you possessed papers proving CIA operational funding and assets on the ground - which you don’t - why would that be wrong? Why would America have no legitimate interest in wresting a satrap from Putin’s hands and giving the destiny of the country into the hands of its people? Your assumption is that the Kremlin’s control of, say, Belarus or Ukraine or Moldova ... the Baltic States, Poland ... is either legitimate or, for some un-named historically reason, inevitable. That’s not how the peoples of former Russian empires see it, and our job as nationalists is to follow their instincts. The “Russia was provoked” argument is never used to explain its wars and land-grabs to the south of its landmass. Suddenly, nationalists in the West have nothing to say, because “the narrative” can’t accommodate that and is therefore falsified by it. Likewise the contest between western and eastern globalism. It just doesn’t compute when the narrative insists that “Davos” ... globalism ... the Money Power is western and only western. But it’s not. China is the world’s first technate. The western corporations are Chinese corporations. Etcetera. The nationalist analysis is not an analysis because it ignores sheaths of inconvenient truths. It is prejudice, and a good part of it is gullibility. I invite you to address the whole of the story and challenge your received wisdom. In all the world, I am the only person, it seems, striving to set you free inside your own head - about this question, at least. Give it a chance. 41
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 13:23 | # Good article. In it, it delves into the question of what do the Ukrainian citizens really want? Excerpt:
RTWT https://www.globalresearch.ca/anatomy-coup-how-cia-front-laid-foundations-ukraine-war/5785577
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 18:33 | # Here is the “War Crimes” page of articles at that site: Here is the US NATO War page: Here is the Justice page: Here is the Russia page: And so forth. Here is the wiki page of the individual who owns and runs the site: What are you doing, exactly, relying on such obviously compromised material? Come on, you should have the intellectual integrity to smell that one out. 43
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:34 | # “What are you doing, exactly, relying on such obviously compromised material? Come on, you should have the intellectual integrity to smell that one out.” Did a Microsoft Bing search using CIA+ Backed + Maidan coup and that was at the top of the list. Good info contained in it. A lot of other good stuff is posted at that site. For example: https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-raids-hospital-shoots-doctors-bulldozes-bodies-lets-dog-maul-wheelchair-bound-man/5844291 I noticed that that article is posted at the Unz Review also. A lot of interesting, enlightening info can be gained at the Unz Review too. Ya know, GW, sometimes you have to go to “unapproved or bias” sources to obtain “the other side of the story” so to speak. Another example is if you want a more accurate description of and real-time reporting on the ongoing slaughter taking place in Gaza, Al Jazeera is a much more reliable source than the censored bias pro-Israel propaganda they feed us in the U.S. and U.K.‘s MSM. The provocation of Russia has been ongoing going back for more than 25 years. And it’s not like it hasn’t been often reported on, it was. Back during Bush the Younger’s first presidential term (around 2002) I recall a couple of the blacks chaps I worked with (both Vietnam vets) expressing great fear and concern about our government’s provocation of Russia. One said, “If they keep f’ing around pokin’ the Bear, one of these days it’s gonna rise up kill a bunch of mofos.” (Why that stuck in my memory is a good question, especially given I can barely remember what I hate for breakfast yesterday. [lol]) At any rate, as it turns out, those black dudes were so much wiser than the arrogant “experts” working in the U.S. Department of State. 44
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 02:47 | # We have access to facts , the most important of which is that Russia is the most powerful military state dominated by the White race , the only force capable of inflicting defeat on America’s (((Globo Homo))) , immigration - based, race - hybridization plan . Support Ukraine , and then make suitable arrangements for racial defeat. 45
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 29 Dec 2023 22:57 | #
Now that’s what I would call distilled truth. Good on ya, Al. 46
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 30 Dec 2023 23:34 | # GW, given your previos series of comments, I doubt very much you understand the implications of this: Putin Moved His Nuclear Weapons https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/putin-moved-his-nuclear-weapons/ar-AA1m3thW
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:23 | # Al: We have access to facts , the most important of which is that Russia is the most powerful military state dominated by the White race , the only force capable of inflicting defeat on America’s (((Globo Homo))) , immigration - based, race - hybridization plan . Support Ukraine , and then make suitable arrangements for racial defeat. Putin, not the white race, controls Russia. Notwithstanding the irony that one look at Putin’s face will tell you he is Eurasian, not European, Putin is not interested in the white race. He is interested in Putin. He is interested in inheriting control over the future of humanity, or what control he can snaffle while China assumes the hegemonic role. In reality, Putin is working for Chinese overlordship, and a Chinese-structured Davos control system that will make Biden’s Globo-Homo look like a ladies’ bring-and-buy. It’s not as if I don’t lay all this out regularly:
There is probably no avoiding globalism. We don’t get to choose who stands over us. You had better hope it’s someone with a Mind racially akin to your own. 48
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:31 | # Thorn, nuclear sabre-rattling has been very useful to Putin. But this may be a miss-step, because it will do Biden’s job for him, ie, forcing the Republicans to sign-off on support for Ukraine. Do I think Putin wants to be incinerated? Well, no, frankly. Russia’s policy, stated publicly more than once by Putin in the last 22 months of war, is that nuclear weapons would only be used in an existential crisis for Russia. The Western powers do not want an existential crisis for Russia. They want regime change because it seems unlikely that a more peaceful immediate future can be achieved any other way, but that’s something different. 49
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 05:08 | # No GW , I do not want a mind racially akin to ours , apart from intra - personally. The White psyche has undergone such , often invited , abuse that today’s UK bears no relation to that of our When Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew , a great man , arrived in London to read Law at Cambridge , he was amazed that newspapers lay in a pile at a tube station with an accompanying honour box for payment of each copy. Today’s London has undergone some considerable alteration : https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12912999/Police-arrest-eight-Eritrean-protesters-four-officers-injured.html 50
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 12:58 | # @48 GW, Ukraine is running out of men capable of fighting. The U.S.A. is hellbent on preventing Russia from achieving victory in Ukraine thus has contingency plans to put American boots on the ground. Putin knows he’d be outmatched in a direct war against an American led NATO coalition. OTOH, Russia is hellbent on preventing NATO from prevailing in Ukraine. As a last resort, enter Russia’s tactical nukes…. As the events have been unfolding, the use of tactical nukes is certainly well within the realm of possibilities. Russia sees a loss in Ukraine as an existential security threat. They can’t back down; Washington knows that. But keep in mind, the people making the tactical decisions in Washington DC received their indoctrination in the Ivy League colleges. They’ve been trained to think their vision for the future of the planet is, by an order of magnitude, superior to that of everyone else. Of course, in reality, it’s not. The most frustrating part is this war was easily avoidable, but those in DC mapped out their strategy to effect regime change in Moscow. The DC backed 2014 coup / regime change in Kiev was significant part of the plan. 52
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:59 | # Your commentary is intellectually vulgar and circular in reasoning. Can you really not see that? Here is the real Putin: Not quite the same, is he? Don’t be weak. Don’t be a tool of Russian geopolitics, like the rest of WN’s willing mechanoids. Be properly independent. Think for yourself. Interrogate Russian propaganda with dispassion and without a pre-determined hatred of “America” and “the West”, which gets in the way of your understanding. There is a context to grasp, and it is about competing globalisms, and it is not blatantly obvious! You have to fight against yourself a bit to get there. 53
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:52 | # “pre-determined hatred of “America” and “the West”, which gets in the way of your understanding.” Umm….... wrong! My opinion of the Western elites has been formed though critical observation. Moreover, I actually pay attention to their actions. I don’t conveniently turn a blind eye towards their actions as you apparently do. What are some of their actions? Of course, there’s much more ..... Oh, the vulgarity of it all!!! LMAO 54
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 22:58 | # @52 ???? Please explain to me how that picture of Putin paints him in a negative light. Looks to me like it’s a portrait of a man who has captured a command reality. Nothing negative about it. 56
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Dec 2023 23:10 | # Or to be more accurate, a deep understanding of reality. 57
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 01 Jan 2024 14:03 | # Warning: The Following Video Contains Vulgar Language. 58
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 01 Jan 2024 23:32 | # GW, 59
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 01:11 | # You have a libtard mindset. Takes me back to when I had to explain to Alex Linder that I am actually more radical than anyone on his slate at VNN at that time, or any of his commentariat from what I could see. A subject of interest to me, Thorn, is the behavioural divide twixt liberalism and the northern European nature, because one of liberalism’s strengths is its ability to exploit aspects of us which are given and permanent. It lays claim to everything, and buries it in the artifice that is the subject without confines. This whole area needs parsing in the context of how we authentically are. There is always this tendency for inauthenticity to leak into everything. So in the German people of the National Socialist period we saw inauthenticity in the militarisation and general party-fervour but authenticity in the people’s response to positive imaging. I’d like to bring all of this out, and draw up the account of the real thing. The real thing, though, won’t be bouncing around praising Putin for allegedly being “a nationalist”, or reacting against Jewish trespasses with the usual mile-wide crassness. It will speak only positively and only in its own name, and I guess the reason for that would be that its business isn’t politics or some other unhappiness but life lived as survival, continuity and destining. Radical, see. 60
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 12:07 | # GW, I use the word “libtard” in the context of someone who forms their ideas/beliefs via half-truths, misinformation, propaganda, emotion, etc. On the subject of Russia and Putin I believe you fall into that category. If you are able to step back, take a deep breath and count to ten then juxtapose the West’s leadership’s official party-line vis-a-vis Putin with that of the late world-renowned Russian expert, Stephan F. Cohen, you can see that the 20-year + period leading up to the February 2022 invasion, it consisted of a series of one deliberate U.S. provocation of Russia after another. As I’ve mentioned here before, from the time Putin became President in 2000, I watched in dismay as the USA’s leadership antagonize Putin; which, very predictably and unnecessarily, resulted in Russia becoming, yet again, an enemy. https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/05/06/taking-aim-at-putin-stephen-cohen-contests-the-myths/ 62
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 13:49 | # I am not writing on the subject of “Russia” per se, but on the subject of Russian elitism, empire and power, and the deceit and violence by which that power manifests in history. I am writing about the development of Russian state geopolitics into a globalism of empires. I am writing about Moscow and Beijing in that latter regard. I am writing about the CCP’s technocratic and profoundly hostile ideological and cultural address of hegemony in a globalist age. My writing is not anti-Western for the reason given in my comment @ 59, namely that systemic liberalism, the democratic tradition, the Western culture generally contains what we may refer to as authenticities; and these are our only life-line in a globalistic future. The extent to which that life-line is left alone is the extent to which we can assert our people’s natural right and interests. That’s it, Thorn. You are welcome to critique it at any point of your choosing. But to see it you have to detach from the boorish and limited thinking of WN’s and Youtubers. 63
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 14:45 | # “I am writing about the development of Russian state geopolitics into a globalism of empires.” If you want to deliver your message with any degree of credibility, you must first base it on sound premises. You don’t. Apparently, the information you rely on is either deeply flawed and-or inverted - but it is the West’s official narrative. You swallowed it hook, line and sinker. WHY?!? Secondly, I’m not basing my knowledge of Putin and Russia on WN or You tube sources. On that account, you have a bad habit of assuming too much. WRT Russia, I’m informed mainly by well-established and credible news sources. You, OTOH, seem to rely on your own ill-informed thought processes at drawing your conclusions. Garbage in, garbage out. Let’s try this one on ya. It covers the subject of empires and the abuse of such. I doubt it will stick, though.
Read more, it only gets better>> https://harpers.org/archive/2023/06/why-are-we-in-ukraine/ 64
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:23 | # First, you are blind. Unless you can raise your game out of your West-hatred you will not disclose the internationalist balance to yourself. That is the first requirement for an intellectually competent grasp of the west-east contest in our time . You are not “with Putin” because you do not understand Russo-Chinese strategy. You understand YouTubers (who are not “with Putin” either, for the same reason - they are just mechanically and pathologically against “the West”.) Mechanical West-hatred involves hating what I term above “the authenticities”, because there is no understanding of the eco-system that is our racial adaptation to liberalism (inherently to Christianity and Judaism). A Glazyevian Globality ... basically, a Middle Kingdom Globality ... will not understand or tolerate that either, and will persecute the authenticities ... everything beautiful about us ... out of existence or as necessary. The YouTubers argument reduces to an auto-genocide to obviate the possibility of a genocide by “the West”. Second, your quote is the usual middle-brow boilerplate from yet another conventional, and conventionally blinded, mind. The claim these creatures make is always the same: America only ever evil, any nation but America moral and just, and totally understandable in all its actions. Conclusion: American guilt forever ... West-hatred forever. This is actually quite revealing, because it replicates the hating left’s anti-racist presumption that the European race is always and only ever evil while every other race is just but tragically persecuted. The similarity is too great to lightly dismiss. It speaks of something deeply wrong in the psyche of left and right, a need to project blame and hatred, and to seize upon moral purity. It is Christianity. It is the Judaic prescription against human authenticity in the European. I urge you to understand what it is I am saying, and to take it to heart. 65
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:51 | # “First, you are blind.” LOL Let me tell something, GW, Ray Charles can see what the U.S.A.s ruling-class did and is doing to this once great country. The Long March Through the Institutions is all but complete. We are now, for all intents and purposes, already living under neo-Marxist authoritarianism. It will only get worse as the digital currency and the social credit scores take greater and greater effect. I loved the U.S.A. I grew up in. I even loved it during the period the wife and I raised my kids - up through 2005. I fear for the future of my grandkids. I don’t worry so much about the China-Russo strategy as much as I do about what our own ruling-class has in store for us. As Murray and Herrnstein predicted in The Bell Curve, there will come a time in the not-too-distant future wherein the ruling-elites will rule over the “vulgar and boorish” (lol) masses with an iron fist. We are starting to get a good taste of the power that these police state tyrants intend to wield, i.e., they’ve already weaponized the justice system against their dissidents. Our White elites sold us out. They’ve already demonstrated they intend to race-replace us. Again, even Ray Charles can see that! Furthermore, if the government continues on its insane deficit spending (currently the budget deficit is 1.7 per year and no end of deficit spending in sight), the growing cost of servicing the debt alone (as of today it’s costing 1.2 trillion per year on an accumulated debt of 34 trillion) will put our economy in quicksand. By the start of the next decade the national debt is estimated to be 43 trillion. Imagine the effect that will have on the value of the USA concomitant with the drastic lowering of the standard of living for the masses. Third World conditions will be rampant. The U.S.A. will look like India did in the 1960s. Third World style slums everywhere. 66
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:38 | #
Correction: USD-US Dollar, not USA 67
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 05 Jan 2024 15:48 | # America’s Putin Derangement Syndrome
https://consortiumnews.com/2017/01/23/americas-putin-derangement-syndrome/ 68
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 05:39 | # When Biden defeats Trump , Ukraine will stalemate Russia . Like Napoleon and Hitler. It’s important to recognise the US as the world champion of Human Rights , especially now ,when the Jew - directed Yank dupes are solidifying their International UN HR position by encouraging the Jews to kill Muslims . Here’s what a proper US Ambassador to the UN would assert : ” The racial aliens who hate us and call us Goyim are killing the racial aliens who call us Infidels.” “Good luck to both sides.” 69
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 12:15 | # “When Biden defeats Trump” That will never happen! We live in the land of safe and secure elections ... and Trump is way ahead in the polls. /sarc
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 13:12 | # The Western “elites” (particularly here in the U.S.) enabling the Jews to kill Muslims on a mass scale, has caused the U.S.A. to be diplomatically isolated - a pariah. Not only is Israel signing its own death warrant, the stupid MFer’s running U.S. foreign policy are taking the USA down with them. For the Biden administration greenlighting and funding the genocide in Gaza, 2 billion muzzies want revenge against the USA. That’s a given!! Actually, the entire world is appalled at the U.S. government’s support for the ongoing genocide. Couple that with Biden’s open border policy and it adds up to terrorist attacks - or at least the real threat of terrorism - becoming at the forefront of our everyday life. What a way to enjoy life!! Much credit must be given to the Israel Lobby in DC. Apparently, Biden is Netanyahu’s puppet. But, hey, let’s just blame Putin for all the West’s problems. Yeah, that’s the ticket! Amazing how some people can’t see the forest for the trees. 71
Posted by Manc on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 17:31 | # If Jews have all the money, control the press and television , can tell the global superpower what do; micro manage world events, organize the universe, yet still find time to make latkes, how are they losing the propaganda war? No matter, this song is dedicated to those brave freedom fighters, who somehow defeated heavily armed babies, children, women and pensioners on October 7th. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3eOzl2iDIQ&list=RD_3eOzl2iDIQ&start_radio=1&rv=h5YgvhDtq3A Free fucking Palestine. 72
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 06 Jan 2024 23:40 | # “No matter, this song is dedicated to those brave freedom fighters, who somehow defeated heavily armed babies, children, women and pensioners on October 7th.” Really? Compare that to the at least, thus far, the 19,000 babies, children, women, and pensioners the IDF slaughtered in Gaza. Think about it…. learn the history of what led up to the Hamas attack. 73
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 10 Jan 2024 00:14 | # Gotta loves the way some dumb ass “White nationalists” are too stupid to figure out the war between Ukraine and Russia was instigated by the enemies of the White race. Not mentioning any names of the stupid, but ..... 74
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 16 Jan 2024 05:18 | # #69
Meanwhile the UK’s Indian Prime Minister , Jewish Defence Minister ( Shapps ) and ( mostly ) Scottish and unelected Foreign Secretary will send Englishmen to fight mad Shia Houthis. The USA has lost so much blood and treasure fighting pointless wars in the Middle East . Why ? ISRAEL. 75
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 16 Jan 2024 05:22 | # The Tory Party leadership and financial backers are so Jewish that they should be called the Torah Party. 76
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:16 | # From within and outside the Biden administration, Jews have managed to gain a near monopoly of control. 77
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 16 Jan 2024 23:49 | # Thorn @ 73, watch the Savage Sage video which I posted. Ask yourself whether, in the light of it, you are really very well advised. 78
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:28 | # GW, I see Kennedy as essentially being correct because he highlighted the most important well-known facts of the situation. To me, Savage Sage, comes across as a rank-amateur-critic, most notably in the way he annoyingly tries to spin and misrepresent the key facts Kennedy pointed out. Savage Sage is the type who intentionally spins the truth in order to fit his specious misleading narrative. 79
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:19 | # This article was written eight months ago, but it’s as relevant/accurate today as it was back then. Most importantly, it clearly focuses in on the actual cause.
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 18 Jan 2024 23:34 | # If I were you, GW, I’d delete your post which seemingly supports Savage Sage, and delete my comments about him. 82
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 22 Jan 2024 07:20 | # GW , have you managed to shoehorn your admirably auto - didactic philosophy into real life ? 83
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 25 Jan 2024 01:03 | # Another essay subject, then, to add to the list, Al. Perhaps it’s time to make a personal testament of hope and belief and principle à la Jonathan Bowden, via the transcript supplied by Michael Polignano: https://jonathanbowden.org/speeches/credo-a-nietzschean-testament/ 84
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 25 Jan 2024 01:12 | # Thorn, I thank you for your friendship, but I’m content with the Savage Sage video, which is a piece of truth-speaking, not spin. We should listen to other ethnic nationalists first and foremost, and our own and other politicians and government much, much later. 85
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 Jan 2024 23:44 | # GW, We are on the same side in the battle to save the White race, that’s what matters most to me. I consider you my brother-in-arms in that respect. 86
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 27 Jan 2024 04:00 | # Thanks , GW , Bowden said so much that is true . His chief fault , common to many autodidacts , was his imperious dismissiveness re matters which he did not fully understand. This may have accounted for his truncated tertiary education. I wish he were still alive. 87
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 27 Jan 2024 04:35 | # GW , I seem to remember that in recent reference to Solzhenitsyn , you surmised that the great Russian did not possess a philosophical turn of mind . Well , perhaps not by your unexamined lights , but still worthy of attention : https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/alexandersolzhenitsynharvard.htm 88
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Jan 2024 22:52 | # @87 Thanks for posting that, Al. It was well worth the hour spent listening to his speech. The man was a towering intellect, for sure. 89
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 08 Feb 2024 17:59 | # Tucker Carlson Interview with Vladimir Putin Scheduled to Broadcast Tonight, 6pm EST
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 08 Feb 2024 20:20 | # Obviously, Carlson has made himself into Moscow’s propaganda tool. The propaganda will be carefully calibrated to appeal to the western anti-western sensibility. WNs will lap it up, as required, and will double-down on the dumb-speak; while the actual nature of Putin’s power-play sails straight over their heads. 91
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 04:35 | # GW , I have been an ardent admirer , for many years , or your intellectual approach to White survival , not least to English survival . Putin is , whether he intends it or not , a defender of White Europe . I respectfully require from you , my old online and esteemed friend , further and better particulars in the matter of why you believe this is not the case. 92
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:38 | # Who could not be impressed by how sharp and knowledgeable Putin is! Tucker tried his best to steer Putin into traps, but Putin is just too clear-minded and sagacious to fall into them. In that regard, I was especially impressed by these two exchanges:
Vladimir Putin: Look, I asked the question, is it possible or not? Tucker: But if he had said yes, would you have joined NATO? Vladimir Putin: If he had said yes, the process of rapprochement Tucker: Why do you think that is? Just to get to motive. I know, Vladimir Putin: You said that I was bitter about the answer. No, it’s ****************************************************** Tucker: The one way in which the religions are different is that Vladimir Putin: It is very easy when it comes to protecting oneself Tucker: So do you see the supernatural at work as you look out Vladimir Putin: No, to be honest. I don’t think so. My opinion is that 93
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 23:16 | # Thorn, as I recall the request for the west to embrace Russia was made by Yeltsyn, not Putin. But at no time then or since was it a practical request. For example, prior to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine Moscow has involved itself in or with the following conflicts: Georgian Civil War, 1991-93 Moscow is not doing all this as some kind of world policeman or moral actor, but from its own geopolitical calculations. Russian membership of NATO would require a profound change in its international modus operandum - which would, in turn, require a still more profound change in how Moscow sees Russia’s place in the world. Turkey under Erdogan is tolerated as a NATO member because of its strategic importance and because one day Erdogan will not be there. But Russia as the gangster state it presently is? But that said, the principal problem with NATO membership is Russia’s, in so much as Putin’s geopolitical strategy is not to combine arms with the West but to divide and destroy western arms, and the western rules-based order which underpins their use. He wishes to free the stronger regional powers from western legalism and morality, so that they may do what they will to dominate their weaker neighbours. He could almost be an Aleister Crowley fan (“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”). One suspects that the NATO membership gig is just another juicy morsel to feed to the useful idiots. 94
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:13 | # @93 In general, I agree with pretty much everything you said. Particularly this: “Moscow is not doing all this as some kind of world policeman or moral actor, but from its own geopolitical calculations.” That said, when Putin asked if Russia could join NATO, I think he knew the answer to his question would be no. I believe the reason Putin asked was to gauge the reaction (the level of the USA’s hostility in its resistance), evaluate it, then calibrate his response accordingly. I believe from the Russian POV, Putin is indeed a moral actor. OTOH, from the Western elite’s POV, Putin, of course, is an obstacle in the way of their NWO agenda thus he and his regime must be overthrown. Unfortunately, Ukraine has become collateral damage in process. As a White preservationist, I view the sacrifice of Ukraine as a significant step towards the White genocide (race-replacement) agenda. We can’t ignore the fact that for the last five or more decades, Western elites have been deliberately dismantling and-or altering native Western gene pools; that, concomitant with radical debasing of Eurocentric/Western culture. Rhetorical question: Are they doing this so as to fit into the vision of their “woke” globalist culture? But we saw this war being waged against Whites since the 1960s cultural revolution, didn’t we. Unfortunately, most Whites have been too disabled by political correctness to be reasoned with. They’ve become, to varying degrees, “anti-racists.” So frustrating….
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 10:18 | # As with so many things, the overheated anti-western temper manages to miss the actual meaning of the words spoken by Stoltenberg:
He isn’t “giving permission” for anything. He is saying that operational limits are set by the donor and source-manufacturer nations. He is saying that, in general, the right to strike military targets outside Ukraine is granted under international law. That’s it, Thorn! Always expect the excitable anti-western bloviators to jump to the florid conclusion. Don’t jump with him. 97
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 11:17 | # Then by your (flawed and narrow-minded) logic you would agree with Stoltenberg if he said this:
Keep in mind, GW, the USA is the main supplier (and the UK is a significant supplier) of Israels weaponry. What reservations do you have WRT Isarel attacking Tehran with weaponry supplied by the aforementioned allies of Israel? It has been widely reported the Iranians supply and support Hamas, the Houthis, Hezbollah et al. So would Israel be justified in bombing Iran, or not? But more to the point, we can discuss how reckless and outright stupid it is to greenlight Ukraine’s use of USA provided F-16s to bomb targets inside Russia. But why bother discussing it bc it is so evident as to why further provocation of Russia is flat-out insane! 98
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 25 Feb 2024 17:28 | # The more that’s being reported about Ukraine obtaining F-16s, the worse it gets. For example:
Source - https://menafn.com/1107896579/NATO-says-Ukraine-able-to-position-F-16-to-raid-deep-inside-Russia Question: Is Russia going to just sit back and allow Ukraine to deploy F-16s from the Baltics, Poland, and or Romania or will Russia respond with an attack those airbases? In the case of the latter, it will, of course, trigger Article 5. Is the risk of escalation on NATO’s part worth it? 99
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 Feb 2024 23:57 | # From wiki:
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 13:12 | # Ukraine should not be using NATO supplied F-16s to strike “military” targets inside Russia. Instead, diplomats on all sides should be beating a path towards the negotiation table. But instead of doing what’s right, the decision makers in DC are plodding forward with their intermediate goal of regime change in Moscow. That’s what the proxy war is being used for! In the meantime, white people are being slaughtered, maimed and displaced on a wholesale level - and the slaughtering has the real potential of escalating up to a nuclear war. BTW, GW, that MENAFN article was fair and honest. It was meant to provide the reader some useful thought-provoking info, that’s all. It even included a legal disclaimer! Have a nice day. 101
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 17 Mar 2024 23:12 | # Hooray!!! Congrats, Pootie-poot! According to the CEC, more than 80% of the votes have been counted as of 1am Moscow time and Putin is leading the race with an estimated 87.15%. https://www.rt.com/russia/594394-russian-elections-projected-win/ Post a comment:
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Posted by Thorn on Fri, 22 Dec 2023 12:36 | #
Demographics is destiny. All the White countries are experiencing a seemingly irreversible demographic collapse. In that regard, or because of that, the future of Russia looks bleak. The same goes for East Asian countries: China, Korea, Japan ....
Viewing the future through a demographic lens, and given the demographic trends, it is clear the future belongs to the Negro population ... and to a lesser extent, the South Asian populations. The SA countries are holding their own whilst the Negro pop. is exploding! I suspect the non-Russian controlled area of Ukraine will be systematically flooded with Negroes and Asians in the not-too-distant future. Race replacement marches on! All thanks to Bozo Boris Johnson and the vindictive Jew, Victoria ‘Ikey Vicky” Nuland. Those two deliberately prevented-interfered with the peace negotiations Zelenskyy wanted to engage in; ergo, they are largely responsible for instigating the war.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was-is, by all means, necessary and justified. https://www.conservapedia.com/Maidan_coup