Jared Taylor: his banning from Europe, Jewish ethnonationalist hypocrisy, dynamics of recent events

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 28 September 2020 05:02.

Jared is still Jared - about as good as one kosher friendly can be, including while being friendly to the kosher marketing perspective, its altercast for White identity and controlled discourse parameters thereof*, but at least in these interviews he’s explicitly addressing Jewish hypocrisy some - in terms of their disallowing ethnonationalism for others (viz., Zionism vs European ethnonatioalism). However, like Ganucci, diaspora Jews can (with dubious judgment on his part**) still be considered part of his own national ingroup provided that they toe/advance the marketing line.

* Though he’s begun to use the word “corrective”... and that’s nice.

** Jared considers European Jews to be (Hu)White; i.e., basically belonging in the same genetic category as Europeans and belonging to the European advocacy group provided that they toe the marketing line. This is extremely naïve; and it goes against the biological/genetic distinction between peoples that he is otherwise at pains to emphasize.



Posted by High Noon on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 13:18 | #

Hi Daniel,

I’m not an expert on genetics but I’ve seen an image where they plotted most “caucasoid” groups and ancient European groups (hunter-gatherers, early farmers, ANE) and it appears to show 2 distinct groups:

- Europeans: from Sardinians to Mordovians with the other euro groups in between;

- Middle Easterners and North Africans: same logic but with non-European caucasoids, including all Jews (but Ashkenazi and Sephardi being essentially the same and somewhat closer to Europeans than other MENAs).

In that image though, some European groups (Maltese, Greeks, Cypriots and southern Italians, especially Sicilians) are closer to the MENA side of the plot, being practically the same as the Ashkenazi and Sephardi. (Cypriots are actually more MENA than even Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews)

Jews are not European genetically, even the Ashkenazi and Sephardi, thus not White, but by the same logic, the European groups that I mention above should also not be considered Europeans. If we consider these individuals European, then the Ashkenazi and Sephardi will claim to be European as well…

What’s your take on this? What to do about those intermediary/mixed groups?


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 14:41 | #

Hello Hi Noon,

I’ve got an appointment to keep, but I will answer you when I come back.


Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:38 | #

This important paper considers the problems and difficulties of both population group and individual ancestry DNA test results. The latter we have already discussed here at Majorityrights.



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 21:30 | #

Hello Hi Noon,

I’m afraid I wrote a big long answer to you, was pretty happy with it then accidentally deleted it, while having saved very little. I went through the drudgery of re-doing it, but this answer might not be quite as good ..still it should be ok.. anyway, I’m tired and will fix any oversights tomorrow.


It is true that there are many places to draw lines or not between genetic groups and there is possibility as such for irresponsible slobs, snobs and disingenuous muddlers.

Extreme slobs are those who draw no important distinction; on the grounds that all people are genetically related and able to interbreed, they declare “one race, the human race.”

You are not suggesting that, so we don’t need to delve into the destruction of tens of thousands of years of significant evolutionary differences that position is capable of.

While you, yourself might not hold the position you ask about, and perhaps only want to see how I handle the argument “at high noon”, there are usually three kinds of people who render the kind of query / challenge that you make to the Europeanness of Southern Europeans and/or their difference from Middle Easterners and Africans.

1. Nordic Snobs

2. Disingenuous Middle Easterners. It is a typical strategy of Jews to try to muddle distinctions.

3. Sundry liberals (liberals for this purpose, anyway) from anywhere, who, for their own uncaring or wish to move past the perceived barrier of Southern Europeans espouse slobbish indifference and indistinction.


Nordic European Snobs

What I would say to the Nordic European snobs is this:

Nationalism, viz., Ethnonationalism is a way to protect your genetic differences (as you should). However, Ethnonationalism is more sophisticated than the snobbish and singular north /south line that you draw, which would undercut the Europeanness of Southern Europeans and throw them as an erstwhile ally and buffer for you, under the bus of Africa and The Middle East. Jews and other anti racists are going to antagonize Southern Europeans as White anyway, and leave you with fewer allies and buffer, even if you don’t recognize them as White. Of course it isn’t a problem if Northerners prefer to marry other Northerners not of their nation when they marry outside of their nation, provided they are not taking political steps to blend Southerners with non-Europeans.

Jews have been in diaspora in Europe since the Roman conquest, and have maintained their distinction, with notorious conflict of interest to European peoples such that it is only sensible to look upon them as aliens, including “the good ones”, as they are a part of a genetic pattern with different interests that will resurface in subsequent generations: they are all related, Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, something like 4th and 5th cousins; and their distinguishing genetics derive of the Middle East; their genetic nationhood is Israeli.

White is the tag given to people of the genus, European, when in diaspora, as it would be confusing to call them European there. WN are wise to the fact that Jews are not European, hence not White, despite crypsis, which makes WN rightfully all the more keen to emphasize this distinction. And when Jews are relaxed and candid, they will be more inclined to acknowledge that they are not White, they are Jewish (Middle Eastern in their distinguishing genetics).

My own first genetic tests revealed 2.58% “European Jewish”, so the genetic difference is marked; it is not as if it is indistinguishable from Italian, Balkan, Greek, or whatever European country that you can name; rather, Jewish of any kind is distinct and corresponds (more accurately tagged) with near Middle East.

I’d recognize all the native peoples of Southern Europe as European. I wouldn’t recognize Jews as European; not Ashkenazi either, even if they’re more than 75% European.

It’s a difference that makes a difference, obviously, in terms of how they care about Europe, even if by some genetic charts they look close.

I’m speaking as one with a stake on both sides of this binary line drawn between north and south. My mother’s haplogroup being hunter gatherers, in Europe about the longest of any, for 35,000 years, my father’s haplogroup come by way of Middle Eastern Farmers, but apparently here in Europe for 10,500 years. Irrespective of how much the contemporary DNA of southern Europe is responsible for Greek and Roman Civilization (Aristotle, Plato in Greece, Archimedes in Sicily, Caesar in Rome, etc.), the most ancient European civilizations of Bulgaria, etc., it only makes sense to treat their nations as European and let any individual non-Europeans trying to “pass” be another matter.

The Indo European invaders held so dear by Nordicists aboriginated from Asia and have been in Europe for a shorter time than many of these European nationals aboriginating of ME farmer stock.

If the trail map below showed the next mutation after M67, it would indicate Y4036 (already Europe) and then the next mutation in Europe, my Y-side haplogroup, Z-467.

As far as Southern Europeans sharing genetics with North Africans, that’s because there was some of the same Middle Eastern stock populating north Africa, while some European tribes, such as the Vandals, also populated northern Africa.

Again, if one becomes squeamish about some similarity between Southern Europeans and North Africans or Middle Easterners, nationalism and its borders come to the rescue against blurring distinctions too much.

There are lines drawn quite by nature as well, as the Mediterranean Sea formed a barrier from North Africa, while the Sahara Desert formed a barrier to Sub Saharan Africa (in the example of myself, I have Zero African admixture, not from my Italian side either).

This is how Ancestry.com draws my ethnicity distinctions (entirely focused within Europe - with diaspora in Russia - as opposed to what the model you’ve posted would indicate)

While my mother’s side would give me a stake in Nordicist concerns, being of the oldest European haplogroup, the hunter gatherers, my father’s side would be the most controversial for Nordicist snobs, and even so, besides peaking a bit into ancient Constantinople, these ethnicity groups fall entirely within Europe, in line with my experience, sentiments and what I know about my history. Giving me a stake in the concern to NOT allow these types to be thrown under the bus by Nordic European snobs, or deprived of their distinct Europeanness by disingenuous Jews.

This Finnish woman has the same haplogroup as my mother, same red hair and light blue eyes, very similar appearance and even the same profession, nurse. Given my mother’s haplogroup, I do have a stake on the hunter gatherer side. I maintain that nationalism, not a blunt north south divide, is the way to maintain genetic interests for stake holders.

My Polish grandparents

Given my father’s side, I also have a particular stake in not seeing southern Europeans thrown under the bus; in fact, this has been a source of aggravation going way back for me, including the American use of the word “Hispanic”, in effect, tossing profoundly European peoples to the black and brown masses.

My Southern Italian grandparents


Nordic Snobbery

Incredibly obnoxious to read David Duke expressing great relief after flying from Rome to “put his feet down in Europe when he arrived in Munich.”

I’m afraid that Prof. Kevin MacDonald is also overly given to this distinction that you draw between north and south, and worse, stating that nothing of significance has come from Southern Europe. I doubt very much that is true.

Furthermore, I believe part of the racial difficulties that America is having is due to a lack of representation from the nations of Southern Europe, lack of respect for their evolution for buffering function against non-Europeans.

Anecdote Siciliano

In the United States, I encountered a Jewish guy who insisted that he knew a Sicilian man who was “almost black” (implying that Sicilians are almost black; he was nervous because I was starting to think out loud racially, even though I wasn’t doing the Jew thing yet) and soon after I encountered a black who insisted that “Sicilians would kill you if you call them White.” This was after I’d just come back from having spent a year total, all over Sicily; i.e., having experienced the urban legend to Not be true, I explained to the Jewish guy that if he knew someone who was black from Sicily, then they were a black in Sicily, not Sicilian. As for the black, well, why bother, though I did tell him that it was not true.

Need I mention Archimedes and Syracuse? Taormina, Selinunte?...

I spent quite a while in Agrigento, Sicily, birthplace of Pirandello. Agrigento, originally a Greek city, was at one time taken over by Arabs, beachhead [Akragas] by invasion; but now, at High Noon, church bells ring deafeningly loud, from all over, to chase away even the ghosts of Muslims, middle easterners, disquieting Jews one would imagine, telling them that this is not their place. ...now its high time to get rid of their bastard religion, Christianity, as well (and the people of Agrigento know that it is a key behind the immigration problem).


Posted by High Noon on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 08:46 | #

Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your response. I’m neither a Nordic Snob (I’m neither a Nordic nor a Southerner, I’m from the middle), a Disingenuous Middle Easterner nor a Sundry liberal.

I’m just asking because I’ve come to the realization that Christianity was a disaster for our people and have completely abandoned it. Actually, after watching Dr. Richard Carrier’s videos on YouTube I don’t even believe in a historical (but not magical) Jesus anymore.

But I’ve also realized that without Christianity, there are at least a few European groups that are virtually no different from a Lebanese or Syrian Christian, for example. Without the phony glue of Christianity, what binds me to a group that is genetically Semitic and speaks a Semitic language like the Maltese?

Jews will look for every possible way to sneak in and this gives them a wide open gate.

Maybe instead of batch acceptance of those groups, we should be looking at each of their members individually and accept only those who are genetically European.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 09:07 | #

High Noon: Jews will look for every possible way to sneak in and this gives them a wide open gate.

Yes they do. And it has been a major part of my efforts to counter that.

High Noon: Maybe instead of batch acceptance of those groups, we should be looking at each of their members individually and accept only those who are genetically European.

We don’t have to have batch acceptance without accountability and testing members individually, to get a handle on who is or is not European - especially, who is Jewish.

But with the European members known, I maintain that their nations should be accepted as European allies, entitled to protect their members as a group pattern.

While that as a project is not something that can be done today or the day after tomorrow, to take steps in accordance with the DNA Nations, a parallel nation building project, would provide means to sort out this infiltration that you are rightfully concerned about. That is, they would simply not be included in these parallel European nations right from the get go.

P.S., The Swiss are naturally in a position to take a keen interest in this line between meds and other Europeans; and that is of course valid and important, but again, can be sorted by nationalism; I wonder if it sometimes is a burden from the Canton perspective or if they can handle the German, Italian and French cantons without too much difficulty in maintaining desired genetic differences.

I understand that the Swiss can be a bit prejudiced against Italians, and border vigilance is to be expected; maybe not so nice, but something that we have to accept a smidgen of (prejudice) as ethnonationalists.

P.S. I did make an uncomfortable observation when visiting the infamous godfather city, Corleone, witnessing a school bus unloading kids who all seemed to have twisty-kinky hair.

I also noticed what appeared to be Jewish features in those congregating to talk in evenings in the Piazza of Mazara del Vallo.

And there could be a corollary between the more volatile mafioso types and ME (esp. Jewish) background.

But for the most part, I found the urban legend of “Sicilians being part black” to be infuriatingly untrue… I realize that the chart you refer to is tracking ME connection but even that, as I have said, and as I would assert now, I have found to be dangerously exaggerated, threatening to put some very refined European people under the bus.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 09:32 | #


The answer to this conundrum should be, first, to step down one category from membership of the European race to membership of the three sub-races which comprise racial Europe.  Even in France the Germanics were traditionally easy to identify, being everyone north of a line roughly from Geneva to Nantes.  The Slavics cline towards the Eurasians to the east, with the break coming at eastern Ukraine, I would say.  The Mediterraneans ought to be everyone to the south of the Geneva-Nantes line and from Italian-speaking Switzerland.

There are some odd-ball cases - for example the Magyars, the Finns - which do not fit; but they are all Europeans.

The second part of this exercise of acceptance is to understand that populations cline towards one another at every level of analysis; but the existence of clines does not falsify the existence of clusters.  A cline holds with its cluster.  Greeks are closer to Turks than they are to Germans.  But they are not Turkic, and not Western Asiatics.  They hold to the European group, drawing the racial line at the Bosphorous.

On the question of Ashkenazic Jews they exhibit more genetic diversity than the entirety of the European race.  So they are truly an international people.  Do they have a claim on European soil?  Yes and no.  No because they are not a native European people, and this is confirmed by their own cleaving to the right of return to the place of the biblical Israelites.  Yes, because they have been in Europe for two millenia.  The problem isn’t so much one of population as sociobiology.  If Jews cannot live among European peoples without striving collectively for Olam Ha-ba (and all the evidence is that they can’t) then that settles the matter.  Europeans are not required to abolish themselves for the eternal government of any other people.  The native principle, not the Ashkenazic sociobiology, not its religious filter of the promise of Yahweh to His Chosen People, is the highest value on the soil.

I should add something I have said here for a long time, which is that our handling of Jews tests our civilisational quality.  It does behove us, and profits us, not only to understand the unique challenge which Jews present but to resolve it with humanity.  That does not imply weakness.  It implies self-knowledge and self-respect.


Posted by Social Distancing: Derbeyshire/ Jared Taylor on Wed, 30 Sep 2020 05:03 | #

Social Distancing w/ Jared Taylor Hosted by John Derbyshire


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 01 Oct 2020 06:29 | #

Adding the part in bold to this sentence from the head-post:

** Jared considers European Jews to be (Hu)White; i.e., basically belonging in the same genetic category as Europeans and belonging to the European advocacy group provided that they toe the marketing line. This is extremely naïve; and it goes against the biological/genetic distinction between peoples that he is otherwise at pains to emphasize.

I’m not sure how I could have left that out to begin with, but it could contribute to the misunderstanding that I was saying that Taylor was only saying that Jews could be a part of European advocacy if they toed the marketing line and that it had nothing to do with genetics, “race realism”, as he calls it.

That is not Taylor’s position and I did not mean to imply it.

He believes that there are distinguishing Jewish genetic markers, I’m sure, but believes that the Ashkenazi, especially, are intermixed with Europeans enough to count as “HuWhite” to him - and to belong to our advocacy group as “one of us Whites” if they take our side.

I argue that this is naive:

Jews have been in diaspora in Europe since the Roman conquest, and have maintained their distinction, with notorious conflict of interest to European peoples such that it is only sensible to look upon them as aliens, including “the good ones”, as they are a part of a genetic pattern with different interests that will resurface in subsequent generations: they are all related, Sephardic, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, something like 4th and 5th cousins; and their distinguishing genetics derive of the Middle East; their genetic nationhood is Israeli.


Posted by Poor Norman Lowell and Arlette Baldacchino on Thu, 01 Oct 2020 12:07 | #

More anecdotes in regard to Sicilians and Maltese…..

I also have had two aunts who were Sicilian. If you met them, the idea that they are Middle Eastern, let alone part black wouldn’t occur to you. ....and that corresponded with my experience of Sicilians as I toured all around the island. Now, that’s not genetics, but again, coming back to aunt Rosalie and Barbara (this comment designated anecdotal) if you saw them, the idea of their being anything but European would be ridiculous. True, Rosalie could get a tan, but her features and her hair…nothing that would make you say something other than European.

Regarding the Maltese, there has already been an incident at Majorityrights - one of its nastier incidents, in fact:

Maltese Incident

Maltese Incident

Constantly Bong Huffmeister presides the occasion.

Poor Norman Lowell, who is only half Maltese, the other half English, and has fought brilliantly, an important exponent in fact, to the defense of Europe against the African, Middle Eastern and Jewish incursions, is trashed simply because he could get a tan.

Hell, they don’t even let his colleague, Arlette Baldacchino, alone, simply because she associates with him (she is not European?). Then there is another guy who’s trashed as non-European because his phenotype has inelegantly roundish forms.


“Race-hate activist and Imperium Europa operator Arlette Baldacchino loses libel suit…

Aunt Rosalie’s features were even more distinctly European than Arlette Baldacchino’s, which appear quite European enough to a normal person.


Posted by Alyssa Farah on Sat, 10 Oct 2020 17:39 | #


Posted by E Michael Jones & Frodi Midjord on Thu, 15 Oct 2020 17:28 | #

Dr. E Michael Jones & Frodi Midjord American Hysteria about “white nationalism”


Posted by Jared Taylor & Dan Roodt on Thu, 22 Oct 2020 12:59 | #

Have Afrikaners Reached the Breaking Point?


Posted by "Skee Wee" on Fri, 27 Nov 2020 00:28 | #

Get Ready to Hear Black Women Shouting ‘Skee Wee’

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

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James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:48. (View)

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