Majorityrights News > Category: Promethianism

Belarus: Lukashenko seeks Russian intervention/Russian opposition leader Navalny apparently poisoned

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 27 August 2020 07:55.

Defense minister: Lukashenko looking to give Russia pretext to intervene - 26 Aug 2020

Minister of Defence Jüri Luik (Isamaa). Source: Siim Lõvi/ERR

Defense minister Jüri Luik (Isamaa) has condemned the actions of Belrusian president, Alexander Lukashenko, saying the newly re-elected leader has been creating a straw man enemy which might give neighboring Russia a pretext to intervene, as well as continuing repression against the Belarusian people in the aftermath of the election over two weeks ago.

‘By emphasizing the threat of NATO, Lukashenko is trying to shift the blame for the domestic crisis on a phantom enemy which doesn’t exist and to give Russia an excuse to intervene,” Luik said Wednesday, according to a ministry press release.

The defense minister was in Berlin, meeting with his German opposite number Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as part of a wider EU defense ministers’ get together, the first of its kind since the coronavirus pandemic began in spring.

“At the same time, Lukashenko has embarked on a series of new domestic repressions, which are now directed primarily against protest movement leaders,” Luik added.

Both ministers said of key importance is how to support the democratic will of the Belarusian people. Democratic values and their fostering in Belarus was at stake, not whether that country could one day become an EU member, Kramp-Karrenbauer added.

The pair also discussed the recent poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, which Luik called another sad example of Russia’s disregard for both human life and democratic freedoms.

Navalny, 44, is in a German hospital, having been taken there last Saturday, where he remains in an artificially-induced coma.

That Navalny was poisoned is beyond question, the German defense minister added, though it was currently not clear what toxin had been used or what Navalny’s long-term situation might be.

The ministers also discussed broader EU, NATO and bilateral security issues, and Luik thanked Germany for its contribution to Baltic Air policing duties ahead of its air force’s arrival at Ämari Air Base, where it will replace the French Air Force planes currently based there as part of the Baltic air policing rotational system.

A total of 13 EU defense minister were in Berlin Wednesday; other topics for discussion included the situation in the West African country of Mali – whose French-led peace-keeping efforts Estonia’s defense forces contribute to – and in the Mediterranean.

Before He Fell Ill, Navalny’s Every Move Was Tracked. What About The Poisoning? - RadioFreeEurope, 26 Aug 2020:

Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny (2nd right) poses for a picture with supporters in Tomsk on August 19.

MOSCOW—When Aleksei Navalny arrived in Novosibirsk earlier this month to meet with local opposition activists, security services in the Siberian city were already tracking his moves.

After he and three colleagues left on August 18 to drive 250 kilometers south to Tomsk, a group of plainclothes officers trailed him. In Tomsk itself, every detail of his two-day visit—including the location of his rented apartment and the names of people he met—was recorded.

“Law enforcement noted no suspicious contacts that could be linked to a poisoning,” read an article by the Moskovsky komsomolets tabloid that detailed the depth of this surveillance and cited anonymous officials in Russia’s security services.


The Battle of Warsaw Anniversary August 12–25, 1920. The Miracle You’ve Never Heard Of

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 14 August 2020 05:46.

Battle of Warsaw Anniversary August 12–25, 1920.  The Miracle You’ve Never Heard Of.

Battle of Warsaw 1920

Christian Zionist Pompeo & US State Dept back holocaust reparation claims against Poland and others.

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 30 July 2020 10:17.

US hits Poland, others in Europe over Holocaust claims

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo listens during a news conference at the State Department on July 28, 2020, in Washington. (Brendan Smialowski/Pool via AP)

Times of Israel, 30 July 2020:
State Department report calls out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Warsaw for failing to compensate Holocaust victims for property seized during Nazi occupation.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States is criticizing a number of eastern and central European nations, including Poland, for failing to compensate Holocaust victims and their families and communities for property seized during Nazi occupation in World War II as the numbers of survivors dwindles due to age.

In a report issued Wednesday, the State Department called out Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine and particularly Poland for not having acted on restitution claims. Croatia, Latvia and Russia were also taken to task in the report, which is likely to draw angry responses from the governments identified.

“Much time has passed, and the need for action is urgent,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a forward to the 200-page report that looks at the records of 46 countries in meeting commitments they made to restitution in 2009.

The report had been due for release in March but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic and concerns it could fuel anti-Semitism during the economic turn-down caused by the outbreak. Its release after a four-month delay comes as the Trump administration has been loathe to pick fights with conservative European governments it is seeking support from in other areas.

Holocaust survivors walk below the gate with its inscription ‘Work sets you free’ after a wreath laying at the death wall at the memorial site of the former Nazi death camp Auschwitz during ceremonies to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the camp’s liberation in Oswiecim, Poland, on January 27, 2020 (Janek Skarzynski/AFP)

“As we mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Holocaust, the legacy of the Nazis’ mass looting remains in too many places and largely unaddressed,” he said. “Given the advanced age of Holocaust survivors, many of whom live in poverty, the findings of this report serve as a reminder that countries must act with a greater sense of urgency to provide restitution or compensation for the property wrongfully seized from victims of the Holocaust and other victims of Nazi persecution.”


More elitism, secrecy & snobbery: Greg Johnson discusses Carl Schmitt & The Concept of The Political

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 18 July 2020 06:04.

Amon Göth’s daughter, a tragic figure.

Sometimes they cling to the right wing elements that allow for backdoor vulnerabilities through straightforward identification as rightist, at other times they don’t admit their right wing foolishness explicitly by saying “neither right nor left”, “national socialist” but lately there has been a gathering among the “dissident” right around the idea of “Third Positionism” ...which does allow for the admittance of Jewish influence by means of Christianity and where not directly, then by maneuvering of reactionary scientistic rigidity, like Uncle Adolf….serving reactionary elitism as such, it has young boys clambering for the leader in “truth, nature, god and foundation”, has the puerile girls getting all right-wing and wet as incitement of will to power in genetic competition will instigate the next round of genocide and leave a new breed of sociopaths on top for them to breed with, no matter whether they are Jewish, black or Mulatto, no matter if most and maybe nearly all of our European people get destroyed in the “inevitable, objective” process….

Greg Johnson discusses Carl Schmitt and The Concept of The Political...

The right wing being what it is, holding such rules as “no punching to the right”, is ripe for catastrophic exploitation in its non-corrective rigidity.

Among the reactionary positions that its proponents have been maneuvered into - duped - into taking, is that “sociology is Jewish.”  ...not that it is a neutral instrument that has been abused and weaponized against Whites by Jewish academics; no, right wingers take the position that sociology is Jewish and thus its unit of analysis - the group - is to be dismissed as so much skulduggery rather than what the group unit of analysis is - the most relevant to our cause.

You see, we European peoples, all of us, are being attacked as a group - a race is a group, and anti-racism is primarily aimed at the disorganization and destruction of the group that is European peoples along with our subgroups.

But the right wing position and its rational blindness to social accountability serves the elitism, secrecy and snobbery of some would-be leaders….

As their rationally blinded snobbery and elitism discriminates vertically instead of horizontally and fundamentally on the basis of qualitative niches, they also become naive, easily duped into entryism and maneuvering by our enemies.

Greg Johnson is only now saying what I have been saying explicitly for over a decade, that Jewry is organizing groups against us in anti-White coalitions, that we are under attack as a group and thus have to defend ourselves as a group.

Not that I am going to be given credit or even a hat-tip by these right-wingers for purveying that among an array of significant ideas that go into making it happen.. but as they are trying to spuriously bolt better grounded thoughts to their elitist positioning, let me point out that they are still clinging to their right wing, elitist positioning -

As I have observed before, Greg Johnson’s snobbery, that is, his vertical as opposed to horizontal discrimination leaves him with a bias that has him discriminating against some who are loyal and sincere while perhaps without pedigree, while favoring at times some who are clever, accredited but dubious in their will for our people (in the most relevant example, Greg banned me from Counter-Currents when I expressed suspicion in regard to Mark Dyal, whom Greg sought to curry favor with).

But here again, Greg’s elitism is served by Carl Schmitt’s concept of the political, though its “friend and enemy” distinction wound-up being drawn on catastrophic lines as it dovetailed with Schmitt’s dubious concept of “the exception” [exception to social accountability and regard for national boundaries] in his endorsement of the Nazi regime and the person of Hitler…and, well, what could go wrong?

Granddaughter, daughter and Amon Göth

West, Russia Face Off in Belarus Over Baltic–Black Sea Waterway Project

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 05 May 2020 05:18.

West, Russia Face Off in Belarus Over Baltic–Black Sea Waterway Project

The Jamestown Foundation for Global Research and Analysis

Publication: Eurasia Daily Monitor Volume: 17 Issue: 58. April 28, 2020, By Paul Goble

Plans for a new Baltic–Black Sea waterway, passing through Ukraine, Belarus and Poland, have the potential to revolutionize the geopolitics of Europe’s East as well as exacerbate East-West tensions (see EDM, February 18). The European Union has labeled the project “E40,” and the United States has signaled its support. And were the E40 waterway to be incorporated within the broader regional framework of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), the transit project would not only help the economies of all three participating countries and their neighbors but also promote trilateral cooperation on other issues, including security, and make each one of them more attractive partners for the West. This development would thus transform the frequently dismissed “countries in between” Russia and Western Europe—the geopolitical equivalent of “flyover states”—into a unified, collective player in its own right. Not surprisingly, such prospects are gaining support in the US and part of the EU but generating ever more opposition in Moscow. Russia rightfully views E40 as a threat to its influence in the region and even, according to some analysts, as an existential threat to Russia itself. Nonetheless, Moscow faces increasing difficulty in blocking the project by using the means it has employed in the past (, Sept 14, 2019; Deutsche Welle—Russian service, Sept 14, 2019).

For a century, Moscow has been leery of any efforts to promote East European unity, viewing them as an attempt to erect a cordon sanitaire against it and as a Polish plot against Russia. Indeed, Poland took the lead in such projects in the 1920s and 1930s with its Promethean League and regional confederal arrangements (Marek Chodakiewicz, Intermarium: The Land Between the Black and Baltic Seas, 2012). After World War II, however, the idea faded due to Soviet occupation and the division of Europe, which prompted all involved to think only in East-West terms rather than in the potential for North-South cooperation. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the notion again became realistic but gained relatively little traction at first because Central and Eastern Europeans saw their salvation in joining the West. In addition, many Westerners drew a new line between the former Eastern Bloc countries (including the three Baltic States and the former Yugoslavia) and the new republics that emerged from the disintegration of the Soviet Empire. Few in the West gave much consideration to the notion of there existing a larger region straddling both sides of this new dividing line.


Visigrad Countries Pledge to Help Greece

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 09 March 2020 19:51.



Visigrad Countries Pledge to Help Greece

Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia pledge to help Greece deal with border crisis

By VOICE OF EUROPE 4 March 2020:

KASTANIES, Greece (AP) — Greek authorities fired tear gas and stun grenades Wednesday morning to repulse a push by migrants to cross its land border from Turkey, as pressure continued along its frontier after Turkey said its own border with Europe was open to whoever wanted to cross.

Meanwhile, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia pledged to help Greece to deal with pressure along its border.

Speaking after meeting his counterparts from the other three countries, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said the situation was serious and the EU must protect its borders.

“We’re ready to help,” Babis said.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said his country was ready to deploy guards at the Greek-Turkish border, while his Slovak counterpart Peter Pellegrini said the growing number of migrants “poses a security threat not just for Greece.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that there are some 130,000 migrants on the move that the EU has to stop on its borders, and that “Hungary will take an active role in doing so.”

The four countries have been known for their tough stance against migrants and rejected an EU plan to redistribute refugees in member states.

Meanwhile, European Council head Charles Michel was meeting with Erdogan in Ankara Wednesday, while EU Vice President Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic were holding talks with Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Erdogan, Borell said that the EU delegation asked Turkey “not to encourage the further movement of refugees and migrants toward the EU borders.”

“We had the opportunity to express our understanding of the difficult situation Turkey is currently facing but also stressed that the current developments at the European borders is not leading to any solution,” he said.

Borell also told reporters that Turkish officials’ response was that Turkey was not encouraging people to move but that “they cannot prevent people from doing so.”

Greek authorities said there were about 15,000 people along the Greek-Turkish land border on Wednesday. They said that between Saturday morning and Wednesday morning, they had blocked 27,832 attempts to cross the border, and had arrested a total of 220 people who managed to cross.

Ankara has come under harsh criticism from some European countries.

“The people are being used by President Erdogan as a political football, as weapons and as instruments of pressure on the European Union,” Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Tuesday.

Fraser reported from Ankara, Turkey. Elena Becatoros in Athens and Karel Janicek in Prague contributed to this report.

© 2020 AP

Poland offers Greece support in tackling migration crisis 4 Mar 2020:

On behalf of the Polish authorities, the Interior Affairs Minister Mariusz Kamiński has declared readiness to send 100 border guard soldiers and 100 police officers to support Greece in dealing with the migration crisis that has recently emerged at the country’s frontier with Turkey.

On Wednesday, EU member states’ interior affairs ministers met in Brussels at an extraordinary assembly in the wake of thousands of migrants and refugees from the Middle East gathering at the gate to Europe.

“We hope that the situation will settle down, but we have to take into account all the scenarios, which is why we are able to lend the Greeks a hand very quickly,” Minister Kamiński said.

The Commander of the Polish Border Guard, in consultation with the Minister of the Interior has already forwarded information on this matter to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex). Greek authorities had previously requested the institution launch a rapid intervention as regards the migrants issue. Such interventions are intended to provide immediate assistance to an EU country whose border is under extreme pressure due to a large number of developing countries’ nationals attempting to enter its territory illegally.

As it stands, Frontex does not have its own regular corps, hence it must be based on border guards from EU states. After agreeing on a rapid intervention operational plan with Greece, Frontex will ask other EU and Schengen-associated countries to provide border guards and other personnel from the rapid response reserves immediately.

Mr Kamiński stated that Poland’s participation in any plan to relocate refugees would be out of the question if such a proposal were put forward.

“Refugee relocation is not an option, I stressed it clearly. What matters first and foremost is the real protection of the Greek-Turkish border, which we treat as the external EU border. On that matter, Poland presents concrete, real proposals that can mitigate the situation on the EU border,” the minister said.

On Wednesday morning, Greek services reported that from Saturday to Wednesday, they had stopped nearly 28,000 people attempting to cross the border illegally from Turkey and arrested 220 who had succeeded.

Is France Having A Revolutionary Moment?

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 05 January 2020 06:00.

Is France Having A Revolutionary Moment? ft. Richard Wolff (TMBS 120)

The concept of unionization needs to be wrested from Jewish/Marxist control/association (Wolff is not necessary to articulation of the concept).

Belarusian Nationalists Protest Absorption into Russian Imperialism

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 21 December 2019 08:15.

Some background:

“Stabbing the Empire”: Last Days of Soviet Union



Now for the update:

Franak Viačorka@franakviacorka

Belarus pro-democracy activists are protesting today against the “integration” with Russia.

Related at Majorityrights:

Part 8, concluding introduction to an ongoing series to critique and separate WN from Hitler/Nazism


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