Majorityrights News > Category: The Proposition Nation

Jake Gardner & the Dissident’s Dilemma

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 October 2020 05:02.

Jake Gardner & the Dissident’s Dilemma

Spencer J. Quinn for Counter-Currents, 1 Oct 2020:

1,521 words

Are you furious yet?

White Americans: If the recent Jake Gardner affair has taught us anything, it’s that our elite that now occupies most of the government and nearly all of the mainstream media has rigged the system against us. We simply cannot win when playing by the rules. Jake Gardner knew this, which is why he so tragically took himself out of the game.

For a quick recap, on September 16th, Gardner, a white Iraq War veteran and vocal Trump supporter, was protecting a bar he owned in Omaha, Nebraska from a Black Lives Matter mob. Rioters chucked a street sign through one of his windows, and then knocked his elderly father to the ground. After helping his father, Gardner lifted his shirt to reveal his gun to the rioters, and then backed towards his bar. This prompted two rioters to jump him from behind. Gardner fired two warning shots to get the rioters off of him, and was jumped again, this time by a black criminal named James Scurlock.

Ann Coulter described this Scurlock creature best:

At 22, Scurlock already had a rap sheet a mile long, including home invasion, assault and battery, domestic violence — and, of course, he was in the middle of a crime spree that very night. Methamphetamine and cocaine were found in his urine.

Finding himself in a chokehold, about to pass out, Gardner did the only thing he could to save his life: he shot and killed the feral thug. I covered the coda to this depressing story in my previous article, “This is Why We Had Segregation:”

Initially, the DA ruled the killing self-defense. But after rioters threatened him at his home, he allowed a black special prosecutor named Frederick Franklin to investigate. Franklin filed charges against Gardner for manslaughter, first-degree assault, and making terrorist threats. Gardner committed suicide as a result.

Jake Gardner knew he couldn’t win. Or he knew he didn’t have it in him to take on city hall. Was he wrong? Note how prejudicial this prosecutor was when justifying his decision to bring charges against Gardner during a press conference shortly after Gardner’s death. After expressing his irrelevant admiration for football player Gayle Sayers, Franklin explained that Gardner’s equally irrelevant appreciation for President Trump and disdain for the BLM riots were factors in his indictment. He also equated Gardner’s lifting of his shirt to making terroristic threats, and Gardner’s sitting out the riot in his bar with the lights off with setting up an ambush.

In other words, this black special prosecutor completely abandoned Occam’s Razor and warped all understanding of proper human behavior in order to ludicrously paint Jake Gardner as a villain. He trashed all presumption of innocence and gave Gardner absolutely no benefit of any doubt. As I see it, Franklin believes Gardner wasn’t there to protect his business, he was there to hunt black people; Gardner wasn’t an honest man acting in self-defense, he was a bigot standing in the way of racial equality. Furthermore, Franklin downplayed the crimes of the rioters. To him, it seems, they weren’t mindless hooligans intent on destruction and mayhem, they were righteous protestors fighting for the dignity of African Americans. The crass racial favoritism here should obvious.


First 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 05:00.


Trump names Amy Coney Barrett as his Supreme Court pick

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 29 September 2020 07:15.

Who Is Judge Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s Expected Supreme Court Pick? | WSJ

Could Roe v. Wade be overturned?

Some editorial first impressions of Amy Coney Barrett.

In the disciplined manner that she speaks of ruling, she indicates that overturning Roe v Wade is unlikely. That’s good if she cannot, but I say it without self righteousness. I can understand those who think abortion is barbaric and would never do it themselves. But then, that is what choice in the event is about.

Speaking of choice, as WN, we might hope that White girls be offered counseling, including the option of pre-natal care and adoption by a sponsoring adoptive couple.

And beyond the personal lives of those involved, it is a problem for White men if the consequence of pregnancy and the value of their seed can be terminated so easily; i.e., it certainly contributes to the slutdom and the general lack of caution in partner selection of contemporary girls, increased selection against beta males: while the old adage, beta males make families, alpha males make bastards.

Nevertheless, I am pro-choice for the same reason that I favor the death penalty: You can’t value life so much as to make it unlivable.

Again, if you think abortion is unconscionable then don’t have one. If you want to promote communities which heavily promote monogamy and group fidelity, practices which decrease unwanted pregnancy, counselling programs which offer the option of childcare assistance and adoption in the more rare event by implication, that’s well and good. On the other hand, if I had a daughter and she were impregnated by rape? Are you going to try to tell me that she can’t have an abortion you evil dirt bag?

Incest pregnancies and those which are known prenatally to have birth defects would be other easier cases for the pro choice side.

Finally, from a WN standpoint, with brown and black populations exploding, the ideal of “pro-life” puts White lives on the chopping block and not even all that indirectly.

Therefore, in this regard it is good that Barrett doesn’t seem as if she will be able to overturn Roe v Wade. It is good that Trump as opposed to Biden-Harris has the choice of the Supreme Court Candidate for reasons more broadly across the board, environmental issues being a marked negative against Trump’s picks. But for WN interests, the issue of Supreme Court Nominees has always been the strongest argument on behalf of Trump. And as WN we are not looking toward the continuation of the American project for decades anyway; we are looking to buy us a few more years for preparation.

As it is also true that WN is not prepared for the complete meltdown just yet and the kind of Supreme Court Justices that Biden-Harris would put in there, well, what happens when you think things couldn’t get any worse for Whites?

The problem is, while the Democrats and their politics on behalf of their voter base always do increase the YIN vertigo, the injustice for Whites and sadistic race-mix blender action, the Republicans (at least since I’ve been alive) always step in there for the YANG normalization of the resultant mix; “this is what real men, real Americans, real conservatives are about.” Trump is very much like that…

Amy Coney Barrett is very much of that ilk - conserving liberalism, from her Christian universal values which have her adopting two Haitians (!) when she already has five kids of her own; to her faithfulness to color blind American Constitutionalism. The best that she and the Republicans have to offer is a slower boil that will allow WN more time to organize, which we need. At worst, you know what they say about the slow boil and the frog.

The DNA Nations concept is the best option at this point for those who care about Whites and their means of extrication from this cataclysm to our EGI, as the border, demographic, power and rule structure of America has destiny already pretty much baked in the cake of its standard politics.

The Full List – Here Are The 269 Companies Who Are Supporting BLM & Antifa

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 10 September 2020 09:13.

TeamCandaceOwens 6 Sept 2020

The full list is below and it includes at least one statement per company:




Abbey Road Studios:

The Academy (the Oscars):

Activision Blizzard:



Alaska Airlines:



American Airlines:

American Express:

American Apparel:

Apple Music:



Astro Gaming:


Atlantic Records:



Barclays Bank:

Barnes & Noble:


Bank of America:


Bergdorf Goodman:


Ben & Jerry’s:





Full video: Man savagely knocked-out by BLM Antifa rioters. Portland, Oregon BLM riots.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 20 August 2020 05:15.

Black Looting & Murdering:

....and these BLM riots are still going on in cities all over America and Europe (e.g., Paris). The Portland riots have been going on for how many weeks now?

The incident began when Adam Haner (the man kicked unconscious for being a hateful “racist”) tried to come to the defense of a transgender who was being robbed and beaten by anti-fa/BLM (“defenders of gender fluidity that they are”)

Adam Haner posted this shortly before the incident. Anti-fa tried to cite it as provocation, but those involved wouldn’t have been aware of it - true and valid anyway (comparing the social response between the Cannon Hinnant and the George Floyd incidents); in no way warranting a savage assault.

Full video: Man beaten by BLM Antifa rioters. Portland, Oregon BLM riots.

Video starts when he (White guy who gets brutally kicked into a coma in the end) meekly, obsequiously, pleadingly comes to defense (“racist/fascist that he is”) of transgender person who’s being beaten for resisting having her/his? purse taken by BLM rioters…

Just as the Monocultural worldview of cannibals might view a White interloper as non-human, rather as something good for the communal stew pot, so tribal monoculturalism would perhaps view we “racists” as less than human, not worthy of life.

As he lays on the ground having been knocked out by a vicious head kick that also caused his head to slam down on the street, shouts are heard, “fuck that fucking racist bro! You fuckin’ loser!”

Anti-Racism is prejudice, it is not innocent. It is prejudice against prejudice, viz. against social classifications and discrimination accordingly, even where eminently warranted. As such, it is hurting and it is killing people.

BREAKING: 4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’

Gateweay Pundit 17 Aug 2020:

The anonymous message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.

The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.

As Gateway Pundit previously reported, the terrorist mob gathers round the man’s limp body as he bleeds from his head. Voices are heard saying “call 911. Another says a “medic” is there.

While the man laid unconscious, the mob robbed his truck.

Drew Hernandez@livesmattershow

TONIGHT: Here is what took place before the man crashed his car into a tree here in Downtown Portland

BLM thugs began to harass and physically assault him and his female partner in the street for defending someone they robbed

Keese in Love with himself.

He then began to drive away to evade them

Drew Hernandez@livesmattershow

BREAKING: After causing a white man to crash his truck in downtown Portland, BLM militants then beat the man and knock him unconscious

911 has been called

The man who kicked him is named Keese Love. He works for the Portland Airport (security jacket) and spends his nights DJing.

Love is seen wearing the same vest as he wore during the assault in his Facebook profile photo.

The condition of the victim is not currently known, but Gateway Pundit will be providing more information as it becomes available.

Update: 18 Aug 2020

Portland Police are looking for a man who reportedly beat the driver of a pickup truck following a series of incidents in downtown Portland on Sunday night.

Posted: Aug 18, 2020 12:10 PM
Updated: Aug 18, 2020 1:15 PM

PORTLAND, Ore. — The Portland Police Bureau has identified the chief suspect in an assault in the downtown area on Sunday that left the driver of a crashed pickup truck unconscious, according to an update from the agency.

Officers from PPB responded shortly before 10:30 p.m. on Sunday night to the area of SW Taylor Street and Broadway in downtown Portland after someone reported that “protesters” chased the driver of a white Ford 4x4, then dragged him out of the vehicle after he crashed into a tree on the sidewalk. One witness reported that a group of people was “beating the guy.”

At the scene, the officers found a man lying injured and unconscious. He was taken to the hospital for treatment and was later released.

“Other reports around social media claim that the victim in this case is not recovering or has succumbed to the injuries,” PPB said. “These reports are false. The victim has been released from the hospital and is recovering.”

While videos depicting various parts of the incident have surfaced on social media, investigators are still trying to piece together precisely what happened in the lead-up to the attack. However, PPB says that it has identified the main suspect in the assault as 25-year-old Marquise Love — the man apparently seen on video punching and kicking the victim.

“Investigators made attempts to contact Love but could not locate him,” PPB said. “Investigators have left messages for Love to turn himself in but will continue to look for him as there is probable cause for his arrest.”

Police are also looking for a transgender woman who “had some of her things stolen,” an incident seen on some of the videos, which may have led to the later assault. PPB said that she has not yet been identified, but investigators are hoping to speak with her.

PPB said that the release of further information in the case “may not be as timely” as the public would like. Despite the spread of videos on social media, the agency said that investigators need to make other connections that aren’t seen in the videos — in addition to protecting the integrity of evidence in the case.

“The Portland Police Bureau is taking this assault and other incidents of violence extremely seriously,” said Chief Lovell. “Our Detectives continue to investigate this assault as well as other acts of violence directed toward protesters, but we need more than just videos from social media. In order to hold individuals responsible for criminal acts, we need the public to provide information and refrain from tampering with evidence.”



Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 19 August 2020 08:39.

BLM activists gather in intimidation at house of Bob Kroll, President of Minneapolis Police Union.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 17 August 2020 05:26.

Unicorn Riot, 15 Aug 2020:
76.2K subscribers

Hundreds have driven to Hugo, MN to protest outside the home of Minneapolis Police union leader Bob Kroll and his wife Liz Collin, who is a news anchor on WCCO. More background on recent protests against Bob Kroll:

Biden Plan: Move blacks/people of color to places of White flight; a hotline to snitch on resisters.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 10 August 2020 05:00.

White Flight

- a.k.a. ethnic cleansing of Whites from the cities and the Biden Plan to hunt them down wherever they go.

Jason No White Guilt

We are talking about moving, for the safety of ourselves, the safety of our families so that we can continue to articulate and activate and be activists for White well-being… in psychological defense for the psychological warfare being waged against us.

And guess who knows where we would like to move? Guess who else is looking at

Right here in The Biden Plan:

Government funded housing to be offered to all. Additionally, the document states that the intent is to force all communities to accept new housing patterns that will place government funded housing in all neighborhoods.

“Democrats will supercharge investment in the Housing Trust Fund to greatly expand the number of affordable housing units on the market, reduce home prices and create jobs. We commit to providing Section 8 Housing support for every eligible family. We will make energy efficient upgrades for millions of low income households in suburban and rural areas.”

...this is right out of the Biden verbiage: affordable housing in rural areas.

Public housing units that save families money on their energy bills, create jobs and provide safe and healthy homes to black and other people of color ...long unresolved to this day.

[Verbatim quote from The Biden Plan: “America’s history of using public policy and private lending restrictions to close neighborhoods off to Black families and other people of color is long, painful, and unresolved to this day.’]

This will be implemented as soon as Biden or the next Democrat gets into the Presidency. You will have no recourse to stop this from happening, because the nodes of power, too many of them, are in the hands of the anti-Whites.

This is right in the Biden Plan. will move your family to exurbs and rural areas to protect your family from anti-Whites; and then as soon as Biden or another individual that comes after another four years of Trump comes into office, this Biden Plan, in full, which by the way, [goes along with what] the Democrats are moving to implement, the entire Heroes Act [goes] in the spending bill. 

The Heroes Act calls for an anonymous hotline where people will be able to call on you for heretical thoughts and turn you in to the FBI; so they’ll be making a list and checking it more than twice about all of those who are heretical out there, in other words, all of those who aren’t anti-White. 

So, if you think that you’re going to move to some area, but you might vote for Biden because you think that’s somehow going to benefit, well he’s going to build a tenement right out where you live. 

And he’s going to fill it with anti-White non-Whites. 

In the Biden Plan the Democrats are openly saying -

Vote for Biden and we’re going to create section 8 housing in every rural and exUrbian area.

Related at Majorityrights:

Undoing inherited wisdom & means of separatism / forcing integration - YKW doing as YKW do

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