Parsing the contest of elites

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 14 June 2021 09:32.

As every thinking nationalist should know, the dominant modus of thought informing selfhood in the West is liberalism.  But one could be forgiven for thinking that its time as the epochal Idea, the organising system of the European life, is past.  Certainly, the will of the eponymous “individual” of Enlightenment philosophy, by name the Common Man, is no longer unfettering.  The Third Worldisation of the urban space, the marginalisation of European masculinity and the africanisation of the European genome, the homosexualisation of marriage, the trans-sexualisation of what it is to be a woman, the toxification of white skin, the forced mass vaccinations of the Covid era, the utterly shameless electoral fraud in “the greatest democracy on earth”, and shortly, we are to believe, the enslaving Great Re-Set ... all of this is happening only because the common will has been assiduously suppressed and the common opinion traduced and demonised.

No, the great arc of liberal thought has come to rest in the neoliberalism and the weaponised neo-Marxism of the Western political class and the corporate elites they represent.  These things never belonged to Europe’s peoples.  They only ever belonged to elites.  The only will unfettered by them is theirs.

Historically, these elites have by no means been monolithic in form or singular in their interests.  They are human beings, after all.  They shift generationally and, because they are opportunists and hustlers, always with the flow of political possibility.  There is a natural tension between worldviews, not least those of Jews, always mindful of their ethnic struggle for Olam Ha-ba, and WASPs totally unmindful of that or, of course, of their own peoplehood, and simply, mechanically given to modernity and a narcissistic, even sociopathic individualism extending no further than their own epidermis.

Importantly, there has, too, always been a tension between banker and producer ... between money-as-debt which, by its nature, seeks to extend its suzerainty over the loanee, to enslave and own him, and the principle of progress and techne, which seeks to free its own creative hand from such blind and selfish constraint.  This latter (which, in modern parlance, has been an ideological “thing” since the time of the Russian Revolution) has turned out to hold the winning historical ticket.  If only for the sake of clarity then, let us attempt to delineate it from the old money-based power of the Jewish banking families and the old Anglo-American Establishment, which may or may not have an attachment to tauroctony and masonic symbology, and which is in serious and seemingly final retreat.  Of course, we can do so most succinctly by defining it as a power centred (now) on Davos and grounding itself in the interests and potentials of science-led industries, the American social media platforms, hedge funds, asset managers and, increasingly, FinTech.

Asset-holding, it turns out, is this new elite’s means of eradicating the bankers’ web of debt.  Accordingly, there is an on-going tectonic shift of personnel and institutions towards Davos as it becomes ever clearer that the fiat system, as a guarantor of value and a bestower upon global elites of wealth and agency, will founder on the hard reality of asset-value.

We could say that banking parasitism is giving way to predatory corporatism.  Perhaps another way to look at it would be through the lens of personalities, so the Rothschilds and the European royal houses versus the Rockefellers and the US political Establishment.  Another would be methodological, so supra-nationalism and immigrationism versus the smart mega-city and inclusiveness (both pairs being destroyers of the natural human fundamentals as they express in nation, kind, home, love).  Yet another would be Marxism versus scientism; and another the New World Order versus Sustainable Development.  We might even identify one more in the priest-class of Judaism’s Olam Ha-ba versus Homo davosian, the wired transhuman of the fourth industrial revolution.  Or we could lighten up a bit, and contrast and compare the doomed Merkel and her sad little, pyramid hand signs with the business-like photocalls of the mischling technocrat Schwab.

While we are in a lighter mood, and following the heavy hint of the stage design, the Bregenz sequence from Quantum of Solace, written some time after 2006, contains elements quite specific to what would later become the Davos stratagem:

A conspiracy hidden in plain sight, the corporate language, the manipulation of Washington, the participation of the Deep State, the ownership and control of strategic assets- indeed, in this case “the world’s most precious resource” (and so wholly fitting to the real-world contest with fiat money).  It’s not a bad attempt at making an ageing spy movie franchise relevant to the modern age.  A little further into the movie we learn that to advance its criminal cause Quantum hawks a fake environmentalism, complete with talk of global deforestation and soil depletion.  It deplores corruption in government while corrupting government; and we see how “acting out of necessity” drives the other governments into an alignment of interests with it.

Well, something changed Boris Johnson from a breezily triumphant, newly re-elected prime minister in December 2019 confidently telling Downing Street staff he would not have them going off to Davos the following month “to drink champagne with billionaires” into a catatonic, serial witterer about the Great Re-Set, saying only a few days ago at the G7 conflab amid the delights of Cornwall that “We must build back better with a global economic recovery based on greener and fairer foundations.”

This is politician-speak for total submission to the Davos agenda, which is the UN 2021/2030 agenda, and which amounts to a bare-faced lie told to the weak by the powerful not just so the powerful can rule over them - even in perpetuity - but so that they can make the whole Earth and the future of everything their own.  They’re doing it, too.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jun 2021 22:23 | #

Between MMT destroying the value of the USD and the China-Russia-Iran alliance (namely the Eurasian Alliance) the best laid Davos boys’ plans are destined to be thwarted.

Didn’t Alexandre Dugin write a book detailing the Eurasian project?

At any rate, if I were a betting man, I’d bet the Eurasian project has a better chance of succeeding than what the Davos boys have in mind. The West (namely the USA, Western Europe, Canada and even Japan) is way too f’ing decadent and mismanaged to last very much longer.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jun 2021 22:30 | #

Maybe now is a good opportunity to stock up on Bitcoin.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 19 Jun 2021 08:31 | #

  Bitcoin makes sense if you entertain the , admittedly , likely scenario that America will keep on not minding its own geographical business .  China is a perfect example of a Bitcoin non - friendly country.

Bitcoin will relate to real wealth as America will to the Future.

Offer to pay the IRS with Bitcoin and test the value of this latter day Dutch tulip mania .


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:40 | #

You may be right with your comparison of Bitcoin to the Dutch tulip mania. I tend to agree, but I’m far from being an expert on crypto currencies.

However due to the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing coupled with the Federal Government’s massive deficit spending (i.e. Keynesianism gone beyond wild), they’ve managed to create great big bubbles in just about all sectors of the markets. The stock-market and real-estate markets being the most prominent. When these bubbles burst (an inevitable event) it will probably usher in a long period of stagflation. Of course the middle-class and working-classes will be hit the hardest. What the social ramifications of that event will look like is an interesting, but depressing, scenario to ponder. The larger question is: Will it work to the benefit or detriment of Der Movement (aka WN)?


Posted by uh on Thu, 29 Jul 2021 19:35 | #

There are so many angles to Gates’ role that you get tired of having your mind blown. It begs the conclusion that people don’t see this not because he’s a guy in a gorilla suit unexpectedly dancing into the frame, but because the obviousness and magnitude of it are subconsciously too painful for average people to accept.

Example: it’s easy to focus on the farmland. Then your eyes flit over the list of Cascade Investment assets and find that he’s effectively the owner, and somewhat bizarrely listed as such on Wikipedia, of Canadian National Railway — which travels the length of Canada and the Mississippi, boasting all the major port cities on the way. Another totally benign coincidence to do with “Farmer Bill”.

The dots literally just jump out and connect themselves. There’s absolutely no mystery, no one bothered to hide anything.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 01 Aug 2021 03:48 | #

There is nothing to hide about your ignorance. Gates does not “own” the CNR .

Your post is stupid and tabloidesque , tautologically speaking.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 01 Aug 2021 23:11 | #

In another thread, my pal Al posted a very good YouTube vid featuring Carl Benjamin. Very refreshing to hear someone explain with such clarity the current leftist attack on English civilization; he does so utilizing common sense. Of course, and for the obvious reasons, common sense infuriates the left. That’s why they hate ppl like Carl. (The main difference between Carl and I is he is an atheist whilst I am a theist. I don’t fault him for that; Carl himself explained he is a product of the post-Christian age he was born into.)

I’m posting this here bc I don’t want to interfere with the philosophical debate between James Bowery and GW are engaged in.

At any rate, it was well worth the watch.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 01 Aug 2021 23:43 | #

Your pal Al - lol.

How’s your other pal, Ilana Mercer doing? What would she think about all this? lol.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 00:14 | #

My friend Ilana understands CRT better than you or Carl.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 01:29 | #

I’ll bet your friend (((Ilana))) does indeed understand CRT better than I do. Why shouldn’t she? It is the work of her people, a problem created by them, her people helping her to know its exact workings so that she and her people can posture as holding the solution against this “leftism” and try to position themselves as being on the other side of reaction.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 01:43 | #

Thank you for your opinion, Danny. But I didn’t know Derrick Bell, the concocter of CRT, was Jewish. Or is he not?


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 02:07 | #

He was empowered to climb the academic ladder and be a front man, like so many shobbos goy, in this case for Frankfurt School material and agenda by the kosher folks you have always been rather eager to run interference for, along with the fraudulent Jewish god that they’ve given you to serve.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:14 | #

The ideological precursor for the Frankfort School scholars’ agenda was established by Antonio Gramsci. But according to your circular logic, you probably regard him as a shabbos goy too. 

I regard anti-white/radical leftist Jews as only one part of the multi-faceted enemy Euro-Caucasians face. I, without hesitation, condemn Jews who aim to do harm to us. Conversely, when Jews speak out and work to defeat the anti-white agenda, I give them credit. That’s what rational ppl do. But evidently you lack the capacity to understand that.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 12:59 | #

The ideological precursor for the Frankfort School school’s agenda was established by Marx and adapted by Antonio Gramsci and other Marxist from György Lukács to Adorno, Horkheimer, to Marcuse etc.

It would be tempting to get a DNA sample from Gramsci… maybe Trotsky is a blood relative…lol

But according to your circular logic, you probably regard him as a shabbos goy too.

No, if Gramsci was not an actual Jew, I would categorize him as a Marxist Goyim, which translates in my scheme as being for Whites a liberal - i.e., working to liberalize (as in open up) our borders and bounds.

I regard anti-white/radical leftist Jews as only one part of the multi-faceted enemy Euro-Caucasians face.

Yes, and though you conveniently ignore it, as I have said time and again, I too regard Jews as just one category of our adversaries, albeit as important as any; and because they best control the systems of understanding and sense making, that, as much as any other reason, is why they should be looked at first among our adversaries. Top down they have disproportionate if not hegemonic influence in 10 power niches from which they exact control over rule structures. From the bottom up, their genetics reconstruct patterns antagonistic of Whites; and in that regard, you fail completely - I mean, in Ilana Mercer’s case, you don’t even have to wait another generation for her true colors to come through - the interview with The Political Cesspool should have been enough evidence; ask your fellow Christian, Keith Alexander, what he thinks of her.

Whether anti-White internationalist Marxist/or anti-White cultural Marxist or just anti-White liberal; or pretending to be our friends as right wing shills of false opposition, they are not to be included in our in-group, a part of those we advocate. If they do some good, point out injustice being done to Whites by their fellow Jews or otherwise, that is fine and good; but my platform has no intention of prosecuting them anyway, unless they are manifestly violating the law against us and we have some capacity to do something about it.

My platform is separatist, not imperialist, supremacist nor exploitative, let alone exterminationist. Therefore, I can take my working hypothesis that Jews need to be excluded from our advocacy group with complete innocence.

I, without hesitation, condemn Jews who aim to do harm to us. Conversely, when Jews speak out and work to defeat the anti-white agenda, I give them credit. That’s what rational ppl do. But evidently you lack the capacity to understand that.

Altercasting passivity the way Ilana Mercer does, seeing Whites as hopelessly consigned to an evolutionary trajectory of individualism that spells their doom for inability to fight as a group, there is no need to give Ilana much credit for anything but misdirection, altercasting haplessness, not seeing the way out.

On the other hand, when Jews do spill significant beans, I acknowledge it and some of it has been helpful. They should call out the misdeeds of their people. As with the “good ones” of any group, that’s fine; let them be good for their kind; it doesn’t meant that we should include them in our nations and advocacy group.

Finally as ever, right up there with Jews (from top down or bottom up from their genetics), are our own right wingers and liberals who run the gamut from traitors, to misguiding and misguided (e.g., Abrahamic religions), to the irresponsibly indifferent to White interests. In terms of problems, they are right up there with Jews, Muslims, blacks…any category set against White interests.




Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 14:24 | #

Karl Marx built his philosophy on the influences of a slew of goyim philosophers; many preceded him, many were his contemporaries and or his teachers.

Antonio Gramsci realized the proletariat was not rising up to defeat capitalism thus he created a strategy to undermine the masses’ moral and patriotic underpinnings - the main target of attack was traditional Christianity. Gramsci’s strategy is commonly referred to a Cultural Marxism. The Frankfort School scholars adopted that strategy and expanded upon it. The long march through the institutions has been wildly successful. The f’ing anti-white practitioners of the West’s new religion, “Wokeism” are in control of practically all the institutions - both public and private.

WRT Ilana Mercer, I give her credit for articulating the distinction between Marxism and CRT. She defines it for what it is: anti-white racism. I’ll add to that, CRT is designed to make POC—particularly negroes—a permanent victim group. Of course being designated a person in a victim group provides perpetual benefits and protections. By force of government law, whitey will be on the hook perpetually supporting them. What is so f’ing amazing is so many white ppl—especially college indoctrinated whites—swallow CRT, an obvious intellectual con-job hook line and sinker. That helps explain why we witness so many whites attending BLM rallies.

As Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) pointed out, Alfred the Great recognized the reason why the English fell victim to the Viking invasions; it was due to the fact the English became decadent; they became unmoored from Christian morality. As part of the remedy Alfred translated “The Jew Book” (lol) into the English language so as the English masses could more easily relearn and regain their moral fortitude; their cultural strength - their raison d’être. Alfred the Great, over 1,100 years ago, clearly recognized the correlation between cultural/civilization decline the same way Pat Buchanan currently identifies that correlation. The West is dying bc it lost/rejected its cradle faith-Christianity. Buchanan does a great job articulating his thesis in his books The Death of the West and Suicide of a Superpower.



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 17:57 | #

Christianity is a Jewish trick, a Frankenstein, lol, which at times turned on its creator but is not accountable to European peoples; it is accountable to your Jewish god and holds out for those Jews who will convert to his service (in the overthrow of the enemies of Jews ...Babylon, Rome….European peoples).

Anyway, GW will be happy to debate Christianity with you. It is one of the things he does well and something that I refused to waste time with while I was editor; seeing rather the need for a place for the advocates of European peoples to be rid of that Jewish bullshit. Now you’re back. Have fun with GW. I’m not interested.

Pat Buchanan is a dupe, who’s “The Unnecessary War” is a favorite among his fellow Irish/German American reactionaries, expressing the wrong regret in 20/20 hindsight - rather than saying maybe Hitler should not have started attacking other European countries. He is on the bookshelf, along with William Luther Pierce, of those who misdirect Whites regarding the cause of WWII. A favorite dupe, who I could see from the start chasing the (((red cape))) of “multiculturalism”, calling it a “sewer” and holding by contrast, that Americans of every color and stripe should integrate, blend with English speaking and Christian faith.


Gramsci’s philosophy does fit as recursive liberal theory against European national borders and bounds in his aim to overthrow the middle class culture, placated as it were.

To Gramsci, it was the duty of organic intellectuals to speak to the obscured precepts of folk wisdom, or common sense (senso comune), of their respective political spheres. These intellectuals would represent excluded social groups of a society, what Gramsci referred to as the subaltern.

Gramsci may have been the father of cultural Marxism but I have never defended him, and have had a bead on how his subalterism would be used by the Frankfurt school to organize coalitions of anti-Whites - destroying their national borders and bounds, which is a radical liberalization, an opening of European peoples national borders and bounds. Nevertheless, he was a Marxist and that Marx twisted some non-Jewish sources matters not. Marx was Jewish and his loyalties were alien as are Jewish loyalties broadly, alien. They are another nation and we need not, should not include them - even “the good ones.”

White liberals who buy into CRT, the corporations and other institutions that support it and its offshoot, BLM, have been prepared by objectivist purity spiraling with obsequious self sacrifice, self hatred and guilt in Christianity, its Enlightenment offshoots and objectivist forebears. Right wingers disingenuously grasp in ever purer reach of these principles beyond nature and group accountability or within nature below group accountability. Liberals and radical liberals like Gramsci, rely on the same objectivism for all his talk of praxis - it was not a praxis of the whole organic enation, but a theoretical praxis (contradiction) of the subaltern vanguard and their coalitions on behalf of? International workers, apparently. If Ilana Mercer says CRT is not related to the critical theory of the Frankfurt school it just goes to show her dishonesty.

Anyway, you’re back here with your Christianity, Pat Buchanan and Ilana Mercer. I’m not interested. GW and your pal Al can have fun with you.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:30 | #

Anyway, you’re back here with your Christianity, Pat Buchanan and Ilana Mercer. I’m not interested. GW and your pal Al can have fun with you


You brought up Ilana Mercer, not I.

Al Ross posted a video that delved into the topics of the Viking invasions of England, why England was so vulnerable to Viking invasions, and how Alfred the Great diagnosed the problem the administered a remedy. That’s why I brought up Christianity. Moreover, it’s my opinion Carl Benjamin, Alfred the Great and Pat Buchanan are correct.

GW already made it clear where he stands on Christianity; I’m not here to debate him or you on that topic. I merely expressed and opinion. Again, an opinion which is alike Carl Benjamin, Alfred the Great and Pat Buchanan’s.

If Ilana Mercer says CRT is not related to the critical theory of the Frankfurt school it just goes to show her dishonesty.

Where or when did Ilana Mercer say that?

This is what she said (from the article I linked to):

For the purpose of making your way adaptively and smartly in a society that is systemically anti-white, you need to understand what distinguishes Critical Race Theory from Marxism and quit the socialism/Marxism theoretical escapism, for once and for all.

Get this into your head: For conflict in society, Marxism fingers social class; critical race theory saddles whites. That means you, if you are white!

“If anything, for its failure to finger whites for all the ills of society, Marxism is viewed as incompatible with Critical Race Theory by CRT’s leading sophisticates.”




Posted by Manc on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:58 | #

Some of us are a little less “hazy” about early English history. Alfred the Great most certainly did not translate the Bible into OE, however he did translate the first fifty psalms of the psalter and a few extracts from Exodus to illustrate his Law Code. He also translated, or had translated, a number of booklets   containing what he considered to be “wisdom”.

Alfred’s main concern, other than the Danes, was the widespread illiteracy amongst the clergy. Most of the clergy couldn’t read or write and were, therefor, incapable of passing on Christian morality to their flock because they hadn’t learned it themselves. Alfred took this situation personally as he believed that a King had a duty of pastoral care towards his subjects. Like Tony Blair, his mantra was education, education, education….

The Viking raids were considered by most to be the passing of gods judgement but at that time, it’s likely that crop failure or spilling milk were too. It wasn’t a lack of morality that cost the Saxons during the Danish wars but rather the lack of a standing army and the tactical acumen to beat the Danes unless the Vikings obliged by fighting the type of battle that the   Saxons wanted. Those obstacles were eventually overcome but it took a long time and cost a lot of lives. In the end, Anglo-Saxon England was saved by a woman.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 21:38 | #

And since Daniel brought up Ilana Mercer, here’s her latest piece:

UPDATED (8/1): Unheard Of In America: British Parliamentary Committee Issues Report About Underprivileged Whites

It could not happen in the USA!

The Economist reports that “a [British] parliamentary committee,” no less, has issued a report about the difficulties of “working-class white pupils.” They are underperforming.

The magazine covers evenhandedly how “the use of the phrase ‘white privilege’ may harm poor white youngsters who, by definition, are nearer the bottom of the socioeconomic pyramid than the top.”

More crucially, can you imagine a US Congressional committee even commissioning such a report? I can’t. The Republicans would certainly not push for such long-overdue fact-finding. They have not! Why not? UPDATED (8/1): Humor: Question: Why have Republicans not got a congressional committee looking into white underprivilege and disadvantage, as the British have? Answer: Because Republicans “think” JD Vance’s novel, Hillbilly Elegy, is social science.

Why, there would be riots in the streets if white poverty and underprivilege got attention from the representatives of those poor, underprivileged whites.

The Johnson column calmly explains what each side means when it asserts or rejects “white privilege”:

As is often the case, the two sides of this debate seem to mean very different things by this concise but explosive term. Sensible folk who give credence to the idea of “white privilege” argue that, whatever their other problems, white people do not face the same race-based disadvantages as ethnic minorities, from the minor (a shopkeeper training a wary eye on them) to the more serious (teachers reflexively judging them to be less capable than they really are).

But some sceptics of “white privilege” think it implies that every white person is privileged in an overall way—or even that, merely by existing, white people are complicit in the discrimination suffered by minorities. For some who interpret it this way, the concept is discredited by the existence of poor white people.

In recent years, however, the word has been widely used to refer to the advantages enjoyed by the white majority in countries such as Britain and America. In the raging culture wars, “white privilege” is now among the many phrases lobbed like online grenades between opposing camps. Since the combatants cannot agree on what it means, it is not surprising that there is no consensus on whether it exists and what should be done about it.

The problem with these terms is their compression. They are signposts rather than arguments, only making sense in the context of more elaborate reasoning. Those who use them often seem to hope that the catchphrases invoke all the nuances of the underlying concepts. In the vituperative, tweet-length exchanges that now pass for political debate, that is usually wishful thinking.

Kind of banal and sanctimonious. The take-away news here being that a British “parliamentary committee [actually] released a report into under-performing working-class white pupils.”

Unheard of in American halls of power.

FROM: “Culture-war terms can compress complex ideas in an unhelpful way:In discussions of group differences and grievances, nuance is vital.”




Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 21:55 | #

Having concluded our discussion on, shall we say, the JQ within the CQ; Thorn and I have, I think, arrived at an unstated agreement.  It is based on a certain mutuality of interests: I have no need to attack his faith in the Christian God per se, or to try to stop him believing; he has no need to proselytise for his faith on these threads.  It works fine and we continue in our respective and different views.  I would hope such differences can always be debated freely and without fear of sanction by the site editor, but that they then fall away and the focus settles on what unites us.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 22:00 | #

I might add that “what unites us” probably doesn’t include Ilana Mercer!


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 22:21 | #

Of course you’re dead-on right GW. At the end of the day Ilana Mercer is always going to fall back on her default position: “Is it good for the Jews?” She first and foremost is looking out for the best interests of her tribe.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 00:13 | #

Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Aug 2021 21:55 | #

Having concluded our discussion on, shall we say, the JQ within the CQ; Thorn and I have, I think, arrived at an unstated agreement.  It is based on a certain mutuality of interests: I have no need to attack his faith in the Christian God per se, or to try to stop him believing; he has no need to proselytise for his faith on these threads.  It works fine and we continue in our respective and different views.  I would hope such differences can always be debated freely and without fear of sanction by the site editor, but that they then fall away and the focus settles on what unites us.

Having the patience to debate something so tedious, obviously stupid and destructive to Whites as Christianity ... well, you are good for that. And Whites who want neither to be bothered with that nor the inclusion of neither Nazis nor Jews have another place to go now.


If Ilana Mercer says CRT is not related to the critical theory of the Frankfurt school it just goes to show her dishonesty.

Where or when did Ilana Mercer say that? says

the Buchanan and Jesus proselytizing blossom; who gunked many a thread with his attacks because I advocate those who don’t believe in his religion of Jewish deception.

Cute, Thorn. She says it’s not related at all to classical Marxism; as if distinguishing Classic Marxism’s focus on class from the Frankfurt’s school’s focus on anti-White groups in coalition is a difference not noted here, that “we need to get through our heads” ... I did say, “If” she says.. ..and if not? As if you’ve pointed out an important, big oversight - “lol” - in an article that I would not have read (for good reason not, as I know the source).


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 01:25 | #

the Buchanan and Jesus proselytizing blossom; who gunked many a thread with his attacks because I advocate those who don’t believe in his religion of Jewish deception.

Gee, Danny, would it surprise you that I really don’t give a flying fig what you do or don’t believe in? And it’s pretty obvious nobody else genuinely cares what you believe in either. You’ve been posting here at MR for what, 8 years now? To what accomplishment? Outside of the handful of ppl who visit MR, who is aware you even exist? But the saddest part for you is the vast majority of ppl familiar with you have a negative opinion ... and for good reason.

GW allowed you to takeover this site and you ran it into the ground. Your barely comprehensible gobbledygook bloviating coupled with your rebarbative personality isn’t exactly a formula that attracts a following. You tried; you failed.  Face it, Danny, advancing WN movement is not your forte. In fact you turn ppl away. You are a net negative. You are the poster child for why WN remains so unattractive to white normies.   



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 02:05 | #

Gee, Danny, would it surprise you that I really don’t give a flying fig what you do or don’t believe in? And it’s pretty obvious nobody else genuinely cares what you believe in either.

So you say, fucking asshole.

You’ve been posting here at MR for what, 8 years now? To what accomplishment?

Plenty. And what have you accomplished you retrogressing piece of shit?

GW, who gave little more than oppositional strawmanning and gaslighting in his commentary, tried to suggest that “the market spoke” ...the market didn’t speak, Jewish marketing spoke ...while handing out its coloring book, altercasting White identity on the right, in reaction and in line along with it’s interests, and a characterology of the left, mischaracterzing (((red caping))) resources that White advocacy requires ... so that they attack what we need and of course have their minions like you, attack me (because I don’t subscribe to your Abrahamic yoke) and obstruct my voice and the platform that I advocate as much as possible. But no worry. I have the truth and the interest of European peoples on my side, something that can never be taken away from those who care for their European selves and kind.

Outside of the handful of ppl who visit MR, who is aware you even exist?

You don’t know, dickhead, so you can just shut your Jewish god worshipping mouth.

But the saddest part for you is the vast majority of ppl familiar with you have a negative opinion ... and for good reason.

No they don’t. Only Hitler heads, Jesus freaks like you, Jews, scientistic reactionaries and the like who cannot live without the Jewish coloring book, do not like me and I do not care.

GW allowed you to takeover this site and you ran it into the ground.

I did not run it aground, I ran it to blue sky where it was fee to pursue, unobstructed (save for GW), the positive direction that I’ve set out after I was forced to drive people like you away because you would not stop harassing me because I do not believe your retarded religion, nor does anyone else who puts half a though to it.

Your barely comprehensible gobbledygook bloviating coupled with your rebarbative personality isn’t exactly a formula that attracts a following.

What else would YOU to try to assert?

You tried; you failed.  Face it, Danny,

I have not failed, Thornblossom. That will be more clear in the months and years to come.

You and your Jewish religion have failed.

advancing WN movement is not your forte.

I already have staked out its path to sovereignty.

In fact you turn ppl away. You are a net negative. You are the poster child for why WN remains so unattractive to white normies.

Spoken with the wishful thinking of a Jew worshipping asshole who plays pattycake with the Hitler heads. In the end, you will suffer and die for the lie that is your fraudulent religion, while I am on the path of sovereignty for my European peoples…will join and be joined by them ....and good riddance to you, just one little asshole to be left behind to his coloring book and his miserable fate.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 02:41 | #

Thornblossom, you (have the nerve) to ask, in the spirit of GW’s gaslighting, what have I accomplished?

I have solved the riddling, contorted misdirection of Jewry and charted the path to sovereignty; lies will never take it away.. and as I move with the sovereign, I will relish your dying with your lies; languishing in a pathetic and painful death.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 03:12 | #

Christianity was only imported to European countries because the King was persuaded that the Jewish poison, which enabled consolidated of the usual Supernatural nonsense into one supposedly manageable deity, furthered royal interests.

The King made Christianity a social convention but many intelligent European men did not believe a Semitic word of it.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 03:19 | #

If there are residual doubts among the non cognoscenti about how close Christianity and Marxism actually are then I suggest a close reading of old Jesus’s ” Garbage on the Mount”.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 06:18 | #

  Erratum :

“consolidation” , of course.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 11:48 | #

I was an atheist during the entirety of my teen years. But after tussling with infinite regress and first cause, I’ve concluded of all the faith systems known to mankind, atheism is by far the most illogical. The only logical conclusion I can come to is God is the first cause. As for my own faith, and to be honest, I waiver between deism and theism. Moreover, of all the faith systems known to mankind, I think “The Jew Book” provides the best outline/narrative for the reason humans were created. 


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 15:41 | #

Ever hear of John of Austria?

This was just linked to @

(Thorn note: I think this was what Alfred the Great was getting at when he said the English became decadent bc they lost their faith.)

When you scroll down, click on ‘Show this thread’ to read more comments.


Posted by Manc on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 16:31 | #

To be fair, some of the Englisc Christians held up fairly well against the Vikings…


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 17:57 | #

Impressive, Manc.  But is there any doubt King Arthur was the most badass Christian that ever existed?


Posted by Manc on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 20:53 | #

He met more than his match though..


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Aug 2021 21:48 | #


That movie is packed with hilarious scenes—one right after another.

This one where he defeats The Knights who say, “ni” is a goodie.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:01 | #

The Norwegian king , Hakon the Good ( the laudatory nature of the descriptor must be noted ) was a Christian as a young man , but he renounced the Semitic importation rather than force it upon his subjects.

A true patriot.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:23 | #

  Thorn’s intellectual ( if that’s quite the right word ) redoubt of humour in the matter of Christianity faced with reason is telling .

One hopes that he does not wear out the knees of his trousers praying for a Christian eternity filled with White people .

Unless , of course , the Gentiles are Ben Shapiro’s ‘Noahide Laws’ - observant, post - mortem servants .  Plenty of terrestrial practice there , no ?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 11:32 | #

Comment related to the article above the line, posted on the thread to a Covid piece at PA this morning:

I am pleased to see this article from B Hall.

Woes and Morgoth mentioned a piece I wrote in June 2020 for MR which opened the door for consideration of the succession of a particular elite cohort with a particular, tech-based vision and agenda over the old Judaically-centred elite with its debt-based agenda. I don’t believe it was published here. This is the link:

Obviously, the last six months have broadened and deepened one’s understanding of the monstrous drive for The Globality which is now in train. Were I writing it today there are three points I would add to the original article:

1. The old Judaic model was ethnically-focussed and, in its this-world, political way, sought a Talmudic distinction in “the world to come” between the Chosen priest-class speaking directly to G-d and the amorphous mass of humanity existing to wash the feet of the priests and give them all their earthly possessions. More than one scholar has applied the Nietzschean distinction of master-slave to that relationship. However, the tech world of Sustainable Development does not seek such a relationship at all. It does not have at its focal point any ethnically or racially based distinction. Its elite cohort is not ethnically or racially based. It is cognitively-based, and the relation, therefore, between the cohort and the surviving masses is not one of master and slave but of free beings and parasites. We are to be the parasites for whom everything in life, including spending money, is provided from above.

For nationalists this change around from the parasitic banker to the parasitic Everyman takes a bit of getting used to. But we had better get used to it. The tech elites don’t need slaves. They will have AI for that. We, then, only live at all by their godlike grace. That is to be the way of things.

2. On the Covid agenda, which is an agenda, ultimately, of the digitisation of the individual and his and her social control, I wrote the following yesterday for MR. It is not unhopeful. We are not lost to The Globality yet …

“At the moment America and Britain are relatively free. The British political Establishment is hampered by about one hundred rebel Tory MPs. The Prime Minister’s popularity is gone. There are local authority elections in May, which cannot bode well for the governing party. There are signs that the media’s pro-vax unanimity may be cracking. That part of the public which is double-vaxxed, meanwhile, is showing resistance to the third shot, and those who have taken it will surely show resistance to the fourth (due in Spring). It is hard to see non-whites, only a quarter of whom have been jabbed even once, coming on-board with the agenda. Knowledge of the mildness of Omicron and its potential for creating herd immunity is widespread. Likewise, publicity about the incidence of serious vaccine injury is eating away at public conformism. This war is not lost. It is only just beginning.”

3. There is much talk of whether we must focus primarily on race-replacement or on Covid and, indeed, on Climate. Strictly speaking, this is not an either/or choice. But at this point we lack an holistic, positive vision of our own politics. We cannot go out into the world and commend ourselves on that basis. That will come before too long. In the meantime, I agree with B Hall that we should pivot towards the threat which has emerged in front of us. I, for one, will try to have something holistic to bring forward for the consideration of thinking nationalists before 2022 is out. It will not be grounded in Nietzsche or in Catholic social thinking, like all our models of the decades of failure since 1945.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 03:57 | #

If Covid is a deadly threat to BAMES in particular , then might we be infinitely laid back about the outcome ?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 20 Mar 2022 11:29 | #

Comment posted to an article appearing at Conservative Woman and in long form at New Conservative:

For many decades prior to the re-emergence in the West in the 1970s of technocratic elitism, elitism itself was firmly attached to the Judaic struggle for the End Times. But few except nationalists were brave enough to go to the root of the problem and name it. Elitism’s methodological turn away, so to speak, from pure banking and the ownership of debt to the ownership of hard assets, and away from Olam Ha-ba to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has enabled discussion across the rest of the political spectrum. But it would have been nice if even a fraction of those right and left libertarians and conservatives who attack today’s drive for The Globality had stood up and explained the nature of the beast before.

The dynastic bankers are still there, of course; but their role is as investors, behind the asset management giants. They are forced by the new dispensation into the mould of individual elitists, while their kinfolk have had the vax harder than anybody. Richard Herrnstein, with Charles Murray the author of The Bell Curve, saw this detachment of the Jewish elites coming back in the early 1990s, and labelled it cognitive elitism. Notwithstanding that, a large part of the dynastics’ old methodology survives, including the slow genocide by replacement of the European race, which is embedded in UN Agenda 21/30. It remains that genocide which it is Europeans’ duty to fight, before all the rest of the trespasses against liberty, democracy, and the life we all thought we in the West possessed as of right.

Nothing of liberalism can fight this pestilence; for liberalism underscores it; and conservatism, which is only a part thereof, has no motive power. How many, then, of those inveighing today against technocracy will accept that nationalism ... the politics of the life and interests of peoples of the land ... is their real ethical home? For such it is.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
