Majorityrights News > Category: ISIL

Beijing blocks the HK exodus.  Hopefully.

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 29 January 2021 16:49.

China will no longer recognise the British National Overseas passport.  So it’s 2.9 million citizens in Hong Kong citizens, all of them invited to come and settle in Britain from this Sunday but “only” 300,000 anticipated to do so, won’t be able to board a flight (or will be deterred from boarding a flight):

China was branded ‘weak, bullying and petulant’ today as it refused to allow Hong Kong citizens to leave using British passports amid a furious row over UK plans to grant residency to thousands of people.

The communist regime’s foreign ministry today said it would not recognise the British National Overseas passport as a valid travel document.

The sabre-rattling came ahead of a plan to start offering UK residency visas to Hong Kongers from this weekend.

Downing Street today refused to be cowed by the outcry from Beijing and underscored the commitment it made to Hong Kong nationals.

Around 300,000 people are expected to leave Hong Kong for Britain under the new scheme, unveiled by Boris Johnson in the wake of China’s national security law.

But a statement by foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian plunged the visa system into uncertainty just hours after it was announced to be launching on Sunday.

Of course, stopping the exodus is exactly what Brits want.  Neoliberal Tories will be outraged.  Paeans to the industriousness and enterprise of Hong Kongers have been appearing all over the right-wing press for months.  Daniel Hannon even wanted to give them the Isle of Wight.

Women in Germany feel unsafe in large cities, study shows

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 13 August 2020 05:04.

Related - Teenage girl stabbed to death in broad daylight in west German park. The scene of the murder in Viersen. Photo: DPA

Women in Germany feel largely unable to move about large cities without risk of verbal or physical harassment, a new study suggests. Every fourth woman reports experiencing sexual harassment in her city.

Almost no women feel safe when traveling about the large German cities of Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Munich, according to a study by the German branch of Plan International, a children’s rights organization.

For the study, dubbed “Safe in the City,” almost 1,000 women aged 16-71 were requested to place markers on an interactive map in city locations that they have experienced as safe or unsafe. Eighty percent of altogether 1,267 marked locations were classified as unsafe, for reasons including verbal harassment when jogging in the park, badly lit streets, stalking or unwanted touching of a sexual nature.

Read more: The sexual harassment video that shook Germany

“Our survey shows that girls and women do not really feel safe or able to move freely in their city. On average, each of the respondents marked one unsafe location in her surrounding area,” said Maike Röttger, the director of Plan International in Germany.

“Every fourth woman has experienced sexual harassment and every fifth woman has been followed, insulted or threatened,” Röttger said, adding that the study findings were concerning.

Nighttime fears

The most frequent reasons given for feeling threatened were encounters with people under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, badly lit paths and parks and lonely areas where no help would be available in the case of an emergency.

Röttger called for action, saying that every girl and woman had a right to move about in her city freely and without fear. She said they should be included in planning and structuring their urban surroundings to make them safer.

Read more: Merkel says Cologne NYE assaults will have far-reaching consequences

But Röttger also called for a change in thinking about gender roles, saying many boys and men still thought it was all right to harass women. “Underlying stereotypes and discrimination are the reason why girls and women cannot feel safe,” she said.

According to the study, women felt most in danger after dark, with 806 of the 1,014 negative markers indicating evenings or nights and only 208 applying to the daytime.

A 2018 study carried out by Plan International in New Delhi, Sydney, Lima and Madrid made similar findings, with most girls and women saying they feel unsafe in those cities.

Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of Minority Figures

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 07 July 2020 16:08.

Here’s a slap in the face for the anniversary of 7/7

Furthering the replacement of Native British and their culture….

Khan’s Red Guard: London Mayor Vows to Replace Monuments with Statues of LGBTQ+ and Minority Figures

Breitbart 6 June 2020

Harkening back to the times of the Cultural Revolution in Maoist China, Sadiq Khan has announced a review of all landmarks in the British capital to determine whether they conform with the city’s values and ‘diversity’, suggesting that the supposedly racist monuments be replaced with tributes to LGBTQ+ and racial minority figures.

As monuments in British cities have been vandalised by Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists in the wake of the death of U.S. citizen George Floyd, the London mayor said that the city he represents is “one of the most diverse” in the world and therefore has tasked the Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm to review the status all landmarks, including statues, memorials, street art, street names, and public murals.

“Our capital’s diversity is our greatest strength, yet our statues, road names and public spaces reflect a bygone era. It is an uncomfortable truth that our nation and city owes a large part of its wealth to its role in the slave trade, and while this is reflected in our public realm, the contribution of many of our communities to life in our capital has been wilfully ignored,” Khan said.

His announcement came after Black Lives Matter radicals tore down a statue of parliamentarian and philanthropist Edward Colston in Bristol over wealth he gained from the slave trade. Over the weekend, activists also defaced the statues of Abraham Lincoln and Sir Winston Churchill in London. Protesters were also witnessed attempting to burn the British flag on the Cenotaph, the nation’s war memorial.

A Black Lives Matter protester who vandalised the statue of Sir Winston Churchill said: “I tagged up Churchill as a racist on the statue of Churchill because he is a confirmed racist. He didn’t fight the Nazis for the Commonwealth or for anything else, or for any personal freedoms.”

“He fought the Nazis sheerly to protect the Commonwealth… against invasion by foreign forces. He didn’t do it for black people, or people of colour, or people of anything. He did it sheerly for colonialism,” the radical added, according to The Mirror.

The London mayor said: “The Black Lives Matter protests have rightly brought this to the public’s attention, but it’s important that we take the right steps to work together to bring change and ensure that we can all be proud of our public landscape.”

In an interview on Sky News, Khan added: “What the commission will do is look at diversity in the public realm in relation to… for the lack of black people on statues or the street’s names after, our LGBTQ+ community, women, those who are disabled, and try to have a city that better reflects London and the values we have.”

Kay Burley@KayBurley

Should we rename streets and take down statues memorialising people with troubled histories?

London Mayor @SadiqKhan thinks it’s worth considering and has launched a review into how London could better reflect its people and the value they have.

#KayBurley #BlackLivesMatter

The mayor’s office is also reportedly considering renaming the Tate art museums and Guy’s Hospital in London, whose founders had ties to the slave trade. Khan noted, however, that the commission will consider whether such a move would serve to “cleanse the reputation” of such institutions.

Following the destruction of the Edward Colston statue in Bristol, the leader of the Brexit Party Nigel Farage likened the leftist agenda of the Black Lives Matter movement in the UK to the Taliban in Afganistan. After the takeover of Afganistan by the Taliban in 1996, the group imposed strict Islamic codes and cultures across the country, while destroying vestiges of the country’s pre-Islamic past.

“A new form of the Taliban was born in the UK today. Unless we get moral leadership quickly, our cities won’t be worth living in,” Farage said on Sunday.

Others have compared the destruction of statues in Britain to the Cultural Revolution in Mao Zedong’s China, in which a youth paramilitary group mobilised by the communist leader swept over the country destroying historical monuments.

The group known as the Red Guards undertook the destruction of what was termed the “Four Olds” (old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas), burning books and art, ransacking museums and temples, and renaming streets with the names of communist revolutionary figures.

Comparing the Black Lives Matter movement in America to the Cultural Revolution in China, Breitbart News’s Joel Pollak noted that: “The most striking similarity between the two movements is the ritual humiliation of individuals seen to represent ‘the system’. Mobs of demonstrators have marched up to police and demanded that they kneel with them, or to them. Some officers, in a bid to defuse tensions, have obliged.”

“Today, we are watching similarly cultish scenes of white citizens singling themselves out by race and confessing their sins of ‘privilege’, taking oaths of allegiance, on their knees, to the new movement,” Pollack added.

Joel B. Pollak@joelpollak

Pollak: #BlackLivesMatter Has Become America‘s Own ‘Cultural Revolution‘ via @BreitbartNews

Related story at Majorityrights (should be related, anyway):

The real results of 7/7: Assimilationism and Islam as “the Religion of Peace”

Leaders have paid tribute to the 52 people who died in the July 7 bombings on the 15th anniversary of the terror attack.

A series of explosions ripped through London in co-ordinated terrorist strikes in 2005.

The attacks targeted three London Underground trains and a double-decker bus. The bombers and 52 others were killed, and more than 700 people were injured.

Metro 7 July 2020

‘For the victims, and for you, their loved ones, the horror of that day was total. 52 people were cruelly robbed of their lives, nearly 800 people were injured, families were torn apart, and the most unimaginable pain and grief was visited upon so many of you.’ - Prince Charles

Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say “I Told You So”

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 06:50.

Jean Raspail Dies At 94: Lived Long Enough To Say “I Told You So”

James Fulford, 06/13/2020

Jean Raspail,  author of The Camp Of The Saints, a 1973 novel about mass migration destroying France and the West, has died at age 94. So far it seems to have only been reported in the French media, with headlines like Mort de Jean Raspail, écrivain et explorateur, auteur du «Camp des Saints», by Michaël Naulin, Le Figaro, July 13, 2020.

At the moment, when search Google News for “Raspail”, you get French death notices, and New York Times story, illustrated with a picture of presidential aide Stephen Miller, titled A Racist Book’s Malign and Lingering Influence, by Elian Peltier and Nicholas Kulish, NYT, November 22, 2019.

Miller and GOP Congressman Steve King are alleged to have read Raspail’s book, and to have pointed out—correctly—that it was prophetic, and that’s a bad thing, according to the NYT, which is in the business of deciding what’s not fit to print, and suppressing it. (Their story is in the “news”, rather than Opinion section of the paper.)

We have been covering Raspail and his prophesies since we began here at

See Truth Follows Fiction: Camp Of The Saints begins in France, by Paul Craig Roberts, February 20, 2001.

See also:

“BIG OTHER”—In New Foreword To CAMP OF THE SAINTS, Jean Raspail Names Those Wringing France’s Neck, by Martin Witkerk, March 19, 2019

The Camp Of The Saints Is About To Go Prime-Time: “African Exodus Of Biblical Proportions Impossible To Stop”, by Paul Nachman, December 4, 2017

THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS: This Century’s ‘1984’, by Chris Roberts, September 12, 2017

90-year-old Jean Raspail Says: I Told You So, by Steve Sailer, September 30, 2015

NYT: “Camp of Saints” and “Submission” Are Recipes, Not Cookbooks, by Steve Sailer, June 30, 2015

The Relevance Of Raspail—Visionary French Novelist Saw It Coming, Published Just Before Censorship Crackdown, by Martin Witkerk, May 19, 2015

Camp of the Saints Author Jean Raspail Fears for the Future of European Civilization, by Brenda Walker, May 27, 2013

Powell, Raspail: Prophets Without Honor?, by Patrick J. Buchanan, August 22, 2006

I’ll add that has a large number of copies of the physical book, The Camp of The Saints, in English translation.

It’s not up on our book page at the moment, but we used it in a promotion for an earlier appeal for funds—see The Book They Don’t Want You To Read—Now Available On

Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)  if you want to buy one—they may be the last physical copies on the North American Continent.

To quote another controversial Frenchman:

“When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.”

Hilaire Belloc, 1923


Turkey Attacks Iraqi Home of the Yazidis, site of ISIS 2014 Genocide.

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 05:19.

Turkey Attacks Iraqi Home of the Yazidis, site of ISIS 2014 Genocide.
  Turkey Bombs Sinjar: Yazidi Lives Matter.

Tendance Coatesy, 15 June 2020:

Yazidi Exile Council of Sinjar calls to “stop Turkish attacks”

Survivors of the ISIS genocide in Shengal were among the targets of the Turkish state that carried out a massive aerial bombardment on several locations in South Kurdistan tonight.

As part of its genocidal all-out war against the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan, the Turkish state has launched a wave of large-scale air raids in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq tonight.

20 fighter jets of the Turkish army are reported to have conducted the massive campaign which started at around 00:00 local time. The strikes targeted several positions in the regions of Qandil, Maxmur and Shengal (Sinjar), including a refugee camp and hospital.

This is a heart-rending call:

The Yazidi Exile Council of Sinjar (Shengal) released a statement and asked: “What use did it have to end ISIS if Turkey is allowed to kill us anyway?”

The statement of the Yazidi Exile Council of Sinjar (MŞD) reads as follows:

“Today, 15 June, 2020, Turkey again bombed Sinjar, Iraq in a targeted and intended strike against the Yazidis. In one night Turkey bombed the survivors of a genocide 8 times. It is likely that a hospital was deliberately hit.

How many of our people is Turkey allowed to kill before this finally ends? Will the US and EU Members stop Turkey killing us? What use did it have to end ISIS if Turkey is allowed to kill us anyway? Why was all the money spent on defeating IS if Turkey is allowed to do the same now?

It is well known that the Yazidi religious community is the oldest religion in Mesopotamia. The Islamic State attacked the Yazidi religious community on August 3, 2014, and a cruel genocide was carried out. After this genocide, we Yazidis decided to found our own self-governing forces and fight against IS. Since we received no help at the beginning and afterwards and were left defenseless to the IS by the local armed forces. We then founded YBŞ, the self-governing armed forces of Sinjar, on January 14, 2015. To date and during the liberation of Sinjar, we have lost hundreds of Yazidi men and women in the fight against IS.

Even after that, we received no support from the United States, the United Nations or the European Community in any way for the reconstruction or the further fight against IS. Since the liberation from the IS terrorists, the Turkish state has repeatedly attacked the region in and around Sinjar. Since October 2019, simultaneously with the invasion of the Turkish state in North-East Syria, the Turkish state has bombed the region of Sinjar five times before today. Several Yazidi self-governing militants were killed in these previous attacks by the Turkish state.


Dangerfield reports on the “aggressive persecution” of the poor, “innocent” Rohingya.

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 22 May 2020 05:02.

Related at Majorityrights:

“Miss Grand Myanmar”, Shwe Eain Si, stripped of her title for telling truth about crisis in Rakhine

Hindu women forced to convert to Islam while mass graves of their Hindu men discovered in Rakhine

...and yes, Aung San Suu Kyi is a Left EthnoNationalist.

What are British forces supposed to do, ultimately? Court-martial servicemen for being patriotic?

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 16 March 2020 11:55.

Royal Navy allows members of white nationalist group to remain in service

The Independent, 15 Mar 2020:

Exclusive: Men not disciplined over activism with pan-European Generation Identity group

Two sailors have been allowed to remain in the Royal Navy without being disciplined despite being named as members of a white nationalist group.

Mike Lynton and Kenneth McCourt were reported to have been members of Generation Identity, whose “great replacement” ideology was a key inspiration for the Christchurch massacre and other terror attacks.

An undercover journalist said they were serving together at a naval base in Plymouth, where they believed fellow sailors held similar views. The journalist claimed Mr Lynton was the regional organiser for Generation Identity in southwest England at the time, and Mr McCourt was one of his recruits.

After his story was published in August, the Royal Navy promised an investigation but The Independent has learned that they were not disciplined.

The case was dealt with “administratively” and the men were not put to a court martial. They remain serving members of the Royal Navy after being referred to the government’s Prevent counter-extremism programme.

Generation Identity calls for a “remigration” of Muslims from Europe and spreads a conspiracy theory claiming that white people are being eradicated.

The theory’s name – the “great replacement” – was the title of a manifesto posted by Brenton Tarrant before the Christchurch shooting, which itself inspired several other terror attacks.

Tarrant donated money to the Austrian branch of Generation Identity and exchanged friendly emails with its leader Martin Sellner, who has been banned from entering Britain on security grounds.

Ben van der Merwe, a journalist, said he met Mr Lynton and Mr McCourt while spending five months undercover in Generation Identity last year and described both men as “committed” activists.

“They weren’t dabbling,” he told The Independent. “Mike recruited Kenny on the base while they were serving, and Kenny told me about the lower-down ranks had sympathy with all of their views.”

Mr Van der Merwe, who conducted the investigation with campaign group Hope Not Hate, said Mr McCourt disclosed their roles to him at Generation Identity UK’s annual conference in July.

“Kenny told me that his superiors were aware of his involvement with Generation Identity, and said this meant if he got [a new posting] it was a good sign for the group in terms of future activity in the navy,” he said. “He said all the officers were racist, including his diversity officer.”

What are the British forces supposed to do, ultimately? Court-martial servicemen for being patriotic?

Europe Vs Turkey

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 13 March 2020 14:03.

Europe vs Turkey (on Bitchute)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

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