[Majorityrights News] KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 January 2025 00:35.
[Majorityrights News] Trump will ‘arm Ukraine to the teeth’ if Putin won’t negotiate ceasefire Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 12 November 2024 16:20.
[Majorityrights News] Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024 Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 16 February 2024 23:43.
“Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday accused arch-foe Israel of acting as a “mercenary” for the US, blaming it for the assassination of prominent nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.”
Jared Taylor and Paul Kersey marvel at how blacks will welcome Kamala Harris. They also discuss new posthumous honors for Trayvon Martin, good sense in Sweden, racial preferences for a Covid vaccine, the decolonization of art, and more mush from Ibram Kendi.
White Americans: If the recent Jake Gardner affair has taught us anything, it’s that our elite that now occupies most of the government and nearly all of the mainstream media has rigged the system against us. We simply cannot win when playing by the rules. Jake Gardner knew this, which is why he so tragically took himself out of the game.
For a quick recap, on September 16th, Gardner, a white Iraq War veteran and vocal Trump supporter, was protecting a bar he owned in Omaha, Nebraska from a Black Lives Matter mob. Rioters chucked a street sign through one of his windows, and then knocked his elderly father to the ground. After helping his father, Gardner lifted his shirt to reveal his gun to the rioters, and then backed towards his bar. This prompted two rioters to jump him from behind. Gardner fired two warning shots to get the rioters off of him, and was jumped again, this time by a black criminal named James Scurlock.
At 22, Scurlock already had a rap sheet a mile long, including home invasion, assault and battery, domestic violence — and, of course, he was in the middle of a crime spree that very night. Methamphetamine and cocaine were found in his urine.
Finding himself in a chokehold, about to pass out, Gardner did the only thing he could to save his life: he shot and killed the feral thug. I covered the coda to this depressing story in my previous article, “This is Why We Had Segregation:”
Initially, the DA ruled the killing self-defense. But after rioters threatened him at his home, he allowed a black special prosecutor named Frederick Franklin to investigate. Franklin filed charges against Gardner for manslaughter, first-degree assault, and making terrorist threats. Gardner committed suicide as a result.
Jake Gardner knew he couldn’t win. Or he knew he didn’t have it in him to take on city hall. Was he wrong? Note how prejudicial this prosecutor was when justifying his decision to bring charges against Gardner during a press conference shortly after Gardner’s death. After expressing his irrelevant admiration for football player Gayle Sayers, Franklin explained that Gardner’s equally irrelevant appreciation for President Trump and disdain for the BLM riots were factors in his indictment. He also equated Gardner’s lifting of his shirt to making terroristic threats, and Gardner’s sitting out the riot in his bar with the lights off with setting up an ambush.
In other words, this black special prosecutor completely abandoned Occam’s Razor and warped all understanding of proper human behavior in order to ludicrously paint Jake Gardner as a villain. He trashed all presumption of innocence and gave Gardner absolutely no benefit of any doubt. As I see it, Franklin believes Gardner wasn’t there to protect his business, he was there to hunt black people; Gardner wasn’t an honest man acting in self-defense, he was a bigot standing in the way of racial equality. Furthermore, Franklin downplayed the crimes of the rioters. To him, it seems, they weren’t mindless hooligans intent on destruction and mayhem, they were righteous protestors fighting for the dignity of African Americans. The crass racial favoritism here should obvious.
Many English people can’t understand why some Scots support the Scottish National Party and the EU at the same time. The fact is that nationalism comes in degrees from tribalism to imperialism. British nationalists embrace England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales but they reject European federalism.
John Tyndall refused to accept that the old dominions were entitled to their own nationalism; he thought they should embrace British nationalism. I have never been to Canada but I have lived and worked in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, and I can say with certainty that they each have their own identities and aspirations. JT imagined that the Afrikaners are British but they would not agree with him, like the Irish, they fought long and hard for their independence from the British Empire.
British imperialists believed in our divine right to rule over lesser races. This idea lasted until February 1942 when General Percival surrendered the British garrison at Singapore to General Yamashita. But attitudes often lag behind history and the British, myself included, were still celebrating imperialism long after the Union Jack had been lowered on yet another black dictatorship.
When Britain ruled half the world only the Irish fought for independence within the British Isles but now that the Empire has gone we are witnessing an upsurge of Scottish and Welsh nationalism. But it’s not at all clear what ‘independence’ means in a global economy.
Nationality is a state of mind. British passports can be bought in the street markets of Karachi, but the possession of such a document does not make one British. Europe is another state of mind, it’s not just the landmass between the Atlantic and the Urals, it’s the great civilisation that we are part of. Patriotism is all very well on the sports field, but petty nationalism always results in hostility.
The idea of Europe united as a collection of nation states is gaining popularity but without a unifying philosophy such a union is unlikely to succeed. The Kingdom of Yugoslavia was formed from the Slav nations of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but the new kingdom hardly got going when it was devastated by the Second World War. The invading Axis forces dismembered Yugoslavia before they were driven out by the Partisans under Marshal Tito. He died in 1980 and within a decade Yugoslavia had disintegrated. Tito was a Croat who lived in Serbia, and he was a communist who defied the Soviet Union. His authoritarian regime united the country but when he died ancient resentments emerged and the Balkans took a giant step backwards.
This movement was inspired by Guillaume Faye (pictured) the so-called “Mad Bastard” of the French New Right who died last year. He attempted to combine the virtues of the old and the new. Archeofuturism has been described as “the organic principle that heralds the marriage of antiquity with postmodernism.” Guillaume Faye predicted “a convergence of catastrophes.” His philosophy respected tradition whilst welcoming modernity. According to Faye, the inherent genius of the white race is not dead but merely dormant. He predicted that the 21st century will see a revival of European solidarity and a great reawakening of the European spirit. Let’s hope that he is right.
This website will be of no interest to insular nationalists but those of us who can see beyond the White Cliffs of Dover will welcome the Archeofuturist assurance that the future belongs to us. The Coronavirus pandemic will challenge liberal capitalism as nations try to keep millions of unemployed workers on the dole. Existing problems will get worse and underlying tensions will emerge. A complete revolution of the spirit could be just what we need.
The Lamp Posts of Baghdad
According to the Home Office, crime in the UK fell in 2006, but few people trust figures from a government that was involved in the Lord Levy ‘cash for peerages’ scandal and the Tessa Jowell affair. The perception is that crime increased under Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Dave Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson. The ‘Metro’ of Fri 1st Feb 2019 reported that the UK has dropped three places to 11th in the latest international league table of corruption. We are currently preoccupied with the Coronavirus pandemic but when we get back to normal corruption will still be with us.
Posted by DanielS on Monday, 28 September 2020 05:02.
Jared is still Jared - about as good as one kosher friendly can be, including while being friendly to the kosher marketing perspective, its altercast for White identity and controlled discourse parameters thereof*, but at least in these interviews he’s explicitly addressing Jewish hypocrisy some - in terms of their disallowing ethnonationalism for others (viz., Zionism vs European ethnonatioalism). However, like Ganucci, diaspora Jews can (with dubious judgment on his part**) still be considered part of his own national ingroup provided that they toe/advance the marketing line.
* Though he’s begun to use the word “corrective”... and that’s nice.
** Jared considers European Jews to be (Hu)White; i.e., basically belonging in the same genetic category as Europeans and belonging to the European advocacy group provided that they toe the marketing line. This is extremely naïve; and it goes against the biological/genetic distinction between peoples that he is otherwise at pains to emphasize.