Muslim grooming, the government machine and the Guardian Last week the wickedly delayed and secreted and, thus, widely written-off Home Office report Group-based Child Sexual Exploitation – Characteristics of Offending finally saw the light of day, albeit only after FoI requests from the media and much in-fighting between Home Secretary Priti Patel and her recalcitrant civil servants. It literally whitewashed the paedophile rape and prostituton of white girls, and some Sikh and black girls too. It’s white men, it said. “No credible evidence for a far-right stereotype that has spread widely in the media”, the Guardian said. Generally honest assessments are available at the Speccie, written by the doughty Patrick O’Flynn:
... and at Spiked!, written by someone named Rakib Ehsan:
... and at the Daily Mail, written by Labour Party animal and obsessive anti-racist but (for professional purposes, you understand) right-wing journo Dan Hodges. He is claiming to have the inside story:
It isn’t as if the public are not now fully aware of the activity of Muslim paedophile prostitution gangs, many of them formerly engaged in the more risky drug trade. Since the early efforts of, first, the BNP and of Ann Cryer and Channel 4 Dispatches and then, several years later, of Andrew Norfolk and The Times, to drag the matter into the light, journalistic investigations have been frequent. For example, in 2017 the Sunday Mirror launched an investigation into the situation in just one town, Telford, finding that:
So we come to the Guardian’s response to the report. Last week an initial news report appeared which, overall, was fairly balanced. But then on Saturday we were treated to a classically wrong-headed, bitter opinion piece written by a Muslim kind-of academic named Waqas Tuffail (a Pakistani male name) and a feminist anti-racist white woman, Ella Cockbain. It concluded that:
The Muslim bloke’s page at the site for something called “Leeds Beckett University” informs us that:
So it is clear where he is coming from. But Miss Cockbain - rather a pretty thing, btw - and her not at all pretty need to save the Muslim colonies in our home from uncomfortable facts remain a psychological enigma. Her home page at UCL reveals that:
Well, in her desire to prove that “the far right” are wrong about everything and white men are the real offenders, she probably isn’t too interested in asking how many clients these girls had in the wider Muslim colonies. We saw from Jay and from some of the trials that it was not unknown for upwards of a hundred local men to be using a single girl. Andrew Norfolk spoke of a girl trafficked from Essex to Rotherham and, on her first night, forced to “entertain” fifty men. They were queuing on the stairs of the house where she had been taken. These gangs are businesses, after all. The going rate for a white child can be three, four, five times what an adult prostitute will charge. Every one of those men ... everyone who ever used one of these girls ... is an abuser. What does that mean for the crime figures? What does it mean for the perception of Muslim male morality? How can Miss Cockbain proffer an opinion on the matter at all if she does not know the extent of such abuse in the general Muslim male population? Of course, the real question is: why does she have this pathological need to find Muslim men innocent and white men guilty? How many white men are grooming, trafficking and prostituting girls on the streets of Britain’s towns and cities such that they may have fifty or a hundred regular clients? And what, anyway, does she mean by white? There are thousands upon thousands of white male criminals come into our home to ply their trade. They are not us. Would she care to discipline her usage more rigorously and assort the data accordingly? Unlikely, one would think. It might make it too hard to poke a politicised finger in the native British male eye. Further, by her unnatural, scheming apologetics what service does she think she is providing to the scores of thousands of women and girls who have fallen victim to these gangs over the last four decades? She affects to care for such women, and has devoted her academic work to studying the phenomenon of international trafficking. But by her disdain for the racial truth she disdains every one of them. There is something inside the head of the academic left, and of the political left which it feeds with ideas. It is a politically acquired but morally applied sickness, an obsessive, pointblank presumption against the moral standing and natural right of their own people. There is probably no cure. The sickness has disfigured the minds of all these creatures too deeply - and, thereby, rendered them forever beneath our contempt. But, anyway, how might we account for this deeply unattractive, indeed offensive political and personal phenomenon, marked as it is by racial self-contempt, the implacable rejection of the natural in us, the obsessive moral inflation which abides in the preening claims to personal “openness” and “tolerance”, the joy of destruction, the compulsive need to punish and punish again until nothing of our energy for life remains. Of all this ... of everything about this weird, insatiable appetite for doing harm ... it is not the bare-faced aggression or the insufferably self-regarding conceit which most offends. No, it is the ocean-deep hypocrisy which slops around these damaged minds. Somewhere in their heads they know they are racist filth – they must. For example, the MPs who thought prior to Rochdale and Rotherham, and probably still think today, that the fear and suffering of thousands of white children prostituted to non-whites every year don’t matter to them ... just don’t register because all that really counts in their immoral universe is the war on “racism” … those people are racist hypocrites of the first order. They cannot be unaware of their own grotesque dual standard. But the satisfaction to their egos of projecting racism upon us is just too needed and too great to pass up. Psychologically, that satisfaction constitutes a reward experienced after freudian projection. It has an onanistic quality to it. It also rewards the (always only temporary) resolution of their hypocritical dual standard. To a large extent, projection is a mechanical consequence of that dual standard. For, dual standards cannot reside among self-aware people. Because it is mechanical we are bound to think about our opponents not as free agents but as identically formed psychological widgets popping out of some metal hopper, probably located in a humanities department near you. Are we really only dealing here with the postmodern liberal-left psychology … a power mania of the second son, overturning everything that is, while explaining its naked bigotry and intolerance as the polar opposite? The elder brother must, at all consequences, be slain at last (ie, “the right” must have its nose “rubbed in diversity”)? In fact, all left-liberals themselves explain and excuse their hostilities as a function of liberalism’s breaking of the bounds. By this reading it is “fully human” to be “open” and “welcoming” to novelty, even to the point where all morality relativises except the cause of one’s own people’s life, which is “hate”. But even that doesn’t explain the huge negative energy displayed towards those who are not at the same cutting edge of liberalism’s human project. If, after all, these wonderfully adventurous paragons of the liberal virtues were really what they say they are, would they not turn and look upon the face of those struggling behind with brotherly compassion? But their face betrays not compassion but a desultory hatred of what is, and a hatred, ultimately of all that is of the self which is not made by their puerile rebellion. It is why the left is so committed to the ideology of anti-Nature which it finds in the (almost exclusively Jewish-authored) radical equalitarian philosophies of the 19th and 20th centuries. This is what the great personality-producing machine of Christianity and the collapse of Christianity, modernity, urbanism, materialism, liberalism, hyper-individualism and hyper-equalitarianism, internationalism, multiracialism, et al manufactures in our time. For all of these are hugely reductive of the human estate. Perhaps, then, it is enough to answer the original question - how can we account for this deeply unattractive, indeed offensive political and personal phenomenon? – in the most simple way: because the joy in destruction is enough for destructive human beings, and what comes after … all the manifest ideological goals … is only an excuse, was only ever an excuse. Mental pathology does not profess humane goals after all, which should surprise no one. Comments:Post a comment:
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![]() Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by Fran W on Sat, 09 Jan 2021 05:20 | #
A very thorough and well researched and narrated account of the decades-long Muslim grooming criminality taking place in the United Kingdom.
An invaluable source of learning indeed.