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The future of 007 ... a black tranny still with “their” PPK

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 12 December 2021 12:29.

Just not this one ...

Bond's Walther PPK

Yes, Barbara Broccoli thinks the culture war can be pushed to its logical conclusion:

007 ‘could be non-binary’: Britain’s most famous spy could in future be someone who considers themselves neither male or female, says Barbara Broccoli
• James Bond could identify as ‘non-binary’ in future, 007’s producer has revealed
• Barbara Broccoli poured cold water on suggestions the role could go to a woman
• But she conceded future Bond could be ‘non-binary’ and use the pronoun ‘they’

‘The name’s Bond. James Bond. Pronouns: Them/they.’

He may be an enduring symbol of masculinity, but Britain’s most famous spy could identify as ‘non-binary’ in future, 007’s producer has revealed.

Barbara Broccoli has poured cold water on suggestions the role could go to a woman… but in a new interview, she conceded a future Bond could be ‘non-binary’ – someone who considers themselves neither male or female, and usually prefers to be referred to as ‘they’ rather than ‘he’ or ‘she’.

Speaking to the Girls On Film podcast, Ms Broccoli talked about the hunt to replace Daniel Craig who is stepping down from the role after No Time To Die.

When host Anna Smith asked if she thought 007 would always be male, she replied: ‘I do, because I don’t think that we should be making films where women are playing men.

‘I think we should be making more films about women. I think Bond will be a man.’

Smith suggested ‘Non-binary, perhaps, maybe one day?’ to which Ms Broccoli replied: ‘Who knows? I mean, I think it’s open. We just have to find the right actor.’

Ms Broccoli, who controls the 007 franchise through her Eon Production company, also said the next Bond might not be white, adding: ‘We want the actor to be British… and British, as we know, can be many things.’ ...

British can also mean sane white men who will never patronise Babs’ cash-cow again.  OK, the Bond character was always a degenerate.  Black women, Chinese women, Japanese women, other men’s mystery meat wives, fortune-hunters in casinos, spy-girls with guns or bikinis or not even bikinis ...  But he was always unquestionably a man.  Apparently, that will cease to be necessary, and audiences will just accept it cuz “progress”.  It’s interesting how Babs just slots, so to speak, in with the Judaic default assumption that the gentile has no nature and can be herded into this social confection or that.  She ... they ... zee/zey, whatever ... are wrong, were always wrong.  Nature will out.

As it happens, there is a way for Eon Production to prove it.  Obviously, the franchise is wedded to ever greater techno-spectacle and ever greater postmodern lunacy.  But a nice way to honour Fleming and continue the Bond character, while keeping 007 running along the current mad lines, would have been a scaled down second series returned to the 1960s but with the grittiness and greater psychological depth of the Craig films.  A decent writer would be Russell Lake, who created the Endeavour character and who has a fine eye for period.

I would bet that the 007 spectacle would die out and the beauty of the lost world of Europe would prevail.

Muslim grooming, the government machine and the Guardian

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 21 December 2020 00:26.

Last week the wickedly delayed and secreted and, thus, widely written-off Home Office report Group-based Child Sexual Exploitation – Characteristics of Offending finally saw the light of day, albeit only after FoI requests from the media and much in-fighting between Home Secretary Priti Patel and her recalcitrant civil servants.  It literally whitewashed the paedophile rape and prostituton of white girls, and some Sikh and black girls too.  It’s white men, it said.  “No credible evidence for a far-right stereotype that has spread widely in the media”, the Guardian said.

Generally honest assessments are available at the Speccie, written by the doughty Patrick O’Flynn:

Digging into the report’s section on the ethnicity of offenders one learns that an official data collection exercise in 2011 involving police forces and other agencies found that of 2,300 possible offenders there was no basic information held about 1,100. Among the remaining 1,200, ethnicity data was not known for 38 per cent. Of the remaining suspects – approximately 750 by my arithmetic – ‘30 per cent of offenders were White, while 28 per cent were Asian’. This presumably is the finding used to justify ‘most commonly White’ – but which seems to miss the obvious point that the white population of England and Wales is around 80 per cent overall.

A second smaller study from 2013 mentioned in the report found that of 306 offenders looked at, 75 per cent were Asian, which actually amounts to a ten-fold over-representation, though the report does not point this out.

Instead, it trots out irrelevances to lead itself away from the veritable elephant in the room. At one point it cites information from police forces suggesting that ‘the nationalities and ethnicities of offenders and suspects… varied considerably, including American, Angolan, Bangladeshi, Bengal, British…’ (etc. ad infinitum). Yet has anyone ever suggested that there are nationalities completely immune to taking part in group CSE? Not to my knowledge.

... and at Spiked!, written by someone named Rakib Ehsan:

If the (woeful) defence for inaction is that by intervening in cases where white girls were being abused by groups of Pakistani-origin men, there is a risk of upsetting race relations, then is it not plausible that the police and city council would have been more comfortable with making robust interventions if the majority of both victims and suspected offenders share the same ethnic background?

... and at the Daily Mail, written by Labour Party animal and obsessive anti-racist but (for professional purposes, you understand) right-wing journo Dan Hodges.  He is claiming to have the inside story:


Vitaly Petrov stirs up the diversitoids of F1

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 23 October 2020 23:43.

It was back in late May that little Lewis Hamilton, supported by the global corporations whose sport Formula 1 motor racing is, began virtue-shaming his fellow drivers into taking the knee.  The industry stampeded itself into a virtue-programme mis-named “We Race As One”, which is, of course, the complete opposite of the truth; and the whole shabang disappeared up its own intellectually pathetic fundament.  Enter sturdy Vitaly Petrov, the ex-FI driver and the first Russian to race in the formula.  At the Sochi GP in September he let it be known that, among other things:

“For me, a Black Lives Matter t-shirt is superfluous, as is calling on everyone to kneel,” Petrov said. “That is a personal matter for every adult.”

“I don’t understand the kneeling because, according to our traditions, a man kneels only in two cases – in a place of worship before God and when you propose to your future wife.”

“You can speak out on your social networks, you can give interviews, you can create some kind of social movement, you can contact the government. But for Formula 1 itself to call on everyone… I think half of the fans didn’t understand.”

Petrov then attacked Hamilton’s Breonna Taylor T-shirt, which he wore at Mugello.  Apparently, that was a political statement, and drivers were promptly banned from such stunts at subsequent races.  Petrov 1 Hamilton 0.

Somehow, Petrov then got himself chosen to serve as a steward for the Portuguese GP running on Sunday.  So, of course, Hamilton, the oppressed Monaco resident and half-billionaire, rushed to let his intolerance of different opinions be known.  He said:

“I would say it’s a surprise to see they would be hiring someone that has those beliefs, and is so vocal about things that we’re trying to fight against,” said Hamilton.

“So you should take it up with them really, there’s nothing I can particularly do about it.

“But we should definitely be including people here who are with the times, who are understanding of the times that we are living in, and sensitive to the matters that are surrounding us.

“I don’t really understand what their goal is or why particularly he’s here. It’s not like they don’t have any other good options.”

Today Hamilton has been joined by a bunch of rainbow letter people, who no one has ever heard of, but who are obviously considered important by the very woke motor racing media, who report that:

“Racing Pride wishes to express its concern at the appointment of Vitaly Petrov as an FIA Driver Steward for this weekend’s Portuguese Grand Prix in light of his recent, widely reported public comments relating to the #WeRaceAsOne initiative, which were both racist and homophobic in nature.”

On can only assume that the industry doesn’t give a damn about its fan base who, by definition, are not a bunch of weedy, pencil-neck sociology students or blokes in dresses who expect to use the ladies loo.  They’re petrol heads.  They’re not equality fanatics.  F1 is not about equality.  When Hamilton began whining about BLM the consensus of opinion among fans was “Stick to the racing, mate”.  Sadly, the FI media responded with lock-step wokery.  Not much dissent was visible.  On the Autosport readers forum one forum member well-known to the author of this post did manage to opine as follows:

I am an avid reader of Autosport.  I do not participate in the forum, after a brief flurry of doing so some years ago.  But today, with Luke Smith’s opinion piece titled “Why Lewis Hamilton’s “stick to racing” critics are missing the point” Autosport ventured into racial politics, and that I cannot allow to pass without the following mild protest.

Luke’s presumption is that F1 and, in particular, the media personnel covering F1, must have fewer white people.  By extension, white people everywhere, and most especially white men, may not exercise hegemony in any sphere of the life we have, by the genius and adventure of our forebears, created ex nihilo.  Apparently, our moral obligation is to get out of the way for the sake of “diversity” - something imposed upon us, as upon all Europeans, by the violence of the state and the deceit of politicians   It is an imposition to which we are, as much as is possible in Western society, denied dissent.  Apparently, speaking freely and dissenting on the matter ... arguing for the interests of our own people in our own home ... is so immoral for white people, it can only be met with a ritual public dehumanisation.  In our schools and universities the lock-step lesson our children have to learn is that because they are white they have “privilege”.  They are lesser beings than the oppressed innocents of the immigrant populations.  Yet the diversity-mongers like Luke meekly and mechanically presume that justice and fairness is a one-way, anti-white street.  It really isn’t.

In America half a century of vastly expensive efforts to lift African-Americans out of their lowly estate have not produced the perfect human equality which the liberal mind requires.  Puzzlingly, Chinese-Americans and Indian-Americans require no such aid.  The great bugbear “white racism” does not seem to hold them back at all.  It is an inconvenient fact which few black commentators besides Michelle Malkin or the brave social theorist Thomas Sowell will discuss.  It is something that Lewis could profitably think about.  Perhaps he might then attend not to his fellow racers, seeking to enlist them in the equality delusion, but to Africa’s children everywhere, urging them to examine themselves for the causes of their discontents.

But, please Autosport, don’t report it.  Stick to the racing.

The comment lasted 15 minutes.  The forum member was banned.  The F1 wokery don’t just fail to understand the soul of motor racing.  They have no souls.  They also have a sporting spectacle which has become painfully boring to watch and is haemorrhaging fans.  You would think they have better things to worry about than Hamilton’s tedious whining.  But at least we have to thank the little coloured boy for bringing a bit of excitement to this race weekend.  Never mind the even greater tedium on track.  Will Petrov remain in situ in Portugal until the race on Sunday afternoon?

Has peak woke really passed at the Met?

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 14 October 2020 20:16.

I understand that the following is reported by the DT, raising the question as to whether the Met is rowing back on its persecution of David Starkey and Darren Grimes:

Police set to review investigation into Darren Grimes and David Starkey over YouTube comments
Scotland Yard has said a senior officer would be looking at the investigation to see if it was “proportionate”

The Metropolitan Police is reviewing its investigation into Darren Grimes and Dr David Starkey in connection with allegations of stirring up racial hatred, it can be revealed.

Scotland Yard has contacted both the conservative commentator and the historian to inform them a senior officer would be looking at the investigation to see if it was “proportionate” and that they are not required to attend a police station at this time.

The decision to investigate Mr Grimes for broadcasting an interview with Dr Starkey has led to widespread condemnation since it was revealed by the Daily Telegraph last week.

In the interview published on Mr Grime’s Reasoned UK YouTube channel on June 30 the historian said: “Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain would there?”

... Mr Grimes told the Telegraph: “This vexatious claim against me should never have been investigated. At a time when many have been propelled into misery, it is a gross abuse of taxpayer cash and police time.

“I will be requesting a copy of the CPS advice that led to the intervention irrespective of whether they proceed or not, the dangerous precedent of broadcasters and journalists facing arrest and up to seven years imprisonment for ‘stirring up’ racial hatred as a consequence of what a guest said during an interview must not stand.

“We need an urgent review of the unprecedented use of this legislation to attack press freedom.”

A source close to Dr Starkey said “David’s supporters are delighted that common sense has at least temporarily prevailed”

One suspects that conservatives, along with reactionary historians, will sleep safer in the knowledge that the Metropolitan Police will probably not come knocking on their door because some slimy little pencil-neck in a Liverpool bedsit has exercise his citizen’s right to complain about “racism”.  Nationalists, however ...

“Deleted”: Tech Giants Totalitarian Implementation of Critical Race Theory Algorithms

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 03 October 2020 05:03.

Big Tech and Color Revolutions with Allum Bokhari and Darren Beattie

Note, in their discussion of the color revolutions theory, they are emphatic to stress their belief that the “left / right ” divide is obsolete, but they are failing to recognize that the Marxist, international, anti-national left merges with right wing elitism and liberalism license as pitted against the unionization of ethnonationalism.

Furthermore, as neo-liberal sources (a step in the process toward the Marxist international, as far as those types see it) are behind the color revolutions, it is problematic indeed, as a Russian puppet dictatorship such as Lukashenko’s should be replaced, not with neo-liberalism, but with a Belarusian, ethnonational leadership.

Same issue in this next discussion - Michael Anton | The BLM Movement and Civil Rights | Constitution Day Panel - an otherwise brilliant analysis, but hopefully people will begin to see, along with me, that if the Powers That Be can’t get you to argue against their marketed characterology of the Left (in order to distract you from the fact that you should be adopting a left ethonationalist concept) then they will try to put across the notion that the “left / right ” distinction is an obsolete concept (in order to distract you from the fact that you should be adopting a left ethonationalist concept):

Michael Anton | The BLM Movement and Civil Rights | Constitution Day Panel

Lots of talk of “the left” - by which, as we know, if we are to be generous to them, they mean the internationalist, anti-White Left - which they explain has a heck of a shake-down racket going on, with the BLM the shock troops on the ground, invoking massive funding from the corporations…

Members of EU-Funded NGOs Arrested in Greece for Espionage & Human Trafficking, Turkey to Greece!

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 03 October 2020 05:00.

Members of EU-Funded NGOs Arrested in Greece for Espionage and Human Trafficking from Turkey to Greece!

Red Pill Germany, 3 Oct 2020

Pinned by Red Pill Germany

Further reading:

Related at Majorityrights:

Erdogan to Greece: “Don’t be stupid. They don’t want to stay. Let them go to other European nations”

Jake Gardner & the Dissident’s Dilemma

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 02 October 2020 05:02.

Jake Gardner & the Dissident’s Dilemma

Spencer J. Quinn for Counter-Currents, 1 Oct 2020:

1,521 words

Are you furious yet?

White Americans: If the recent Jake Gardner affair has taught us anything, it’s that our elite that now occupies most of the government and nearly all of the mainstream media has rigged the system against us. We simply cannot win when playing by the rules. Jake Gardner knew this, which is why he so tragically took himself out of the game.

For a quick recap, on September 16th, Gardner, a white Iraq War veteran and vocal Trump supporter, was protecting a bar he owned in Omaha, Nebraska from a Black Lives Matter mob. Rioters chucked a street sign through one of his windows, and then knocked his elderly father to the ground. After helping his father, Gardner lifted his shirt to reveal his gun to the rioters, and then backed towards his bar. This prompted two rioters to jump him from behind. Gardner fired two warning shots to get the rioters off of him, and was jumped again, this time by a black criminal named James Scurlock.

Ann Coulter described this Scurlock creature best:

At 22, Scurlock already had a rap sheet a mile long, including home invasion, assault and battery, domestic violence — and, of course, he was in the middle of a crime spree that very night. Methamphetamine and cocaine were found in his urine.

Finding himself in a chokehold, about to pass out, Gardner did the only thing he could to save his life: he shot and killed the feral thug. I covered the coda to this depressing story in my previous article, “This is Why We Had Segregation:”

Initially, the DA ruled the killing self-defense. But after rioters threatened him at his home, he allowed a black special prosecutor named Frederick Franklin to investigate. Franklin filed charges against Gardner for manslaughter, first-degree assault, and making terrorist threats. Gardner committed suicide as a result.

Jake Gardner knew he couldn’t win. Or he knew he didn’t have it in him to take on city hall. Was he wrong? Note how prejudicial this prosecutor was when justifying his decision to bring charges against Gardner during a press conference shortly after Gardner’s death. After expressing his irrelevant admiration for football player Gayle Sayers, Franklin explained that Gardner’s equally irrelevant appreciation for President Trump and disdain for the BLM riots were factors in his indictment. He also equated Gardner’s lifting of his shirt to making terroristic threats, and Gardner’s sitting out the riot in his bar with the lights off with setting up an ambush.

In other words, this black special prosecutor completely abandoned Occam’s Razor and warped all understanding of proper human behavior in order to ludicrously paint Jake Gardner as a villain. He trashed all presumption of innocence and gave Gardner absolutely no benefit of any doubt. As I see it, Franklin believes Gardner wasn’t there to protect his business, he was there to hunt black people; Gardner wasn’t an honest man acting in self-defense, he was a bigot standing in the way of racial equality. Furthermore, Franklin downplayed the crimes of the rioters. To him, it seems, they weren’t mindless hooligans intent on destruction and mayhem, they were righteous protestors fighting for the dignity of African Americans. The crass racial favoritism here should obvious.


Trump’s Platinum Plan for blacks: $500 billion capital, 500,000 businesses, 4 million jobs for them.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 01 October 2020 07:37.

Trump’s “Platinum Plan”: $500 billion in capital for blacks, 500,000 new black owned businesses; four million new jobs for blacks.

Trump: “If you vote Republican, over the next four years we will create four million new jobs for the black community; open 500,000 new black owned businesses; increase access to capital in black communities by $500 billion.”

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

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