Do Joel Davis and Richard Spencer Want to Suck Jewish Cock?

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 02 May 2020 05:25.

Joel Davis, Richard Spencer et al. in a recent podcast (not the podcasts referenced in this article).

Or would they prefer to take it up the ass?

We have long followed the Jewish op called “the Alt-Right”, a stewarding of Whites reacting to Political Correctness and its hyperbolic activist groups and coalitions deemed “social justice warriors.” Though these “social justice warriors”, themselves, were an anti White orchestration by Jewish academia, that is a fact glossed-over in this stewarding of Whites by contrast, broadly conducted along the crypo kosher devised platform of paleoconservativsm, but spearheaded pointedly by Paul Gottfried; who saw the need circa 2008, to head off the intersectionality of a necessarily growing consciousness that Jews were not exactly a downtrodden group, but to the contrary, occupying elite niches in society, often unjustly and wielding that power unjustly. Hence the need, from a Jewish perspective, to divert that nascent awareness, the logical counter of White unionization (a leftist thing) and coalition building; and to promote instead a characterology of “The Left” as the enemy, “Social Justice Warriors” its deluded minions. ... we don’t want any of that social justice now that Jews are on top (in more hegemony than ever)  ...along with any scummy Whites who are willing to sell out to Jewish interests, now do we?

No, this un-kosher intersectionality could be headed off by moving Whites from false Jewish opposition number one - NeoConservatism - and reviving false Jewish opposition number two - Paleoconserativism - updated 2.0, to appeal to a younger (and naive) audience to include a broader variety of reactionaries, not trying to fit all right wing reactionaries under one tent, but rather create a tentosphere, a loose coalition divide and conquer juggling act that could allow for Christians, Jewish right wingers, neo-Nazis and the scientistic generally, along with nutty conspiracy theorists. Membership seemed to require at least one socially stigmatizing attachment - then you could be a minor e-celebrity, arguing against “the left” and “social justice warriors”, equipped directly by Madison Ave marketing firms with memes and narratives to absolve you (and YKW) from responsibility and accountability, narratives provided for the “Alt-Right”, of pure scientific objectivity, facts of nature as the sole reason that you are on top and the sheer natural injustice of the world, the reason that you are not accountable, “the reason that things are not equal, like THE left character always unnaturally insists upon.” 

Richard Spencer is apparently happy to go along with the Jewish misdirection to promote the “SJW’s are the problem” meme ...take the bribe and pay off of this Jewish, Madison Ave marketing campaign, where it originated, focusing on the vastly distorted, hyperbolic anti White “social justice warrior”, really a Jewish academic creation, and talk about it instead, as if it is an organic phenomenon stemming from religious origin, ether, in order to divert Whites from organizing themselves and pursuing their social justice; which would bring into full view Jewish elite niches, their injustice along with right wing/liberal sell outs - seeing them clearly as out-groups:

The Religious Origins of the SJW, NPI Radix 28 April 2020

Is it really necessary, Richard, to go along with memes convenient to (((them))), a meme like this having obviousy been put out by (((their))) Madison Ave. marketing machine? Sure, let’s be against Social Justice now that (((they))) are unjustly on top of everything and right wing sell outs like you, Richard, are perfectly willing to sell out ethnonationalism; contributing to the marketing of this meme, taking (((their))) hyperbolic, anti-White coalitions as being The thing that social justice is about, whereas “reality” and White advocacy can supposedly have no part in social justice. But then, I guess it is convenient to a blue blood like yourself, one with no character. Typical right wing, anti-social bullshit, treacherous, sell out.

And about philosophy student, Joel Davis, with whom you do philosophical hangouts now…

He is the one who necessitated a rebut from me for his conversation with Josh Neal. I believe the discussion between Josh Neal and Joel Davis is off line (I’ll try to find it), but Joel Davis was saying unequivocally that “Israel is our friend.” ...not that it is some kind of supremacist cluster fuck trying to extend its reach over the whole world as “the shining beacon” to the “down trodden masses” - downtrodden because the tribe blends us down and grinds us down.

Joel Davis, who for some interesting reason keeps speaking of Mencius Moldbug (((Curtis Yarvin))) as if he someone authoritative to refer-to, to look up to, when in fact, Yarvin is clearly operating in Jewish interests, misdirecting Whites with his Ops, “Dark Enlightenment” and into “Neo Reaction” etc., ops focusing on co-opting STEM types especially, those who tend to be naive about the machinations as opposed to proper uses of social sciences and the humanities.

Here is Joel Davis in the chat of a Paul Gottfried stream, apparently very interested in getting in with Gottfried:

First, I will give you the excerpts of Joel, followed by the whole chat:

Cotto, where do you think institutional support could possibly come from for a legitimate paradigm shift to occur away from the Neoliberal/Neocon binary?

We’ve already established Right Ruminations inclinations, viewing Gottfried as someone we should be grateful for. Joel is chatting with Right Ruminations here:

Right Ruminations
My point is that you can’t understand to how Catholics deal with this history until you understand the particulars of Catholics doctrine. A term applied to Mary may be historical but that “Star of the Sea” is not doctrine.

Ohm 7
Is Christianity invented by Jewish Elites of Old Time or a development of Old European Religion?

invention of Paul

According to this analysis, wouldn’t that render Protestantism to be a ‘de-paganization’ of Christianity?

Ultra Testosterone
Protestant is closer but it still depends on gospels

yes.. it moved them farther away from their pre-Abrahamist , pagan, roots..

Cotto, do you believe Christianity will remain culturally dominant for the forseeable or have we passed the point of no return?

The dissident right’s inability to find coherence seems to be a consequence of a lack of religious convergence as much as anything.

Good call Imperius, as long as we remain alienated (post)protestants we lack the ability to build coherent moral language.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis hey joel loved your chat with keith woods

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto should do stream labs so he gets more of the money

Oswald Spengler
also john david ebert

@Oswald Spengler thanks man, would love to get on this program or have these guys on my channel sometime as well.

Oswald Spengler
that’d be great

I tried emailing Gottfried recently, but no response this far, i’ll keep trying.

Ultra Testosterone
Gottfried is a good guy but he didn’t get some of top tier scholarship jokes

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto is more aware of the jokes

Brando Calrissian
The demographics look pretty good for non-mainline-Protestant churches. Kaufmann’s book, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth, and the religious anthropology/population studies work of Ed Dutton

Ultra Testosterone
Different generation

Brando Calrissian
suggest that religions with high TFR and high retention will outbreed moderate religions and nones even in the developed west.

i’d love to get their thoughts on building institutional support for the cutting edge ideas spinning out of the dissident right particularly.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis you should hook up with justin murphy too

@Oswald Spengler i’ve been on his channel already once before, i’ve been trying to organize an interview with him on my channel recently, hopefully we can organize that soon.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis sent you an invite on FB, i’m “joseph ducreux”

Luke Avedon
@Cotto-Gottfried When is @Right Ruminations coming on by the way?

Right Ruminations
@Luke Avedon I am well. A sub of mind just made a new channel - Terminal Philosophy - and had me as his first guest. I think he his channel has promise for the Rumisphere as it were.

Schizo Ric AKA Quantrell Bishop
@joeldavis is the MAN!

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried would it be a good thing for economics as a field to be destroyed by intersectionality?

Schizo Ric AKA Quantrell Bishop
@Cotto-Gottfried get @joeldavis on your channel for an interview

Cheers Schizo, i’d love to.

Curious Cretin
Are Mormons pagan?

Oswald Spengler

“i’ve never been called a nerd before”



Oswald Spengler
cotto is 6 6

Ultra Testosterone

Ultra Testosterone

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried thoughts on the now-not-so-new atheists?

There’s way more money we can give. I’ve been hard at work setting the infrastructure. Just let me know the channel where you will get more of it, like PayPal.

Cheers Cotto, i’ll try the outlook address.

Luke Avedon
@Cotto-Gottfried Nice! I will check it out.

Ohm 7
Yo I went to take a bath and missed the answer about if Christianity has descended from Jewish Elites of the Hellenic Times or from the Old European Religion?

We’re moving into phase two the end of this year, which is why I tried seeking out Gottfried and found that there was even this Cotto guy, lol. Solid guy.

Luke Avedon
@Right Ruminations I like that he has a Blade Runner avatar. My favorite film of all time.

Ultra Testosterone
Trump 2020

So many factions aren’t talking to each other as much as they should. It’s left to younger guys to have less hesitation.

Ohm 7
Cotto, I’d highly recommend having Keith Woods on, he’s one of the most interesting Leftists on the internet right now I think, he’s an Irish Nationalist

Keith Woods isn’t a leftist.

He’s a folk nativist. Most of intellectual history, leftism has been anti-nativist.

Yeah, there’s cross-over, but don’t simply call him a leftist.

Right Ruminations
@Luke Avedon I like that he had set a specific atmosphere from the outset. I am afraid that the atmosphere of my channel had been too haphazard.

Finally, Joel Davis shows how he wants to co-opt the ultimate move of left nationalism, which by his idea would include Jews:

Misconceiving a Nationalist as a Leftist is a symptom of the post-Cold War propaganda hangover. The Right should be unapologetic about subordinating Capital to the National interest.

However, Gottfried man Right Ruminations pushes back, not wanting to share the wealth, of course ..

Right Ruminations
@joeldavis The neoliberals support both globalism and heavy intervention in the market. I don’t agree with the implication that nationalism and economic individualism are mutually exclusive

Right Ruminations
Enoch Powell for example.

Here is the full chat


Right Ruminations
It is working. Good evening.

Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines.

Hello Cotto!

Hello , man , when will you upload the stream with TFM ?

kmacks McDonald
Hey Cotto yes my superchats have been high this month

kmacks McDonald
Just saw my bank statement

Why will you upload it after 2 weeks ? Why not just upload an unedited version of the stream ?

Right Ruminations
I think that TFM doesn’t realize that prosperity makes female dependence implausible - In a patriarchy, men are deferential to women and in a high prosperity society, that doesn’t work.

James Wynne
Hey Cotto, interesting streams this week, my question is have you heard of Norman Finkelstein and his observations of the Holocaust Industry?

kmacks McDonald
Cotto do you think what we do is naturally black pilling? We know we are right but we dont have Millions of dollars and favorable media. That matters more than truth

finkelstein is kind of a crank.

Cotto , if you’re not PC , you WILL be booted , Youtube won’t cut you slack for censoring yourself , so why not just own it and FREE SPEECH THROUGH THE MULTIVERSE

Right Ruminations
Some sort of sex egalitarianism, as Paul Elam points out, may be the only way for men to avoid getting a bad deal. Men need to evolve by accepting supporting some form of egalitarianism.

Right Ruminations
This may be the great test for Western civilization.

Cotto , there are no black pills , there are only black feelings for the red pill

Will you back yourself up on other platforms , ya know , put your eggs in many baskets

Hi Joseph, Hi everyone. Not a great week up here in Ontario, the insanity continues, and a small winery I supply has freaked out over everything and won’t commit to buying some of our grapes.

kmacks McDonald
Cotto on the money point how did the Left take over every institution so thoroughly? Did it start with colleges? Media, business, hollywood, legal system it all is in lockstep against us is this rare?

kmacks McDonald
Rare in that its 100 percent without any friction or schism among them?

Did you and TFM talk about Responsibilitizm ? Your opinion on it ? I didn’t catch the stream

Hollywood was never rightist , it was always on the left , it’s just that 10 decades ago , the overton window was WAY to the right so left back then were 10 times more rightist than the current right

kmacks McDonald
Cotto do you notice even from the 1990’s when Sam francis or Paul Gottfried wrote for conservative magazines. Now no single guy has a career writing for less immigration or brings up 1 con from it

Responsabilitizm - the current govt except only taxpayers aka more paid in taxes than taken in welfare elect the Congress and war vets and draftees elect the president , your opinion ?

Patrick P
after the fall of the Soviet Union, KGB documents proved that Hollywood was in fact infested with communists during the McCarthy time. I think it was called the venona papers.

The Anarchism episode with Keith Preston was outstanding this week.

The problems with your system - welfare leeches will save enough welfare to pay the poll tax , the commies will rig the tests against the right , age doesn’t equal maturity , responsibility=maturity

Basically , your system is too easy to game

Right Ruminations
Keith and I are on a bi-weekly Sunday Round-table on the Praise of Folly Podcast. This week we are talking about the curious cooperation between the authoritarian Left and the libertarian Left.

Right Ruminations
Keith Preston that is.

kmacks McDonald
Actually as a historical question Cotto was there a time where the Right had all the institution? Say 1920’s where the culture leaned right wing on all of the issues?

3 QUICK QUESTIONS: Who chose your wall color?... Is that a toy behind you?... Do own a time machine?

kmacks McDonald
Cott you missed my earlier chat about the Non Whites as heroes

kmacks McDonald

Right Ruminations
The libertarian and authoritarian left cooperate because of they have a trait called agreeableness in common - which is basically nurturing instinct and cooperation. This is where they overlap.

Right Ruminations
Pointing this out is one of the things that Jordan Peterson was good for.

Are you libertarian ? And if not , what are you not libertarian on ?

I never knew of Cotto until recently. Can he speak more about his life and time in the dissident Right?

kmacks McDonald
It starts with “In a Weird way

Paste the link in a new tab , comment on the image

I’ve been around for some time now, too, so few details will be lost on me.

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried do you think “the commons” is more compatibale with the modern right or left wing?

Oswald Spengler
i’m partial to lemon la croix

Maybe it should be alcohol.

Right Ruminations

Right Ruminations
I’m Famous Grouse this evening.

The commons refers to early classical liberalism and populist economics.

kmacks McDonald
n a weird way Non Whites have to be the heroes. Michelle Malkin here. In the UK it took a Pakistani prosecutor to work the Rotherham case. Maybe we need Non White leaders as the only option

Very frequent term in political economy.

kmacks McDonald
Ah Cotto is was being banned or blocked because it has the 4 letter word rhymes with grape. I removed that word and now it should show

kmacks McDonald
my comment was being blocked

Kind of think how Singapore is very strong in policing its commons. They’re fining people 300 SGD for not wearing masks in public now.

kmacks McDonald
youtube wont allow that word

Why are you skipping my comments with the link ?

dragonman sasson
Happy Friday. As things fall apart, I find myself appreciating the Gott Father and other thinkers more. The 4th of July does not work for me that much anymore. What are your thoughts Mr. Cotto ?

A friend of mine showed me newspaper articles of people being arrested and fined for sneezing at others.

kmacks McDonald
Okay next question Cotto is it true not many can make a living at dissident right thoughts? Maybe 10 or 15 people can make a living if they work for Amren or Vdare. Not many else can make enough money

Alexander Munitis
break up the link

Youtube doesn’t let me link , but you CAN paste it in a new tab and comment on the image

kmacks McDonald
Dissident right Politics I should say

Singapore feels like my personal vision of hell, crowded, hot, humid, urban, soulless, semi- authoritarian, enforced multi-racialism and hyper capitalism that feels all pointless in the end.

dragonman sasson
You are welcome. Mr. Cotto.

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried i love your shirt. i’d say it’s a shade of VERY COOL blue

Oswald Spengler
did you have a good st. george’s day?

kmacks McDonald
To your knowledge what Book had the most sales of dissident right books? Any you would say in the over 10,000 copies sold? 50,000?

It is possible for people to make a living in what we call ‘metapolitical translation’, but you certainly have to be more creative than being a simple ideologue, ethno-nationalist, or ‘journalist’.

Not that I have a problem with people valuing the protection of their kind, but ethno-nationalists often are too simple and belligerent for their own good.

To be more helpful, I mean doing work in information technology and political lobbying.

Curious Cretin
Have you read the true history of the American revolution by George Sydney Fisher?

kmacks McDonald
1/2 Ronald Mcdonald said today Cotto you know who I mean that a Millionaire can help our side but you really need a Billionaire because they can afford to lose Millions. Any new movement will lose

kmacks McDonald
2/2 some money early

kmacks McDonald
A Billionaire has 10 million dollars he can lose. Mike Bloomberg could write a 25 million dollar check with no pain at all. He could hire many employees with that money

Oswald Spengler
the closest thing to a modern ethnostate in the world today is the faroe islands

Can you speak more about Regnery’s situation, Cotto?

Oswald Spengler
millionaires don’t believe in astrology, but billionaires do

kmacks McDonald
Bill Regnery should have given money to Cotto and Gottfried.

Oswald Spengler
any thoughts on scandza forum being held in zagreb this year? (unless it was cancelled from the virus)

Right Ruminations
The unspoken divide in the dissident Right is between those who want to de-citizenize people based on r#ce and those who don’t. There need to be r#ce realists who won’t deport Paul.

kmacks McDonald
Ramzpaul is with Styxhexenhammer666 dont you think Paul this is a good pivot from the extremes to more a mainstream view and larger audience?

Does anyone know why RamZ is now with Styx instead of Tina? I saw them arguing about the Covid lockdown, was that the cause? Or just a coincidence?

Didn’t Regnery himself remove directly funding Spencer after Charlottesville, though, not just about other contracts Regnery could give? Were there reasons given? I’m part of an adjacent movement

and this structural information is very helpful, if you don’t mind.

kmacks McDonald
Tiina his former co host was beautiful but limiting in his audience and what guests he could attract

Thanks kmacks, that makes sense, Styx has a higher profile and bigger reach than Tiina does.

kmacks McDonald
@DouglasEdward84 He and her were arguing and he felt the show was becoming stale he wanted more growth

Oswald Spengler
any thoughts on rudolf steiner and/or Rosicrucianism?

Curious Cretin
Thoughts on Gaetano Mosca?

kmacks McDonald
Cotto is Ron Unz a big donor on the scene? I know I read on his wikipedia page he made big donations to VDARE. Not sure if other places too

Priests constantly and immediately blacklisting people for heresy, sigh. We need classy people, yes, but hardened fighters.

Oswald Spengler
if one thing made me more interested in the modern right (grew up completely apolitical) it would have to be finding out that the modern mega mallls were implemented in america by hungarian communist

Don DonDon
What do you think motivated him to take such a big risk?

kmacks McDonald
So when it comes down to why Neocons get funding and no other right wing group does has to do with their war and open borders views? Those just generate more money for wealthy people?

Don DonDon
(re: Unz)

kmacks McDonald
Than peace and Border Security

Fair point about coherence. I’m one for logistics and effectiveness, and coherence matters.

Ultra Testosterone
Trump 2020

Ultra Testosterone
Sup cotto

Ohm 7
what is up my dudes ✌️

Oswald Spengler
who do you think is the most autistic member of the alt right ?

Oswald Spengler
serious question

Cotto, let me ask you something finally again, rather than just comment. Are you familiar with Ryan Landry and Wolf Tivy?

Ultra Testosterone
The New Testament was written in Greek because pagans took over the religion

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh didn’t know anything about his own religion

LOLOLOLOLOL, Ed Dutton was the person I wanted Cotto to say!

Oswald Spengler
ed dutton is left handed too high correlation to autism, he’s an expert on it

Ohm 7
Cotto, do you think since mainstream Christianity has become so corrupt in the West, maybe Western Identitarians should focus on reviving the Vedic religion given how oldness and completeness?

kmacks McDonald
Cotto is it true The Weather Underground with Bill Ayers got just a small fine and no jail time for what they did? I feel if a right wing group did what they did theyd be in supermax prison for life

kmacks McDonald
This is what I meant by even the courts are biased against the right and favor the left

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto, the apostles of Jesus only spoke Aramaic and partial Hebrew and didn’t know greek

Ultra Testosterone
So it’s obviously the gospels aren’t written by followers of Jesus they knew him

Oswald Spengler
@kmacks McDonald ayerswas a trust fund activist well connected politically

Right Ruminations
By the way, I am up for discussing how I square Catholicism with being Anglo-Saxon.

kmacks McDonald
@Oswald Spengler ah ok

Cotto, where do you think institutional support could possibly come from for a legitimate paradigm shift to occur away from the Neoliberal/Neocon binary?

Ultra Testosterone
It was written many years later by later Greco Roman pagans

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh was a pua scammer whose bang books stopped selling

Ultra Testosterone
Then tried to become alt right but they kicked him out due to being a brown man they called Kebob

kmacks McDonald
Here is what I read about Bill Ayers wife ” She turned herself in to authorities in 1980. She was fined $1,500 and given three years probation”

Ultra Testosterone
So then roosh learned about kmg and became “trad” orthodox to be a little different than catholic

Tommy Vercetti
How are you so sure Kennedy rigged 1960? Rigging one big state is tough enough, but he needed both Texas and Illinois. Even given their obvious advantages in those state that would be very difficult.

Ultra Testosterone
I don’t believe for a second in roosh’s conversion but it’s another scam

Ultra Testosterone
Correct greek Paul who never met Jesus wrote letters many years later and then had Greco Roman pagans take over

Ultra Testosterone
And his original apostles lost out and didn’t get story of Jesus written

Ultra Testosterone
The historical Jesus (if existed) isn’t known by gospels but was likely a religious Jew that didn’t believe in trinity, father/son stuff, etc and he didn’t make a new religion

Well, make sure you’re not letting child mortality factor into that average life span.

Ultra Testosterone
The ebonites represent the real Christians that wouldn’t accept the pagan gospels that developed

Don DonDon
Mean avg lifespan doesn’t tell you that much about whether some people lived long lives

So, Ultra Testosterone, you agree with Nietzsche’s attack on Paul?

roosh is the messiah

Ultra Testosterone
Imperius yes among many

Ultra Testosterone
Paul invented Christianity not Jesus

Ultra Testosterone
And then Greco Roman pagans took it over and changed it more

Interesting, where can I start reading more on this perspective? I’m very unexposed to your guys’ spheres.

If you would like to show your support for this channel, please utilize YouTube’s Super Chat/Super Sticker functions, which can be accessed at the bottom of this live-chat. Many thanks!

Ultra Testosterone
Bro the whole Catholic Church came from pagan Roman sources

Ultra Testosterone
They literally changed the pagan priests to Catholic Christians wholesale

Curious Cretin
Didn’t roosh also want to become a baker?

Ultra Testosterone
Go to old Roman Catholic Churches in Italy where they find mithric cults below them

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh is a 40

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh is a 40 plus year old dude with no wife,kids or job skills that pushed pua scam his whole life. There is no way he is serious or is psychological Ill and this is some psychological

Ultra Testosterone
Coping mechanism

Ultra Testosterone
Correct curious

Ultra Testosterone
The pope is called pontificate Maximus that was pagan title too

Ultra Testosterone
And Latin was pagan concept

Tommy Vercetti
But Kennedy would have won without Illinois, he had 303 electoral votes Illinois only had 27.

Do you write somewhere, UT?

Ultra Testosterone
Write somewhere?

Oswald Spengler
any thoughts on marshall mcluhan?

Ultra Testosterone
This is mainstream academic scholarship bro

I read C.S. Lewis as a little boy, read Dante, but mostly didn’t feel Christianity.

Oswald Spengler
few people know how traditional of a catholic mcluhan was

Yeah, I don’t pretend to be a scholar of Christianity.

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh doesn’t know basic stuff about religion so that is why I asked dumb dumb questions to roosh

Ultra Testosterone
Roosh isn’t a dude that you can have an intelligent deep conversation with

Ultra Testosterone
He isn’t educated or particular high iq

Oswald Spengler
roosh thinks his beard makes him a holy man

I’m just asking for you guys to have levels of marketing, where you would direct people that develop respect for your perspective.

Oswald Spengler
i think roosh will have an unfaithful sex relapse any time now

Ultra Testosterone
True Oswald

Right Ruminations
But you have to understand that those who are believers believe that God is active in guiding history. That cannot be proven but it is not a contradiction and there are numerous nuances that can be

Right Ruminations

This revisionism is very interesting, honestly.

I’d like to listen to many streams where you guys talk out the nuances.

Ultra Testosterone
Bart ehrman has some good scholarship on

Ultra Testosterone
Jesus too

I have to imagine this knowledge is already organized on some sites.

Ultra Testosterone
Achiya was very good too or however you spell her name under her pseudonym

Ultra Testosterone
Her name was dm Murdock

But, even after we have that learning, what do we do with it now?

Right Ruminations
My point is that you can’t understand to how Catholics deal with this history until you understand the particulars of Catholics doctrine. A term applied to Mary may be historical but that “Star of the

Right Ruminations
Sea” is not doctrine.

Ohm 7
Is Christianity invented by Jewish Elites of Old Time or a development of Old European Religion?

invention of Paul

According to this analysis, wouldn’t that render Protestantism to be a ‘de-paganization’ of Christianity?

Ultra Testosterone
Protestant is closer but it still depends on gospels

yes.. it moved them farther away from their pre-Abrahamist , pagan, roots..

Ultra Testosterone
You’d have to go back to ebionities to know more historical Jesus

Right Ruminations
@Imperius I don’t know what we do with it but I am concerned more with preserving the integrity of the discussion.

Right Ruminations
That example of Peter is a good one - just because he didn’t declare himself pope doesn’t mean that he didn’t privately understand himself to be - and he did end up crucified.

Ultra Testosterone
It’s hard to tell the historicity of Jesus because his witness apostles didn’t last to tell their story

Ultra Testosterone
The ideas of Paul came many years after Jesus where the Pauline version of Jesus wasn’t historical

that’s why so many of the severely judaized american protestant sects despise anything they deem “catholic” or “roman” they despise their pagan ties b/c they despise their own ancestry and idolize Js

Ultra Testosterone
Jesus never even made a new religion and his apostles were all Jews that remained Jews

Ultra Testosterone
The new religion concept first came from Paul and solidified under later pagans

Ultra Testosterone
Paul was also rejected by original followers of Jesus and excommunicated from Jerusalem “church”

Ultra Testosterone
James rejected Paul

Cotto, do you believe Christianity will remain culturally dominant for the forseeable or have we passed the point of no return?

The dissident right’s inability to find coherence seems to be a consequence of a lack of religious convergence as much as anything.

Right Ruminations
But the question is are these contradictions as such - when Paul says “do not go beyond” he might mean do not contradict what is said here. BTW, I am not evangelizing here - purely academic and

Right Ruminations

With respect, Cotto, there is no “do whatever you want,” after understanding something compellingly sacred.

Ultra Testosterone
Right Paul never met Jesus though and just had visions

Ultra Testosterone
Paul is no different than Mohammed

“Do whatever you want” is merely a very narrow expression of a deeper ontology.

Ultra Testosterone
Paul invented a new religion based on visions

Ultra Testosterone
Mohamed invented a religion based on visions

Ultra Testosterone
Same stuff

Good call Imperius, as long as we remain alienated (post)protestants we lack the ability to build coherent moral language.

We let these smaller people express their natures, but that does not mean we have no deeper opinions.

Ultra Testosterone
Catholicism is dependent on one persons vision

it wouldn’t have been spread to the non-J’s without Paul but yes he went off course from the apostle’s and I believe he did so in order to protect Jwry by spreading it to the “unclean” pagans.

Curious Cretin
In the Shadow is the Sword by Tom Holland is an interesting book on the two big monotheistic faiths

Ultra Testosterone
Ora I think Paul was making good money doing it

Brando Calrissian
There was no horse. Not mentioned in Paul’s letters. might be thinking of the Caravaggio painting.

Oswald Spengler
have you read any emil cioran?

Ultra Testosterone
Paul knew pagans couldn’t accept circumcision or kosher food

Ultra Testosterone
So Paul changed that to sell religion

it also kept them from being accepted by Jwsd

Ultra Testosterone
Jesus would’ve supported normal Jewish customs unlike Paul

Curious Cretin
Do you find it awkward that some Protestants still defend the crusades despite it being a papal war?

they remained “unclean” thus Jwry rejected them..thus rejected the religion and saved Jwry from an egalitarian suicidal cult

I’m kind of losing control of the pace of this conversation, lol. Three conversations at once, but I wanted to set up the channel where I could send $50 to Cotto for his stamina tonight.

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto is a smart dude on this New Testament stuff

High energy nerd.

Ultra Testosterone
Surprised cotto knows so much

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto far more knowledgeable about Christianity than roosh

Never sent a super chat, but I am setting it up so I can respect his strong character.

i have a harsh opinion of them.. so I speak hyperbolic Cotto. my apologies if it offends lol

Oswald Spengler
@Ultra Testosterone what do you think of christian mystics like jakob boehme?

Ultra Testosterone
Oswald don’t know much about them

Ultra Testosterone
Sounds like scam


Ultra Testosterone
Damn imperius good work

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis hey joel loved your chat with keith woods

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto should do stream labs so he gets more of the money

Oswald Spengler
also john david ebert

@Oswald Spengler thanks man, would love to get on this program or have these guys on my channel sometime as well.

Oswald Spengler
that’d be great

I tried emailing Gottfried recently, but no response this far, i’ll keep trying.

Ultra Testosterone
Gottfried is a good guy but he didn’t get some of top tier scholarship jokes

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto is more aware of the jokes

Brando Calrissian
The demographics look pretty good for non-mainline-Protestant churches. Kaufmann’s book, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth, and the religious anthropology/population studies work of Ed Dutton

Ultra Testosterone
Different generation

Brando Calrissian
suggest that religions with high TFR and high retention will outbreed moderate religions and nones even in the developed west.

i’d love to get their thoughts on building institutional support for the cutting edge ideas spinning out of the dissident right particularly.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis you should hook up with justin murphy too

@Oswald Spengler i’ve been on his channel already once before, i’ve been trying to organize an interview with him on my channel recently, hopefully we can organize that soon.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis hey joel loved your chat with keith woods

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto should do stream labs so he gets more of the money

Oswald Spengler
also john david ebert

@Oswald Spengler thanks man, would love to get on this program or have these guys on my channel sometime as well.

Oswald Spengler
that’d be great

I tried emailing Gottfried recently, but no response this far, i’ll keep trying.

Ultra Testosterone
Gottfried is a good guy but he didn’t get some of top tier scholarship jokes

Ultra Testosterone
Cotto is more aware of the jokes

Brando Calrissian
The demographics look pretty good for non-mainline-Protestant churches. Kaufmann’s book, Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth, and the religious anthropology/population studies work of Ed Dutton

Ultra Testosterone
Different generation

Brando Calrissian
suggest that religions with high TFR and high retention will outbreed moderate religions and nones even in the developed west.

i’d love to get their thoughts on building institutional support for the cutting edge ideas spinning out of the dissident right particularly.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis you should hook up with justin murphy too

@Oswald Spengler i’ve been on his channel already once before, i’ve been trying to organize an interview with him on my channel recently, hopefully we can organize that soon.

Luke Avedon
@Cotto-Gottfried Are you going to have Keith Preston back on at some point? I am consumed with crushing regret at missing his live appearance.

Right Ruminations
@Luke Avedon Hello, Luke.

yes that could be it Cotto.

Luke Avedon
@Right Ruminations Hello sir. Hope you are doing well.

Oswald Spengler
@joeldavis sent you an invite on FB, i’m “joseph ducreux”

Luke Avedon
@Cotto-Gottfried When is @Right Ruminations coming on by the way?

Right Ruminations
@Luke Avedon I am well. A sub of mind just made a new channel - Terminal Philosophy - and had me as his first guest. I think he his channel has promise for the Rumisphere as it were.

Schizo Ric AKA Quantrell Bishop
@joeldavis is the MAN!

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried would it be a good thing for economics as a field to be destroyed by intersectionality?

Schizo Ric AKA Quantrell Bishop
@Cotto-Gottfried get @joeldavis on your channel for an interview

Cheers Schizo, i’d love to.

Curious Cretin
Are Mormons pagan?

Oswald Spengler

“i’ve never been called a nerd before”



Oswald Spengler
cotto is 6’6

Ultra Testosterone

Ultra Testosterone

Oswald Spengler
@Cotto-Gottfried thoughts on the now-not-so-new atheists?

There’s way more money we can give. I’ve been hard at work setting the infrastructure. Just let me know the channel where you will get more of it, like PayPal.

Cheers Cotto, i’ll try the outlook address.

Luke Avedon
@Cotto-Gottfried Nice! I will check it out.

Ohm 7
Yo I went to take a bath and missed the answer about if Christianity has descended from Jewish Elites of the Hellenic Times or from the Old European Religion?

We’re moving into phase two the end of this year, which is why I tried seeking out Gottfried and found that there was even this Cotto guy, lol. Solid guy.

Luke Avedon
@Right Ruminations I like that he has a Blade Runner avatar. My favorite film of all time.

Ultra Testosterone
Trump 2020

So many factions aren’t talking to each other as much as they should. It’s left to younger guys to have less hesitation.

Ohm 7
Cotto, I’d highly recommend having Keith Woods on, he’s one of the most interesting Leftists on the internet right now I think, he’s an Irish Nationalist

Keith Woods isn’t a leftist.

He’s a folk nativist. Most of intellectual history, leftism has been anti-nativist.

Yeah, there’s cross-over, but don’t simply call him a leftist.

Right Ruminations
@Luke Avedon I like that he had set a specific atmosphere from the outset. I am afraid that the atmosphere of my channel had been too haphazard.

Ultra Testosterone
Do you think vitamin d should be supplemented with vitamin K to prevent calcium deposits in tissues ?

Ultra Testosterone
Economics isn’t a real science and I took a bunch of courses at university of Chicago

Ultra Testosterone
So I would know lol

No fault.

Misconceiving a Nationalist as a Leftist is a symptom of the post-Cold War propaganda hangover. The Right should be unapologetic about subordinating Capital to the National interest.

“Look up the Mormon wars”—I’m actually descended entirely from the first generation settlers. My paternal line was the lead scout of Brigham Young.

Blog of The W3st
Here’s something from left field — Try to get Mr1001nights. He has a YT channel and is into terror management theory. On my channel is a documentary called Flight From Death which details this theory.

It’s weird reading about the history in Missouri and the shootout in southern Utah.

Right Ruminations
@joeldavis The neoliberals support both globalism and heavy intervention in the market. I don’t agree with the implication that nationalism and economic individualism are mutually exclusive

Right Ruminations
Enoch Powell for example.



Posted by The Question Concerning Technology on Sun, 03 May 2020 06:51 | #

EBL 23: Martin Heidegger “The Question Concerning Technology”

Tyler gives a solid explanation of the text, Davis actually contributes some good insight as to the remedial aims, but in the end, seeks to direct people to ‘mind their own buisness and stay in their division of labor’ while consolidating leadership under elitist and apparently kosher control.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 03 May 2020 09:15 | #

The analysis of technology, which is really a specialised analysis of modernity, does not bear much fruit for those pondering our existential crisis.  No doubt, modern industry and the life of prosperity, ease and convenience it brings forth are, in their different ways, both reductive in their human impacts.  But they are secondary at most.  For me, as an ethnic nationalist rather than a Marxist materialist or environmentalist, the “question” is much less about their capacity to shape than about our all too human susceptibility to immersion in the shapes they make; for confronting that susceptibility is the only modus by which freedom from both impositions, or indeed anything else, can be got.

This is not a moral or social question.  This is a question about a certain turn, a certain discrimination for our reality; which I believe to be the inner meaning of our politics.  In other words ethnic nationalism is a politics of turning at all times and in all ages, be they technological or not, towards that which is most human in and necessitous for us.  That is where any agency which belongs to the light, and which sees the good for any people, comes from.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 03 May 2020 12:20 | #

As I have said, Heidegger is using Aristotle’s structuring - to discuss the question concerning technology as well: in this case, using the four stage process of techne to take us from techne’s theoretical estrangement and broadly back into Praxis - whether focusing on its emergent aspect, holding fast and evincing, or its interactive aspect, hermeneutic aspect of dasein.

He is asserting that we become estranged and enframed in a particular view of instrumentation and quantification typically at the stage of techne as revealing from raw natural material, and we lose sight and track - we get somehow beholden to that stage - and this inauthentic relation to technology and natural elements can enframe and conceal both essential relation and the formal telos of objects produced; concealing the natural respect for their essence, their formal qualitative delimitation as it would be anthropologically/ sociologically ennobling in praxis and fourthly, mechanistically, “pragmatically” block our personal, anthropological/sociological responsibility to manage that ideal in relation to natural essence, i.e. in praxis.

Thus, while it is true that Heidegger is focused on the emergent, on allowing for the natural expression through individual relation in There-Being, he also recognizes the non Cartesian aspect of this revealing which means not only holding fast, but engagement in hermeneutic process - he is bringing us back to praxis, with a focus on emergence despite the primordial throwness of the human condition, yes, but recognizing the necessary, unavoidable engagement within praxis nevertheless - thus, while he is not focusing on the moral and the social, it is also NOT not a moral and social question.

...which “belongs to the light, and which sees the good for any people, comes from.”

Which is a moral and social concern anyway…

However, ethnonationalism should be good for most people and is reasonable to propose as a universal in the sense that it should be good for most people, most of the time….the best way to manage our common interests (e.g., resources/ environment); but it will not always be good for everyone. One’s inward light will not always be good for everyone - particularly not for the very selfish. The praxis of ethnonationalism is nevertheless the best way to coordinate the best interests among reasonable people; their use, enjoyment and sacral concerns among peoples with varying interests.

Which aspect of this four way concern of techne that one might focus on at a given time or of a given people depends. Heidegger could take German ethnocentrism for granted. He could not take for granted their social mindedness not going rogue into “The They”, becoming inauthentic and coming unhinged as such; and hence, his focus on the natural, emergent and independent element.

I do not think the problem and required emphasis of the English and White Americans is quite the same today.

And I am still convinced it would have been better if Heidegger emphasized the social/historical responsibility of praxis a bit more and was able to put that across more effectively, though he did some.

We need all aspects in the process, including the emergent essence, yes, but our historical group, the anthropological/sociological responsibility is more the necessary emphasis now - it entails a responsibility to protect authentic, emergent capacity. It is not mutually exclusive.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 03 May 2020 23:39 | #

Daniel, your academic interests do not produce the turn to expressive ethnic nationalism.  Even Heidegger’s focus on being does not produce the turn to expressive ethnic nationalism.  Neither is ethnic nationalism social in origin.  The blood is not a social concern.  It is an instinctual concern.  Likewise, the soil is not a social concern.  It is an existential concern.

If we were trying to produce in our people a turn to an artificial form of nationalism like Volkishness, Evolian traditionalism, or even the fascisms you might have a point about the social dimension.  But we are not trying to produce these things in our people.  We are operating beyond all artifice and, thus, beyond the social dimension.  It is there to be ordered by a healthy people, not the other way around.  It is at the end of the line, not the beginning.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 03 May 2020 23:50 | #

“The blood is not a social concern”

That is a large part of why it cannot be relied upon, by itself, apart from that anthropocentric, sociological aspect, the wisdom of praxis’ corrective, to secure our people. Especially not when outgroups, notably YKW, know better.

“Pure nature” is a guide, but only one pole of feedback to provide homesostasis on the system.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 May 2020 09:55 | #

So if a homosexual squeezed your arm affectionately, looked you hard in the left eye, and insisted that “pure nature is only a guide” you would have to agree; and not only that, you would be forced by the very logic of Aristotle himself to aver, even as your interlocutor’s hand moved ever closer to your groin, that while emergence is a thing, social classification has the superior agency, and, accordingly, the “hermeneutic aspect of dasein” under the guidance of wise university lecturers in the social sciences will “correct for homeostasis”, so “leading back into praxis”?

Or you might just punch the guy’s lights out, I don’t know.  What do you think?


Posted by Millennial Warts on Mon, 04 May 2020 10:27 | #

I would not punch his lights out but I would react with revulsion, stop him, reprimand him and try my best to avoid his company. My (I believe preferable) strategy owing some to socialization.

However, as nature is an ecological-cybernetic balancing act, there might be some guys who would be inclined to like the homosexual advance; and it is those cases who are not harder programmed to yield to homosexual impulse that the acknowledgement of social constructionist agency shows itself most clearly important - that we of Praxis may provide agency and social accountability AGAINST homosexuality, male homosexuality especially, as opposed to the stupidity of the sheerly naturally deterministic world view (that some - perhaps you? - would like to hold rank over all academia, in jealousy of academia): a deterministic world view which can conveniently relieve homosexuals of accountability as they are “just born that way” and that is “just the way it is”, leaving them prone to translate that lack of accountability to liberal politics - e.g., “mudsharks can’t help it” and so on…

Furthermore, as they don’t take on and are not encouraged on to the rigorous challenge of heterosexual relations (for the notion of determinism), they can lack empathy as to how difficult heterosexual relationships can be and there again, resign to liberalism and fail to bring to bear a critical voice of accountability to those who can be real bullies in the ranks of heterosexuality, and deprive the world of the balancing of a more normal if not gender neutral sort of person to keep in ecological balance the extremes of hyper femininity, its predilections and foibles, hyper masculinity and is predilections, and foibles.

Furthermore, you have to have a certain amount of empathy for the other sex’s role in sex in order to appreciate how they can get off on it and not feel too weird about yielding human dignity to the eroticism of the animal mechanism of dominance and submission.

On the other hand, also in the name of balance and taste of a fashion, there are reasons why we find the overly feminine men aesthetically repugnant (even Richard Spencer’s femininity crosses the line a bit, as far as I’m concerned). After submitting to the urge for sex (with women) and not being ridiculously aggressive (like an African is more prone to be), hogging of and abusing the lion’s share of women (as non-European, R selection hypergamy strategies would have it), a male should not be given to submission as rule - you don’t do that as a man. It is a betrayal of your masculine essence. But I think I’m marking a distinction between European masculine sublimation vs effeminacy and “universal maturity”, which veers atavistically toward African aggression, hyper assertiveness, hypergamy and R selection.

And, as I’ve noted several times, pressure on young White males, especially in this disordered criteria of modernity, can cause them to do stupid things in order to prove that they are not gay; things outside the optimal parameters of European male maturity.

I don’t know how Millennial Warts lives with himself, but he does, warts and all..  apparently gave them to a virgin too (unacceptable if true)... this may stem from too much “that’s just the way it is” (therefore ok) scientism circulating in Britain - London especially.


Being socialized into the ecology of Praxis, I would hypothesize that homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon/inclination in a very small percentage of the population; and that it has survived because it has survival value - anchors in praxis a respect for balance and empathy between genders, by occupying a gender neutral zone and a bit of cross over.

Having said that, it is indeed a repugnant phenomenon for the heterosexual population - they are “queers” and the flamboyant activism and promotion of them to the general public and to children as if perfectly normal is wrong.

It should be firmly discouraged while stopping short of being so inhumane as to not discreetly acknowledge that it exists in all human populations because it is a naturally occurring phenomenon, having some apparent survival value to the human ecology, manifesting a strong inclination in a small percentage of people ...which, in the non determinism of social contructionism, doesn’t insist that the inclination has to be acted upon; but if they feel it does, can elicit an account request.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 May 2020 11:21 | #

I wrote this in my last essay:

So now we have, for the purposes of this investigation, conferred upon the general existence its sign and character of the “austere and unlit, singular, factic thereness of a thing, and of all things”, and we have defined essence not only as that of a vita differentiated from those existent things, but also as the differentiating constant of that “which preserves its difference only as long as it engages in a Manichean struggle with the blind and profane, homogenising forces without.”  Further, we have given the disintegrating and homogenising action of those forces the ontological character of mechanicity.  Ineffably un-differentiating in themselves, they become themselves because essence is itself differentiating, for only in their relation of difference is their respective character unconcealed.

In other words, Ground Zero here is continuity through differentiation from the mechanistic universe.  So to speak of the essential is to speak of a bias born in - and for - continuity (which is all there is that is not, or does not lead to, extinction) and then charactered by differentiation.  That is as far as we can go at present.  We can, however, say that there is nothing of control in this, even over the destiny of the vita itself.  I suspect, therefore, that cybernetics is grounded in a false understanding which verges on the purposive, there being famously no purpose in the transmission of genetic information.  What you call Nature but is really the essential principle is the bias for continuity through differentiation.

If we can at least come to an agreement on that there is hope!


Posted by Necessary liberation from mere facticity on Mon, 04 May 2020 14:47 | #

In other words, Ground Zero here is continuity through differentiation from the mechanistic universe.  So to speak of the essential is to speak of a bias born in - and for - continuity (which is all there is that is not, or does not lead to, extinction) and then charactered by differentiation.  That is as far as we can go at present.

I’m not sure if imagination puts a limit there.

Firstly it is not only a matter of differentiation from the mechanistic, but also a differentiation from arbitrary flux, the thrownness of the empirical world, as it were.

Nor is it only a matter of linear continuity, but also a matter of systemic homeostasis, individual and group (and environment/habitat);

And, especially since you like to speak in Heideggerian terms, it is a also an important liberation from mere facticity.

This is especially important for Europeans, who are not going to necessarily appear the best and most worthy to reproduce against all competition in just any arbitrary momentary and episodic competition, but require the semi transcendence of heremeneutics in some occasions to connect to the important relational, group cultural pattern/systemic and even autobiographical level in continuity and homeostasis..

The liberation from mere facticity is important for some of the limitations of perspective that scientism can be culpable of, particularly in common hands.

But also it is a liberation from the abuse of scientism and narrative in antagonisic hands:

This liberation is important where antagonists control the narrative and can have our puerile focus on those moments and episodes where we may not be “better” and thus encourage them to breed against our interests.

We can, however, say that there is nothing of control in this, even over the destiny of the vita itself.

I can agree that we are not fully in control, especially constrained by what we are born with, but in its amendment, in the selection of partners and having children, for example, we do have some control; and the polity, through its agreed upon rule structure, borders, birth certificates, marriage licenses, entitlements, programs and so on, would exercise some control over its population management..

I suspect, therefore, that cybernetics is grounded in a false understanding which verges on the purposive, there being famously no purpose in the transmission of genetic information.

I am not a cyberneticist, not an adherent. Perhaps I should not have made an offhand use of the term, as I did, in sketching an aspect of systems correction.

STEM types would gravitate to the mechanistic scientism of it.

But Praxis is too complicated for its mere simplicity, experiencing both limitations that cybernetics will not readily handle and liberation from its mechanism that it does not readily afford.

What you call Nature but is really the essential principle is the bias for continuity through differentiation.

I better speak for myself….

Nature is what Is, and there is a matter of natural pleroma and creatura.

Pleroma, the world of physics, is more straight forward cause and effect.

Creatura, the biological and animal world, is more complicated in its coherence and systemic correction, especially where humans are concerned.

I do believe that creatures, including humans, are naturally inclined to extend their species. However, for better and worse, with regard to human species (races) that extension of fitness is not always a naturally clean line between other species (of humans) and habitat, nor so lineally delimited (as it would be in modernist models). And some can obviously be led away to interbreeding with other species of humans, with the idea that they are increasing their personal fitness, may think they are improving ours and free to change our course, even radically, though I doubt we would agree, especially if the difference in EGI is too great.

It is up to us to confirm, if not marshal this Caring for the great trajectory of our form.

If we can at least come to an agreement on that there is hope!

But I do believe that we are in agreement, that yes, by and large, Species, that is groups, including humans, seek continuity, systemic homeostasis and extension into the future, the Care for the relational form and the trajectory of our kind.

Furthermore, that is what Ought to happen.


Adding to the Millennial Warts paragraph above:

But I think I’m marking a distinction between European masculine sublimation vs effeminacy and “universal maturity”, which veers atavistically toward African aggression, hyper assertiveness, hypergamy and R selection.

And, as I’ve noted several times, pressure on young White males, especially in this disordered criteria of modernity, can cause them to do stupid things in order to prove that they are not gay; things outside the optimal parameters of European male maturity.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 04 May 2020 15:35 | #

Daniel, liberation from Accident ... Happenstance ... is non-possible.  Likewise liberation from the forces of Time and Entropy.  Read my essay.  Try to understand the limits of the event of Life, and its struggle through conflict with the latter forces to stave off extinction.  Try to understand that there can be no staving off of Accident.  All was mechanism before the event of Life, and eventually Life will close and mechanism will be All again.

In the meantime we, being living things, struggle.  That struggle is not for “homeostasis” as such.  It’s a technical word you happen to think important.  It would probably be better if you sympathised with your readers and said “the normative” or just “normality”.  But our existential struggle is not for normality but for continuity.  Men and women do not desire children ... mothers and fathers do not love their children above everything ... for normality.  They do so for continuity.  All living things tread the same simple, beautiful road.

On “pleroma”, if you need to appeal to authority it might be better, when we are discussing ontology, to refer back to Heidegger’s distinction between the ontological and the ontic; which is more subtle and relevant than Jung via Bateson.  Jung’s spirituality is not, I fear, of great moment for our race - a debate I had with Troy Southgate, a noted Jungian and Runist, many years ago (back in the days of “Synthesis, the online Journal du Cercle de la Rose”, which he ran).  As I recall, I won; but perhaps it isn’t seemly to linger over the fact.

Rather than trying to change the framework, which is sneaky at best, why not attempt to go beyond the point of origination of organic being, and therefore ontology, which I have identified, namely, the very moment a cellular organism sparked into being, did not extinguish in the face of Time and Entropy, but sustained.  If you can get beyond that without appealing to deities (“pleroma” is a religious term), then you have done better than I.  If you can’t, then join me in the hunt for a living foundation (ie, an operative order - something Heidegger, regrettably, does not supply but Salter, after his STEM fashion, does; and very interesting and enlightening it is, too).

You raise an important point in respect to the human condition.  But, then, that has been my most consistent theme in the sixteen years of this site’s existence, thus:

For me, as an ethnic nationalist rather than a Marxist materialist or environmentalist, the “question” is much less about their [ie, “modern industry and the life of prosperity”] capacity to shape than about our all too human susceptibility to immersion in the shapes they make; for confronting that susceptibility is the only modus by which freedom from both impositions, or indeed anything else, can be got.

As I have tried to explain to you and to everyone who reads this blog from time to time, the foundation of “immersion ↔ appropriation” is encapsulated in the Ontological Transit.  No doubt you will struggle against that argument too, when I make it shortly.  It’s the wrong struggle!


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 04 May 2020 16:32 | #

Daniel, liberation from Accident ... Happenstance ... is non-possible.

Do you know that you constantly strawman GW?

Yes, liberation from arbitrary direction of flux and misdirection is possible to an extent, sometimes to a very great extent. Examples range from diagnosis of the Frankfurt School to outer space exploration - that being a stellar example.

Likewise liberation from the forces of Time and Entropy.  Read my essay.

I Read it. I know the limitations of your thinking.

  Try to understand the limits of the event of Life, and its struggle through conflict with the latter forces to stave off extinction.

I do understand constraints, I do not now argue for, and never have argued for pure agency. And I fully acknowledge the emergent.

One of the worst constraints, however, is your ceaseless strawmanning, which has obstructed ideas about two million times better than yours and increases the leg up for our antagonists and idiots who would mislead our peoples.

Try to understand that there can be no staving off of Accident.

Straw man. I never said accident could be staved off perfectly, on the contrary, I have repeatedly called attention to the fact that the nature of Praxis is such that it is a bit too messy for that (unlike the world of pleroma) - Aristotle observed this (but I sometimes forget that you are smarter than Aristotle) - Praxis is too messy for the kind of scientistic precision that you are enamored of in your STEM predilection; but on the contrary, we who modestly accept the constraints of prediction within praxis, using more modest heuristics, working hypotheses, specificatory structures, working thus, not stubbornly against our fallibility but with it, seeing that fallibly allows for correctivity, therefore rise above skepticism and its stultification of systemic correction that you seem intent on promoting.

All was mechanism before the event of Life, and eventually Life will close and mechanism will be All again.

Well, if creatura die, especially if human creatures die, yes, it would be mechanism.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 04 May 2020 17:25 | #

In the meantime we, being living things, struggle.  That struggle is not for “homeostasis” as such.

GW, please shut the fuck up with your jealous straw manning. People may not put it in those terms, but species, including human species struggle for homeostasis.

It’s a technical word you happen to think important.

No, that’s a projection. You are the technocrat.

A jealous one. Take heed of emergence and then realize that most else coming from GW tends to be jealousy and resentment.

It would probably be better if you sympathised with your readers and said “the normative” or just “normality”.  But our existential struggle is not for normality but for continuity.

I talk in terms of continuity and coherence all of the time. For those just looking on to this thread, they can go back and see that I have been talking about these things for years and GW has tried to obstruct recognition of any significance for all that time.

Men and women do not desire children ... mothers and fathers do not love their children above everything ... for normality.

This is so ridiculous. I don’t know where this critique of the use of “normality” is coming from, but I do know that it is a strawman, trying to say that I am doing something with it that I am not trying to do ...just a stinking, obstructive game of one upmanship.

It sucks.

They do so for continuity.  All living things tread the same simple, beautiful road.

Oh yeah, the only thing that matters is you and your Zen musings from your armchair.

But then we look at the reality and your wonderful simple mindendes, er simplicity and ask, which continuity?

Perhaps a narcissistic projection of the continuity of your jealousy, lifelong tilt against academia that requires a foil and when I don’t fit that role, requires your ceaseless strawmanning.

On “pleroma”, if you need to appeal to authority it might be better, when we are discussing ontology, to refer back to Heidegger’s distinction between the ontological and the ontic;

I prefer not to. Pleroma and Creatura is too important a distinction.

which is more subtle and relevant than Jung via Bateson.

I don’t agree at all that it should be set aside or that elaborations cannot be subtle.

Jung’s spirituality is not, I fear, of great moment for our race -

Why do you do this shit?

I take one idea, and you act like I am or should be beholden to the whole cannon of… in this case Jung. I use almost nothing of Jung.

a debate I had with Troy Southgate, a noted Jungian and Runist, many years ago (back in the days of “Synthesis, the online Journal du Cercle de la Rose”, which he ran).  As I recall, I won; but perhaps it isn’t seemly to linger over the fact.

Congratulations, but I was not defending Jungian psychology, nor do I appreciate your misplaced competitiveness.

Rather than trying to change the framework, which is sneaky at best,

I am not being sneaky. If you want to be hide bound to your (lame) understanding of Heidegger, and want to follow every jot and tittle, that’s your trip.

why not attempt to go beyond the point of origination of organic being, and therefore ontology, which I have identified, namely, the very moment a cellular organism sparked into being, did not extinguish in the face of Time and Entropy, but sustained.

You are accusing ME of wanting to talk endlessly about impractical shit? You made your point, carried it far down. Scientists should focus on a microscopic level least from time to time. I’m not stopping you. I have more relevant, yes, more relevant things to attend to.

  If you can get beyond that without appealing to deities (“pleroma” is a religious term),

It is not a religious term the way I use it. I use it the way Bateson does, which is to distinguish a difference that makes a difference between the kind of necessity in the realm of physics (pleroma) and necessity the world of creatura (biology)_

then you have done better than I.

I have done better than you.

If you can’t, then join me in the hunt for a living foundation

I have foundation enough, and I always allow for scientists and others to increase and deepen this program. I am utterly disgusted with you GW. The years of important ideas that you, in your fucking jealousy, try to trivialize, make utterly redundant the other the point where you would obstruct important ideas for all of us, simply for your egotistical competitiveness.

(ie, an operative order - something Heidegger, regrettably, does not supply but Salter, after his STEM fashion, does; and very interesting and enlightening it is, too).

Oh there it is. Is that what you were waiting for when you said that one cannot go into their garage and build a religion? a car engine, as if that was what I, or anyone else has ever done in generating a moral order.. with other people, as it must be and very well can be.

You raise an important point in respect to the human condition.  But, then, that has been my most consistent theme in the sixteen years of this site’s existence, thus:

Oh thank you GW, I raise An important point, but of course you make it redundant.

For me, as an ethnic nationalist rather than a Marxist materialist or environmentalist, the “question” is much less about their [ie, “modern industry and the life of prosperity”] capacity to shape than about our all too human susceptibility to immersion in the shapes they make; for confronting that susceptibility is the only modus by which freedom from both impositions, or indeed anything else, can be got.

Poetic of you, but basically understood as a point made by Heidegger in the question concerning technology.

As I have tried to explain to you

Oh, I see. It’s me who doesn’t understand, who doesn’t appreciate what the other is saying, right?

and to everyone who reads this blog from time to time, the foundation of “immersion ↔ appropriation” is encapsulated in the Ontological Transit.  No doubt you will struggle against that argument too, when I make it shortly.  It’s the wrong struggle!

Bullshit. You told me that I studied the wrong things too, and that was dead wrong.

It’s eloquent but almost assuredly too rigid - wanting society to act like a car engine, with only one transit. Nothing new either, my communicological school would talk in terms such as enmeshment (more or less deep) in rule structures, logics of meaning and action which have various affordances and constraints, through Both Appropriation And Acting-into (and out of).

Moreover, it provides rigorous means for analyzing those rule structures.

Unbelievably, when I talked in terms of analyzing rule structures, diagnosing interactive entanglements, etc., you accused me of trying to control English people (while rule structures can be prescriptive, most of what I was doing was using them in descriptive terms) or you tried to say that the ideas somehow were not important.  I will refrain from cursing at you again. For now.

Your most important contribution is a focus on emergentism, and you refine it quite eloquently. You have some penetrating insights on Christianity, some good criticisms of Nazism, of course steadfast nationalism. Most all else from you is an expression of the most hideous jealousy.


Posted by Obstructing the war of position on Wed, 06 May 2020 07:28 | # would be forced by the very logic of Aristotle himself to aver, even as your interlocutor’s hand moved ever closer to your groin, that while emergence is a thing, social classification has the superior agency, and, accordingly, the “hermeneutic aspect of dasein” under the guidance of wise university lecturers in the social sciences will “correct for homeostasis”, so “leading back into praxis”?

Let me further correct a few more of the straw man aspects here.

1) GW gives me no credit for processing information, whether I encounter it through intuition, experience, media, erudition or academia.

For him (for the sake of his autobiography and those who egg him on), I am a mere conduit for what Jewish/Marxist university teachers say.

And no matter how obviously untrue that is, he continues to make that accusation, apparently because his autobiography depends on it and he can’t bear the fact that his reaction is largely the product of deliberate instigation.

Particularly, a reaction to anti-White abuse of the humanities and the stupid, encouraged reaction of Whites that they regard the humanities, such sociology, strictly as the domain of Jews.

You would not think that he would be in line with people like Uh, but he is.

“Don’t do any of that sociology stuff.”

As I’ve said before, though it hasn’t sunk in, railing against sociology is like railing against a telescope.

It is an instrument, and it happens to be as relevant an instrument as any since its unit of analysis is the group - races and nations are groups.

If Jewish academics are abusing this instrument - and they are - that is all the more reason not to abandon the instrument to them.

Before I am accused, again, of “walking out of a sociology lecture” and regurgitating what the Jewish / Marxist academics say, let me repeat that I have never taken a sociology class, nor was it the particular discipline of my study. I am simply not phobic to ideas that have passed its way, especially not when using them for OUR ethnonational purposes.

But here is the next point

3) For that same stupid, right wing reactionary bias that Whites are encouraged to take by Jewry, STEM predilection and autobiography that requires a characterized “lefty” academic foil, GW will continue to strawman me, misconstrue what I say, try to suggest that I am anti science, or that, for example, I view Praxis as somehow opposed and apart from emergence (any reading of Aristotle will show that to be not true), apart from inborn capacity and limits, facts, evolution, nature, rigor and science generally, regarding them to be trivial concerns. That is a vast straw man. Though it was never true, GW keeps trying to altercast this Jewish provided characterology of “the left” on to me.

I have always acknowledged the importance of the more concrete, ontological end, but just as with a few others who’ve been around here, the same good will does not extend to my focus, when I attend (necessarily) to the other end of the spectrum - the group, interaction, hermeneutics, the social realm. Rather than seeing a necessary complement for the defense of our people, they would try to reduce and exclude what I say, remove it as redundant, unnecessary, nonsense.

And that is dumb. Very dumb. No other word for it. Let me say “has been dumb”, present perfect, on the offhand chance that one or another of them, may finally demonstrate some judgment if not decency in this regard. Fat chance, but I must allow for the possibility.


As a side note, I heard the neo-Nazi “Ovfuckyou” saying to Hitler apologist Claire Khaw that “Hitler was left wing.”

Hitler was not left wing. Hitler had left cover, which he blew off decidedly on the night of the long knives. Hitler was right wing - with all its attendant instability, lack of social correction, unhinged, over the top reaction, in headlong penchant for myopic brutality -leading necessarily to destruction of vast swathes of European peoples - rivaling the Soviets - and again self destruction for lack of Praxis’ correctivity.

We must not allow people like Claire Khaw and Ovfuckyou to associate Hitler with White Nationalism, Ethnonationalism, or “the Left” - now that Ov is going to try that stunt. Nor was Hitler a national socialist. He was an imperialist supremacist.

This association with White Nationalism in some attempted redemptive fashion can only be to our detriment.

I have been telling GW that this was going to happen as a result of his obstruction. That for the obstruction of proper theoretical understanding for our people, those who for all intents and purposes would serve as agents of misdirection will try to move into these positions. .. it continues to happen.

“Hitler just wanted his place in the sun.” ...“Poland was his backyard.” - Claire Khaw


Posted by A profound experience of emergence on Wed, 06 May 2020 07:59 | #

I was once asked to baby sit this baby for a few hours in a pinch. I tried to live with the baby crying when she started, but finally I had to change her diaper. I was reluctant and felt awkward about this especially because she was a little girl.

She did not stop crying after I removed her diaper. But after I quickly looked where the baby powder needed to go and then calmly and assuredly looked in her eyes, a complete reaction of calm and relaxation came over the baby. She seemed to sense that I was only about solving her duress. I rinsed, towel dab dried and powdered her without touching any skin directly and changed her diaper.

In recounting this story to the Al-Anon group in the major trance that I will one day discuss, I broke down sobbing at the profundity of it
- “how does a baby know that you are not going to hurt it?”


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 06 May 2020 09:40 | #

I challenge you, Daniel, to listen to the opening motifs of Sibelius’s 7th Symphony in C Major and not recognise in the composer someone speaking of that same quiet, utterly guileless profundity which abides in the first weeks and months of life.  And neither as adults is our own response to its expression any less guileless; for we too are reduced to complete simplicity in these moments of contact.  Your tears might as easily have been for your own event of unconcealment, and for its awful, wasteful rarity; which is the condition of us all.

Something quite similar, if not as absolutely human and revealing, occurs between a dog and his master.  The heart-rate of both has been measured and found to calm by one another’s presence.  Technically, it’s what is known as downward causation: how the world outside the organism itself generates effects within the organism.  It is part of the “difficult” problem of mind and body.  We do not have the answer for it today.  Emergence is but one formal theory struggling, and largely failing, to supply it.


Posted by Steven West on Wed, 06 May 2020 13:05 | #

Episode #101 ... Heidegger pt. 2 - Science and Technology

He mentions a root meaning of Poesis which I had not - “to make”

It seems to me, that would still go along with the arts, including narrative…

..and balancing the other end of Praxis would be the sciences, which “find and discover”


Episode #100 ... Heidegger pt. 1 - Phenomenology and Dasein


Posted by Teflon Non Foil on Thu, 07 May 2020 17:55 | #

Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 06 May 2020 04:40 | #

I challenge you, Daniel, to listen to the opening motifs of Sibelius’s 7th Symphony in C Major and not recognise in the composer someone speaking of that same quiet, utterly guileless profundity which abides in the first weeks and months of life.  And neither as adults is our own response to its expression any less guileless; for we too are reduced to complete simplicity in these moments of contact.  Your tears might as easily have been for your own event of unconcealment, and for its awful, wasteful rarity; which is the condition of us all.

Something quite similar, if not as absolutely human and revealing, occurs between a dog and his master.  The heart-rate of both has been measured and found to calm by one another’s presence.  Technically, it’s what is known as downward causation: how the world outside the organism itself generates effects within the organism.  It is part of the “difficult” problem of mind and body.  We do not have the answer for it today.  Emergence is but one formal theory struggling, and largely failing, to supply it.


If things work out simply and naturally for an ethnonationalist, that’s well and good.

There may even be room for the Zen master who tries to teach people how to hit these moments on the ethnonational transit as much as possible.

But to make that THE program, such that it would attempt to sweep aside vital conceptual tools as if superfluous strikes me as beyond naive, but rather a corrupt motive (in this case, motivated to put aside the manifold resource that I bring to bear) and dangerous.

Bateson talked about the misplaced desire to get back to the innocence of mood signs.

There are inherent dangers in the persistent effort to go below the correctivity of praxis. But it also bespeaks a nasty desire (in your autobiography as an anti academic reactionary and in your business zero sum game autobiography) to try to bury as “unnecessary” the many important conceptual tools that I bring to bear, particularly for those times when interactions are not so simple and require analysis.

An attempt to annihilate significance of my contribution that is evident in dozens of examples over the years and in the quotation marks here:

GW: It is part of the “difficult” problem of mind and body.  We do not have the answer for it today.

It’s gotten so that I have confirmation that an idea and means for addressing a problem is good and important because you will try to sweep it aside.

And to repeat

GW: and to everyone who reads this blog from time to time, the foundation of “immersion ↔ appropriation” is encapsulated in the Ontological Transit.  No doubt you will struggle against that argument too, when I make it shortly.  It’s the wrong struggle!

Bullshit. You are struggling against me - mistakenly. I am an ethnonationalist and that is not a purely natural and linear endeavor. Sorry, it just isn’t. Praxis is not like the car engine that you work on in your garage. Nor do things always work out just fine, naturally. Where they do work out naturally for ethnonationalism, that’s fine, but obviously it has not always. My efforts are entirely consonant with ethnonationalism and you should not be struggling against them.

You told me that I studied the wrong things too, and that was dead wrong..

My resources provide rigorous means for analyzing the rule structures that we are engaged in and the means to sort out entanglements thereof.

I have presented these conceptual tools which you’ve tried to deride, and I will continue to use them despite your attempt to dismiss my efforts and render me as your foil, redundant of your autobiography the egging-on of the scientistic, the Jews, the Nazi fuck headed and Christians.


Posted by Amerimut on Wed, 13 May 2020 15:36 | #


Posted by Shabbos disservice on Mon, 25 May 2020 08:35 | #

EBL 24: Herbert Marcuse “One-Dimensional Man” (with Tony Hovater and shabbos goy Joel Davis - later on in the show):

What they should (but don’t) say that Marcus’s critique did not say….

I.e., that the expansion of neo-liberal influence is a means by which a right wing managerial class, right wing sell outs acting in coalition with Jewish interests, could extend their administrative units internationally.

Related at Majorityrights:

YKW liberalism, coalitions, feminism, black civil rights/power vs Hippie agenda for White male Being.

The 68ers of Europe, functioning under Marcus’s sway, and “free love” in the US also functioning under Marcus’s influence, were not representative of the authentic Hippie movement, which was an organic motive of White Being (Dasein) as opposed to being Drafted into the Vietnam war.

The 68ers under Marcus’s misdirection were an affectation of the organic motive of the hippies, as was Marcus’s notion of “free love.”

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Previous entry: mancinblack: Only withdrawal from 1951 UN Refugee Convention will allow for control of migration.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
