Hat-tip to Woes One of the prime events of the calendar for Anglosphere nationalism is also its year-end event. That is Millenniyule, the unique and engrossing series of twenty plus live-streams conducted by the cultural critic and content creator Millenialwoes (Woes for short). This year was the eighth in the series. I have not listened to everything, though I have visited every stream to get a sense of the interview subject. Many are well-known on the dissident podcast scene. They are an eclectic mix, which only adds to the immense task Woes sets himself each December (and handles so expertly). Some of them our host engages for 45 minutes, some for a couple of hours. The two marathon streams, though, are several hours apiece. Of these, the longest by far, at one minute longer than seven hours, was the final stream of Millenniyule 2022, with Morgoth: Next for sheer expansiveness, at four hours nineteen minutes, was the stream with Academic Agent:
AA’s analysis, it must be said, is that of Schmittian reductionism, placing power before idealism. But there is a lot of interest in the conversation, as there is, as ever, in the Morgoth stream. It seems to me that one can just as profitably start the year with such material as end it. Comments:3
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 01 Jan 2023 11:39 | # I think we are probably out of the age when the term “Paki”, in the mouths of British natives, is regarded by government as just a signifier of familiarity like “Brit”. The machine’s desire to identify “hate speech” is interpolative. It inserts the motives it wants to condemn, in the full expectation that its judicial apparatus will not exercise reasonable doubt or clemency, and its prison apparatus will consign its victims to a couple of years of extreme physical danger. The imprecise “British Asians” and, on occasion, “Moslems” are the only terms of difference which we may safely employ, notwithstanding the fact that the group in question refer to themselves as “Pakis”. It’s not meant to be fair. It’s meant to harm us. As for AA, I have no idea what someone may say about him. Can’t we, at least, avoid the tendency to cancel people? 4
Posted by Timothy Murray on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 22:24 | # ok…“The Prudentialist” caught my eye, Prudence (Prudentia* ) being one of the classical virtues in Fortitude, Temperance, Justice and Prudence (Faith , Hope and Love being the additions from us faithful) This looks like good fun; thank you for the links. It is very , very , very heartening to see the intellectual heft and courage of our people; #WeThink For the fellow listener only crowd here, there is a collection of MP3’s .... Thank you for the truck driving intellectual fodder! Cordially. t *Prudentia (from memory) has the following sub-virtues… Consilium i.e…. 5
Posted by Timothy Murray on Mon, 02 Jan 2023 22:32 | # Woa!!!! AshaLogos is on the list! He is wonderfully courageous, Tip Of The Spear, and part of what I call #TeamCultural. Members of which I put Sir (?) Roger Scruton, and that English chap who did the BBC series named “Civilisation” ...Kenneth Clark. There are, of course, others, Tan started a series with a person who specialized in fairy tales… Thank you, thank you, thank your for this rich vein to mine. (hopefully, I will not disturb a Balrog! But! If I do, I pray a charge headlong into the battle….) Cordially
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 02:05 | # ” Us faithful” ? Not a grammarian then , Timothy. Not even a we(e) one ? Anyway, you are doubtless destined for proletarian Noahide Heaven where grammar is not for the likes of you. 7
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 02:46 | # GW , I cannot imagine that your indulgence of discussion of Oriental Ghosts whose celestial Fathers are also their Sons will continue ad nauseum. Timothy , if you wish to convert GW , it may take a while . If , and I flatter myself here , you wish to convert me then there are, as yet, insufficient years in Eternity. 8
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 03:28 | # Timothy , your desperate attempt to appear Latinate might be , if you’re not careful, rewarded by : Caput Mortua . Or , alternatively , ” Credat Judeaus Apella , Non Ego “. 9
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 05:13 | # Timothy , the Scots - descended Kenneth Clark was impressive . Oxford Professor of Art History. His son , the Tory MP , Alan Clark , actually cared about Britain. When a Marxist pest accused AC of being a ” Fascist ” , he replied : ” No , no I’m not a Fascist , they are shopkeepers . I am a National Socialist.” 10
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 05:43 | # As soon as I dismount my Kenworth , I can match RPO’s critique of the Pope , any Pope . That’s how versatile , Greenwich , CT’s XPO and beating Machiavelli’s “Prince” transport me. 11
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 07:01 | # Sometimes , for everyone , constipation occurs. This morning with a minimal modicum of straining , I achieved the sort of intelligent result which made me look bowl wards and say, goodbye Jew stuff , Jesus 12
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 18:30 | #
Thanks for the correction and the chuckle… and, I, am, definitely, not, a, grammarian,! 13
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 04 Jan 2023 19:03 | #
Hi Al No desperation, just the honest man’s attempt to better himself. Rosetta Stone had a lifetime subscription that I bought, and when I memorize my prayers, I memorize both the English and Latin versions. I was using DuoLingo but they insisted on woke perversions and I will not tolerate such things in my home. The Virtues where never mentioned in my years as a Protestant, nor were they ever taught in government school….“The Goy Guide To World History” has Kevin MacDonald explaining how Freud inverted the classical model of the human soul—-a Man riding a bridled horse. The horse is the man’s passions, the Man reins them in and directs them. Freud inverted that model (and got it inserted into Christendom ) so that the passions rode the man. That is the jew way; find a fundamental and invert it, inject it into the society via control, control, control and then scarf up the spoils and enslave the goyim. The Virtues are an antidote to the freudianism about us. Virtue will defeat the jew. The 4 cardinal virtues are on a pamphlet from the Church and I decided to memorize them. The casual study into Latin is wonderful. I am a computer programmer in one of my trades and there is a wonderful phenomena that separates the wheat from the chaff. The first instance of restructuring one’s own mind is a bit painful; it requires labour. Subsequent attempts are easier in that one knows what must be done and knows that old ways of thinking must be discarded. Furthermore, there is enjoyment in learning to think differently…not to “think new thoughts” but to completely reorient the mind to the problem domain and the tools it requires (problem domain like “uniting White” requires new thinking, or disabusing Protestant Americans of supporting israel requires new thinking). Going further, one starts looking for opportunities to expand the new skill, to find new “languages” to think in. The beauty of that work is that one realizes that human languages are just instances of what I wrote….a way of re-orienting the mind to express reality in different ways. (which raises a whole skew of interesting questions…like why does each language have the ability to express truth? ) While I am confident I will learn Latin to the expert level, as a novice, I know it will take years of work and taking the ridicule of men who never attempt the task in good humor. cordially. t.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 12 Jan 2023 16:05 | # People here might like the thing. I bought one and I am addicted to it. Instead of taking notes on paper, then getting around to entering and organizing those notes in Emacs, I just sit comfy on the couch and scribble as I read. Cordially 15
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 03:31 | # It is typical of a self - advertising , sanctimonious Christian like Timothy to enumerate his racially - alien Faith’s pretend virtues sans the most important practical one, viz., Charity. 16
Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:37 | #
I listened to Asha Logos, Black Pilled and much of Blood Sattelite this week; Asha was his usual fantastic self. These 5 questions are updated throughout the course of the flight as position and flight regimes change. I just remarked on Tans site…I got to listen to a couple of TFeeds of 2022 ...one with Charles Murray and Steve Sailer was painful to listen to due to the contrast in energy, intelligence and broadness of the Millenial Woe’s guests. Anyway, good fun. Thanks again. 17
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 04:14 | # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._E._Housman Housman , who sat at Trinity College , Cambridge’s High Table in the company of Wittgenstein , Bertrand Russell and Enoch Powell , had failed , initially to impress his intellectually superior examiners with his acquisition of Latinate knowledge. When Wittgenstein was up at Trinity , his recollection of his first High Table is interesting. A college servant presented a dessert . Wittgenstein prodded it tentatively . The college servant said , ” If you delve a little further , Sir , you may find a peach .” Wittgenstein claimed that these were the kindest words spoken to him at Cambridge. Also , being a Jew , Wittgenstein presented his PhD thesis to Bertrand Russell , then Master of Trinity , saying , ” Well here it is but I doubt if you will understand it. “ Thanks to my dear spouse for the Cantabrigian history.
Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:57 | # I am at Cambridge too!
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:39 | # Started listening to Bubba Kate yesterday, it is heartbreaking and infuriating. 20
Posted by timothy murray on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 22:25 | # Phillip Giraldi is naming the jews. And there is a new American voice in the fight.
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:18 | # Timothy , some years ago ,when I was in one of my frequent, choleric counter - Judaic moods , my wife directed me to her fellow Cantabrigian academic , a Jew no less. Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:56 | #
The UKColumn crowd publicising their “guest appearance on Millenniyule 2022” a whole other year ago!