Majorityrights News > Category: European Nationalism

Collett sets the record straight

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 14 March 2024 17:41.

From the PA website this afternoon:

An Open Letter to Michael Gove

Today in parliament you listed Patriotic Alternative as one of five groups in Britain that are being assessed as to whether they fall under the Government’s new definition of ‘extremism’. The fact that such actions are being taken without due diligence or parliamentary oversight or debate is anti-democratic in itself, but more worrying is that from this point onward anyone rejecting what the Government terms ‘liberal democracy’ could fall foul of this draconian legislation.

This presents a major threat to both freedom of speech and freedom of association and is a dangerous step toward a totalitarian state where those who do not adhere to state doctrine are silenced and have their human rights curtailed.

This would all be bad enough; however you went further and used your parliamentary Privilege to make several completely misleading claims about Patriotic Alternative, which we seek to rectify here.

Your first false claim is that Patriotic Alternative seeks ‘forced repatriation’ of ethnic minority groups. This is completely and demonstrably false; we have a policy of voluntary repatriation for settled immigrants and the only people we seek to forcibly deport are illegal migrants and foreign criminals – something that the Conservative Party have repeatedly pledged to do but failed to make good on. We also oppose mass immigration – a view that is held by a large section of the voting population and something that the Conservative Party have again repeatedly pledged to get under control whilst in reality increasing net migration to new highs.

Your second claim is that Patriotic Alternative seek a ‘White ethnostate’. To clarify this, we state in our policies that:

“The British people are made up of the English, Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh. These are the indigenous peoples of the United Kingdom and only they have an ancestral claim to it. The United Kingdom is the only place where the British people, and they alone, can realise their natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. As such, we will pass a Nation State Law to enshrine this principle and ensure the British people never become a minority or second-class citizens in their ancestral homeland.”

In short, we stake a claim to the ancestral homeland of our people and declare that our homeland should be governed for the benefit of our people.

You are an ardent supporter of the state of Israel, a state that has a nation-state law worded in a very similar way to the proposal that we are in favour of. If you support such a law for the Israeli people, why are you so offended that the indigenous people of the British Isles would also campaign for a similar law in order to protect our cultural and ethnic interests?

This would not be the creation of a ‘white ethnostate’ as you put it, but in fact ethno-states for the constituent nations of the British Isles – on the mainland that would be the English, the Scottish and the Welsh.

We believe that the indigenous people of these islands should never become a minority and should remain what we term a ‘super-majority’, this however does not mean that those of migrant descent would not remain here or that such people would be forcibly removed (unless under the conditions that they were here illegally or had committed crimes on British soil).

Your third claim was that we endorse ‘neo-Nazi ideology, we reject this claim. In fact, we have repeatedly attempted to register Patriotic Alternative as a political party in order to participate in the democratic process and stand in elections. It is however the Home Office, which currently operates under your very government, which has pressured the Electoral Commission in order to prevent us from registering as a political party – effectively denying us our democratic rights to stand in elections and also denying the public the right to vote for us. This represents a bureaucratic impediment to the democratic process that you claim to be in favour of.

Your final claim is that we ‘target minority groups for intimidation’. This is a complete and total fabrication. We are a lawful community group that campaigns on a range of issues. We have never targeted any group with violence or carried out acts that are intimidatory. In reality the very opposite is true. What’s more, we have members and supporters from ethnic minority backgrounds and have repeatedly reached out to other ethnic groups for discussions on issues such as immigration and multiculturalism.

Patriotic Alternative is wholeheartedly opposed to violence or confrontation and through our lawful activities we seek to engage with people who hold similar views and give those people a healthy and peaceful outlet for their justified frustrations with the current British political establishment.

Patriotic Alternative wish to be involved within the democratic process and the claim that we are ‘extremists’ is as absurd as it is worrying. To include peaceful community campaigning groups under this legislation is not only a threat to our human rights, but represents the creeping totalitarian nature of a government that brands itself as ‘Conservative’.

This is nothing more than communism via the back door.

We respectfully request that you remove our name from this list and that you put an end to this anti-democratic power grab that threatens to infringe on the rights of all British citizens who wish to speak freely and organise democratically.

Yours Sincerely.

The Dutch voter giveth, the Dutch voter taketh away

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 18 March 2023 11:30.

Dutch farm protests
Road-blocks as party-political publicity

Is the antithesis of globalism’s totalistic vision of Man really only reaction to specific aspects of the globalist programme?  Can the latter ever be enough?

This is the question which lies ahead if and when that reaction gains momentum across the West (or, most likely, in those parts of it which employ some form of electoral proportional representation).  It is the question on which the future of nationalism and of the West would then depend.  But for now, in the wake of the Farmer-Citizen movement [BoerBurgerBeweging or BBB] showing in last Wednesday’s election to the Dutch Senate, the answer is the usual: anything’s better than nothing.  Just be grateful for what few scraps fall from history’s table, it says.

Put most directly, the BBB’s scraps testify to a deep-rooted and emerging conflict between the shameless careerists of the Dutch political machine and the traditionalist spirit of rural Holland.  Electorally, that conflict is pitting the urban liberal elites and the strangulated postmoderns who are the victims of green propaganda against hitherto betrayed and voiceless conservatives.  It sounds revolutionary, but civic nationalist populism is never that.

As of this moment, the external mainstream media have yet to explain that the people over whom the elite’s environmentalism and progressivism ride still retain the power to vote. The BBC reported the election with scarcely a word about the underlying cause:

A farmers’ party has stunned Dutch politics, and is set to be the biggest party in the upper house of parliament after provincial elections.

The Farmer-Citizen movement was only set up in 2019 in the wake of widespread farmers’ protests.

But with most votes counted they are due to win 15 of the Senate’s seats with almost 20% of the vote.

“This isn’t normal, but actually it is! It’s all normal citizens who voted,” said leader Caroline van der Plas.

The BBB aims to fight government plans to slash nitrogen emissions harmful to biodiversity by dramatically reducing livestock numbers and buying out thousands of farms.

But its appeal has spread rapidly beyond its rural heartland, on a populist platform that represents traditional, conservative Dutch social and moral values.

Shocked by the scale of their success, Ms van der Plas told supporters that voters normally stayed at home if they lost faith in politics: “But today people have shown they can’t stay at home any longer. We won’t be ignored any more.”

A left-wing Green-Labour alliance is also on course to win 15 Senate seats, while Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s four-party coalition is poised to fall back to 24 - down eight seats.

Turnout in Wednesday’s vote, estimated at 57.5%, was the highest for years.

For nationalists the election was double-edged.  Nowhere in the West can nationalism both speak its own truths and trim to accommodate mainstream sensibilities.  Where it gains something by the latter it seems destined to lose it when a civic nationalist party comes along.

Accordingly, the growth in BBB’s vote-share has came at a cost to Thierry Baudet’s divided and weakened Forum for Democracy (FvD), which won nearly 15% of the vote in 2019 provincial elections, but collapsed to 3% this time.  The concern, therefore, is that BBB is not expanding into the conservative vote-share as much as it might seem, but hoovering up the votes of the existing dissenters on the basis of another “new way forward”.  Certainly, BBB did not just focus on Mark Rutte’s environmental extremism in the wake of the farmers protests.  It presented itself as a dog-whistle right-wing populist party which was somewhat critical of the EU, likewise critical of immigration, and in favour of banning burkas for Muslims.

In any case, the Re-Set is real and oncoming.  In Holland and, via Reform, in the UK civic nationalism seems set to carry the dissenter’s torch.  One way or another the question of its sufficiency will be answered.

Momentum eludes Marine Le Pen

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 28 June 2021 04:50.

History, it seems, repeats all of its repeats under the weird two-stage French voting system.  Marine Le Pen’s National Rally has again fallen short in an important election, this time the regionals.

French far-Right loses two key regional votes, dealing blow to Marine le Pen’s presidential ambitions
Centre-Right candidates have retained their seats in all regions

The candidates of Marine Le Pen’s far-Right party have failed to win over any regions in the final round of France’s regional elections on Sunday, as mainstream conservatives delivered a blow to her presidential ambitions.

In the highly-contested battleground of Provence, the poll was seen as a major test of whether the far-Right leader can win votes ahead of an election next year expected to pit her against President Emmanuel Macron.

Thierry Mariani, a former conservative minister, hoped to be the first elected regional leader in France to hail from Ms Le Pen’s National Rally (RN).

But two exit polls showed Mr Mariani winning around 45 per cent of the vote in the southwestern region, while the conservative incumbent, Renaud Muselier, grabbed roughly 55 per cent.

Turnout in both rounds, it should be said, was miserably low.  Only around a third of the registered voters bothered to exercise their rights.  But it now seems unlikely that enough stay-at-home supporters will come out for her at the presidential elections between 8 and 23 April next year.  The centre-right UMP is on the up, and will fancy its chances of dumping Le Pen out in the first round.

Génération Identitaire protests as the French government moves to shut it down

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 19 February 2021 00:16.

GI activists in the Alps.

This urgent call to protest by a very beautiful young lady named Thaïs ...

... is in response to the imminent closure of her movement Génération Identitaire, as explained here:

French government launches procedure to dissolve Génération Identitaire
On Friday, February 12, four police officers officially notified the president of Génération Identitaire of the government’s intention to initiate the dissolution of the association

This announcement was not based on any facts. The group is firstly accused of forming a “private militia”. The Minister of the Interior criticized their action “Defend Europe” in the Alps, even though they have not been charged with any misdemeanour. Also, their action in the Pyrenees to stop illegal migrants were cited even though it did not cause “any disturbance to public order” according to the prefect of the region.

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin also accused them of “inciting hatred”, a vague concept which only aims to criminalize any opposition to the migratory invasion and for which the group has never been condemned.

In a statement, GI said they would use all legal channels to invalidate this iniquitous decision which violated their basic freedoms.

The issue seems to be that the French Establishment has to crack down on nationalists because it is attempting to reform Islam.  It’s the way the bureaucratic mind functions.  GI’s great crime is that it is effective while defending genuine French ethnicity and culture.  If it loses this battle it will doubtless rise again like the proverbial phoenix.

Salisbury Journal: You did not read this in our parasite press

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 27 December 2020 12:36.

The action described below was a very, very small sample of what can be done for one’s true brother in his hour of need, which would not be done for the stranger. Philosophically, it is an act of ethnic nationalism and Schmittian discrimination, sociobiologically of Polish ethnocentrism, and politically of British pragmatism. The pan-racial dystopia which has been constructed in our home since 22nd June 1948 could not act in this beautiful and natural way. But its government can lie and lie again to the native British at election time, and then mouth all the pieties of racial revolution.

Port of Dover: 36 Polish medics supported British during night COVID19 testing of stranded truck drivers .Release from Polish Embassy 12.55 Christmas Day

On Thursday night, more than 30 doctors, nurses, diagnosticians and paramedics were deployed from Poland to help British services to test track drivers stranded at the port of Dover.

The aim was to test as many drivers as possible in the shortest possible time and unblock entrances to the port. Among the drivers stuck on the British-French border for Christmas, Poles constitute a large group.

The backlogs of lorries are the result of the French government’s decision made last Sunday to close the border for arrivals from the UK for 48 hours in response to the spread of the new variant of the coronavirus in south-east England. The border was opened on Wednesday, but only for those with a negative coronavirus test result.

The medics used rapid antigen tests, 15,000 of which were flown to Britain on the same plane with the Polish medical service. From Thursday night into Friday morning, in just a few hours, they tested a total number of 1,260 drivers. Thanks to the hard, all-night work of the British and Polish medics, the traffic in the port of Dover has resumed and is going more smoothly as of Friday morning.

The Polish Ambassador to the UK, Arkady Rzegocki, wrote on Twitter earlier today: “I would like to especially thank all Polish, British and French medical staff for their overnight hard work and effort of testing thousands of lorry drivers stranded in the Port of Dover to get them home to their loved ones.”

Today, military personnel from the Polish Territorial Defense Forces will arrive in the UK not only to support testing, but also to assist with food distribution. Polish soldiers are on their way to Britain and are expected to land at the Gatwick Airport at around 3PM. Additionally, Polish consuls coordinate the support for the drivers organised by the Polish community in the UK.

“The Intermarium has to be a voluntary alliance, not like the EU”

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 04:16.


Ruuben Kaalep: “The Intermarium has to be a voluntary alliance, not like the EU”

Visigrad Post, NOVEMBER 16, 2020

Reading Time: 11 minutes

Interview with Ruuben Kaalep, member of the Estonian Parliament and member of EKRE, the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia: “We need to be able to play on the global stage, and for that we need to put our forces together and support each other. But the Intermarium has to be a voluntary alliance, not like the EU.”

At the end of summer, Ruuben Kaalep came to Hungary at the invitation of the Hungarian nationalist party Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland). Ruuben Kaalep is one of the main advocates for the Intermarium project, a political and geostrategic plan aiming to regroup the Baltic countries, the Visegrád 4, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia, Belarus, Moldova, and Romania, forming a kind of a triangle between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Adriatic Sea.

Although this list changes from time to time, sometimes including other Balkan countries, the Scandinavian countries, or even Austria, the Intermarium’s aim stays the same: to coordinate cooperation among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe — with the notable exception of Russia — in order to protect the interests of the region.

For its supporters, the project is the best way to preserve the way of life, security, and independence of the CEE countries, by “freeing them from Western domination and protecting them from Russian imperialism.”

The Intermarium project is not a new idea, although its revival gained visibility after the Maïdan revolution and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which the advocates of the Intermarium perceived as new Russian aggression necessitating regional cooperation to avoid such a thing in the future.

One hundred years ago, the post-WW1 reborn Polish state was dreaming of rebuilding the great Polish empire connecting the Baltic and the Black Seas, known as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, able to contain Russia. This Międzymorze — “between-seas” — project of the Polish elites also included countries such as Hungary, Yugoslavia, Finland, Czechoslovakia, and Romania, making it the first modern project to bring together the CEE countries. Placed between Russia and the West, cutting off the Balkans from the rest of Europe, this geopolitical project always had many critics in both Russia and the West. Nowadays, if the Intermarium is mostly a little-known, pan-nationalist project, advocated mainly by Ukrainian, Balt, Croatian, and Polish political groups, the Three Seas Initiative can be seen as an implementation of Intermarium’s basic idea.

Intermarium has bigger ambitions than the announced goals of the Three Seas Initiative (gathering Baltic countries, the V4, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, and Bulgaria) which is built on an energy and transportation cooperation scheme aiming to guarantee energy independence of the CEE countries from Russia while being financed by the USA. For the advocates of the Intermarium project, the future of the region should lie on the rejection of three main enemies: Russia, NATO, and communism.

Ferenc Almássy met with Ruuben Kaalep while he was in Hungary in order to discuss his advocacy of the Intermarium project.

In red, a version of the Intermarium, gathering Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belorussia, Ukraine, Moldova, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia.

Ferenc Almássy: You are member of the Estonian Parliament, but you are, can we say, a nationalist? Can you accept this epithet?

Ruuben Kaalep: Absolutely. A nationalist is what I am. It’s the main thing for me.

Ferenc Almássy: So how is it possible that in Estonia, nationalists are part of a governmental coalition?


Greece’s Golden Dawn leaders sentenced to 13 years in jail

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 October 2020 23:05.

Greece’s Golden Dawn leaders sentenced to 13 years in jail

Financial Times, 14 Oct

Neo-Nazi party heads ran criminal organisation responsible for murder and attacks on migrants on trade unionists.

The leaders of Greece’s neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn received 13-year jail sentences on Wednesday for running a criminal organisation responsible for the stabbing to death of a Greek rap artist and violent attacks against migrant workers and leftwing trade unionists.

        Nikos Michaloliakos

A special appeals court on Wednesday sentenced Nikos Michaloliakos, the party’s founder, and six other ex-lawmakers who formed its core leadership following a five-and-a half year trial. None of the seven was present in court as all had boycotted the proceeding in protest except when they were called to testify. 

Giorgos Roupakias, a Golden Dawn supporter found guilty of stabbing Pavlos Fyssas, a popular leftwing rapper, in a street brawl in 2013 in a low-income Athens suburb, received a life sentence for murder.

Ioannis Lagos, a member of the core group who was elected to the European parliament last year after founding his own political party, dismissed his conviction in a series of tweets, saying he intended to “continue on the same [political] path”.

The group’s requests for leniency on grounds that none had a previous criminal record were rejected by the three judges who presided over the marathon criminal trial which included the examination of some 250 witnesses and frequent delays caused by procedural objections from the defendants’ lawyers. 

“This was a political trial . . . the leadership of Golden Dawn received heavy sentences while not being accused of specific crimes. The party is not a criminal organisation, it is a one of national resistance,” Mr Michaloliakos said after the sentences were handed down.

Another 49 Golden Dawn members and supporters were sentenced to between five and 10 years for belonging to a criminal organisation. It was not immediately clear how many of those sentenced would remain free pending appeal.

“Golden Dawn is finished but what they represented continues, whenever attacks occur against refugees or there is discrimination or bullying in neighbourhoods and schools,” said former prime minister Alexis Tsipras, leader of the leftwing party Syriza. 

Mr Michaloliakos started his political career as the leader of a pro-junta youth group during Greece’s military dictatorship in the 1970s. After years on the fringes of Greek politics he led Golden Dawn into parliament at the height of the country’s economic crisis in 2012, winning almost 7 per cent of the vote in two successive elections that year.

He rapidly became the country’s most controversial politician because of Golden Dawn’s extremist rhetoric, fascist-style rallies and tolerance of violence by its members.

Yet the governing right-of-centre New Democracy party considered co-operation with Golden Dawn as it struggled to counter a surge in support for Syriza.

The New Democracy government arrested Golden Dawn’s leaders and party bosses in Athens immediately after Mr Fyssas was killed. Mr Michaloliakos spent 18 months in pre-trial detention before being allowed to resume his role in parliament — until the party lost all its seats at a general election last year.

Despite its neo-Nazi ideology, Golden Dawn has not been banned. An opinion poll published after the convictions were announced last week showed that 20 per cent of respondents believed there was a place in Greek politics for a “sober and serious” far-right party.

Nationalism: Understanding Our Struggle by Keith Woods

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 23 October 2020 13:37.

Nationalism: Understanding Our Struggle by Keith Woods

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

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