Becoming politically responsible, and the last chance for our people

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 10 May 2021 07:25.

The following short article marks the close of my efforts to bring PA to seriousness.  I have said what I wanted to say.  There is no point in going on saying it.  Whether it will have any effect over the time remaining to PA itself, before it is proscribed, remains to be seen.  Where responsible and intelligent political advocacy for our people will come from, heaven knows.

Last week the Sweden Democrats announced that three of the four conservative opposition parties in the Swedish parliament were talking to them about entering a power-sharing arrangement after the September 2022 general election.  It signalled an end to the long-running consensus among mainstream conservatives that they would never cooperate with Jimmie Åkesson’s party.  Given the current unpopularity of prime minister Stefan Löfven’s Social Democrat government, it is entirely likely that the Swedish will follow their neighbours south of The Öresund in accepting the principle of a nationalist component to government.

Of course, the road to electoral relevance is never the same in any two European homelands, and nowhere is it bound to produce unending success.  Political fortunes wax and wane.  In Denmark, for instance, the experiment with nationalism in government has lasted only one parliament so far, between 2015 and 2019.  But if the Danish People’s Party can maintain its electoral relevance it may return; and that is as much as can be asked at this very dark moment.

The ideological keys to electoral relevance are pragmatism and moderation.  By their nature, democracies tend, over time, to encourage all serious political parties to moderate to the prevailing political consensus just to become and remain relevant.  In our time in our benighted country the weight of national security laws and the manner in which they are worked by the security apparatus of the state also place an absolute obligation on politically ambitious nationalists to follow the same path.  It’s not as if there is a real choice.  So the question, really, is how, not if; and for starters the how is to switch out of the negativity and reaction which has characterised the nationalist past ... the racism, the anti-Islamism, the WW2 guff, the anti-Semitism, the white nationalism and alt-rightism, and all the rest.  Yes, our people have the right in Nature to struggle to exist in this world, and we can advocate for it.  We can advocate for respect from government.  We can advocate for fairness and freedom.  We can prosecute our right under constitutional law and human rights law to come together and choose our destiny, if we so wish.  None of that changes, and in Sweden that coming together is a key ... perhaps the key ... nationalist appeal.  The front page of the party’s website reads “Välkommen till folkrörelsen”.  It means: welcome to the popular movement. 

The party’s wiki page opens with the following:

The Sweden Democrats or Swedish Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna, SD) is a nationalist and right-wing populist political party in Sweden founded in 1988. The party describes itself as social conservative with a nationalist foundation. The party has been variously characterised by academics, political commentators and the media as national-conservative, anti-immigration, eurosceptic or far-right. Jimmie Åkesson has been party leader since 2005.

The party originally had its roots in Swedish fascism and white nationalism, but began distancing itself from its past during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Under the leadership of Jimmie Åkesson, the SD underwent a process of reform by expelling hard-line members and moderating its platform. Today, the Sweden Democrats officially reject both fascism and Nazism.

That, or something very like that, is how the Tyndall-esque movement we, in many respects, still are can develop into a real and responsible servant of our people’s life-cause.  It’s no great mystery.  Yes, we have to change mightily to do it.  But it’s not as if we have a choice.  It’s not as if those who would argue otherwise have any positive and hopeful, patriotic alternative.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 15 May 2021 07:34 | #

This post has not (yet) appeared on the PA site, which would seem to indicate that while alternative ideas to the Tyndallite conventions can be freely proposed, their party political consequence may not.  I don’t think that’s necessarily the case, but it can’t be pleasant to be told over and again that you are the ideological author of your own fate.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 18 May 2021 21:09 | #

So I called by at PA this morning and saw this piece by B Hall titled “Ideological Consistency: The Nationalist Position on Palestine”:

... complete with a video of a speech on Israel given to a New Right Forum gathering in 2010 by Martin Webster.

I could not let that pass without a few remarks about ideological consistency, thus:

I think you and others here may be confusing rejection of the Judaic paradigm with support for the Palestinian nativist claim. You must decide which you are promulgating. If the latter then the following applies and refutes your position.

1. The self-defence of the native kind in any land against the coloniser is not without limit, and that limit is when the colonisation has succeeded and the natives are marginalised and defeated and no longer in control of their destiny. At that point the coloniser takes on the native mantle by degrees, a dispensation which will commonly involve the genetic dissolution of part of the former native group and the ethnic cleansing of the rest.

2. For this reason the aborigines of Australia, the San of southern Africa, the pre-Arab populations of northern Africa, and so forth no longer have a claim on their prior living space. Likewise in New Zealand where, statistically, there are no surviving full-blood Maori today. In the context of Palestine, the native Arabs have been defeated, subdued and, for the greater part, ethnic-cleansed. The process of loss of homeland is well advanced; and thus the claim to native status of the Jewish incomers is developing, and the right in Nature to defence of home with it.

3. Also for this reason we English, Scots, and Welsh still posses a claim on our ancestral homes, for although we are colonised and suffering replacement and genetic dissolution, still we exist as the majority. We are not defeated and, of course, we have not consented at any time or in any way to the colonisation, which obtains solely as a coercive and traitorous deed by successive governments.

So … our own moral claim to struggle for our land depends on this chain of very simple and natural logic, and if the time comes when we do indeed lose our capacity to resist within our own shores, then our native claim will fall too.

Resistance to the Judaic paradigm, btw, falls within that claim in so much as the paradigm centres on socio-cultural politics contrary to our people’s natural interests.


As usual, no one took the opportunity to reply.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Thu, 20 May 2021 13:01 | #

On our biggest websites our guys sit around all day waiting for the latest Twitter post or You Tube video or Facebook comment to share and get enraged about. That Twitter post being from some complete nobody with two likes yet enough to generate thread after thread and countless replies and vitriol and condemnation.

Anyone posting about getting out there to help the elderly couple down the road get a bag of shopping in or mow their lawn or to head down to volunteer at the nearest food bank or homeless shelter will be largely ignored if not worse.

Our lads are as addicted to their internet dopamine fix, or whatever is going on there, as any Zoomer or virtue signalling social media user.

a real and responsible servant of our people’s life-cause

But this is hard, GW. It takes effort and commitment and self-sacrifice. It’s dirty work with no immediate praise or benefit to self and most importantly of all, no upvotes or internet good Goy points.

Pre 2016/17 the internet was an excellent weapon for us but since then we have been censored and walled into our ghettoes as much as any window licking Guardianista. If the Online Harms Bill gets passed it’s game over. But perhaps that is what we need. Releasing our armies back into the wild might have unintended consequences for the Establishment.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 21 May 2021 11:56 | #

Doc, don’t be too sure that the Online Harms bill is bad for us.  Of course it is intended to be bad for us, and on first acquaintance it certainly appears that way - its architects are, after all, haters of our people’s good.  But they are also backward-looking.  They are designing something bad for the nationalism of our on-line past.  But it may not be able to lay a paw on the nationalism which can succeed it, if people like Mark Collett can understand what is now required of them.

I have to admit to taking a certain pleasure, which I hope will not prove hubristic, from seeing the stubborn but forever failing Nietzschean nationalism of Tyndall and Bowden come up against a hard Darwinian stop, leaving the nationalist impulse for expression alone, purified, to follow the pin-point of intellectual light that leads back out into the political day.  I don’t know if the Nietzscheans can let go and make the journey, but it’s a good test.  If all they want is, like the German-American WNs, to fight against Jews and Judaism, or “the left”, or whatever, they will remain where they are now or worse; and so will our people.


Posted by manc on Fri, 21 May 2021 14:01 | #

Like Daniel, I believe it’s too late for Collett as he’s burned all his bridges and probably couldn’t change now, even if he wanted to. I just hope he doesn’t lead more young people into making a train wreck of their lives on behalf of a divisive and failed ideology.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 21 May 2021 16:10 | #

I think his behaviour will or, anyway, can potentially depend on two things.  First, he has to be under pressure ... from the state, from fellow members of PA and other nationalists outside.  Second, he has to see a light ahead.  If no one shines the light he won’t make a move, because he is perhaps not the creative individual he thinks he is.


Posted by manc on Fri, 21 May 2021 17:46 | #

Collett has long been under pressure from the state, other nationalists and the MSM. He has made himself largely, if not entirely, unemployable. Unless he has inherited wealth or is otherwise solvent it’s likely he is financially dependent on his existing views and opinions, for which a small but ready made audience exists. If that is indeed the case, it’s not light but something else glittering that he would need to see.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 21 May 2021 20:02 | #

“Otherwise solvent”, I think, manc.  The point, anyway, is that at this point there is no other game in town.  There may be one at some point, but that isn’t guaranteed.  The one that exists is the one we have to make fit for purpose; and that’s what I have been rather noisily and not massively successfully attempting to do.  I am pulling back, though, and will see how the new government bill affects things before deciding one way or the other.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 13:09 | #

I’ve been copy/pasting your OP comment into various places and am getting nothing but negative feedback, GW. Apparently it’s too centrist and c/Conservative. I agree with you and have been arguing for it along the “we have no choice” line but I’m getting nowhere.

Most recent reply, exchange ongoing:

If id realised you were so stupid I’d never have engaged with you. The systems end goal is complete destruction of original British ethnicities and ideals, acting within this system is just endorsing it. Voting won’t work and floating some party with weak centerist policies is going to do fuck all, stop booming you dumb boomer.



Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 13:28 | #

I’ve been asking for examples of successful modern day fascist, NatSoc or Nietzschean nationalist models.

My interlocurs have yet to furnish me with such examples and are instead flying into somewhat of a rage with the ad-homs and strawmen coming at me thick and fast.

Years of experience has toughened me and I will suffer the slings and arrows and plough on. They’ll connect the dots eventually.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 May 2021 13:41 | #

Well, people who resort to that language plainly don’t think very hard.  They haven’t looked ahead, either.  They are heading for exclusion from the debate, under the rules of engagement Sara Khan has fashioned for Boris & Co.  Anyway ...

Politics ... the art of the possible ... remains the only real means of making an impact at the national level.  It is working on the continent; and here we have the example of the most successful deed of anti-Establishment politics in British political history:

I wonder if the problem with these perennial outsiders is that they have no reading of the historiography and no awareness of the actual content of their own ideology.  None of them are ethnic nationalists in any complete philosophical sense because ethnic nationalism has no complete philosophical rendering at this time.  Most of them are probably convinced that Bowden and Tyndall had a point.  They do not know that a politics of the life-cause of our people is not found there, and they do not know what a such a politics, properly formulated and proselytised, could achieve.  So their angry rejection is shallow and blind, and based on ignorance.  They are the problem that has to be solved first.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 14:18 | #

The main argument against a UK Swedish Democrats I’m getting is that they haven’t succeeded in stopping Sweden sliding further into Globohomo/ethnic cleansing. Also setting up a party within the current system is futile. I’m arguing that we have no choice. Apparently I’m a tranny/Muslim/government shill being paid to post demoralisation. This is on free speech sites full of very angry young men. I suspect you’d get similar arguments (without the name calling) on the PA forum if any of them had the minerals to take you on.

They see it as weak and capitulation. And this is lads who know full well about the ever tightening intelligence services/Police noose.

The resistance is staggering. These guys are 100% wedded to their current ideologies, whatever they may be, in a cult like manner.

Perhaps they will only jump onboard if it was started and proven to be successful. A couple have mentioned just straight up lying about the real intentions and only revealing true colours once the time was right.

I’ve been at this for about 48hrs.

edit: just had the first post of support

I agree with you mate, the democratic and political path is the only path we’ve got. everyone who shits on the political path has literally no other alternative other than violent rebellion which they themselves are too pussy to engage in


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 14:23 | #

Subversion and infiltration also coming up as a subject.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 14:37 | #

@11 Nailed it GW. I’m arguing with the cranks and weirdos but it’s for the readers and lurkers, as usual.

I think their main objections have been posted above. I doubt there’ll be much more. These antinomial loons will be easily swept aside. These are the individuals to jettison and they know it. I think therein lies the source of their furious resistance.

PA and Collett isn’t where it’s at, GW. The places I’m in have seen these controlled opposition “leaders” parachuted in over the last few years and reject them entirely. The likes of Sargon, Mike Enoch, Jordan Peterson, the Dark Enlightenmet, Shapiro, Farage, Richard Spencer and even Trump himself. They are all hyper suspicious. They will follow proper, genuine leaders who practice what they preach and aren’t steering us into a brick wall.

I’ll report back if I get anything of note.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 14:42 | #

Another reply bang on the money:

believe me in my years of internet usage you will always ruffle some feathers when you suggest something that takes actual effort - rather than just delivering people the white supremacist nationalist state on a plate through violent revolution or somesuch. People want a “new system” but put no effort in to get there.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 15:29 | #


Just posted this link and full text and it’s attracting the same seething replies as before.

In terms of human capital, I’m afraid to say that as of May 2021 we really don’t have very much to work with.

Our lads are fucking morons.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 May 2021 15:32 | #

Doc, thanks for the reports, which I find interesting in the extreme.  A couple of observations.

First, as of this moment Mark Collett is problematic.  We all understand that.  But Laura isn’t.  It may take another year before she is going to have the free time to develop her thinking; but we are in frequent touch and I do have faith in her.

Second, on a putative political nationalism: the article above the line does not specify a UK SD national-conservative party.  It says, “the road to electoral relevance is never the same in any two European homelands”, so what form an ethnic nationalist party would take in England (and it does have to be home-nation specific so that each native people wills its own freedom) is moot.  But I think it would affirm our people’s life and moral status on the soil, ie, our right as natives to defend from harm.  So it would pose questions like: What do we English … the native people of the land which bears our name … really want for the future of our homeland and our English children?  Do we see ourselves as anti-racists and anti-fascists striving to submerge ourselves and our kin in the bottomless seas of the Third World for the attainment of something called equality?  Or do we see ourselves as a great people brought low and held in contempt by our own elites, such that even our future survival and continuity is closed off from us?  Do we want life or do we want what the politicians have in store for us?

So I think the party would be targeted at government rather than at the immigrant populations.  I think it would contend on all the base presumptions about us which government makes, reversing them and giving a shining account of who we are and how we need our national life to be.  I think that freedom of the person (not liberalism’s unfettering will) would be writ large.  For example, social conservatism and morality are givers of freedom because only whole human beings can ever really be free.  Comity and mutual dependence would be important, taking over from the conflicted character of left-liberalism.  Within its number a people is mutually dependent because it is a fixed and single organism, not a fluid society or social group.  I think kind-ness would likewise be important.

The principle of blood on the land would take over from the patriotism which Africans and Indians here can just as easily claim.  That principle holds that the people indigenous to a given place has a unique, even sacred bond to that place.  It contains not only the principle of custody or title, but that of familial inheritance.  The land is not only home, with all the connotations for comfort and security and good which that implies, but father or mother to the people (which this one plainly isn’t to Africans and Indians).  As long as the native kind hold the land unto itself and passes it on to its own children, and not the children of an Other, that land will give life to them in perpetuity as “an everlasting animal stretching into the future and the past, and, like all living things, having the power to change out of recognition and yet remain the same”, to quote George Orwell.

And so forth.  There is a whole, positive, profoundly human philosophy to be worked out; and we are a long way from it today.  But we have to move forward towards it.  We cannot stay where we are, regardless of what your interlocutors think.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 20:07 | #

Yes, GW. Everyone loves Laura and Morgoth. Those two specifically.

Random quote just seen:

Went into town centre today.
Pakis in gangs hanging around everywhere.
Muslim women in bin bag.
White women with niglets.
Drugged up ugly looking chavs.

Video from one of the pro Palestine protests today:

Disrespecting #LeeRigby on the anniversary of his death in central London today!












Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 20:47 | #

Thanks for the fresh ammo, GW.

I think it would affirm our people’s life and moral status on the soil, ie, our right as natives to defend from harm ...  do we see ourselves as a great people brought low ... There is a whole, positive, profoundly human philosophy to be worked out ...

I live almost as far from diversity as it is possible to get within England and that is reflected in my character, life, lifestyle and psyche.

Many of our folk up country are living in hell already with what they see around them on a daily basis. They ask “what is there left to save or worth saving”. I know there are no alternatives but they see things like the latest opinion polling that is putting the Tories on 46-48% after everything that has happened over the last few years. Gross known immigration rising above the 700 thousands mark with illegals pouring in all over.

They are despairing and in despair. We are losing good people to suicide. They are giving up.

I’m just giving you a heads up. I spend a significant chunk of my time online as a suicide counsellor and motivator now. This is a new phenomenon.

It is easy for me to remain positive. For now, I live in an ethnostate, and paradise it is. Significant portions of the country appear to be completely lost. What is required to recover them is gargantuan beyond imagination. I’ll keep fighting, though. I just wanted to add this to the posts above.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Sat, 22 May 2021 21:00 | #

Another couple of points brought up regarding a renewed and refined political push.

So, what happened in the recent US election didn’t go unnoticed. Dominion voting machines were used in the London Mayoralty election. It is not beyond reason to think that precision cheating would be used in the UK to get the desired Establishment election result.

Aided by their partners in big tech who can shut us down and shut us out at will. Not to mention frozen bank accounts and finances etc.

And the ever encroaching Great Reset/NWO/Vaccine Passports/Digital IDs/Social Credit schemes.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 23 May 2021 09:35 | #

Good morning gentlemen. The current situation is indeed a complete dog’s breakfast and it looks like the worst is still to come. Dr E laments here the state of the nationalist echo-chamber and he’s right, but further afield across the right there are more interesting conversations taking place as you may have seen with my interactions with Academic Agent.

What I’ve come to see over the last year is a dichotomy, two different ways of thinking, which the reactionaries view as ‘‘Elites vs Plebs’‘.

Essentially elite theory holds that any rebellion against a de-centralized consensus apparatus from the bottom is doomed. The ultimate example being Trump’s MAGA movement.

This then leaves nationalists in a precarious situation because the plan for as long as I remember has been for the nationalist to proselytize his truth to the ‘‘normies’’ until a critical mass is reached, which can then be thrown at the system.

And it never works or materializes because plebeian revolts against the machine are always detected and neutralized, either by state agents or simply ‘‘fortifying elections’’ as with Trump.

It goes without saying that if your M.O is to willfully poke the beast in the eye by harping on about race and the JQ, it will beat you into a pulp.

The nationalist of course dislikes this Machiavellian view because he’s viewing politics and life through the heart, through his passion. The problem is ‘‘truth’’ does not lead to power, and power is what matters in the end.

As I see it there are three emerging or existing factions of interest to us:

1. Standard old school nationalists, increasingly marginalized and persecuted but the most honest

2. An emerging ‘‘elitist’’ faction who aim to appeal to the highest IQ levels and have a cold, too cold for my liking, view of power. This however delivers no results in the real world for good or ill.

3. An emergent populism which is broad and across political boundaries and focused on the incoming Technocracy and it’s horrors.

I’d also add that the censorship online is having an influence in which highbrow content which goes above the heads of mods and algorithms is actually increasing as lower tier populism and race baiting is erased.

And so, it comes down to ‘‘Go High or Go Home’‘.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 23 May 2021 11:23 | #

Good to see you, Morgoth, and thank you for your remarks.  Yes, it is obvious enough why those who argue that a society-wide control system is too stable and mutually supporting to be compromised from below would, after all the years of failed dissent, arrive at that conclusion; and likewise the conclusion - fact, really - that revealing the truth of something in the world ... the meaning and purpose of immigration, say ... does not inexorably lead those who state it to political power over it.  Truth and power are in very different ontological categories.

But what if the truth is not that of a circumstance or event but that which is inherent to a man?  What if the truth is existential, and carries in its wake all the imperatives and desiderata of human nature and human history?  What happens to socio-political control systems ... systems of repressive power ... forced to defend against the life-cause of an entire people?  Not against “racism” or “hate”, but racistically and hatefully against the cause of the people’s life?

What happens is that with enough public recognition the system loses its moral legitimacy, then its political legitimacy, and is revealed for what it is: a violent and destructive, scheming absolutism of the modern age, sans argument, sans care for anything but its own regnancy.  Then, when everything has been stripped away from both sides and the reality of the contest is unconcealed, we are in a new situation, terrifying in its clarity and import.  No one knows what happens next.  But I would lay money that precisely because the system is so distributed it starts to rot.  Its servants outside the order-bound processes of, say, the security apparatus need moral justifications, and there will be none.

The life-cause of our people has never been represented except by distant proxies such as anti-immigrationism and anti-Islamification wielded for the greater part by nationalists completely wedded to the old Nietzschean model.  Let us go high, by all means; and there are other things we can do to create instability and speed the process of system failure (as folks here know):

But let us focus not on circumstance or event but on the person of our English kind and that of our Scots and Welsh brothers, because it is only that final truth that we truly have to fall back on.  That’s where everything, every last vestige of character and energy, is thrown against our opponent.  Win or lose, no people can do more than that.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 23 May 2021 12:13 | #

Here’s one pleb’s suggestion for all the “elite factions” of white nationalism: Drop the ‘white’ part of ‘white-nationalism’ and replace it with ‘European’ or some other acceptable term.

I say that bc our enemies (particularly those in academia, Big Tech, government, the MSM ... in short the ruling-class) have already successfully defamed and demonized the term “white” ... particularly when it’s attached to individuals and-or groups of people defending the interests of whites. The masses have already been conditioned to associate the term ‘white’ with negativity such as racism, bigotry, Nazism etc. etc. It’s a done deal! 

Of course the left-wing academics has managed to gain control of the language; they’ve already won that battle WRT the term “white” or whiteness” so it’s past time we change our linguistic/rhetorical tactics. It’s past time we start to use the language to our advantage.

Small changes in things such as branding can lead to big results. Marketing science/marketing research informs us of that.

At this point what do we have to lose?!?

But the most important question is: As disordered as WN is, is it possible we are capable of making positive changes? Can WN organize and move in a positive coherent direction thus start to appeal to the mainstream?

Before that can happen ‘WN’ needs a lot of public relations (PR) repair work.

Again, should that PR repair work start with—or include—a simple name change?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 23 May 2021 17:22 | #

Thorn, it seems to me that the problems confronting American WN are at least threefold, and they are fundamental.  In brief:

First, America is, and always has been, a Jeffersonian liberal project.  WNs simply do not understand that the liberal model of Man which they effortlessly exemplify is what they have to set aside.  It is very similar with religious Americans who simply cannot grasp - forgive me for saying this again - that the Christian model of the soul seeking salvation lives inside the Jewish mind, and they have to get out.  They have to turn to their inherent truth ... to the authenticity of the natural identity.  But they don’t even want to, and without the most remarkable leadership it may not even be possible anyway.

Second, WN has to operate race-wide.  It’s proving hard enough to bring a single European people to political awareness in our time, but to do that across the whole of Europe, across the whole genetic distance of Europe’s peoples distributed across such a huge country, is an unimaginably difficult undertaking.

Third, WN is dominated by German-Americans, a significantly numerical and influential body of whom are principally concerned not to free whites from their current fate but to rescue the reputation of the Third Reich.  No progress can be made until that element is disavowed and marginalised.

These are likely insuperable problems, and a change of branding, whilst it may be necessary in itself, isn’t going to even scratch the surface.  Right now white Americans are quite involuntarily testing the thesis that worse is better, as the Dem attack winds itself up.  Right now, it seems likely that worse is only worse.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 23 May 2021 17:46 | #

The Elite theorists aren’t actually WN though they certainly sympathize, rather they’re a bunch of nerds who made their way from Moldbug back to classic authors on Power such as Pareto, Carlyle and De Jouvenelle. What’s refreshing for us is an analysis of the power structure cut-loose from nationalist priors.

On an exploration of English authenticity a line of investigation I mean to get into is the land itself and its relation to our ‘‘waking conscious’’ and forming of character. But, alas, it seems the constant churn and grind of events, not strictly political either, gets in the way.
However, I do see possibilities in technocratic overreach, as in the Great Reset, which seeks to reduce humanity to sheets of data and information. Here, finally, could be the break with mass consumer society emerging as the true scale of Faustian bargain is revealed.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 23 May 2021 23:05 | #

GW, I think what’s confronting WN are universal; the same, or very similar, problems plague WN everywhere it’s present.

America F’ed up when it imported negroes for the purpose of cheap labor. It was a problem that could have been corrected post Civil War but the liberal do-gooders decided they could stay. IMO, Jeffersonian liberalism was not the driving force behind allowing the the negroes stay ... nor was Christianity. What it was was plain ol’ compassion on the part of the ruling elites. BIG MISTAKE! FOOLISH MISTAKE!! 

And I’m not sure what you mean by Christians living inside the Jewish mind. What I find appealing about Christianity is it makes clear the differences between right and wrong - good vs evil. It provides a clear and concise set of moral absolutes from which to live and raise your kids by. Worked for me! My wife and I successfully raised three kids. Moreover Christian morals in no way interfered with me instilling in them the important lesson of “Avoid the Groid.” And thank God they understand the wisdom in that lesson.

I must admit I was unaware that American WN is dominated by German-Americans. However I am aware one of the most flawed aspects of WN is it’s plagued with those that revere the Third Reich. Doing so is a surefire method leading to failure. I say that bc 98.9% of white Americans are completely turned-off by Nazism; so what makes many WNs think they can build a popular movement based on an ideology that virtually everyone despises? A lot of stupidity going on there. Either that or the enemies of white ppl (SPLC et al) infiltrate WN groups—or flat out create them—in order to show the larger society Nazism/white-racism is a real and looming threat to America thus draconian laws must be enacted designed to tamp down any emergent movement that promotes white interests.

Of course the ruling-class is maneuvering the culture into believing anyone who supports Trump is in effect a white supremacist thus a domestic terrorist. That’s how crazy it’s got! For example: the Dems are using the Sept 6 Capital incident as the pretext to form a commission with subpoena power. Of course they will use that power to crush anyone who poses a threat to their “woke” hegemony. It already was approved by the House with 35 Republicans siding with the Dems.  Hopefully the Sept 6 commission will stopped in the Senate ... but there are enough of RINOs and never-Trumpers on the GOP side to approve such an insidious commission. We will know in a week or so.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 May 2021 00:16 | #

Correction: Jan 6 Capital riot, not Sept 6.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 May 2021 11:58 | #

I’ve often wondered how much more Trump could have accomplished had not that idiotic Charlottesville march occurred.

That incident not only permanently marginalized the WN movement, its aftermath served to muzzle Trump’s pro-white rhetoric ... albeit his tacitly pro-white message.

Moreover that tiki torch march couldn’t have been timed more perfectly to do the greatest damage. Just when Trump was gaining his stride, WNs gave his enemies a giant club to beat him with. From then on, Trump was forced to play defense on the issues concerning racial politics; he had to do that lest he be impeached and convicted by his own freakin’ party!

Obviously WN is in dire need of an epistemological housecleaning. The philosophical coherence/cohesiveness of its “leadership” is akin to flotsam and jetsam. WN needs a single, practical, understandable, purpose and a clear direction in order to get to its end. But that can only happen if it appeals to the masses. Moreover the masses must feel confident they are joining in with the winning side. 


Posted by manc on Mon, 24 May 2021 13:47 | #

Netflix will screen its new documentary “Nail Bomber : Manhunt” later this week.

The timing of the documentary’s release - two weeks after the government published the Online Safety Bill - is unlikely to be coincidental.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Mon, 24 May 2021 20:22 | #

@26 Thorn

Either that or the enemies of white ppl (SPLC et al) infiltrate WN groups—or flat out create them—in order to show the larger society Nazism/white-racism is a real and looming threat to America thus draconian laws must be enacted designed to tamp down any emergent movement that promotes white interests.

The “glowies” have been caught red-handed arranging a terrorist attack on /pol/ via their own evidence produced in court. Very few of the “White Supremacist” “terrorist attacks” of recent years haven’t had their fingerprints all over them.

They are taking advantage of young men in despair. See the following quote posted within the last hour on Brit/pol/. 

I’ve had enough lads.

Bought a motorbike, gonna tour up and down this country seeing everything I want to see and then I’m going to kill myself.

Posts like this are coming in thick and fast. It is very easy for them to manipulate young men in such states of distress. There appears to be no level whatsoever that our enemies won’t stoop to.

The most well heeled and well to do individuals on our side that I have come across over my travels have insisted nothing will happen in the UK that isn’t led from the top down. Everything else has been, is being, and will be crushed. I have been led to believe that even Prince William himself is somewhat sympathetic to our cause but that even at his level they are powerless to resist the forces ranged against us.

I’ve managed to stir up a debate and I have allies that are arguing for what we have been discussing in this thread. They are telling others to just drop the hate and concentate on what we love and what we want in a positive manner. The guys arguing against them basically want to be allowed to continue being Bernard Manning style racist. They are genuinely just racist to the core and can’t see the wood for the trees. They would have to be silenced and/or disowned. There are some rays of hope.

@21 Morgoth

Ey oop, lad. Hope you’re keeping well. Academic Agent is another character I only ever see positive mentions of. Ed Dutton too. You, Laura, AA and Dutton are immensely popular so I hope that’s encouraging. Everyone else gets ripped to shreds!

There is an entity out there constantly fishing for your details. Just a word of warning. I don’t know who it is. They haven’t been successful yet but just be careful and make sure your OpSec is as tight as can possibly be. If I was to hazard a guess I’d say it’s Hope not Hate or some such.

If we had a purely positive and inspiring movement/party to get behind a la GW’s suggestion we wouldn’t have to worry about doxxing at all. Something we can all stand proudly behind.

This is our country. Nobody has the right to try and take it from us under any cirrcumstances.

Our birthright.

Our land™



Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Mon, 24 May 2021 20:47 | #

Another one already:

I give up. Once I lose the only remaining family I care about, I’m checking out for good.

I’ve investigated and interrogated to see if this is a new demoralisation tactic.

It isn’t.

Once you get into it with these lads they are;

1. Genuine cries for help
2. Have back stories and reasons
3. Will talk extensively and reply rapidly
4. Can be talked down and round
5. Nearly always live the closest to and on the very edge of the highest levels of diversity. Bolton. Birmingham. Coventry. Northern towns and cities in particular.
6. Globohomo is the cause. Whatever else is going on with them it can be traced back to that. Lockdowns and the Rona malarkey is taking it’s toll but our lads are strong and could handle that if it wasn’t for having their country stolen from them right before their eyes. The obscene injustice of it all is starting to take full effect.

I will post more of these. I can probably go right now and find the next one. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t struggling a bit with this myself. These guys are trapped and can neither get out, nor see a way out.


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Mon, 24 May 2021 21:07 | #

There is another one already.

i also wish i was dead

I don’t want to over egg it. An element of this is attention seeking. But if I go back and get into it with this one I’d be highly confident he’d/she’d start reeling off the same list of issues mentioned above.


Posted by Morgoth on Mon, 24 May 2021 21:35 | #

Hello again, I’m fine thanks:

You, Laura, AA and Dutton are immensely popular so I hope that’s encouraging. Everyone else gets ripped to shreds!

There is an entity out there constantly fishing for your details. Just a word of warning. I don’t know who it is. They haven’t been successful yet but just be careful and make sure your OpSec is as tight as can possibly be. If I was to hazard a guess I’d say it’s Hope not Hate or some such.

Where is all of this chatter taking place?


Posted by Dr_Eigenvector on Mon, 24 May 2021 21:40 | #

I’ve just asked about why the flood of suicide threats and despair. Not all encompassing at all but these are the replies I’ve had so far;

this country is unliveably awful for anyone who isn’t rich and we have to pay out the arse for the privilege.

everything is shit. the only way to beat the game is to stop playing

people are pussys who dont realise how good their lives actually are because theyre entitled. people talk about returning to tradition, well that means having a traditional sense of pleasure and fulfilment and traditionally going to bed with a full belly and not freezing cold was about as good as life could be. people need to lower their standards and deplug from the babylonian matrix concept of happiness

number one problem with this country is entitlement. if people only know how simple life was back in the day, they’d be a little more grateful for things like central heating

life is too complex

wont actually do it
but sure spend a lot of time hoping my van crashes

Because people are fuckin pussies and don’t get their head smashed in enough for reality checks.

The rat utopia experiment is a good example.

If you’re not fucking in the woods like a caveman you’re probably an urbanite poofter.

I can repeat this at other times and fish for more answers. That’s all I’m going to get for the minute.

Whatever it is we’re doing or planning. We need to step on the damn gas.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 24 May 2021 21:43 | #


Many kudos and a hearty hat tip to you for your efforts at lifting the downtrodden up from their despair.

Good men like you are becoming a rare breed indeed. Keep up the good work. I’m quite sure you’re appreciated more than you may ever realize.


Posted by manc on Mon, 24 May 2021 22:31 | #

@33 Have a look at this short, succinct video by the Woodland Trust, Morgoth, “What Is Ancient Woodland?”

Although we English love our Shires, we also have a mistress. Cruel and capricious though she can be, we have loved her nonetheless.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 24 May 2021 22:32 | #

Thank you, Thorn, for articulating what needs saying to the Doc.  I want to associate myself with that.


Posted by manc on Tue, 25 May 2021 16:44 | #

“What’s the Future for conservatism? Do Small Right-Wing Parties Have a Future” - New Culture Forum…

PA popular in the comments.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 May 2021 14:01 | #

You’re welcome, GW.

The good work Doc is doing more than deserves our recognition.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 16 Jun 2021 15:04 | #


FYI, or in case you are unaware, JWH (aka Ted Sallis), at his website, responded your #24 comment.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Jun 2021 21:16 | #

Thanks for the heads-up.  I will have a look at it and see if there is anything interesting to say in response.


Posted by Manc on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 12:45 | #

“Sven Longshanks” bailed until his trial (27-6- 2022)


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 14:07 | #

Does “Sven Longshanks” have a larger coherent plan—a method to his madness, so to speak—other than creating a public spectacle by foolishly throwing himself into the proverbial wood-chipper?


Posted by Manc on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 16:10 | #

Perhaps it’s a DJ challenge to win the biggest bowl of porridge ? This one, Graham Hart,69, got 35 months in August…


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 17:00 | #

@ 44

Wow! Just wow!


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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 20:49. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 18:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 02:00. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 20:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 13:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 00:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 13:15. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
