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Lord Ashcroft has a chat with 1040 folk in Kiev

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 04 March 2022 22:41.

It is headlined What Ukrainians think about the war, Putin, Russia, NATO, Europe – and Britain. A remarkable poll from Kyiv., and it is revealing.  In the middle of all the pain and chaos of war, the pollster Lord Ashcroft has succeeded in sounding out the thoughts of Kievans.  The results challenge those in the West who don’t much concern themselves with the rights and interests of the folk who actually live under the missiles, shells and bombs, never mind their views.  It is, you seem, just too tempting to attack the neocons and usual suspects in “the West” who, it is said, left Putin no alternative but to launch a full scale war against a peaceful people.

From ConHome’s article:

Ukrainians want to stay and fight

Only 11 per cent of Ukrainians agreed “if I could leave Ukraine safely tomorrow for another country I would.” Nearly seven in 10 (69 per cent) strongly disagreed. Only one in 20 (five per cent) of those aged 65 or over said they would leave if they could.

Indeed, 67 per cent said they would be willing to take up arms to defend the country against Russian troops, with a further seven per cent saying they were already doing so. 85 per cent of men and 63 per cent of women said they had already taken up arms or were willing to do so.

Ninety-three per cent said they were willing to help Ukrainian troops in other ways, such as providing shelter, food or clothing, or were already doing so.

Ninety-two per cent said they had a favourable view of President Zelensky, including 66 per cent whose view was very favourable.

Ukrainians do not expect a long war

More than half (56 per cent) of Ukrainians said they expected the conflict to be over by the end of March, with a further 14 per cent expecting it to last up to three months. Fewer than one in ten (nine per cent) said they thought it would last longer than six months. Women and younger people were more optimistic about an early end to military action.

No part of Ukraine is part of Russia – but Ukrainians don’t see Russians as the enemy.

98 per cent of Ukrainians – including 82 per cent of those of Russian ethnicity – said they did not believe that any part of Ukraine was rightfully part of Russia.

While 97 per cent had an unfavourable view of Vladimir Putin and 94 per cent had an unfavourable view of the Russian military (including only 82 per cent saying “very unfavourable”; 12 per cent generously said their view of Russian forces was only “somewhat unfavourable”), Ukrainians see Russians themselves in a slightly different light.

Only 62 per cent said they had a very unfavourable view of the Russian people, with a further 19 per cent saying it was somewhat unfavourable. Fourteen per cent had a somewhat or very favourable view of the Russian people.

Ukrainians consider their future to be closer to Europe

Nearly 19 in 20 Ukrainians (93 per cent) said they considered their country’s future to be closer to Europe than to Russia. This included 78 per cent of respondents of Russian ethnicity, and 84 per cent of those in the east of the country closest to the Russian border.

Nationalism: Understanding Our Struggle by Keith Woods

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 October 2020 13:37.

Nationalism: Understanding Our Struggle by Keith Woods

First 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 30 September 2020 05:00.


Paleocon Bannon arrested, indicted in private sector crowd-funding fraud, build-the-wall campaign.

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 22 August 2020 09:42.

“Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.” ...“These guys are a collection of clowns.” - Steve Bannon.

Paleocon Steve Bannon arrested, indicted for facilitating private sector crowd-funding fraud, build the wall campaign…

Donald Trump’s former aide Steven Bannon is arrested and INDICTED over ‘ripping off $25 million crowd-funded border wall to pay for his and co-founders’ lavish lifestyles’ - Daily Mail 20 Aug 2020

Thamster WitNat (Jefferson, Josh and Tyler), 22 Aug 2020 ( Josh Neal 2:10): “Bannon and several other members of the Trump campaign have basically been, just stealing millions of dollars from the public - from god-fearing, Trump-loving Americans, who took it upon themselves to build the wall.”

”...(Jefferson-Lee 2:46): I love this story, how hilarious this is. I know it’s terrible. I’m not happy that Magapedes got ripped-off. I was going to do my pseudo-Cernovich combined with Styxhexinhammer, “I predicted thith, I predicted thith”..because I remember about a year ago both Josh and I railing against this build the wall floating all over conservative media…. probably you shouldn’t donate to this. In fact, your tax dollars should be paying for it. This is obviously a scam. Don’t donate any money. Now what I found particularly hilarious about this, because I don’t know its because I hate myself or I hate Steve Bannon or maybe its some kind of combination of both, I actually went through the items that these goons bought with the money that they stole from Magapedes. I mean, these guys bought a fishing boat! That’s pretty expensive. OK? They bought a legit fishing boat off of the hopes and dreams off of the broken-back, American boomers who are desperate for something to be done.

This story won’t get enough coverage among the people who need to see it. Like conservaboomers and lets be honest, millennials who are like ironically into Americanism and don’t really know who they are; they need to hear this too: The conservative media is Not your friend. We’ve known this for quite some time but this is a literal grift that they were caught doing; lest I forget, during the ‘great Groyper wars’ of 2020, there were a lot of people saying like, you know, “our beef isn’t with Donald Trump Junior, just go after Charlie Kirk when he is speaking at TPUSA events, don’t go after Donald Trump Junior.’ But Trump Junior was seen shilling these funds too. Now maybe he didn’t know, maybe he didn’t have much of an idea of how much a crook Bannon was; I don’t believe that by-the-way, but it’s just me putting that out there.

Regardless, this just goes to show that the mainstream political establishment and the resistance that you’re allowed to have - Steve Bannon, who by the way, I just saw a picture of him before, leaving jail or something, looks like the quintessential boomer - the boomer of all boomers. These people are not your friends. They hate you.

Bannon’s disregard of ethno-nationalism is “leaked.” Majorityrights
To me,” Bannon said, “the economic war with China is everything” ...“Ethno-nationalism—it’s losers. It’s a fringe element. I think the media plays it up too much, and we gotta help crush it, you know, uh, help crush it more.” ...“These guys are a collection of clowns,” he added. See Majorityrights

There is no doubt about it. And just one more thing… imagine not trusting a Goldman-Sachs banker with ties to Hollywood like Steve Bannon? Shocker, shocker! He might actually hate you. He might not actually have your best interests in mind. Imagine that? Just going to put that out there; seems a little obvious when you actually do some thinking. - Jefferson-Lee.

JF Gariepy is more sympathetic to Bannon, arguing to the effect that Bannon is correct to plead not guilty and may be acquitted for the possibility that he may not have been fully aware, or significantly responsible for what his colleagues were up to, whether crowd-funding money was being spent on personal indulgences and what of the crowd funding money was yet to be spent on the wall.

A Walking Still: The Democratic National Convention

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 August 2020 05:00.

Is this a joke?

The senile Democratic Presidential Candidate, Joe Biden, who, while VP, lavished tactless praise on Jews for all the liberal “good” they’ve done America and Vice Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris (who is married to a Zionist Jewish fella).

Can you imagine that they had Bill Clinton there to lecture us on morality?

They are running a senile/ready-to-die 78-year-old man for President, who will be controlled from behind. While Silcon Valley opens the Velcro chord for the provisional VP Candidate, the blatantly anti-White Kamala Harris - all full of talk about racist (White people) this and racist (White people) that - who waits in the wings.

There is no vaccine for racism. We’ve got to do the work. For George Floyd, for Breonna Taylor, for the lives of too many others to name. - Kamala Harris


Meanwhile, Michelle Obama, typically, expressed contempt and sense of superiority.

Michelle Obama said that the only thing that will save us is the cold hard truth, that Trump isn’t capable of doing the job (but Joe Alzheimer is, lol) and then proceeded to talk about the “endless” numbers of blacks who are being killed (impl. by Whites, esp. White policemen); adding that the phrase “black lives matter” is met with derision by the nation’s highest office (i.e., President Trump); stressing how important empathy is for Americans in the lower economic tiers, while advocating policies of racial conflict, i.e., that impose blacks upon and over Whites; while having indulged in extravagant expenditures at the tax-payer’s expense, lavished on her and her husband while he occupied the Presidency; while she charges exorbitant fees for her shitty talks; while she and her husband are set be the first to come out of the White House billionaires, with their retreats in Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard, etc.).

Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama spoke...

...again, both Hillary and Barack saying that Trump can’t do the job, but Joe Alzheimer can. These are the people of “integrity”, who had Gaddafi murdered, which unleashed the gate for a flood of African migration to Europe….walls between nations and people that Obama stressed, must be torn down.

Big Mulatto Bro’s audacity and ominous implication

“The greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews, cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down!”  - Obama, Berlin 2008

It’s too bad that Tulsi Gabbard isn’t getting a chance. She’s about the best the Democrats have to offer. It’s also too bad that Trump is Israel’s boy while a functional civ-nat domestically, bad on environmental issues, etc.

Steven Stills serenaded us at the Convention. The protest song (For What it’s Worth) over the shut-down of the live music venue, Pandora’s Box, is an ill fit to BLM rioting; but in the best altercast, he might be suggesting to BLM that maybe the wisdom of violence, arson, general destruction and looting is something to stop and think about; but that’s a bit too kind; impulse control not being these people’s forte. Stills, who has slurred his words for years, given his own Bidenesque challenges, is not needed for political judgments anyway.

He’s a walking still - triple entendre: 1) He’s still walking. 2) He’s walking but not moving 3) He’s a walking alcohol distillery.

Winterland Lady of the Lake

When Boomer anthem meets millennial globohomo.…
3:14 PM Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App
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daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Level 1: Is that Stephen Stills playing guitar? His brain must be fried from all the drugs. Quote Tweet

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Winterland Lady of the Lake
Level 2: Yes, sadly it is him.

daniel sienkiewicz@MajorityRights
Replying to @Lady_Astor

Level 3: Music, like sports, is congratulated for being above differences between people… it’s practitioners, not usually the best educated, become popular evangelists nevertheless. Countering the results of this popular misdirection is a major project.
5:10 PM · Aug 18, 2020·Twitter Web App



Mulatto Supremacist Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 12 August 2020 05:00.

Sen. Cory Booker (left), Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Al Green of Texas and other congressional Democrats attend a news conference to unveil policing reform and equal justice legislation on Capitol Hill. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta / Associated Press

Biden Plan: Move blacks/people of color to places of White flight; a hotline to snitch on resisters.

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 10 August 2020 05:00.

White Flight

- a.k.a. ethnic cleansing of Whites from the cities and the Biden Plan to hunt them down wherever they go.

Jason No White Guilt

We are talking about moving, for the safety of ourselves, the safety of our families so that we can continue to articulate and activate and be activists for White well-being… in psychological defense for the psychological warfare being waged against us.

And guess who knows where we would like to move? Guess who else is looking at

Right here in The Biden Plan:

Government funded housing to be offered to all. Additionally, the document states that the intent is to force all communities to accept new housing patterns that will place government funded housing in all neighborhoods.

“Democrats will supercharge investment in the Housing Trust Fund to greatly expand the number of affordable housing units on the market, reduce home prices and create jobs. We commit to providing Section 8 Housing support for every eligible family. We will make energy efficient upgrades for millions of low income households in suburban and rural areas.”

...this is right out of the Biden verbiage: affordable housing in rural areas.

Public housing units that save families money on their energy bills, create jobs and provide safe and healthy homes to black and other people of color ...long unresolved to this day.

[Verbatim quote from The Biden Plan: “America’s history of using public policy and private lending restrictions to close neighborhoods off to Black families and other people of color is long, painful, and unresolved to this day.’]

This will be implemented as soon as Biden or the next Democrat gets into the Presidency. You will have no recourse to stop this from happening, because the nodes of power, too many of them, are in the hands of the anti-Whites.

This is right in the Biden Plan. will move your family to exurbs and rural areas to protect your family from anti-Whites; and then as soon as Biden or another individual that comes after another four years of Trump comes into office, this Biden Plan, in full, which by the way, [goes along with what] the Democrats are moving to implement, the entire Heroes Act [goes] in the spending bill. 

The Heroes Act calls for an anonymous hotline where people will be able to call on you for heretical thoughts and turn you in to the FBI; so they’ll be making a list and checking it more than twice about all of those who are heretical out there, in other words, all of those who aren’t anti-White. 

So, if you think that you’re going to move to some area, but you might vote for Biden because you think that’s somehow going to benefit, well he’s going to build a tenement right out where you live. 

And he’s going to fill it with anti-White non-Whites. 

In the Biden Plan the Democrats are openly saying -

Vote for Biden and we’re going to create section 8 housing in every rural and exUrbian area.

Related at Majorityrights:

Undoing inherited wisdom & means of separatism / forcing integration - YKW doing as YKW do

No, let’s stick with blaming the Nazis.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 02 August 2020 05:20.


“Germans” - notice the Poles rightly don’t use the blame-shifting “Nazis”.


Today is the 76 anniversary of the outbreak of the #WarsawUprising

The Germans murdered 200,000+ Poles during the 63-day-long uprising. Many of them children

Just in my district (Wola),they executed 50,000 civilians in 4 days

Our football fans have excellent historical memory!

I must disagree with the sentiment here. It’s far better to take the weight off of the Germans per se, especially subsequent generations, and place the burden on the Nazi regime and those who went along with it (who were thus, Nazis).

Tarring all Germans and leaving them no route of distinction from the Nazi regime is no way to move forward and foster good neighborly relations among nations.

The Poles would not appreciate it, and quite rightly not, if the entire nation of their people were blamed for the misdeeds of some rogue regime of theirs from history.


This is why I maintain the term “Nazi.” In order to distinguish a rogue regime from German people per se - those who never really thought it was the right course of action and those who went along with it but might not have with the guidance of a better regime; recognizing their human agency as it might pursue neighborly coordination as opposed to the natural fallacy of deterministic conflict and war that was epistemic of Nazi ideology.

Further, “Nazi” is used so as to avoid the ennobling, misrepresenting and misleading title, “National Socialist.” Hitler’s regime was imperialist, not nationalist, supremacist not socialist - not “social” in most of the positive connotations of “social” - particularly, not in the non-economic, social sense of humaneness and social accountability; not only to qualitative niches of its own, but also in recognition and respect for the niche qualities of other groups; and in the need to get along with these human ecologies - as the world view of praxis, with its apprehension of reflexive effects, would do.

I’m going to keep hammering-home the importance of centralizing our world view through praxis - that is to say our people groups, their biological nature (requiring optimal, not maximal need satisfaction), mammalian nature (caring for relationships) and their distinctly human capacities - for example to learn to get along, to coordinate interests, by means of social accountability to correct runaway trajectories of natural fallacy and ideals beyond human nature; which otherwise rupture human and pervasive ecological systems.

If humans are to evolve, devolve as it were, in a dehumanizing eusocial manner, it is far more likely to occur through the kind of natural fallacy that the Nazis operated on.

Whereas the Post Modern project - properly understood, which I call the White Post modern project in order to distinguish it - by taking the post modern turn to centralize our world view through praxis, provides for the coherence, social accountability, correctivity and agency to stave-off such pernicious devolution.


* “White Post Modern Project” - as distinguished from the da da, ironic, hyper relative, hyper critical deconstructionist misrepresentations of the post modern project.

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

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