Part 8, concluding introduction to an ongoing series to critique and separate WN from Hitler/Nazism This part, 8, will conclude the introduction to a series which will be open ended and ongoing as necessary to address issues as they emerge relevant to the purpose of separating ethnonationalism from Nazism and Hitler redemption. We’ve begun with Poland for obvious reasons, since that’s where World War II started. But we will defend all ethnonationalism against imperialism, with particular focus on the necessity to defend against Nazi association. We will address various aspects and any perspective that emerges relevant to removing this albatross from our necks. ![]() Of acute relevance is the fact that all nations between Germany and Russia were against The Soviets. The Poles defeated the Soviets at Warsaw in 1920 when the Soviets were otherwise on their way to Berlin. Stab in the back? how about having your capital, Warsaw, leveled, hundreds of thousands of civilians murdered in thanks by the Nazis. But all of these nations between Russia, including Ukraine, like Poland, had awareness of the J.Q. while being nationalistic and anti-Soviet; there’s been almost no awareness of Belarus, its entirely distinct ethno-nationalism and consciousness - wise to the J.Q., with a long, bitter history of fighting the Russians for independence, a fight on religious levels too, translating to an extreme ethnonationalist willingness to fight the Soviets. These facts were ignored by Hitler because he wanted lebensraum and the fertile lands of Ukraine. Thus, he set out propaganda, no matter how absurd, to depict his imperialist eastward aggression as necessary despite the fact that these nations hated the Soviets. Hitler didn’t have to engage this war. As Professor MacMillan observed, he wanted it. It cost over 50 million European lives, for his quest of imperialist expansion on top of what were already imperialistically expanded lands of Frederick the Great. ![]() His supremacist, imperial war, left Europe prostrate, vulnerable to all that beleaguers us now, jeopardizing the very survival of European people, even in our homelands. In the context of the lives lost, exploited, land appropriated by the Nazis and forebears, for the fact that it was Stalin who reset the borders and moved the populations back west…the sympathy sought for Germans moved to re-establshed borders after the war by the millions is eclipsed. I feel sorry for those killed in transit. But of expulsion, my Polish cousins were moved west too (from what is now Belarus to what was then Schneidemuhl) and I do not play the violin. In fact, the borders of Poland now very much assimilate the lands occupied by Polish tribes prior to some losses in its west, including Breslau/Wroclaw, due to the Mongol invasions in the 1200s. ![]() I like L’viv, a city that the Poles built, better than Wroclaw. But as it keeps the peace for it to be a part of Ukraine now, so be it. I’m very glad that the ancient Polish city of Zamosc, next big city to its west, didn’t become Himmlerstadt as proposed, eastern capital of the Third Reich. If Nazi Germany didn’t plan on expanding eastward, why whisk out plans like that? As if this wasn’t a necessary war of defense for ethnonational patriots of these nations adjacent to Nazi Germany. ![]() Consider 110,000 Poles expelled from this region and moved into forced labor camps, over 5,000 Polish children kidnapped for Germanification. While 60,000 Germans were moved into the region for their lebensraum generalplan Ost… Then take into account the start of the war, surprise attack on Danzig, the panic of the retreating Polish army, as it was sniped passing through Bromberg three days later. Acting on long standing intelligence, much gathered through its decription of the enimga cypehr (in fact, the chief cracker, Rejewski, was from Bromberg), ![]() seeing that there was fifth column of Nazi activity going on there; they took out and shot any Germans who had guns in their houses (my depiction in the audio/video of the Polish response in the so-called “Bloody Sunday” doesn’t capture some of the imminence of the situation begun in fire fight against Nazi partisans; and the image I show of people being executed was not of exemplary Poles: the Polish mayor and teachers were among those executed in retaliation); but, as we said, the Nazis more than made up for it, killing exponentially the number of Poles (a policy of retaliation that they’d repeat in other nations); then we can talk about Wielun, where the Nazi aerial bombing started off (Bombing of Wielun on September 1, 1939, three days before the Bromberg incident)... the utter destruction of Warsaw, all the civilians killed there .. ![]() But Pat Buchanan wants you to believe that the Poles were imperialists, full of hubris, exemplified by their taking a small strategic train pass. David Duke wants you to believe Hitler was a man of peace with bonafide offers as such. We’ve yet to discuss the millions of Russian, Belarusians, Ukrainians, French, Czechs, English and on who were killed (supposedly because of Versailles). Where does the absurdity end? Well, it’s beginning is with imperial supremacism, and its end is with a coordinated ecology of ethnonationalism. Now we’re dealing with generations of suppressed American reactionaries for whom William Pierce is often the common denominator for his misleading depiction of Hitler, misleading otherwise intelligent, would-be nationalists. End of text to audio ....... World War II was an unnecessary war? True, and Hitler shouldn’t have started it. While the British position was awkward, with their article of faith, seeking a balance of power on the continent, it coincided with a moral position regarding smaller ethnostates. It didn’t work out strategically for them, but morally, their position in opposition to Hitler was correct; while Hitler turned out wrong on both counts, strategically and morally. From here on, Per and I will address particular aspects of the war as they emerge relevant, and we’ll address individuals who insist on defending Hitler and Nazism across the board, or at least more than we think they should.. ...we’ll also talk to people who are more in agreement with us, or who are coming around. Comments:2
Posted by Lana's What?? on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 12:24 | # ...more from the William Pierce school of Cosmo-History… Lana Lokteff critiques anti-White prejudice in TV programming aimed to pander to Mexicans, La Raza, its self-interested and exploitative racial politics, aimed at re-conquista in North America. Fine. Then she adds this bit at the end (1:14:27):
One may begin by asking why this strange bit of pseudo World War II history was spuriously added to cap-off a discussion of Mexican incursion into The US… But addressing the claim of itself -
??? It’s hard to decipher what this bizarre construction even means or to place it historically - at broadest, she might be talking about the period following the first partition of Poland in the 1790’s, when imperial Russia took a third (and that some of that “should be a part of Germany?”)...or is she talking about the narrow window of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, in which case its hard to tell what “rightful” German territory that the Soviets were claiming in Poland, even then?... Ah, maybe she believes that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania should be German? But they’re not in Poland. I thought for a moment she might be saying that Molotov had gained the old Prussian area of Konigsberg (now Kalingrad) and areas just to its south in Poland, but I see that the Ribbentrop had even secured that for Germany (that’s where Hitler spent most of the war in his “Wolf’s Lair”)... I’m trying to consider how a Russian woman could be susceptible to Nazi propaganda (the Nazis did rather kill millions of Russians - think of Petersberg alone). My first hypothesis is not flattering. Generally speaking, women (I prefer to call them females in this case, reserving woman as an honorary title for people who become socialized largely through the empathy that child rearing inspires), young females, have all the suitors that they need and therefore it can be convenient to fall in line with right wing politics - the queen bee does not want to be bothered with these excess worker bees, ‘let’s kill off the dead wood’ as Tara McCarthy once said, ‘through nature’s school - war - or hard knocks, or be encouraged “by the fact that these ‘lefty-guys’ won’t be having any children.” ..vulgar natural fallacy can suit the convenience of females who don’t care to penetrate social issues very deeply. I believe part of Hitler’s popularity came from pandering to this brutal element in puerile, un-socialized female psyche. 4
Posted by "Bloody Sunday" propaganda on Sat, 15 Dec 2018 08:30 | # 5
Posted by Millennial Blows on Sat, 15 Dec 2018 14:19 | # The position of Belarus raised in this audio, like thousands of points made by DanielS over these past six years, should be a subject matter trumpeted and camped out in - and would be with an audience not directed to the coloring-book and crayons provided by marketers of “You are White - You don’t hate yourself = You are Right Wing.” Brought to you by The YKW and its current, practical interests (serving you since 2008, when we really consolidated our wealth). Here is your coloring book, goyim: “The Left is the enemy” Image one color over: By Default of Ordinary Language, the Left represents a working hypothesis of a full social group (could be an ethnonation) and the exclusionary union (could imply borders) thereof; thus providing for accountability to and of marginals, rank and file and those in elite positions. The social group thus, as a working hypothesis, provides the calibration, while members and objective factual verification provides feedback to maintain group homeostasis against liberalism and outgroup antagonism. But no, we can’t have that because it would call attention to YKW hegemonic niche positions and White right wing/liberal sell outs.. and facilitate the organization, “unionization”, of gentile groups against them. So we’ll call the working hypothesis “post modern nonsense” and color it over with stereotypes of “the left” as an anthropomorphized mindset that refuses to deal with the objective reality that we, the YKW and right wing sell outs, simply deserve to be able to destroy and sell-out your people because we have a high i.q., etc. We’ll give these crayons to the likes of Millennial Woes, see, “Woes,” how childish “The Left” are? Look at these ridiculous distorted pictures we’ve provided for you to color - It is not that objective facts provide feedback to be gauged against the working hypothesis of the group and its relative interests - no! the group itself must be governed by detached objectivity. Never mind that that is obvious nonsense, we’ll call anyone who disagrees with that “nonsensical” and “pursuing delusion.” Hermeneutics, Social Constructionism, Post Modernity, “The” Left, why, look at that nonsense! Sociology - a group concept? ha! just the facts mam, we’ll have no working hypothesis, because that might prove highly practical and provide for easy verification and social maintenance through a complementary niche system, typically incommensurate in its roles and relations, allowing people to feel good about themselves, comfortable participating knowing it’s in their interests and not a matter of false comparison - No! Next Crayon, “say they all want equality” and its a sham! Next crayon, say that they are all delusional social justice warriors because they don’t want to be ruled by the YKW from the shining hill…. Next Crayon: Deride “post modernity” as so much “da da” nonsense, because the goyim might find that it provides a key to defending themselves against modernity’s runaway pursuit of experiment (not exercising judgment to know when to willingly suspend disbelief), pursuit of universal objective truth at the hazard of relative group interests, running rough shod over inherent forms and ways, qualitative differences between peoples.. and on the other hand, as it would liberate them from the chains of unhelpful traditions ..allowing them to deliberately take the best of modernity and tradition/inherited ways… Next Crayon: Deride hermeneutics as word-smithering gibberish, because it would allow for historical perspective, to rise above the arbitrary of mere facticity into personal and group coherence, accountability, agency and warrant. Next Crayon: deride social constructionism since there people find agency, group connection and consciousness to defend against YKW. Next Crayon: deride pragmatism -i.e., accountability to the admission of fallibility and thus correctabity - including correctability of a social system being destroyed, as Whites are. No! We must be about objective truth, facts, we must join our good Jewish friends on the right, yes, against equality (never mind that pursuing equality was never something that occurred to you) against social justice! Next Crayon: The only truth is in the bible! Yeah, that’s it, bind the goyim minds with self sacrificing, self destructive, group disinterested (except for the YKW and its) fables… Not that one for you? Next Crayon: I.Q. tests as a quantitative measure to stand in for the qualitative and often incommensurate differences and niches of racial groups and human bio-diveristy Yeah, that’s it. Not covering enough of the picture? Next Crayon - give this one to Big Cat Kayla and Mark Collett to color in “The Greatest Story Never Told.” —yeah, that’s it… they can all learn how Poles killed 58,000 Germans in Danzig, even though that never happened - but if Goebbels said it, must be true… We’ll kill two birds with one stone - we’ll instigate western White animus toward those White nations that are still doing well to cling to their Whiteness and perhaps kill off some of our traitorous YKW who’ve out-married and prefer to mix-in with the goyim. The Alternative Right, our catch-all for right wing reactionaries steered, united and corralled at Charlottesville, was just phase one of our amalgam with the White right, culling them down… Now Next Crayon: Lets re-brand ourselves: “The Dissident Right” - yeah, that sounds cool doesn’t it? Last Crayon: Anything but the White ethnonational Left! 6
Posted by Who was this Civil War Veteran? on Mon, 17 Dec 2018 18:12 | # He’s not a Civil War Veteran. He’s Bronislaw Pilsudski, Joseph Pilsudksi’s brother. 8
Posted by The Bojówki on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 07:54 | # Hitler’s idol, Frederick The Great, certainly was a homosexual, up the butt, virtuoso on the skin flute. Pilsudski, however, was not - on the contrary, he was a rough dude. Arch enemy of the evil Bolshevik, Felix Dzierzinski; marshal of the victory over the Soviets at Warsaw; The WielkaPolska Uprising; the world would have been better off if the French had taken him up on his proposal to take out Hitler early. His Bojowki paramilitaries were a really cool project. I’m particularly fond of their Bezdany raid.. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bezdany raid was a train robbery carried out on the night of 26/27 September 1908[note 1] in the vicinity of Bezdany near Vilna (now Bezdonys near Vilnius) on a Russian Empire passenger and mail train by a group of Polish revolutionaries, led by future Polish national hero and authoritarian leader, Józef Piłsudski.
1 Background Background Piłsudski expected that only a conflict between the powers who partitioned Poland in the late 18th century could restore Poland as a country; he also viewed the Russian Empire as the worst of Poland’s occupiers. Therefore, he decided to temporarily support the Central Powers (the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires).[1] In 1906 Piłsudski, with the knowledge and support of the Austrian authorities, founded a military school in Kraków for the training of Bojówki (Combat Teams),[2] a military arm of the Polish Socialist Party (or, specifically, its Revolutionary Fraction). In 1906 alone, the 750-strong Bojówki, operating in five-man units in the former Congress Poland, killed or wounded some 1,000 Russian officials.[2] Bojówki were certainly not above robbing Russian authorities to obtain funds for their operations, and by 1908 Piłsudski and his organization were desperately short on cash.[3] Piłsudski expressed his thoughts about this violent action in a last will[4] or obituary that he wrote to a friend before the raid:[3]
The robbery In September 1908, the Bojówki assaulted a Russian mail train near Vilna (Vilnius). The train was carrying tax revenues from Warsaw to St. Petersburg.[2] Piłsudski personally led the raid; it was the only one he personally took part in, the rule of the bojowka being that each member must take part in at least one armed attack.[4] The group that took part in the robbery numbered 20 people — 16 men and 4 women[5] Among the members of the Bojówki who took part in that action was his lover and future wife, Aleksandra,[5][6] and three future Polish Prime Ministers: Tomasz Arciszewski,[7] Aleksander Prystor[5] and Walery Sławek,[5] and other notable politicians and activists of the Second Polish Republic era, like PSP activists Edward Gibalski[7] (or Franciszek), Jerzy Sawicki, and W. Momentowicz.[7] The Bojówki group had known about the train for weeks and took that time to familiarize themselves with the area.[5] On 26 September, six of them were on the train as passengers,[5] the rest assembled at the little train station at Bezdany, in the presence of several guards unaware of their intent.[7] When the train stopped at the station, the revolutionaries sprang into action, dividing into two groups: one assaulted the train, the other took control of the train station offices, cutting the telephone and telegraph wires. The Poles had several bombs; at least two were thrown into the carriage with the escort by Gibalski and Balaga. One Russian soldier was killed and five were wounded[5] in the short firefight[5] before the rest surrendered. Piłsudski with others prepared the final dynamite charge which opened the mail car and destroyed the iron boxes within.[5] After the Poles took control of the station and the train, they put the money in bags and escaped. Piłsudski went with the group that carried the heaviest bags and escaped through the nearby river.[5] Aftermath The loot from that raid was about 200,000 Russian rubles (under the gold standard, equivalent to approximately 5,000 ounces of gold, worth $100,000 in 1908 or 8 million dollars at the price of gold in 2012), a fortune in contemporary Eastern Europe.[note 2] The money was supposed to cover the costs of building a tram system in Vilnius.[8] Piłsudski used those funds to aid his secret military organization. The raid become known in Eastern Europe as one of the most daring and successful train robberies.[3][7] 10
Posted by Jimmy Marr hospitalized by antifa on Thu, 20 Dec 2018 20:25 | #
Posted by Jimmy Marr remains hospitalized on Sat, 22 Dec 2018 08:35 | #
I can’t open this site from where I am, but if anybody can, it contains the most recent update on Jimmy Marr. 12
Posted by Steve Sailer and Pilsudski on Sun, 23 Dec 2018 04:47 | #
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Posted by Greggy Johnson on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 06:00 | #
Greg Johnson has more recently come around to denounce Hitler and his imperialism while hawking his White Nationalist Manifesto (2018); and he was starting to come around before that in his New Right vs Old Right (2013), contrasting genocidal imperial supremacism as part of “the old right way.”
But as recently as 2015, Greg Johnson, having come through the William Pierce school of the White stuff, made this comment at Majorityrights, under the Lindtner interview thread: referring to Hitler as “the greatest statesman of the 20th century.”
I mean, that is jaw-dropping stupidity: hard to have it more backwards than that. A statesman (let alone the greatest one) would never initiate the kind of war that Hitler did over the grievances he claimed (an imperial supremacist would). A great statesman would have found a way to negotiate and resolve international disputes, including those claims regarding Versailles, with a much more allied and defensive war, if not peacefully.
Greg Johnson, like the rest of the Nazophilic Right, Regnery Circus/Alt Right, has been playing opposite day with me, (((what their marketing firm))) calls “counter-signalling” me from the onset of my participation at VoR. I observed that the hippies were a manifestation of the White male need to Be (Being/Dasein - later adding Midtdasein via Michael O’Meara), Johnson then turns around and tries to couple the 60s bohemian counter culture mindset, its protest against imperialist warring, with Hitler, shown in love beads to illustrate his “West Coast White Nationalism”, written in tandem with Robert Stark (mischling destined for (((The Stark Truth Platform))).
While I talked about pervasive ecology as a universalizable underpinning to the coordination of ethnonatioalism, Johnson’s articles on “deep ecology” propose to give a lions share of the credit for ecological thinking to the Nazis, even quite recently posting this image of a swastika formed of yellowed trees, along with an article about “eco-fascism.”
This egregious association with human, and what I have coined in term “pervasive ecology”, is uncalled for.
- DanielS